CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Hone © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 HYDRO-REACTIVE COMPUTATIONS WITH A TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT REACTION RATE Y. Partom Rafael, P.O. Box 2250, Haifa 31021 Israel Hydro-reactive computations are usually performed with a reaction model containing a pressure dependent reaction rate (PDRR). A well-known example is the "Ignition & Growth" (I&G) reaction model introduced by Lee and Tarver some twenty years ago. Performing such computations it has become evident that in many cases the results obtained seem unreliable. For these cases using a temperature dependent reaction rate (TDRR) may produce better results. We're using a surface burn reaction model that we've developed some twenty years ago. Originally we used it with a TDRR. Some years ago we introduced it into the PISCES code and used it with a PDRR. In this work we reintroduce the TDRR into the model with the purpose of comparing the performance of the two reaction rates. We first calibrate the rates to reproduce the pop-plot of PBX-9502. We then run the code with the two rates for several ID and 2D situations. The resulting differences are qualitatively as expected, but previously we could not have estimated them quantitatively. It is generally accepted that reaction rate should be mainly dependent on temperature. Nevertheless, most reaction models use PDRR. This may be justified for single shock initiation, but not for complex initiation and detonation processes. Typical examples for which using PDRR is expected to be in error are short shock, ramp and double shock initiation, detonation in a rod, and corner turning. In what follows we reintroduce TDRR into our SB reaction model in PISCES. We then show results of computations with PDRR and TDRR, calibrated to the same pop-plot (of PBX-9502), for the cases mentioned above. INTRODUCTION Hydro-reactive computations are usually done with a reaction rate that is mainly pressure dependent (PDRR). The I&G [1] rate equation is given generally by: W = W(W,p/ Po ,P) (1) where W=reaction progress parameter, W =reaction rate, p=mass density and P=pressure. Some twenty years ago we developed a reaction model based on ignition at hot spots and propagation of burn surfaces [2-4]. We used there a temperature dependent reaction rate (TDRR): W = W(W,TS) (2) where Ts=temperature of the unreacted explosive. A few years ago we introduced our surface burn (SB) reaction model into the PISCES code [5]. On that occasion we changed the reaction rate to PDRR, to be able to compare with I&G predictions. SURFACE BURN (SB) REACTION MODEL The physical picture behind our SB model is described in [2-4]. We report here only the main 460 equations. We use separate equations of state (EOS) for the unreacted explosive (s for solid) and for the products (g for gas). Es=Es(Ps,Vs);Eg=Eg(pg,Vg) (3) where E=specific internal energy, V=specific volume. Conservation of energy in the solid and in the gas are given by: P = (V-E V W)/D V ; f s = D T s P Vg=DVgP +EVgW;V.=Dv.P where: D Ts =-(q/c Vs +r s T s /v s )D Vs nVs -q)+3Es/dVs dEg/dP Es+(Ps+q)Vs=0 E g +(p g +q)v g - (4) "(P + q)+aj g /SV g -(p g+ q)(v s -V g )£-(Q + E s -E g )f = 0 where q=artificial viscosity and Q=heat of reaction. To complete the set of equations we need four mix rules. Three of them are: ps =p r r r g =p V=WVg+(l-W)Vs Vg ~ W (9) (P + q)+dE g /dV g Dv=WDVg+(l-W)DV8 Ev=WEVg+Vg-V. where Cv=heat capacity coefficient. (5) E = WE g +(l-W)E s The fourth mix rule is hidden in Eqs. (4). We assume there that solid swept by a burning surface joins the gas, and that the solid remains adiabatic. The solid and gas temperatures are therefore different. For PDRR we use: W = R P y(w)(P/P ref ) a ;P>P l g (6) w =o (8) and r=Gruneisen CALIBRATION We calibrate the reaction rate parameters to reproduce the experimental pop-plot in a ID calculation. The EOS parameters that we use for PBX-9502 are: p 0 = 1.895g/cm3 ; Q = 3.73kJ/g C 0 =3.32 ; S = 2.22 r s =l;C V s =.0012kJ/g (10) A = 473.1 GPa ; B = 9.544GPa • p<p , JT ^ ITlg where y(W) is a (nonnalized) burn topology function (BTF) described in [3], RP and a are parameters to be calibrated from a pop-plot, Pref is an arbitrary reference pressure (we use 5 GPa), and Pig is the threshold pressure for hot spot ignition (we use 1 GPa). For TDRR we use: W = R T y(w)exp(-T*/TS); Ts > Tlg R j =4 ; R 2 =1.7 ; w = .48 where Co and S are parameters of the solid Hugoniot and A,B,Ri,R2,w are the JWL EOS parameters for the gas. The calibrated parameters for PDRR and TDRR are: R p = 0.0235 jis"1 ; a =4.1 (11) R T =4741^ ; T * = 2 7 7 0 K In the calibration process we use the same cell size as later in the applications (10 cells/mm). For TDRR there is a significant dependence on cell size. In Fig. 1 we show computed pop-plots for both PDRR and TDRR. The experimental pop-plot is represented by two crosses at 10 and 20 GPa input pressure. W =0 '.T^T^ where RT and T* are parameters to be calibrated from a pop-plot, and Tig is a threshold temperature for hot spot ignition (we use 400 K). The BTF starts from a finite small value, increases to one, and goes to zero at W=l. We do not change y(W) in the calibration process. To solve the model equations across a time step we express them in rate form by time differentiation. We integrate the system of rate equations across a time step using a standard ODE solver. The system of rate equations is: 461 the delay of the second shock. As for ramp loading here too TDRR run distance is higher and for the same reason. Input pressure (GPa) FIGURE 1. Calibration check. Computed pop-plots with PDRR and TDRR. Data represented by two crosses at 10 and 20 GPa. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Ramp duration (microsec) ID EXAMPLES FIGURE 3. Ramp loading. Run to detonation versus ramp duration for a ramp loading to 15 GPa. The ID examples include short shock, ramp and double shock initiation. In Fig. 2 we compare the results for short shock initiation. 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Delay time (microsec) FIGURE 4. Double shock initiation (5 to 15 GPa). Run to detonation versus the delay of the second shock. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Pulse duration (microsec) FIGURE 2. Short shock initiation. Run to detonation versus pulse duration for 15 GPa input pressure. 2D EXAMPLES We see from Fig. 2 that while for PDRR the dependence on pulse duration is sharp, for TDRR it is more gradual. This is because even upon complete pressure release the residual temperature is still substantial. In Fig. 3 we compare results of ramp loading to 15 GPa. We see that TDRR produces a larger run distance to detonation. This is expected as shock heating from a ramp is smaller than from a single shock to the same pressure. In Fig. 4 we compare results of initiation from a double shock, a pre-shock of 5 GPa and a second shock to 15 GPa. We show run to detonation versus The 2D examples include detonation in a rod and corner turning. In Fig. 5 we show W contours at 2 jo,s for detonation in a rod with PDRR and TDRR. A PMMA impactor starts the detonation wave. We see from Fig. 5 that for PDRR there is an unreacted layer 1 mm thick near the boundary, while for TDRR the unreacted layer near the boundary is almost non-existent. In Table 1 we give our results for detonation in a rod in terms of propagation/extinction of the wave. We see from Table 1 that for PDRR the failure diameter is between 8 and 9 mm (lines 1 and 3), while for 462 differences between predictions with PDRR and TDRR. Predictions with TDRR seem more reliable, but more tests are needed to establish that. TDRR it is between 7 and 8 mm (lines 7 and 8). The difference is within the scatter of experimental data. Euaa E* LML MVBM oo: 01- acco a.ME RH PDRR TDRR FIGURE 5. Detonation in a rod. Comparison of PDRR and TDRR. W contours at 2 |1S. Rod radius is 4 mm and PMMA impactor velocity is 4 km/s. TABLE 1. Summary of rod detonation computations. Rod P/E Reaction No. Impact Radius rate Velocity (mm) (km/s) 1 4 4 E 2 4.5 4 E PDRR 3 4 4.5 P 4 3.8 4.5 E 3 4 5 E P 3.5 4 TDRR 6 P 7 4 4 8 4 3.5 E P=Propagation, E=Extinction FIGURE 6. Comer turning. W contours for PDRR (at 5.5 jos) and TDRR (at 6 ^is). In Fig. 6 we show corner turning results from computations with PDRR and TDRR. We see W contours at 5.5 jis (PDRR) and 6 j^s (TDRR). We see from Fig. 6 that for PDRR corner turning is very slow while for TDRR it is much faster, with a corner turning distance of about 12 mm (close to experimental data for PBX-9502). REFERENCES 1. Lee, E. L. and Tarver, C, M., Phys. Fluids 23, 2362-2372(1980). 2. Partom, Y., "A Void Collapse Model for Shock Initiation", lihsymp. OnDet, 506-511 (1981). 3. Partom, Y., "Characteristics Code for Shock Initiation", LANL Report, LA-10773 (1986). 4. Partom, Y., "Surface Burn Model for Shock Initiation", JJDP Symp. IV, 161-170 (1995). 5. Partom, Y., "Failure Diameter of Confined Explosive Rods", SCCMSymp., 829-832 (1999). CONCLUSIONS To check the importance of using TDRR we reintroduce it into our SB reaction model. We calibrate Both PDRR and TDRR to reproduce the pop-plot of PBX-9502, and then compare predictions with the two rates. We find significant 463
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