CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 OPTICAL PROBING OF THE ELECTRON TEMPERATURE GRADIENT T. Ao, L Vollrath, A. Ng Department of Physics <fe Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia .Canada V6T121 Abstract. Previous pyrometric measurements on shock waves in silicon have revealed the existence of different electron and ion temperature gradients in the shock front. This was attributed to the relatively low energy equilibration rate between electrons and ions in the strongly coupled plasma that exists in a shock wave. In this paper, we will describe a new approach to assess this effect based on the reflectivity and change in phase of a P- and S-polarized probe reflected from a shock front in-flight in silicon. Predictions from numerical simulations will be presented and discussed. INTRODUCTION using a phenomenological electron-ion coupling coefficient g. Since no simple analytical expression for g is available in the regime of interest, it is left as a free parameter. The energy equations for the electrons (1) and ions (2) are given by the following equations, Ideally, a shock wave is treated as a propagating discontinuity in all of the thermodynamic variables. However, finite gradients can exist due to relaxation processes occurring in the shock compressed material; namely the energy exchange or equilibration between electrons and ions. In this paper, the effect of the equilibration rate between electrons and ions on the electron thermal gradient at the shock front is discussed. In addition, a new approach using the reflectivity and reflected phase of P- and S-polarized light to measure the strength of electron-ion coupling is described. -Z-(pE.) = --Z-\ou\E. - K dx (D P o P + — pE, ^ ' a - — pu ^-+H 2 P BACKGROUND Initially, shock compression of a material leads to heating of the ions. The electrons are subsequently heated via electron-ion Coulomb collisions. Thermal equilibrium between electrons and ions would only be established somewhere behind the shock front. However, at the shock front the temperature of the electrons may deviate from that of the ions depending on the rate of energy exchange between the electrons and ions. In this paper, the process of equilibration is described (2) The difference between the electron and ion temperatures in a shock wave due to a finite electron-ion energy exchange rate is shown in Fig. 1. It is evident that at the shock front the electron and ion temperatures differ substantially. In addition, there is a noticeable difference in the temperature gradients between the electrons and ions. At sufficiently high electron-ion coupling 1243 coefficient values, these temperature profiles will collapse together and the shocked regime may be treated as a single-temperature plasma. g(W/m3-K) 2xl01JS 6xl017 5xlQ16 2xl017 2 IO4 1.5 IO4 * Method Spitzer5 Fermi Golden Rule5 Coupled Mode Modified Spitzer6 TABLE 1. Theoretical calculations of the energy relaxation rate of 3 eV electrons in Al at solid density with the ions kept at the melting point, 1 IO4 r NEW APPROACH 3 5 IO The following is a description of an alternative approach for studying the electron-ion equilibration rate within a shock wave. First of all, at the shock front a gradient in electron temperature leads to a gradient in the electrical conductivity, 0^, which in turn would lead to a gradient in the dielectric function, E^. Now, consider an electromagnetic wave reflected from a shock wave in-flight in silicon. The amplitude and change in phase of the reflected electromagnetic wave would depend upon not only the dielectric value, but also the gradient of EO) at the shock front. In addition, the motion of the shock front would affect the amplitude and phase of the reflected electromagnetic wave. -8.4-8.3-8.2-8,1 -8 -7.9-7.8 x (jLim) FIGURE 1. Electron temperature (solid line) and ion temperature (dashed line) profiles of a 10 km/s shock in Si for g=10l7W/m3-K. So far, observations of the electron-ion equilibration rate within a shock wave have relied upon emittance (spectral radiance) and absorbance (emissitivity) measurements. The first emittance measurement was obtained by Celliers et al, in 1992 on laser-driven shock waves in-flight in silicon.1 For shock speeds of 15 to 20 km/s, the observed emittance were found to be a factor of 20 to 50 lower than that predicted for an equilibrium shock state. These results gave the first assessment of the electron-ion coupling coefficient in a shock wave in silicon to be about IO16 W/m3-K. An electromagnetic wave incident upon a surface may be in either P- or S-polarization. It is known that P- and S-polarized light have different sensitivities to the gradient in E^ because of resonance absorption that occurs in P-polarized light. Thus, examinations of the reflected amplitude and phase of both P- and S- polarized light may provide insight into the electron-ion equilibration rate in a shock wave. A plausible experimental scheme using this alternative approach is shown in Fig. 2. More recently, Lower et a/.2'3 were able to measure simultaneously the emittance and absorbance of x-ray driven shock waves in silicon and aluminum. Their results were also consistent with that of low g values of IO16 and IO17 W/m3-K in silicon and aluminum, respectively. Meanwhile, theoretical predictions of electron-ion equilibration rates in strongly coupled plasmas show large variations. The results based on the traditional simple Spitzer model,4 and the Fermi Golden Rule and coupled mode calculations of Dharma-wardana and Ferret,5 are presented in Table 1, Also included is the value given by More6 who extended the Spitzer formulation by using a maximum scattering cross-section which is consistent with the minimum electron mean-free path. ^/^ 800 Probe Laser P- & S~po! Shock Drive r FIGURE 2, Experimental schematic of new approach. Silicon is chosen to be the material of study since unperturbed silicon is nearly transparent at nearinfrared wavelengths. The target would consist of a sample of silicon sandwiched between an 1244 the Al/Si interface. However, the reflectivity ratio exhibits an interesting dependence on the electronion coupling coefficient, as shown in Fig. 5. aluminum pusher layer and anti-reflective layer. A steady shock wave is launched into the sample layer, while a probe laser is incident obliquely on the AR-coated free surface of the sample layer. O.9....,,,...,ii ..,.,,.,.,. To illustrate this approach, a 1-D hydrodynamic code is used to simulate a desired shock wave. In the 1-D hydrodynamic code, the shock is treated as a two-temperature electron-ion fluid. The equation of state used was based on the QEOS model of More et aL1 The electrical and thermal conductivities used were based on the dense plasma conductivity model of Lee and More.8 As stated earlier, a phenomenological coupling coefficient g was used to describe the electron-ion equilibration rate. 0.85 0.8 0,75 0.7 -100 0 100 200 300 400 Time (ps) FIGURE 4. Ratio of reflectivity of P- and S-polarized 800 nm probes @ 45° off a 10 km/s shock in-flight in Si as a function of time, (g=1016 W/ra3-K) The interaction of an electromagnetic wave with the shock wave is treated by solving the Helmholtz equations for P- and S-polarizations.9 The dielectric function of the shock material is obtained using the Drude model, where the collision frequency, vei, is related to the DC conductivity, 0Q. 0.9 0.80.7- Shown in Fig. 3 are the reflectivities as a function of time for the P- and S-polarized probes. Due to the propagation of the shock wave towards the free surface, the reflectivities steadily increase as less and less unperturbed silicon remains ahead of the shock front. 1 0,60.5 10 101 FIGURE 5. Ratio of reflectivity of P- and S-polarized 800 nm probes @ 45° off a 10 km/s shock in-flight in Si at various electron-ion coupling, Fig. 6 shows the reflected phases for the P- and S~ polarized probes. No phase change occurs until the shock reaches the Al/Si interface, but after that the motion of the shock dominates the change in the both of the reflected phases. 0 0.8 1 -50 1OO 200 3OO 4OO Time (ps) FIGURE 3. Reflectivity of P- (dashed line) and S-polarized -1OO -100 ~ (solid line) 800 nrn probes @ 45° off a 10 km/s shock in-flight in Si. Time zero refers to the point when the shock reaches the Al/Si interface, (g=1016 W/m3-K) -15O -200 -100 The effect of shock propagation is suppressed by comparing the ratio of the reflectivities, (Rj^Rs), which remains nearly constant after an initial transient behavior, as shown in Fig 4, This initial jump in (Rf/Rs) is due to thermal conduction across 0 100 200 300 400 Time (ps) FIGURE 6. Reflected phase of P- (dashed line) and S-polarized (solid line) 800 nm probes @ 45° off a 10 km/s shock in-flight in Si. Time zero refers to the point when the shock reaches the AySi interface. (g=1016 W/m3-K) 1245 However, Fig. 7 shows that the difference between the reflected phases, (6P - 8S), after the initial transient effect, remains constant during the shock propagation, speed, thus giving a unique assessment of the shock state. Measurements of the ratio of reflectivities of Pto S-polarized probes to examine the strength of electron-ion coupling in strongly coupled plasmas should be viable using impact generated shock waves. Meanwhile, a high sensitivity diagnostic such as frequency domain interferometry may be used to assess the value of g using measurements of reflected phases of P- and S-polarized probes. The latter method would be more suitable in laser generated shock wave experiments. 0,6,, , , i i , i . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 0.55 O.5 O.45 0,4 -100 In conclusion, a new approach for an independent assessment of the thermal equilibration rate in a shock wave has been presented. This approach is applicable to other samples, provided they have the following properties. First, the unperturbed sample must be characterized by low photo-absorption to allow the probe light to reach the shock front with little attenuation. Second, a high reflectance in the shocked state is required for high signal levels for reflected probe measurements. Accordingly, an interesting class of samples to study would be ionic crystals, O 1OO 20O 3OO 40O Time (ps) FIGURE 7. Differential phase change of P- and S-polarized 800 nra probes @ 45° off a 10 km/s shock in-flight in Si as a function of time. (g=1016 W/m3-K) A comparison of this differential phase change between P- and S-polarizations for various g values is shown in Fig. 8. 0.7, . ,......, , ........ . ....... . , .. 0.65 0,6 REFERENCES 0.55 0,5 1. 0.45 2. 0.4 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 g FIGURE 8. Differential phase change of P- and S-polarized 800 nm probes @ 45° off a 10 km/s shock in-flight in Si at various electron-ion coupling. 4. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 5. It should be noted that temporal variations in the reflectivities of the P- and S-polarized probes are governed by the motion of the shock wave due to the change in the amount of unperturbed material ahead of the shock front attenuating the probe signals. On the other hand, temporal variations in the reflected phases of the P- and S-polarized probes are dominated by the Doppler motion of the shock front. Both of the observations can be used to provide a direct measurement of the shock 6. 7. 3. 8. 9. 1246 Celliers, P., Ng, A., Xu, G,, and Foreman, A,, Phys, Rev. Lett. 68, 2305-2308 (1992), Lower, T., Kondrashov, V.N., Basko, M., Kendl, A,, Meyer-ter-Vehn, J,, and Sigel, R., Phys, Rev. Lett. 80,4000-4003 (1998). Basko, M, Lower, T., Kondrashov, V.W., Kendl, A., Sigel, R., Meyer-ter-Vehn, J,, Phys. Rev. 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