CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 THE PRINCIPAL HUGONIOT AND DYNAMIC STRENGTH OF DOLERITE UNDER SHOCK COMPRESSION K. Tsembelis, W. G. Proud and JJE. Field PCS, Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CBS OHE. UK. Abstract. A series of plate impact experiments was performed on Dolerite (diabase) igneous rock. Longitudinal stresses were measured using embedded manganin stress gauges up to ca. 11 GPa. In addition, lateral stresses were also measured up to ca. 1 GPa. In combination with the longitudinal stresses, these results have been used to obtain the material shear stress under shock compression. Results indicate that the longitudinal behaviour is elastic for the stress range involved although shear stresses indicate deviation from elastic loading for longitudinal stresses higher than ca. 4.3 GPa. The results are then compared and contrasted to data for other geologic materials. INTRODUCTION EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The shock properties of geological materials have long been a source of interest. Traditionally, the main driving forces have been planetary impact and geological research. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the shock properties of concrete, where geological materials are added as aggregates [1-2]. In addition, most available information consists of Equation of State (EoS) data. There are few data on the dynamic strength of such brittle materials because of the difficulty in obtaining such results. However, such results are needed to help develop constitutive models for these materials. In the last fifteen years a technique has been developed [3] using manganin gauges to measure the lateral stresses in materials under shock loading. Combining both Hugoniot and lateral data, shear stress information can be obtained. In this paper, results are presented on Hugoniot and lateral experiments performed on Dolerite. Dolerite (also known as Diabase) is a fine-to medium-grained, dark grey to black intrusive igneous rock [4]. Chemically and mineralogically, it closely resembles the volcanic rock basalt, but it is somewhat coarser and contains glass. With increase in grain size it resembles gabbro. All the impact experiments were carried out in the plate impact gun facility at the University of Cambridge [6], which consists of a single stage 50 mm bore light gas gun. The gun is capable of achieving velocities up to 1200 m s"1. The impactor materials consisted of copper and tungsten. Impact velocities were measured to an accuracy of 0.5% using a sequential pin-shorting method and tilt was arranged to be less than 1 mrad by means of an adjustable specimen mount. To measure the Hugoniot of Dolerite, manganin stress gauges Figure 1. Target configuration 1385 (MicroMeasurements type LM-SS-21OFD-050) were embedded between tiles 8 and 17 mm thick. One sample was prepared with the stress gauge supported on the rear surface with a block of Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). In that configuration the gauge had a faster rise time due to the near impedance match of the PMMA, epoxy adhesive and gauge package. Material specimens for lateral gauge experiments were sectioned in two, and commercial stress gauges (J2M-SS-580SF-025) were introduced 3 and 8.2 mm from the impact surface of each sample. Samples were assembled, for both configurations, using a low viscosity epoxy with a curing time of approximately 24 hours. Lateral gauge data were reduced using the analysis of Rosenberg and Partom [3]. The shear stress ( ) of the material can thus be calculated through knowledge of the longitudinal ( x) and lateral stresses ( y) through the relation, wave profiles for experiments IHdol/lTdol and 4Hdol/4Tdol, respectively (for impact conditions, see Tables 1 and 2). The solid trace corresponds to the longitudinal stress while the dotted traces correspond to the lateral stresses at two different positions. It can be seen that the longitudinal stresses have higher values than the lateral ones and their difference leads to the shear stress inside the material according to equation 1. = a v -a. (1) Our method of determining the shear stress has the 49 49.5 50 50.5 51.5 52 52.5 53 Time (MS) Figure 2. Stress Wave Profiles for experiments IHdol/lTdol (see Tables 1 and 2 for impact conditions). advantage over previous calculations of being direct since no computation of the hydrostat is required. MATERIAL DATA Dolerite tested in this study, was supplied by Concrete Structures Section (CSS), Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK as a part of a large block weighting over 20kg. It was then cut into smaller specimens with dimensions 8-20 mm thick by 50 mm x 50 mm. Density and ultrasonic measurements were performed after grinding the samples. Several samples were used. The density was 2894 ± 27 kg m"3, while the longitudinal and shear elastic wave speeds, determined using ultrasonic transducers, were 5.89 ± 0.07 and 3.34 ± 0.11 mm us"j respectively. Time (MS) Figure 3. Stress Wave Profiles for experiments 4Hdol/4Tdol (see Tables 1 and 2 for impact conditions). Figure 4 illustrates the Dolerite Hugoniot curve together with the Hugoniot data for Gabbro and Diabase [6-8]. It can be seen that all data are tightly grouped together. In addition, the Dolerite data have been fitted with the elastic impedance of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 summarises the impact conditions and Hugoniot stresses for the longitudinal experiments, while Table 2 summarises the impact conditions, lateral stresses and shear stresses obtained using equation 1 and the gauge data. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate some typical longitudinal and lateral stress 1386 Table 1. Experimental parameters and results for longitudinal data and Hugoniot points Shot no. Impactor material Target Front Sample Target Backing Sample Impact Velocity (m s"1) Hugoniot Stress (GPa) ± 3% IHdol 2Hdol 3Hdol 4Hdol IBdol lOmmCu lOmmCu lOmmCu 6 mm W lOmmCu 8.26 mm Dol 8.20 mm Dol 7.69 mm Dol 7.35 mm Dol 6.8 mm Dol 17.16 mm Dol 17.22 mm Dol 17.25 mm Dol 8.40 mm Dol 12mmPMMA 519 702 833 815 451 6.08 8.39 10.17 11.34 5.16 Particle Velocity (mm us"1) ±3% 0.35 0.48 0.57 0.67 0.31 Table 2. Experimental parameters and results for lateral data and shear stresses Shot no. ITdol 2Tdol 3Tdol 4Tdol 5Tdol O A S. Impact Velocity (m s"1) Impactor material lOmmCu lOmmCu 1 0 mm Cu 6 mm W lOmmCu 521 703 835 814 265 Lateral Stress (GPa) ±4% 2.90 4.49 5.68 6.86 1.01 Diabase - Meryland Diabase - Virginia 2*Shear Stress (GPa) ±6% 3.18 3.90 4.49 4.48 2.12 o I 15 "n Time (MS) 0.4 0.6 Figure 6. Stress Wave Profile for experiment IBdol (see Table 1 for impact conditions) 1 Particle Velocity (mm us' ) Figure 4. Dolerite Hugoniot the material such as G x = p 0 U p C L , where 4 6 0 is the initial density of the material, Up is the particle velocity and CL is the longitudinal wave speed. The agreement with this fit is excellent suggesting elastic loading. Although no Hugoniot Elastic Limit (HEL) data are available for Dolerite, HELs for other igneous geological materials have been quoted; for instance, basalt [9] has an HEL in the vicinity of 5 GPa, while jadeite has a quoted HEL [10] in the range 5.8-7.2 GPa. It is possible that the elastic and shock impedances of Dolerite are similar and thus make it difficult to resolve the change in slope at the HEL in the trace. 8 Hugoniot Stress (GPa) Figure 5. Dolerite Shear Stress 1387 Figure 5 illustrates the Dolerite and Gabbro [7] shear stress vs. Hugoniot Stress. The Dolerite data have been fitted to the elastic loading line using resolve the two-wave structure because of similar elastic and shock impedances. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS l-2v „ = ——— 2i 1-v (2)- The Defence and Evaluation Agency, UK has sponsored this work, under contract WSS/U3257. Dr. A. Pullen from Imperial College provided the cement samples. Dr J. Sheridan, C. O'Carroll, I.G. Cullis and P.D. Church are thanked for their interest. Finally, we thank D.L.A. Cross and R. Flaxman for technical support. It can be seen that above a Hugoniot stress of ca. 4.3 GPa the material behaviour deviates from the purely elastic loading suggesting a process such as fracture or damage in the shock front, which results in reducing the dynamic strength of Dolerite. Note that when lateral stress measurements are taken below 4.3 GPa, the shear stress lies on the elastic loading line. This result can lead to the conclusion that a Hugoniot stress of 4.3 GPa is a possible HEL value. For that reason, an extra longitudinal shot was performed where the Dolerite was backed by PMMA. Because of similar impedance between the gauge package and PMMA the gauge rise time was ca. 10ns, compared to 200 ns for a fully embedded gauge. The measured stress in the PMMA ( p) was converted to stress in the Dolerite ( D) through the well-known relation 2Z D REFERENCES 1. 2. (3) 6. where ZD and ZP are the elastic and shock impedances of the Dolerite and PMMA, respectively. The trace is illustrated in Figure 6. The stress induced in the Dolerite was 5.11 GPa, higher than the presumed HEL. However, no twowave structure was seen, reinforcing the assumption that the elastic and shock impedances are similar. Experiments with VISAR are under way to resolve this discrepancy. 7. 9. 10. CONCLUSIONS Plate impact experiments have been presented to assess the longitudinal and deviatoric behaviour of the Dolerite. Results indicate that the Hugoniot curve is elastic up to 11 GPa. However, shear stress data show a deviation from elastic loading at a stress of 4.3 GPa. It can thus be concluded that the HEL is around that value and the gauges were unable to 1388 Tsembelis, K., Millett, J.C.F., Proud, W.G. and Field, J.E., Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-1999, (eds. M.D. Furnish, L.C. Chhabildas andR.S. Hixson), 1267. Field, JE, Tsembelis, K., Proud, W.G., Proc. Of SHOCK 2001 - APS 12th Topical Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Atlanta, 24-29 June, 2001. Z. Rosenberg, and Y. 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