CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 OD MODELISATION OF THE MAGNETIC FLUX COMPRESSION SCHEME FOR ISENTROPIC COMPRESSION EXPERIMENTS P. L'Eplattenier !, G. Avrillaud 2, J. Vanpoperynghe3 1 Centre d'Etudes de Gramat, 46500 Gramat, France 2 ITHPP, 46500 Thegra, France 3 CEA/DAM Bruyeres le Chatel, France Abstract This paper deals with the advantages of using a flux compression scheme in High Pulsed Power (HPP) generators in order to produce isentropic magnetic high pressure ramps. Our field of interest are pressures in the range of several Mbars.For isentropic compression above 1 Mbar, the main advantage of the flux compression is to give considerable freedom to shape the current waveform and thus the magnetic pressure waveform. The optimizations of the shape of this magnetic pressure waveform are performed using improved OD codes. Some physical models have been added to the initial OD circuit code to reproduce the experimental results obtained on Z at Sandia National Laboratories, and on ECF1 and ECF2 at Centre d'Etudes de Gramat. Moreover, a simple hydrodynamic model is used to determine the isentropicity of the compression in a given material. We present some comparisons between experimental results obtained on the Z generator and our models. We will also give potential improvement of those results based on the use of a coil as a stator in order to have a better shape of the current waveform. use in our OD models to judge the isentropicity of a given pressure waveform. Section II presents the magnetic flux compression scheme as an intermediate stage to improve ICE experiments. It also introduces the numerical tools developed at CEG to optimize this stage. Finally, section III shows an example of such an optimization on the Z generator at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). INTRODUCTION Isentropic compression loading in a sample allows to determine the isentrope of the material Pso(p) issued from the initial condition P0, T0, poSince a few years, there has been a new interest in High Pulsed Power (HPP) generators for the generation of quasi isentropic compression experiments (ICE/11 In those experiments, the pressure is generated by a magnetic field created by a current flowing on one side of a sample. In order to get quasi-isentropic compression above IMbar, the shape of the pressure waveform and thus of the current waveform is critical. The magnetic flux compression scheme has first been introduced on pulsed power generators as a power amplification scheme[2]. As shown in the following, it can also be used as a current waveform shaper with no changes on the generator itself. Section I exposes the hydro techniques that we L HYDRO TECHNICS FOR PRESSURE OPTMISATION A current I(t) generates a pressure P(t) on one side of a sample (referenced as the loaded side). At the back side of the sample, the free surface velocity can then be measured by the VIS AR technique. The simultaneous measurement of the free surface velocity on 2 samples with 2 different thicknesses allows to compute the pressure versus the density along the isentrope, Pso(p), for 0 < Pso ^ PexPi_isen, 1188 formation of a shock in the thicker sample limiting PexpLisen to Pshock=P(tShock) at time Uock corresponding to the first characteristics where the shock occurs. The C0" could also reach the loaded side of the thinner sample at a time tretum limiting Pexpi_isen to Pretum=P(tretum). Finally, the free surface velocity measured with the VISAR does not allow too fast a variation of this velocity (and thus of the pressure on the loaded side) limiting Pexpi_isento Pmes(tmes). The hydro model allows, for a given shape P(t) of the pressure, to calculate, as functions of the thickness of a sample, PShock> Pretum and Pmes, as well as Pisen^niinOPshoc^Pretum^Pmes). The model then finds two thicknesses TI and T2 with AT=T2-Ti large enough, at least 50jam so that the VISAR method can be practically exploitable, and such that Pexpi_isen = minffisen (TI), Pisen (T2)) is as high as possible. This is shown on figure 2, where Pmes has been omitted for clarity reasons. where PeXpi_isen is the maximal exploitable pressure in isentropic compression. This pressure is extracted from the so called characteristics method well known in the hydrodynamic field (fig. 1). When a pressure is applied on a sample, the information propagates from the loaded side to the back side on characteristics. The first characteristic generated from the loaded side is called C0+. It reflects on the back side and creates the Co". In the area below C0", the characteristics are straight lines with a slope given by the Lagrangian sound velocity, C i = C s ( p ) _^. Po Using Us=Co+S.Up and by assuming f _ ] =f _] , Uujs UuJH one can derive the following equation for Q : c, = c JL with P* P* = PQC o 4S ; with Cs the sound velocity, p0 the density at P=Po, Us the shock velocity, UP the particle velocity, C0 the sound velocity at P=P0 and S a material constant. In the area above C0~, the characteristics are not straight lines any more. However, they can be well approximated by straight lines or parabolas. The flow can thus be analytically resolved for all the characteristics coming from the loaded side before the C0" reaches it. A shock forms in the sample when 2 characteristics intersect before the back side. A T •. Sample thickness FIGURE 2. Schematic of the determination of Pexpijsen In the frame of this model, for a given thickness, one can find the ideal pressure waveform to get isentropic compression as high as possible. An ideal pressure waveform is computed so that all the characteristics converge on the same point at a distance from the loaded side XQ larger than T2. One is then ensured there is no shock formation in the sample. The highest value of the pressure is then limited by the time tretum when the Co" in a sample with a thickness Ti=T2-AT reaches the loaded side. One thus have with such a pressure waveform Pexpi_isen = PT2 (tretum) in the thinner sample. FIGURE 1. Illustration of the characteristics method, in lagrangian coordinates Two VISAR diagnostics can be used to simultaneously measure the free surface velocity on 2 samples with different thicknesses TI < T2 for which the same pressure waveform P(t) has been applied on the loaded side. The maximal exploitable pressure in isentropic compression Pexpi_isen is not necessarily the maximal value Pmax of P(t). Depending on the shape of P(t), there could be a EL THE FLUX COMPRESSION SCHEME The magnetic flux compression scheme (fig.3) is usually used as a power amplification scheme on HPP generators as an alternative to pulse forming water lines or plasma opening switches. It can also be used as an intermediate stage in between the 1189 main generator and the load that allows to shape the current waveform. Two different currents are needed. The first one is generated using typically 3/4 of the whole stored energy and is called the primary current. It is used to implode a primary liner called armature, usually made with an aluminum wire array for conductivity reasons. The armatures already tested experimentally were between 6 and 15 cm long with an initial radius between 4 and 5 cm and made with 108 to 428 wires. The other current, generated with the rest of the stored energy is then injected inside the armature through a secondary injection gap. It thus flows in the central rod, usually called stator, on the load and on the inner part of the armature. It is called the secondary circuit. When the liner passes through the injection gap, the flux injected in the secondary circuit is trapped and since the inductance between the armature and the stator decreases with the radius of the armature, the current in the secondary circuit will rises at the same time. compression. They are fast running codes that give promising results in good agreement with the experimental ones, as shown on figure 4. This figure shows the experimental secondary current compared to the one given by the OD code for different flux compression shots on generator Z at SNL.______ FIGURE 4. Comparison of experimental and numerical secondary currents for different shots on generator Z We then have developed optimization procedures in multi dimensional spaces based on the gradient method driving the OD codes, allowing to complete our basic analytical optimization of the scheme. m. APPLICATION: OPTIMIZATION OF AN ISENTROPIC COMPRESSION EXPERIMENT Those procedures can be used to optimize the flux compression parameters in order to get Pexpi_isen as high as possible for a given generator. Once such an optimization is done, one can compare the obtained pressure waveform with the ideal pressure waveforms presented in section I. We now present an example of optimization of the magnetic pressure on a sample with isentropic compression on the Z generator at SNL. We started with a set of parameters corresponding to the next flux compression shot on Z (scheduled for July 2001) and which will be called case 1 in the following. For that shot, for experimental reasons, we decided to keep the central rod as a full cone. We thus have optimized the liner mass, the small and big radius of the cone, and the gap of the secondary area. We numerically obtained for that shot Pexpi_isen=2.7Mbars with 2 sample thicknesses Ti=555^im and T2=605fim. figure 5 shows how the pressure waveform compares to an ideal pressure waveform for a 500 fj,m thick sample. The general Injection gap FIGURE 3. Schematic of the flux compression scheme The advantage of that scheme is that it introduces many parameters that allow to shape the current waveform in the load: the armature initial radius, length, mass, the radius of the injection gap, the shape of the stator that can be a cylinder, a cone or a coil, and, depending on the generator, the levels of primary and secondary currents. 2D MHD codes can be used to simulate the flux compression scheme. However, their long CPU times make them practically not usable for the optimization all the parameters of the flux compression. For the purpose of optimizing those parameters, we have thus developed at CEG improved OD codes. Those are circuit codes coupled with some physical models reproducing the main feature of the flux 1190 shape is already pretty good, but the first part corresponding to the injection of the secondary current and the time before the amplification is far from being optimal yet.______________ This figure shows that we get pressure waveforms much closer to the optimal ones than with a solid stator. The concept of a coil as a stator is still to be tested experimentally, in particular for magnetic insulation problems at the secondary injection gap, but this example shows how efficient it could be to use such a stator. CONCLUSION We have presented in this paper the use of HPP generator coupled with the flux compression scheme for isentropic loading on material samples. The flux compression is an intermediate stage with many degrees of freedom allowing to shape the pressure waveform in order to get the highest possible pressure in isentropic compression. We also presented the numerical tools developed at CEG in order to optimize those degrees of freedom. The first numerical studies gave very promising results. However, they have to be confronted with more experimental results and 2D MHD simulations. In particular, the magnetic field diffusion in the sample have to be checked carefully. The use of a coil as a stator should be very efficient but could also present possible experimental issues that have to be checked. The ECF2 generator will be on line at CEG by the fall of 200 P3]. This 3.6 MJ energy stored generator using a flux compression stage will allow to get many experimental results on isentropic compression loading. FIGURE 5. comparison of actual and optimal pressure waveforms for case 1 We then introduced a coil as the stator to show how case 1 could be improved in further experiments. The dependence of the inductance in the secondary circuit with the radius of the armature is then completely different than with a solid conical stator. There is now a large inductance at crowbar time, and a very fast varying one when the armature gets closer to the stator. We first have chosen a coil with a constant pitch and made an optimization on the flux compression parameters, including the pitch. This case will be referenced as case 2 in the following. We obtained after optimization PexPi_isen:=3.21Mbars, with T1=420jam and T2=470|a,m. After that we made a 3rd case where the coil has a linearly varying pitch and made again the optimization. We obtained then Pexpi isen=3.55Mbars with Ti=430^tm and T2=480|o,m. Figure 6 shows the actual and ideal pressure waveforms for both cases 2 and 3. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are very indebted to J.F. Leon and the ECF1/ECF2 team at CEG; and also to R.B. Spielman, M. MazaraMs, and the Z Team at SNL for their support. REFERENCES ^ S.L Krivosheev, « Pulsed Current Generatorfor Microsecond Duration Pressure Pulse Generation », 12* Symposium on High Current Electronics, Tomsk, 24-29 Sept. 2000. [21 L J J.F. Leon, « Flux Compression Experiments on Z accelerator », in Pulsed Power Conference- 1999 ^ P. Monjaux, in Pulsed Power Conference- 2001. FIGURE 6. Comparison of actual and optimal pressure waveforms for cases 2 and 3 1191
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