CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 USING SIMULTANEOUS TIME-RESOLVED SHG AND XRD DIAGNOSTICS TO EXAMINE PHASE TRANSITIONS OF HMX AND TATB* C. K. Saw, J. M. Zaug, D. L. Farber, B. L. Weeks and C. M. Aracne University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94550 Abstract: Simultaneous SHG (second harmonic generation) and XRD (x-ray diffraction) diagnostics have been applied to examine the phase behavior of energetic materials, HMX (octahydro-1,3,5,7tetranitro-l,3,5,7-tetrazocine) and TATB (l,3,5-triamino-2,4,6 trinitrobenzene). This unique capability provides information about both volume and surface effects that occur during the solid-solid transformation process. This paper reports XRD results for HMX and TATB at elevated temperatures and on simultaneous SHG and XRD experiments on HMX at fixed temperature. Our results do not indicate that a solid-solid phase transformation occurs for TATB even at temperatures up to 340°C. XRD results on HMX held at 165°C and 1 bar, indicate that the (3 to 5 transformation is incomplete after a period of 4.5 hours which do not temporally correlate with SHG. Overall information indicates that the observed SHG intensities from surface effects can, in some cases, dominate over volume generated SHG contributions. Finally, we have run in situ AFM scans of HMX at 180°C and 184°C that show HMX surface area increases by many orders of magnitude after the 5-phase transformation is completed. INTRODUCTION accurate information concerning the lattice constants of the entire volume of a powdered sample. The limitation of our x-ray setup with the sample in the diamond anvil cell (DAC), is that it requires 5-8 minutes of exposure time to develop an interpretable pattern. This limitation led us to search for an accompanying diagnostic tool that could provide a real-time probe of solid-solid structural transitions. SHG was first demonstrated as a probe into reaction kinetics of HMX and TATB phase transitions [1,2]. In order to test the application of SHG to the study of phase transitions we developed a portable optical SHG experiment that could be put into the 10-2 xray beamline at the Stanford Synchrotron Linear Accelerator (SSRL). We can now conduct SHG and x-ray diffraction experiments simultaneously on PBX materials contained in DAC's. After several decades of study there still is not a universal set of rate laws governing solid-solid structural phase transitions of polymer bonded explosive (PBX) materials. The following parameters all affect the p to 6 transformation kinetics of HMX at fixed pressure and temperature: grain size, binder content, impurity content (e.g., RDX), and compaction density of the powder. To date there is not a kinetic rate law that incorporates these critical rate-limiting parameters. Given the core mission of the stockpile safety initiative we have been motivated to develop and refine a series of experimental diagnostic tools that will allow us to derive a universal rate law. To do this we first set out to determine what type or series of diagnostic tools would be suitable for the task. X-ray diffraction was the first tool of choice as it provides 856 exposures. The experiment on TATB involved incrementally increasing the temperature over time. The experiment on HMX was run at a constant temperature. MATERIALS ASPECT HMX was prepared by the method of Siele et. al. [3]. This involved the treatment of octahydro1,5-diacetyl-3,7-dinitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (DADN) with 100% HNO3 and P2O5 at 50°C for 50 minutes, followed by quenching in ice water. Slow recrystallization from acetone yielded HMX as colorless microcrystals. The grain size distribution is trimodal as shown in Fig. 1. TATB was prepared by aqueous amination of trichlorotrinitrobenzene (TCTNB) in a water/nitrobenzene medium. The grain size distribution has a quasi-Gaussian profile centered at approximately 75 microns. Both TATB and HMX powders were introduced into a 500 microns diameter metal gasket, 100 microns thick that laterally confines samples within the DAC. Figure 2: Schematic of the SHG/XRD experiment. Pressure measurement components are not shown as they were not used in this work. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The x-ray energy is set at 17 KeV. The spectrum is then obtained by collapsing the two dimensional image. Figure 3 shows x-ray spectra for TATB with increasing temperatures at 20°C increments. Listed in the plot is the JCPDS listing for TATB (43-1708). Figure 1: Grain size distribution of HMX lot # B-725. EXPERIMENTAL The experimental setup consists of building two separate techniques, XRD and SHG, on an optical breadboard. Schematically, the setup is shown in Fig. 2. Both systems are aligned with their beams (500 jiim diameter) collinear and incident onto the sample located in the DAC. The laser operates at 1064 nm wavelength, 2-4 jiJ and 20Hz PRF. The frequency doubled light from DAC is collected using a Be mirror. The experiments reported in this paper were conducted at 1 bar constant pressure in a dual heated hydrothermal DAC. Outputs from the photo-multiplier tube and photodiode were collected and recorded using a Tektronix TDS684C oscilloscope. The x-ray patterns are captured using image plates (IPs). Both experiments were performed simultaneously and were interrupted only to replace IPs after completion of 8-minute Figure 3: Truncated XRD patterns of TATB from 24° to 340°C. The JCPDS listed intensities are multiplied by ten. 857 TATB is triclinic with a= 9.01 b=9.028 and c=6.812 (A), a=108.59, p=91.82 and y=l 19.97. A few less intense unidentified lines can be observed, are perhaps from the background. The data do not substantiate the existence of a solid-solid phase transformation at these temperatures. However, a shift of the (002) peak position to higher d-spacings is observed with increasing temperature as shown in Fig. 4. This result suggests the opening of the intermolecular distances with temperature. The linear coefficient of thermal expansion ac, calculated from a linear fit of the data in fig. 4 is found to be 225 x 10'6/°C. The lack of significant change in (hkO) peaks, which are related to intra-molecular arrangement, indicates no major changes in molecular structure even up to 340 °C. Hence, most of the volume expansion in TATB occurs along the c-axis due to weak inter-planar Van der Waals interactions. The (002) line shift and/or the increase in (004) peak intensity, as observed in the literature [2] cannot be interpreted as a phase transformation but merely a reorganization of the triclinic phase. Figure 5: Truncated XRD patterns for HMX at 165°C versus time with the peak listing for the calculated powder patterns from published single crystal data. §3.30- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Figure 6 shows the normalized SHG signal and four HMX diffraction peak intensities. Normalization was carried out by simply dividing the data set by the highest amplitude point. The structure in the SHG growth curve is real and is most likely related to surface energy and grain scale effects. The SHG data suggests that 80% of the HMX has converted to the delta phase after -8000 seconds while the XRD data suggests that only -15% of the sample volume has converted. Also note that the SHG intensity increases at the onset of the experiment even though there is no evidence of 5 phase. 350 temperature C Figure 4: Changes in d-spacing (A) for the (002) reflection of TATB. Figure 5 shows the diffraction patterns for HMX held at 165°C as a function of time as indicated on the right side of the plot. These patterns are compared to the calculated powder pattern from single crystal results [4,5] for both (3 and 6 phases using LAZY-PULVERIC programs. Clearly, at the start of the experiment, all the lines can be accounted for by P HMX as indicated and the 5 phase emerges at -7000 seconds into the experiment, which ran for 4.5 hours. We have conducted in situ high-temperature AFM experiments on HMX single crystals [6]. The data show that the total surface area of 8-HMX is on the order of 103 to 105 times higher than the starting PHMX material. Grain size effects and the corresponding increase in surface area can explain the incongruent contrast between our SHG and XRD 858 data on HMX. We have conducted numerous survey XRD and SHG tests that confirm that larger grain HMX single crystals (50-200 micron length) phase convert at near instantaneous times at a given temperature whereas smaller crystals (0.1-20 microns) can take hours to convert at the same rates previously derived for HMX and TATB using only the SHG diagnostic. Studying uniform grain sized HE materials (sample lot # issues should be studied too) may give SHG a foothold concerning the rigorous determination of kinetic rate determinations for polymer blended explosive materials. 1.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 0.9 0.8 f 0.7 The authors would like to thank D. M. Hoffinan for the grain size distribution measurements and C.O. Boro, and D.G. Ruddle for assisting with the experimental setup at SSRL We thank P. Pagoria for HMX samples and F. Foltz for TATB samples. >65 % S-phase \ 0.6 | 0.4 I 0.3 *This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract number W-7405-Eng-48. - SHG intensity O (100) 5-phase intensity 0.2 A (001) p-phase intensity (113) 5-phase intensity J (-122) P-phase intensity 0.1 U 0 REFERENCES 2000 4000 6000 80001000012000140001600018000 Time (sec) 1. Henson, B.F., Asay, B.W., Sander, R.K., Son, S.F., Robinson, J.M. and Dickson, P.M., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1213-1216 (1999). Figure 6: Normalized SHG intensity and XRD peak intensity ratios versus time at 165°C. temperature. It is the dramatic increase in surface area that accounts for the primary contribution in SHG intensity observed. For example SHG intensity was enhanced by a factor of ~104 on a roughened silver surface [7]. Indeed the SHG surface effect has been used for over ten years to track protein conformational changes by generating SHG light at surface of the cell membranes [8]. 2. Son, S.F., Asay, B.W., Henson, B.F., Sander, R.K., Ali, A.N., Zielinski, P.M., Philips, D.S., Schwarz, R.B. and Skidmore, C.B., J. Phys. Chem. B, 103, 5434-5440 (1999). 3. Siele, V.I., Warman, M, Leccacorvi, J, Hutchinson, R.W., Motto, R, Gilbert, E.E, Benzinger, T.M., Corburn, M.D., Rohwer, R.K., Davey, R.K., Propell. and Explosiv., 6, 67-73 (1981). CONCLUSIONS High temperature XRD and SHG experiments have been performed. For TATB, our results do not indicate any solid-solid phase transformation occurrence, even up to 340°C, which directly conflicts with the results of Son et al. [2]. Changes in XRD peak intensity are merely due to molecular re-arrangement and annealing effects. The molecular stacking distance relating to the c- lattice parameter increases with increasing temperature. No major peak changes in the (hkO) reflections are observed suggesting that there is no change in molecular conformation. Our simultaneous SHG and XRD experiments on HMX show that SHG can give misleading results, which bring into question the 4. Cobbledick, R.J. and Small, R.W.H., Acta. Cryst. B30, 1918-1922 (1982). 5. Choi, C.S. and Boutin, H., Acta Cryst. B26, 1235-1240(1970). 6. Paper submitted to Ultramicroscopy (August 2001). 7. C. K. Chen, A. R. B. de Castro, and Y. R. Shen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 145-148 (1981). 8. Campagnola, P.J., Wei, M., Lewis, A. and Loew, L.M., J. Biophys. 77, 3341-3349 (1999). 859
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