On Applications of Van Der Waerden's Theorem Author(s): John R. Rabung and Van Der Waerden Source: Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 3 (May, 1975), pp. 142-148 Published by: Mathematical Association of America Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2689695 . Accessed: 01/04/2011 20:53 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at . http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=maa. . 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Mathematical Association of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Mathematics Magazine. http://www.jstor.org 142 MATHEMATICS MAGAZINE [May-June Supposethetimetofailureofeachofthecomponents isexponentially distributed withmean1/1and supposethesystem forexactlyT hourseachday.Now, operates whoselifetime a component followstheexponential distribution showsno aging,i.e., theprobability thatthecomponent survives dayn + 1 giventhatitsurvived dayn is thata newcomponent thesameas theprobability will surviveday one. Hencethe stochastic analysisofthis(activeredundant) is equivalentto the analysisin system Section2 providing we identify (i) thenumberof ringsr withthenumberof components, and of failureq on a singletoss of a ringwiththe (ii) the(constant)probability e-AT thata component willsurviveday one (= T hours) (constant)probability The playin theringtossinggamecan thenbe identified withthecomparison builtfromtwodifferent betweencompeting systems typesof components. ON APPLICATIONS OF VAN DER WAERDEN'S THEOREM College JOHN R. RABUNG, Randolph-Macon 1. Equivalentversionsof thetheorem.In [1] B. L. van der Waerdenrelateshow Artin,Schreier,and he were able to findthe proofof the followingconjectureof Baudet: (A) If theset ofpositiveintegersis partitionedin any way intotwoclasses, then for any positiveintegerI at least one class containsa set of I consecutivemembers ofan arithmeticprogression.(Henceforthwe shall use thephrase "arithmeticprogressionof lengthl" to mean a set of I consecutivemembersof an arithmetic progression.) Aside fromthe ingenuityof the proof whichfinallyarose, one of the most intriguingaspectsof the paper is the mannerin whichthesemenwere able to manipulate Baudet's conjectureinto more manageable,yet equivalentforms. The first suchmanipulativestepwas to considerthefollowingstatementsuggestedby Schreier: (B) For any positiveintegerI thereexistsa positiveintegerN(l) such thatif the set {1,2, ..,N(l)} is partitionedinto two classes, thenat least one class contains an arithmeticprogressionof length1. This so-called"finiteversion" of (A) clearlyimplies(A) and the converseimplication is shownin [1] usinga Cantordiagonal approach. From hereit was an easy stepforArtinto show that(B) is equivalentto: (C) For any positiveintegersk and I thereexistsa positiveintegerN(k, 1) such that if theset {1, 2, ..*, N(k, l)} is partitionedintok classes, some class containsan arithmeticprogressionof lengthl. This is the statementwhichvan der Waerdenproved.(See [1] or [2].) Since theappearanceof theproofseveralapplicationsof thetheoremhave been published.(We shall discussA. Brauer's applicationto powerresiduesin another sectionof thispaper.) However,it has become apparentthatthe real potentialfor 1975] ON APPLICATIONS OF VAN DER WAERDEN'S THEOREM 143 applicationof (C) maylie in thesize of thenumbersN(k, 1). In his proofof (C) van der WaerdenconstructsnumbersN(k, 1) whichsuffice, but it is thoughtthatthese numbersareterrifically loose. For example,van der Waerdenconstructs constructed N(2, 3) = 67 whereasany N(2,3) ? 9 will work.And just a glance at his general of thesenumberssuggeststhat theirgrowthrate is muchgreaterthan construction it need be. As Erd6s pointsout in [3], tightening of the numbersN(k, 1) may lead to settlingthe questionof the existenceof arbitrarily longstringsof primenumbers whichare consecutivemembersof some arithmeticprogression. of thenumbersN(k, 1) willnot be achievedwithoutan essenBut the refinement tiallynew proofof (C). Because none have yet been found,one is led back to the reasoningof Artin,Schreier,and van der Waerdenthat perhaps anotherversion of the statementwould be more manageable.Severalequivalentformsof (C) have appearedsincethne proofwas published.In thissectionwepresentsomeotherequivalent versionsof (C). These versionsseem more explicitlyrelated to the problem of primesin arithmetic progressionthandoes the statementof (C). We beginwith: (D) Let S = {ai}1=, be any strictlyincreasingsequence of positiveintegers. If thereexistsa positiveintegerM such thatai+1 - ai < M,for i = 1,2,*., then thereexist among the membersof S arithmeticprogressionsof arbitrarylength. This is quicklyseen to be a consequenceof (C), forconsiderthe followingpartition of the set of positiveintegersinto M classes: Ko = {aj: al E S} = S K1 = {ai + 1: aieS} Ko' K2 = {al +2: aieS} (Ko UK1)' Kj = {ai +j: (Uh-1 Kh a1-S}n KM-1 ={ai + (M-1): aeS} n(UM_1 Kh)'. It is clear fromthe natureof S and the construction of the classes, K., thatthisis indeeda partitionof the set of positiveintegersinto M classes. Now by (C) there must be an arithmeticprogressionof length1 (arbitrary)in some class, say K,. Suppose this arithmeticprogression is {b, b + d, b + 2d, *. , b + (1- 1)d} . Since b E Kn, we have b = a + n for some a E S. Similarlyeach memberof this progressionis n greaterthansomememberof S. Thus,{a, a + d,a + 2d, ., a + (1- 1)d} c S, and theresultis obtained. Now (D) immediatelyyields: (E) If thesetofpositiveintegersis partitionedintotwoclasses, thenat least one of thefollowing holds: (1) One class containsarbitrarilylong stringsof consecutiveintegers. (2) Both classes contain arithmeticprogressionsof arbitrary length. This is clear since if (1) does not occur,then(D) applies in both classes. And 144 MATHEMATICS MAGAZINE [May-June since(E) readilyimpliesthe Baudet conjecture(A), we see that(D) and (E) are each equivalentto van der Waerden's theorem(C). Now (D) and (E) both yield "finiteversions": (D') For any M and 1 thereis a positiveintegerNd(M,1) such thatany strictly increasingfinitesequence {ai}l71 ofpositiveintegerswithdifferences boundedby > M (i.e., ai+1 a,< M) and witham- a, Nd(M,1) will contain an arithmetic progressionof length1. (E') For any M and I thereis a positiveintegerNe(M, 1) such thatwheneverthe set {1, 2, ,Ne(M, l)} is partitionedinto twoclasses at least one of thefollowing holds: (1) One class contains M consecutivenumbers. (2) Both classes contain arithmeticprogressionsof length1. From eitherof the statements(D') or (E') one sees the connectionbetween van derWaerden'stheoremand theproblemofprimesformingconsecutivemembers of an arithmetic progression.If one can sharpenthe numberNd(M,1) enoughand observea relationshipbetweenthisnumberand the rate of growthof gaps between consecutiveprimenumbers,one maybe able to settlethequestion. We have not beenable to generallysharpenan estimateforNd(M,1),but we have foundbestpossiblevaluesofNd(M, 1)forsomevaluesofM and 1.These are presented in section 3 of this paper. 2. An applicationof Witt's generalizationof van der Waerden'stheorem.Very shortlyaftervan der Waerdenpublishedhis proofin [2], A. Brauer [4] showed, among otherthings,thatforany positiveintegersk and 1 thereis a numberZ(k, 1) such that for any prime p > Z with p 1_ (modk) the reduced residue system p -1} modulo p contains 1 consecutivenumbers,each of whichis a kth {1,2,, powerresiduemodulop. Severalauthorssince have found uniformupper bounds on thisstringof consecutivekthpowerresiduesforfixedk and 1. (See forexample, [5]-[10].) J. H. Jordan[11], withoutthe assurance of a generaltheoremlike Brauer's, steppedintothedomainof Gaussian integersZ[i] and proceededto findseveraluniformupperboundsforwhathe called "consecutive"Gaussianintegerswhichare all kthpowerresiduesof a primeof sufficiently largenorm.The questionarises,then,as to whetherthereis a theoremlike Brauer'sforthe Gaussian domain.In thissection we show thatthereis such a theorem. It is ErnstWitt'sgeneralization [12] ofthevan derWaerdentheoremwhichallows one to use an approach analogous to Brauer'sin not only the Gaussian integers, but in some otherdomainsas well. Witt'stheoremmay be statedas follows: Let F = {Yi' Y2' -) y be a fixed set of Gaussian integers. For any positive integerk thereis a positiveintegerN(k, I) such that if the set A j=l ajyj: aj eZ, aj _ 0, j=1 aj1= N(k,l)} is partitionedintok classes, some class will containa homotheticimage, F', of F. 1975] ON APPLICATIONS OF VAN DER WAERDEN S rHEOREM 145 (Here we shall say that F' is homotheticto F if F' = Ar+ a = {Ay+ a: yE F} whereA is a positiveintegerand a is an arbitraryGaussian integer.)Now if in the above statementyj E r is such that yjI jyi|, 1 < i < 1, thenwe see |j=1 aYj| < I j=l (|aj|Iv.I)< LvIj=lzjaj = LYjIN(k,l) sinceaj > 0. Thus,we mayalso say thatifthesetofall Gaussianintegerswithnorm not greaterthan (I y.,jN(k,1))2 is partitionedinto k classes, then some class will containa homotheticimageof F. Let N(k, F) = (max{jyjl: yjE F})N(k, 1). Now we can prove: THEOREM 1. Givenany finiite set of Gaussian integers,say F = {Y1iY2' ..1Y large Gaussian prime, Xt,thereis a set P = {P19P2, "'Pi} and any sufficiently of quadratic residuesmodulo ir such thatP is a translationof F. Proof. Let D(F) = maxtjIyjyi, yj e-F be called the diameterof F. By choosingour prime7rwithlarge enoughnormwe can imbed any set of Gaussian integershavingfinitediameterin a reducedresidue systemmodulo 7r. (See Hardman and Jordan[13].) Hence, we see thatforir withsufficiently largenormthereis eithera translatedimage of F close to the originconsistingentirelyof quadratic residuesor thereis a quadraticnonresidue,v, modulo7t suchthat1 _ j vj < D(F) + 1. Let R representany finitearrayof Gaussian integerswhichis largeenoughto contain some translationof F and vF = {vyj: yjE r} . Now consider it to be a Gaussian prime such that jir j > 2N(2,R) + 1, thus assuringthat a reducedresiduesystem(of the Hardman-Jordantype)modulo 7r, imageofR in one oftheclasses. whenbrokenintotwoclasseswillcontaina homothetic In particular,eitherthe class of quadraticresiduesor the class of quadraticnonresidueswillcontainsuch an image,say R' = AR+ a forsome nonnegativeinteger A and a a Gaussian integer.Now if A and theelementsof R' have thesame quadratic naturemodulo 7r,then multiplication by A- 1 moduloiryieldsR" = R + A- 1 consistingentirelyof quadraticresiduesmodulo it. If A and the elementsof R' are of differing quadraticnature modulo 7r,then = R" R + A-'a consistsof quadraticnonresidues.But now R + A la containsas a subset some translationof vF, say vF + c'. Since v is a quadratic nonresidue, r + v- la' is made up of quadraticresiduesmodulo 7t, and we are done. FollowingBrauer's argumentin similarfashion,one can establish THEOREM 2. Givenanyfiniteset F of Gaussian integersand any positiveinteger k, thereexistsa translationoJF consistingentirelyof kthpower residues modulo any sufficiently large Gaussian prime ir withN(r) =1 (modk). In theinterest of movingtowardapplicationsof Witt's Theoremsimilarto those mentionedin the firstsectionof thispaper, we note thatthis theoremhas the followingequivalentversionsanalogous to (D) and (E) of the precedingsection: (A) If X = tail}' is any sequenceof Gaussian integersfor whichthereexists a finiteset H = t{q1,q2, qM} of Gaussian integerssuch that 146 [May-June MATHEMATICS MAGAZINE Z[i] c ? u (? + 'l) u (? + u( l2) U + qM) thenfor any F = {Y1,Y2-') ,Y,} C: Z[i, ? contains a homotheticimage of F. (D) oftheprecedingsection is provedin thesamewayas statement This statement was proved.And from(A) we get: (B) For any partitionof theset of Gaussian integersintotwoclasses one of the followingmust occur: (1) One class containsa translationof any finiteset of Gaussian integers. imageofanyfinitesetofGaussian integers. (2) Bothclasses containa homothetic To establish(B) one needsonlyto observethatin sucha partitionifwe vieweach eithertheconditionof(A) willapplyto both class as a sequenceof Gaussianintegers, sequences(and, hence,(2) holds) or thatconditionwill fail to hold forone of the sequences.In thelattercase theclass K wheretheconditionfailswillhave arbitrarily large"holes" in it in thesensethatforanypositiveintegerM we could find4 E Z[i] such that {ceZ[i]: j4-4j ? MI nK I = 0. M} in the statementof (A).) (For, if not, we could use H = eCE Z[i]: I | So (B), like (E) of theprecedingsection,bringsforththe questionof "patterns" largegaps in the of primeGaussian integers.Of course,just as thereare arbitrarily large holes in the set of Gaussian set of rationalprimes,so thereare arbitrarily primes.But stillone is led to studya "finiteversion" of (B) as weighedagainstthe growthrate of holes in the set of Gaussian primes.Here, as in the rationalcase, such studieshave so faryieldedlittlefruitbecause of the unwieldysize of the constantsinvolvedin finiteversionsof Witt's Theorem.This is not unexpectedsince Witt'sproofis essentiallythesame as thatof van der Waerdenin therationalcase. results.Let {ai},' 1 be a strictly increasingsequenceof positive 3. Somenumerical integerssuch that for some fixedpositiveintegerM we have ai - ai < M for i = 1,2, ..., rm-1. From statement(D') of the firstsectionof thispaper we know of the existenceof a numberN(M,l) such thatif am -a _ N(M, 1), then among the membersof the givensequencethereis an arithmeticprogressionof length1. We directour attentionto the numberN(M, 1). Clearly,once such a numberis found,anylargernumberwouldservethesamepurpose.Let N*(M, I) = min{N(M,1)}. Underthisdefinition, displayinga value of N*(M, 1) forsome M and I impliesthe existenceof a sequence {ai}l=1 with differencesbetween successive members bounded by M such that am- a, = N*(M, 1)- 1, and such that the sequence progressionof length1. In presentingour numericalresults containsno arithmetic we shall also presentsuch sequenceswhichshow our constantsto be correct.Acassociatedwiththeoriginalsequence; tuallywe shallgivethesequenceof differences that is, if {ai}l= 1 is a sequenceto be displayed,we shallinsteaddisplaythesequence m m-1 . We shall also impose on our {di}m'J=wheredi = ai+1 - ai for i = 1,2, sequencesthe conditionthat di + di+1 > M for i = 1,2, , m-2. One easily sees that this conditionin no way alters the generalityin computationsof N*(M, I). 1975] ON APPLICATIONS OF VAN DER WAERDEN'S THEOREM 147 To give an easy exampleof how the computationswere made, let us consider thecalculationof N*(2, 3). That is, we considerall sequencesof differences di with each di = 1 or 2 and withdi + di+1 > 2. Suppose d1 = 1. Then d2 = 2 and d3 = 1 are alike which, or 2. If, however,d3 = 2 = d2, thentwo consecutivedifferences of course, means threemembersof the originalsequence are in arithmeticprogression.So we considerthe case when d3 = 1. This means d4 = 2, and again progressionof length1 = 3 in the since d4 + d3 = d2 + d1, we have an arithmetic originalsequence.This exhaustsall cases withd1 = 1. Similarargumentshowsthat {2,1,2} before exhaustingall with d1 = 2 one gets the sequence of differences originalsequencemightbe {1, 3,4,6}. This is, in one possibilities.A corresponding sense, the longest such sequence with no threetermsin arithmeticprogression. Since here, in the notation of the preceding paragraph,am-a1 = 5, we get N*(2, 3) = 6. The followingtable displays some values of N*(M, 1) which we have found usingessentiallythe above techniqueand the CDC 3800 computerat the Research ComputationCenter,Naval ResearchLaboratory,Washington,D.C. N*(M, 1) N*(2, 3) = N*(3, 3) = N*(4, 3) = N*(5, 3) = N*(6,3) = N*(2,4) = N*(3,4) = N*(2, 5)-= N*(2,6) = {di}72j' of maximal length Sequences of differences 6 1{2, 1,2} 18 {3,2,3,1,3,2, 3} 27 {1, 4, 3,4, 2,4, 3,4, 1} 64 {5, 4, 5, 3,5,4, 5, 1,5,4,5, 3,5,4,5} 102 {5, 6,4, 6,2, 6,4, 5,6,5, 3,5,6, 5,4, 6,2, 6,4, 6, 5} 15 {2, 2, 1,2, 2, 1,2,2} 57i {3, 3,2,2, 3, 3, 1,3, 3,2, 3,3, 1,3,3,2, 3, 3, 1,3, 1,3,2} 2,2,1,2,1} 2,25,1,2, 291 {1, 2, 1,2,2,25,1,2, 57 {2,2, 1,2,1 2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,512,1,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,2, 1,2,2,2,1, 2, 1,2,2} We also foundthepartialresultsN* (4,4) _ 160 and N* (2, 7) _ 193. References wurde,Abh. von Baudetgefunden 1. B. L. van derWaerden,Wie derBeweisderVermutung 28 (1965)6-15. Math.Sem.Univ.Hamburg, NieuwArch.Wisk.,15(1927)212-216. Vermutung, BeweiseinerBaudet'schen 2. theory, Lectures on Modern 3. P. Erdos,Somerecent innumber problems advancesandcurrent vol.3, T. L. Saaty(editor),Wiley,NewYork,1965,pp. 196-244. Mathematics, 4. A. Brauer,UberSequenzenvonPotenzresten, S.-B.Preuss.Akad.Wiss.,(1928)9-16. Proc.Amer.Math.Soc., 16 (1965) 330-332. 5. M. Dunton,Boundsforpairsofcubicresidues, Machineproofof a theorem on cubic 6. D. Lehmer,E. Lehmer,W. Mills,and J. Selfridge, residues,Math.Comp.,16 (1962)407415. Proc.Amer.Math.Soc., 13 (1962)102-106. 7. D. Lehmerand E. Lehmer,On runsofresidues, Canad. J. Math., powerresidues, andW. Mills,Pairsofconsecutive E. Lehmer, 8. D. Lehmer, 15 (1963) 172-177. 148 [May-June MATHEMATICS MAGAZINE quarticresiduesmodulo On theboundfora pairofconsecutive 9. W. Millsand R. Bierstedt, a primep,Proc.Amer.Math.Soc., 14 (1963)628-632. Math.Comp.,24 10. J. Rabungand J. Jordan,Consecutivepowerresiduesor nonresidues, (1970) 737-740. intheGaussianintegers. residuesornonresidues Consecutive 11. J.Jordan, Math.Nachr.,6 (1951)261-262. SatzderElementargeometrie, 12. E. Witt,Ein kombinatorischer A minimum problemconnectedwithcompleteresiduesystems 13. N. Hardmanand J.Jordan, 74 (1967)559-561. Amer.Math.Monthly, in theGaussianintegers, ELEMENTARY EVALUATION OF 4(2n) of Illinois forAdvancedStudyand University BRUCE C. BERNDT, The Institute 1. Introduction.Let Bj denote the jth Bernoulli number(definedbelow in Section2). Euler's formula (1.1) ((2n) k-2n k - I )(2ic) 2(2n)! B2n, (n > 1) is one of the mostbeautifulresultsof elementaryanalysis.Perhapsthe threemost common methods of proving(1.1) are by the use of the Fourier seriesfor the Bernoullipolynomials[4, p. 524], bytheuse ofthecalculusofresiduesin conjunction withthe Laurentexpansionof cotx (givenbelow) in termsof Bernoulli numbers [10, pp. 141-143], and by the method of Euler, describedin [1], for example. T. M. Apostol [1] recentlygave a proofof (1.1) thatuses knowledgeof symmetric functionsand one of Newton'sformulas.The idea forApostol'sproofcan be found in the Yagloms' book [14, pp. 131-133], althoughthey only establish (1.1) for n = 1 and n = 2. I. Skau and E. Selmer[11] use a similarmethod,but they do evaluateC(2n)in termsof Bernoullinumbers. not explicitly Apostol'spaper [1] containsa surveyof "elementary"methodsused to establish (1.1). An evenmorerecentpaper of E. L. Stark[12] containsa lengthybibliography cited in the two of papers on the evaluationof C(2) and C(2n). To the references papers,one can add the paper of R. Hovstad [3] and H. Radeaforementioned macher'sbook [9, pp. 121-124]. In thispaper,two newproofsof (1.1) are given.The proofsuse only elementary in an ordinarycalcalculus.The firstproof,especially,is suitableforpresentation culus class. The Bernoullipolynomials 2. Propertiesof Bernoullinumbersand polynomials. < by defined 0 are oo, < n B.(x), (2.1) text e' __ - = a) Bn(X)tnln! 2i)o (|t I <
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