lIeetinc (; ~8con state College 0"1 FACUL?YCOmrCIL i.nnrrcc )/92 ROLLCALL The Facu.Lty Counc i, net in rragular:;ession at boo p.tI. 1.1ith President strand i the chair and the folloning raemb er-s present! DerI"lJ, ::Jocart, :3r tdon , Char Leyj : Christensen (for Heath):, Colby, Dietz, Dunn, Ene8s er, Gilfillan, G:Llkey, Gleeson, Goode, Grill,' Lenon, Haser, Hart n, Ordeman , - Pf'anner , Pratt, Raabe, Richardson, Robinson" Sisson ( or crossen), stone, Strand, Tressler, !:Talls, Uilliams" llinger, -Iood, Zer an , APPROVAL OF Consideration called for. III NU1iES PORTLAND EXTEIJSION CENTER EASETSAll.T mnVEnSITY IIon ORA.frr D:CGIlEES of t ie ninutes of the llarch 11, 1954 meeting The ,onutes vlere declared approved. uas President Strand reported recent activity in connection with the clarification of r lations of the Portland Extension Center and the several insti tions in the Oregon state System of HiGher Education. He reported that a revised contract be tueen Oregon state College and I(asetsart Uni rsity in Thailand had been discussed at the last mee of tl eState Doard of Higher Education and had received tentative approval subj ect to referral to the state Attorney General. He said so me legal difficulties r,liGht be Lnvo Lvcd and thes \lere '.:iei!1Gtror'ked on. President Strand l' ferred to action of the Faculty Council Ilarch 13, 1952 on . olicy and procedures on honor-ary decrees. In accordance ~Jitl the adopted procodures, he said a proposal for an hono rary de0"ree had been suoni.t tcd to tho Conru.t tee on IIonoraI"J Decrees 1. ° th a r-esu Ltine vot e of 3 for and 2 aGainst the propo sal., 7h nember s had voted and reported separately to the President 1-blrout hav met as a croup or knov.irig each others I Ldentd.ty ; After dscussion of the questions involved, the Faculty Counc ° co nsidered and adopted the fo Ll.otr two motions clarifyinG its IiaTch 13, 19~;2 action pertaininc to honorary deCrees: :- A four-fifths favorable vote ~hall be required if a proposal is to e transmitted for action by the tdve Co nc i.L, and the Pr'3sident. :- I:ach member of and report his comrai, t tee shal he committee shall vote separately o t e di rectly to t.he President. The not meet as a gro up , ADJOURlnillliT The meet.i ng Has declared adjourned at b55 0 rclock. DeJJner il, Goode Secretary
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