PEG Structures for Multi-Beam Devices David Yu, David Newsham, and Alexei Smirnov DULY Research Inc., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275. Abstract. Photonic band gap structures with single or multiple defects show potential for use in single-beam and multi-beam klystrons and particle accelerators. The primary concerns are the coupling between the modes at each individual defect site and the damping of unwanted higher order modes. A conceptual design of a PEG based, multi-beam klystron and methods to damp HOMs and to cool and tune the structure are presented. INTRODUCTION Photonic band gap (PEG) structures [1-5] are well known in solid-state physics, and recently have received attention among accelerator researchers for possible applications as rf power extractor and/or accelerating cavities. The PEG cavity generally consists of a periodic lattice of (vertical) conducting cylinders bounded on top and bottom by a conducting plate. The primary feature of the PEG is that the periodic lattice creates an electromagnetic band structure analogous to electron band gap formation in semiconductors. The traditional rf cavity structure has a spectrum of discreet modes beginning with the fundamental and continuing upward. An infinite PEG structure exhibits frequency bands of allowed modes ("pass bands") interspersed with frequency bands where no modes exist ("stop bands"). In general, the modes that exist in the pass band have fields that extend throughout the lattice. If a "defect" is created in the band structure by altering or removing a single rod or rod pattern, then one or more "defect modes" may exist in the stop bands. In this case, the field of the defect mode is localized to the region near the defect and decays away exponentially in all directions. The band structure for the TM and TE modes of an infinite triangular lattice are shown in Figure 1 along with the global band gap diagram for the same lattice parameters. The PEG cavity may be used with a single defect, i.e. a center rod removed from the lattice, for application to an rf generator (e.g. klystron or gyrotron), or to an accelerator. It may also be used with multiple defects for application to a multi-beam klystron or a multi-beam accelerator. The PEG cavity has unique properties that can facilitate simple coupling of input and output power in the fundamental mode. A main feature of the PEG structure is that it has effective damping of higher order modes. It has potential to significantly simplify the design and improve the performance of high power multi-beam klystrons and accelerators. Figure 2 illustrates two PEG structures, one with a single-defect and another with a six-defect lattice. CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 394 12.0 16.0 TE modes TM modes | 12.0 . 8.0 £ 8.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 r 15.0 25.0 TM modes 20.0 10.0 015.0 8 10.0 5.0 5.0 TE modes 0 .0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.5 a/b 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 a/b FIGURE 1. Band structure and global band gaps for an infinite triangular-lattice PEG structure with lattice filling fraction a/b = 0.2, where a is the rod radius and b is the distance between two adjacent rods, a) TM modes, b) TE modes. Single Defect 6 Defects FIGURE 2. Schematic drawing of a) a single-defect, triangular-lattice PEG structure, b) a six-defect, triangular-lattice PEG structure. Open circles represent missing rods. The PEG structure has several advantages that make it attractive for multi-beam operation. They are simple to manufacture, and can be constructed using simple rods, plates, and cavity walls. The oversized structure results in increased power handling capabilities; and for a PEG cavity oversize does not always imply overmodes. The fundamental mode is confined to the vicinity of a local defect site, and the "lattice" modes that occur in the pass band of the overall structure extend beyond the defect where they may be efficiently suppressed. Finally, it is possible to have several 395 strongly coupled modes in the same structure while collectively suppressing unwanted modes. SINGLE-DEFECT PBG Figure 3a shows the fundamental single-defect mode of a triangular PBG cavity. Figures 3b-d show higher order modes that appear to extend throughout the cavity indicating that they may be modes of the lattice that are outside the stop band, and hopefully easily damped at the periphery of the structure. In particular, Figure 3c shows the dipole mode that was presented in the wakefield study performed by Shapiro [2]. Issues of the singe-defect PBG cavity include cooling, tuning, and minimizing overvoltage. A single-mode, single-defect PBG cavity was constructed using a careful choice of the rod radius and lattice constant [6]. FIGURE 3. Electric field contours for single-defect modes: a) fundamental (accelerating) mode, b-d) higher order (lattice) modes. MULTI-DEFECT PBG We have extended the concept of a single-defect PBG cavity to a multi-defect cavity. Preliminary analysis of a six-defect cavity was performed. Because each of the six defects in the lattice represents an individual oscillator, the coupling of these 396 oscillators should result in six normal modes, five of which are not the accelerating mode. These six normal modes are shown in Figure 4. FIGURE 4. Six normal modes that result from the coupling of 6 oscillators in a 6-defect PEG cavity. The "+" and "-" indicate the relative axial field directions in the defect, and "0" indicates that the defect site is split by the null line and a local dipole-like mode should exist in that defect site. Figure 5 shows the first two of the 6-defect modes. The left-hand figure in Figure 5 is the fundamental accelerating mode. One of the five coupled oscillator modes is shown in the right-hand side of Figure 5. Unlike the single-defect case where higher modes extend throughout the lattice, this mode appears to be bound to the defect sites. Further design work will be needed to identify each of the modes, determine the mode separation, and identify techniques to increase the mode separation. FIGURE 5. Examples of the 6-defect modes, a) is the 6-defect accelerating mode and b) shows one of several higher order coupled oscillator modes. 397 Calculations using SUPERFISH indicate that of these 6 modes, only 4 are independent. This is consistent with the results of a theoretical analysis of six coupled 1-D harmonic oscillators. From the SUPERFISH results, the separation between the fundamental mode and the next higher mode is larger than 200 MHz, for a 17 GHz PEG cavity with a=0.79 mm and b=6.40 mm. To increase the coupling between the six defect sites, seven additional rods were removed near the center of the cavity. Some of the modes of this cavity appear similar to those of a single-defect cavity, except that the larger size lowers the fundamental frequency. Figure 6a shows the fundamental mode in the larger cavity, and Figure 6b shows an overmoded field pattern that exploits the basic 6-defect pattern of the cavity. Figure 7 plots the axial electric field versus the distance from the center of the PEG cavity along the vertical line. The localized spots of null field values are a result of passing through the conducting rod. a) b) FIGURE 6. Two modes of the 6-defect lattice with 7 central rods removed. 1.2 1.0 0.8 _ 0.6 < 0.4 <0.8 ~ 0.2 f 0.0 1-0.2 Li. 1 -°-4 "* -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 Distance from the Cavity Center (cm) Distance from the Cavity Center (cm) FIGURE 7. Axial electric field versus distance from the cavity center for two modes of the 6-defect PEG cavity with the 7 central rods removed. It is seen from Figure 6 and 7 that the fields in the defects are strongly coupled to each other, as well as to the large opening at the center. These two modes may play a 398 role in the design of a power input/output coupler based on overmoding. In addition to a six-defect cavity, we are also studying other multiple-defect PEG cavities, including linear arrays of multiple defects which may be useful for sheet beams. MULTI-BEAM RF STRUCTURES Conventional klystrons generally consist of a series of cylindrical resonant cavities separated by drift tubes with predetermined lengths for optimal bunching. A gun produces an electron beam that is first velocity modulated by the rf field in the input cavity, then subsequently bunched by one or more intermediate cavities, and finally, the beam power is converted into rf energy in the output cavity before the beam is dumped into a collector. Multi-beam klystrons generally use an array of specially designed cavities coupled in an appropriate manner to synchronize the beams. By replacing several of the metal rods with beam holes, a single multi-defect PEG structure can be used to simultaneously interact with multiple electron beams, each passing through an individual beam hole in the structure. A simplified schematic of such a device is shown in Figure 8. In the multi-beam klystron concept currently under development, six beams enter the first PEG cavity, and are velocity modulated by a TMOl-like mode set up in the defect site around the beam holes by an external drive signal coupled to the center (as shown) or via waveguides to the periphery of the structure (not shown). The beams are then bunched by a series of intermediate resonant PEG structures. Finally, the beams are energy modulated at the last PEG structure, which also has an output waveguide coupler, and the spent electron beams enter a common collector after the beam energy has been extracted. The two modes shown in Figures 6 and 7 may play an important role in achieving efficient coupling. input gain cavity cavity bunching cavity output cavity FIGURE 8. Schematic layout of a PEG based multi-beam klystron. A multi-beam accelerator would have no space between successive cavities. 399 A similar scheme could be used for a multi-beam traveling-wave accelerator. Other than extracting energy from an applied rf field rather than supplying the field, the major differences are that there would be no drift space between successive cavities, and at the end, the electron beam would leave the system intact rather than being dumped in the collector. The cavity design for the accelerating structure would have similar properties and function with the inter-mediate cavities in the klystron design. HIGHER ORDER MODES Figure 9 shows the first higher order mode that does not appear to be bound to the multiple defect sites. As seen in the figure, the cavity TM02 mode results in a dipolelike mode at each defect region where the radial null of the TM02 mode would occur. It is important that this mode be suppressed for successful operation of a multi-beam device. Possible methods to damp this mode include the introduction of absorbing material around the structure and coupling to waveguides, either located radially at the periphery of the cavity via rectangular waveguides or axially coupled to the center of the cavity via a round waveguide. Currently, we are studying the effect of coupling this mode to a rectangular waveguide using SUPERFISH and GdfidL to calculate the value of the loaded Q and estimate the damping effectiveness. Figure 9. Electric field contours for a higher order mode of the 6-defect PEG structure. COOLING AND TUNING There are two aspects of cavity tuning. The first is the designed tuning to set the frequency of the fundamental defect mode; it is integral to the design process. The second class of tuning is used to make up for slight numerical and manufacturing errors (tolerance) that cause the part to deviate from the ideal design and cannot be avoided in practice. It should be possible to provide some shift in the frequency of the 400 fundamental defect mode by altering the shape and/or the position of the innermost set of rods surrounding each defect site, and by altering the diameter of the coupling hole at the defect site. Care must be taken when altering the basic lattice structure to insure that the band gap properties of the PEG device are not lost due to altering the rod design. To make up for manufacturing tolerance and to achieve proper frequency resonance (coupling) at (between) each defect site, individual site tuning will probably be required. One proposed method of tuning each individual defect site is by slightly dimpling or bending one or more of the rods that surround that defect. Other than issues of sensitivity and asymmetric rod bending that will naturally arise, the defect lattice has a particular feature that each defect site shares 2 rods with neighboring defect sites. If one of these shared rods was bent in order to tune one defect site, it would most likely require the opposite bend to provide the equivalent tune to its shared defect site and a classic case of frustration occurs. This frustration would become extreme in the case of a large number of defects regularly spaced in the lattice. For the 6-defect case, limiting the choice of rods to be bent can solve this frustration. If only 3 rods are bent, as shown in Figure 10, then the altered rods would be next-nearest neighbors to the defect site and would likely have less influence upon them. If the dimple method were chosen, then the alteration to the rod would only be present on the portion of the rod facing the defect, and thus, should not interfere with the adjacent defect sites, but may reduce the effectiveness of the cooling by reducing the area of water flow. The rods that are inherent in the PEG geometry provide a convenient method for cooling the structure. By replacing select copper rods with copper tubing, they can be internally cooled using water. Analysis by MIT [2] of single defect PEG structure indicated that the local temperature rise on the interior surface of the rod was approximately twice that of a standard pillbox cavity. In the 6-defect structure (shown in Figure 10) the problem may be greater for the rods that border on 2 defect sites because of the nominally double heat flow. Differences between the heat load on the rods that share defect sites with the rods adjacent to only a single site may result in a temperature difference between rods. This temperature variation, and the resulting difference in expansion may play a role in the tuning of the cavity. It may be possible to tune individual defect sites by carefully controlling the temperature of individual rods that border that cavity. Although the external plumbing may be complicated for such a scheme, the dynamic nature of thermal cooling may provide an elegant solution to the tuning problem. In addition to the rods that make up the PEG lattice, the cooling requirements of the cavity end plates and iris openings may present a problem. It is hoped that conductive cooling of these end plates will be sufficient, otherwise an active cooling channel would need to be introduced. 401 FIGURE 10. Six-defect triangular lattice showing the water filled cooling tubes surrounding each defect site, and indicating the 3-rod tuning scheme in the upper left defect site. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank M. Shapiro, C. Chen, R. Temkin, E. Smirnova, S. Schultz and N. Kroll for useful discussions and comments. This work is supported by DOE SBIR Grant No. DE-FG03-02ER83400. REFERENCES 1. M.A. Shapiro, et al., PAC'99, p. 833; M.A. Shapiro, et al., Phys. Rev. Special Topics -Accelerators and Beams, Vol 4, 042001 (2001). 2. M.A. Shapiro, et al., PAC 2001 p. 930. 3. D.R. Smith, N. Kroll, and S. Schultz, AAC'94, p. 761.; D.R. Smith, L. Derun, D.C. Vier, N. Kroll, S. Schultz, and H. Wang, AAC'96, p. 518. 4. S. Schultz, D.R. Smith, and N. Kroll, PAC93, p. 2559. 5. E.I. Smirnova, et al., "Simulation of Photonic Band Gaps in Metal Rod Lattices for Microwave Applications, to be published in Journ. of Applied Physics, vol.91, Feb. 1, 2001; E.I. Smirnova, et al., PAC2001, p. 933. 6. E.I. Smirnova, this publication. 402
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