Theory for Wake Fields and Bunch Stability in Planar Dielectric Structures S. Y. Park,1'2 Changbiao Wang,3 and J. L. Hirshfield2'3 1 POSTECH, Pohung, Korea Omega-P, Inc., 199 Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT06511 USA 3 Beam Physics Laboratory, Yale University, 272 Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT 06511 2 Abstract. Wake field forces that are induced within the vacuum gap of a planar dielectric-loaded waveguide along which a matched planar beam is propagating have been analyzed analytically. When femtosecond, pico-Coulomb bunches from a LACARA-driven optically-chopped beam are used, it is shown that accelerating wake fields in the range of 100's of MV/m can be produced. Stability issues for this arrangement are examined based on field expansion in symmetric and antisymmetric LSM and LSE modes. INTRODUCTION Wake field accelerators [1-9] are generally attractive because no external source of radiation is needed to generate the accelerating fields. In such an accelerator, an electron bunch (drive bunch) passes through a waveguide partially filled with dielectric where the Cerenkov condition is satisfied, and hence excites wake radiation fields, which are used to accelerate a second electron bunch (test bunch) at a suitable distance behind the drive bunch; in other words, the drive bunch imparts its energy to the test bunch through Cerenkov and inverse Cerenkov effects. In a dielectric-loaded waveguide, the Cerenkov radiation spectrum is discrete, since waves radiated from charged particles and those reflected from boundaries interfere with one another [10]. Although all the electromagnetic modes excited by the drive bunch have different frequencies, they have an identical phase velocity, equal to the velocity of the drive bunch [1]. Gai and his coworkers have demonstrated experimentally wake field effects in a single-mode dielectric structure and found that experimental results agree reasonably well with theoretical predictions for a single drive bunch [1]. Different approaches have been developed to examine wake fields in a dielectric-loaded cylindrical wavegiude [2,3,6] and in a planar dielectric structure [4,5,9]. A fair degree of attention was aimed at transverse stability in the wake field acceleration scheme. It was shown that transverse wake fields do not vanish even in the ultrarelativistic limit [2,3], but are proportionately smaller than in an iris-loaded metallic structure [3]. Results for bunch dynamics from an analytic theory [6] indicate that use of the high wake field acceleration gradients that can be generated in a cylindrical dielectric-loaded waveguide will involve serious issues of transverse stability, since strong destabilizing transverse forces automatically accompany strong longitudinal acceleration gradients [8]. CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 527 The idea of coherent superposition of Cerenkov radiation in a wake field accelerator was proposed [5], in which a succession of drive bunches are positioned in such a way that they all lie in the decelerating wake fields of the preceding drive bunches; these drive bunches lose additional energy to produce a stronger accelerating field for a trailing test bunch. Since all the modes excited by the drive bunch have the same phase velocity, multimode constructive interference to produce a sharp peaked wake field is also possible. An experimental demonstration of a multimode wake field caused by a train of drive bunches has been carried out at ANL, where it was confirmed that the wake field from a train of bunches can be superimposed [7]. A further supporting experiment has been proposed [11]. The planar dielectric-lined rectangular waveguide in a wake field accelerator has some advantages over the cylindrical dielectric-loaded waveguide. The planar structure can be easily tuned to correct eigenmode frequency errors, and can store more energy for a given bunch charge [9]; it can pass more beam charge and has better stability to transverse beam deflection than a cylindrical structure of comparable dimension [4], particularly if the ratio of the beam height to width is > 10. Prior investigations on the planar structure have been made based on a two-dimensional (2D) model [4,5]. Although a 2D-analysis can simplify calculation and enable one to obtain useful conceptual information, it will obviate knowledge of important details about field transverse distributions, especially when transverse wake field effects are important. Recently, a full three-dimensional analysis has been published [9]. The authors employed longitudinal section electric (LSE) modes and longitudinal section magnetic (LSM) modes [12] to match boundary conditions and obtained dispersion relations for symmetric modes, in which the axial electric field is symmetric about the central plane parallel to the two dielectric slabs loaded in the waveguide. Symmetric LSE and LSM modes are sufficient to expand wake fields produced by ideal symmetric drive bunches. However, anti-symmetric LSE and LSM modes (see Appendix I) should be included when any asymmetry of drive bunches is involved or stability issues need to be examined. Thus, the use of only symmetric LSE and LSM modes to describe wake fields with neglect of anti-symmetric LSE and LSM modes will not allow a full analysis of bunch stability. A complete theory for excitation of wake fields in 3D planar dielectric-lined waveguides, similar in structure to a prior theory for cylindrical waveguides [6], has been formulated. In addition to finding analytic solutions for the wake fields themselves, analytic formulas have been derived for the forces on a test particle moving in the wake of other particles. These latter solutions are needed to explore questions of stability. This paper presents calculation results with this theory for femtosecond, pico-Coulomb bunches from a LAser Cyclotron AutoResonance Accelerator (LACARA) driven optically-chopped beam [13]. The schematic of LACARA-chopped slab bunch in the planar dielectric structure of the waveguide (not drawn) is shown in Fig. 1. For the examples to be discussed in this paper, the bunch is taken to be 3.5 fsec in duration (~1 jim) and 10 jim x 150 jim in transverse dimensions, containing ~1 pC and having energy -500 MeV. 528 a b FIGURE 1. Schematic of slab bunch within a planar dielectric structure. WAKE FIELDS AND FORCES A summary is given below of the analytic forms for the wake fields, and of the corresponding longitudinal and transverse forces, for a rectangular dielectric-lined waveguide structure as shown in Fig. 1 with height d, outer width 2b, and inner (vacuum) width 2a. The source function for the wake fields is a point charge qQ located at (x0,y0) that moves parallel to the z-axis with velocity v0 = c f i z . For finite-extent bunches, fields and forces are obtained by summing over point charges. (ezn(x)coskns v*>, H, d l,n=\ with s = z — v0t. When / is odd, if > (>;) = cos A; and when / is even, with k =— 529 The ortho-normalization constant is -6 V *2 _\b ^x2 (2) The transverse field components can be derived from the longitudinal components, as follows: (3) e— c and e— c ft) vk where (4) j k]_ = e/ii —z- — k2. In the dielectric regions, the axial field components are c given by ( hz(x)~\Bcosk2(b-x)/cosk2(b-a) (5) or B cosh k2 (b-x)/ cosh k2 (b - a) , if-k22=k22=k2±l-k2<0. (6) While in the vacuum region, where - k2 = kxl =k2u-k2y < 0, one has a symmetric solution, hz(x) (7) .Ssi and an anti-symmetric solution, 530 z (x) ^ _ (A sinh k^x I sinh k^a z (*) I I / (8) V The eigenvalue k and the ratio B/A are given by the condition that hy and ey be continuous at the dielectric-vacuum interface, leading to Mn Af12 =0 M12 M22 (9) From this one obtains the dispersion relation MUM22 -M,22 = 0, and the amplitude ratio = -Mn/Mn=-Mn/M22. The three components of the force on a test charge q are given simply by (e) (-s). (10) l,n=\ These components can easily be shown to satisfy the Panofsky-Wenzel theorem [14] —F F -V VF ~ ' A strict general proof of the above theorem is given in Appendix II. One can also derive the forces from a pseudo-potential, i.e., F = -VO , with (11) 7,71 = 1 This psuedo-potential O is expected to be useful in analyzing and visualizing regions of stability for wake fields. For beams of finite extent, the above results for a point charge source can be generalized by integrating over the extended source, employing the relationship (12) For a rectangular distribution of width 2A in x, for example, this gives rise to a form factor 531 -A<x<A otherwise V. and to the replacement I 1=- I sinfcc I I sinfcc Similar considerations apply for finite charge distributions in y. As a consequence, one can see that in the limit as the structure height d —> °o, if the beam height equals the structure height, one has for the form factor sin(/7r/2)/(/7z;/2). This is zero for / even, and decreases in magnitude as l~l for / odd, limiting the number of modes that make a significant contribution. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES Some examples of the calculated longitudinal force Fz = -qEz on a test electron at x = y = 0 are presented in Ref. [13] for one to ten 1-pC, 500 MeV symmetric sheet bunches each with width, height and length of 10, 150, and 1 jim injected symmetrically into the planar dielectric structure described Fig. 1 with 2a = 15 jim, 2b = 18.8 jim, and dielectric constant s =3.0. The bunch spacing is chosen to be equal to the fundamental wake field period of 20 jim, so that cumulative build-up of the field from successive bunches can occur. It has been shown in Ref. [13] that the calculated peak wake field amplitude of 40 MV/m from a single bunch is in good agreement with the value found in KARAT simulations. Uniform build-up of the maximum wake field to nearly 600 MV/m from ten bunches can be reached. These results affirm the expectation that injection of a train of pC sheet bunches into a micron-scale dielectric wake field structure could lead to accelerating wake fields that approach 1 GV/m. Here the same parameters of beam bunch and dielectric structure mentioned above are used to examine the issue of stability with the analytic formulas (Eq. 10, etc.) for the forces behind a moving bunch. In Figs. 2 and 3, examples are given for Fz and Fx, the longitudinal and transverse forces at locations behind a drive bunch where one would position either a test bunch for acceleration, or a second drive bunch for building up the wakefield. The locations chosen are for a 1 pC drive bunch that has advanced to z = 800 jim. For a symmetrically-injected 10-|im wide drive bunch, at z = 788 jim the on-axis accelerating force is 43.05 MeV/m, while at z = 779 jim the on-axis decelerating force is -41.9 MeV/m. Figs. 2a and 2b show the longitudinal and transverse force profiles at these two locations. For reference, the drive bunch profile is superimposed on each figure (although it is located ahead at z = 800 jim). One sees a gentle transverse variation in longitudinal force, which will give rise to spreads in either acceleration (Fig. 2a) or deceleration (Fig. 2b). One sees a transverse force profile that passes through zero on the structure axis; it is stabilizing (i.e., focusing) at the acceleration location (Fig. 2a), but is destabilizing (i.e., defocusing) at the deceleration location (Fig. 2b). 532 FIGURE 2a. Longitudinal ( F z ) and transverse ( F x ) force profiles on an electron in the planey = 0, z = 788 Jim, the location for maximum acceleration for a test bunch at z = 800 Jim. Note that the transverse force is stabilizing (i.e., focusing) and symmetric about x = 0. The projection on this plane of the symmetric 10-|im wide drive bunch is also shown. FIGURE 2b. Longitudinal ( F z ) and transverse ( F x ) force profiles on an electron in the plane y = 0, z = 779 Jim, the location for maximum deceleration for a drive bunch at z = 800 Jim. Note that the transverse force is de-stabilizing (i.e., defocusing) and symmetric about x = 0. In a second example, the 1-pC drive bunch is taken as being injected parallel to, but displaced 1.5 jim from, the structure axis. Fig. 3 shows the force profiles, also at the accelerating location z = 788 jim (Fig. 3a) and at the decelerating location z = 779 jim (Fig. 3b). Again, the transverse drive bunch profile is superimposed on the figures. The results show the longitudinal force profiles to be non-symmetric, with variations that are about a factor-or-two greater than for the symmetric bunch case of Fig. 2. Likewise, the transverse force profiles are non-symmetric: stabilizing at z = 788 jim, but with respect to the point x = -1.3 jim rather than the axis; and destabilizing at z = 779 jim. 533 E > 0 4 x (microns) FIGURE 3a. Same as Fig. 2a, at the z-plane of maximum acceleration, but for a drive bunch displaced +1.5 Jim transversely from the structure axis. Note that the non-symmetric transverse focusing is with respect to the point x = -1.3 Jim. E > <D 0.0 FIGURE 3b. Same as Fig. 2b, at the z-plane of maximum deceleration, but for a drive bunch displaced +1.5 |im transversely from the structure axis. Note that the destabilizing transverse force is positive except in the interval z < -5 Jim, where charge would not be intentionally placed. In this case, the entire bunch would be accelerated towards the right-hand dielectric wall. Determination of the exact consequence of a finite transverse force Fx as shown in Figs. 2 and 3 requires a dynamical calculation of transverse motion of test particles in the given non-uniform field. However, a simple estimate can be made for the case of a constant force Fx . An electron with no initial transverse velocity will follow a trajectory (Fx/2moy)(t-t0)2 , where (x0,t0) are initial values. Since we have (t-t0)=(z-z0 )/c = Az/c , then the distance Az that an electron can travel before being x =x displaced by a distance Ax is Az = ^2ym0c2Ax/\Fx\ . For \FX\ = 0.5 MeV/m, Ax= 2.5 534 |im, above, ∆ Axx == 2.5 2.5 µm, and and yγ == 1000, 1000, one one finds finds Az= ∆z = 7.1 7.1 cm. cm. Since, Since, in in the the examples examples taken taken above, jim would cause the bunch edge to scrape the dielectric wall (for a symmetric 10-|im µm would cause the bunch edge to scrape the dielectric wall (for a symmetric 10-µm wide from this this estimate estimate that that the the accelerating accelerating module module should should be be wide bunch), bunch), one one can can conclude conclude from shorter than 7.1 cm. The first prototype of a precision planar dielectric structure with an shorter than 7.1 cm. The first prototype of a precision planar dielectric structure with an internal gap of 15 jim would, as a practical matter, be no more than a few cm in length so internal gap of 15 µm would, as a practical matter, be no more than a few cm in length so that—based beam motions motions without without wall wall interception interception that—based on on the the above above estimate—transverse estimate—transverse beam should be possible in the first experiments. Of course, this estimate should be refined by by should be possible in the first experiments. Of course, this estimate should be refined use of an exact dynamical calculation. use of an exact dynamical calculation. ItIt is stability with with respect respect to to motions motions along along y, y, the the long long is also also instructive instructive to to examine examine stability vertical dimension within the dielectric structure. Figs. 4a and 4b show F and F as z y vertical dimension within the dielectric structure. Figs. 4a and 4b show Fz and Fy as functions 10-|im wide bunch with with height height of of 150 150 µm. jim. The The functions of of yy at at xx = = 00 for for aa symmetric symmetric 10-µm wide bunch forces are shown in the planes z = 788 jim (Fig. 4a) and z = 779 jim (Fig. 4b), where forces are shown in the planes z = 788 µm (Fig. 4a) and z = 779 µm (Fig. 4b), where maximum are found. found. The The F Fzz -profiles -profiles are are seen seen to to be be maximum acceleration acceleration and and deceleration deceleration are reasonably of each each conducting conducting wall, wall, but but thereafter thereafter fall fall (or (or rise) rise) reasonably uniform uniform to to within within 25 25 jim µm of rapidly to zero at the wall (where E is of course zero). The strong ^-gradient in F as z rapidly to zero at the wall (where E z is of course zero). The strong y-gradient in Fzz as one approaches the conducting walls could give rise to a large spread in accelerated beam one approaches the conducting walls could give rise to a large spread in accelerated beam energy. figures that that focusing focusing forces forces act act to to accelerate accelerate most most of ofthe the energy. ItIt is is also also is is seen seen in in both both figures beam edge towards the structure axis at y = 0. But in Fig. 4b, a narrow 10-|im-thick beam edge towards y= Fig. 10-µm-thick defocusing outer edge edge of of the the beam beam defocusing layer layer is also seen, which would tend to accelerate the outer into the wall. A full dynamical study of bunch motions under the action of the vertical into the wall. A full under the action of the vertical force the formation formation of of wake wake fields, fields, force FFyy is is also also clearly needed to accurately characterize the and the subsequent acceleration of test particles in planar structures. and the subsequent planar structures. 50 z 0 0 F = 0 -5 F ( x == 00,, zz == 7788j^m 8 8 µ m )) z 25 F (M e V /m ) F 5 y F (M eV /m ) a n d F (M e V /m ) 10 y x x bu n ch pprofile ro file bunch -2 5 -1 0 -7 5 -75 -5 0 -50 -2 5 -25 0 25 25 50 50 7 5 75 y (m ic ro n s) (microns) FIGURE 4a. 4a. Longitudinal Longitudinal ( FFzz)) and transverse (( F FIGURE F yy )) force force profiles profiles on on an an electron electronininthe theplane planexx==0,0,zz== 788 Jim, µm, the the location location for maximum maximum acceleration for a drive bunch at z = 800 788 800 µm. Jim. Note Note that that the the transverse transverse forces near near the the walls walls are are stabilizing (i.e., focusing), tending to accelerate electrons y << 75 forces electrons in in 58 58 << \y\ 75 µm Jim away from from the the walls walls where where FFzz is falling falling rapidly. away 535 bunch b u nc h profile p rofile 0 , z = 779|o,m 779 µ m ) (( xx = 0, y 0 z 0 F (M e V /m ) F F = 0 -2 5 x -5 x E > 25 5 y F (M e V /m ) a n d F (M e V /m ) 10 F -5 0 z -1 0 -7 5 -5 0 -2 5 0 25 50 75 (m ic ro n s) yy (microns) FIGURE4b. 4b. Longitudinal Longitudinal ((FFz z) ) and and transverse transverse (( FFyy)) force FIGURE force profiles profiles on on an an electron electronininthe theplane planezz==779 779µm, Jim, thelocation locationfor formaximum maximumwake wake field field deceleration deceleration for for aa drive drive bunch bunch at at zz = = 800 the 800 µm. |im. Note Note that that electrons electronsinin 65|im µmare are accelerated accelerated towards towards the the axis, axis, while while electrons electrons in y << 75 4545<< |>>|y <<65 in 65 65 << \y\ 75 µm |im are are accelerated accelerated away from the axis. away from the axis. REMARKS REMARKS Thesepreliminary preliminaryresults results presented presented in in the the paper paper lead These lead to to several several tentative tentative conclusions. conclusions. First, the expectation that 3D elongated planar dielectric structures First, the expectation that 3D elongated planar dielectric structures with with an an aspect aspect ratio ratio d/b =10 will be essentially stable is not quite fulfilled; however, we find d/b =10 will be essentially stable is not quite fulfilled; however, we find that that both both horizontal and and vertical vertical stability stability improve improve as as this this ratio ratio increases. horizontal increases. Second, Second, dynamical dynamical 3D 3D orbit calculations are clearly required to study bunch distortions due to transverse forces orbit calculations are clearly required to study bunch distortions due to transverse forces at the locations where it is planned to inject either a test bunch for acceleration, or further at the locations where it is planned to inject either a test bunch for acceleration, or further drive bunches to build up the accelerating field. Third, the transverse forces F and F drive bunches to build up the accelerating field. Third, the transverse forces Fxx and Fyy are not simply focusing and defocusing, as in a quadrupole magnet. Fourth, the are not simply focusing and defocusing, as in a quadrupole magnet. Fourth, the transverse focusing and defocusing properties of wakefields may offer possibilities for transverse focusing and defocusing properties of wakefields may offer possibilities for stable transverse bunch transport and bunch compression not previously appreciated. stable transverse bunch transport and bunch compression not previously appreciated. These conclusions indicate that an extensive program of study in the future should be These conclusions indicate that an extensive program of study in the future should be directed at analytical studies of bunch dynamics in dielectric-lined planar structures. directed analytical of bunch dynamics planar structures. But at even beyond studies the results discussed above,ina dielectric-lined further major theoretical issue remains But even beyond the results discussed above, a further major theoretical issue to be resolved that was heretofore not discussed widely. This issue affects (a) theremains design toofbewake resolved that was heretofore not discussed widely. This issue affects (a) the design field structures; (b) the comparisons between theory and PIC-code (KARAT) ofsimulations; wake field and structures; the comparisons between theory and PIC-code (c) the (b) interpretation of experiments. It should be stressed(KARAT) that no simulations; and (c) the interpretation of experiments. It should be stressed no realizable wake field structure exists without axial boundaries, and injected that charge realizable wake field structure exists without axial boundaries, and injected charge bunches must traverse these boundaries in entering and exiting the structure. Indeed, the bunches traverse thesethat boundaries entering and exiting structure. the KARATmust results [13] show the wakeinfield is weaker and lessthe localized nearIndeed, the entry KARAT results [13] show that the wake field is weaker and less localized near the entry boundary than wake field calculations which do not include effects at the entry boundary boundary than wake field calculations which do not include effects atstructures the entry has boundary would indicate. Recent work on wake fields in axially-bounded been would indicate. Recent work on wake fields in axially-bounded structures been carried out by Onishchenko et al [15] (for symmetric fields in a dielectric-filled has cylinder carried out by Onishchenko et al [15] (for symmetric fields in a dielectric-filled cylinder with one axial boundary), and by Park [16] (for fields of arbitrary symmetry in a with one axial cylindrical boundary), waveguide and by Park fields arbitrary symmetry in a dielectric-lined with[16] one (for or two axialofboundaries). To illustrate, dielectric-lined cylindrical waveguide with one or two axial boundaries). To illustrate, 536 we cite Park's equation for the axial component of the wake field in the vacuum channel induced when a charge q0 travels parallel to the axis of a cylindrical dielectric-lined bounded waveguide of length L, but at a displaced radius r0, namely o7icq0 \^ = co2 -co; -^T± m,n=l -(a>0sma>t—^~ r. (13) Here a>0 = kmv, k\0 = k^ (ft2 -l), £^— = k^+kl, and km = mn/L . The second term in Eq. 13 (containing sma>0t) describes Cerenkov radiation, and is identical to that obtained for an axially-unbounded cylinder [6,8]. The first term (containing sinfttf) is due to the presence of the boundaries, and describes transition and precursor radiation. It can be seen that, for each mode (m,ri) an interference between the two terms results. An important manifestation of this interference is the apparent decay from phase mixing of the wake field at relatively short distances from the boundary, after summing over all the excited modes. The KARAT simulations give undeniable evidence for this interference phenomenon. However, only as the analytical tools develop further, and as the theory is applied to rectangular structures of the type discussed in this paper, will a full understanding of this complex effect be understood. As stated above, a full understanding is crucial for the design and interpretation of wake field accelerator experiments. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the DoE, High Energy Physics Division. APPENDIX I In this Appendix, a derivation of dispersion relations in a planar dielectric-loaded waveguide is presented. Two planar dielectric slabs are symmetrically disposed on opposing walls of the rectangular waveguide, with e the permittivity and JJL the permeability, as shown in Fig. AI-1. sxxxxxxx; xxxxVxx* |("-L); V) pn N$S§S XxX^xX^ x$x\$x§ s 2v 2\ ^Cv^C^Cx^ -b -a (0, Nn 8 1 1 N ^g X N 2^ 2s \xxx\xx" -d a b FIGURE AI-1. Planar dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguide. 537 In an empty uniform waveguide with perfect conducting boundaries, TE and TM modes are eigenmodes and they can exist independently. In a dielectric-loaded waveguide, a single TE or TM mode usually is not an eigenmode and thus cannot exist independently; they may couple to one another through boundary conditions to constitute eigenmodes. Here we use TE and TM mode fields to match boundary conditions and derive dispersion relations including symmetric and anti-symmetric LSE and LSM modes. In region-I, the field solutions with respect to the variable x need only satisfy continuity relations at the dielectric-vacuum boundary, unlike in region-II where the fields are specified (i.e. vanishing of tangential E and normal H). Therefore, in region-I, four possible combinations for functions with respect to x can be possible. These are given by 1. {£z ~ cos(£ljcx), Hz - sm(klxx)} , 2. {Ez - sin(£ljcx), Hz - cos(klxx)} , 3. {Ez - cos(klxx\ Hz - cos(£ljcx)} , 4. {Ez - sin(£ljcx), Hz where klx is the wave number in the x-direction. For symmetric LSE and LSM modes, the axial electric field is symmetric about x and the axial magnetic field is anti-symmetric and vice versa. Therefore, combination- 1 corresponds to symmetric LSE and LSM modes, combination-2 corresponds to anti-symmetric LSE and LSM modes. However, it can be shown that combinations-3 and -4 cannot consistently satisfy boundary conditions at x = a and x = -a. Symmetric LSE and LSM Modes In the region-I ( - a < x < a ), the axial field components are given by where kly = —— , and k2x + k2y + k2 = /Ltlel a*2 , and the propagation factor el(0)t~kz^ in the above is suppressed. All the transverse components can be obtained from the axial components. For the right region-II (a < x < b) , the axial field components are given by 538 where k2x + k2y + k] = /J,2£2 co2 . When these fields are used to match boundary conditions at x = a, we obtain the symmetric LSM and LSE mode dispersion equation, given by (symmetric LSM mode factor) (symmetric LSE mode factor) These are the modes considered by by Xiao, Gai, and Sun [9]. Anti-symmetric LSE and LSM Modes In the region-I ( - a < x < a ), the axial field components are given by v bc"v The dispersion equation for anti-symmetric LSM and LSE modes is given by (anti-symmetric LSM mode factor) •lx cos(klxa) k2x cos[k2x (a-b)]}=Q sin(£ljca) ^2 sm[k2x(a-b)] (anti-symmetric LSE mode factor) (AI_g) APPENDIX II The original formula in Ref. [14] was derived for the increment in transverse momentum imparted to a fast charged particle passing through an rf cavity along its axis, with boundary conditions at the cavity ends taken into account. Strictly speaking, this formula cannot be used to obtain the local relationship between transverse and axial forces. Tremaine and Rosenzweig generalized Panofsky and Wenzel's formula with the assumption that the differential operator V can be taken out from the integrand within a path integral [4]. The same assumption is taken in Ref. [17]. Usually that procedure is not justifiable. Here we present a strict proof of the Panofsky-Wenzel theorem for a translationally-invariant system, such as a dielectric-loaded wake field accelerator. Suppose that in a longitudinally uniform waveguide a test particle with a charge of q moves following a drive particle, both with the same constant velocity v = zv with z the longitudinal unit vector. The relation between the transverse and axial forces experienced by the test particle will here be shown to be given locally and instantaneously by 539 dz F^VJV (Aii-i) Since the test particle is at rest relative to the drive particle, the fields produced by the drive particle and experienced by the test particle are not changing in time. Thus the fields seen by the test particle obey the equations Using the above and V x E = - 9B/8/ , we have z. (AIM) From the Lorentz force equation, with Eq. (AII-3) we have ~\ dz ~\ ± dz dz (vxB) ± = V±(qE,) = V±F,. QED The last step used the fact that (v x B)Z = 0 . Similarly, we have VxF = qVxE + qVx(\xB)=-q(dB/dt + v - V B ) = 0 , from which F can be obtained from a scalar potential, as indicated in Eq. (1 1). Obviously, the above proof holds for particles moving through a longitudinally uniform dielectric-loaded waveguide system when the test particle is synchronous with all the wake fields produced by the drive particle. However, when a test particle moves through an rf cavity or waveguide which supports fast wave fields, Eq. (AII-1) does not hold because the test particle cannot remain synchronous with the fast wave, resulting in breakdown of Eq. (AII-2). In such a case, the relation between transverse and axial forces experienced by the test particle becomes more complicated [18]. REFERENCES 1. Gai, W., Schoessow, P., Cole, B., Konecny, R., Norem, J., Rosenzweig, J., and Simpson, J., Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2756-2758 (1988). 2. Ng, K.-Y., Phys. Rev. D 42, 1819-1828 (1990). 3. Rosing M. and Gai, W., Phys. Rev. D 42, 1829-1834 (1990). 4. 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