Beam Transfer Lines for the Spallation Neutron Source Beam Transfer Lines for the Spallation Neutron Source D. Raparia, Y. Y. Lee, W. T. Weng and J. Wei D. Raparia, Brookhaven Y. Y. Lee,National W. T.Laboratory Weng and J. Wei P. O. Box 5000, Upton, NY Laboratory 11793, Upton, USA Brookhaven National Box 5000, Upton,Source NY 11793, USA to have low beam losses for hand on Abstract. Beam transfer lines forP. theO.Spallation Neutron (SNS)Upton, are designed maintenance while satisfying the facility footprint requirements. There are two main transfer lines, losses High Energy Abstract. Beam transfer lines for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) are designedbeam to have low beam for handBeam on Transport (HEBT) whichthe connect conducting linac toThere the accumulator andtransfer Ring tolines, Target Beam transport maintenance while line satisfying facilitysuper footprint requirements. are two mainring beam High Energy Beam (RTBT) which transfers beamconnect from accumulator ring tolinac the target. HEBT line not transfer the beam from linac to ring but Transport (HEBT) line which super conducting to the accumulator ringonly and Ring to Target Beam transport also prepare beam for ring injection, correct the ring energy jitter fromHEBT the linac, energy for the (RTBT) which transfers beam from accumulator to the target. line provide not only required transfer the beamspread from linac to ring but injection, clean thefor transverse and longitudinal halo particles fromthethe beam, determine theenergy linac beam quality, also prepare beam ring injection, correct the energy jitter from linac, provide required spread for theand ringprovide the protection to thethe accumulator RTBT line halo transport the beam from ringdetermine to target while fulfilling the target injection, clean transverse ring. and longitudinal particles from the beam, the linac beam quality, andrequirements provide the of beam size, to maximum current density, beam onthe thebeam targetfrom in case kickerthe failure, protect theoftarget protection the accumulator ring. RTBT linemoment transport ring of to ring targetextraction while fulfilling targetand requirements beamthe size, maximum current density, beam moment on the target in case of ring extraction kicker failure, and protect the target from ring fault conditions. from the ring fault conditions. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The 1.4 MW Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is The 1.4 MW Spallation Neutron SourceLaboratory, (SNS) is under construction in Oak Ridge National under construction in Oak Ridge National Laboratory, order of magnitude higher power than any other order ofmachines. magnitudeThe higher power thanis any other existing whole facility design for existing machines. The whole facility is design for low un-controlled beam losses for hand on low un-controlled beam losses for hand on maintenance. The SNS[1] consists l.OGeV super maintenance. The SNS[1] consists 1.0GeV super conducting Linac[2] and an accumulator ring[3] and conducting Linac[2] and an accumulator ring[3] and two High Energy Energy Beam BeamTransfer Transfer two main main transfer transfer lines. lines. High (HEBT) line[4] connects super conducting Linac the (HEBT) line[4] connects super conducting Linac totothe accumulator ring and Ring to Target Beam Transfer accumulator ring and Ring to Target Beam Transfer (RTBT) accumulator ting ting toto the the (RTBT) line[5] line[5] connects connects accumulator target. These lines are carefully designed to have low target. These lines are carefully designed to have low uncontrolled with several several new newfeatures featuresinin uncontrolled beam beam losses losses with these corrector and and spreader spreadercavities, cavities, these lines lines like like energy energy corrector collimators collimators etc. etc. FIGURE 1. 1. SNS SNS transfer FIGURE transfer lines lines and andring ringlayout. layout. HIGH ENERGY BEAM TRANSFER HIGH ENERGY BEAM TRANSFER LINE LINE - HEBT is about 180 meter long and carry H ion with HEBT is aboutcurrent 180 meter longinand carry ion with peak average of 38 mA 1 ms longH"pulses at peak average 38 mA 1 ms long the rate of 60 current Hz. Theof HEBT notin only carry thepulses H- ionat the rate of 60 Hz. The HEBT not only carry the H" ion but also optically matches linac and ring, correct the but also optically linac and ring, energy jitter frommatches the linac, increase the correct energy the spread energy jittertofrom thebeam linac,stability increasein thethe energy of beam avoid ring,spread clean the oftransverse beam to avoid stability halo in thecoming ring, clean the the and beam longitudinal from transverse and longitudinal halo coming from the linac, characterize the beam from linac, and protect linac, characterize beam fromThe linac, and features protect of ring from the faulttheconditions. general ring from the fault conditions. The general features of this line are, the magnetic filed in dipole and this line are, the magnetic filed in dipole and quadrupoles and vacuum are low enough to control quadrupoles and vacuum are low enough to control Lorentz and gas stripping of H" for energies 800 -1300 Lorentz and gas stripping of H- for energies 800 –1300 MeV[6]. The ratio aperture to the beam MeV[6]. The ratio of of aperture to the rmsrms beam sizesize is is kept greater than 10 through out the line except energy kept greater than 10 through out the line except energy corrector, spreader , spreaderandand collimators. Figure 1 shows corrector collimators. Figure 1 shows the layout of the HEBT, Ring and RTBT. For the layout of the HEBT, Ring and RTBT. For easeease of of operation and stability reasons the lattice of the operation and stability reasons the lattice of the is is chosenis isFODO FODOwhich which matches linac chosen matches thethe linac andand ringring doublet-FODOlattices. lattices.Figure Figure 2 shows amplitude doublet-FODO 2 shows the the amplitude function(β(p ) and dispersion function along x y,p function ) yand thethe dispersion function (η) (r|) along x ,β theHEBT. HEBT. We consider HEBT as having three the We cancan consider thethe HEBT as having three sections:Linac-Achromat Linac-Achromat Matching Section (LAMS), sections: Matching Section (LAMS), Achromat,and andAchromat-Ring Achromat-RingMatching Matching Section Achromat, Section (ARMS). to to thethe bend to the ring, there is ais a (ARMS).InInaddition addition bend to the ring, there straight straight beam beam line line used used for for linac linacbeam beam characterization, in in Fig.Fig. 1. 1.TheThe firstfirst fivefive characterization,as asshown shown cells linac (LAMS) are are usedused to to cells(8(8m/cell) m/cell)after afterthethe linac (LAMS) characterize the linac beam, match beam into the characterize the linac beam, match beam into the achromat, beam halo. TheThe energy corrector achromat,collimate collimate beam halo. energy corrector cavity is located in the last half cell of the LAMS. cavity is located in the last half cell of the LAMS. Following thethe four cellcell long achromat (14(14 m/cell) Followingthis, this, four long achromat m/cell) provides selection by by cleaning up the beam providesmomentum momentum selection cleaning up the beam energy dispersion energyhalo haloat atthethepoint pointof ofmaximum maximum dispersion (ηx=6.4m). The remaining six cells (8 m/cell) are used (r| =6.4m). The remaining six cells (8 m/cell) are used for xmatching the beam into the accumulator ring, for matching the beam into the accumulator ring, diagnostics. The energy spreader cavity is located in diagnostics. The energy spreader cavity is located in the first cell following the achromat (in the ARMS), the cell following thederivative achromatare(inzero. the There ARMS), wherefirst the dispersion and its where the dispersion and its derivative are zero. There are eight horizontal and eight vertical dipole correctors are eight horizontal and eight vertical dipole correctors placed in strategic positions of small apertures in the placed in strategic positions of small apertures in the CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 130 line. The line has following new features to control losses. line. line. The The line line has has following following new features to control losses. losses. FIGURE 2. The βx ,βy and ηx along the HEBT. FIGURE 2. 2. The The pβxx ,p ,βyy and r|ηxx along along the the HEBT. HEBT. FIGURE Transverse and Longitudinal Collimators Transverse and and Longitudinal Longitudinal Collimators Transverse To remove the transverse and longitudinal halo To remove remove the the transverse transverse and longitudinal halo To from the beam, we introduce adjustable carbon foils in from the beam, we introduce adjustable carbon foils in frompath the beam, we introduce adjustable the of beam to intercept the tails. After the the path path of of beam the -beam to intercept the tails. After the - ion through the foil, the two electrons passage the H ion through through the foil, passage the the H" H ion passage the foil, the the two two electrons electrons are H focusing lattice lattice deviatesthe the areremoved removed and and the the H" H- focusing focusing are removed and the lattice deviates deviates the proton tails into large massive absorbers. There are proton tails into large massive absorbers. There are proton tails into large massive absorbers. There are aa a total foil.Four Fourtransverse transverse totalof offive fiveset set of of such such adjustable total of five set of such adjustable adjustable foil. foil. Four transverse (2(2 in x and y) are located just after linac andfifth fifth (2each each in x and y) are located just after linac each in x and y) are located just after linac and and fifth one is located in the achromat at the high dispersion[7] one is located in the achromat at the high dispersion[7] one is located in the achromat at the high dispersion[7] 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 -20 15 -20 15 -40 17 17 19 19 21 21 23 23 25 25 27 27 29 29 31 31 -40 -60 -60 FIGURE 3. Carbon foils foils and and absorber FIGURE Carbon layout inin FIGURE 3.3. Carbon foils and absorber absorberlayout layoutin HEBT. HEBT. HEBT. Figure 33 shows shows the the layout layout of of the the adjustable adjustable foils and Figure foils and Figure 3 shows the layout of between the adjustable foils and absorbers. The phase advance adjustable foils absorbers. The The phase phase advance advance between adjustable foils absorbers. between adjustable foils is 90° 90° (in (in each each plane) plane) providing providing the most efficient cut the cut isisof90° (inphase each plane) providing the most mostefficient efficient cut the space. For H collimation by charge of the phase space. For H" collimation by charge ofexchange the phase space. For ofHthecollimation by by charge the interception secondary halo the exchange the the interception interception of the halo bybythe exchange the secondary secondary haloimpact the absorber is 100% efficient.of Still, due to small absorber is 100% efficient. Still, due to small impact absorber is 100% efficient. Still, due toprobability small impact parameters, the protons have a finite of parameters, the protons have a finite probability of parameters, theabsorber protons without have a being finite removed. probability escaping the Weof escaping the absorber without being removed. We simulate the of protons material of escaping the passage absorber withoutthrough being the removed. We simulate the passage of protons through the material of the absorber with Monte Carlo through code. The absorption simulate the passage of protons the material the absorber with Monte Carlo code. The absorptionof efficiency forwith the Monte secondary protons ranges 88 to 95 the absorberfor Carlo code.ranges The absorption efficiency the secondary protons 88 to 95 %. efficiency for the secondary protons ranges 88 to 95 %. %. For longitudinal halo collimation, a charge For longitudinal halo collimation, a charge exchange foil is located in high dispersion region in For longitudinal halo collimation, a charge exchange foil is located in high dispersion region in the HEBT achromat to remove the longitudinal tails exchange foil is located in highthe dispersion region in the HEBT achromat to remove longitudinal tails from the beam before entering the ring. After being the HEBT achromat to remove the longitudinal tails from the the beam beforeare entering thebyring. stripped, protons deviated the After dipole being filed from the beam before entering the ring. After being stripped, the protons are deviated by the dipole into a large absorber outside the beam trajectory. filed The stripped, the protons areafter deviated the dipole The filed into a large outside the beam trajectory. vacuum pipeabsorber geometry foil hasbybeen adjusted to vacuum pipeabsorber geometry after foil been adjusted The to into a large outside the has beam trajectory. vacuum pipe geometry after foil has been adjusted to 131 clear the dipole and drive the protons on the absorber. In this case, the absorption efficiency in the collimator clear the the dipole dipole and and drive drive the the protons protons on on the theabsorber. absorber. clear is 100%, as protons are deviated from the main path In this this case, case, the the absorption absorption efficiency efficiency ininthe thecollimator collimator In and hit the absorber located outside the accelerator. is 100%, 100%, as as protons protons are are deviated deviated from from the the main main path path is and hit hit the the absorber absorber located located outside outsidethe theaccelerator. accelerator. and Energy Corrector and Spreader Cavity Corrector and Spreader Cavity Energy Corrector Cavity Beam from and theSpreader linac will have 2.0 MeV energy jitter and 3.5°the forlinac phase jitter due 0.5° energy and 0.5 % Beam from the linac will have 2.0toMeV MeV energy Beam from will have 2.0 amplitude error linac. To and remove these jitter and 3.5° 3.5°control for phase phase jitterindue due 0.5° and 0.5%% jitter and for jitter toto 0.5° 0.5 phase and amplitude MHz (linac amplitude control error linac. To remove these amplitude control error ininjitter linac. an To 805 remove these phase and an 805 MHz phase and amplitude amplitude jitter anjust 805 MHz (linac frequency) RF cavity jitter is place before the(linac achromat frequency) cavity isis place before the achromat frequency) RF cavity place just before theparticle achromat which isRF phase lock to thejust linac. The due to which is lock the which is phase phase lock to towill the linac. linac. The particle due energy difference sufferThe theparticle phasedue sliptotowith energy energy difference will suffer suffer the the phase phase slip with with respectdifference to design will momentum given by slip respect respect to to design design momentum momentumgiven givenby by γ ∆T L 2πf ∆φ ≡ γ T L ∆AT φ L ≡L — γ7— ∆A,* γ +—— 1) T 2βπcf ( γ (γ + 1) T βc where β,γ are the relativistic parameters, T is the where β,γ are relativistic parameters, TT isis the where p,ykinetic are the the relativistic parameters, the l is design energy and fthe is the frequency and design kinetic energy and f is frequency and l 1isis design kinetic energy and f is the frequency and length for the phase slip. The required voltage is given length length for for the the phase phase slip. slip. The The required required voltage voltageisisgiven given by V =∆E/sin(φ ). The energy jitter after the 0 Slip by Slip). The by V V00=∆E/sin(φ =AE/sin((|)siip). The energy energy jitter jitter after after the the corrector cavity 0.2 MeV was achieved which is corrector corrector cavity cavity 0.2 0.2 MeV MeV was was achieved achieved which which isis within the requirement of the ring. within within the the requirement requirement of ofthe thering. ring. SNS accumulator need 4 MeV energy SNS accumulator ring also need ±±44± MeV energy SNS accumulator ringring alsoalso need MeV energy spread for stability reason. This is achieved by placing spread for stability reason. This is achieved by placing spread for stability reason. This is achieved by placing another RF cavity after the achromat which frequency another cavity after achromat which frequency another RFRF cavity after thethe achromat which frequency is 100 kHz different than the frequency. about 100 kHz different the linac frequency. is isabout about 100 kHz different thanthan thelinac linac frequency. The linac bunches see different phase asasthey arrive atat at The linac bunches different phase as they arrive The linac bunches seesee different phase they arrive this cavity and gain/loss different energies depending this cavity gain/loss different energies depending this cavity andand gain/loss different energies depending on cavity voltage, hence creating required energy cavity voltage, hence creating required energy ononthe thethe cavity voltage, hence creating required energy spread without creating energy tails. spread without creating energy tails. spread without creating energy tails. RING TO TARGET TRANSFER LINE RING TO TARGET TRANSFER LINE RING TO TARGET TRANSFER LINE Ring to Beam Transfer (RTBT) line Ring to Target Target Beam Transfer (RTBT) lineisline isabout about Ring to Target Beam Transfer (RTBT) is about 150 meter long and carry the beam from the 150 meter long andand carry the the beam fromfrom the ring ring ring 150 meter long carry beam the extraction region to target and provide the extraction region to the thethe target andand provide thedesired desired extraction region to target provide the desired footprint for the accelerator complex. The general footprint for the accelerator complex. The general footprint for the accelerator complex. The general features of this line are, the line is immune to one features of ofthis lineline are,are, thethe lineline is is immune to one features this immune to one kicker failure and the ratio of acceptance to rms kicker failure and the ratio of acceptance to rms kicker failure and the ratio of acceptance to emittance is more than 20. Figure 4 shows the rms emittance is more than 20. Figure 4 shows the emittanceandis the moredispersion than 20.function Figure along 4 shows amplitude the the amplitude and the dispersion function along the RTBT. amplitude and the dispersion function along the RTBT. RTBT. The line has following function (a) extraction (b) beam The line has following function (a) extraction (b) beam dump from device failure(a) (d) beam spreader The(c) lineprotect has following function (b) beam dump (c) protect from device failure (d)extraction beam spreader and (e) diagnostics. Following the extraction system dump (c) protect from device failure (d) beam spreader and (e) diagnostics. Following the extraction system beam can be dumped straight through aextraction 16.8° dipole and (e) diagnostics. Following the system beam canAfter be dumped straight 16.8°fordipole magnet. the magnet two through cellthrough are aused thedipole beam can be dumped straight a 16.8° magnet. After thewhich magnet two cell for the collimator protect line are fromused dipole magnet. system After the magnet two cell arethe used for the collimator system which protect line from the failure. Following another six cells of transport,dipole the collimator system which protect line from the dipole failure. Following another sixare cells offor transport, the last five quadrupoles in the line used final beam failure. Following another six cells of transport, last five quadrupoles in the line are used for final beam spreading to produced the beam sized required at the the spreading produced the beam required at thebeam last five to quadrupoles in the linesized are used for final target. target. spreading to produced the beam sized required at the target. Beam Spreader Spreader ^mm BeamThe Spreader beam spreader consists of five radiation radiation hard hard near the end of the RTBT. These five quadrupoles The beam spreader consists of five radiation hard 36 diameter aperture provide cm provide the quadrupoles near the endquadrupoles of the RTBT. Thesethe fivedesired 36 size at the target. Due to thermal considerations beam considerations cm diameter aperture quadrupoles provide the desired density on the target of the target, beam beam size at thethe target. Duecurrent to thermal considerations 22 A/m .. This requirement remainthebelow requirement ofmust the target, beam 0.25 current density on the target 2 in a non-Gaussian beam in results distribution in space space must remain below 0.25 A/m . distribution This requirement results in a non-Gaussian distribution space (with un-normalized rms beam emittance of 24 mm mrad). 24 πnin mm mrad). The un-normalized required current distribution is mrad). achieved (with rmsdensity emittance of 24 π mm achieved The required current density distribution is achieved using painting scheme described elsewhere[8]. elsewhere[8]. using painting scheme described elsewhere[8]. Beam collimation Beam collimation The RTBT acceptance is 480 πn mm mm mrad mrad and and the the The RTBTbeam acceptance is 480 π mm mrad and the emittance (100%) from the ring is 240 expected 240 expected beam The emittance ringthat is 240 line is(100%) design from such aa way ifif one nπ mm mrad. such the way that one πof mm mrad. The linefail is design suchpass a way that oneline fourteen kicker beam will through throughifthe the line ofwithout fourteenscraping. kicker failTo beam will pass the line protect the through line from device device without scraping. To protect the line from device failures such as more than one kicker or dipole failure, or dipole failure, failures such as more than one kicker or dipole failure, there are two collimators 90° apart in in phase phase advance advance there are two collimators 90° apart in phase advance are placed just after the 16.8° dipole. The acceptances are placed just after the 16.8° dipole. The acceptances of these collimators are 300 and 400 πn mm mrad in of these collimators are 300 andand 400 π mmmm mrad in in horizontal and vertical plane respectively. horizontal and vertical plane respectively. FIGURE 4. 4. The The pβxx ,p ,βyy and and r|ηxx,,r|ηyy along alongthe theRTBT. RTBT. FIGURE FIGURE 4. The βx ,βy and ηx, ηy along the RTBT. The phase phase advance advance between between kickers and target is The Thethat phase advance between kickers and target is nπ, so so in event event nrc, that in of a kicker failure beam will not nπ, so that in event of a kicker failure beam will not move at at the the target. target. Figure Figure 55 shows shows the the closed closed orbit orbit for move move at kickers the target. Figure 5 shows the closed orbit for different failure. different kickers failure. different kickers failure. 4- f s REFERENCES REFERENCES Holkamp, “The SNS Linac Storage Ring: 1. N.N. N.Holkamp, Holkamp,“The "TheSNS SNSLinac Linac and Storage Ring: 1.1. andand Storage Ring: Challenges and Progress Towards Meeting Them”, Challenges and Progress Towards Meeting Them", Challenges and Progress Towards Meeting Them”, EPAC2002. 2002. EPAC 2002. EPAC 186 2. S.S. Nath, “Selected Aspect of Linac”, EPAC 2.2. “Selected Aspect of SNS Linac”, EPAC S.Nath, Nath,et et etal.,al., al., "Selected Aspect of SNS SNS Linac", EPAC 2002 2002 2002 FIGURE 5. Close orbit due to to kickers kickersfailure. failure. FIGURE5. 5.Close Close orbit FIGURE kickers failure. J.Wei, Wei,et et “Low-Loss Design High Intensity 3.3. Design for for thethe High Intensity 3. J.J. Wei, etal.,al., al.,“Low-Loss "Low-Loss Design for the High Intensity AccumulatorRing Ring Spallation Neutron Source”, Accumulator thethe Spallation Neutron Source”, Accumulator Ringof of of the Spallation Neutron Source", PRST-AB, 080101, 1-19,2001 PRST-AB, 3, 3, 080101, pp.pp. 1-19,2001 PRST-AB, 3, 080101, pp. 1-19,2001 frit Extraction Extraction Extraction Theextraction extraction of of the is done done The extraction of the beam beam is done in in aaa single singleturn turn The in single turn with full aperture at repetition frequency of with full aperture at a pulse repetition frequency of 60 with full aperture at a pulse repetition frequency of60 60 Hz. The extraction system consists of two sets (seven Hz. The extraction system consists of two sets (seven Hz. The extraction system consists of two sets (seven each) kicker kicker magnets magnets and and aaa Lambertson Lambertson each) kicker magnets and Lambertson magnet magnet each) magnet septum and a dipole magnet. The septum and and aa dipole dipole magnet. magnet. The The Lambertson Lambertson septum septum septum Lambertson septum magnet will will receive receive the the vertically vertically kicked magnet kicked down down beam beam magnet will receive the vertically kicked down beam and will provide large deflection angle (16.8°) and will will provide provide large large deflection deflection angle angle (16.8°) (16.8°) toto to and enableejection ejection horizontally horizontally from the accumulator ring. enable from the accumulator ring. enable ejection horizontally from the accumulator ring. dipole, which which is is 540° 540° phase phase advance AAdipole, dipole, advance away awayfrom fromthe the A which is 540° phase advance away from the Lamberton magnet, bends the beam horizontally ininthe Lamberton magnet, bends the beam horizontally the Lamberton magnet, bendsmaking the beam in the same direction by 16.8°, thehorizontally extraction system same direction by 16.8°, making the extraction system same directionThe by Lambertson 16.8°, making the extraction achromatic. magnet is rotated system 2.55° achromatic. The The Lambertson Lambertson magnet magnet is is rotated rotated 2.55° 2.55° achromatic. anti-clock wise to neutralize the vertical kick from the anti-clock wise to neutralize the vertical kick from the anti-clock wise to neutralize vertical kickdifference from the kickers and making the beamthe about 9 inches kickers and making the beam about 9 inches difference kickers and theRTBT beambeam aboutheight. 9 inches difference between themaking ring and between the the ring ring and and RTBT RTBT beam beam height. height. between 4.4. NSNS High Energy Beam 4. D.D. Raparia, “The NSNS High Energy Beam D. Raparia, Raparia,et et etal.,al., al.,“The "The NSNS High Energy Beam Transport Line”, Proc. 1997 Particle Accelerator Transport Line”, Proc. 1997 Particle Accelerator Transport Line", Proc. 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, p. p. 162. Conference, 162. Conference, p. 162. 5.5. D.D.Raparia, et al.,al.,“The SNS Ring to Target Beam 5. D. 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