Equivalent Course for staff recruitment

(Established Under Gujarat Act No.: 20 of 2007)
Ref No: GTU/VY/2013/9245
Date: 14/10/2013
Sub:- Equivalent Course for staff recruitment
Ref:- Hon. V.C. approval dated 10/10/2013
It is hereby declare that the branch “Computer Science & Engineering – (01)” and “Computer
Science & Technology – (38)” is to be considered equivalent to the branch “Compute r
Engineering- (02)”
Consider Accordingly.
I/C Registrar
Winners of : ICT Enabled University Award E-India - 2009 v Manthan Award - 2009 v GESIA Award - 2011 v
Digital Learning WES - 2011 Award
University Campus, Nr. Vishwakarma Govt. Engg. College, Nr. Visat Three Roads, Sabarmati - Koba Highway, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad –
382424 - Guja ra t - India. Phone: + 91 - 79 - 23267500 E-mai l: info@gtu.ac .in URL: www .gtu.ac . in