CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 PICOSECOND TIME-RESOLVED X-RAY DIFFRACTION : ESTIMATION OF LOCAL PRESSURE Yoichiro Hironaka, Fumikazu Saito, Akio Yazaki, Kazutaka G. Nakamura, and Ken-ichi Kondo Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 2268503, Japan Abstract We have performed time resolved X-ray diffraction experiments with picosecond time resolution on Si single crystal compressed by laser irradiation. From the measured diffraction profiles, temporal and spatial distribution of the strain in the sample have been estimated using the direct search of optimization method based on the dynamical X-ray diffraction theory. The maximum compression of 1.05% was measured at the irradiation power density of 4.7X109 W/cm2. We discussed pressure distribution analyzing observed data. we perform pump and probe X-ray diffraction experiment for investigating the dynamics of a laser irradiated Si (111) single crystal[5]. Strain profiles and EOS are also obtained. INTRODUCTION The time resolved X-ray diffraction from shock compressed samples can give important information on the dynamics of transient phenomena such as phase transition and shock induced plasticity. Transient X-ray diffraction for shock compressed material has been studied using plate impact and flash X-ray technique [1-3]. However in order to investigate mechanisms of atomic motion induced by the shock wave front, more severe temporal and spatial resolutions on measurement will be required[4]. In particular, time-resolved recording on experiment is needed for detail of the dynamics in transient phenomena. Recently, ultra short pulse X-rays can be generated by high intense femtosecond laser irradiation on metals. This enable to perform ultra fast X-ray diffraction of shocked material by combining with laser shock technique. In this paper, EXPERIMENT AND RESULTS The pulsed X-rays (Fe Kal and Ka2 ) were generated by irradiation of femtosecond laser on the Fe target. The pulse width of the X-rays were measured to be 10 ps. Shock was generated by picosecond pulse (300 ps, 780 nm) was focused on the Si (111) wafer with the power density of 4.7X109 W/cm2. The Si wafer was slightly translated to ignore the effect of the damage during the accumulation of signal (600 shots). Figure 1 shows the results of diffraction patterns obtained at every 60 ps. At the early time of laser irradiation (0~300 ps) the new peak is grown up at the larger angle. This corresponds to shock-compression of Si. 1181 theory for the analysis of Figure 1, by assuming uniaxial strain perpendicular to the surface. According to the dynamical X-ray diffraction theory, the depth dependent scattering amplitude from a strained crystal is expressed as formula m *m I" slY —— = (1 + ik)X2 - 2(y + ig)X + l + ik dA fg A == mi sis u ^i MI MJ an mi f/Fsin0B,* = ^_,A = -f fg (1) J S f A is therefore a dimensionless measure of the depth t relative to the crystal surface. re and A, are classical electron radius and X-ray wave length, respectively. V is the unit cell volume, and structure factor is / = f^g + if^g, e(t) means strain at depth t. The reflecting power on the surface of strained crystal is calculated by analytical solution of equation (1) and layered assumption [7]. We separated 100 layers within lOjjm in depth. Information of each layer which has constant strain is expressed by the 4x4 real matrix (equation(2)). (2) AR = Fsin<9 2sin(2AR) FIGURE 1. The results of Time resolved X-ray diffraction profile for laser perturbed Si(l 11) single crystal at every 60ps. e2AI + e~2AI + 2cos(2AR)' DISCUSSIONS Strain Profile Analysis e2AI TI = e 2AI _e-2Al +e~ 2AI +2cos(2AR) where 8j means thickness of y'-th layer. We used DSOM (Direct Search of Optimization Method) based on the dynamical X-ray diffraction SR and SI 2 are real and imaginary part of y(y + ig) - (1 + Ik)2 , 1182 Figure 2 shows the time-evolution of the obtained strain profile. The maximum compression of 1.05% is obtained at the delay time of 180ps. The induced wave has no steady state because the temporal profile of irradiated laser is Gaussian. After the end of laser irradiation (~300ps), expansion wave starts to propagate from the surface and caches up the wave. respectively. The reflecting amplitude on the surface of crystal is calculated by equation (3). r= (3) EOS Determination Here, we can translate strain distribution to the density distribution under the uniaxial assumption directory. Usually, we use three conservation laws and equation of state for the calculation of flow. The conservation of mass and momentum gives new particle velocity and density. The energy conservation law and EOS give P-V relation. Thus we can calculate new pressure value using new density value. Here, we note, the form of conservation of mass and momentum are independent from the ensemble (equation (4), the form of energy conservation law depends on the ensemble). R(0) is the reflecting intensity at diffracted angle of 0. The vector % is the boundary condition at the bottom of layers. The components of % are (0,0,0,1) for the case the rear surface of crystal contact with vacuums. For the case of infinite crystal, boundary condition of (XI, XR, 0, 1) are used. XI and XR mean imaginary and real part of reflecting amplitude from the perfect crystal. In the equation (3), we optimized value of each matrix of ^ using DSOM to the observed data Thus, we obtain strain distribution inside of the crystal. — =0 (mass) (4) -6.0 ^T +"hH +hH = ° (momentum) -5.5 -5.0 Delay time=180 ps Using finite differential method on first order assumption, equation (4) are developed to forms of equation (5) and equation (6). -4.5 300 ps -4.0 -3.5 -3.0 (5) -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 The notation of i and n means position (depth) inside of the crystal and time, respectively. At the infinite crystal, the particle velocity of Ui+1 will be zero. In the equation of (5), we have already estimated the value of spatial and temporal distribution of density. Thus, the particle velocity of Uj is calculated by equation (5). In this sense, the particle velocity distribution will be calculated by repetitively applying the formula (5) from deep -0.5 0.0 4 6 Depth (urn) FIGURE 2. Estimated strain distribution inside of the Si crystal by DSOM computation based on the dynamical X-ray diffraction experiment. 1183 inside of the crystal (infinite crystal) to the surface. Then the pressure distribution will be calculated using formula (6) in the same sense. Figure 3 shows the results of pressure distribution just after the laser irradiation using analysis mentioned above, and we plot analyzed value as the P-V relation in Figure 4 with the line of known EOS of Si(lll). Our solution shows good agreement with known EOS of Si crystal. CONCLUSION We successfully obtained the signal of time resolved X-ray diffraction for the laser perturbed Si single crystal with 60ps time step. We performed DSOM for the estimation of strain distribution based on the dynamical diffraction theory and we confirmed maximum compression of 1.05% at the irradiation power density of 4.7X109W/cm2. According to the analysis using conservation laws, the estimated value shows good agreement with the known value of Si single crystal. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was supported by Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) program of Japan Science and Technology Corporation (1ST). 2 Depth/um REFERENCES 1. Jhonson, Q., Michell, A., Keeler, R. N., and Evans, L., Phys. Rev. Lett. 25, 1099 (1970). 2. Kondo, K., Sawaoka, A., and Saito, S., Proc. 4th International Conference on High Pressure Kyotol974, 845 (1974). 3. D'Almeida, T. and Gupta, Y. M., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 330 (2000). 4. Wark, J. S., Whitlock, R. R., Hauer, A, Swain, J. E., and Solone, P. J., Phys. Rev. B, 35, 9391 (1987). 5. Hironaka, Y., Yazaki, A, Saito, R, Nakamura, K. G., Kondo, K, Takenaka, H., Yoshida, M., Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 1967 (2000). 6. Klar, B. and Rustichelli, E, Nuovo Cimento B 13, 249 (1973). 7. Wie, C. R., TombreUo, T. A. and Vreeland, J., Appl. Phys., 59, 3743 (1986). 4 FIGURE 3. Estimated pressure distribution just after the laser irradiation. 0.424 0.426 0.428 0,430 Specific Volume / cm* g*1 FIGURE 4. The relation between pressure and specific volume estimated using analysis mentioned in the text. 1184
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