VARIABILITY, COHERENCE AND PREDICTABILITY OF SHALLOW WATER ACOUSTIC PROPAGATION IN THE STRAITS OF FLORIDA H.A. DEFERRARI, N.J. WILLIAMS AND H.B. NGUYEN RSMAS – University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Cswy, Miami FL 33149, USA E-mail: Results of two shallow water propagation experiments are analyzed and compared with model predictions using observed environmental parameters as model inputs. The site of the experiments is off the coast of South Florida near Ft. Lauderdale nearby the future location of the planned Acoustic Observatory. Unique to the Florida Straits Propagation Experiments (FSPE) is an autonomous source that transmits broad band pulse-like signals at each of six center frequencies from 100 to 3200 Hz in octave steps. The transmissions last for 28 days and are received with a 32 element vertical array that is connected to shore by fiber-optic cable. Pulse arrivals along water born paths are identified by comparison with PE and normal mode model predictions. Three mode/ray groups of arrivals are identified: 1) RBR arrivals, which refract in the water column and interact with the bottom below the critical angle. These modes have low loss and nearly identical group velocities so that they coalesce to form a very intense focused arrival, 2) SRBR arrivals, that are spread in time and have increasing bottom angle with mode number and 3) numerous and mysterious late arrivals that couple with deep layers of the bottom and rapidly attenuate with higher frequency. The ocean environment, near the edge of the Florida Current, is highly variable with a saturated GM internal wave field and relatively large sub-inertial fluctuations from eddies and stream meanders. Sound speed fluctuations are generally 1 to 2 orders of magnitude larger than observed in the deep ocean. The bottom is composed of unconsolidated carbonate granules that have the density of sand and attenuation of fine sediment. Fluctuation statistics and coherence are computed and modeled in a parameter space of range, depth and frequency. The acoustic propagation, like the environment, is highly variable and complicated and many new interesting dependencies are revealed. 1 Introduction The acoustic measurements reported here are from a 10-km propagation experiment conducted in Dec/Jan of year 1999–2000. The system installation and general features of the range site are described in a previous paper. The source and receiver arrays were situated along a nearly constant depth contour of 145 m as shown in Fig. 1. Two thermistor arrays were located symmetrically at ranges of 2.5 and 7.5 km from the source. The source is a multi-frequency and autonomous broadband transmitter that is moored and transmits for a period of one month under battery power. Several sets of transducers transmit m-sequence coded pulse trains at each of 6 carrier frequencies, f c = 100, 200, 245 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 245-254. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 246 H.A. DEFERRARI ET AL. 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 Hz with a .25x f c bandwidth. Each frequency was transmitted continuously for 1 h and then cycling to repeat sequence every six hours. Data were processed following the SHARP methods of Birdsall and Metzger. The result is one pulse response per minute. The duration of sequence period is very nearly 2.55 s for each frequency and sample resolution is 1 / f c seconds. Once the data are averaged and pulse compressed they are stored on a server that can be access in either MATLAB of FORTRAN. The hourly pulse responses are readily access by specifying the transmission number (time), the frequency of the transmission and the hydrophone number (depth). For some of the time history of pulse response plots that follow the hourly samples are run together ignoring the five-hour gaps between samples. Environmental Arrays 145 m Acoustic Projector Mooring (5 Octaves from 100 - 3200 Hz) (12 temperature recorders, 1 temp.-cond., 1 Temp.-press. per mooring) Hydrophone Array (3-D Cartesian Layout 32 channels per leg 500 m long horizontal legs) 10 km Figure 1. Experimental geometry of the 10-km Florida Straits propagation experiment. Very energetic oceanography fluctuations and a highly variable sound speed field characterize the acoustic environment along the coast of south Florida. The mean sound speed profile is strongly downward refracting. The profile is typical of shelf areas shoreward of western boundary currents and comes about from the quasi-geostrophic balance of the current field. Sub-inertial fluctuations, with periods longer than the local inertial period of 25.6 h, result from meanders and eddies of the edges of the Florida current as well as coastal up- and down-welling produce very large variations in sound speed at inshore locations. Likewise internal waves and tides are energetic so that the overall sound speed variations are typically an order of magnitude greater than observed in the deep ocean. The temperature data, Fig. 2, were collected during the acoustic experiment conducted Dec/1999 – Jan/2000 and are referenced to “experimental time”. The computed sound speed profile is below. The 28-day long time series exhibits large slow fluctuations with roughly a fortnightly period. The temperature profile varies from an ACOUSTIC VARIABILITY IN THE STRAITS OF FLORIDA 247 exceptionally strong thermocline to a nearly isothermal profile over the period. The cause is dynamical effects from the edges of the Florida Current (i.e. meanders and eddies). Perturbations to the temperature profile are evident over the internal wave band of frequencies although solitons are rare. The total variability < ∆c / c > including the sub-inertial fluctuations, is a factor of 10 greater the typical internal wave fluctuations of Flatté for the deep ocean (Fig. 3). Comparing variations over the same IW band and including internal tidal contributions the Florida Straits site exhibits about twice the magnitude of the deep ocean. The internal wave variability is hardly stationary. A burst of coherent wave trains, possibly a soliton, occurs around hour 200 and persists for two days with several 5–6 h. cycles. Likewise, the internal wave energy is greater during the time periods before and after the large changes in the mean profile. This observation is confirmed by the calculation of η 2 (Fig. 4) which approximates the internal wave potential energy η ' = T ' / dT / dz , (1) where T ' is the temperature perturbation over the internal waveband and dT/dz is the vertical temperature gradient. η is related to the potential energy of the internal waves by, (2) PE = ( ρ / 2)N 2η 2 , where ρ is the density and N is the Vaisala frequency. Geo-acoustic properties of the bottom at the site of the experiments are not completely understood. The bottom sediment is thought to consist of unconsolidated carbonate covered with a veneer of finer sediment. The density of the carbonate is about the same as sand and the attenuation nearly that of fine sediment. Sound speed in the bottom is upward refracting but little is known about the sub-strata and sub-bottom at this site of these experiments. Further to the north, cores have been analyzed and bottom properties described by Monjo siting four studies as follows; “The sediment is 25 to 100 m thick composed of partially lithified sand or silty sand, made up of approximately 85% carbonate material.” The geo-acoustic model constructed by Monjo, when used with PE and normal mode propagation models predicted channel pulse responses in good agreement with measurements for previous experiments. A similar bottom and sediment model is used for the predictions that follow (Table 1). Table 1. Geoacoustic model. Velocity (m/s) 1550 Gradient (1/s) 1.4 Density 1.85 Loss (dB/km/Hz) 0.30 Shear (m/s) 300 Shear Loss (dB/km/Hz) 3.30 248 H.A. DEFERRARI ET AL. Figure 2. Temperature observations and the computed sound speed profiles. Figure 3. Averaged normalized sound speed variations over various frequency bands. ACOUSTIC VARIABILITY IN THE STRAITS OF FLORIDA 249 Figure 4. η 2 vs depth and time. 2 Analysis The objective of the experiments is to study fluctuations, coherence and predictability in a parameter space of frequency, range of transmission and receiver depth. The computed measures are straightforward. The coherency is computed as an averaged lagged product in space or time. The temporal coherence has three time variables: 1) T - the arrival time along the pulse, 2) t the arrival time of the pulse in 1min intervals and 3) τ - the pulse to pulse lag time also in minutes. COH (T , t ,τ ) = < p(T , t ) * p (T , t + τ ) >2 / < p (T , t ) > 2 < p (T , t + τ ) > 2 . (3) In this way we compute a coherency for every cycle of the received pulse response. For fluctuations we time gate arrivals, and compute intensity distributions and scintillation index SI is given by SI = < I 2 > / < I >2 −1 . (4) The scintillation index can be computed for a particular arrival at several depths. Predictability is studied by comparing measured pulse responses to the predicted pulse responses using propagation models with measured sound speed profiles as inputs. The models used are: 1. PROSIM Broadband Normal Mode Model , F. Bini-Verona, P.L. Nielsen and F.B. Jensen, SACLANTCEN SM-358 (based on ORCA model by E. Westwood et al). 250 H.A. DEFERRARI ET AL. 2. SNAP: Saclantcen Normal mode Acoustic Propagation model, F.B. Jensen and M.C. Ferla (with SUPERSNAP solution engine by M.B. Porter and E.L. Reiss). 3. MMPE: Monterey-Miami Parabolic Equation model, K.B. Smith and F.D. Tappert. 3 Identifying arrival groups We report on data collected during the first 14 days of the 10 km experiment. The sound speed profile varies from strongly downward refracting during the first few days to nearly isothermal profile during the two day. (Hrs 104 through 140, Fig. 2.) Figure 5 displays 6 1-hour long samples of the 800 Hz pulse reception. The blue gap between hourly records is 5 h in duration. Persistent arrivals result from two types of water borne paths, surface reflected – bottom reflected (SRBR) modes, comprising the early arrivals, and refracted – bottom reflected BRB modes that focus in time to form the single intense late arrival. This is consistent feature of the 200, 400 and 800 Hz pulse responses. Both PE and normal mode models predict similar pulse responses at all frequencies. A PE prediction of the pulse response vs. range (Fig. 6) shows the SRBR arrivals fanning out in time with increasing range while the BRB group remains focused. Normal mode calculations of the group velocity (Fig. 7) show that the group velocity of the first 10 RBR modes is very nearly constant thus explaining the focusing. Figure 8 shows the 200 Hz pulse response for 14 days. The focused arrival persists until the sound speed gradient weakens during day 12. Surface coupled mode groups Refracted mode groups Figure 5. Pulse responses for the 800 Hz transmission showing SRBR and BRB mode groupings. ACOUSTIC VARIABILITY IN THE STRAITS OF FLORIDA Figure 6. PE prediction of 800 Hz pulse vs. range. 251 Figure 7. Group velocity for 800 Hz modes. Figure 8. Pulse response for the 200 Hz. data fore 14 days. The BRB mode group focused arrival persists until the gradient weakens during hour 375. 252 4 H.A. DEFERRARI ET AL. Frequency dependence of intensity and coherence Pulse response arrival patterns have been analyzed for an 11-day period during which time the sound speed profile remained strongly downward refracting. Beyond 11 days the profile became nearly iso-velocity and it was no longer possible to identify the same sets of arrivals. The discussion and conclusions that follow are based on some 44 plots like the example shown in Fig. 9. For five consecutive hours, pulse responses measured every minute and coherency as computed by Eq. (3) are shown for center frequencies of 200, 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 Hz. Some of the conclusions that follow are not clearly exemplified with this figure and the example is presented as a guide for discussion and not as proof. It is not practical to present all the data. For all frequencies the waterborne paths (discussed above) arrive during the time interval of 1–1.2 s. The later arrivals that are more intense at lower frequencies are not yet identified. We suspect they come about from modes that travel deep into the bottom perhaps as much as 100 to 200 m. In fact, we can simulate the observed arrivals with normal mode models by admitting some layers deep in the sub-bottom. More information about the geo-acoustic properties is needed to resolve the issue. The later arrivals are remarkably coherent and stable in time as one might expect if a significant portion of the propagation path is through the bottom. In the example, the arrival at time 1.45 s, for the 200 Hz pulse, is less intense but more coherent than any of the water born paths. The late modes strip away with increasing frequency and are barely detectable for the 800 Hz signal. At first look, the mode stripping continues through the waterborne paths with the late arrivals attenuating more rapidly with increasing frequency. Mode stripping usually results from the higher order mode incurring more bottom loss because of steeper bottom angles. But here, the late arriving refracted modes have lower bottom angles than the earlier surface reflected modes. Another loss mechanism may be at play. At 200 Hz the reception is dominated by the focused refracted arrival which is on average 15 dB higher than the individual SRBR arrivals. Likewise at 400 Hz. But the focused late arrival at 1600 Hz is about the same level as the SRBR’s. Further, the RBR mode arrivals are always much less coherent in time generally decorrelating in less that half the time of SRBR mode arrivals that have nearly the same arrival time and bottom angle. The essential difference in the two mode types in that the BRB modes interact with stratified density fluctuations with near zero grazing. We suspect that there is a substantial loss associated with volume scattering near turning points. The lower the frequency the more lossless is the refraction. Model that use smooth sound speed profiles miss this effect and over predict the intensity of the focused BRB group. Statistics of intensity fluctuations were computed for several receiver depth below and above the source depth. The RBR mode arrivals were time gated for these calculations. Results are summarized in Fig. 10. As the receiver depth approaches the source depth the intensity distribution looks more nearly Rayleigh; further away either above or below the distributions become more log–normal with increasing SI. ACOUSTIC VARIABILITY IN THE STRAITS OF FLORIDA 253 Figure 9. Left column: Pulse intensity (dB//up) vs arrival time for 200, 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 Hz transmission – 58 1min samples. Right column: Coherency for the corresponding pulse history. Near the source depth all of the BRB modes have about equal amplitude and multipath interference dominates and hence saturated Rayleigh statistics. Further above or below one or two modes dominate and the distributions are more log–normal in appearance. We suspect, but have not yet been able to establish, that the distributions of fluctuation of the intensity of single modes will be log–normal. 254 H.A. DEFERRARI ET AL. Figure 10. SI versus depth for BRB mode group arrival. 5 Summary Low frequency pulse propagation is dominated by a single arrival consisting of several unresolved RBR modes – about 3 modes for the 200 Hz signals, 6 for the 400 and 12 for the 800. As much energy is carried in an SRBR group, they fan out in time and are readily resolved for the higher frequency measurements. In fact, arrivals associated individual modes are resolvable, stable and persistent for many hours even for the 3200 Hz signals. SRBR modes are generally more coherent and stable for all frequencies. There is a large observed transmission loss (10dB+) for RBR modes at higher frequencies that is not consistent with bottom loss. Models don’t predict the loss and SBRB modes are immune. We hypothesize the loss results from volume scattering at low grazing near turning depths.
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