OPTIMAL LOCATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY STORAGE IN A POWER SYSTEM WITH WIND ENERGY A Dissertation by Yi Xu Master of Science, Pittsburg State University, 2009 Bachelor of Science, Taiyuan University of Technology, 2006 Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the faculty of the Graduate School of Wichita State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy July 2014 © Copyright 2014 by Yi Xu All Rights Reserved OPTIMAL LOCATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY STORAGE IN A POWER SYSTEM WITH WIND ENERGY The following faculty members have examined the final copy of this dissertation for form and content, and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Electrical Engineering. ________________________________________ Ward T. Jewell, Committee Chair ________________________________________ Chengzong Pang, Committee Member ________________________________________ John Watkins, Committee Member ________________________________________ Pingfeng Wang, Committee Member ________________________________________ Visvakumar Aravinthan, Committee Member Accepted for the College of Engineering _______________________________________ Royce Bowden, Dean Accepted for the Graduate School _______________________________________ Abu S. M. Masud, Interim Dean iii DEDICATION To my parents and my dear friends iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my adviser, Dr. Ward T. Jewell, for his many years of thoughtful, patient guidance and encouragement. His valuable teaching and inspiration led me to explore the field of electrical power systems, which will continuously benefit my future career. Thanks are also due to my co-adviser, Dr. Chengzong Pang, for his advice on my dissertation. I also express gratitude to my dissertation committee members, Dr. John Watkins, Dr. Pingfeng Wang, and Dr. Visvakumar Aravinthan, whom I thank for their valuable suggestions and instruction. In addition, I acknowledge my former colleague and friend, Zhouxing Hu, for his suggestions and help. I also thank my colleagues—Trevor Hardy, Haneen Aburub, and Saurav Basnet—who provided me with an outstanding academic environment in the power laboratory at Wichita State University. Last, special gratitude goes to my parents for their endless support and unconditional love. v ABSTRACT Providing reliable and clean electricity is an essential responsibility for the entire electrical industry. With the many concerns relative to environmental issues, the applications of renewable energy are being paid more attention, and the replacement of fossil fuels is recognized as an inevitable trend in the future power grid. Renewable energy is friendly to the environment; however, its uncertainty remains a challenge to the power system. Energy storage devices can provide a satisfactory solution to many aspects of the power system, especially their coordination with renewables. The development of storage and material technologies can mean that various energy storages with different properties will be invented and could be deployed based on the purpose of the application. To fully utilize storage in a power system with renewable energy, it is necessary to do some investigation. The deployment of storage devices is one issue that needs considerable discussion. This dissertation provides a general procedure to optimize the location of electric energy storage (EES) units in a power system with renewable energy. The core optimization problem is accomplished by the simulation tool MATPOWER. At the same time, a stochastic, pointestimation method is applied. The performances of storage devices in different situations are presented though several cases. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. Modeling and Scheduling of Bulk Energy Storage .............................................. 12 Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow ........................................................................ 13 Location of Energy Storage .................................................................................. 15 Simulation Tool .................................................................................................... 15 MODELING AND METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 17 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4. Renewable Energy .................................................................................................. 1 1.1.1 Renewable Energy Policies......................................................................... 1 1.1.2 Wind Energy ............................................................................................... 4 1.1.3 Electrical Energy Storage ........................................................................... 6 Objective and Scope of This Work ......................................................................... 9 Organization of Dissertation ................................................................................. 10 LITERATURE STUDY ................................................................................................... 12 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. Page Test System ........................................................................................................... 17 Operating Cost ...................................................................................................... 19 3.2.1 Traditional Generator Unit ........................................................................ 19 3.2.2 Renewable Generation .............................................................................. 20 Objective Function ................................................................................................ 21 General Procedure ................................................................................................. 21 Modeling of Wind Energy .................................................................................... 22 Probabilistic Optimal Power flow ......................................................................... 23 3.6.1 Point Estimation ........................................................................................ 23 3.6.2 Modified Two-Point Estimation ............................................................... 25 3.6.3 Implementation Point Estimation Method ................................................ 26 Genetic Algorithm ................................................................................................ 27 SIMULATION AND RESULTS I ................................................................................... 30 4.1 4.2 4.3 Case 1: Basic Case ................................................................................................ 30 4.1.1 Basic Case Information ............................................................................. 30 4.1.2 Basic Case Results and Analysis .............................................................. 32 Case 2: Limited Capacity ...................................................................................... 35 4.2.1 Limited Capacity Case Information .......................................................... 35 4.2.2 Limited Capacity Results and Analysis .................................................... 36 Case 3: Multiple Wind Plant ................................................................................. 44 4.3.1 Multiple Wind Plant Case Information ..................................................... 44 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Chapter Page 4.3.2 Multiple Wind Plant Results and Analysis ............................................... 46 5. SIMULATION AND RESULTS II .................................................................................. 52 5.1 5.2 5.3 Case 4: Typical Week ........................................................................................... 52 5.1.1 Typical Week Case Information ............................................................... 52 5.1.2 Typical Week Results and Analysis ......................................................... 53 Case 5: Typical Year ............................................................................................. 59 5.2.1 Typical Year Case Information ................................................................. 59 5.2.2 Typical Year Results and Analysis ........................................................... 60 Case 6: Market Factor ........................................................................................... 63 5.3.1 Market Factor Case Information ............................................................... 63 5.3.2 Market Factor Results and Analysis ......................................................... 65 CHAPTER 6 ................................................................................................................................. 67 6.1 6.2 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 67 Future Work .......................................................................................................... 68 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 70 APPENDIXES...............................................................................................................................77 A. Operating Cost Figures for Limited Capacity Case ..................................................... 78 B. Charging Energy Figures for Limited Capacity Case .................................................. 82 C. Operating Cost Figures for Multiple Wind Plant Case ................................................ 86 D. Charging Energy Figures for Multiple Wind Plant Case ............................................. 88 E. Operating Cost Figures for Typical Week Case ........................................................... 90 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3.1 Average CO2 Emissions Factors ....................................................................................... 20 4.1 Results Summary for Basic Case ...................................................................................... 33 4.2 EES Parameters for Limited Capacity Case [26] .............................................................. 36 4.3 EES Location Record for Limited Capacity Case ............................................................ 44 5.1 EES Location Record for Typical Year Case ................................................................... 63 5.2 Discharging Times for Market Factor Case ...................................................................... 64 iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1. Comparison of regional non-hydropower renewable electricity generation in 2011 and 2040 (billion kilowatt hours) [5] ...................................................................................... 3 1.2. Renewable electricity generation by type, 2008–2040 (billion kilowatt hours) [5] ................ 3 1.3. Total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector in 2012 [6] .................................... 4 1.4. Relative contribution of generation types in annual capacity additions [8]............................. 5 1.5. Daily renewable watch for 05/28/2014 (top) and 05/29/2014 (bottom) [10] .......................... 6 1.6. Positioning of energy storage technologies [15]...................................................................... 9 1.7. Rated power of U.S. grid storage projects (including announced projects) [18] ..................... 9 3.1. IEEE 24-bus RTS ................................................................................................................... 18 3.2. Generation capacity distribution of modified IEEE 24-bus RTS .......................................... 19 3.3. Optimization flow chart ......................................................................................................... 22 3.4. Point estimation explanation [61] .......................................................................................... 24 3.5. Implementation steps for 2m+1 PE scheme........................................................................... 27 3.6. Genetic algorithm flow chart ................................................................................................. 28 4.1. EES working pattern for basic case ....................................................................................... 31 4.2. Load information for basic case ............................................................................................. 32 4.3. Results curves for basic case.................................................................................................. 33 4.4. Comparison of operating costs in basic case ......................................................................... 34 4.5. Comparison of CO2 emissions in basic case .......................................................................... 35 4.6. Comparison of operating costs in limited capacity case ........................................................ 37 4.7. Decreasing rates in limited capacity case .............................................................................. 38 iv LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 4.8. Operating costs (wind rating of 40 MW) in limited capacity case ........................................ 39 4.9. Operating costs (wind rating of 50 MW) in limited capacity case ........................................ 39 4.10. Comparison of CO2 emissions in limited capacity case ...................................................... 40 4.11. Charging energy in limited capacity case ............................................................................ 41 4.12. Charging rates (80 MWh of storage) in limited capacity case............................................. 42 4.13. Charging rates for different capacities in limited capacity case .......................................... 42 4.14. Charging energy (wind rating of 40 MW) in limited capacity case .................................... 43 4.15. Implementation steps of 2m+1 PE scheme with multiple variables .................................... 45 4.16. Operating costs in multiple wind plant case ........................................................................ 46 4.17. Decreasing rates in multiple wind plant case ....................................................................... 47 4.18. Operating costs (wind rating is 40 MW) for multiple wind plant case ................................ 48 4.19. Comparison of CO2 emissions in multiple wind plant case ................................................. 49 4.20. Charging energy in multiple wind plant case ...................................................................... 50 4.21. Charging energy (wind rating is 40 MW) in multiple wind plant case ............................... 51 5.1. SPP for one week in typical week case .................................................................................. 53 5.2. Load data for typical week case ............................................................................................. 53 5.3. Comparison of operating costs in typical week case ............................................................. 54 5.4. Operating costs (wind rating is 90 MW) in typical week case .............................................. 55 5.5. Comparison of CO2 emissions in typical week case .............................................................. 56 5.6. CO2 emissions in charging periods in typical week case ....................................................... 57 5.7. CO2 emissions in discharging periods in typical week case .................................................. 57 v LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 5.8. Comparison of charging and discharging CO2 emissions in typical week case .................... 58 5.9. Comparison of charging energy in typical week case ........................................................... 59 5.10. Load data for typical year case ............................................................................................ 60 5.11. Comparison of operating costs in typical year case ............................................................. 61 5.12. Comparison of CO2 emissions in typical year case ............................................................. 62 5.13. Comparison of charging energy in typical year case ........................................................... 62 5.14. Settlement point prices and bounded line in market factor case .......................................... 64 5.15. Operating costs (wind 90 MW and storage 100 MWh) in market factor case .................... 65 5.16. Operating costs (wind 100 MW and storage 110 MWh) in market factor case .................. 66 A.1. Wind rating of 60 MW .......................................................................................................... 78 A.2. Wind rating of 70 MW .......................................................................................................... 78 A.3. Wind rating of 80 MW .......................................................................................................... 78 A.4. Wind rating of 90 MW .......................................................................................................... 78 A.5. Wind rating of 100 MW ........................................................................................................ 79 A.6. Wind rating of 110 MW ........................................................................................................ 79 A.7.Wind rating of 120 MW ......................................................................................................... 79 A.8. Wind rating of 130 MW ........................................................................................................ 79 A.9. Wind rating of 140 MW ........................................................................................................ 80 A.10. Wind rating of 150 MW ...................................................................................................... 80 A.11. Wind rating of 160 MW ...................................................................................................... 80 A.12. Wind rating of 170 MW ...................................................................................................... 80 vi LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page A.13. Wind rating of 180 MW ...................................................................................................... 81 A.14. Wind rating of 190 MW ...................................................................................................... 81 A.15. Wind rating of 200 MW ...................................................................................................... 81 B.1.Wind rating of 50 MW ........................................................................................................... 82 B.2. Wind rating of 60 MW .......................................................................................................... 82 B.3. Wind rating of 70 MW .......................................................................................................... 82 B.4. Wind rating of 80 MW .......................................................................................................... 82 B.5. Wind rating of 90 MW .......................................................................................................... 83 B.6. Wind rating of 100 MW ........................................................................................................ 83 B.7. Wind rating of 110 MW ........................................................................................................ 83 B.8. Wind rating of 120 MW ........................................................................................................ 83 B.9. Wind rating of 130 MW ........................................................................................................ 84 B.10. Wind rating of 140 MW ...................................................................................................... 84 B.11. Wind rating of 150 MW ...................................................................................................... 84 B.12. Wind rating of 160 MW ...................................................................................................... 84 B.13. Wind rating of 170 MW ...................................................................................................... 85 B.14. Wind rating of 180 MW ...................................................................................................... 85 B.15. Wind rating of 190 MW ...................................................................................................... 85 B.16. Wind rating of 200 MW ...................................................................................................... 85 C.1. Wind rating of 50 MW .......................................................................................................... 86 C.2. Wind rating of 60 MW .......................................................................................................... 86 vii LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page C.3. Wind rating of 70 MW .......................................................................................................... 86 C.4. Wind rating of 80 MW .......................................................................................................... 86 C.5. Wind rating of 90 MW .......................................................................................................... 87 C.6. Wind rating of 100 MW ........................................................................................................ 87 C.7. Wind rating of 110 MW ........................................................................................................ 87 C.8. Wind rating of 120 MW ........................................................................................................ 87 D.1. Wind rating of 50 MW .......................................................................................................... 88 D.2. Wind rating of 60 MW .......................................................................................................... 88 D.3. Wind rating of 70 MW .......................................................................................................... 88 D.4. Wind rating of 80 MW .......................................................................................................... 88 D.5. Wind rating of 90 MW .......................................................................................................... 89 D.6. Wind rating of 100 MW ........................................................................................................ 89 D.7. Wind rating of 110 MW ........................................................................................................ 89 D.8. Wind rating of 120 MW ........................................................................................................ 89 E.1. Wind rating of 90 MW .......................................................................................................... 90 E.2. Wind rating of 100 MW ........................................................................................................ 90 E.3. Wind rating of 110 MW ........................................................................................................ 90 E.4. Wind rating of 120 MW ........................................................................................................ 90 viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AA-CAES Advanced Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage AB Assembly Bill AC Alternate Current ACR Annual Capital Recovery AMT Alternative Minimum Tax CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage CAISO California Independent System Operator CAMX California-Mexico CO2 Carbon Dioxide CRF Capital Recovery Factor DC Direct Current DOE Department of Energy EES Electrical Energy Storage EIA U.S. Energy Information Administration ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas FF Fitness Function FFT Fast Fourier Transform FOSMM First-Order Second-Moment Method GA Genetic Algorithm GHG Greenhouse Gas GW Gigawatt(s) GWh Gigawatt Hour(s) ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (continued) ICB Iron-Chromium ITC Investment Tax Credit KV Kilovolt(s) kWh Kilowatt Hour(s) LAES Liquid Air Energy Storage Li-ion Lithium Ion LMP Locational Marginal Pricing LP Linear Programming MBTu Million British Thermal Unit MC Monte Carlo MIPS MATLAB Interior Point Solver MW Megawatt(s) NAS Sodium Sulfur NI-CD Nickel-Cadmium OCC Overnight Capital Cost OPF Optimal Power Flow O&M Operation and Maintenance PDF Probability Density Function PE Point Estimation PHES Pumped Heat Electrical Storage POPF Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow PTC Production Tax Credit x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (continued) RPS Renewable Portfolio Standard RTS Reliability Test System SPP Settlement Point Price VRB Vanadium Redox WECC Western Electric Coordinating Council ZNBR Zinc-Bromine xi LIST OF NOMENCLATURE ef Emission Factor f(x) Cost Function f(w) Wind Distribution Function fu User-Defined Cost Function pl Input Random Variable vi Cut-In Wind Speed vo Cut-Out Wind Speed vr Rated Wind Speed θ Voltage Angle λ Standard Central Moment μ Mean Value ξ Standard Location ω Weight σ Standard Deviation Vm Voltage Magnitude Pg Real Power Qg Reactive Power Ffuel Fuel Cost Function Fco2 CO2 Emissions Amount Ftotal Total Operation Cost C Fuel Cost Cco2 CO2 Cost xii LIST OF NOMENCLATURE (continued) Gwr Wind Rating Power Gw Wind Generation Power Z Output xiii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter briefly introduces the research background of this dissertation. Section 1.1 explains the impact of the energy policy, the development of renewable energy, and the benefits of energy storage. The research objective of this dissertation is explained in Section 1.2, and the organization of this dissertation is described in Section 1.3. 1.1 Renewable Energy 1.1.1 Renewable Energy Policies With environmental issues becoming increasingly prominent, people in the world attach more importance to using clean energy, especially wind and solar. The wide use of renewable energy has reached a broad consensus. Renewable energy brings significant benefits, and meanwhile the efforts to enhance its reliability, efficiency, and availability are under way. The relevant issues of renewable energy are becoming hot topics. Researchers are making great strides toward improving the overall performance of renewables; nevertheless, wind, solar, and others forms of renewable energy are not gaining an economically overwhelming advantage over traditional sources, such as coal and natural gas. The policy stimulus becomes a necessary tool to promote the use of alternate energy sources. Take, for example, the federal business energy investment tax credit (ITC) [1], which was expanded significantly by the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 (H.R. 1424) and enacted in October 2008. This law extends the duration, by eight years, of existing credits for solar energy, fuel cells and micro-turbines, and increases the amount of credit for fuel cells, etc. It allows tax payers to take a credit against the alternative minimum tax (AMT). This policy encourages utilities to use renewable energy. 1 In addition, other policies and regulations have been enacted in different states and regions in order to promote the employment of renewable energy. In early 2006, the passage of Assembly Bill (AB) 32 [2], the global warming solution act, by the California government accelerated the process of clear energy usage. AB 32 includes several requirements, which are compelled to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions state wide. One of the most important requirements is to limit the state’s GHG emission level to the 1990’s level by 2020. This law hastens the replacement of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil) with renewable energy (wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, and hydro). It also sets an example for other states. Meanwhile, most states [3] have set a regulatory mandate to increase production of energy from renewable sources such as wind, solar, biomass and other alternatives to fossil and nuclear electric generation. Referred to as the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), this mandate is most successful in driving renewable energy projects when combined with the federal production tax credit (PTC). There can be multiple goals for an RPS, and some states aim for a broader set of goals and objectives, such as environmental benefits, economic development, and advancing specific technologies. The California’s RPS, as one of the most ambitious renewable energy standards in the country, requires investor-owned utilities, electric service providers, and community choice aggregators to increase their eligible renewable energy resources to 33% of total procurement by 2020 [4]. Under the promotion of the RPS, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has projected the highest level of non-hydro-electric renewable generation in 2040, at 104 billion kWh, will occur in the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) California-Mexico (CAMX) region [5], as shown in Figure 1.1. It has also projected that renewable generation will increase from 524 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) in 2011 to 858 billion kWh in 2040 [5], as shown in Figure 1.2. Wind, solar, and biomass renewable energy account for most of this growth. 2 Figure 1.1. Comparison of regional non-hydropower renewable electricity generation in 2011 and 2040 (billion kilowatt hours) [5] Figure 1.2. Renewable electricity generation by type, 2008–2040 (billion kilowatt hours) [5] Limiting GHG emissions has been adopted widely by many state and regional policies. Carbon dioxide (CO2), as one of the most important GHG emissions [6], is also restricted directly. And most CO2 emissions come from the electricity-generation and transportation sectors, as shown in Figure 1.3 [6]. With the electric vehicle being widely used in the next few 3 years, electric consumption will increase quickly. However, if most of the energy comes from fossil fuel plants, then CO2 emission will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the CO2 emissions effect in a power system study. A straightforward method that incorporates the cost of CO2 emissions into the generator heat rate function [7] has been introduced. Figure 1.3. Total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector in 2012 [6] 1.1.2 Wind Energy Wind energy, as one of the important renewable energies, has been paid more attention and shown explosive development. In 2012, wind power was the largest source of new generation capacity added to the U.S. electrical grid, contributing up to 43% of all U.S. generation capacity additions, which is much greater than the sum of other renewable energy [8]. Figure 1.4 shows the relative contribution of different types of energy generation from 2000 to 2012 and, in particular, the remarkable growth of wind power, which increased sharply from 2004 to 2012, up to about 150,000 gigawatt hours (GWh) in 2012 [9]. 4 Figure 1.4. Relative contribution of generation types in annual capacity additions [8] The most disadvantageous property of wind energy is its uncertainty and intermittency. It poses a major challenge relative to planning and dispatching for the system and market operators, especially with the increasing penetration level of renewable energy. Wind energy is limited by the availability of wind; thus, the location of the wind plant is restricted by the wind resource. Generally, the wind plant is a distance from the load center. Wind power, as a renewable energy, has a higher priority than traditional generation and must be dispatched by a system operator. Transmission congestion and operation reliability become the major limiting factors of a power system with renewable energy. Two samples of hourly average breakdown of renewable resources observed by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) on two different days in 2014, May 28 and 29 [10], are shown in Figure 1.5. Comparing these samples, the production from geothermal, biomass, biogas, and small hydro are relatively constant and steady, whereas wind power experienced great variation. The wind profile in the first sample varied from 3,900 megawatts (MW) to 2,000 MW, while it dropped below 500 MW around noon time in the second sample, where demand usually peaks from around 10 am to 12 pm. It is required that the system have enough reserve as backup for wind power. 5 Figure 1.5. Daily renewable watch for 05/28/2014 (top) and 05/29/2014 (bottom) [10] 1.1.3 Electrical Energy Storage Electrical energy storage (EES) has many advantages. When facing an unpredictable decrease in renewable generation or an increase in energy demands in a power grid with high renewable penetration, the performance of an EES system is considered an effective way to deal with this variability. Compared to the working pattern of traditional large pumped-hydro plants 6 coordinating with other thermal units, known as a peak shaving operation [11], EES has a more flexible schedule. In addition, for renewable penetration, EES can reduce the variability, control ramping time, and shift load time. For transmission and distribution, EES can provide line and transformer deferral, and voltage and frequency regulation [12]. Scheduling EES for energy arbitrage will make the power grid more economical and reduce the locational marginal pricing (LMP). Transmission loss and congestion must be considered for energy-storage scheduling [13]. Moreover, EES could provide ancillary services, such as ramp requirements, voltage support, and so on. For many years, the energy storage industry has continued to evolve from different types of technologies and to adapt to new challenges. These technologies, which have been adopted and deployed around the world, can be divided into six main categories [14]: Solid State Batteries: A range of electrochemical storage solutions, including advanced chemistry batteries and capacitors, for example, electrochemical capacitors, lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries, nickel-cadmium (NI-CD) batteries, and sodium sulfur (NAS) batteries. Flow Batteries: Batteries in which energy is stored directly in an electrolyte solution for longer cycle life and quick response times. For example, redox flow batteries, ironchromium (ICB) flow batteries, vanadium redox (VRB) flow batteries, and zinc-bromine (ZNBR) flow batteries. Flywheels: Mechanical devices that harness rotational energy to deliver instantaneous electricity. Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES): Utilization of compressed air to create a potent energy reserve, for example, advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage (AACAES) and isothermal CAES 7 Thermal: The capture of heat and cold to create energy on demand, for example, pumped heat electrical storage (PHES), hydrogen energy storage, and liquid air energy storage (LAES) Pumped Hydro-Power: The creation of large-scale reservoirs of energy using water, for example, pumped hydroelectric storage, sub-surface pumped hydroelectric storage, surface reservoir pumped hydroelectric storage, and variable speed pumped hydroelectric storage. Different types of EES have diverse characteristics in terms of capital cost, size, operation and maintenance (O&M), efficiency, ramp rate, and so on. Figure 1.6 illustrates the power and energy relationships of these technologies [15]. It can be seen that CAES and pumped hydro have the ability to discharge in several hours, with correspondingly high values that reach 1,000 MW. In contrast, the other two technologies, flywheels and electrochemical batteries, have the ability to provide lower power and shorter discharge times. The choice of EES device depends on the specific situation and requirements. The application of EES can be divided into three groups based mainly on the discharging time capability: power quality, bridging power, and energy management [16]. As of May 2014, the interactive database [17] created and maintained by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), reported 333 storage system deployments in the U.S., with a capability of more than 26 gigawatts (GW). Figure 1.7 shows the contribution of each technology to the overall capability [18]. Pumped hydro obviously dominates at 95 percent because of its larger unit size and longer history. Other storage technologies, such as CAES, thermal energy storage, batteries, and flywheel, account for the other 5 percent. 8 Figure 1.6. Positioning of energy storage technologies [15] Figure 1.7. Rated power of U.S. grid storage projects (including announced projects) [18] 1.2 Objective and Scope of This Work The main objective of this dissertation is to develop a general procedure to optimize the location of the EES unit in a power system with high renewable penetration. This research also analyzes the results through two group cases. The outcome of this research, a proposed method and results, could be utilized to analyze other power systems with renewable energy and provide some suggestions on the location issue. The general conclusions from the case studies may provide limited references to planning engineers and system operators. 9 The objectives of this research include the following: Identify and analyze the prime effects of EES on a power system with renewable energy. Develop a general procedure to optimize the location of EES units in a power system with renewable energy. Illustrate the importance and diversity of scheduling EES and the impact on a power system with renewable energy. Investigate a method to efficiently simulate wind energy’s variability. Investigate how the proposed approach will impact the location of EESs in different scenarios. Analyze the possible location of an EES unit in a power system with renewable energy under different situations. Illustrate the main limiting factors in deploying an EES unit in an existing power system with renewable energy. This dissertation focuses on optimizing the location of an EES unit in a power system with wind energy. Other types of renewable energy are not considered. However, it is possible to consider other renewables by modifying the relative parameters and input data. Only two of the regulatory policies—CO2 emissions and renewable incentive—are considered. More polices may be incorporated into this model by making appropriate modifications. 1.3 Organization of Dissertation The main body of this dissertation consists of six chapters. The first chapter introduces the impact of renewable energy regulatory policies, wind energy, and general information of the EES. Chapter 2 reviews existing algorithms of EES modeling and optimization and simulation platforms. Chapter 3 discusses the modeling and methodology. Chapters 4 and 5 present two 10 groups of case simulations and results in this research. Chapter 6 presents some general conclusions and future work. 11 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE STUDY This chapter reviews the literature related to energy storage modeling, scheduling, probabilistic optimal power flow (OPF), and simulation tools. Section 2.1 explains the methods used in modeling and scheduling of EES. Three categories of methods that are used for solving the probabilistic power flow problem are discussed and compared in Section 2.2. Section 2.3 reviews some of the research on location issues involving EES. Section 2.4 explains the simulation tool, MATPOWER, used in this research. 2.1 Modeling and Scheduling of Bulk Energy Storage Research on EES systems has been ongoing for many years, beginning with a study on hydrothermal coordination in 1963 [19]. Studies on hydropower and pumped storages show several algorithms involving the coordination with thermal plants, such as gradient method [11], λ-γ iteration, and dynamic programming [20]. Hydropower, as a form of energy storage, has limitations based on geographical location as well as seasonal variation and other factors. However, it plays a unique role in utilizing renewable energy efficiently. These algorithms are not suitable for application on a power system with multiple types of renewables and energy storage, since they are based on cubic or quadratic heat rate curves. With the application of different storage forms in a power system, such as flywheels, CAES, batteries, and so on, the EES system is recognized as having the ability to improve the efficiency and reliability of an electrical system by appropriate scheduling. The coordination should accommodate the features of a future power system, which has a high renewable penetration, and it should consider the transmission system constraints. The cost and cycle efficiency of storage, transmission limits, and power losses in the system are major restrictions 12 for large-scale energy storage becoming economically feasible in the power system [21]. One observation of a power system with wind energy for a short period of time shows a large variation of locational marginal pricing [22]. This illustrates the potential capability of how an EES works in an energy arbitrage function by alleviating the variation of wind production and LMP to a certain extent. To relieve transmission congestion, the scheduling of EES will be more economically reflected by the LMP at the storage location [21]. An EES system can profit considerably, not only though energy arbitrage or congestion relief but also through ancillary services [23]. In addition, other algorithms have been recently developed for optimizing the planning work of EES coordinate with renewables. A multi-period optimization approach was proposed [24] [25] to optimize the operation and planning of EES coordination with renewables. Hu and Jewell [26] also applied a multi-period optimization method in their research and provided valuable conclusions about the generation expansion in the future power system integration with renewables and the EES system. In their research, the optimization work is based on the linear lossless direct current (DC) OPF method in order to reduce the complexity in a long-term planning study. For long-term planning work, some researchers [24] [27] use a stochastic model, which focuses on the price and investment rate of an EES system, while others [25] [28] use a deterministic model. The employment of EES needs to consider power flow, energy, location, investment, and other factors. 2.2 Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow In order to fully consider the uncertainty factor and other aspects associated with renewable energies, power flow studies use probabilistic methods, in which the variables in the power flow become random. To deal with these problems of uncertainty, some technologies, such as Monte Carlo (MC) simulation [29], analytical methods, and approximate methods are 13 applied. The MC method, which is widely used [30] [31], generates a large number of values randomly as input data; however, its disadvantage is that the computation is very inefficient. Analytical methods, which are applied to some mathematical technologies, transformation skills, and appropriate assumptions, are much improved in terms of computational efficiency; however, it is difficult to simplify a complex problem with this method. In the case of specific analytical methods, a linearized method for a multilinear model has been developed [32] [33] [34] to deal with the nonlinear problem. Also, the probabilistic cumulated method has been used to solve a power flow problem [35]. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) has also been applied on a probabilistic power flow issue [36] [37]. A combination of two analytical methods, cumulants and Gram-Charlier expansion, were developed [38] [39] in order to estimate the probability function of random variables. Finally, the approximate method utilizes the statistical properties of random variables, the first-order second-moment method (FOSMM) [40], and point estimation method to solve the probabilistic power flow. The point estimation (PE) method is applied in this research. Compared with other methods, there are some definite advantages for using the point estimation method to solve the probabilistic power flow. First, this method has much higher computational efficiency than the MC method, which needs a great number of values. Second, for the analytical method, the probability functions are approximated and some predefined assumptions are applied, thus making it less than perfect. The point estimation method does not have high data requirements. Lastly, the point estimation method takes full advantage of existing data and statistical properties to solve the probabilistic power flow. 14 2.3 Location of Energy Storage Recently, most research related to EES involves scheduling and coordination with other plants. However, some research focuses on the issue of optimal location of the EES system in a power system with renewable energy [41] [42] [43] [44] [45]. All of these studies consider this issue in the distribution system. The situation in a distribution system is different from the situation in a transmission system. Several studies deal with this issue in the transmission system [46] [47] [48]. However, two of them [47] [48] are based on deterministic models, which lack consideration for the properties of renewable energy, and the accuracy of one of them [46] that uses the 2m point estimation method with multiple variables is doubted. Furthermore, all of them do not fully consider a deregulated market structure for the power system. In addition, with increased attention on environment issues, none of this research considers the price of CO2 as an important factor. 2.4 Simulation Tool In order to solve the core part of the proposed method for the alternate current (AC) OPF problem, MATPOWER [49] is used as the simulation tool, providing users more flexibility to modify or augment the problem formulation based on the standard OPF formulation. MATPOWER’s extensible standard OPF structure [50] is shown as follows: Objective Function: min , ( )+ ( , ) (2.1) Constraints: ( )=0 (2.2) ℎ( ) ≤ 0 (2.3) ≤ ≤ 15 (2.4) ≤A ≤ ≤ (2.5) ≤ (2.6) The term ( ) stands for the cost function, and is the summation of real and reactive power rejections of all generators. The term ( , ), the user-defined cost function, could be defined by users and is optional. The optimization vector voltage angle θ, voltage magnitude for the standard AC OPF problem consists of , real power injection , and reactive power injection . Equation (2.2) involves a set of equations and represents the nodal power balance. Equation (2.3) entails a set of inequalities and constrains the power flow for each transmission line. Equation (2.4) shows the bounded variables θ, , , and . Equations (2.5) and (2.6) construct the additional variables and constraints associated with the user-defined function. Compared with the commercial software simulator PowerWorld, MATPOWER, which is as an open source tool, has more advantages. It employ a powerful nonlinear solver, MATLAB Interior Point Solver (MIPS) [51], as a default setting, which can be utilized to solve both AC OPF and DC OPF. It also has the ability to invoke other powerful nonlinear programming and quadratic programming solvers, for example, MINOPF [52], TSPOPF [53], BPMPD [54], MOSEK [55], CPLEX [56], GUROBI [57], etc., according to different types of optimization models. While the PowerWorld default solver setting is primary linear programming (LP) OPF [58], this method shortens the solving time by sacrificing accuracy. In additional, the bounded value setting for the voltage limits cannot be applied on PowerWorld’s LP model. Moreover, with the predefined function and other constrains, PowerWorld loses more flexibility than that of MATPOWER. However, the disadvantages of MATPOWER are obvious. There is no one-line diagram or connection map available, which can give users a clear and general view. In addition, no friendly interface easily makes the tool tedious to use. 16 CHAPTER 3 MODELING AND METHODOLOGY This chapter investigates the issues relative to modeling and methodology that are used in this research. Section 3.1 introduces the basic information about the test system, a modified IEEE 24-bus system. The operation cost incorporated with the CO2 emissions cost is described in Section 3.2. Section 3.3 shows the objective function used in this research. Section 3.4 illustrates the general procedures to optimally locate the EES. The method for modeling the wind plant by using the Weibull distribution is discussed in Section 3.5. Section 3.6 analyzes details of the probabilistic OPF. It contains information about point estimation, details of the modified twopoint estimation scheme, and the implementation steps. Section 3.7 introduces the genetic algorithm used in this research. 3.1 Test System In this dissertation, the modified IEEE 24-bus reliability test system (RTS) is used to illustrate the methodology. As shown in Figure 3.1, the IEEE 24-bus RTS [59], was first developed by the IEEE Application of Probability Methods Subcommittee in 1979 and updated in 1986 and 1996. The total load, in the original IEEE 24-bus RTS is 2,850 MW, and the total generation is 3,405 MW. The test system has two voltage levels: 138 kilovolts (KV) and 300 KV. Bus No. 1 to Bus No. 10 are in low voltage level, and the remaining buses are in a high voltage level. The reference bus is Bus No. 13. 17 Figure 3.1. IEEE 24-bus RTS In this research, the type of generation for the modified IEEE 24-bus RTS includes nuclear, coal, oil, natural gas, hydro, and wind energy. Later on in different case studies, wind power with different generating capacity will be added into this system. The generating capacity of all types of resources of the modified IEEE 24-bus RTS is shown in Figure 3.2. 18 2% 0% Coal 24% 37% Gas Hydro Nuclear 9% Oil Wind 28% Figure 3.2. Generation capacity distribution of modified IEEE 24-bus RTS 3.2 Operating Cost Operating cost is the expense to operate equipment, a generator, or existing generators. It does not include the capital cost for any generator. 3.2.1 Traditional Generator Unit The operating cost for a fossil-fuel fired generator includes the cost of fuel and cost of CO2 emissions. Both of them have a relationship with real power output, depending on the characteristics of each generator. Fuel cost is the product of fuel price and a heat rate function, as shown in equation (3.1). The amount of CO2 emissions is the product of an emission factor and the heat rate function, as shown in equation (3.2). The CO2 emissions cost is the product of the CO2 price and the amount of CO2, as shown in equation (3.3). The operating cost for each single generator is shown in equation (3.4). _ ( )= ( )= _ ( ( ( )= + + + + × 19 ) ) ( ) (3.1) (3.2) (3.3) _ where _ ( )=( + × )× ( + + ) is the fuel cost function of the fossil-fuel-fired generator using fuel ( ) is the amount of CO2 emissions from generator using fuel in ton/h; emissions cost of generator using fuel in $/h; using fuel in $/h; _ , , and _ in $/h; is the CO2 is the operating cost of generator is the given price of fuel in $/MBTu; is the CO2 emission factor of fuel in ton/MBTu; and (3.4) is the price of in $/ton; is the real power of generator in MW; are coefficients of the polynomial heat rate. To simulate a power system with CO2 emissions regulation, the emissions cost along with the unit of $/MWh is added to each fossil-fuel-fired generator model. According to the emissions-incorporated OPF algorithm developed by Shao [7], the CO2 emission factor is combined with the heat rate function and considered together. The average CO2 emission rate is listed in Table 3.1. TABLE 3.1 AVERAGE CO2 EMISSION FACTORS Emission Factor (ton/MBTu) 0.0938 0.052 0.0741 Generator Type Coal Natural Gas Oil 3.2.2 Renewable Generation Renewable energy plants tend to have very low operating costs in comparison with fossil fuel generators. The fuel is from a natural source, wind or solar, and is free. And there is no emissions cost, since renewable generation does not produce CO2 during its operation. 20 3.3 Objective Function The main purpose of optimal power flow is to minimize the objective function and satisfy a set of relative constraints by adjusting the control variables. The objective function in this research is to minimize the system operating cost while incorporating the CO2 emissions cost, as shown in equation (3.5): ∑ where 3.4 ( + × )× ( + + ) (3.5) is the total number of fossil-fuel-fired generators in the system. General Procedure The main purpose of this research is to optimize the location of EES in a power system. Figure 3.3 briefly depicts this general procedure to find the right location of EES. The input data includes wind and load data, which are seen as the variables of probabilistic optimal power flow (POPF). And initialize the first population, which will be used in the POPF part. There are two main functions of POPF: to minimize the operating cost for every hour of the system, and to fully consider the uncertainty property of wind in the OPF calculation. The genetic algorithm (GA) here has the function of finding the desired location for the EES system. Then to determine whether these results meet the criteria, which is defined by the fitness function. If it is not meet the criteria, the next generation will be produced and rerun the POPF part. 21 Input Data and Initialize variables t=1 Probabilistic OPF New Generation t=t+1 Y t≤T N Genetic Algorithm N Meet criteria? Y Output Figure 3.3. Optimization flow chart 3.5 Modeling of Wind Energy The wind generation output converts from the historical data of wind speed. Wind speed is modeled as a two-factor Weibull distribution. Its probability density function (PDF) is given as equation (3.6). The curve-fitting method is utilized to maximally estimate the Weibull distribution parameters. The output of the wind generator is relative to the wind speed [60], 22 , which is shown as equation (3.7). The output of wind generation is zero when the wind speed is lower than the cut-in wind speed or greater than the cut-out wind speed. The wind generation output is its rating value when the wind speed is greater than the rated wind speed and smaller than the cut-out speed. The output wind generation is a proportion of its rating power when the wind speed is between the cut-in wind speed and rated wind speed. ( ⁄ ) ( )= 0, , where speed, ≤ is the wind rating power, is the cut-out wind speed, ≤∞ (3.6) ≤ , ≥ ≤ ≤ , = 0≤ (3.7) ≤ is the wind generation output, is the rated wind speed, and and is the cut-in wind are factors of the Weibull distribution. 3.6 Probabilistic Optimal Power flow The POPF approach, which considers uncertainty factors from different sources, provides more realistic results than traditional methods. Several techniques, such as MC simulation, analytical method, and approximate method, are developed. The point estimation method, which calculates the moments of a random variable, is used in this research. Hong’s point estimation method [61], one of the PE methods, is better than other methods by Li [62] and Harr [63] to solve the power flow problem. Especially, the 2m+1 scheme is more accurate than the 2m scheme and more efficient than the 3m scheme. 3.6.1 Point Estimation The first few central moments of an input random variable on K points for each variable are called concentrations. The PE method mainly utilizes that information, or concentrations, to 23 solve the problem. These K points combined with the nonlinear function F together provide clues to obtain outputs of the problem with uncertainty. For a random input variable , its th concentration ( plane, as shown in Figure 3.4 [61]. The location value of , , , , ) is a coordinate on the and the weight value , are considered together as the th concentration. From the point estimation explanation shown in Figure 3.4, the location value , is the th value of input variable as the horizontal coordinates. The weight value , is a weighting factor. It is part of the input variable’s concentration and also part of the estimated output. Total K points mean that K points are selected for each input variable . In other words, the function F is going to be evaluated K times for each input variable , in order to obtain those concentration values and other parameters. The number of K depends on the scheme adopted. For example, the K value of a two-point estimation scheme is two. Therefore, the total number of evaluations for function F is K × m. The value m is the number of input variables. Figure 3.4. Point estimation explanation [61] Specifically, the location value , is determined by 24 = , where the value , + is the standard location, deviation of the input variable (3.8) , is the mean value, and is the standard . Other values, such as the standard location and weight , , , are obtained by solving the following nonlinear equations: ∑ ∑ ( , , , ) = , = , (3.9) = 1, … ,2 , −1 (3.10) ( ) ( ( )=∫ ( where = (3.11) ) − ) (3.12) is the jth standard central moment of the input random variable, m is the amount of input variables, and is zero and the value is the probability density function for , . At the same time, the value is one. The third standard central moment variable is called skewness. The fourth standard central moment variable is called kurtosis. After all concentrations ( , , , , , , of the input random of the input random ) are obtained, output variables ( , ) will result from the evaluation of function F. Finally, weighting factors , and output variables ( , ) are used to calculate the jth moment of output variables by equation (3.13). ≅ ∑ 3.6.2 ∑ , ( ( , )) (3.13) Modified Two-Point Estimation The modified two-point estimation, 2m+1 scheme, is used in this research because of its advantages mentioned previously. Briefly, this scheme is more efficient, has a lower computational burden, and has accepted accuracy. 25 This 2m+1 scheme can be seen as a 2m scheme with one additional evaluation of function F, or as a 3m scheme with one of the three standard locations already fixed. Based on this view, some values are set as K equals three and equals zero. Under these settings, the , other parameters are obtained and shown in equations (3.14) to (3.16): = , , + (− 1) , = , ( − , ) , ( , , = , = 1, 2 ) = 1, 2 (3.14) (3.15) (3.16) , , These equations show that the standard location value , in the 2m+1 scheme does not have any relationship with the number of input variables. At the same time, it also shows that the improved two-point estimation method is more accurate than the 2m scheme, since it takes into account the kurtosis value 3.6.3 , of the input variables. Implementation Point Estimation Method Based on information presented previously, the 2m+1 PE scheme is implemented by several steps, as shown in Figure 3.5. The first step is to prepare the input random variables and initialize the relative variables. Then, the second step is to calculate standard central moments , , standard locations , , and weights , . The third step is to determine the location according to equation (3.8). The fourth step is to solve the deterministic power flow by using the above values. The fifth step aims to check whether all evaluation work on the deterministic system is finished. If not, then it will go back to the third step. If it is finished, then it will update the variables according to equation (3.13). The third step to the fifth step is a loop to finish evaluating the power system. Once the evaluation work is finished, it will jump out of this loop. Finally, in the last step, all output data will be obtained. 26 Input random variable Computation: standard central moments standard locations weights Select the point location Solve deterministic system Update variables Outputs Figure 3.5. Implementation steps for 2m+1 PE scheme 3.7 Genetic Algorithm The aim of the GA is to find the desired location for the EES system based on the fitness function. In this research, the criterion is to find a location where more energy can go into the EES. Then the mission of the GA is to maximize the fitness function (FF), as shown in equation (3.17). 27 ∑ ∑ , −∑ ∑ ( ) (3.17) , where D is the demand from the loads, P is the real power coming from all resources, and is the bus number that the EES system located in the power system. The fitness function means the amount of energy charged into the EES system. Figure 3.6 shows the flow chart of the genetic algorithm. At first, a random initial population, composed of a number of individuals, is created. The second step is to determine whether this population satisfies the fitness function. If yes, then it will show the results. If no, then it will produce the next generation by selecting a group of individuals in the current population and making the evaluation of the fitness function the same as the previous time. The process of producing the next generation is implemented by three steps: selection, crossover, and mutation. Initial Y New Generation Results Evaluate FF N Selection Crossover Mutation Figure 3.6. Genetic algorithm flow chart 28 The new generation will be used in POPF part, which also shown in Figure 3.3. Then the outputs from POPF part will again be evaluated by the fitness function till find the satisfied solution. The dashed line shown in Figure 3.6 describes that the new generation will be used in POPF to obtain the results and then to be evaluated. In order to have an accurate result, the parameter setting work is critical in the GA process. A large size, but appropriate, population has the ability to improve the probability of convergence. The population is composed by an array of individuals, which are the points that can be applied to the fitness function. Some amount of children as the elitism, those are the individuals with better fitness value in the current generation, keep the calculation goes the right and fast way. A large penalty factor is necessary to eliminate the unsuitable solution during the calculation. 29 CHAPTER 4 SIMULATION AND RESULTS I In this chapter, the first group study of three cases is presented. Section 4.1 shows the simplest case involving one wind plant and one EES unit in the test system for one day. Section 4.2 discusses a limited capacity case, considering the cost and capacity of the EES unit. Section 4.3 involves two wind plants and considers one more variable input data in the calculation. 4.1 Case 1: Basic Case 4.1.1 Basic Case Information The first case study, the basic case, is a simple one and does not consider constraints of the EES unit, such as price and capacity. It provides an example by using a special working scheme of the EES unit to explain how to optimize its location. In this case, the wind plant is located on the 19th bus, since usually the wind plant is a distance from the load center. The working pattern of the EES system specifies on what situation the EES is charging and discharging electricity. It is critical to set the EES system working pattern because it will directly influence the results. The EES working pattern depends on the research purpose; generally, it will coordinate with the renewable resource. In this case study, the EES unit works with the wind plant and absorbs wind energy that is generated in excess of the load. The wind plant gives first priority to the loads around it, which means first supplying power to the load directly connected to itself. Then the extra wind power is used to charge EES system. If the wind plant cannot supply enough power to supply the nearby loads, then the EES system begins to discharge. Figure 4.1 illustrates the EES working pattern of this basic case. On each hour, the first step is to compare the sum of minimum generators outputs and wind output with the total load. If the former value is greater, the excess amount of wind energy is used to charge the 30 storage. The function of this step is to make sure that all other type of resources is working in a less cost status. If not, the wind plant and storage are coordinate with each other based on the above priority rule. Wind and Load Data Y ∑Pmin + Pwind > ∑D Charge N Y Pwind > ∑Daround Charge N Discharge Figure 4.1. EES working pattern for basic case The load profile for this case is from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) official website, hourly load data archives [64], from March 1, 2013, and then scaled down to the system load of the IEEE RTS. The wind speed data is from an environmental issues website [65]. Figure 4.2 shows the total load information and the loads surrounding the wind plant in one day. 31 It is obvious that the system peak hour is around 8 am and the lowest loads occurred at midnight. Demond (MW) Loads around the wind plant experience a similar situation. 2000 200 1800 180 1600 160 1400 140 1200 120 1000 100 800 80 600 60 400 40 200 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Time (Hour) Load infromation load_surround Wind plant Figure 4.2. Load information for basic case 4.1.2 Basic Case Results and Analysis This basic case has one wind plant and one unlimited capacity storage in the test system, and the simulation period is one day. Table 4.1 provides a summary of the results. Different wind-plant ratings are shown in the first column, and optimal buses are listed in the second column. The charge energy, shown in the third column, means the amount of energy used to charge the EES, and the utilization, shown in the fourth column, shows the percentage used to account for the wind energy. This information indicates that EES units are likely to be located near the load center when the wind rating is very high. And the EES unit is preferred in a highvoltage-level bus when the wind rating is between 100 MW and 160 MW, since high-voltage transmission lines have a larger capacity than low-voltage transmission lines, which means fewer 32 chances of producing congestion. Figure 4.3 shows that the charge energy and utilization increase with the increase in wind rating. TABLE 4.1 RESULTS SUMMARY FOR BASIC CASE Energy (MWh) Wind Rating (MW) 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Charge Energy (MWh) 23.95 89.11 150.31 160.97 199.16 239.56 294.36 370.67 437.37 567.42 740.55 890.79 1113.77 Bus No. 7 7 23 18 21 24 14 10 10 2 2 2 2 Utilization (%) 1.2 4.1 6.3 6.1 6.9 7.7 8.8 10.3 11.4 13.9 17.1 19.5 23.2 1200.00 25.0% 1000.00 20.0% 800.00 15.0% 600.00 10.0% 400.00 5.0% 200.00 0.00 0.0% 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind Rating (MW) Charge energy Utilization Figure 4.3. Results curves for basic case 33 Figure 4.4 shows the operating cost comparison between test systems with and without storage. It is clearly illustrated that the system with storage has a much lower operating cost than that without storage. With the increasing wind plant output, the operating cost goes down, as shown by the blue line. The red line, indicating the system with storage, goes up more sharply when the wind output is about 160 MW, since there is rarely a chance for the storage to discharge, and more traditional generators would have to increase their output to satisfy the demands with a higher price. It is suggested that this working scheme may change into another more efficient way to coordinate with the renewables and achieve a better performance of the test system in the future. It is easy to assume that these two lines may converge at some point with the current trend; however, they would not, because of line congestion. The potential value Thousands Operating Cost ($) of storage can be explored by carefully analyzing the data and condition of the existing system. 2120 2115 2110 2105 2100 2095 2090 2085 2080 2075 2070 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind Rating (MW) without storage with storage Figure 4.4. Comparison of operating costs in basic case Figure 4.5 shows a comparison of CO2 emissions between the test systems with and without storage. The characteristics here are similar to those in Figure 4.4, for the same reasons explained previously. 34 Co2 emission (ton) 18500 18000 17500 17000 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind Rating (MW) without storage with storage Figure 4.5. Comparison of CO2 emissions in basic case 4.2 Case 2: Limited Capacity 4.2.1 Limited Capacity Case Information This case considers the parameters of the EES unit, including cost and efficiency. There is one wind plant and one storage in the system. The performance of the system is presented under different wind ratings and storage capacities. According to Hu and Jewell [26], the EES unit in this research uses the best type of CAES, where the cost of EES unit comes from the overnight capital cost (OCC) and then is broken down into the annual capital recovery (ACR) for both power and energy of the storage. The ACR is the product of the OCC and the capital recovery factor (CRF), which is expressed as = where stands for the number of years, and ( ( ) ) (4.1) is the interest rate. Parameters of the EES and calculated cost for this limited capacity case are listed in Table 4.2 [26]. The storage working scheme here is different from the first case. This time the storage discharges during peak hours and charges during off-peak hours. As shown previously in 35 Figure 4.2, the discharge time is at hour 8–9 (8–9 am) and hour 20–21 (8–9 pm). This case still involves one wind plant and one storage in the power system. And the simulation is for one day. TABLE 4.2 EES PARAMETERS FOR LIMITED-CAPACITY CASE [26] CAES (Best) 4.2.2 Life Cycles Average Cycles per Year n i (%) 25,000 250 50 3.00 3.89 Capital Cost ($/kW) Capital Cost ($/kWh) ACR ($/MW) ACR ($/MWh) O&M ($/MWh) Efficiency (%) 500 3 19,433 117 3 70 CRF (%) Limited Capacity Results and Analysis Figure 4.6 shows a comparison of operating costs under different situations in the limited capacity case. The wind rating is increased from 40 MW to 200 MW, as shown on the x-axis. The storage capacity is increased from 80 MWh to 150 MWh, as shown the curves with different colors. The value of the operating cost is the vertical axis, y-axis. It is obvious that the operating cost is decreasing. This figure shows that for a specific amount of capacity storage, the operating cost drops with increasing wind energy in the power system. For capacity sizes of 140 MWh and 150 MWh, the curves stop at the 130 MW wind rating, since the congestion of the system means that no convergence results can be provided. The congestion problem emerges with largecapacity storage. With increasing power from renewable wind energy, this free natural resource reduced the operating cost. At the same time, with the help of storage, the renewable energy fully functioned at peak hours. 36 Thousands Operating Cost ($) 2100 2098 2096 2094 2092 2090 2088 2086 2084 2082 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 80 MWh 110 MWh 140 MWh Wind Rating (MW) 90 MWh 120 MWh 150 MWh 100 MWh 130 MWh Figure 4.6. Comparison of operating costs in limited capacity case From Figure 4.6, the operation cost curves for different types of storage look similar to a straight line, but actually they are not. A window occurs at every three points on the curve in order to obtain the decreasing rate value for a piece of the curve. When the window moves to the end of that line, group values for the decreasing rate can be obtained for different pieces of the curve. Then the average value of this group can be seen as the decreasing rate of that cure. Figure 4.7 shows the decreasing rate for each curve in the limited capacity case. The horizontal axis, in this figure is the storage capacity. As can be seen, the decreasing rates are almost at the same level. This information shows that for a certain capacity of storage, the benefits from wind energy are increasing almost linearly with the increased wind energy. 37 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 -10 Decreasing Rate -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 Storage Capacity (MWh) Decreasing Rate Figure 4.7. Decreasing rates in limited capacity case Looking at Figure 4.6 from left to right by sections, the curves show information about the changes in operating cost under the same wind rating condition with different storage capacities. Figure 4.8 shows the operating cost variation with different storage capacities when the wind rating is 40 MW. The blue curve is the variation in operating cost. The x-axis represents the storage capacity increasing from 80 MWh to 150 MWh and indicates that the operating cost is rising when the capacity value is increased. Figure 4.9 shows the same situation of the operating cost increasing with increased capacity when the wind rating is 50 MW. Other sections can be found in Appendix A, when the wind rating is from 60 MW to 200 MW, where the operating costs have the same performance as these two examples, all of which are increasing. A fixed wind rating means that the low-price renewable energy is constant for different cases. The increased capacity of the EES unit does not have the ability to absorb more renewable energy. And the working scheme and cost of storage forces the operating cost of the power system to increase continuously. This information suggests the importance of a suitable capacity of storage as well as storage working scheme to controlling the operating cost level. 38 Thousands Operating Cost ($) 2097.8 2097.7 2097.6 2097.5 2097.4 2097.3 2097.2 2097.1 2097 2096.9 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Thousands Operating Cost ($) Figure 4.8. Operating costs (wind rating of 40 MW) in limited capacity case 2097.6 2097.4 2097.2 2097 2096.8 2096.6 2096.4 2096.2 2096 2095.8 2095.6 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Figure 4.9. Operating costs (wind rating of 50 MW) in limited capacity case A comparison of CO2 emissions under different situations in the limited capacity case is shown in Figure 4.10. The wind rating is increased from 40 MW to 200 MW, as shown on the xaxis. Storage capacity is increased from 80 MWh to 150 MWh, as shown the curves with different colors. The value of CO2 emissions is the vertical y-axis. For a specific storage, the amount of CO2 emissions decreases when the wind rating is increased, because wind energy reduces the emissions from fossil-fuel-fired generation with the help of storage. For the same 39 wind rating, the amounts of CO2 emissions are fairly the same, with small variations, for the Hundreds same reason as mentioned previously. 174.55 174.5 CO2 Emission (ton) 174.45 174.4 174.35 174.3 174.25 174.2 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 80 MWh 110 MWh 140 MWh Wind Rating (MW) 90 MWh 120 MWh 150 MWh 100 MWh 130 MWh Figure 4.10. Comparison of CO2 emissions in limited capacity case The energy used for charging the EES unit is also analyzed in the limited capacity case case. Figure 4.11 shows a comparison of energy for charging the storage under different wind ratings and storage capacities. As shown, the x-axis indicates the wind rating, from 40 MW to 200 MW. The curves with different colors are the storage capacities, which increase from 80 MWh to 150 MWh. The vertical y-axis represents the amount of charging energy in MWh. 40 500 450 400 Energy (MWh) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 80 MWh 110 MWh 140 MWh Wind Rating (MW) 90 MWh 120 MWh 150 MWh 100 MWh 130 MWh Figure 4.11. Charging energy in limited capacity case Using the 80 MWh storage capacity as an example, Figure 4.12 reflects the charging energy increasing rate of this storage. As shown, the charging energy increased quickly at first but this amount almost stays the same at the end. This is due to the limited capacity storage. Even when the wind energy is increasing, for a specific storage, the ability of storage is limited, which will not exceed its capacity. The same situation occurs with other capacities, as shown in Figure 4.13. 41 0.4 0.35 Charging Rate 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 80 MWh Figure 4.12. Charging rates (80 MWh of storage) in limited capacity case 2.5 Charging Rate 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -0.5 80 MWh 110 MWh 140 MWh 90 MWh 120 MWh 150 MWh 100 MWh 130 MWh Figure 4.13. Charging rates for different capacities in limited capacity case Taking a look at Figure 4.11 from left to right by sections, these curves show information about charging energy under certain wind energy. Figure 4.14 shows the charging energy under a wind rating of 40 MW. The curve, which is increasing, shows that the larger capacity of storage can store more energy and later can be used for discharging. Other sections of this curve can be found in Appendix B, and all of them show a similar situation. 42 Charging Energy (MWh) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Energy Figure 4.14. Charging energy (wind rating of 40 MW) in limited capacity case The locations of storage under different situations are showing in Table 4.3. As can be seen, horizontal numbers at the top of this table show the capacity of storage from 80 MWh to 150 MWh. Vertical numbers on the left show the wind rating from 40 MW to 200 MW. Numbers in the table are bus numbers, which are the desired locations. Since there are two levels of voltage in the test system, bus numbers located in the high-voltage level have a red background color. From this EES record, most of the preferred storage is located in the highvoltage section. Especially, when there is a large wind plant, storage units are all located in the high voltage part. The high-voltage part of a transmission line has a larger capacity and could relieve the congestion, which is an important factor. 43 TABLE 4.3 EES LOCATION RECORD FOR LIMITED CAPACITY CASE MWh MW 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 20 3 7 22 20 1 24 15 3 4 2 21 18 23 22 15 10 7 3 10 19 11 6 16 12 17 6 7 16 15 11 19 11 15 2 9 18 2 8 5 24 21 19 22 7 14 19 23 10 12 13 10 18 15 6 19 6 19 19 6 12 21 18 12 16 15 14 16 2 11 1 20 17 4 7 7 3 19 19 12 19 22 22 17 12 16 5 12 22 21 10 21 24 17 24 18 14 16 17 13 22 20 10 7 15 24 15 1 17 1 8 23 9 11 16 10 12 19 7 3 16 6 Case 3: Multiple Wind Plant 4.3 4.3.1 Multiple Wind Plant Case Information The multiple wind plant case considers two wind plants in the power system, which means that more input variables are introduced. When the point estimation method deals with more input variables, as shown previously in Figure 3.4, the function F is evaluated K times for each input variable ( , , ,… , . For each input variable, the function F is evaluated as , ,… , composed of the location value ), which means that for each input variable , and the mean value other words, for one specified input variable , the , the evaluation is of the rest of the input variables. In value is given as , for a total of K times, and the rest of the variable values are fixed and assigned their mean values. From the above 44 explanation, the implementation of the PE method with more input variables needs additional steps to consider the influence of other variables, as shown in Figure 4.15. Initialize and input l=1 Select input variable Pl Computation: standard central moments standard locations weights l=l+1 Select point location K times Solve deterministic system Update variables Determine all variables considered l = m? Outputs Figure 4.15. Implementation steps of 2m+1 PE scheme with multiple variables 45 4.3.2 Multiple Wind Plant Results and Analysis Figure 4.16 shows information about operating cost under different situations in the multiple wind plant case. The wind ratings are increased from 40 MW to 120 MW, as shown on the x-axis. The storage capacity is increased from 80 MWh to 150 MWh, as shown the curves with different colors. The value of the operating cost is the vertical y-axis. It is obvious that the operating cost is decreasing, showing that for a specific amount of capacity storage, the operating cost decreases with increasing wind energy in the power system. For the storage capacity of 140 MWh and 150 MWh, the curves stop from the 80 MW wind rating, since the congestion of the system cannot provide convergence results. With increasing power from the renewable wind energy, this free natural resource has reduced the operating cost. Compared with the first basic Operating Cost ($) Thousands case, the operating cost is much lower, since there is more renewable energy. 2090 2088 2086 2084 2082 2080 2078 2076 2074 2072 2070 40 50 60 70 80 90 Wind Rating (MW) 80 MWh 90 MWh 110 MWh 120 MWh 140 MWh 150 MWh 100 110 100 MWh 130 MWh Figure 4.16. Operating costs in multiple wind plant case 46 120 The same method as mentioned in the second case is used to analyze the decreasing rate, as shown in Figure 4.17. In this figure, the horizontal axis is the storage capacity. The decreasing rates are almost the same levels. This information shows that for a certain capacity of storage, the benefits from wind energy are increasing almost linearly with increased wind energy. 0 -20 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Decreasing Rate -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 Storage Capacity (MWh) Decreasing Rate Figure 4.17. Decreasing rates in multiple wind plant case Taking a look at Figure 4.16 from left to right by sections, the curves show information about the changes in operating cost under the same wind rating condition with different storage capacities. For example, the first section shows the operating cost variation with different storage capacities when the wind rating is 40 MW, as shown in Figure 4.18. The blue curve is the variation in operating cost. The x-axis represents the storage capacity increasing from 80 MWh to 150 MWh, which indicates that the operating cost is rising when the capacity value is increased. Other sections can be found in Appendix C, when the wind rating is from 50 MW to 120 MW, and indicate that the operating costs show the same performance as this example—all of them increasing. 47 Thousands Operating Cost ($) 2089.2 2089 2088.8 2088.6 2088.4 2088.2 2088 2087.8 2087.6 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Figure 4.18. Operating costs (wind rating is 40 MW) for multiple wind plant case The comparison of CO2 emissions under different situations for the multiple wind plant case is shown in Figure 4.19. The wind rating is increased from 40 MW to 120 MW, as shown on the x-axis. The storage capacity is increased from 80 MWh to 150 MWh, as shown the curves with different colors. The value of CO2 emissions is shown on the vertical y-axis. For a specific storage, the amount of CO2 emissions is decreasing when the wind rating is increased, because the wind energy reduces the emission from fossil-fuel-fired generation with the help of storage. For the same wind rating, the amounts of CO2 emissions are fairly the same, with only small variations, for the same reason as mentioned previously. 48 17460 17455 CO2 Emission (ton) 17450 17445 17440 17435 17430 17425 17420 40 50 60 70 80 MWh 110 MWh 140 MWh 80 90 Wind Rating (MW) 90 MWh 120 MWh 150 MWh 100 110 120 100 MWh 130 MWh Figure 4.19. Comparison of CO2 emissions in multiple wind plant case The energy used for charging the EES unit is also analyzed in this case. Figure 4.20 shows the comparison of energy for charging the storage under different wind ratings and storage capacities. In this figure, the x-axis is the wind rating, which is increased from 40 MW to 120 MW. The curves with different colors are the storage capacities, which are increased from 80 MWh to 150 MWh. The vertical y-axis represents the amount of charging energy in MWh. 49 450 400 Charging Energy (MWh) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Wind Rating (MW) 80 MWh 110 MWh 140 MWh 90 MWh 120 MWh 150 MWh 100 MWh 130 MWh Figure 4.20. Charging energy in multiple wind plant case Compared with Figure 4.11 for the limited capacity case, the curves in the multiple wind plant case are much flatter. For example, with the 120 MWh storage capacity, in the limited capacity case, the charging energy curve is obviously increasing with the wind rating from 40 MW to 80 MW. But this is not the case for the multiple wind plant situation. And the same situation occurs with other storage because, in this case, there are two wind plants and they provide much more wind energy than in the limited capacity case. Looking at the sections of Figure 4.20 from left to right shows information about the charging energy under certain wind energy. Figure 4.21 shows that the charging energy under the wind rating is 40 MW. The curve, which is rising, represents the larger capacity of storage, which can store more energy and later be used for discharging. Information on the other sections can be found in Appendix D, all of them indicating a similar situation. 50 Charging Energy (MWh) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Charging Energy Figure 4.21. Charging energy (wind rating is 40 MW) in multiple wind plant case 51 CHAPTER 5 SIMULATION AND RESULTS II In this chapter, three more case studies are discussed. Sections 5.1 and 5.2 present a typical week and a typical year simulation time periods and results, respectively. In Section 5.3, the day-ahead market concept will be introduced because market factors can also influence the storage working scheme and results. 5.1 Case 4: Typical Week 5.1.1 Typical Week Case Information In this case, a typical week totaling 168 hours is the simulation period, with one wind plant and one storage device in the test system. Figure 5.1 shows the variation of settlement point price (SPP) in the day-ahead market for one typical week, data of which was retrieved from the ERCOT website [66]. From this figure, it can be seen that the SPP varies widely between the first four days and the last three days in a week. In other words, there is a large difference in the SPP between the weekdays and the weekend days. Base on this information, the storage working scheme is to discharge at the peak hours in a week. This means that the storage discharge hours are different between the first four days and last three days in a week. Figure 5.2 shows the load data from the ERCOT website [64] for one week. In this typical week case, the load data is derived by scaling down to the test system scale. 52 240 199 180 147.41 SPP ($) 120 110.55 104.69 98.48 133.24 96.6 60 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 0 Monday, May 05, 2014 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, May Saturday, May 06, May 07, May 08, 09, 2014 May 10, 2014 2014 2014 2014 Time Line Sunday, May 11, 2014 Figure 5.1. SPP for one week in typical week case 2500 Load (MW) 2000 1500 1000 500 1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85 92 99 106 113 120 127 134 141 148 155 162 169 0 Time (h) Load Figure 5.2. Load data for typical week case 5.1.2 Typical Week Results and Analysis Figure 5.3 shows a comparison of operating costs under different situations. The wind rating is increased from 90 MW to 120 MW, as shown along the x-axis. The storage capacity is increased from 80 MWh to 120 MWh, as shown the curves with different colors. The value of 53 the operating cost is along the vertical y-axis. It is obvious that the operating cost is decreasing, showing that for a specific amount of capacity storage, the operating cost drops with increasing wind energy in the power system. The increasing wind energy and the storage device both x 100000 contribute to the reduction in operating cost. 148.5 148.4 Operating Cost ($) 148.3 148.2 148.1 148 147.9 147.8 147.7 90 100 110 120 Wind Rating (MW) 80 MWh 90 MWh 100 MWh 110 MWh 120 MWh Figure 5.3. Comparison of operating costs in typical week case Taking a look at Figure 5.3 from left to right by sections, the curves show information about the changes in operating cost under the same wind rating condition with different storage capacities. For example, the first section shows the operating cost variation with different storage capacities when the wind rating is 90 MW, as depicted in Figure 5.4. The blue curve is the variation of operating cost. The x-axis represented that the storage capacity increased from 80 MWh to 120 MWh. As can be seen, the operating cost is rising when the capacity value is increased; hence, a suitable size of capacity is very important. 54 x 100000 Operating Cost ($) 148.45 148.4 148.35 148.3 148.25 148.2 148.15 148.1 148.05 148 80 MW 90 MW 100 MW 110 MW 120 MW Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Figure 5.4. Operating costs (wind rating is 90 MW) in typical week case Other sections of Figure 5.3, when the wind rating is from 100 MW to 120 MW, can be found in Appendix E and indicate that operating costs show the same performance—all of them increasing. A fixed wind rating means that the low-price renewable energy is a constant value. The working scheme and cost of increased storage capacity make the operating cost of the power system rise continuously. This information suggests the importance of both a suitable storage capacity and the storage working scheme to control the operating cost level. A comparison of CO2 emissions in the typical week case is shown in Figure 5.5. Here the wind rating is increased from 90 MW to 120 MW, as shown on the x-axis. The storage capacity is increased from 80 MWh to 120 MWh, as shown the curves with different colors. The value of CO2 emissions is shown on the vertical axis, Y axis. For a specific storage, the amount of CO2 emissions decreases when the wind rating increases, because the wind energy reduces the usage of traditional generation with the help of storage. For the same wind rating, the amount of CO2 emissions is fairly the same with only small variations, for the same reason as discussed previously. 55 x 10000 CO2 Emission (ton) 12.265 12.26 12.255 12.25 12.245 12.24 12.235 90 100 110 120 Wind Rating (MW) 80 MWh 90 MWh 100 MWh 110 MWh 120 MWh Figure 5.5. Comparison of CO2 emissions in typical week case Figure 5.6 shows CO2 emissions during charging periods for storage capacities of 80 MWh and 100 MWh. During this time, the storage with capacity of 100 MWh has more emissions than that with capacity of 80 MWh. Figure 5.7 shows emissions during discharging periods for storage capacities of 80 MWh and 100 MWh. During this time the storage with capacity of 100 MWh has fewer emissions than that with capacity of 80 MWh. A comparison of these figures illustrates that the emissions from coal during the discharging time is replaced by the emissions from gas. 56 x 10000 9 8 CO2 Emission (ton) 7 6 5 oil 4 gas 3 coal 2 1 0 80 MWh 100 MWh CO2 Emission (ton) x 10000 Figure 5.6. CO2 emissions in charging periods in typical week case 2.5 2 1.5 oil gas 1 coal 0.5 0 80 MWh 100 MWh Figure 5.7. CO2 emissions in discharging periods in typical week case Figure 5.8 shows the sum of emissions in Figures 5.6 and 5.7, illustrating that the emission savings from the discharging periods cannot offset the charging periods. Therefore, storage with capacity of 100 MWh has more emissions. The emissions during storage does not work, no action, is not including in the chart. Since the periods of storage with no action status are the same, the amount of emissions is almost the same. For example, when the storage with no 57 action status occurs, the storage needs to be charged, but the wind speed is so small that it cannot CO2 Emission (ton) x 10000 provide the required energy to do so. 12 10 oil discharging 8 gas discharging coal discharging 6 oil charging 4 gas charging coal charging 2 0 80 MWh 100 MWh Figure 5.8. Comparison of charging and discharging CO2 emissions in typical week case Figure 5.9 shows the comparison of energy for charging the storage under different wind ratings and storage capacities. In this figure, the x-axis is the wind rating and is increased from 90 MW to 120 MW. The curves with different colors are the storage capacities, which are increased from 80 MWh to 120 MWh. The vertical axis, Y axis, represents the amount of charging energy in MWh. From Figure 5.9, the curve for the smaller-sized storage is much flatter than the curve for the larger-sized storage. This is because the smaller storage capacity has less ability to charge more energy, so the amount of energy used for charging is increased with the storage capacity. 58 Hundreds Charging Energy (MWh) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90 100 110 120 Wind Rating (MW) 80 MWh 90 MWh 100 MWh 110 MWh 120 MWh Figure 5.9. Comparison of charging energy in typical week case 5.2 Case 5: Typical Year 5.2.1 Typical Year Case Information In this case, a typical year is the simulation period. There is one wind plant and one storage device in the test system. For simplicity, one typical year is composed of four typical weeks. Each week stands for one season, and 672 hours represent a typical year. Figure 5.10 shows the load data for a typical year from the ERCOT website [64]. There are two curves: the blue line is the total load for the entire ERCOT area, and the red line is the load for the west area. Both curves show that the loads have a definite distinction by seasons. The summer week has the largest load, which is mostly over 60,000 MW for the entire area. Loads during the spring week are the smallest group, which are not over 40,000 MW. Based on this information, in order to set the working scheme of storage, the influence of seasons must be considered. Although it not easy to obtain the SPP value for an entire year, these values should be affected by the seasons. Then 59 the discharging time of the peak hours are different by seasons. In this case, the discharging times are at 7 pm and 8 pm in the spring, 8 pm and 9 pm in the summer, 7 pm and 8 pm in the fall, and 5 pm and 6 pm in the winter. 70000 2000 1800 60000 1600 1400 1200 Load (MW) 50000 40000 1000 800 600 400 30000 20000 10000 200 0 spring spring spring spring spring spring spring summer summer summer summer summer summer summer fall fall fall fall fall fall fall winter winter winter winter winter winter 0 Time (h) Load_total Load_west Figure 5.10. Load data for typical year case 5.2.2 Typical Year Results and Analysis Figure 5.11 shows a comparison of operating cost under different situations. The wind rating is increased from 90 MW to 120 MW, as shown on the x-axis. The storage capacity is increased from 80 MWh to 100 MWh, as shown the curves with different colors. The operating cost value is the vertical z-axis. It is obvious that the operating cost is decreasing for a specific amount of capacity storage, dropping down with the increasing wind energy in the power system. The increasing wind energy and the storage device both contribute to the reduction of operating cost. Taking a look at Figure 5.11 from left to right by sections, the curves provide information about the change in operating cost under the same wind rating condition with different storage capacities. The operating cost rises when the capacity value is increased. 60 x 100000 Operating Cost ($) 609 608.5 608 607.5 607 606.5 606 90 100 110 120 Wind Rating (MW) 80 MWh 100 MWh Figure 5.11. Comparison of operating costs in typical year case A comparison of CO2 emissions in a typical year is shown in Figure 5.12. The wind rating is increased from 90 MW to 120 MW, as shown on the x-axis. The storage capacity is increased from 80 MWh to 100 MWh, as shown the curves with different colors. The value of CO2 emissions is the vertical y-axis. For a specific storage, the amount of CO2 emissions is decreasing when the wind rating is increased because the wind energy reduces the usage of traditional generation with the help of storage. 61 514000 CO2 Emission (ton) 513800 513600 513400 513200 513000 512800 512600 512400 90 100 110 120 Wind Rating (MW) 80 MWh 100 MWh Figure 5.12. Comparison of CO2 emissions in typical year case Figure 5.13 shows the comparison of energy for storage charging under different wind ratings and storage capacities. In this figure, the x-axis represents the wind rating and is increased from 90 MW to 120 MW. The curves represent the storage capacities, which are increased from 80 MWh to 100 MWh. The vertical y-axis, represents the amount of charging energy in MWh. The amount of charging energy increases when the wind rating is increased for x 10000 Energy (MWh) both of these storages. 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 90 110 100 120 Wind Rating (MW) 80 MWh 100 MWh Figure 5.13. Comparison of charging energy in typical year case 62 The locations of storage under different situations for the typical year base are shown in Table 5.2. Here the horizontal numbers on top show the capacity of storage, 80 MWh and 100 MWh. The vertical numbers on the left show the wind rating, from 90 MW to 120 MW. The numbers within the table are bus numbers, indicating the desired locations. As can be seen, all storage locations are found in the high-voltage level. TABLE 5.1 EES LOCATION RECORD FOR TYPICAL YEAR CASE 80 MWh 100 MWh 5.3 90 MW 15 16 100 MW 17 17 110 MW 19 18 120 MW 18 18 Case 6: Market Factor 5.3.1 Market Factor Case Information In this case, the market factor is considered. By analyzing the day-ahead market, such as in the typical week case, the day-ahead SPP values provide a reference for setting the working scheme of storage. For example, a certain price value is selected based on the day-ahead market. The storage is charging when the price is below this value and discharging when the price is above this value; hence, a benefit will be produced. This benefit can be seen as a reduction of the operating cost. In this case, as shown in Figure 5.14, $65 is selected as the bounded line, as indicated in red in this figure. During the periods below this red line, the storage is charging, and during the periods above this red line, the storage is discharging, as shown in Table 5.1. The rest of time is for charging. The benefit from considering the market factor is that it reduces the 63 operating cost and influences the storage. All other data are the same as the typical week case. A comparison is presented in Section 5.4.2. 250 150 100 50 0 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 1:00 7:00 13:00 19:00 SPP ($) 200 Mon, May Tue, May 06 Wed, May Thu, May 08 Fri, May 09 Sat, May 10 Sun, May 11 05 07 Time (h) SPP bounded line Figure 5.14. Settlement point prices and bounded line in market factor case TABLE 5.2 DISCHARGING TIMES FOR MARKET FACTOR CASE Date Discharging Time Monday 13:00–20:00 Tuesday 14:00–19:00 Wednesday 13:00–18:00 Thursday 15:00–19:00 Friday 11:00–21:00 Saturday 14:00–20:00 Sunday 16:00–20:00 64 5.3.2 Market Factor Results and Analysis For this case, the optimal location of EES unit and the operating cost under different situations are known. Utilizing this information, the market factors are introduced. Figure 5.15 shows the comparison of operating cost when the wind rating is 90 MW and the storage capacity is 100 MWh. The before data is the operating cost data from the typical week case, while the after data is the operating cost considering the market factor. As can be seen, there is a great reduction between these two cases. A similar situation occurred when the wind rating is 100 MW and the storage capacity is 110 MWh, as shown in Figure 5.16. In both of these cases, the operating cost after considering the market factor is much lower, even smaller than for all storage location selections. The information from this case shows that utilization of the market factor with the storage system will greatly reduce the operating cost. There may be other potential ways to fully utilize Operating Cost ($) x 10000 market factors in order to improve the economics of the power system. 1490 1480 1470 1460 Operating Cost 1450 1440 1430 1420 Before After Figure 5.15. Operating costs (wind 90 MW and storage 100 MWh) in market factor case 65 x 10000 Operating Cost ($) 1490 1485 1480 1475 1470 1465 Operating Cost 1460 1455 1450 1445 1440 1435 Before After Figure 5.16. Operating costs (wind 100 MW and storage 110 MWh) in market factor case 66 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 6.1 Conclusions This research developed a general procedure to optimize the location of electrical energy storage units in a power system with renewable energy. In order to have more credible results, a stochastic method—point estimation method—was applied in this model. Also, the improved 2m PE method and genetic algorithm method were investigated to make the calculation more efficient. At the same time, optimal power flow incorporated with the price of CO2 were considered in order to meet environmental policies. The core optimization problems in this dissertation were solved by using the MATPOWER simulation tool, which permits users to have full authority for modifying or adding variables, constraints, costs, objective functions, etc. Several cases were presented to show the performances of EES units under different conditions. The observations and conclusions are summarized as follows: Both wind rating and storage capacity impact the performance of EES units and their location. Congestion in the power system is the main constraint to storage capacity. The optimal locations of EES units are dependent on several factors and specific conditions of the power system. These factors are the working pattern of storage devices, the desired objective of the optimization, and limitations of transmission line. Generally speaking, large-capacity storage is preferably located in the high-voltage part of a transmission system, where has a larger capacity. To schedule the storage working patterns appropriately, it is critical to make EES units that better impact the power system. 67 The cost of EES units also produces an impact on its performance in the power system with renewable energy. Considering market factors and utilizing them to schedule the storage working pattern can also benefit the entire power system. Considering market factors can eventually impact the location of the EES and reduce the operating cost. With the help of EES units, CO2 emissions and operating costs are greatly reduced. These factors are also impacted by the working scheme of the EES units. 6.2 Future Work According to the conclusions in this research, several issues are recommended as future work: Apply this method to a real power system with more renewable energy and practical parameters, such as a power system from CAISO, WECC, or ERCOT, in order to analyze the performance of EES units under different situations. Investigate the performance of EES units with more detailed parameters, such as the ramp rate cost. Investigate how effective the EES units will be in meeting the latest requirements from the Clean Power Plan proposed rule, which was released in June, 2014. Add more renewable variables and load variables as inputs, in order to analyze the influences to a power system. Add more practical parameters, such as capacity factors, to other types of generators. Apply other stochastic models to simulate the renewable energy and compare the different models’ performances on simulating the uncertainty of natural resources. 68 Compare the performances of other types of EES units in a power system with renewable energy. Consider the EES model with more and practical market models in order to verify the real value of EES units in power markets. 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Wind rating of 90 MW 78 209.55 x 10000 x 10000 APPENDIX A (continued) 209.5 209.45 209.5 209.45 209.4 209.4 209.35 209.35 209.3 209.3 209.25 209.25 209.2 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Operating Cost Figure A.6. Wind rating of 110 MW 209.45 209.4 209.35 209.3 209.25 209.2 209.15 209.1 209.05 x 10000 x 10000 Figure A.5. Wind rating of 100 MW 209.4 209.35 209.3 209.25 209.2 209.15 209.1 209.05 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Operating Cost Figure A.7.Wind rating of 120 MW Figure A.8. Wind rating of 130 MW 79 209.22 x 10000 x 10000 APPENDIX A (continued) 209.2 209.18 209.2 209.15 209.16 209.1 209.14 209.05 209.12 209 209.1 209.08 208.95 80 90 80 100 110 120 130 Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost x 10000 x 10000 Figure A.10. Wind rating of 150 MW 209.15 209.1 209.05 209.1 209.05 209 209 208.95 208.95 208.9 208.9 208.85 208.85 90 100 110 120 130 Operating Cost Figure A.9. Wind rating of 140 MW 80 90 Storage Capacity (MWh) 208.8 100 110 120 130 80 Storage Capacity (MWh) 90 100 110 120 130 Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Operating Cost Figure A.11. Wind rating of 160 MW Figure A.12. Wind rating of 170 MW 80 209 x 10000 x 10000 APPENDIX A (continued) 208.95 208.9 208.9 208.85 208.85 208.8 208.8 208.75 208.75 208.7 80 90 100 110 120 130 80 Storage Capacity (MWh) Figure A.14. Wind rating of 190 MW 208.9 208.85 208.8 208.75 208.7 208.65 90 100 110 120 130 Operating Cost Figure A.13. Wind rating of 180 MW 80 90 Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost x 10000 208.95 100 110 120 130 Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Figure A.15. Wind rating of 200 MW 81 APPENDIX B 500 500 400 400 Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) CHARGING ENERGY FIGURES FOR LIMITED-CAPACITY CASE 300 200 100 0 300 200 100 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Storage Capacity (MWh) Energy Energy Figure B.2. Wind rating of 60 MW 500 500 400 400 Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) Figure B.1.Wind rating of 50 MW 300 200 100 0 300 200 100 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Storage Capacity (MWh) Energy Energy Figure B.3. Wind rating of 70 MW Figure B.4. Wind rating of 80 MW 82 500 500 400 400 Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) APPENDIX B (continued) 300 200 100 0 300 200 100 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Storage Capacity (MWh) Energy Energy Figure B.6. Wind rating of 100 MW 500 500 400 400 Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) Figure B.5. Wind rating of 90 MW 300 200 100 0 300 200 100 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Storage Capacity (MWh) Energy Energy Figure B.7. Wind rating of 110 MW Figure B.8. Wind rating of 120 MW 83 500 500 400 400 Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) APPENDIX B (continued) 300 200 100 0 300 200 100 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 Storage Capacity (MWh) 90 110 120 130 Storage Capacity (MWh) Energy Energy Figure B.9. Wind rating of 130 MW Figure B.10. Wind rating of 140 MW 500 500 400 400 Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) 100 300 200 100 0 300 200 100 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 80 Storage Capacity (MWh) 90 100 110 120 130 Storage Capacity (MWh) Energy Energy Figure B.11. Wind rating of 150 MW Figure B.12. Wind rating of 160 MW 84 500 500 400 400 Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) APPENDIX B (continued) 300 200 100 0 300 200 100 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 80 Storage Capacity (MWh) 90 110 120 130 Storage Capacity (MWh) Energy Energy Figure B.13. Wind rating of 170 MW Figure B.14. Wind rating of 180 MW 500 500 400 400 Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) 100 300 200 100 0 300 200 100 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 80 Storage Capacity (MWh) 90 100 110 120 130 Storage Capacity (MWh) Energy Energy Figure B.15. Wind rating of 190 MW Figure B.16. Wind rating of 200 MW 85 APPENDIX C 20.88 x 100000 x 100000 OPERATING COST FIGURES FOR MULTIPLE WIND PLANT CASE 20.875 20.87 20.865 20.86 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 20.864 20.862 20.86 20.858 20.856 20.854 20.852 20.85 20.848 20.846 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Figure C.1. Wind rating of 50 MW Figure C.2. Wind rating of 60 MW 20.85 20.84 x 100000 x 100000 Operating Cost 20.845 20.835 20.84 20.83 20.835 20.825 20.83 20.82 20.825 20.815 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Operating Cost Figure C.3. Wind rating of 70 MW Figure C.4. Wind rating of 80 MW 86 20.83 x 100000 x 100000 APPENDIX C (continued) 20.825 20.82 20.815 20.81 20.805 20.812 20.81 20.808 20.806 20.804 20.802 20.8 20.798 20.796 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 Storage Capacity (MWh) 100 110 120 130 Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Operating Cost Figure C.5. Wind rating of 90 MW Figure C.6. Wind rating of 100 MW 20.81 x 100000 x 100000 90 20.805 20.8 20.79 20.785 20.795 20.78 20.79 20.775 20.785 20.77 20.78 20.775 20.765 80 90 80 100 110 120 130 Storage Capacity (MWh) 90 100 110 120 130 Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Operating Cost Figure C.7. Wind rating of 110 MW Figure C.8. Wind rating of 120 MW 87 APPENDIX D 500 500 400 400 Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) CHARGING ENERGY FIGURES FOR MULTIPLE WIND PLANT CASE 300 200 100 0 300 200 100 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Storage Capacity (MWh) Charging Energy Charging Energy Figure D.2. Wind rating of 60 MW 500 500 400 400 Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) Figure D.1. Wind rating of 50 MW 300 200 100 0 300 200 100 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Storage Capacity (MWh) Storage Capacity (MWh) Charging Energy Charging Energy Figure D.3. Wind rating of 70 MW Figure D.4. Wind rating of 80 MW 88 APPENDIX D (continued) 400 Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) 500 300 200 100 0 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 80 Storage Capacity (MWh) Energy (MWh) Energy (MWh) 110 120 130 Figure D.6. Wind rating of 100 MW 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 100 110 Charging Energy Figure D.5. Wind rating of 90 MW 90 100 Storage Capacity (MWh) Charging Energy 80 90 120 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 80 130 90 100 110 120 130 Storage Capacity (MWh) Storage Capacity (MWh) Charging Energy Charging Energy Figure D.8. Wind rating of 120 MW Figure D.7. Wind rating of 110 MW 89 APPENDIX E 148.5 x 100000 x 100000 OPERATING COST FIGURES FOR TYPICAL WEEK CASE 148.4 148.3 148.2 148.1 148 80 90 100 110 148.35 148.3 148.25 148.2 148.15 148.1 148.05 148 147.95 120 80 Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost 100 110 120 Operating Cost Figure E.1. Wind rating of 90 MW Figure E.2. Wind rating of 100 MW 148.4 x 100000 x 100000 90 Storage Capacity (MWh) 148.3 148.2 148.4 148.3 148.2 148.1 148.1 148 148 147.9 147.9 147.8 147.8 147.7 80 90 100 110 120 80 Storage Capacity (MWh) 90 100 110 120 Storage Capacity (MWh) Operating Cost Operating Cost Figure E.3. Wind rating of 110 MW Figure E.4. Wind rating of 120 MW 90
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