SNS Beam-in-Gap Cleaning and Collimation Sarah Cousineau*,Nuria Catalan-Lasheras^ Jeff Holmes**, Daniele Davino* and Hans Ludewig* "Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana ^CERN, Geneva, Switzerland ** Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee ^Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York Abstract. The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) under construction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory will operate with very high beam power and very strict beam loss requirements. A two stage collimation system will be used in the accumulator ring to localize beam loss and keep residual radiation to a level that will allow for hands-on maintenance of the machine. The collimators will also be used in conjunction with a set of fast kickers to remove the beam from the gap before the rise of the extraction kickers. We have installed a full-scale collimation package into the ORBIT particle-in-cell tracking code, and have used it optimize both the collimation system and the beam-in-gap cleaning process. Results of the studies are presented here. INTRODUCTION The Spallation Neutron Source currently under construction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory will deliver 1.4 x 1014 to a liquid mercury target at a frequency of 60Hz to create the most intense source of neutrons in the world. Due to the very high beam power, unprecedented control of beam loss will be required in order to minimize radiation activation of the machine and allow for handson-maintenance in most areas. In the accumulator ring specifically, uncontrolled beam losses are not to exceed 1 x 10~4 of the total beam intensity, or 1 W/m around the ring. Loss levels of this order can not be achieved without the use of collimators that capture high emittance particles before they intercept the machine aperture. For this purpose, the SNS ring will employ a sophisticated twostage collimation system composed of four adjustable primary scrapers and four fixed-aperture secondary absorbers. The system is designed to absorb either 1 x 10~3 of the beam intensity during every accumulation cycle, or two full beam pulses in the event of a failure scenario. In addition to scraping the beam halo, the collimation system, together with a set of fast stripline kickers, will provide a means of cleaning the beam in the gap before the rise of the extraction kickers. The beam gap is expected to reach the 1 x 10~4 intensity level during accumulation due to effects such as nuclear scattering and energy loss at the foil, RF noise, and collimation inefficiency. Loss of these particles during the rise of the extraction kicker fields translates into over 100W of power deposition on the extraction region, far in excess of the IW/m safety level. The proposed solution is to use the stripline kickers to excite the beam in the gap on the betatron resonance and deposit it into the collimation system before the rise of the kickers. To optimize both the beam in gap (BIG) cleaning process and the collimation system in general, we have installed a complete collimation package into the particlein-cell tracking code, ORBIT [2]. The structure of the collimation routine is modeled after a standalone collimation code K2 [3], with routines adapted specifically for the SNS energy range. Physical processes included are multiple coulomb scattering, ionization energy loss, nuclear inelastic absorption and nuclear elastic scattering, rutherford scattering, and a detailed treatment of the collimator edge. The ORBIT framework provides a realistic accelerator environment and a complete suite of diagnostics that, combined with the collimation package, allow for detailed studies of how the beam interacts with the collimation system. We have used this program to optimize several parameters of the collimation system, to determine uncontrolled loss distributions around the ring, and to test the full beam in gap cleaning process. We dedicate the first half of this paper to optimization work associated solely with the collimation system, and the balance to the beam in gap cleaning simulations. COLLIMATION SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION Much of the design work for the collimators was completed before installation of the ORBIT collimation package, and detailed descriptions of the system have been published [3]. The goal of our work was not to redesign the system but to fine-tune such parameters as primary scraper thickness and material, aperture shape, and collimator location. A few results are discussed here. In a two-stage collimation system, particles first intercept the primary collimators (scrapers) where they are CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 170 1 1 Efficiency / Max. Efficiency Efficiency / Max. Efficiency imparted a momentum imparted a momentumkick. kick.For Forbetatron betatroncollimation, collimation,the the imparted amust momentum kick. For betatron collimation, the momentum bebetranslated into displacement before momentum must translated into displacement before momentum must be translated into displacement before absorption bybythe collimators can occur. absorption thesecondary secondary collimators can occur.An An absorption by theexists secondary collimators can occur. An analytic expression for the optimum phase advance analytic expression exists for the optimum phase advance analytic expression exists for the optimum phase advance between the primary collimator that induces the kick and between between the the primary primary collimator collimator that that induces induces the the kick kick and and thethe secondary collimator that performs the absorption: secondary collimator that performs the absorption: the secondary collimator that performs the absorption: p cos(∆ µ ) == p (ε /ε ) (1) cos(Aju) cos(∆µ ) = (1ε1 /2ε2 ) (1) µ is the phase advance, and ε and ε are the Where ∆ Where A/i is the phase advance, and e and z^ are the 1 Where ∆µ is the phase advance, and 1ε1 and 2ε2 are the emittance apertures emittance apertures the primary and secondary colemittance aperturesofof ofthe theprimary primaryand andsecondary secondarycolcollimators, respectively. This phase advance provides the limators, respectively. This phase advance provides limators, respectively. This phase advance provides the the cleanest absorption the scraped beam by the secondary cleanest absorption ofof the scraped cleanest absorption of the scrapedbeam beamby bythe thesecondary secondary collimators. However, the equation neglects the exiscollimators. collimators.However, However,the theequation equationneglects neglectsthe the exisexistence of other limiting machine apertures. The multipletence of other limiting machine apertures. The multipletence of other limiting machine apertures. The multiplecoulomb-scattered beam gaussian nature and poscoulomb-scattered beam coulomb-scattered beamisis isgaussian gaussianinin innature natureand andpospossesses a long tail that risks interaction with limiting sesses sessesa along longtailtailthat thatrisks risksinteraction interactionwith withlimiting limiting ring apertures before optimum phase advance reached. ring apertures before optimum ring apertures before optimumphase phaseadvance advanceisis isreached. reached. the case of the phase-optimized SNS system, the InIn the case of the phase-optimized SNS system, In the case of the phase-optimized SNS system, the the scraped beam must negotiate two quadrupole doublets scraped beam must negotiate two quadrupole doublets scraped beam must negotiate two quadrupole doublets and over twelve meters vacuum pipe passage and over twelve and over twelvemeters metersofof ofvacuum vacuumpipe pipeinin initsits itspassage passage from the primary scraper to the last of the secondary from the primary scraper to the last of the secondary from the primary scraper to the last of the secondary absorbers. Collimation simulations which include both absorbers. Collimation absorbers. Collimationsimulations simulationswhich whichinclude includeboth both beam pipe and quadrupole apertures show that about 7beam pipe and quadrupole beam pipe and quadrupoleapertures aperturesshow showthat thatabout about7-7scraped beam lost the vicinity the sec8% of the scraped beam lostinin inthe thevicinity vicinityofof ofthe thesecsec8%8% ofof thethe scraped beam isisislost ond quadrupole doublet instead the intended collimaond quadrupole doublet insteadofof ofthe theintended intendedcollimacollimaond quadrupole doublet instead tor. This motivates a change in location of the last colliThis motivates a changeininlocation locationofofthe thelast lastcollicollitor.tor. This motivates a change mator from after the quadrupole doublet to just before the mator from after quadrupole doublettotojust justbefore beforethe the mator from after thethe quadrupole doublet doublet. The new arrangement represents a compromise doublet. The new arrangementrepresents representsa acompromise compromise doublet. The new arrangement between optimum phase advance and limiting geometric between optimum phase advanceand andlimiting limitinggeometric geometric between optimum phase advance aperture. Simulations with the new layout result alaperture. Simulations with the new layout result inalalaperture. Simulations with the new layout result inin most no losses on the doublet, and an overall efficiency most no losses on the doublet, and an overall efficiency most no losses on the doublet, and an overall efficiency increase of about 7%. The separation the last collimaincrease about 7%. Theseparation separationofof ofthe thelast lastcollimacollimaincrease of of about 7%. The tor from its optimum phase advance does allow aa portion tor from its optimum phase advance does allow portion tor from its optimum phase advance does allow a portion of the scraped beam to escape the collimation system, of the scraped beam to escape the collimation system, of the scraped beam to escape the collimation system, but itit isis below the limiting ring aperture therefore combelow limitingring ringaperture aperturetherefore thereforecomcombutbut it is below thethe limiting pletes the turn without interaction and is collimated on pletes the turn without interaction and is collimated onaaa pletes the turn without interaction and is collimated on subsequent pass through the system. subsequent pass through system. subsequent pass through thethesystem. The role of the primary collimators, the "scrapThe role of the primary collimators,oror orthe the“scrap“scrapThe role of thetheprimary collimators, ers", ers”, is is to to kick kick the halo halo particles particles into into large large emittances emittances ers”, is to kick the halochanging particles intobeam large emittances without without significantly significantly changing the the beam energy. energy. The The without significantly changing the beam energy. The SNS SNS primary primary collimator collimator is is comprised comprised of of four four tantalum tantalum SNS primary collimator is comprised at of four tantalum scrapers scrapers mounted mounted on on copper copper supports supports at angles angles of of 0, 0, 45, 45, scrapers mounted on copper supports at angles ofits0, high 45, 90, and -45 degrees. Tantalum is chosen for 90, and -45 degrees. Tantalum its 90,melting and -45 degrees. Tantalum is chosen for its high melting point point and and good good durability. The thickness of the melting point and good The thickness of the scraper impact of particles scraper determines determines the thedurability. impact parameters parameters scraper determines the impact parameters of particles on on the the secondaries, secondaries, which which in in turn turn influences influences the absorpontion the efficiency secondaries, which in turn influences absorpFigure the the tion efficiency of of these these collimators. collimators. 1 shows tion efficiency of these collimators. Figure 1 shows dependence on dependence of of the the individual individual collimator efficiencies efficienciesthe dependence the individual on the where we invokeefficiencies the definition the scraper scraperofthickness, thickness, wherecollimator definition s o e where #absorbed theefficiency we invoke = ##impacted », an< ^ norma lize to the maximum e fscraper f iciencythickness, ≡#absorbed and normalize tothe the definition maximum e fefficiency fefficiency iciency ≡ , and normalize to the maximum (about 90%). #impacted (about 90%). efficiency (about 90%). ItIt isis clear that the clear that the thicker thicker scrapers provide better abIt is clear that the However, thicker scrapers provide betterleads absorption efficiency. too of a scraper sorption efficiency. However, too thick sorption efficiency. However, too thick of a scraper leads to scraped beam intercepting the quadrupole and beam to scraped beam intercepting the to scraped beam intercepting the quadrupole and beam (1) 1 0.99 O.99 0.99 0.98 O.98 0.98 0.97 O.97 0.97 0.96 O.96 0.96 0.95 O.95 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.93 Relative Collimator Efficiency vs. Scraper Thickness Relative Collimator Efficiency vs. Scraper Thickness Relative Collimator Efficiency vs. Scraper Thickness 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 Scraper Scraper Thickness [mm] Scraper Thickness [mm] 5 5 FIGURE 1.1. Individual efficiency versus scraper scraper FIGURE Individual collimator collimator efficiency efficiency versus versus scraper FIGURE 1. Individual collimator thickness. thickness. thickness. % of%Beam withwith Larger Emittance of Beam Larger Emittance pipe apertures before before reaching collimators. Based on pipe the collimators. collimators.Based Basedon on pipeapertures apertures before reaching the our studies, the optimum thickness for the SNS our studies, the optimum scraper thickness for the SNS our studies, the optimum scraper thickness for the SNS systemisis is ≈ w 4.0mm. 4.0mm. system system ≈ 4.0mm. Figure 2 demonstrates the effect of of the the fully fully optiFigure 2 demonstrates effect fully optioptiFigure 2 demonstrates the effect mized collimation system. aperture was set mized collimation system. The scrapers aperture was set mized collimation system. The scrapers aperture was set 200nmm mrad,and andabout about15% 15%of ofthe theinitial initialgaussian gaussian toto 15% of the initial gaussian to200 200ππmm mm··•mrad, mrad, and about beam distribution exceeded exceeded that that value. value. The The initial emitbeam value. The initial initial emitemitbeam distribution distribution exceeded tance profile of the beam is plotted along with emittance tance along with with emittance emittance tanceprofile profile of of the the beam is plotted along profiles after 10 10 turns turns and and after after 100 100 turns. turns. After 10 turns profiles turns. After After10 10turns turns profilesafter after 10 turns around the machine, the beam halo is almost completely around is almost almost completely completely aroundthe the machine, machine, the beam halo is absorbed. Since Since betatron betatron phasing phasing ensures ensures that at least absorbed. ensures that that at at least least absorbed. Since betatron few turns will be needed for all of the halo to intercept few turns turns will will be be needed needed for all of the few the halo halo to to intercept intercept the scrapers, aaa 10 10 turn turn cleaning cleaning success success implies implies almost the scrapers, scrapers, 10 turn the success implies almost almost single-turn collimation once particle intercepts the syssingle-turn collimation once particle intercepts the single-turn collimation particle intercepts the syssystem. Typical loss distributions around the ring show 88tem. Typical loss distributions around the ring show tem. Typical loss distributions around the ring show888890% of particles being absorbed directly in the collima90%of of particles particles being being absorbed directly 90% directly in in the the collimacollimators, 3-4%impacting impacting the the radiation-hard radiation-hard quadrupoles, quadrupoles, and tors,3-4% 3-4% impacting radiation-hard tors, quadrupoles,and and about 7% impacting the vacuum pipe. Overall, 98% of about 7% 7% impacting impacting the the vacuum vacuum pipe. about pipe. Overall, Overall, 98% 98%of of all losses occur within the collimation straight section. In alllosses lossesoccur occur within within the the collimation collimation straight all straightsection. section.In In our simulations, both both the the beam beam pipe and and the quadrupoles quadrupoles oursimulations, simulations, our both the beam pipe pipe and the the quadrupoles are treated as black black absorbers, absorbers, whereas whereas in reality reality some are treated as as are treated black absorbers, whereas in in reality some some fraction of particles particles landing landing there there will will scatter scatter into into downfraction of fraction of particles landing there will scatter intodowndownstream collimators. collimators. Also, Also, itit should should be noted noted that the the loss stream stream collimators. Also, it should be be noted that that theloss loss distribution depends heavily heavily on on the the vacuum vacuum pipe pipe radius radius distribution depends distribution depends heavily on the vacuum pipe radius which is still still under under design; design; aa conservative conservative estimate estimate of of which isis which still under design; a conservative estimate of 12.0cm radius was used for the simulation. 12.0cmradius radius was was used used for for the 12.0cm the simulation. simulation. Beam Distribution Distribution Before Before and and After After Collimation Collimation Beam Beam Distribution Before and After Collimation Initial 10 Turns Initial 100 10 Turns Turns 100 Turns 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 100 0 0 0 5O 50 50 1OO 100 100 15O 200 2OO 250 25O 300 3OO 350 35O 400 4OO 450 45O 500 5OO 150 Emittance (pi mm-mrad) mm-mrad) Emittance (pi 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Emittance (pi mm-mrad) FIGURE 2. Beam emittance emittance profiles before before collimation collimation (solid red line), after 10 10emittance turns (dashed (dashed blue line), line), andcollimation after 100 100 FIGURE 2. Beam profiles before blue and after turns (dashed (solid red line),black afterline). 10 turns (dashed blue line), and after 100 turns (dashed black line). 171 BEAM IN GAP CLEANING BEAM BEAMIN INGAP GAPCLEANING CLEANING Fraction FractionCollimated Collimated 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 O.2 0.2 0 0O0 0 dp/p=.007 (Good Beam) dp/p-.OO7(Good (Good Beam) Beam dp/p=.007 dp/p=010 dp/p=O1O(RF (RFAcceptance) Acceptance dp/p=010 (RF Acceptance) dp/p=.020 dp/p=.O2O(Momentum (MomentumAperture) Aperture dp/p=.020 (Momentum Aperture) 10 10 20 20 30 40 50 3O 4O 5O 30 40 50 Turn TurnNumber Number Turn Number 60 60 70 70 80 80 FIGURE 3.3. Fraction Fraction of particles FIGURE3. Fraction of of particles particles lost lost versus versus turn turn for for three FIGURE lost versus turn for three different momentum spreads: different momentum momentumspreads: spreads: the thesolid solid red red line line is for ∆p/p Ap/p = = different the solid red line isis for for ∆p/p = 0.007, the dashed blue line isisfor 0.007,the thedashed dashedblue blueline lineis for∆p/p &p/p = = 0.010, 0.010, and andthe the dashed dashed 0.007, for ∆p/p = 0.010, and black line isisfor for ∆p/p ==0.020. 0.020. blackline lineis for∆p/p Ap/p = 0.020. black Impact ImpactononScrapers Scrapers Impact on Scrapers 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 -20 -20 -40 -40 -60 -60 -80 -80-50-50 -40-40 -30-30 -20- 2 0-10 - 1 0 0 0 1010 2020 3030 4040 50 60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 X0 [mm] 10 20 30 40 50 60 X[mm] X [mm] Y [mm] Y [mm] limators altogether and impact limatorsaltogether altogetherand andimpact impactsecondary secondary collimators collimators inlimators secondary collimators instead. In our simulations, about 75% of the stead.In Inour oursimulations, simulations,about about 75% 75% of of the the gap stead. gap particles particles initially impact the primary initially impact impact the the primary primary scraper, scraper, while while the the remaininitially scraper, while the remaining 25% overshoot into the secondaries; no particles ing25% 25%overshoot overshootinto intothe thesecondaries; secondaries; no no particles particles iniiniing initially impacted any of the tiallyimpacted impactedany any of of the the other other limiting limiting apertures. apertures. ParPartially other limiting apertures. Particles that pass directly to ticlesthat thatpass passdirectly directly to to the the secondary secondary collimators collimators are are ticles the secondary collimators are less likely to be absorbed than those that pass through less likely to be absorbed than those that pass through less likely to be absorbed than those that pass through the primary collimator first. theprimary primarycollimator collimator first. first. Figure Figure 444 shows shows typical typical priprithe Figure shows typical primary impact parameters on both the scrapers and on one mary impact parameters on both the scrapers and on one mary impact parameters on both the scrapers and on one of the secondaries. The primary impact parameters of the secondaries. The primary impact parameters on of the secondaries. The primary impact parameters on on the secondaries are large, thesecondaries secondariesare arelarge, large,but but not not as as large large as as they they would would the but not as large as they would have been had the particles havebeen beenhad hadthe theparticles particlesbeen beenscattered scattered by by the the primary primary have been scattered by the primary scrapers. This leads to an overall decrease collimation scrapers.This Thisleads leadsto toan anoverall overalldecrease decreasecollimation collimation efefscrapers. efficiency for beam in gap particles ficiency for forbeam beam in in gap gap particles particles compared compared to to non-gap non-gap ficiency compared to non-gap particles. particles. particles. Y [mm] Y [mm] Unlike the halo beam, gap particles do not necessarily Unlike Unlikethe thehalo halobeam, beam,gap gapparticles particlesdo donot notnecessarily necessarily have large transverse emittances and therefore will not have large transverse emittances and therefore have large transverse emittances and thereforewill willnot not reach the collimators without some type ofofintervention. intervention. reach reachthe thecollimators collimatorswithout withoutsome sometype typeof intervention. Five vertical stripline kickers with cumulative kicking Five Fivevertical verticalstripline striplinekickers kickerswith withaaacumulative cumulativekicking kicking strength ofof111mrad mrad will be used totodrive drive the gap beam strength strengthof mradwill willbe beused usedto drivethe thegap gapbeam beam into the collimation system. The kickers are capable of into intothe thecollimation collimationsystem. system.The Thekickers kickersare arecapable capableof of reversing polarity on a turn-by-turn basis according toto reversingpolarity polarityonona aturn-by-turn turn-by-turnbasis basisaccording accordingto reversing programmable polarity sequence, and therefore they programmablepolarity polaritysequence, sequence,and andtherefore thereforethey they aaaprogrammable can be made fire in resonance with the vertical betatron canbebemade madefire fireininresonance resonancewith withthe thevertical verticalbetatron betatron can tune ofofthe the ring. To determine the exact sequence ofof tuneof thering. ring.To Todetermine determinethe theexact exactsequence sequenceof tune kicks for any given tune, an initial kick of arbitrary kicks for any given tune, an initial kick of arbitrary kicks for any given tune, an initial kick of arbitrary polarity imparted and the beam centroid isisfollowed followed polarityisisisimparted impartedand andthe thebeam beamcentroid centroidis followed polarity around the phase space for subsequent turns. On each around the phase space for subsequent turns. Oneach each around the phase space for subsequent turns. On turn kicks are assigned with the same polarity asas the the turnkicks kicksare areassigned assignedwith withthe thesame samepolarity polarity as the turn centroid momentum. Though the effect ofofaaakick kick on each centroidmomentum. momentum.Though Thoughthe theeffect effectof kickon oneach each centroid individual particle sensitive totothe the particle’s phase, individualparticle particleisisissensitive sensitiveto theparticle’s particle's phase, phase, individual using the centroid in this manner guarantees that the usingthe thecentroid centroidininthis thismanner mannerguarantees guaranteesthat that the the using net effect is always to increase the magnitude of the neteffect effectisisalways alwaystotoincrease increasethe themagnitude magnitudeofof the the net momentum ininthe the distribution. momentumin thedistribution. distribution. momentum For very small tune spreads, isisonly only necessary for Forvery verysmall smalltune tunespreads, spreads,itititis onlynecessary necessaryfor foraaa For sequence of kicks to follow the main tune of the lattice. sequence of kicks to follow the main tune of the lattice. sequence of kicks to follow the main tune of the lattice. However, the SNS expects tune spreads on the order However,the theSNS SNSexpects expectstune tunespreads spreadson onthe the order order However, of 0.15 − 0.2. Kicking on resonance with the bare tune of 0.15 — 0.2. Kicking on resonance with the bare tune of 0.15 − 0.2. Kicking on resonance with the bare tune alone will serve to excite only a small fraction of the alone will serve to excite only a small fraction of the alone will serve to excite only a small fraction of the beam in the gap. We account for the range of tunes beam in the gap. We account for the range of tunes beam in the gap. We account for the range of tunes by defining entire kicking sequences for several tunes bydefining definingentire entirekicking kickingsequences sequencesfor forseveral several tunes tunes by within the spread and apply them sequentially to excite within the spread and apply them sequentially to excite within the spread and apply them sequentially to excite the entire beam. theentire entirebeam. beam. the The simulations included initial gaussian beam disThesimulations simulationsincluded includedinitial initialgaussian gaussianbeam beamdisdisThe tributions of finite momentum spread. The five kickers tributions of finite momentum spread. The five kickers tributions of finite momentum spread. The five kickers were modeled with single, mrad kick, with kick poweremodeled modeledwith withaaasingle, single,111mrad mradkick, kick,with withkick kickpopowere larity sequences defined by the aforementioned method. larity sequences defined by the aforementioned method. larity sequences defined by the aforementioned method. Second order transport matrices were used toto induce induce Secondorder ordertransport transportmatrices matriceswere wereused used to induce Second chromatic tune spread in the beam. The full baseline colchromatic tune spread in the beam. The full baseline colchromatic tune spread in the beam. The full baseline collimation system was used, with the variable-aperture prilimation system was used, with the variable-aperture prilimation system was used, with the variable-aperture primary scrapers set to 200 π mm · mrad. For SNS, the anmary scrapers set to 2QQnmm mrad. For SNS, the anmary scrapers set to 200π mm · mrad. For SNS, the anticipated fractional momentum spread for the nominal ticipated fractional momentum spread for the nominal ticipated fractional momentum spread for the nominal (non-gap) beam ∆p/p ==0.007, the RF acceptance isis (non-gap)beam beamisisis∆p/p A/?//?= 0.007,the theRF RFacceptance acceptanceis (non-gap) 0.007, ∆p/p ==0.010, and the momentum aperture ofofthe ring isis A/?//? 0.010, and the momentum aperture the ring ∆p/p = 0.010, and the momentum aperture of the ring is ∆p/p Ap/p ==0.020. 0.020.Results Resultsofofsimulations simulationswith withthe thethree threedifdif∆p/p = 0.020. Results of simulations with the three different ferentinitial initialbeam beammomentum momentumspreads spreadsare areshown shownininFigFigferent initial beam momentum spreads are shown in Figure ure3,3,where wherethe thefraction fractionofofparticles particleslost lostisisplotted plottedover over ure 3, where the fraction of particles lost is plotted over several severalturns turnsofofthe thebeam. beam.For Foreach eachofofthe thethree threecases, cases,the the several turns of the beam. For each of the three cases, the entirebeam beamisisabsorbed absorbedininunder undersixty sixtyturns turnsaround aroundthe the entire entire beam is absorbed in under sixty turns around the ring. ring. ring. Theefficiency efficiency ofofthe thebeam beaminin gap gapcleaning cleaning process process The The efficiency of the beam in gap cleaning process fundamentally limited limitedby bythe the collimation collimation efficiency. efficiency. isisfundamentally is fundamentally limited by the collimation efficiency. Gapparticles particlesthat thatarrive arriveatatthe the primary primary collimator collimator bebeGap Gap particles that arrive at the primary collimator beforeany anyother otheraperture aperturewill willbe be collimated collimated inin the the same same fore fore any other aperture will be collimated in the same mannerasasthe thenon-gap non-gapbeam. beam.However, However,the the drift drift speed speed manner manner as the in non-gap However, the speed thebeam beam thegap gapbeam. much greaterthan thandrift the anticianticiofofthe in the isismuch greater the ofpated the beam in the is much greater than the anticinon-gap halogap drift, andtherefore therefore possible for pated non-gap halo drift, and ititisispossible for pated non-gap halo drift, and therefore it is possible for particlesofofparticular particularphases phasestotobypass bypassthe theprimary primarycolcolparticles particles of particular phases to bypass the primary col- Fraction of of Beam Collimated vs. Turn Fraction Fraction ofBeam BeamCollimated Collimatedvs. vs. Turn Turn Impact ImpactononS2S2 Impact on S2 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 -20 -20 -40 -40 -60 -60 -80 -80-50 I -40 -40 -30 -30 -20 -20 -10 -10 0 0 1010 2020 3030 4040 5050 60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 X0 [mm] 10 20 30 40 50 60 X[mm] X [mm] FIGURE FIGURE 4.4. The The figure figure on on the the left left shows shows primary primary impact impact FIGURE 4. The figure on the left shows primary impact parameters parametersof ofthe thebeam beamininthe thegap gapon on the the four four primary primary scrapers, scrapers, parameters of the beam in the gap on the four primary scrapers, and andthe thefigure fi gureon onthe theright rightshows showsthe theprimary primaryimpact impactparameters parameters and the figure on the right shows the primary impact parameters one oneofofthe thesecondary secondaryabsorbers. absorbers. one of the secondary absorbers. Thetwo twoparameters parametersthat thatcontrol controlthe the distribution distribution of of imimThe The two parameters that control the distribution of impacts among among the the collimators collimators are are the the primary primary collimator collimator pacts pacts among the collimators are the primary collimator aperture and and the the kicker kicker strength. strength. The The primary primary aperture aperture aperture aperture and the kicker strength. The primary aperture fixed by bythe thenon-gap non-gapbeam beam distribution distribution and and can can not not be be isisfixed is fixed by the non-gap beam distribution and can not be variedtotoaccomodate accomodatethe thebeam beamin inthe thegap. gap. The The other other varivarivaried varied to accomodate the beam in the gap. The other variableisiskicker kickerstrength, strength,which whichdetermines determinesthe the drift drift velocvelocable able is kicker strength, which determines the drift velocityof ofthe thegap gapbeam. beam.A A decrease decrease in in kicker kicker strength strength would would ity ity of the gap beam. A decrease in kicker strength would correspondto toaaslower, slower,more morecontrolled controlled halo halo drift; drift; howhowcorrespond correspond to a slower, more controlled halo drift; however, this could also lead to considerably slower beam in ever, this could also lead to considerably slower beam in ever, this could also lead to considerably slower beam in gapcleaning. cleaning. gap gap cleaning. 172 CONCLUSIONS A new collimation simulation package embedded in a particle-in-cell environment has allowed us to perform detailed studies of the SNS collimation system and beam-in-gap cleaning process. Results of the work have led to optimization of collimator location and scraper thickness. Additionally, we have shown that the collimation system can be used with a set of fast kickers to clean the beam in the gap before the rise of the extraction kickers. This work is supported by SNS through UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-OOOR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy. SNS is a partnership of six national laboratories: Argonne, Brookhaven, Jefferson, Lawrence Berkeley, Los Alamos, and Oak Ridge. REFERENCES 1. See K2 code description in N. Catalan-Lasheras, "Transverse and Longitudinal Beam Colliamtion in a High-Energy Proton Collider" PhD Thesis, University of Zaragoza, Spain (1999). 2. J. Galambos et al., ORBIT User's Manual, SNS/ORNL/AP Technical Note Oil, 1999. 3. N. Catalan-Lasheras et. al., "Optimization of the collimation system for the Spallation Neutron Source accumulator ring", Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 4, 010101 (2001)). 173
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