Modeling of Space Charge Induced Resonance Loss G. Franchetti and I. Hofmann GSI, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany Abstract. For high-current circular machines like the SIS 100, which has been proposed as driver for a future radioactive beam facility at GSI, an exploratory study of space charge effects on resonances during long-term beam storage is indispensable. We discuss the effect of space charge on sextupole error resonances by a 4D model using an analytical expression for a stationary space charge. The effect of space charge induced resonance crossing in a bunch beam is approached by a simplified model. INTRODUCTION Beam loss control is an important issue for high-intensity heavy ion rings [1]. Long term bunched beam storage, typically 106 turns, and resolution of beam loss under the percent level are very demanding for PIC simulation. As pointed out in [2] numerical noise generated in PIC solvers is responsible for an artificial emittance growth. This effect may get controlled by increasing the number of macroparticles used in the simulations at expenses of larger CPU time. A study of this effect in 3D simulation was presented in [3]. Since small beam loss is of concern, a particle-core model provides a way to avoid numerical noise artifacts while retrieving important aspects of the dynamics during long term beam storage. If loss are found to be small and collective effects may be neglected a frozen core model may give reasonable predictions. where () = d/ds. In Eq. 2 we use the tuneshift as a measure of the beam intensity, while the perveance is given by K = 2(a/C) 2 (27r) 2 (2v 0 Av - Av 2 ). Equation 2 can be integrated through a micromap + nonlinear kick symplectic method. Dividing the ring in N integration steps the nonlinear transport map becomes y 2nv, (3) with 3* = sin(27TV0/AO, and <*f = cos(27TV0/A^). The nonlinear kick fn is fn(x) = jj (27r)2(2v0Av - Av 2 ) (1 e~ */2)/x. The lattice nonlinearities can be added to fn(x) at any integration step through the kick AmX™. Here Am is the integrated strength of a m-th order nonlinear thin element in the frame {s,x}. The relation with its integrated strength Km in the laboratory frame is Am = 2D MODEL The model is based on a coasting beam in a constant focusing lattice. We consider a 2D axisymmetric beam with frozen transverse Gaussian particle distribution of rms radius a. The analytic space charge electric field [4] used in the particle equation of motion provides a particle-core model. In order to simplify the discussion we consider initially the particle dynamics only in the xplane setting for any test particle y = yr = 0. The equation of motion becomes where ()' = d/ds, V0 is the ring bare tune, R is the ring radius, K is the perveance, r = In this case r = x. Calling C = 2nR, and by using the coordinate transformation x = xa, s = sC we rescale Eq. 1 to the dimensionless equation (2) RESONANCES AND SPACE CHARGE With this model we study the effect of space charge on lattice nonlinearity induced resonances. Here the space charge acts as a perturbation leaving unchanged the main mechanisms of single particle resonances. We consider a ring with V0 = 13.36, a beam with maximum tuneshift Av = 0.2, and use 1060 integration steps to resolve the dynamics with space charge. With this choice the resonances 3v0 = 40, and 4v0 = 53 can be met if the depressed tune scans over v = 13.16, ..., 13.36. We show in Fig. la the nonlinear tune v for particles with initial coordinates x = 0. The calculation of v is obtained with a FFT interpolated method (see in [5]) by using the particle coordinates in a fixed ring section over 2048 turns. As expected, at the center of the coasting beam v = 13.16, which moves asymptotically towards V0 = 13.36 if the particle is taken very far from the beam center. Note that third and fourth order resonances are crossed at x = 5 .5 cr, and x = 2a respectively. We excite these two resonances by using 20 equal sextupolar kicks with A2 = 0.01, and CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 260 3 q = 40 133 13.3 133 13.3 1325 13.25 1325 13.25 4q = 53 4q= 53 132 13.2 132 13.2 px C / σ 5 2 4 6 0 x/v x/σ x/σ 0 e mo 600 ortail tailthe thecurrent currentisisminimum. minimum.The Theglobal globaleffect effectisisthat that or a single particle experiences an oscillating instantaneous a single particle experiences an oscillating instantaneous beamcurrent currentwith withfrequency frequencymuch muchslower slowerthan thanthe thebetabetabeam tron oscillations. We consider first a linear current ramp tron oscillations. We consider first a linear current ramp whichtakes takesthe thetuneshift tuneshifttoto∆Av 0.2.InInfirst firstorder orderthe the which ν ==0.2. current ramp rampcauses causesa amigration migrationofofislands islandsconsistent consistent current withFig. Fig.1d. Id.IfIfthe thetest testparticle particlehas hasinitial initialcoordinates coordinates with 0 = = 0,0,;t 1.5a thethird thirdorder orderisland islandeventually eventuallywill will xy x <<7.5 σ the crossthe theparticle particlephase phasespace spaceorbit. orbit.The Thespeed speedofofthe theis-iscross landatatthe thecrossing crossingisiscrucial crucialfor forthe theeffect effectonona aparticle. particle. land In Fig 2 we explore this effect. In the left column In Fig 2 we explore this effect. In the left column wewe b) c) 8 2 4 6 x/σ d) px C / σ ^400 400 6 200 200 x/σ ν ν a) a) 200 2 4 0 -200 -200 0 2 4 0 -400 ^00 -5 -5 -2.5 -23 00 2.5 23 5 7.5 x/σ 0 -2 -200 0 0.05 0,05 0.1 0,1 0.15 0,15 0.2 ∆ν -4 FIGURE 1. a) space space charge charge induced induced nonlinear nonlinear tunes, tunes,b)b)efeffect of resonances on nonlinear fect nonlinear tunes, tunes, c) c) Poincare’ Poincare' section sectionfor for = 0.2, 0.2, d) d) amplitude ν. ∆ν = Av amplitude of of 3rd 3rd order order island islandas asfunction function ofof∆Av. px C / σ -4 400 -2 0 2 4 x/σ 0 500 1000 1500 turns 2000 0 500 1000 1500 turns 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 1000 1500 2000 turns x/σ -600 -<fOO b) 2 200 Dynamics in a Bunch Dynamics in a Bunch The situation may be different for the single particle The situation may In be fact different for theoscillations single particle dynamics in a bunch. synchrotron indynamics in a bunch. In fact synchrotron oscillations induce oscillations of the instantaneous current: when the duce oscillations of the instantaneous current: when the particle is in the center of the bunch the local transparticle is in is themaximum center ofwhereas the bunch the bunch local transverse current on the head verse current is maximum whereas on the bunch head 0 0 -200 -2 -400 -4 400 -2 0 2 4 6 x/σ x/σ -4 px C / σ 53 equal equal octupolar octupolar kicks 53 kicks with with A A33 = = 0.005. 0.005. In In Figs. Figs. 1b,c lb,c we show the nonlinear tune and Poincaré section. we show the nonlinear tune and Poincare section. The The amplitude of amplitude of the the island island may may be be measured measured by by the the size size of of the flat flat region region in the in the the nonlinear nonlinear tune tunewhich whichcrosses crossesthe theresresonance. The The position onance. position of of the the fixed fixed point point isis where whereνV00−—∆Aνv equals the the harmonic harmonic of equals of the the nonlinearity nonlinearity driving drivingterm; term;the the area of of the the islands area islands seems seems to to depend depend on on the the gradient gradient of of the nonlinear nonlinear tune: the tune: the the weaker weaker the the nonlinear nonlinear tune tune gradigradient the the bigger bigger is ent is the the island. island. From From the the example example in inFig. Fig.1b Ib it follows that large islands are obtained at 6 σ . Setting it follows that large islands are obtained at 6cr. Setting ν itit isis possible properly the the bare properly bare tune tune νV00 and and varying varying ∆Av possible to create islands at any position. In Fig. to create islands at any position. In Fig. 1d Id we we plot plot the the outer and inner separatrix of the third order resonance outer and inner separatrix of the third order resonance (at xx̃˙ = 0) as (at = 0) as function function of of the the space space charge charge intensity intensity exexpressed in terms of ∆ ν . The bare tune is still pressed in terms of Av. The bare tune is still νV00 = = 13.36. 13.36. This picture shows consistently with the interpretation of This picture shows consistently with the interpretation of Figs. 1a and b) that the third order islands move outward Figs, la and b) that the third order islands move outward and increase their areas as the tuneshift increases. From and increase their areas as the tuneshift increases. From this study we find that typically we may create big isthis study we find that typically we may create big islands far beyond 3σ , whereas the islands within 3σ are lands far beyond 3(7, whereas the islands within 3(7 are much smaller. much smaller. c) 6 4 200 0 2 -200 0 -400 -2 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 x/σ 500 turns FIGURE 2. Phase space orbit (left) and time evolution of the FIGURE 2. Phase space orbitthird (left)turn and(right). time evolution of the particle amplitude plotted every particle amplitude plotted every third turn (right). plot pictures of the single particle orbits. In the right colplot pictures of the single particle orbits. In the right column the time evolution of the x̃ coordinate. In the case umn the time evolution of the x coordinate. In the case a) (first two pictures at the top) a positive linear ramp a) (first two pictures at the top) a positive linear ramp brings the tuneshift to ∆ν = 0.2 in 2048 turns. The parbrings the tuneshift to Av = 0.2 in 2048 turns. The particle initial coordinates are x̃ = 4, x̃˙ = 0. At the beginticle initial coordinates areelliptic x = 4,£ = 0.the Atfrequency the beginning the particle lies on an orbit, ning the particle lies on an elliptic orbit, the frequency of the oscillations (picture on the right) decreases due to of the oscillations (picture on the right) decreases due to the nonlinear tune change for effect of the space charge the nonlinear tune change for effect of the space charge ramp. The increasing space charge moves the third orramp. The increasing space charge moves the third or- 261 νy x/σ 7.5 a) 5 b) 13.5 2.5 13.4 0 -2.5 13.3 -5 4 0.2 0.4 0.6 turns 0.8 13.2 1 6 x 10 c) 13.7 13.8 d) 2.5 0 0 -2 -2.5 -5 -4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 turns 0.8 0.8 1 x 10 xlO 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 turns 0.8 we plot plot the the third third order order resonance resonance lines we lines and and the the tune tune footfootprint for test particles distributed over a larger area print for test particles distributed over a larger area comcomparedwith with the the beam beam size. size. Note Note that pared that the the vicinity vicinity of ofthe theline line 2 ν ν − = 41 is evacuated, which shows the existence y x 2Vy — vx = 41 is evacuated, which shows the existenceof of stop band. band. The The position position of aa stop of this this resonance resonance isis chosen chosentoto be near near the the bare bare tunes. tunes. According According to be to the the 2D 2D interpretainterpretation we expect again that the periodic resonance tion we expect again that the periodic resonance crosscrossing will create a diffusion, and the resonance trapping ing will create a diffusion, and the resonance trapping would eventually bring the particle at the farest position. would eventually bring the particle at the farest position. These effects are found in Figs. 3c,d for a particle with These effects˙ are˙ found in Figs. 3c,d for a particle with ỹ = x̃ = 1.5, x̃ = ỹ = 0. This study shows that in a bunched y = x=l.5,x = y = Q. This study shows that in a bunched beam the most dangerous resonances appear to lie near beam the most dangerous resonances appear to lie near the bare tune and not in the most densely populated part the bare tune and not in the most densely populated part of the footprint corresponding to the bunch case. Conseof the footprint corresponding to the bunch case. Consequently the single particle dynamics in a bunch is then quently the single in a bunch is then very sensitive withparticle respectdynamics to the particle synchrotron very sensitive with respect to the particle synchrotron amplitude as it effects the tune oscillations. In order to amplitude as it induced effects the tuneperiodic oscillations. In order to quantify losses by the resonance crossquantify losses induced by the periodic resonance crossing a 3D self consistent space charge calculation along ing self consistent space charge calculation along witha a3D consistent modeling of synchrotron oscillation is with a consistent modeling of synchrotron oscillation is needed. needed. REFERENCES 4D Tracking and Outlook REFERENCES 262 1 6 x 10 FIGURE 3. 3. a) a) Particle Particle evolution evolution in FIGURE in aa bunch bunch (2D (2D case), case), b) b) resonance lines lines and and tune tune footprint footprint for resonance for 4D 4D case, case, c),d) c),d) particle particle evolution in in the the 4D 4D case. case. evolution 4D Tracking and Outlook We repeat the same simulation for the 4D system (the We repeatỹthe for the system condition = ỹ˙same = 0 simulation is removed). The4D bare tunes(the are condition y =νy ==013.58, is removed). The bare tuneshift tunes are νx0 = 13.91, and the maximum is y0 v^ 13.91, v 00.3. = 13.58, and the tuneshift ∆ν y = We excite nowmaximum the harmonics 41 is by ∆ν=x = AV.K = Av-y = sextupolar 0.3. We excite 41 by using equal errorsnow withthe A2 harmonics = 0.01. In Fig. 3b using equal sextupolar errors with A2 = 0.01. In Fig. 3b νx 5 2 00 13.6 y/σ 0 x/σ der derislands islandsoutward. outward.When Whenthe theislands islandsreach reachthe theparticle particle orbit orbitthe thethird thirdorder orderresonance resonancetries triestotocapture capturethe thepartiparticle. cle.This Thishappen happenfor forhalf halfofofananisland islandrevolution. revolution.AfterAfterwards, wards,the theparticle particleisiscloser closerthe theinner innerseparatrix, separatrix,and anddue due totothe theoutward outwardmotion motionofofthe theisland islandititcrosses crossesthe thesepaseparatrix ratrixagain againand andgets getsunlocked unlockedfrom fromthe theresonance. resonance. The The total totaleffect effectisisthat thatthe theparticle particleorbit orbitgets getskicked kicked inward inward bybyananamplitude amplitudecomparable comparablewith withthe theisland islandwidth, width,then then itsitsorbit orbitamplitude amplituderemains remainsunaffected. unaffected.The Theorbit orbitjump jumpisis visible visibleafter after1000 1000turns turnsininthe theleft leftpicture. picture. Simulations Simulations showed showedalso alsothe theinverse inverseeffect effectfor foraadecreasing decreasingcurrent: current: thiscase casethe theorbit orbitjump jumpisisoutward. outward.We Weconclude concludethat that ininthis theresonance resonancecrossing crossingcauses causesan anorbit orbitjump jumpwhich whichhas hasaa the directionopposite oppositetotothe themotion motionofofthe theislands. islands.The Theparpardirection tialcapture captureprocess processdepends dependsstrongly stronglyon onthe theparticle particleand and tial islandposition positionininthe thephase phasespace spaceand andon onthe thespeed speedofofthe the island islandwhen whenapproaching approachingthe theparticle. particle.IfIfaaparticle particleinside inside island islandduring duringhalf halfa arevolution revolutionaround aroundthe thefixed fixedpoint point ananisland movesless lessthan thanthe theisland islandsize, size,ititmay mayget gettrapped trapped and and moves follow the fixed point. In Figs. 2b,c we show two examfollow the fixed point. In Figs. 2b,c we show two examplesofofparticles particlestrapped trappedby bythe theresonance. resonance.In Inb) b)the thepartipartiples ˙ cle with x̃ = 3.3, x̃ = 0 is trapped and moves outwards as cle with x = 3.3,^ = 0 is trapped and moves outwards as thecurrent currentincreases increaseslinearly linearlytotoreach reachAv ∆ν==0.2. 0.2.In Inc) c) aa the particlewith withx x̃==6,x 6, x̃˙==00gets getstrapped trappedand andmoves movesinward inward particle following the island. Whenthe thetrapping trappingcondition condition gets gets following the island. When broken, the orbit gets unlocked and follows the usual elbroken, the orbit gets unlocked and follows the usual ellipse. From these simulations we conclude that a particle lipse. From these simulations we conclude that a particle a bunchmay maybebesubject subjecttotoperiodic periodicresonance resonancecrossing: crossing: inina bunch the islands oscillate back and forth periodically, kickthe islands oscillate back and forth periodically, kicking the particle orbit in and out. The single particle dying the particle orbit in and out. The single particle dynamics has then a nonlinear resonance induced stochasnamics has then a nonlinear resonance induced stochasregime.Over Overmany manysynchrotron synchrotronoscillations oscillationsthe thepartipartiticticregime. cle may reach the trapping condition and get transported cle may reach the trapping condition and get transported to the farest transverse position determined by the posito the farest transverse position determined by the position of the island at the maximum intensity. Fig 3a shows tion of the island at the maximum intensity. Fig 3a shows the evolution of the x̃ coordinate of one particle with the evolution of the x coordinate of one particle with 6 turns. The x̃ = 1.4, x̃˙ = 0 over 10 space charge oscilx = l.4,x = 0 over 106 turns. The space charge oscillations are simulated with ∆ν = 0.2[1 + cos(2πνs n)]/2, lations are simulated with Av = 0.2[1 +cos(2nvsn)]/2, where synchrotron tune is νs = 10−3 3 . Note the diffusivewhere synchrotron tune is v 10~ . Note the diffusive5 s = like process in the first 2 · 105 turns while above it spikes like process in the first 2 • 10 turns while above it spikes nature bring the particle to ∼ 7σ . Due to the reversible bring the particle to ~ la. 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