Matakuliah : H0122 / Dasar Telekomunikasi Tahun : 2008 Transmisi Digital Pertemuan 5 Learning Outcomes Mahasiswa dapat menunjukkan bagaimana mengirimkan sinyal analog secara digital dan mendapatkan kembali sinyal analog tersebut. Bina Nusantara 2 Outline Materi • Pengertian transmisi digital • Jenis transmisi digital • Kapasitas kanal • Teorema Nyquist Bina Nusantara 3 Proses Digitalisasi Bina Nusantara 4 Nyquist Theorem According to the Nyquist theorem, the sampling rate must be at least 2 times the highest frequency contained in the signal. • The sampling rate needed for a signal with a bandwidth of 10,000 Hz (1000 to 11,000 Hz) must be twice the highest frequency in the signal i.e. 2 x (11,000) = 22,000 samples/s • Telephone companies digitize voice by assuming a maximum frequency of 4000 Hz. The sampling rate therefore is 8000 samples per second Bina Nusantara 5 Data Rate • Bit rate didefinisikan sebagai kecepatan informasi yang dikirimkan. • Baud (atau signaling) rate didefinisikan sebagai jumlah simbol per detik. – Setiap simbol dapat mewakili sejumlah n bit, dan memiliki kondisi sinyal M, dimana M = 2n. Hal ini disebut dengan M-ary signaling. • Kecepatan maksimum informasi yang dikirim melalui kanal baseband: fb = 2 W log2M bit per detik (bps) W = bandwidth sinyal baseband per modulasi Bina Nusantara 6 Data Conversion • The key to digital transmission is to convert analog signal to digital signal. • The process is called analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion, digitizing a signal, or encoding. • A device known as an analog-to-digital converter or ADC is usually used for conversion. • If necessary digital signal must be reconverted to analog form for final consumption by the user. Translating a digital signal into an analog signal is called digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion. The circuit used to perform this is called a digitalto-analog (D/A) converter or DAC or a decoder. Bina Nusantara 7 Pulse Modulation The basic forms of pulse modulation: 1. Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) 2. Pulse-width modulation (PWM) 3. Pulse-position modulation (PPM) 4. Pulse-code modulation (PCM) 5. Delta Modulation Bina Nusantara 8 Pulse Code Modulation • The most widely used technique for digitizing information signals for electronic data transmission is pulse-code modulation (PCM). • PCM signals are serial digital data. • There are two ways to generate: 1. Use an Sample/Hold circuit and traditional A/D converter to sample and convert the analog signal into a sequence of binary words, convert the parallel binary words into serial form, and transmit the data serially. 2. Use a delta modulator. Bina Nusantara 9 Pulse Code Modulation • • • • • Traditional PCM In traditional PCM, the analog signal is sampled and converted into a sequence of parallel binary words by an A/D converter. The parallel binary output word is converted into a serial signal by a shift register. Each time a sample is taken, a 8-bit word is generated by the A/D converter. This word must be transmitted serially before another sample is taken and another word is generated. The clock and start conversion signals are synchronized so that the resulting output signal is a continuous train of binary words. Bina Nusantara 10 PCM Block Diagram Bina Nusantara 11 PCM Sinyal Processing • Bila sinyal disampling pada interval tetap pada laju yang lebih besar dari 2 kali frekuensi sinyal yang paling tinggi, sampel-sampel sinyal berisi semua informasi dari sinyal aslinya • Data percakapan (frequency) dibatasi tidak lebih dari 4000Hz • Memerlukan 8000 sampel per detik, dengan sampel sampel analog (Pulse Amplitude Modulation, PAM) • Tiap sampel menandakan sebuah nilai digital Bina Nusantara 12 PCM Characteristics • 4 bit sistem memberikan 16 level • Kuantisasi – Kuantisasi ‘error’ atau noise – Approksimasi berarti dimungkinkan untuk mendapatkan aslinya secara tepat • 8 bit sampel memberikan 256 level • Kualitasnya dapat dibandingkan dengan transmisi analog • 8000 sampel per detik untuk 8 bit masing-masing memberikan 64 kbps Bina Nusantara 13 PCM Coding Bina Nusantara 14 PCM Block Diagram Bina Nusantara 15 Penyandian • Level-level kuantisasi jaraknya tidak tetap • Mengurangi keseluruhan distorsi sinyal • Dapat juga dilakukan dengan companding Bina Nusantara 16 Companding Bina Nusantara 17 Summary • Telah dipelajari klasifikasi transmisi digital. • Telah dipelajari proses PCM. Bina Nusantara 18
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