3-D Simulations of Plasma Wakefield Acceleration with Non-Idealized Plasmas and Beams S. Deng, T. Katsouleas, S. Lee, P. Muggli University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 W.B. Mori, R. Hemker, C. Ren, C. Huang, E. Dodd, B.E. Blue, C.E. Clayton, C. Joshi, S. Wang University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles CA 90095 F.-J. Decker, M. J. Hogan, R.H. Iverson, C. O'Connell, P. Raimondi, D. Walz Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA 94025 Abstract. 3-D Particle-in-cell OSIRIS simulations of the current E-162 Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Experiment are presented in which a number of non-ideal conditions are modeled simultaneously. These include tilts on the beam in both planes, asymmetric beam emittance, beam energy spread and plasma inhomogeneities both longitudinally and transverse to the beam axis. The relative importance of the non-ideal conditions is discussed and a worstcase estimate of the effect of these on energy gain is obtained. The simulation output is then propagated through the downstream optics, drift spaces and apertures leading to the experimental diagnostics to provide insight into the differences between actual beam conditions and what is measured. The work represents a milestone in the level of detail of simulation comparisons to plasma experiments. INTRODUCTION Particle-in-cell simulations have become a powerful tool for modeling plasma experiments including plasma accelerators. A number of recent works have highlighted the ability of PIC simulation to provide exquisite insight into the physics of plasma wakefield accelerators in 2-D [1-3] and 3-D [4, 5]. These have been used to design new experiments [1], interpret old experiments, and test new regimes and scaling laws [6 ]. Typically, such models have used input conditions that approximate the idealized experimental conditions, such as homogenous plasmas, Gaussian beams, CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 592 etc. In this report, we extend the way PIC models are used to a new level; namely we perform detailed modeling of the imperfections of a real experiment and an assessment of their importance. In addition, we use the simulations to provide insight into the diagnostics of the experiment. To do this, we propagate the model results out of the plasma and downstream to the diagnostic to assess the differences between what is the true state of the beam at the plasma exit and what is measured at the diagnostic. The model we use is OSIRIS, described in Ref. 2. Except where noted, the physical parameters are that of the E-162 experiment and can be found elsewhere in these proceedings [7]. The simulation parameters were typically as follows: a computational mesh of 400x100x100 grids of size .05 c/(flp (approximately 15 microns), 9 plasma and 9 beam particles per cell, a moving window with a time-step of .02/0)p run for 100,000 steps (1.4 m) on 64 processors at NERSC. In the next section we briefly review some modeling of non-ideal conditions of the beam and plasma separately [8]. Then we turn to the case in which all the non-ideal conditions are present at once. This is in some sense a worstcase scenario for a plasma wakefield experiment. Finally, we discuss the impact of various conditions on the performance of the wakefield accelerator. SIMULATIONS ISOLATING SINGLE NON-IDEAL EFFECTS Non-Ideal Beams Figure 1 depicts the wakefields in a 3-D OSIRIS simulation for the case of round and asymmetric beams. Fig. la corresponds to a round beam with 4xl010 electrons with a spot size of 75 microns in a plasma of density 2xl014 cm"3. In Fig. Ib, the x2 (or x) spot size has been doubled and the x3 (or y) spot size has been halved. As can be seen, the amplitude of the wake is smaller when the beam is asymmetric. The reason for this is that the blow out forces [9] are different in each plane, leading to a different time for the return of electrons to the axis. The phase mixing or blur in the time for the electrons to converge to the axis reduces the amplitude of the density compression there and hence the amplitude of the wakefield spike. Despite the reduction in peak wakefield (i.e., the spike), the shape of the wake is relatively unchanged up until the spike. Thus if the wake were beamloaded ahead of the spike [6], we would expect the asymmetry to have little adverse effect. Also, the effect of asymmetry becomes less and less if the beam is made much smaller than the plasma skin depth (in both dimensions). 593 Symmetric Beam ( aspect ratio 1 : 1 ) Asymmetric Beam ( aspect i 0.25 0.00 MneoutsofE1(Ez)> _ 0 25 along x1 (z) * __ -0.25 -0.50 -0.75 9.2mm 2.75 mm x1 1.8 mi 1.8 mi color contour plots of E1 in x1-x2-plane for x3 at center color contour plots of E1 in x1-x3-plane for x2 at center 2.75 mm x1 9.2mm color code for E1 FIGURE 1. Comparison of wakes from beams with round (left) and elliptical tranverse crosssections. Non-Ideal Plasma Figure 2 depicts a worst case image of the profile of the uv laser used to ionize the Li plasma in E-157. The hot spots lead to transverse plasma density gradients that are modeled as shown in Fig. 2b. Note the characteristic sizes of the beam and blowout channel with respect to the scale of the hot spots. The result of the asymmetric plasma is to both reduce the peak wakefield and to shift slightly the location of the peak away from the higher density plasma side. The reason for this is that the restoring force on the blown out electrons is greater on the high density side, so these electrons return to the axis first and overshoot it before meeting with the electrons from the low density side. This shift of the peak accelerating contour is apparent in Fig. 3. We note also that the area of this contour and hence the acceptance of the accelerator is less than in the homogeneous case (not shown). Finally, we mention that the focusing force becomes asymmetric in the density gradient, and this results in a deflection force on the beam. The stronger focusing on the high density side causes the beam to be deflected toward lower plasma density. Interestingly, this is opposite to the sense of the deflection of a beam near a plasma boundary (refraction) [5 ]. 594 - 0.75 - 0.5 "1:ttZ5—--0----1IT2S""il UV profile y Cnm] el 57(05715/00) Simulation Modal 0.5 FIGURE2. 2. Gradients Gradients in in laser laser profile profile in in experiments experiments (left) (left) and and model model density density FIGURE (left) and model density FIGURE 2. Gradients in laser profile in experiments gradientsused used in in simulations. simulations. gradients gradients used in simulations. FIGURE 3. Contours of Ez in a transverse density gradient. Inset: line outs of FIGURE 3. 3. Contours Contours of of Ez Ez in in aa transverse transverse density density gradient. FIGURE gradient. Inset: Inset: line line outs outs of of Ez on on axis axis at at (black) (black) and and at at +-0.2 +-0.2σ σ.. The The peak acceleration acceleration volume is is off axis axis Ez Ez on axis at (black) and at +-0.2a. The peak peak acceleration volume volume is off off axis toward the the low low density density side. side. toward toward the low density side. 595 0.75 SIMULATION OF SIMULTANEOUS NON-IDEAL EFFECTS: E162 Each of the non-ideal effects discussed in the previous section yield modest reductions in the net energy gain of particles in the tail of the beam - typically 15-20% for the cases shown. When taken together, one might then be concerned that the reductions could add, resulting in negligible energy gain. To address this we present next simulation results for a case with worstcase conditions on the beam tilt, asymmetry, transverse plasma density gradient and longitudinal plasma density gradient. For this case, the beam is tilted in both planes n nn-<———,—————————————————^~™«», by ~ Imrad (.2 ox per oz), had an uncorrelated energy spread of .5% and unequal transverse emittances of 1571 and 6071 mm-mrad in the y and x directions, respectively. The initial spot size S -3.75was round but evolves asymmetrically due to the different emittances. The plasma was taken to have a longitudinal density on axis that decreased -also -ilas o.oo i.'as a,so from 2.3 to 1.9 xlQ•U41 __-3 cm" over the 1.4 m length ™™T«^ „ nn , • (corresponding to the uncompensated pump FIGURE 4. Transverse density \ . * * . , , T,U profile in simulation. depletion of a non-converging laser). The transverse density profile had a linear ramp increasing by 33% over the 2mm system size in both planes with a "cold spot" of 10% lower density in the middle 25 microns of the simulation box (see lineout in Fig. 4). x 1 Figure 5 shows sample output for the beam and plasma wake at early and late times in the run. The initial beam tilt is visible in Fig. 5a. At later times, a portion of the tail of the beam has been completely blown out of the simulation box. These particles were sitting just behind the electric field spike of the wake and are strongly defocused; since there is a tilt in the beam, this defocusing is asymmetric. Further back there is another group of electrons riding in the next accelerating bucket. Slices of the plasma wake show that later in the run, the location of the spike has slipped backward in the beam frame due to the longer wavelength of the wake in the low density region at the end of the run. In Fig. 6 we show the initial and final longitudinal phase space of the beam; the energy loss of the center of the beam and the gain of the tail in relation to the energy spread can be appreciated. 596 FIGURE 5. 5. Beam FIGURE Beam profiles profiles (top) (top) in iny-z y-zplane planeatatearly early(left) (left)and andlate latetimes timesinin FIGUREin5.units Beam profiles (top) in y-z plane at early (left)and and latetimes. times in simulation ωp and simulation in units of of c/ c/oop and wakefields wakefields on onaxis axisatatearly early andlate late times. simulation in units of c/ωp and wakefields on axis at early and late times. FIGURE 6. Phase space Pz/mc-ωpz/c of the beam before and after the FIGURE 6.Phase Phasespace spacePP/mc-(OpZ/c of the beam beam before and z/mc-ωpz/c of FIGURE and after afterthe the z plasma in 6. OSIRIS simulation; momentum the increases before downward. plasma OSIRISsimulation; simulation;momentum momentum increases increases downward. plasma ininOSIRIS downward. 597 InIn Fig. Fig. 77 we we In Fig. we show show 7 the the show the result ofof result result simulating simulating of simulating the the the experimental experimental experimental diagnostic diagnosticfor for diagnostic for the the non-ideal non-ideal the non-ideal simulation simulation simulation data. The data. The data. The from data data from data 6 from Fig. FIGURE Fig. 6 has has FIGURE7.7. Simulated Simulatedexperimental experimentaldiagnostic diagnosticof ofy-z y-z(energy-z) (energy-z)particle particle Fig. 6 has FIGURE 7.noplasma Simulated experimental diagnostic of y-z space and Plots are generated by spacefor forno plasma(left) (left) andwith withplasma. plasma. Plots are(energy-z) generatedparticle byusing using been beenexported exported space for no plasma (left) and with plasma. Plots are generated by using been exported OSIRIS OSIRISdata datafrom fromthe theplasma plasmaexit exitas asinput inputtotoTURTLE TURTLEto topropagate propagate the the to to the the code code OSIRIS data from the plasma exit as input to TURTLE to propagate the to the code particles particlestotothe theCherenkov Cherenkovdiagnostic. diagnostic. Head Headof ofbeam beamisisleft; left;higher higherenergy energyisis TURTLE; particles to the Cherenkov diagnostic. Head of beam is left; higher energy is TURTLE; aaa up. up. TURTLE; up. correlated correlated correlated energy added and the beam propagated 12m through imaging energy chirp chirp has has been beenadded addedand andthe thebeam beampropagated propagated12m 12mthrough through the imaging energy chirp has been thethe imaging spectrometer fields to the time-resolved diagnostic in E-162. Fig. 7 shows spectrometer fields to the time-resolved diagnostic in E-162. Fig. 7 shows the spectrometer fields to the time-resolved diagnostic in E-162. Fig. 7 shows thethe corresponding y-z values of the beam particles there. corresponding y-z values of the beam particles there. corresponding y-z values of the beam particles there. Fig. slice-average energy change the beam non-ideal OSIRIS Fig. 888 shows shows slice-average slice-averageenergy energychange changeofof ofthe thebeam beaminin inthethe the non-ideal OSIRIS Fig. shows non-ideal OSIRIS simulation as well as comparisons simulation as well as comparisons to simulation as well as comparisons to to the ideal case and to the simulated the ideal case and to the simulated the ideal case and to the simulated 3DD diagnostic.The The energy gain of the diagnostic. The energy gain diagnostic. energy gain of of thethe peak slice in this case was 200 MeV peak slice in this case was 200 MeV peak slice in this case was 200 MeV 2DD over1.4m 1.4moror or about 25% lower than over 1.4m about 25% lower than over about 25% lower than theidealized idealizedcase case with no tilts and the idealized case with tilts the with nono tilts andand 1DD 14 14 14 uniformplasma plasmaofof of density 1.5x10 uniform plasma density 1.5xl0 uniform density 1.5x10 3 -3 -3 cm. ..Most Most of the difference can be cm ofof the difference cancan bebe D cm" Most the difference attributed toto the tilttilt ofof thethe beam; thisthis attributed to the tilt of the beam; this attributed the beam; causes thethe z-location of of -1DD -1DD causesparticles particlesatat at the z-location of causes particles z-location the field to to bebe offoff thepeak peakaccelerating accelerating field to be off the peak accelerating field -2QQ -2QQ axis thethe region of of peak axisand andoutside outside the region of peak axis and outside region peak field. Some reduction is also due to field. Some reduction is also due to field. Some reduction is also due to Z(ps) the the backward backward slippage slippage of of ofthethe the the backward slippage accelerating peak inin thethe longitudinal FIGURE 8.8. Average Average accelerating peak in the longitudinal accelerating peak longitudinal FIGURE8. Averageenergy energygain gainper perps slice FIGURE energy gain per pspsslice slice for the non-ideal simulation (solid), for the density gradient. To simulate forthe thenon-ideal non-idealsimulation simulation(solid), (solid),for forthe the density gradient. gradient. To To simulate simulatethethe the for density ideal simulation experimental idealsimulation simulation(dashed). (dashed). ideal (dashed). experimentaldiagnostic, diagnostic,wewe wehave have experimental diagnostic, have apertured the data inin Fig. 7 in x; x; this apertured the data in Fig. in x; this this apertured the data Fig. 77 in is to simulate the effect of the slit in the streak camera. The result of the beam simulate the the effect effect ofof the the slit slit inin the the streak streak camera. camera. The The result result of of the the beam beam isis toto simulate propagation and andand thethe propagation and and aperture apertureis filterout outsome someofof ofthe thetail tailparticles particles reduce propagation aperture isisto totofilter filter out some the tail particles andreduce reduce the “measured” energy gain relative the “actual” energy gain at at thethe plasma exit. This work “measured” energy gain relative the “actual” energy gain plasma exit. This work "measured" energy gain relative the "actual" energy gain at the plasma exit. This work is still in progress paper. stillin inprogress progressand andwill willbe bereported reportedinininaaaforthcoming forthcoming paper. isisstill and will be reported forthcoming paper. 598 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Work supported by USDOE #DE-FG03-92ER40745, DE-FC02-01ER41192, DEFG03-98DP00211, DE-FG03-92ER40727, DE-AC03-765F00515, DE-FC0201ER41179, NSF #ECS-9632735, DMS-9722121, and LLNL #W07405-ENG48, NSF-PHY-0078715, PHY-0078508. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 2. 5. 6. Lee, S. et al.,. Physical Review £, 61: (6) 7014-7021 Part B JUNE 2000. Hemker, R. et al., Proc. Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC), IEEE 5, 3672-4 (1999). Bruwhiler, D. et al., Physical Review STAccel Beams 4, 101302 (2001) Dodd, E.S. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 125001 (2002). Muggli, P. et al., Nature 411, 43 May 3 (2001). Lee, S. et al., Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, 501 (1): 1001-U9 JAN 2002. 7. Hogan, M. et al., these proceedings. 8. Ren, C. et al, in preparation. 9. Rosenzweig, J. et al., Phys. 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