Performance of the Magnetron H Source on the BNL 200 MeV Linac * James G. Alessi Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY, 11973 USA Abstract. A magnetron surface plasma H" ion source has been used at Brookhaven since 1982 for injection into the 200 MeV linac. Since 1989, this source has operated with a circular aperture, injecting into an RFQ. The source typically produces 90-100 mA of H" at 35 keV, in 700 (is pulses at up to 10 Hz. The arc parameters are ~15 A, 150 V, and the extracted e/H- ratio is 1/2. Ions are extracted from a 2.8 mm diameter aperture (J=1.6 A/cm2). The emittance is approximately e^ ms = 0.4 n mm mrad. The performance is very reliable, operating continuously for ~6 months, with essentially no parameter adjustments required once the source is stabilized. INTRODUCTION Since 1982, a magnetron surface plasma IT source has been used on the Brookhaven 200 MeV Linac. The linac typically runs at a repetition rate of 6.6-7.5 Hz, and a pulse width of ~ 500 |iA, and the current at the exit of the linac is typically 35-40 mA. This beam is injected into the Booster synchrotron and then AGS, for high energy physics. Since the Booster typically takes only 4-6 pulses every 2.5-3.5 seconds, the rest of the pulses are switched to a second beamline, where this ~ 70-100 |iA average current is used for isotope production. The magnetron source was first developed in Novosibirsk (planotron) [1], but the basis of the version used at BNL is the very clever design developed by C. Schmidt at FNAL [2]. While changes have been made over the years to incorporate cathode focusing, circular aperture, extractor geometry changes, etc., there have been remarkably few changes over the years to his basic mechanical design, which is simple and reliable. From 1982-1989 the source operated in the dome of a 750 keV Cockcroft-Walton preinjector [3]. A slit extraction geometry was used at 20 keV, followed by a small 90 degree doublefocusing dipole before the beam entered the high gradient accelerating column. In 1989, the CockcroftWalton was replaced by an RFQ preinjector. At this time, the magnetron was converted to circular aperture extraction at 35 keV, followed by a 2-solenoid matching into the RFQ [4]. produces a cyclic motion of electrons in the ~ 3 mm gap between the Mo cathode and anode, producing an intense hydrogen plasma in this region. Cesium vapor is fed into the source from an external oven containing metallic Cs, through a transfer tube kept at ~ 300C. An all metal valve between the source and the Cs oven allows the source to be let up to air without having to reload Cs. Hydrogen is fed into the source through a pulsed gas valve. The source has a very small discharge volume (~1 cm3), so good gas pulsing is effective. The valve is placed close to the source to reduce the conductance and keep as sharp a gas pulse as possible. Cs inlet FIGURE 1. Schematic of the magnetron source. MAGNETRON GEOMETRY, LAYOUT Ions are extracted through 2.8 mm diameter apertures in both the anode and extractor, across a 4 4.5 mm extractor gap. The extractor tip is an insert made of tungsten, to reduce erosion coming from impingement by extracted electrons. We operate with pulsed extraction voltage. Figure 2 shows the source without the anode cover on, and Fig. 3 shows the source with extractor in place. Figure 1 shows the basic geometry of the magnetron. A transverse magnetic field of -900 G The source sits reentrant in the vacuum box. The only opening between the source vacuum and the * Work supported under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy. CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 279 LEBT line is the 2.8 mm diameter extraction aperture. LEBT line is the 2.8 mm diameter extraction aperture. This results a rapidmm reduction inextraction pressure aperture. along the LEBT line isin diameterin This results inthea 2.8 rapid reduction pressure along the This results in a rapid inlosses. pressureThe along the beamline, reducing IT stripping source −reduction beamline, reducing H− stripping losses. The source beamline, losses. The source chamber pumped aa 2200 2200 l/s 1/s turbopump, while chamber isisreducing pumpedHby by stripping turbopump, while chamber is pumped by a 2200 l/s turbopump, while only a 1701/s turbopump is needed on the LEBT line. only a 170 l/s turbopump is needed on the LEBT line. only a 170 l/s turbopump is needed on the LEBT line. FIGURE2. 2. Source Source with with the anode cover removed. FIGURE theanode anodecover coverremoved. removed. FIGUREmagnets 2. Source the Permanent arewith visible on the sides of the source. Permanent magnets are visible on the sides of thesource. source. Permanent magnets are visible on the sides of the what it was initially. This improvement leads us to what it was initially. This improvement leads us to believe thatinitially. the source could easily operate at what it that was ushigher to believe the source This couldimprovement easily operateleads at higher duty factors than those now used. believe that the source could easily operate at higher duty factors than those now used. duty factors than those now used. TABLE 1. Typical running parameters TABLE 1. Typical running parameters Hcurrent 90-100 TABLE 1. Typical running parameters Hcurrent 90-100 mA mA 2 2 Hcurrent 90-100 mA J(H-) 1.5 A/cm 1.5 A/cm J (H-) 2 1.5 A/cm JExtraction (H-) Extraction voltage 35 kV voltage 35 kV Extraction voltage 35 0.5kV Electron/HElectron/H0.51.0 1.0 Electron/H1.0 Arc voltage 140 -160V Arc voltage 1400.5– 160 V Arc voltage 140 – 160 V note) Arc current 8 -18 A (see Arc current 8 – 18 A (see note) Arc current 8 – 187.5 A (see note) 7.5 Hz Rep rate Rep rate Hz Rep rate 7.5 Hz Pulse width Pulse width 700700 µs us Pulse width 700 µs Duty factor Duty factor 0.5 % 0.5% Duty factor 0.5 % rms emittance rms emittance ∼ 0.4 π mm mradmrad ~ 0.4 71 mm rms emittance ∼ <0.4 mm/mg mrad Cs consumption Cs consumption 0.5 hr / hr <π mg 0.5 CsGas consumption < ∼0.5 mg / hr Gas flow 2~ sccm flow 2 seem Gas flow ∼ 2 sccm (Note: often runs at 15-18 A toAkeep source temperature (Note: often runs at 15-18 to keep source temperature (Note: often runs at 15-18 A to keep source temperature high) high) high) TABLE 2. 2. History of improvements in BNL magnetron TABLE History of improvements in BNL magnetron TABLE 2. History of improvements power efficiency in BNL magnetron power efficiency power Aperture/ H- efficiency Arc I Arc V Pwr effic Aperture/ Arc I ArcV Aperture/ H-H- Arc PwrPwr efficeffic cathode focusing (mA) (A) I Arc (V) V (mA/kW) cathode focusing (mA) (mA) 150 (mA/kW) cathode focusing (A)(A) 150 (V) (V) (mA/kW) Slit/flat 50 2.2 Slit/flat Slit/flat 50 50 150 150150 2.2 2.2 Slit/grooved 50 150 150 6.7 Slit/grooved Slit/grooved 50 50 10 50 50 150 150150 6.7 6.7 Circular/dimpled 100 67 Circular/dimpled 100100 10 10 150150 Circular/dimpled 67 67 OPERATING EXPERIENCE OPERATING EXPERIENCE OPERATING EXPERIENCE in Typical sourceshould operating parameters are extracted given in Table 1. One note the very low Typical source operating parameters are given in Table 1. One should note the very low extracted electron We often operate higher Table 1. current. One should note the the verysource low atextracted electron current. operate the source higher arc current than We is often required to achieve theatdesired electron current. We often operate the source atdesired higher arc current thanThis is required beam current. is partly to justachieve to keepthe the source arc current than is required to achieve the desired beam current.highThis is partly justgood to keep the source temperature enough to allow Cs distribution beam This is by partly justgood tothe keep the in source temperature high enough tooperating allow Cssource distribution in thecurrent. source, but also the temperature high enough to allow good Cs distribution in the source, also mode, by operating the current source inpulse the space charge but limited the beam inspace the source, but also by operating thecurrent source pulse in the charge limited mode, the beam becomes somewhat flatter. space charge limited mode, the beam current pulse becomes somewhat flatter. The good powerflatter. efficiency of the magnetron has becomes somewhat The good power The efficiency the magnetron has helped reliability. powerofefficiency improved The good power efficiency the magnetron has helped reliability. power efficiency improved dramatically as we The went from of the conventional flat helped The power efficiency cathodereliability. to as geometrical focusing of ions improved fromflata dramatically we went from the conventional dramatically as we went from the ofconventional flat grooved tocathode into focusing the slit extractor, cathode geometrical ions fromand a cathode tocathode geometrical focusing ions from subsequently spherical the cathode into grooved intofocusing the from slit of extractor, and a a circular cathode aperture. Table 2 shows how the power grooved into the slit the extractor, and subsequently spherical focusing from cathode into hasspherical now improved a factor of from aefficiency circular aperture. Table 2 by shows how the30power subsequently focusing from the cathode into now improved a factor 30 power from aefficiency circular has aperture. Table 2 by shows howofthe With continuous 24-hour/day operation, times With continuous 24-hour/day Withsource continuous 24-hour/day operation, times between maintenance are ∼ 6operation, months. (Ittimes can between maintenance ∼ 6~ months. (It can between source maintenance are 6 months. (It can vary fromsource 3-9 months; almostare always shutting down vary 3-93-9months; always shutting down varyfrom from months; almost always shutting down when the program ends,almost rather than due to failure). when thetheprogram ends, rather than due to made failure). when program ends, rather than due to failure). The source can be shut down, a minor repair or The source can shut down, a minor made or or the spare swapped in,shut restarted, and berepair running well The source canbebe down, a minor repair made the in,in, restarted, be be running again in 8 swapped hours. Once therestarted, sourceand isand started, we trywell towell thespare spare swapped running again 8 hours. thethe source we we try to keep itinin running. That is, even forisastarted, week linac again 8 hours.Once Once source is1-2started, try to keep That is, is, even for for a 1-2 week linac shutdown, we would typically choose leave thelinac keepit itrunning. running. That even ato1-2 week shutdown, wewewould typically to mostly leave the the source pulsing, with extractor on.choose This is for shutdown, would typically choose to leave source pulsing, with extractor on. This is mostly for convenience, since the source almost always returns to for source pulsing, with extractor on. This is mostly convenience, since the source almost always returns to to normal operation following a shutdown or power convenience, since the source almost always returns normal (On operation following a shutdown or power outage. the test bench, a source may be turned on normal operation following a shutdown or power outage. (On the test bench, a source be turned on and off daily Themay attempt made outage. (Onwithout the testdifficulty). bench, a source may beis turned on andkeep off daily without difficulty). The attempt made to the extraction voltage on whenever theissource and off daily without difficulty). The attempt is made to running. keep the extraction voltage on extractor whenevertipthetends source is Beam heating of the to keep theBeam extraction voltage whenevertends the source istorunning. of the on extractor keep it clean, and heating if the extractor is turnedtipoff for to a is running. Beam of theisextractor tiptofor tends to keep it ofclean, if heating the extractor turned off couple hours,and it may have to be reconditioned geta keep it clean, and if the extractor is turned off for couple it may have to be reconditioned to get a back toof 35hours, kV operation. couple of hours, it may have to be reconditioned to get back to 35 kV operation. We to typically operate the source slightly gas- and back 35 kV operation. We typically operate the source gas- and Cs-starved, i.e. increasing either one slightly would lower the We typically the slightly gasCs-starved, i.e. increasing one would the and arc impedance, butoperate it haseither beensource found to lower be more Cs-starved, i.e. increasing either one would lower arc impedance, it has been found to be more reliable to keepbutthese parameters reduced. The the arc impedance, but it parameters hasthebeen found to beam beThe more disadvantage is thatthese it makes discharge (and reliable to keep reduced. reliable“noisy”. to iskeep parameters reduced. current) Once stabilized after turnon, it’sbeam not The disadvantage that itthese makes the discharge (and disadvantage that ittostabilized makes discharge (and beam unusual for the is source run forthe aafter month at constant current) “noisy”. Once turnon, it’s not current a single adjustment. fairly current)without Once stabilized after Itturnon, it's not unusual for"noisy". the source to run for a month at isconstant common that slow buildup of CsOH willIt gradually current asource single isat fairly unusualwithout for athe toadjustment. run for a month constant common a slowa buildup CsOH will gradually current that without single of adjustment. It is fairly efficiency has now improved by a factor of 30 from common that a slow buildup of CsOH will gradually FIGURE 3. Source with anode cover and extractor. FIGURE 3. Source Source with FIGURE 3. with anode anodecover coverand andextractor. extractor. SOURCE PERFORMANCE SOURCE PERFORMANCE SOURCE PERFORMANCE Typical source operating parameters are given 280 begin to block the hydrogen inlet, which then requires one to increase the gas to the source (voltage to the pulsed gas valve) every 1-2 weeks. This may start after a few months of operation. When opening after a long run, the source is generally very clean inside (polished). Cs is not seen downstream of the extractor electrode. There is erosion of the extraction tip (from ions, electrons), anode aperture (electrons), cathode dimple (backstreaming ions), and cathode opposite the Cs feed (discharge). In spite of these very significant changes in source dimensions for the extraction geometry and cathode focusing, the performance (and output from linac) remains very constant. We often clean the source parts and reinstall them, even with the heavy erosion. FIGURE 5. Source output, RFQ input, and RFQ output; 20 mA/div, 100 |is/div. SCALING TO HIGHER DUTY FACTOR In 1983, the magnetron source was operating at 150 V x 150 A x 5 Hz x 600 jis = 68 W average power. With the present power efficiency, simple scaling would imply that the source could now produce 100 mA at 4.5% duty factor. The source is presently uncooled, so one could gain some margin by adding even simple cooling. At reduced beam currents, one could either reduce the arc power, allowing even higher duty factors, or reduce the extraction aperture, resulting in a smaller emittance and reduced gas flow. In reality, the situation will be more complicated. Issues to be explored for higher duty factor would have to include the effects of the resultant higher gas flow out of the source, the increased erosion of source parts, and the increased heating of the extractor electrode. MATCHING TO THE RFQ The 35 keV beam is matched from the source to the RFQ with 2 solenoids, over a distance of -1.3 m. It is important for the beam to be space charge neutralized in this LEBT, and this neutralization typically occurs within 50 |is at a pressure in the line < 10~5 Torr. The layout of the line is shown in Fig. 4. The pulsed dipole allows switching between polarized and unpolarized beam on a pulse-to-pulse basis. r CURRENT TRANSFORMER ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The very good performance of the source over the years is in large part due to the many excellent engineers and technicians in the BNL linac group who have operated and made improvements to this source. REFERENCES ^POLARIZED H- 1. Belchenko, Yu.L, Dimov, G.I., and Dudnikov, V.G., Proc. 2nd Symp. On Ion Sources and Formation of Ion Beams, Berkeley, CA, VHI-1, LBL-3399 (1974). FIGURE 4. Layout of the matching line between source and RFQ. The distance from the source to RFQ is ~ 1.3 m. The 200 MHz RFQ, built by LBL [5], accelerates the 35 keV input beam to 750 keV. Operation of the RFQ has been extremely reliable. By operating with space-charge limited extraction, and "flooding" the transport line, the transmission numbers suffer, but the current out of linac is high and stable. RFQ transmission is typically 80-90% (see Fig. 5), but at lower currents (40 mA) we have achieved essentially 100% transmission. Under normal conditions, the emittance out of the RFQ is e(n, rms)~0.4 n mm mrad. 2. Schmidt, C.W. and Curtis, C.D., Proc. Symp. Prod, and Neut. of Negative Ions and Beams, Brookhaven, BNL50727 (1979) 123. 3. Barton, D.S. and Witkover, R.L., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-28 (1981) 2681. 4. J.G. Alessi et al., Proc. 1989 IEEE Part. Accel. Conf., Chicago, IEEE-89CH2669-0 (1989) 999. 5. R.A. Gough et al., Proc. 1986 Linear Accel. Conf., SLAC, SLAC Report No. 303 (1986) 260. 281
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