VARIABILITY EFFECTS DUE TO SHALLOW SEDIMENT GAS IN ACOUSTIC PROPAGATION: A CASE STUDY FROM THE MALTA PLATEAU K.M. KELLY QinetiQ, Winfrith Technology Centre, Dorchester, Dorset, UK E-mail: A comparison was made between measured and modelled propagation loss data from the Malta Plateau. The measured data was obtained during November 1999 at 3.5 kHz, with both source and receiver beneath the thermocline. This maximised the interaction of sound with the seabed. Propagation loss was modelled using the Synthetic Pulse Reception Model (SPUR). Different sources of geoacoustic data for input to SPUR were compared and gave very different predictions for propagation loss. The variability observed in the data was attributed to the presence of shallow gas in the seabed sediments. Once this had been taken into account, a good match between the measured and modelled propagation loss was obtained. These results illustrate the importance of good environmental characterisation for sonar performance prediction and highlight the significant effect that shallow gas can have on the geoacoustic properties of sediments and the resulting acoustic propagation. 1 Introduction In order to predict propagation loss for sonar performance assessment, a number of models are available. One of the most recent to be developed is the Synthetic Pulse Reception Model (SPUR). This model allows complex range dependent environments to be modelled. To test the accuracy of the model predictions, and the effect of improved geoacoustic input to these models, a comparison was made with measured sonar data. The Low Frequency Active Sonar trial, Mercury’99, which took place on the Malta Plateau in November 1999, provided an ideal propagation loss dataset for this study. Good supporting environmental data was obtained during the trial and the trials area has been geologically and geoacoustically well characterised by both seismic surveys and core measurements. GEOSEIS is a geoacoustic database which provides an alternative generic approach for obtaining geoacoustic information from areas where other sources of data may be absent. This study compared existing geophysical data available for the area, with GEOSEIS predictions, to provide geoacoustic parameters for input to SPUR. The results show a good match between predicted propagation loss using the best GEOSEIS geoacoustic prediction available for the region and the measured propagation loss data. The most significant factor affecting the geoacoustic properties of the Malta Plateau sediment was the presence of shallow gas. Once this had been taken into account that the best match between measured and modelled propagation loss was obtained. 263 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 263-270. © 2002 All Rights Reserved. Printed in the Netherlands. 264 2 K.M. KELLY Geoacoustics of the Malta Plateau The Malta Plateau is the shallow water region between Sicily and Malta. The central portion of the plateau has an almost constant depth of about 140 m. To the east the 200 m contour marks the top of the Malta Escarpment which plunges steeply into the Ionian basin. To the west the plateau deepens gently to a slope break at about 160 m. The acoustic basement over the plateau is associated with the Messinian sea level lowstand, when the Malta Plateau underwent sub-aerial erosion. This basement consists of Miocene limestones and dolomites overlying an upper Cretaceous volcanic horizon at the top of a Cretaceous dolomite succession [1]. The central Malta Plateau is an area of significant Plio-Quaternary sedimentation. An 8 to 12 m thick layer of very soft fine grained sediments covers a horizontally bedded succession of unconsolidated sediments. There are six seismo-stratigraphic units, each representing a phase of sedimentation followed by a period of erosion, probably associated with a fall in sea level. These units are thickest in the central plateau, thin towards the basement highs and pinch out against the topographic high to the east, where there is a rough region of exposed rockhead. The seabed is almost flat with occasional pockmarks. These combined with the acoustic signature of the top unit in seismic sections, indicate the presence of shallow gas in the uppermost Plio-Quaternary sediments [1]. To the west of the plateau the base of the slope consists of slumped deposits derived from the plateau region. This slumping would appear to be recent and the margin may still be active [1]. The geoacoustic parameters for the Malta Plateau sediments, for propagation loss modelling, were obtained from GEOSEIS [2]. This is a geoacoustic database containing data on a wide variety of sediment and rock types. It can be used to provide generic geoacoustic parameters for any given sediment. The more detailed sedimentological information that can be provided the more representative the geoacoustic parameters are likely to be. GEOSEIS has the potential to provide realistic geoacoustic parameters for areas where there is little or no geoacoustic data available. Sedimentological data was available for five cores from the Malta Plateau [3], listed in Table 1. Of the five cores 254 and 255 were sedimentologically very similar, composed mainly of silt with small fractions of clay and sand and 30–45% CaCO3. 256 was composed of fine silty sand and 258 dominated by silt and clay, both with a slightly lower CaCO3 content. Core 257 has been excluded since it was from a region containing debris deposits adjacent to one of the rocky outcrops and was therefore not representative of the plateau region [3]. Table 1. Sedimentological analysis of core data [1]. Core 254 255 256 258 Average % gravel 3.1 1.4 0.6 1.2 1.575 % sand 28 30.5 68.7 9.6 34.2 % silt 58.7 48.1 21.3 44.9 43.25 % clay 10.2 18.3 9.9 44.3 20.675 % CaCO3 34.9 38.6 30.1 29.6 33.3 SHALLOW SEDIMENT GAS AND ACOUSTIC PROPAGATION 265 The sedimentological analysis from the cores was used to derive geoacoustic parameters using the GEOSEIS algorithms. Two sets of parameters were obtained GEOSEIS 1, which used the average sedimentological composition for the cores, and GEOSEIS 2, which also took porosity into account. This was slightly lower at 50–55% for the cores, than the average porosity for similar sediments in GEOSEIS (63%). The parameters obtained from GEOSEIS are average values for sediments of similar composition within the database and have been corrected for frequency dependence using the Kramers-Kronig relationship derived from Kolsky [4]; f (kHz ) 1 (ms-1) Vpf = Vpm 1 + ln πQp m(kHz ) (1) where f m Qp Vp is the required frequency, is the measurement frequency, is the quality factor, is the p-wave velocity. The final factor, which was taken into account, was the presence of gas in the PlioQuaternary sediments of the Malta Plateau, as indicated by the pockmarks and seismic signature [1]. The presence of even only a small amount of gas in sediments can have a very significant effect on sediment acoustic properties, with velocities being reduced by as much as 15–50% [5]. Domenico [6] showed that a velocity decrease of 36% occurred between 6% and 13% gas content, indicating that a small but critical amount of gas can significantly alter the acoustic properties of the sediment. Density and attenuation are also affected by the addition of gas. Density is reduced as gas replaces the pore water so decreasing the density of the pore fluid. Since the average porosity of the sediment is known it was possible to calculate a reduced density for a 10% gas content. The equation used to calculate the density was: ρsediment = ρgrain(1-φ) + ρwaterφ (2) where ρsediment ρgrain ρwater φ is the density of the fluid saturated sediment, is the density of the sediment grains, is the density of the pore water, is the fractional porosity. GEOSEIS contains data on gassy sediments and this allowed predictions to be made for the sedimentological analysis (GEOSEIS 1) data with gas contents of 2% and 5%. Domenico [6] showed that after the initial velocity decrease as gas content increased to 13%, velocity then remained nearly constant regardless of how much more gas was added. Additional predictions were therefore made for a 10% content in both the sedimentological analysis prediction (GEOSEIS 1) and the prediction taking porosity into account (GEOSEIS 2) by reducing velocity by 30%. 266 K.M. KELLY There is little information on the effects of gas on attenuation, however it does appear that attenuation is significantly increased. Doubling the attenuation for 10% gas content gave a reasonable approximation, which was consistent with GEOSEIS For the purpose of this study the Malta Plateau was modelled as a range independent environment. However, it should be noted that there is variability across the region in both sediment composition, as indicated by the differences in the sediment compositions of the cores, Table 1, and in the sediment gas content [1]. 3 Acoustics Results Propagation loss runs were carried out using the Parabolic Equation model, SPUR. This is an improved version of the Range-dependent Acoustic Model (RAM). RAM is based on the split-step Padé solution [7], which allows large range steps and is the most efficient PE algorithm developed to date. The Malta Plateau provided a range independent acoustic scenario. The seabed was relatively flat and featureless with little geoacoustic variability. Expendable Bathythermographs (XBTs) deployed during the acoustic experiment showed only slight oceanographic variability with time. Wind speed and sea state remained constant and low, true wind speed rarely exceeding 3 m/s. Figure 1 shows the sound speed profile used in the modelling. This was an average for the XBT profiles obtained during the experiment. For a source depth of 70 m this profile provides a strongly seabed interactive environment. Figure 1. Averaged XBT profile used in the propagation loss modelling. SHALLOW SEDIMENT GAS AND ACOUSTIC PROPAGATION 267 Range (km) Figure 2. Measured propagation loss from four runs during Mercury’99. Measured energy level data were obtained from four propagation loss runs carried out at 3.5 kHz during the Mercury’99 experiment. Propagation loss was calculated using a source level of 184 dB re 1µPa@1m. Combining these four runs provided a set of propagation loss data covering ranges of 7–16 km from the source, Fig. 2. This could be done because the environmental conditions did not vary significantly either within or between the different runs. The data could then be compared with the propagation loss predictions made using SPUR. SPUR runs were carried out for the different seabed types listed in Table 2. The SPUR results and measured data were overlaid to allow a comparison to be made between the model predictions and real propagation loss for the range independent scenario on the Malta Plateau, see Figs. 3 and 4. Changing the geoacoustic properties of the seabed made a significant difference to the propagation loss predictions obtained. Table 2. Summary of geoacoustic predictions for the Malta Plateau. Sediment GEOSEIS 1 (detailed sedimentology) 2% Gas 5% Gas 10% Gas GEOSEIS 2 (including porosity) 10% Gas Vp 1433 1397 1408 1003 1511 1118 Density g/cm3 1.626 1.522 1.610 1.178 1.855 1.548 Attenuation dB/λ 1.01 1.26 1.40 2.00 0.35 0.70 268 K.M. KELLY The presence of gas in these sediments is a major factor affecting their geoacoustic properties. Figures 3 and 4 show the effects of varying the amount of sediment gas on the SPUR predictions for the GEOSEIS 1 and GEOSEIS 2 geoacoustics. For the GEOSEIS 1 prediction, Fig. 3, the measured propagation loss data can be seen to fall between the 5% and 10% sediment gas content predictions, with a difference of 20 dB between the no-gas and 10% gas scenarios at 15 km. Range (km) Figure 3. Effect of increasing gas content on the GEOSEIS 1 prediction, based on the sedimentological analysis of core data. Range (km) Figure 4. Effect of increasing the gas content on the GEOSEIS 2 prediction which takes porosity into account. SHALLOW SEDIMENT GAS AND ACOUSTIC PROPAGATION 269 For the GEOSEIS 2 geoacoustics, which takes sediment porosity into account the measured data gives propagation loss values slightly higher than the SPUR predictions for a 10% sediment gas content with a difference of about 30 dB between no gas and 10% gas, see Fig. 4. GEOSEIS 2 with 10% gas is the best GEOSEIS geoacoustic prediction that could be made for the Malta Plateau, based on all the available sedimentological and geological information. The SPUR prediction using these parameters gives the closest match with the measured data. Although it is often possible to recognise the presence of gas in seabed sediments, as a results of pockmarks or seismic signature, it is not possible to give an accurate estimate of how much gas is present. Since small quantities of gas can have a very marked acoustic effect this presents a serious shortcoming. Even in an area as well characterised as the Malta Plateau a quantitative estimate of gas content is purely speculative. However, the evidence would suggest that sediment gas content is relatively high, and the predictions for a 10% gas content, for the best GEOSEIS prediction, GEOSEIS 2, gives the closest match to the measured data. This result is within 2–3 dB of the measured data. These results illustrate that for a well characterised, range independent environment, such as the Malta Plateau, a good match between measured and modelled propagation loss can be obtained. This is however dependent on good quality seabed information being available. In this case the issue of gas content is particularly important. Since there are no means of quantifying the sediment gas content the effects this has on the geoacoustic properties of the seabed sediments can only be estimates. 4 Conclusions These results demonstrate the potential usefulness of GEOSEIS as a generic tool for providing geoacoustic data for input to acoustic models. Provided that a sedimentological breakdown can be provided for a particular seabed sediment, GEOSEIS should be able to provide sufficiently accurate geoacoustic parameters for use in propagation loss modelling. The propagation loss predictions provided by SPUR will only be as good as the environmental data available for modelling. In shallow water regions, such as the Malta Plateau, a good understanding of the seabed is essential for sonar performance prediction. These results therefore highlight the importance of good geoacoustic information for areas of operational importance. One particular geoacoustic problem highlighted by this study is the problem of modelling sediments that contain shallow gas. Shallow gas is a common phenomenon, present in many seabed sediments throughout the world. Even a small quantity of gas can have a dramatic effect on the geoacoustic properties of the seabed. References 1. Max, M.D., Kristensen, A. and Michelozzi, E., Small-scale Plio-Quaternary sequence stratigraphy and shallow geology of the west-central Malta Plateau. In Geological Development of the Sicilian-Tunisian Platform, edited by M.D. Max and P. Colantoni, UNESCO reports in Marine Science 58, 117–122 (1992). 270 K.M. KELLY 2. McCann, C., McDermott, I., Grimbleby, L., Marks, S.G., McCann, D.M. and Hughes, B.C., The GEOSEIS database: a study of the acoustic properties of sediments and sedimentary rocks. In Proc. Oceanology International 94, Vol. 4 (1994). 3. Tonarelli, B., Turgutcan, F., Max, M.D. and Akal, T., Shallow sediment composition at four localities on the Sicilian Tunisian Platform. In Geological Development of the SicilianTunisian Platform, edited by M.D. Max and P. Colantoni, UNESCO reports in Marine Science 58, 123–128 (1992). 4. Kolsky, H., The propagation of stress pulses in viscoelastic solids, Phys. Mag. 1, 693–710 (1956). 5. Edrington, T.S. and Calloway, T.M., Sound speed and attenuation measurements in gassy sediments in the Gulf of Mexico, Geophysics 49, 297–299 (1984). 6. Domenico, S.N., Effect of brine-gas mixture on velocity in an unconsolidated sand reservoir, Geophysics 41, 887–894 (1976). 7. Collins, M.D., A split step Padé solution for parabolic equation method, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93, 1736–1742 (1993).
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