Electron Cloud Effects in the KEK-PS and the KEK/JAERI Joint Project T. Toyama*, Y. Me*, S. Kato*, K. Ohmi*, C. Ohmori*, K. Satoh*, M. Uota* N. Hayashi# *KEK, Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan # JAERI, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan Abstract. An e-p instability is potentially a serious problem for proton rings in JKJ, which forces us to study the e-p instability in several high-intensity proton rings. This work informs JKJ whether we have to take measures to cure the instability. A TiN coating on the chamber surface is one of remedies. Results of SEY measurements performed at KEK are discussed. The observation of electron cloud candidates at the KEK 12 GeV PS Main Ring is also presented. ring, electrons move under an electric potential generated by a rigid "half-sin" proton beam. Space charge force between electrons is neglected because the average neutralization factor is less than 0.1 in the rings discussed here. The magnetic fields are also neglected in the whole ring for simplicity. The amplification factor (Ae\ the number of multiplied electrons divided by the number of primary electrons per one bunch passage, is calculated for several stages of the relevant rings. The results are shown in Table 1 and also in Figure 1. At every bunch passage a peak is formed by trailing-edge multipacting. Equilibrium is reached in 5 - 10 bunches passage. The neutralization factor strongly depends on several parameters: the beam size, chamber size, bunch length and bunch spacing. The beam stability is evaluated based on a wake field approach and a coasting beam approximation and the instability may be fast enough regardless of the synchrotron oscillation. Both the proton beam and the electron cloud are assumed to have a rigid Gaussian distribution. By linearizing the coupled motion, the proton motion can be considered to be a forced oscillation with the wake field that is generated by the proton beam passing through the electron cloud. Including the damping effect due to electron oscillation frequency spread, the coupling impedance is reduced by Fourier transformation of the wake field. Making use of this coupling impedance, the dispersion relation, U=l, is obtained. For U>1, the beam is unstable. In Table 1, two values of UH and UL are listed. They are unstable criteria for the peak and bottom values of the neutralization factor, respectively. For ISIS, the slippage factor and the synchrotron tune are assumed to be the same as PSR. PSR is unstable. On the other hand, ISIS and AGS are stable. These results qualitatively agree with the observations. The rings of the joint project are inbetween. INTRODUCTION A high-intensity proton accelerator facility has been proposed in Japan as a joint project of KEK and JAERI (JKJ). The facility would be equipped with two proton rings: a 3 GeV rapid cycling synchrotron and a 50 GeV proton synchrotron. The bunch population, which would be 4xl013, compares with that of LANL PSR, RAL ISIS, BNL AGS. The e-p instability is potentially a serious problem for these two rings of JKJ. Not all high-intensity proton rings suffer from an electron cloud instability. It is worth comparing those proton rings from the viewpoint of the electron cloud instability. It is important to know the secondary electron yield efficiency (SEY) not only as a candidate of remedies, but also as an input of a computer simulation. The results of ongoing measurements of SEY at KEK are discussed for several materials. The observation of electron cloud candidates at the KEK 12 GeV PS Main Ring is also discussed, although not yet confirmed. ELECTRON CLOUD FORMATION AND INSTABILITY Production rate of the primary electron generated due to the residual gas ionization by the proton beam (Yi?i), due to proton beam loss (Yu), at a stripping foil for H-minus charge exchange injection (Yi?fou) are evaluated as Yu = V.VxlO'9 e~/(m-p), Yu = 4.4xlO'6 e~/(m-p), Yi?foii = 1.9xlO~5 e~/(m-p), respectively. Electrons at the stripping foil will be swept by the leakage field of bump magnets. Electron cloud formation is estimated by tracking the transverse 2D motion of electrons produced by the primary and secondary electron emission. Primary electrons are produced at the chamber wall with energies of 10±5 eV. The secondary electron yield is approximated by true secondary electron yield of Ys(max)=2.1 at Emax=200 eV. At position s along the CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 364 Although there seems to be no instability, the following experiments were performed to clarify the source of the baseline drift. Figure 3 shows the peak voltage of the baseline drift at the transition energy with seven, eight or nine successive bunches, with the same bunch population of 2.8xlOu protons. The baseline drift was saturated by applying more than -40 V of positive bias. This saturation level decreased with increasing bunch gap. The baseline drift was not detectable if the bunch number was less than 6. At a fixed bunch number of 9, the peak voltage of the baseline drift was measured with solenoid currents of 0, 10, 20 and 30 A, as shown in Fig. 4. At 30 A no baseline drift was observed. SEY MEASUREMENTS A series of measurements of the secondary electron yields (SEY) were made using an electron beam of (|)0.5 mm with 100 - 5000 eV and of some tens nA, or using an argon ion beam with a raster-scanned size of a few mm2, 5000 eV and some tens nA. Surfaces of sample materials were analysed with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy or Auger electron spectroscopy. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the SEY on the primary electron energy with normal incidence at the as-received surfaces and after sputtering with argon ions. Although a titanium as-received sample showed the highest yield, the yields of the others, except an isotropic graphite, were close to the peak of titanium. However, the yields of the carbon materials and the TiN film showed lower. The yields of the all materials were reduced after the argon ion sputtering. Since the carbon and oxygen impurities in the TiN film reached their saturation and remained even after sputtering of a thickness of 65nm, those impurities may have been included in the film, itself, during its preparation. Their reduction may reduce the yields of TiN further. SUMMARY Electron cloud build-up and beam stability were evaluated for high intensity proton rings: JKJ 3 GeV RCS, 50 GeV MR, PSR, ISIS and AGS. The number of primary electrons is amplified by trailing-edge multipacting. The amplification factor strongly depends on the secondary electron yield, beam shape, and chamber geometry. Then, using the neutralization factor obtained by the simulation, the single bunch stability was evaluated using a coasting beam model. The obtained stabilities agree qualitatively with observations in the existing machines. Including both the elastic reflection in SEY estimation and the space charge in force evaluation is a subject for future study. ELECTRON CLOUD IN THE KEK-PS In the KEK-12 GeV-PS Main Ring, baseline drifts were observed around the transition energy and around the beginning of the flat top on newly installed electrostatic pick-ups and a previously installed exciter. Four electrodes were directly connected to the center control room on trial with a high impedance termination. The baseline drifts implies a charge-up of the pick-ups with a negative current of a few microamperes. REFERENCES 1. References in T. Toyama, Y.Me, S. Kato, K. Ohmi, C. Ohmori, K. Satoh and M. Uota, KEK Preprint 2002-53. TABLE 1. Basic parameters of the proton rings. Variable circumference Lorentz factor Bunch population Number of bunches Harmonic number Rms beam size Bunch length Rms energy spread Slippage factor Synchrotron tune Beam pipe radius Amplification factor Amplification factor Neutralization Neutralization Stability (bottom) Stability (peak) symbol L(m) y 13 Np(xl0 ) nb h Or(cm) w OE/E(%) ^ vs R(cm) Ae(bottom) Ae(peak) rj (bottom) rj(peak) UL UH Joint project 3GeVRCS inj. 348.3 1.4 4.15 2 2 1.9 110 0.6 -0.48 0.0058 12.5 42.0 87.6 0.020 0.042 0.07 0.23 PSR SOGeVMR ext. inj. 348.3 1567.5 4.2 4.2 4.15 4.15 2 8 2 9 1.2 1.1 82 82 0.7 0.7 -0.047 -0.058 0.0005 0.0026 12.5 6.5 18.0 9.4 62 136 0.0067 0.0035 0.023 0.05 0.23 0.11 0.78 1.6 365 ext. 1567.5 54 4.15 8 9 0.35 16 0.25 -0.0013 0.0001 6.5 0.13 6.9 0.00001 0.0005 0.02 1.2 90 1.85 3 1 1 1.0 65 0.25 -0.187 0.0003 5 118 236 0.034 0.067 1.6 3.2 ISIS AGS inj. 163 inj. 1.07 1.25 2 2 3.8 60 0.025 8 12.9 17.5 0.003 0.005 0.09 0.14 800 3.0 1.2 6 6 0.7 68 0.28 -0.146 0.0017 5 0.42 5.18 0.0001 0.0015 0.004 0.06 1 iiii llllli 1111 IIII 11111 s s(m) (m) s(m) JKJ JKJ GeV RCS injection JKJ333GeV GeVRCS RCSinjection injection s s(m) (m) LANL PSR LANL PSR LANLPSR RAL RALISIS ISISinjection injection RAL ISIS injection FIGURE FIGURE Electron amplification factor and proton beam density for the JKJ GeVRCS, RCS,PSR PSRand andISIS. ISIS.The Thedashed dashed FIGURE1.1.1.Electron Electronamplification amplificationfactor factorand andproton protonbeam beamdensity densityfor forthe theJKJ JKJ333GeV GeV RCS, PSR and ISIS. The dashed curves curves are the proton beam densities “half-sin” bunch (arbitrary unit). curvesare arethe theproton protonbeam beamdensities densitiesofof ofaaa“half-sin” "half-sin"bunch bunch(arbitrary (arbitraryunit). unit). FIGURE FIGURE Dependence the secondary electron yields on the primaryelectron electronenergies energiesatatthe thesurface surface as-receivedand andafter after FIGURE2.2.2.Dependence Dependenceofof ofthe thesecondary secondaryelectron electronyields yieldson onthe theprimary surfaceas-received as-received and after sputtering. sputtering. sputtering. *+ *+ () ' )( ' & & $% $% A A O 9 bunches 8 bunches 7 bunches K H LNP MORNPQ ORQ F G H FI J G K H H I J L M K H LNT MS NT F G H FI J G K H H I J L M ORS Q ORQ 10 A F G H FI "JV K H LNP MU NPORU Q OR*Q J G K H H I J L M D I h H=20A G K H H I J L M K H LNP M V NPORV Q ORQ G H I J F F X l =30A 6 lm lm E B B ijk ijk \a \a g` h g` h I cde f dec f b\ b\ !"# "#! !& _` a^ _` a^ Y] Y] [\ \[ YZ YZ WX WX C C ' rehnoH o 0 OGD0 0 C 0C D C D C 50 E C CC E C 100 EC D C E D 15 qPrt xPy{ npo np qPo rt sPuPsPv uP w q4v w xPq4y{ z |6z }|6} /02 145 36 /9; 89; ,.,. - /- 02 1436 7 /5 7 8 : <>: <> = = Bias voltage [V] Bias voltage [V] FIGURE3.3.3. Peak Peakvoltage voltageofof ofthe thebaseline baselinedrift drift atat at the FIGURE Peak voltage the baseline drift the FIGURE transitionenergy energywith withthe thenumber numberofof ofbunches bunches(7, (7,888and and9). 9). transition energy with the number bunches (7, and 9). transition /! i 0 ... ?A ?A ?@ ?@ ?D C ? D C-50 100 200 50 150 C ?B ?B 1- -150 -100 -50 3 ***** ^ fixed bunchnumber number the peak voltage of FIGURE4.4. At Ataafixed fixedbunch number9,9,the thepeak peakvoltage voltageof of FIGURE drift measuredwith withthe the solenoid current of 10, thebaseline baselinedrift driftmeasured thesolenoid solenoidcurrent currentof of0,0, 0,10, 10, the and30 30A.A. 2020and 366
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