CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 NEW DIRECTIONS AND NEW CHALLENGES IN ANALYTICAL MODELING OF PENETRATION MECHANICS James D. Walker Southwest Research Institute, P.O. Drawer 28510, San Antonio, TX, 78228 Abstract. With the development of plasticity theory in the 1940s and 1950s, the modeling of penetration has become increasingly analytical and accurate. Currently, analytic penetration models are able to accurately predict depths of penetration for simple penetration geometries where the target and projectile are metals. The most accurate models use sophisticated plasticity analysis to obtain target resistances, but they usually end up expressible as relatively simple explicit differential equations. The most promising development in recent years is the centerline momentum balance, and this technique will be reviewed with some discussion of the meaning of terms by way of first principle physics. A recent model that successfully predicts ballistic limits of fabrics will also be discussed. In addition to addressing what is known, the most pressing questions that need to be answered and what is currently known on those problems will be discussed. Questions include: the transition from eroding to rigid penetration; the stress state transition for eroding projectiles; calculation of impact crater diameter; fracture time for ceramic targets; modeling targets comprised of anisotropic composites and fabrics; analytical approaches to projectile yaw; and modeling back surface bulging, failure and perforation. One of the results of the last 50 years of penetration modeling is that, in a generic sense, the target resistance can be written in the form INTRODUCTION Analytic penetration models are models that predict the detailed penetration history of a target based upon first principles assumptions about mechanics. Penetration of a target essentially divides into two parts: how the target resists penetration, and what happens to the projectile as penetration occurs. In cases where these parts can be dealt with separately, good models currently exist for penetration when the target is a metal. Where the specifics of the target and projectile together matter a great deal (as it can with crater radius, the transition of eroding to rigid penetration, and yawed penetration), there is still work to be done towards the goal of an explicit, accurate, analytical model of penetration. As with any overview paper of this sort, personal biases appear. In particular, this paper relies heavily on the centerline momentum balance, which in the previous decade yielded excellent penetration models as well as insight into the penetration process [1]. ipy+*,<«> 2 CD where u is the penetration velocity, p, is the target density, and Rt is a term with units of strength (the Rt notation is due to Tate [2]). This resistance explicitly develops in both the centerline momentum balance [1] and cavity expansion techniques [3]. The first term in Eq. (1) reflects the inertia of the target and the second term reflects the strength of the target. Rt(u) shows a weak dependence on penetration velocity. The calculation of Rt(u) depends on plasticity theory, and major advances towards its calculation occurred in the 1980s and 1990s based on plasticity theory as developed in the 1940s and 1950s. In an energy context, the first term of Eq. (1) represents the energy that is temporarily being stored in the target as kinetic and elastic compres1273 sive energy, and the second term represents energy that is immediately being dissipated through plastic flow. This understanding of the various terms is recent, and represents a large step forward in the understanding of the penetration process [4]. Before, there was considerable discussion on the topic of "energy vs. momentum," but now it is fairly clear how the two approaches in modeling relate to each other. One result of this understanding is the recognition that in order to model from an energy perspective, it is necessary to include the intermediate energy transfer mechanisms. Including such terms makes the modeling very tedious and therefore this paper will address the topic of penetration modeling from the momentum perspective. The understanding of penetration described above is in large part due to analytic models and large scale numerical simulations (hydrocodes). One of the tools available to today's analytic modeler is large scale numerical simulation. Simulations allow the stresses and velocities within the target to be examined. This numerical ability to look within the targets and projectiles during the penetration event provides ideas for better models as well as provides direct comparisons for the analytic model results. Modern analytic models provide not only final depth of penetration results, but provide depth vs. time information and velocity and stress states within the target and projectile during the penetration event. The model development [1] was greatly aided by results from hydrocode calculations. With the hydrocode, verification of the analytic model can occur, meaning that when the same constitutive models are used in the large scale numerical simulations as are used in the analytic models, then nearly identical agreement between the simulations and analytic model confirms that the mechanics in the model have been implemented as intended. Today's analytic models can use quite sophisticated constitutive models for materials, and so such verification can be extremely useful. For example, such a verification of a penetration model using a pressure depended flow stress for the target with a cutoff (thus producing an interior boundary in the target flow region that had to be determined by the model) was performed in [5]. There is, of course, still the additional step of validating the model against experimental results. Currently, analytic penetration models are able to accurately predict depths of penetration for simple penetration geometries where the target and projec- tile are metals. Part of the reason for producing analytic models in the days of relatively successful large scale numerical simulations is that the analytic models are fast. Analytic models allow the parameter studies necessary for design and optimization. Also, when an analytic model agrees with experiment, there is confidence that the event being studied is understood from a fundamental physics viewpoint. This paper primarily discusses analytic models where a central axis of symmetry is assumed, but for those interested in 3D problems lacking traditional symmetries, the potential time savings through use of analytic models is enormous. In order to clarify some of the discussion, it will be helpful to explicitly write down a penetration model so that the various terms can be identified. In particular, the method of the centerline momentum balance involves taking the momentum balance, du. d o (2) P— = —— dt dXj and then integrating along the centerline to obtain (3) The u terms appear because we are in an Eulerian framework. For the specific model described in [1], three primary assumptions are made to produce the equations of motion. First, a velocity profile is assumed along the centerline in both the target and the projectile. Second, the rear of the projectile is assumed to decelerate by elastic waves traveling up and down the length of the projectile. Third, a hemispherical velocity field is assumed within the target that, combined with rigid plastic assumptions, provides a stress field making it possible to compute the derivative of the shear stress along the centerline, as required by the last term of Eq. (3). The velocity field is derived from a potential and describes the plastically flowing target material. In addition to a velocity field describing behavior deep within a target, using a multiplicative blending of potentials a velocity field has been developed that describes target material motion near the back surface as the target bulges [6]. This flow field produces back surface bulges that agree very well with computer simulations and experimental data. With the above three assumptions, the centerline momentum balance equation becomes 1274 L a d (v- - 2 - (4) (cc+1) ~dt 1 2 where where v is the velocity of rear of the projectile and u is the penetration velocity, L is the length of the projectile, s is the plastically flowing zone in the projectile, a(u) is the extent of the plastic zone within the target, R is the crater radius and Yt is the flow stress of the target. The term in brackets on the right hand side is the target resistance. The deceleration of the rear of the projectile is , v —u s (5) v —• 1 +——— + where op is the projectile flow stress and c is the bar wave speed in the projectile. Projectile erosion is L = -(V-M) (6) These three equations are the central part of what has become known as the Walker-Anderson model, and the full development can be found in [1]. There are also additional assumptions required, one to determine the extent of the plastic zone within the projectile, one to determine the extent of the plastic zone within the target and one to determine the crater radius. The last two are important topics and will be discussed further below. This model agrees very well with experiment for larger L/Ds (D is projectile diameter) and models using the same ideas have been produced that do well predicting penetration into thick ceramics and glasses [5]. Recently a model that predicts well the ballistic limit of fabrics has been produced [1]. This model begins by assuming the fabric is comprised of elastic springs connected where the fabric yarns cross. Next the static deflection problem is solved. The static solution allows an explicit calculation of the strains. The strains give a force vs. deflection curve. Next, the longitudinal wave speed is calculated. These pieces combine to form a momentum balance where the deceleration of the impacting projectile and inertially involved fabric is balanced against the force versus deflection curve. When the state of the projectile just coming to rest is set to occur when the strain in the fabric equals the fiber breakage strain, the following equation for ballistic limit results [6]: RblhJR p = — — + V 8 (X X is the areal density of the fabric divided by the areal density of the projectile, p=(1.6)2 a constant determining how much fabric material is inertially involved in the impact, cf is the fiber wave speed and er is the fiber breaking strain. This model predicts ballistic limit extremely well. Though not a centerline momentum balance but rather a Lagranian model, the model indicates a successful approach that may be applied to composites and other nonflowing materials. Though analytic models have become very accurate (predictions to within 5% on depth of penetration for simple metal projectiles into monolithic metal targets), there are still problems. For example, no one model predicts the full L/D effect, that is, the observation that low L/D projectiles penetrate deeper in terms of L than larger L/D projectiles. Experimentally, the effect is surprisingly large [8]. PROJECTILE MODELING PROBLEMS Three problems at present arise in the modeling of projectiles. 1. Transition in stress state. When the projectile nearly completely erodes during the penetration event, as it approaches L/D=1 the projectile stress state changes from uniaxal stress to uniaxial strain. The change in stress state allows larger decelerations of the back of the projectile and results in larger recovered residual projectiles than the model predicts. When and how the transition occurs is not well known. In [9] a relatively smooth transition based upon remaining L/D was used. 2. Modeling complex projectiles with centerline approximations. Choosing to go the route of the centerline momentum balance, the problem arises of modeling projectiles that are not simple rods with hemispherical noses but have complex 3D structure, such as jackets. Work recently performed in this area modeled a 0.30" APM2 projectile in the context of the centerline momentum balance [10]. Various approaches of allocating the projectile material were examined. The conclusion for that work was to model the projectile as a length of lead followed by a length of steel. However, a straightforward, con1275 sistent algorithm for defining complex projectiles in the context of a centerline momentum balance would be useful. 3. Projectile side loading. The models discussed above all assume the projectile load occurs on the nose of the projectile. However, if the projectile impacts with obliquity or yaw, or the target plate is in motion, the side of the projectile could be impacted by the crater wall. Such a collision leads to questions of how the projectile will deform and break. Accurately modeling these behaviors probably will require discretizing the projectile. problems, but in fact the issue of projectile nose shape is a target modeling issue, since it assumes the projectile is penetrating in such a fashion as to maintain its nose shape (eroding penetration always tends towards a hemispherical eroding nose on the projectile, regardless of the initial nose shape of the projectile [13]. Also, topics such as "self sharpening" effectively fall under the crater-radius problem, discussed later). It should be straightforward, assuming that the approach of producing a flow field leads to terms that can be inserted in the momentum balance, to model the target material flow around a different nose shape. However, this has proven to be difficult for the following reason. Hemispherical flow has only one length scale, based on the radius of the crater. Thus, given the crater radius and an extent of the flow field, the flow pattern is defined. For flow fields that lack this spherical symmetry, there are at least two length scales. Thus, producing a good flow field for a pointed or ogival projectile also requires calculating flow field extents in terms of at least two variables. Perhaps the flow field extents can be related in terms of a constant, but an argument must be put forward for doing so. 6. Breakout models. When a target of finite thickness is impacted, the projectile may perforate the target. When the thickness of the target is relatively large (at least a couple of projectile diameters) and the target is a ductile metal, then a flow field has been developed for the target that reproduces the shape of the back of the plate [6], but the next step is the target failure. Breakout has been addressed through assumptions about internal failure and geometric failure modes in [14] based on experimentally-based observations and empiricism, but a first principles approach is needed. Most failure modes involve fracture of the material or the localization of shear, two notoriously difficult subjects in applied mechanics, particularly in a predictive context. The next problems address different target materials. In each case the material does not engage in ductile flow, as does a metal. Because the target response is so "nice" for a metal, it can be accurately addressed through analytical modeling. However, these next target materials do not behave in the same fashion, and in many ways are not "nice." 7. Failure time for thin ceramic tiles. As a simplification, ceramics in analytic penetration models have two modes: breaking and broken (or perhaps better wording is failing and failed). For thick ceramics, the penetration by large L/D projec- TARGET MODELING PROBLEMS There are still a number of open problems with respect to target modeling. Here are six of them. 4. Extent of plastic flow in the target a(u). All penetration models that rely on an assumed flow field require the calculation of the extent of the flow field. This topic is dealt with in the centerline momentum balance models through the cavity expansion technique. In penetration models that use the cavity expansion technique directly the production of an extent of the flow field within the target is implicit. To describe what is currently done in [1], a cavity expansion is calculated where the penetration velocity u is the assumed driving velocity for the inner surface of the cavity. The subsequent velocity of the interface between the elastic and elastic/plastic response region c(u) is then used to obtain a scaling factor CL(U)=C(U)/U that is then used to calculate the flow field extent cuR (R is the crater radius). This approach seems to work fairly well, but success in part could be due to the fact that in the model the flow field extent appears as a logarithmic term in the target resistance (Eq. 4). However, there is still work to be done here. For example, at higher velocities a fix is required to keep a greater than 1, since the equation of state used for the compressible metal is linear and does not have the higher order terms that become important at higher compressions. Also, the cavity expansion solution gives a sharp decrease in a as the velocity increases. Though it has been shown that a does indeed decrease with increasing velocity [11], such a large change for small velocities seems surprising. There are other methods that have been proposed based on theorems from plasticity, and for a careful discussion see [12]. 5. Different projectile nose shapes. It may be thought that this topic should be under projectile 1276 tiles is dominated by the response of the failed ceramic material. This failed material is usually modeled, in both analytic models and large scale hydrocode simulations, as a pressure dependent yield with a cut-off, also referred to as a Drucker-Prager yield surface with cutoff. Such a constitutive model seems to model well failed ceramic material, and an analytic model has been developed that uses this constitutive model [5]. Once the ceramic is ground up (comminuted), it essentially flows, thus allowing the modeling of the failed target material with the same flow fields as seen in flowing metals. Because of the success in using a pressure dependent constitutive model for failed ceramic, the behavior of the failed ceramic is not considered an open problem. What is an open problem is modeling the time it takes the ceramic to break. The kinematics of fracture is an important question for light armors, meaning armors where the ceramic thickness is on the order of the projectile diameter. In these armors, the ceramic exerts significant stopping power to the projectile while it is in the process of breaking producing dwell, where the projectile erodes against an essentially anvil-like ceramic face - and the amount of time the ceramic takes to break (or, more accurately, grind up into small pieces) is a large determining factor in the performance of the ceramic target. Currently, analytical models taking into account ceramic fracture usually just include a fracture time, defined as the time that it takes for the ceramic to break and begin behaving like a failed (pressuredependent) material. There is to date no explicit calculation of the fracture time based upon the properties of the ceramic. Ref. [9] used hydrocode calculations to calibrate a curve fit to the fracture time for different ceramic thicknesses for a given impact velocity. Since every ceramic is different, and the fracture time depends on impact velocity as well as tile thickness, this approach is not reasonable for analytic modeling. A first principles model to arrive at this fracture time is needed, but where to begin? It is still not known what material parameters are important in ceramic fracture, and the fact that for some ceramics (e.g. boron carbide) the microstructure properties seem to have little influence on the final ballistic performance leaves considerable room for concern as to the relevant properties. 8. Nonflowing target resistance calculations. Composite materials, such as carbon and glass fiber reinforced composites and fabrics with resin, intro- duce new complexities because they do not nicely flow. Modeling them in the context of the centerline momentum balance requires the ability to compute a stress gradient term for use in the centerline momentum balance, or it may require the use of a Lagrangian framework for the target linked with the projectile treated in an Eulerian framework. This approach would allow for the computation of elastic in-plane stresses within the target. (This approach may also be best for very thin metal plates.) Dealing with these materials is proving difficult, not just for analytic models but also for large-scale numerical simulations. Once successful constitutive models are developed, it should be possible to apply them in the analytic modeling framework. Damage is also more complicated, since, in addition to deformation, fiber breakage can occur. 9. h/R ratio for fabrics during impact. When a fabric is impacted with a projectile, a pyramid is formed in the fabric as it deflects and deforms. The edges of the pyramid run in the direction of the fibers. An outstanding problem in modeling fabrics is determining, from first principles, the ratio of the height to the radius of the base of the pyramid (h/R). It appears from experiments that this ratio is constant during the penetration, but that fact has yet to be shown through modeling. The model described in [7] assumes a constant h/R value. The model is very successful at predicting the ballistic limit of a fabric based on its fiber density, Youngs modulus, and failure strain. However, the model predicts smaller h/R than are seen in experiments; experimentally, h/R ~ 2/3, while the model predicts -1/3 or less. The reason for the difference is most likely due to looseness and crimping in the fabric, but this has yet to be demonstrated. COUPLED PROJECTILE/TARGET MODELING PROBLEMS Finally, the last two problems require the simultaneous consideration of the projectile and the target. 10. Crater diameter. An explicit equation for crater diameter has proven elusive. In [1] an experimental curve fit was assumed universal for all materials to provide a crater diameter based on impact velocity. However, experimentally it is observed that the crater diameter decreases with penetration depth. It is straightforward to include in the analytic model a time (or depth) dependent crater diameter. The equations for crater diameter clearly 1277 optimization of today's light armors comprised of ceramic tiles attached to composite plates backed by loose fabric. In conclusion, analytic penetration models can be expected to become more capable and address more complicated targets, projectiles, and impact geometries in the future. Solution of the problems presented in this paper will allow more detailed examination and optimization of armors. will depend on both the strengths and densities of the target and projectile. Failure strain in the projectile also comes into play in the diameter of the formed crater. There is an additional level of need in crater diameter modeling. In order to analytically model certain projectile/target interactions, it is important to have a dynamic crater growth model that is, the model should include the transient motion of the crater wall as it moves outwards to its final diameter. 11. Projectile rigid/eroding transition. A holy grail of penetration modeling: When does a projectile penetrate as a rigid body, and when does it erode, and what is the velocity that demarcates the two regimes? To be able to determine this analytically would be a major achievement. Current models do a transition from eroding to rigid penetration based on their calculations of front and tail velocities, and when the equations produce a larger value for the front velocity u than for the back velocity v, then it is assumed the penetration is rigid. However, such an approach does not accurately predict whether a striking projectile will initially penetrate in a rigid fashion or will erode. Currently, a different model is used from the outset if it is known the projectile does not erode throughout the whole penetration event. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author thanks those he has worked with in terminal ballistics over the years, particularly Charles Anderson of Southwest Research Institute. REFERENCES 1. Walker, J.D. and Anderson, Jr., C.E., Int. J. Impact Engng 16, pp. 19-48(1995). 2. Tate, A., /. Mech. Phys. Solids 15, pp. 387-399 (1967). 3. Forrestal, M., Okajima, K. and Luk, V.K., J. Appl. Mech. 55(4), pp. 755-760 (1988). 4. Walker, J.D., "Hypervelocity Penetration Modeling: Momentum vs. Energy and Energy Transfer Mechanisms," Int. J. Impact Engng to appear (2001). 5. Walker, J.D., and Anderson, Jr., C.E., "An Analytic Penetration Model for a Drucker-Prager Yield Surface with Cutoff," in Shock Compression in Condensed Matter-1997, AIP Conference Proc. 429, New York, pp. 897-900(1998). 6. Walker, J.D., "An Analytic Velocity Field for Back Surface Bulging," Proc., 18th Int. Ballistic Symp., pp. 1239-1246(1999). 7. Walker, J.D., "Constitutive Model for Fabrics with Explicit Static Solution and Ballistic Limit," Proc., I8h Int. Ballistic Symp., pp. 1231-1238 (1999). 8. Anderson, Jr., C.E., Walker, J.D., Bless, S.J., and Partom, Y., Int. J. Impact Engng 18, pp. 247-264 (1996). 9. Walker, J.D., and Anderson, Jr., C.E., "An Analytical Model for Ceramic Faced Light Armors," Proc., 16th Int. Ballistic Symp. 3, pp. 289-298 (1996). 10. Chocron, S., Grosch, D.J., and Anderson, Jr., C.E., "DOP and V50 Predictions for the 0.30-Cal APM2 Projectile," Proc., l$h Int. Ballistic Symp., pp. 769-776 (1999). 11. Anderson, Jr., C.E., Littlefield, D.L., and Walker, J.D., Int. J. Impact Engng 14, pp. 1-12 (1993). 12. Walker, J.D., "On Maximum Dissipation for Dynamic Plastic Flow," Proc., 15th Int. Ballistic Symp.l, pp. 6774(1995). 13. Walker, J.D. and Anderson, Jr., C.E., Int. J. Impact Engng 15(2), pp. 139-148 (1994). 14. Ravid, M., and Bodner, S.R., Int. J. Engng Sci. 21(6), pp. 577-591 (1983). CONCLUSIONS There are of course more problems, but these ones are central. For example, it is likely that a solution to the crater diameter problem (#10) and the transition in stress state within the projectile problem (#1) will solve the L/D effect problem within the current model. Also, solution of the transient crater diameter problem (#10) and the projectile side loading problem (#3) will make it possible to solve complicated, 3D projectile/target interaction problem. For example, with that additional information, it should be possible to model oblique and yawed impacts. Adding a good breakout model (#6) will provide all the pieces required for the interaction of rods with armors comprised of dynamically moving plates. Such modeling will allow examination and optimization of modern armors employing plates at angle and in motion. Finally, solution of the ceramic failure time problem (#7), the nonflowing-target resistance problem (#8) and the fabric problem (#9) coupled with modeling complex projectiles on the centerline (#2) would allow a detailed examination and 1278
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