Review of Recent Development of Photoinjectors in Japan Mitsuru Uesaka1^ Hokuto Iijima2\ Katsuhiro Dobashi2^ Jinfeng Yang 3\ Shuji Miyamoto4^ Akihiko Mizuno5^ ^ Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory, University of Tokyo, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan ' National Institute for Radiological Science, 4-9-1, Anagawa, Inage, Chiba, Japan 3) Sumitomo Heavy Industries Co,, 2-1-1, Tanido, Tanashi, Tokyo, Japan 4) Himeji Institute of Technology, Sayo-Gun, Hyogo, Japan 5) Japan Advanced Synchrotron Research Institute(SPring8), Sayo-Gun, Hyogo, Japan Abstract. Systematic developments of the photoinjectors for ultrashort and high quality electron beam works are under way in Japan. Sumitomo succeeded in transformation of the Gaussian shape to the trapezoidal one in the temporal and transverse profiles of the drive laser and achieved 0.9 Jtmm.mrad with 1 nC/bunch. It is the best data in the transverse aspect. Himeji Inst. Tech. is operating very unique needle-shaped photocathode RF gun with the original Nd/Glass laser for IR-FEL and Compton scattering X-rays. U.Tokyo/JASRI(SPring8)/KEK/NIRS/BNL/etc. are developing and operating the S-band photoinjectors with Cu, Mg and Cs2Te cathodes, and transmission-type one in near future. Further, U.Tokyo/KEK/NIRS are designing and constructing a new X-band RF-gun/linac/laser system to generate inverse Compton scattering hard X-rays(33-50keV) for intraveneous angiography. SUMITOMO HEAVY INDUSTRIES A technique of laser pulse shaping was developed for low-emittance electron beam generation by Sumitomo Heavy Industires [1-3]. The emittance growth due to space charge and RF effects in the RF gun was experimentally investigated with square and Gaussian temporal laser pulse shapes. The temporal pulse shaper was accomplished through a technique of frequency-domain pulse shaping. The spectrum of the incident femtosecond laser pulse was dispersed in space between a pair of diffraction gratings separated by a pair of lenses ( Fig. 1). A computer-addressable liquid-crystal spatial light modulator (LC-SLM) with 128 pixels was used as the phase mask. The resolution of the phase shift on LC-SLM was near 0.01 jt. The pulse shaper was located between the oscillator and the pulse stretcher to reduce the possibility of damage on the optics. The typical Gaussian and square-shaped temporal distributions of the UV laser pulses with a pulse length of 9 ps FWHM are shown in Fig. 2. The data was measured by an X-ray streak camera with a time resolution of 2 ps, resulting a rise time of 1.5 ps for the square pulse shape. The pulse-to-pulse fluctuation of the shaped pulse length was 7 %. The spatial profile of the laser beam on the cathode is shown in Fig. 3. The beam spot size was 1.2 mm and 0.4 mm FWHM in the horizontal and vertical CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 839 Photocathode RFGun +L_^ Electron 7 Bunch Screen Solenoid Magnet Linac Q Magnet FIGURE 1. Experimental arrangement (a) X [mm] Y [mm] FIGURE 2. Temporal distribution of the Gaussian (a) and square (b) laser pulse lengthof9psFWHM. FIGURE 3. Spatial profiles of the laser beam in horizontal (a) and vertical (b) directions. directions, respectively. The normalized rms horizontal emittance measured as a function of the laser pulse length is shown in Fig. 4 for the Gaussian and square temporal pulse shapes. The electron bunch charge was fixed at 0.6 nC and the solenoid field was set to 1.5 kG which was optimal for compensating the space charge emittance at 0.6 nC. The data shows that the emittance increases at shorter and longer laser pulse length regions for both the Gaussian and square pulse shapes. This is behaved in emittance growth due to space charge and rf effects. The normalized rms horizontal emittance was also measured as a function of the bunch charge for the Gaussian and square temporal pulse shapes with a pulse length of 9 ps FWHM, as shown in Fig. 5. The measured data was fit as a function of 840 £=V(tf'02+6'2, (1) where a' is a fitting parameter referred to space charge force, and bf in jtmm-mrad is a zero charge emittance. It is found that the square pulse shape reduced the space charge force of about 50% comparing with the Gaussian pulse shape. Consequently, the optimal normalized rms emittance of 1.2 jtmm-mrad at 1 nC was obtained by a square temporal laser pulse shape with a pulse length of 9 ps FWHM. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0.5 1 Electron charge [nObunch] Luerpuke length |ps] FIGURE 4. The emittance versus laser pulse length at 0.6 nC for the Gaussian (triangle) and square (dot) pulse shapes. FIGURE 5. The emittance versus bunch charge for the Gaussian (triangle) and square (dot) pulse shapes at a pulse length of 9 ps FWHM. PHOTO-NEEDLE RF GUN A laser-excited RF-gun using a tungsten needle photocathode (Fig.6a) was proposed. Design studies of gun performance with numerical calculations and a preliminary experiment of a needle-RF-gun were performed. A tip radius of a needle a low energy-spread and a relatively low field-emission current (Fig.6b). The results of design studies for our 15MeV linac (LEENA) RF-gun indicate that the optimum tip radius is 8.8 \Ji m, and a peak photocurrent of 92 A with a pulse width of ~ 6 ps and an energy-spread of ~ 1 % can be obtained using a mode-locked Nd:YLF laser which has a wavelength of 351 nm, a micropulse duration of 10 ps, a peak intensity of 330 MW/cm2, and an initial phase of 20 deg. In this design calculation, an enhanced quantum efficiency of photo emission due to the high electric field [4] is assumed. ONE CELL S-BAND RF GUN AT SPRINGS In the SPring-8, a photo-cathode RF gun with a pill-box type single cell cavity (Sband) are studied. The cavity is shown in bottom right of the Fig. 9. A cavity wall made of OFHC cupper is used as a photocathode. There are two rf ports in order to avoid unsymmetrical filed distribution. The reasons of choice of the single cell cavity 841 macropulse current time-averaged photo-emission RF input field-emission mode-locked >ulsed UV laser usec needle , photo- /tip radius cathode/ ~10 ^m micropulse current -175 psec SCL current \ irrent RF-gui cavity :F tuner field-emitted current (b) 20 90 180 laser injection phase [deg] FIGURE 6. Schematic view and scenario of photo-current emission, (a) Schematic of a laserexcited needle-RF-gun system, (b) Field emission compornrnt in macropulse current and in micropulse current. 200 J- 0 10 15 20 25 30 20 35 40 60 Initial phase [deg] z-axis [mm] 80 100 FIGURE 8. Calculated peak photo-current at the cavity exit FIGURE 7. The calculated electric field distribution and the field-strength on the z-axis without a needle. are as follows. Firstly, simple structure of the cavity is easily compared with simulation. Secondly, the Q value can be designed low and a filling time becomes short, so that high field on the cathode surface is easily achieved. The maximum field on the cathode is 175 MV/m when the beam energy at the exit of the cavity is 4.1 MeV. The schematic drawing of the experiment setup is shown in up left of the Fig.9. The emittance can be measured by two slits scanning each other. Then x-xf data set of beam current can be obtained by a Faraday-cup in the straight section. From these data, each expected value of<^ 2 >, <x'2 > and <*•*'> can be calculated. Therefore, the 842 To dummy To Todummy dummy load load load coil | Solenoid Solenoid coil Solenoid coil RF RF Cavity Cavity Faraday cup cup Faraday Faraday cup Screen monitor Screen monitor Bending magnet Bending Bendingmagnet magnet Wall-current ^Wal -current monitor Wall-current monitor X-V slit X-Y X-Yslit slit Cu cathode Cucathode cathode UV-Laser path UV-Laser UV-Laserpath path 2424degrees degrees laser laser port port totodummy dummy load to dummyload load rfrf rf FIGURE cavity and an experimental FIGURE setup FIGURE9.9.9.AAAcavity cavityand andan anexperimental experimentalsetup setup Gaussian Beam Flat Beam FIGURE 10. The laser homogenizer FIGURE10. 10.The Thelaser laserhomogenizer homogenizer FIGURE normalized rms. emittance value can be obtained from the formula, normalized rms. rms. 2emittance value value can can be be obtained obtained from from the the formula, formula, normalized =< Y >< j3 > V < x2 ><emittance x' > - < x • e =< g >< b > <2 x 2 ><¢2x¢2 > - < x ⋅¢x¢ 2>.2 . e =< The g >< laser b > <system x >< x consists > - < x ⋅ of x >a Ti-Sapphier laser oscillator, an amplifier with YAG Thelaser lasersystem systemconsists consistsofofa aTi-Sapphier Ti-Sapphier laseroscillator, oscillator, an amplifier amplifier with YAG YAG The pumping laser and a third harmonics generator.laser Bad laser beaman spatial profilewith was one pumping laser and a third harmonics generator. Bad laser beam spatial profile was one pumping laserproblem and a third harmonics laser spatial was one of a serious of the SPring-8 generator. system. AsBad shown in beam Fig. 10, a laserprofile homogenizer, of a serious problem of the SPring-8 system. As shown in Fig.10, a laser homogenizer, of a serious problem of the SPring-8 system. As shown in Fig.10, a laser homogenizer, 843 which consists of microlenz array, can improve the spatial profile. The emittance was reduced by using this system. The measured horizontal emittance values are plotted in the Fig.l 1, as a function of beam charge. The data consists of three series that operation dates were different. Each three series has a high reproducible. The minimum emittance is 2.3 paimmmrad with charge of 0.2 nC, energy of 3.1 MeV. Also a fully-3D simulation code has been developed in the SPring-8, good agreement with the measured value is shown in the figure, in the region of less than 0.8 nC/bunch. FIGURE 11. Emittance value as a function of beam charge MG PHOTOINJECTOR BY U.TOKYO/SPRING8/KEK/ETC Aiming to generate an electron bunch with tens nC, a Mg photocathode RF gun had been constructed and installed to an S-band. Especially precise machining and diamond polishing in order to decrease a dark current manufactured the RF gun. The dark current after 22 days aging term was 600 pC/pulse for RF power of 6.6 MW. Quantum efficiency of the Mg cathode was measured to be 1.3 x 10"4 before the laser cleaning. Figure 12 shows a result of the generated charge as a function of the laser energy. The maximum charge 4 nC/bunch was obtained for 210 \Ji J. Horizontal and Vertical emittance are measured to be 80 paimm-mrad and 40 paimm-mrad for the charge of 2 nC/bunch and beam energy of 22 MeV. Compressed bunch duration was measured to be 0.7 ps (FWHM). Figure 13 shows typical bunch duration of the streak camera image. To decrease timing drift and jitter between pump-beam and probe-laser, fluctuation of temperature in the linac building was held on ±0.5 °C. The timing jitter after improvement of air condition is being measured now. In future the laser cleaning will be performed to realize dense bunch generation. In addition, radiation chemistry experiment starts, using the RF gun. 844 | /!' 3E= 1.3X 10-4|....._. 4 3.5 3 1 i '........i.........r*ii 1 -----------J----------J----------J-------4- ----- r™-~~ r--- -----------t-----------p--------t^:-----l------ ! V \ 1.5 i 4444--------- L........ r- \ ...;X4---4---4----i---(.. . . . . j. . . . . .j. . . . . .j. . . . . .j. . . . . . 4 ............J.............L............L. n Laser Energy [joj] 20ps FIGURE 12. 12. The The charge charge as as aa function function of the FIGURE laser energy. energy. laser 40ps 50ps FIGURE 13. Streak image image of of the the Cherenkov Cherenkov light. RF GUNS GUNS FOR FOR COMPACT HARD X-RAY SOURCE RF SOURCE FOR FOR ANGIOGRAPHY Hard X-rays X-rays of of 10~50keV 10~50keV are now very useful Hard useful for medical medical science, science, biology, biology, material science science etc. For etc. For example, Dynamic Intravenous Coronary material Coronary Arteriography Arteriography (IVCAG) by by aa high high quality quality monochromatic monochromatic hard (IVCAG) hard X-ray X-ray via via Synchrotron Synchrotron Radiation Radiation (SR) isis proposed proposed and and tested tested in in some some institutes. institutes. Most SR sources (SR) Most of of SR sources are are too too large large to to apply spread use of IVCAG. Then, we are going to develop a compact hard apply spread use of IVCAG. Then, we are going to develop a compact hard X-ray X-ray (10-50 keV) keV) source source based based on on Laser-electron Laser-electron collision collision using (10~50 using by by X-band X-band (11.525GHz) (11.525GHz) linac system for dynamic IVCAG. The X-band linac is introduced linac system for dynamic IVCAG. The X-band linac is introduced to to realize realize very very compact system. compact system. Compact hard hard X-ray X-ray source source based based on on X-band X-band linac linac that Compact that we we propose propose is is shown shown in in Figure 14. Multi-bunch beam generated by thermionic-cathode RF-gun is accelerated Figure 14. Multi-bunch beam generated by thermionic-cathode RF-gun is accelerated by X-band X-band accelerating accelerating structure. structure. The The beam beam is is bent by bent and and focuses focuses at at the the collision collision point. point. We are going to design a thermionic-cathode RF-gun and Photo-cathode We are going to design a thermionic-cathode RF-gun and Photo-cathode RF-gun. RF-gun. We have have performed performed aa fundamental fundamental design design for for the We the X-band X-band photo-cathode photo-cathode RF-gun RF-gun using using the PARMALA code. Numerical analysis of beam transport for whole the PARMALA code. Numerical analysis of beam transport for whole system system including photo-cathode photo-cathode X-band X-band RF-gun RF-gun and and X-band including X-band accelerating accelerating structure structure is is already already presented[5]. Beam parameters at the collision point (C.P.) are shown in Table presented[5]. Beam parameters at the collision point (C.P.) are shown in Table 1. 1. 845 Laser Dump Bending Magnet Laser Laser Dump Dump Alpha AlphaMagnet Magnet Q-Magnet Multi-bunch Electron Beam % ^Bending Magnet Bending Magnet X-band Accelerating Structure Q-Magnet Q-Magnet Alpha Magnet X-band X-band Accelerating Accelerating Structure Structure X-band X-band Power Source Power Source h he r r i t c t cs s e w wLi a L a - S SG Q QYA- A G Y d: : N Nd Thermionic cathode X-band RF-gun Thermionic cathode Thermionic cathode X-band X-bandRF-gun RF-gun Timing Timing System System Collision Point Collision Point Beam Dump Collision Point Beam Dump BeamDump Mirror Mirror Lens Laser light^ N£ Lens (1064light nm) Laser Hard X-ray(33keV) (1064 nm) (1064 nm) Hard X-ray(33keV) , x^ Hard X-ray(33keV) FIGURE 14. Schematic illustration of Compact Hard X-ray source based on termionic-cathode X-band FIGURE 14.Schematic Schematic illustration ofand Compact HardNd:YAG RF-gun, X-band accelerating structure Q-switch laser.based on termionic-cathode FIGURE 14. illustration of Compact Hard X-ray source termionic-cathode X-band X-band RF-gun,X-band X-bandaccelerating accelerating structure structure and and Q-switch Q-switch Nd:YAG Nd: YAG laser. RF-gun, Beam energy |Beam Beamenergy energy Charge/bunch |Charge/bunch (^ge/himch Bunch length (FWHM) Bunch length (FWHM) Beam size(rms)(x,y) |Beam Beamsize(rms)(x,y) size(rms)(x,y) Beam emittance(x,y) |Beam emittance(x,y) Beam emittance(x,y) Momentum spread |Momentum Momentum spread spread 56 MeV 156 56 MeV 900MeV pC 1900 900 pC 19 ps |l9ps 19 77,ps 77 mm 177, 77, 77 77 mhn p mm mrad 6.3, 6.2 m 16.3, 6.3, 6.2 6.2 p^mm mrad mm mrad 0.03 0.03 0.03 TABLE 1. Beam parameters at the collision point[5] TABLE 1. 1. Beam Beam parameters parameters at at the the collision collision point[5] TABLE point[5] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X-ray energy [keV] X-ray energy [keY] FIGURE15. 15. Energyspectrum spectrumand and energy (left (left figure figure )) vs. scattering angle X-ray FIGURE vs. scattering scattering angle angle(right (rightfigure) figure)of X-rayin FIGURE 15. Energy Energy spectrum and energy energy (left figure ) vs. figure) ofof of X-ray inin singlebunch(20pC/bunch) bunch(20pC/bunch) collision with Q-switch Q-switch Nd:YAG-laser(2J/pulse) .(right Scattering angle 0 0rad single collision with Nd:YAG-laser(2J/pulse) . Scattering angle of rad single bunch(20pC/bunch) collision with Q-switch Nd:YAG-laser(2J/pulse) . Scattering angle of 0 rad direction of electronbeam. beam. isisisdirection directionof ofelectron electron beam. To concentrateon onR&D R&D of of the accelerator, accelerator, we To we use use existing existinglaser lasersystem systemfor forlaserlaserTo concentrate concentrate onTo R&D of the the accelerator, we use existing laser system for laserelectron collision. realize simple and compact system, we apply a Q-switch electron collision. To realize simple and compact system, we apply a Q-switch electron To realize simple and compact system, we apply a Q-switch Nd:YAGcollision. laser with with intensity 2J/pulse, repetition lOpps, Nd:YAG laser intensity 2J/pulse, repetition rate rate 10pps, 10pps, pulse pulse length length Nd:YAG laser with intensity 2J/pulse, repetition rate pulse length lOns(FWHM), and wavelength 1064nm, which is commercial product. 10ns(FWHM), and wavelength 1064nm, which is commercial product. 10ns(FWHM), and wavelength 1064nm, which is commercial product. 846 We choose choose aa very very simple simple system system by by focussing focussing on on only only averaged averaged X-ray X-ray flux. flux. We We We construct the the system system with with the the thermionic-cathode thermionic-cathode RF-gun RF-gun (20 (20 pC/bunch, pC/bunch, ~10 ~1044 construct bunches/RF-pulse, 10pmm mrad) and and Q-switch Q-switch Nd:YAG Nd:YAG laser laser (2J/pulse, (2J/pulse, pulse pulse length length bunches/RF-pulse, lOjtmm mrad) 10ns in FWHM, FWHM, repetition repetition rate rate lOpps). 10pps). 10ns in We assume assume head-on head-on collision. collision. This This system system generates generates X-rays X-rays with with l.VxlO 1.7x1077 We 88 photons/pulse (l.VxlO (1.7x10 photons/s) photons/s) that that is is sum sum of of each each bunch. bunch. photons/pulse Gun type type Gun Thermionic Thermionic -cathode -cathode Electroon beam beam Electroon 20pC/bunch 20pC^unch 4 10 bunches/pulse 10 bunches/pulse Laser Laser Q-switch Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Q-switch 2J/pulse, 10ns, 10ns, lOpps 10pps 2J/pulse, X-rayyield yield (photons) (photons) X-ray 8 77 1.7 10 /pulse (1.7x108/s) /s) 1.7xl0 /pulse(1.7xl0 ( 430nW) (430nW) Photo-cathode Photo -cathode 500pC/bunch 500pC/bunch 20TW Ti-Sapphire Ti-Sapphire 20TW 1J/pulse, 50fs, 50fs, lOpps 10pps U/pulse, 1.6 107 /pulse(1.6xl0 /pulse (1.6x108 /s) /s) 1.6Xl0 Photo-cathode Photo -cathode 500pC/bunch 500pC/bunch Photo-cathode Photo -cathode (Multi-bunch) (Multi-bunch) 500pC/bunch ?0pp^/bunch 20bunches/pulse 20bunches/pulse Nd:Glass 2.1 108 /pulse /pulse Nd:Glass 2.1Xl0 10J/pulse, 10ps,«lpps 10ps, <<1pps lOJ/pulse, 6.3 N )/pulse 115nJ/bunch+Super-cavity 5nJ/bunch+Super-cavity ( f3x7V)/pulse (15 N )nJ/bunch, 7ps 7ps (15XAOnJ/bunch, 7 8 8 TABLE 2. 2. X-ray X-ray yields yields of of various various laser laser system system TABLE Energy distribution distribution and and angler angler distribution distribution of of generated generated X-ray X-ray isis shown shown in in Figure Figure Energy 15. spectrum calculated calculated by by Klein-Nishina's Klein-Nishina’s formula formula and and 15. Solid Solid line line indicates indicates spectrum Luminosity calculation, and Histogram Histogram shows shows the the result result of of beambeam- beam beam interaction interaction Monte-Carlo simulation code code CAIN. CAIN. X-ray X-ray energy energy reached reached to to 57keV 57keV at at beam beam energy energy 56MeV. Dynamic image of coronary artery <3m X-band Klystron Gun >C-baiid acceleratmg structure 2D X-ray detector <5m FIGURE FIGURE 16. 16. Final Final target target of of this this work. work. 847 X-ray yields of various laser system is summarized in Table 2. The system with Thermionic-cathode and Q-switch laser is not only very simple and compact but also can generate high flux X-ray with intensity 108photons/s. To achieve 10nphotons/s required for dynamic IVCAG, we use technique of circulation of laser light, which enhance luminosity 10 times. Laser power and repetition rate must be reached to lOJ/pulse and 50pps. Final target of this study is the integrated system for dynamic IVCAG shown in Figure 16. This system has X-band RF-source and moving arm including X-band linac, Q-switch Laser system and X-ray detector. We can perform dynamic IVCAG easily and can get clear dynamic image of coronary artery with less distress for patient. REFERENCES 1. J. Yang et al., J, Appl Phys. 92, 1608 (2002). 2. J. Yang et al., Proceedings of EPAC2002, 3-7 Jun. 2002, Paris,France. 3. J. Yang et al., NucL Instrum. Meth. A, to be published. 4. T. Inoue, S.Miyamoto, S.Amano, M.Yatsuzuka, T.Mochizuki, submitted to Jpn, J, Appl Phys. 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