Beam Loss Control on the ESS Accumulator Rings* C M Warsop Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, UK Abstract. The requirements for beam loss control on the 1.334GeV accumulator rings of the European Spallation Source are summarised. The main features of the beam loss collector system design are described, along with the underlying aims. Use of a specially developed code to test the proposed system under most foreseeable loss conditions, with machine errors, is described. Predicted collection efficiencies, in terms of localisation and surviving halo, are given. Simulations indicate that the required uncontrolled loss levels of <1 W/m over most of the machine will be achievable. INTRODUCTION The ESS Accelerators [1] provide 5 MW of beam power for a short pulse length, 50 Hz spallation target. The ~ 1.0ms pulse from the linac is compressed to ~1 |is by two accumulator rings, operating in parallel at 50 Hz. During the ~600 turn charge-exchange injection, 2.34xl014 protons are accumulated in each ring. The 1.334GeV H" linac provides a mean and peak current of 70 and 114mA respectively, chopped at 70% duty factor, at the revolution frequency of the rings, 1.242 MHz. This allows lossless capture in the ring RF system, maintaining a gap for extraction. After fast extraction from each ring, beams are brought together in the target transport line. The need for low and controlled loss has dominated the machine design. Key measures for loss control in the rings include 3D collimation in the injection line, highly optimised injection with 3D painting which minimises proton foil traversals. The concern here is control of lost protons, once they enter the acceptance of the ring [2]. To allow hands on maintenance, loss levels over most of the machine (uncontrolled loss) should not exceed 1 W/m levels. To achieve this, collimator systems localise most loss (controlled loss) in dedicated, well shielded regions of the machine. Expected and Possible Losses Regular losses, occurring operationally, 24 hours a day will dominate activation levels. There are unavoidable losses associated with foil interactions, expected at 0.01% levels, manifested as transverse emittance growth and energy loss. Unexpected effects, or non-optimal set up, may lead to some transverse and longitudinal loss. Important examples requiring precautions are possible space charge emittance growth and extraction loss. Also important are fault losses, where high loss levels trip off the beam. Up to a full beam pulse may require efficient removal, and fault scenarios may lead to loss in any plane. Highest priorities are for control of foil related losses, and transverse losses. For comprehensive protection, provision is also made for general longitudinal losses. 1. LOSS COLLECTION SYSTEMS Betatron and Momentum Tail System The main betatron collimation system is placed downstream from injection, in a dedicated, well shielded, dispersionless straight. For each transverse plane, the design is based on a standard two stage betatron collimation configuration [3], with long primary jaws followed by secondary jaws at relative betatron phases of 90° and 163°. The latter is given by ISO-//, with cos ju = ^(£pl£s). Painted emittance, primary (^), secondary (es) and aperture acceptances are 150, 260, 285 and 480 n mm mr, respectively. The secondary collimation limit is chosen on the basis of expected alignment, and also to protect the extraction system. Additional protective collimation is included at 20° and 32°. To enhance protection, jaws are double (both sides of the beam). This configuration is efficient over a wide range of loss modes. Placement of the primary jaw 180° from the injection point provides collimation of the low momentum tail generated at the foil. General Momentum System This consists of single stage collimation placed at the first dispersion peak after the betatron system. It is provided as a precaution against error conditions, and for removal of out-scatter from the betatron system. Practical Features and Layout To minimise the number of mechanical units, and enclose conveniently the most active surfaces, * Work here based on parts of the author's Ph.D. thesis [2] CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 174 horizontal single horizontal and and vertical vertical jaws jaws are are combined combined into into aa single box is also also box construction. construction. This This tubular tubular geometry geometry is horizontal and vertical jaws are combined into a single beneficial for interception of secondary particles and beneficial for interception of box construction. This tubular geometry is also protection of downstream components. Primary jaws protection of downstream beneficial for interception of secondary particles and are of copper and secondaries of graphite, lengths are are of copper and secondaries of protection of downstream components. Primary jaws ~0.5 lengths). ~0.5 and and 1.0 1.0 m m respectively respectively (three interaction lengths). are of copper and secondaries of graphite, lengths are The are enclosed in concrete; active handling The straights straights are enclosed in concrete; ~0.5 and 1.0 m respectively (three interaction lengths). concepts arestraights included for fast and installation. concepts included fast removal removal Theare arefor enclosed in concrete; active handling Collimators are are modeled modeled as as 3D 3D objects, objects, including including Collimators interactions with with inner inner faces, faces, and and appropriate appropriatetreatment treatment interactions Collimators are at modeled as 3D objects, of out-scattering out-scattering at boundaries. boundaries. All including important All important interactions with inner faces, and appropriate treatment processes: ionisation energy loss, straggling, elastic processes: ionisation energy loss, straggling, elastic of inelastic out-scattering at boundaries. All important and inelastic nuclear scattering, and multiple elastic nuclear scattering, and multiple elastic processes: are ionisation energy loss,have straggling, elastic scattering, included. These been checked checked scattering, are included. These have been and inelastic nuclear scattering, and multiple elastic published data data for for the the relevant relevant regimes. regimes. against published concepts areare included removal and Compromises made placement of installation. betatron Compromises are madeforin infast placement collimators for combination of horizontal and vertical collimators for combination of horizontal Compromises are made in placement of betatron jaws, to quadrupoles. final betatron jaws, and and to protect protect quadrupoles.of The final and collimators for combination horizontal vertical system consists combined horizontal vertical systemjaws, consists of protect combined and of to quadrupoles. Theand final betatron consists of 90°. combined horizontal and vertical jaws 0°, 32° The 163° jaws at atsystem 0°, 20°, 20°, 32° and horizontal and at 0°, 20°, 32° 90°. The 163° horizontal vertical collimators are around the finaland verticaljaws collimators areandsplit split vertical collimators are split around the are final quadrupole to achieve achieve near optimal optimal quadrupole to near phases. Phases quadrupole to achieve near optimal phases. Phases within about about 10° 10° of ideal values. Simple collimatorare within within about 10° of flat idealin Simple collimator jaw designs are selected, flat invalues. the longitudinal and jaw designs are selected, jaw designs are selected, flat in the longitudinal and transverse direction. direction. The The latter latter is strongly influenced transverse transverse direction. The latter is strongly influenced by the the by rectangular machine apertures. by rectangular machine apertures. A beam in gap the rectangular machine apertures. A beam in gap kicker system system could be added kicker could be added if required. kicker system could be added if required. lossisand and machine error conditions. Therefore expected machine conditions. The loss aim to ensure thaterror the design works Therefore for most loss conditions are defined, modelled, andloss loss various loss conditions are defined, modelled, and expected loss and machine error conditions. Therefore distributions around the the machinemodelled, determined. The distributions around determined. The various loss conditions are machine defined, and loss of surviving surviving halos alsodetermined. analysed. Basic Basic extent of isis also analysed. distributions around halos the machine The extent ofis halos with is also Basic behaviour issurviving first assessed assessed with no analysed. errors, and and then behaviour first no errors, then behaviour is afirst assessed withwith no errors, andrandom then over a number number of runs runs with standard random observed over of standard observed over a number of runs with standard random error conditions. conditions. scattering, are included. These have been checked against published data for thethe relevant regimes. aim is to to ensure ensure that the design worksfor formost most The aim is that design works error conditions. 3. RESULTS 3.3.SIMULATION SIMULATION RESULTS SIMULATION RESULTS Figure3.1 3.1Transverse Transverse Collimation: Collimation: Figure Single Turn Figure 3.1 Transverse Collimation:Single SingleTurn Turn Figure 1.1Betatron Main Betatron System Layout in Long Straight Figure 1.1 1.1 Main System Layout in Long Long Straight Figure Main Betatron System Layout in Straight 2. MONTE CARLO CODE 2. MONTE MONTE CARLO CARLO CODE CODE 2. Approach and Aims Approach and and Aims Aims Approach Full understanding and control of activation on a Fullhigh understanding andmachine control would of activation activation on intensity proton require complete Full understanding and control of on aa high intensity proton machine would require complete models of (i) loss mechanisms (ii) proton loss control high intensity proton machine would require complete (iii) particle cascades and resulting distributions models of (i) loss mechanisms (ii) proton loss control models of (i) loss mechanisms (ii) proton loss control of unstablecascades nuclei. The approach here distributions is to concentrate on (iii) particle particle and resulting (iii) cascades and resulting distributions of of (ii)nuclei. and model this realistically with some care. on Loss unstable The approach here is to concentrate unstablemechanisms nuclei. Theare approach here is to concentrate on not well with known, therefore simple (ii) and model this realistically some care. Loss (ii) andmodels model ofthis realistically some care. Lossand forwith all expected mechanisms are are loss not modes, well known, known, therefore planes simple mechanisms not well therefore simple growth rates, are used. The aim here is to determine, models of loss modes, for all expected planes and modelsand of loss modes, expected and ensure controlforof,all proton lossplanes distributions: growth rates, are used. The aim here is to determine, growth activation rates, arelevels used.may Thebeaim here isfrom to determine, calculated these. and ensure ensure control control of, of, proton proton loss loss distributions: distributions: and activation levels may be calculated from these. activation levels may be calculated from these. Outline of Simulation The Outline code tracksof protons around the machine, using Simulation Outline Simulation a detailed lattice of model with aperture geometries. The code tracks protons the machine, are made everyaround half metre to see if ausing particle TheChecks code tracks protons around the machine, using has been lost.model Representative randomgeometries. magnet and a detailed lattice with aperture a detailed lattice model aperture geometries. Qwith shifts Checksalignment are madeerrors, everyand half metreare toincluded. see if a particle Checks are made every half metre to see if a particle has been lost. Representative random magnet and has been lost. Representative random magnet and alignment errors, and Q shifts are included. alignment errors, and Q shifts are included. 175 Figure 3.2 Transverse Collimation: Multiple Turn Figure Figure 3.2 3.2 Transverse TransverseCollimation: Collimation:Multiple MultipleTurn Turn Test 1: Basic Transverse Collimation Test Basic Transverse Collimation Test 1:tests Basic Transverse Collimation These1: checked the basic optical performance ofThese the system,checked ensuring design compromises were the basic optical These tests testsA checked the basic optical performance performance reasonable. matched beam distribution uniformly of the ensuring design compromises were ofspanning the system, system, ensuring compromises were the 480 π mm beam mrdesign transverse horizontal and reasonable. A matched distribution uniformly reasonable. A matched distribution vertical acceptances wasbeam introduced at the uniformly primary spanning the 480 πnmm transverse horizontal and spanning 480around mm mr mr horizontal jaw, andthe taken the transverse machine one turn. Theand vertical acceptances was introduced at the primary momentum distribution wasintroduced uniform over vertical acceptances was at the thenominal primary jaw, and taken the machine one The ±0.8% The the test machine was then repeated, jaw, andacceptance. taken around around one turn. turn.but The momentum distribution was uniform over the nominal over multiple turns. Simulations were over also repeated a momentum distribution was uniform the nominal ±0.8% acceptance. The test was then repeated, number of times with randomly generated ±0.8% acceptance. The test was then errors. repeated, but but over multiple turns. Simulations were also repeated a over Simulation multiple turns. Simulations were repeated a results for single and also multiple number of times with randomly generated errors. turn number of times randomly generated collimation in with the horizontal plane are errors. shown in Figures 3.1 andresults 3.2. These normalised transverse Simulation for show single and multiple turn -3 1/2 and multiple turn Simulation results for 10 single phase spacein(axes units mplane ): input andin collimation the inhorizontal are beam shown Collimation in the horizontal plane are shown in Figures 3.1 and 3.2. These show normalised transverse Figures 3.1 and 3.2. These show normalised transverse phase space (axes in units 10-33 m1/2 ): input beam and phase space (axes in units 10" m1/2): input beam and collimated beam, with with no no errors. errors. The The circles circles indicate indicate collimated beam, collimated beam, with no errors. The circles indicate acceptances of of 260, 260, 285 285 and and 480 4807cmmmr. The acceptances π mm mr. The acceptances ofdistribution 260, 285of 480 π mmaround mr. The corresponding distribution ofand lost particles particles around the corresponding lost the corresponding distribution ofFigure lost particles around the whole machine is shown in 3.3, starting at the whole machine is shown in Figure 3.3, starting at the whole machine is shown in Figure 3.3, schematically: starting at the primary collimator. The lattice lattice is shown shown primary collimator. The is schematically: primaryelements collimator. The lattice isdipoles, shown schematically: darker are the main indicating the darker elements are the main dipoles, indicating the darker elements are the main dipoles, indicating the main arcs of the three super period machine. main arcs of the three super period machine. main arcs of the three super period machine. . . , , Extraction Extraction Extraction *%a Collimation Collimation Collimation Injection Injection Injection RF RF RF resulting beam beam loss loss distributions distributions for for 10 10µm/turn |im/turn resulting resulting beam loss distributions for 10 µm/turn growth rates are shown in Figure 3.4, and for 10 and 11 growth rates are shown in Figure 3.4, and for 10 and growth rates are shown in3 Figure 3.4,1.and for are 10 and 1 jim/turn in cases 2 and of Table These for the µm/turn in cases 2 and 3 of Table 1. These are for the µm/turn in cases 2with and 3nooferrors: Table 1. These results are for were the horizontal plane vertical horizontal plane with no errors: vertical results were horizontal with As no would errors: be vertical results wereof essentiallyplane the same. same. expected, spread essentially the As would be expected, spread of essentially thethe same. As would straight be expected, spread with of loss down collimation increased loss down the collimation straight increased with loss down the rates. collimation straight increased slower growth Simulations were repeatedwith with slower growth rates. Simulations were repeated with slower growth rates. Simulations were repeated with errors. However, worst cases with errors still achieved errors. However, worst cases with errors still achieved errors. worst cases with errors still achieved overallHowever, control >95%. >95%. overall control overall control >95%. TABLE 1.1.Percentage PercentageLoss Lossin inSections SectionsofofMachine Machine TABLE TABLE 1. Percentage Loss in Sections of Machine (All results without errors, except* which are‘worst 'worstcases’) cases') (All results without errors, except* which are (All without errors, except*Momentum which are ‘worst cases’) Betatron Betatron caseresults RestOf Of case Betatron Betatron Momentum Rest nd rd Momentum st case Betatron Betatron Rest Of st Cell nd & 3rd 2 Collimator 1 Machine 1 Cell 2 & &33rd Collimator Machine 1st Cell 2nd Cell Collimator Machine Region Cell Region Cell Region 1 37.7+0.4 59.6+0.8 2.4+0.1 0.3(0.4*) (0.4*)±0.1 ±0.1 59.6±0.8 37.7±0.4 2.4±0.1 0.3 112 59.6±0.8 37.7±0.4 2.4±0.1 0.3 (0.4*) ±0.1 23.6+0.4 75.0±0.8 l.OtO.l 0.4 (1.4*) ±0.1 75.0±0.8 23.6±0.4 1.0±0.1 0.4(1.4*) (1.4*)±0.1 ±0.1 223 75.0±0.8 23.6±0.4 1.0±0.1 0.4 43.3+0.4 53.5+0.8 2.5+0.1 0.7 (4.6*) ±0.1 3 53.5±0.8 43.3±0.4 2.5±0.1 0.7 (4.6*) ±0.1 3 Figure 3.3 Loss Loss Distribution for for Test 1: 1: Single Turn Turn Figure Figure3.3 3.3 Loss Distribution Distribution for Test Test 1: Single Single Turn 53.5±0.8 43.3±0.4 2.5±0.1 0.7 (4.6*) ±0.1 Test 3: 3: Injection Injection and andExtraction ExtractionLosses Losses Test Test 3: Injection and Extraction Losses These results are are without machine machine errors: their their These These results results are without without machine errors: errors: their inclusion had small effect, the most significant being inclusion being inclusion had had small small effect, effect, the the most most significant significant being an increase increase in surviving surviving halo. The The first figure figure shows shows an an increase in in surviving halo. halo. The first first figure shows the cuts made by the jaw system: in aa single turn most the most thecuts cuts made made by by the the jaw jaw system: system: in in a single single turn turn most beam is confined confined well well within within the the machine machine acceptance, acceptance, beam is beam is confined well within the machine acceptance, except that escaping due to out-scatter. The 99% 99% except except that that escaping escaping due due to to out-scatter. out-scatter. The The 99% surviving single-turn halos, without and with errors, surviving errors, surviving single-turn single-turn halos, halos, without without and and with with errors, were 344 and 374 ±3 n mm mr. Corresponding were 344 and 374 ±3 π mm mr. Corresponding were 344 and 374 ±3 π mm mr. Corresponding numbers for collimation were 261 261 and and 281 281 numbers multi-turn 281 numbers for for multi-turn multi-turn collimation collimation were were 261 and ±3 n mm mr. The single turn loss distribution is given ±3 ±3ππmm mmmr. mr. The The single single turn turn loss distribution is given in 1, case 1: in the worst case with with errors, errors, <1% <1% inin Table Table Table 1, 1, case case 1: 1: in in the the worst worst case escaped the collimator regions. escaped escaped the the collimator collimator regions. regions. Approximate simulations simulations of of the the injection injection process process Approximate Approximate simulations of the injection process confirmed foil associated losses at <0.01%, and confirmed foil foil associated associated losses losses atat <0.01%, <0.01%, and and confirmed indicated effective loss control. Similarly, efficiency indicated effective effective loss loss control. control. Similarly, Similarly, efficiency efficiency indicated of the the general general momentum momentum system system was was satisfactory. satisfactory. of of the general momentum system was satisfactory. Simulations also also showed showed that that if unexpected unexpected halo halo Simulations Simulations also showed that ifif unexpected halo survives until extraction, use of correction elements survives until extraction, use of correction elements survives until extraction, use of correction elements shouldallow allowits itscontrolled controlledremoval. removal. should allow its controlled removal. should Test4: 4:Collector CollectorOptions OptionsStudied Studied Test 4: Collector Options Studied Test Simulations, including includingtransverse transverseand andlongitudinal longitudinal Simulations, including transverse and longitudinal Simulations, angles on collimator jaws, showed significant angles on on collimator collimator jaws, jaws, showed showed significant significant angles enhancements in loss control. However, improvements enhancements in in loss loss control. control. However, However,improvements improvements enhancements did not not justify justify the the increased increased complexity. complexity.Similarly, Similarly, did not justify the increased complexity. Similarly, simulations using using higher higheratomic atomicmass massprimaries primariesalso also simulations using higher atomic mass primaries also simulations improved localisation localisation of ofloss, loss,but butnot nottoto toaaalevel levelthat that improved localisation of loss, but not level that improved theincreased increasedinherent inherentradiation radiationhazard. hazard. justified the the increased inherent radiation hazard. justified Ikw 4.CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS 4. CONCLUSIONS 4. Studies indicate indicate that thatloss losscontrol controltoto to≥95% >95%levels levels Studies Studies indicate that loss control ≥95% levels shouldbe bepossible. possible.Larger Largerhalos halosobserved observedwhen whenerrors errors should should be possible. Larger halos observed when errors were included included showed showed the the importance importance ofof of large large were were included showed the importance large machine acceptances. acceptances. Simulated Simulated loss loss distributions distributions machine machine acceptances. Simulated loss distributions suggesteduncontrolled uncontrolledloss losslevels levelspeaking peakingatatat0.1 0.1W/m W/m suggested suggested uncontrolled loss levels peaking 0.1 W/m for for aaa111kW kWtotal totalloss. loss. kW total loss. Figure 10 µm/turn (am/turn Figure3.4 3.4 Loss Loss Distribution Distribution for Test 2: Growth 10 Tests Test 2: 2: Transverse Transverse Growth Rate Tests Test These tested tested the the operation operation of the betatron system These system foraarange range of of transverse transverse beam beam growth rates, for rates, equivalent equivalent 1-1033 µm/turn µm/turn at at the the primary primary jaws. jaws. A beam on toto 1-10 |im/turn on aa single matched matched emittance emittance contour contour was was introduced at at single the primary primary collimator, collimator, transported transported around the around the the machine, and and the the emittance emittance then then incremented on machine, on each each turn. The The process process continued continued over ~100’s ~100’s of turns turns turn. ~100's of turns until until until most beam beam was was removed. removed. Growth Growth rates rates were were tested tested in most in in one plane plane at at aa time: time: in in orthogonal orthogonal planes one in orthogonal planes planes beam beam beam uniformly populated populated the the collimated collimated acceptance. acceptance. uniformly acceptance. The The The REFERENCES REFERENCES REFERENCES 1 The The ESS ESSProject, Project,Volume Volume3,3,3,Technical TechnicalReport, Report,ISBN ISBN3-3-3The ESS Project, Volume Technical Report, ISBN 89336-299-1, 89336-299-1,May May2002. 2002. 89336-299-1, May 2002. 22 C M Warsop, Warsop, Ph.D. Ph.D. Thesis, Thesis,University UniversityofofofSheffield, Sheffield, CC M M Warsop, Ph.D. Thesis, University Sheffield, January January2002. 2002. January 2002. 33 TTTTrenkler Trenkleret al.,“Principles "PrinciplesofofofTwo TwoStage StageBetatron Betatronand and Trenkler etetal., al., “Principles Two Stage Betatron and Momentum Collimation”, CERN SL/95-03 (AP). MomentumCollimation”, Collimation", CERN CERNSL/95-03 SL/95-03(AP). (AP). Momentum 176
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