CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7 For special copyright notice, see page 422. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SATURN AIR LENS AND ITS USE IN FOAM STUDIES E J. Harris, D.A. Salisbury, P. Taylor and R.E. Winter Hydrodynamics Department, AWE, Aldermaston, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 4PR, UK In the Saturn air lens a concave brass plate, projected by a cylindrical charge, generates a nearly planar initiation at the face of a second explosive cylinder. The lens has been characterised using data from two experiments in which the donor drives metal plates whose surface motion is determined by laser interferometry. The data from these experiments has allowed a computational model of the lens, based on a Eulerian code with the Lee and Tarver reactive burn model, to be optimised. It was found that modelling the spall of the brass plate and the initiation pattern of the second charge was important. The analysis of previously reported equation of state experiments on low-density foam in which the lens was modelled using a simple 1-D treatment have been reviewed. presented of experiments in which the specimens were replaced by a known material, PMMA. Additional experiments designed to measure the drive from the plane wave lens are described in this paper. The results are used to support the development of a more accurate 2-dimensional model of the SATURN PWL than was available to analyse the foam equation of state experiments reported in the earlier work (1-3). The model is based on the AWE 2D Eulerian code PETRA. INTRODUCTION A programme is underway at AWE to develop a capability to model the consequences of shock loading assemblies containing foam components. Maw, Whitworth and Holland (1), described a series of experiments to measure the response of foams to multiple shocks. Foam discs sandwiched between aluminium and steel plates were shocked through intermediary poly methylmethacry late (PMMA) and aluminium alloy layers by an air lens designed at AWE. During the remainder of this paper the lens will be referred to as the SATURN PWL (Plane Wave Lens). The transmitted shock was monitored on axis by velocity interferometry. Although accurate measurements of the shocks transmitted through the foam samples were made it was not possible to measure the input shock directly. Instead Maw derived the input shock into the foam sample by assuming that the plane wave lens could be approximated by a slab of explosive of a thickness chosen to obtain agreement with a separate calibration experiment. Subsequently Salisbury, Winter, Taylor and Harris (2) published additional data on three different foams using the same experimental configuration. Results were also EXPERIMENTS The construction of the SATURN PWL is shown in the lower part of Fig. 1. An EDC1 donor charge initiated by a detonator drives a curved 4mm brass plate into a charge of EDC32 explosive. The EDC32 detonates and drives a near planar shock into the sample. Two experimental configurations were used to support the PWL modelling. In the first, shown in Fig. 1 and designated SI9/22, the response of an acceptor consisting of 8.2mm of PMMA and 1.4 mm of aluminium alloy (5083) is monitored by velocity interferometery. In the second experiment (SI9/23) the acceptor was a 1.5 mm thick copper (C101) plate. 419 __ No spall . _ _ With spgll 20 TWIN FABRY-PEROT ALALLOY^ PMMA \ - i i CL 15 I 10 EDC32 -" AIR NAVAL BRASS 15.0 15,8 16.0 16,2 16,4 time/us FIGURE 2. Calculated pressure into inert EDC32 showing EDC1 15,2 15.4 15,6 effect of spall in the brass. Calculations of experiments SI9/22 and 23 were run to determine whether the response of the EDC32 could be modelled using programmed burn. A series of detonation points were assigned along the edge of the explosive and detonated when the first shock produced a pressure of 5 GPa at these points. Figure 3 shows the calculated free surface velocities for comparison with the PMMA/aluminium experiment SI9/22. It is seen that, although there is a qualitative similarity between code and experiment, the calculated relative magnitudes of the velocities on and off axis at the first velocity jump are significantly different from experiment. It was concluded that the experimental results could not be matched adequately using programmed burn. ———— 100mm ———— FIGURE 1. SI9/22 geometry with 8.2mm PMMA and 1.4mm aluminium alloy discs. SI9/23 was similar but with the PMMA and aluminium replaced by a 1.5mm sheet of copper. MODELLING THE SATURN PWL In the SATURN PWL planarity is achieved by means of a 4 mm brass plate curved to impact an EDC32 acceptor charge simultaneously. One of the issues to be addressed was whether the brass plate spalls. PETRA calculations showed that when the brass plate was allowed to sustain a tension the pressure dropped to a minimum of -9 GPa on axis near the mid plane and therefore the brass would be expected to spall. The effect of including the spall model was determined by calculating the pressure pulse delivered to EDC32 to which an inert Equation of State (EoS) had been assigned. Figure 2 shows that when the brass plate was allowed to go into tension a single pressure pulse of -20 GPa was observed in the inert EDC32, but when a spall model was used an initial pressure pulse of-10 GPa followed by a second step of -17 GPa was seen. The two step pressure structure obtained with the spall model was not local to the axis but was still clearly visible 35 mm off the axis. It is concluded from the above that it is necessary to include a spall model to accurately calculate the shock delivered to the EDC32 acceptor. __ _ 23 5i"9/22 experiment calculation 24 25 26 27 28 time/us FIGURE 3. Aluminium alloy free surface velocities from calculations using programmed burn. The on axis trace is offset 0.5 km/ps and the off axis trace is offset right by l(js for clarity. The same offsets are used in later figures. 420 Figure 4 shows the response of the EDC32 computed using a Lee and Tarver reactive burn model (3) for EDC32 based on published data for LX04 (an explosive similar in composition to EDC32). It is seen that the brass plate impacts slightly earlier at the periphery of the plate producing a concave detonation wave. Figure 5 shows the complexity of the computed pressure profile through the EDC32 detonation products at the time that the detonation wave reaches the sample. These observations strongly suggests that 1D modelling of the lens will be inadequate. 8 1 - _- 23 24 25 si9/22 experiment calculation 27 26 time/us 28 FIGURE 6. SI9/22, (PMMA/AI sample) Comparison with calculation. Figure 7 shows the match to the Copper experiment SI9/22. In this case the shock reverberations are well matched but the initial velocity jump is too high in the calculation. The relative timing of the on and off axis probes is calculated well. Improved agreement with the late time free surface velocities was obtained by adjusting the EoS of the detonation products. The ignition and growth parameters were adjusted to give a good agreement with the known run distance of LX04. It is concluded that the 2D model described in this paper matches the characterisation experiments more closely than the ID model. FIGURE 4. 2D plot of pressure gradient showing a curved detonation wave in the EDC32 acceptor charge. 40 30 f. % I 10 EDC32 11.0 11.5 12.0 12,5 13.0 13,5 14.0 FIGURE 7. calculation. 14.5 dlstonce/cm 23 24 S19/23 (copper 25 time/us 26 27 sample) comparison with FIGURE 5. Pressure profile through the detonation products on axis. DISCUSSION Figure 6 shows the agreement obtained to the PMMA/AI experiment SI9/22 using the model described in this paper. The match is somewhat better than was obtained with the ID model (as shown in figure 3). Salisbury and co-workers presented the results of experiments with PMMA (SI9/17) and 0.3g/cc polyurethane (SI9/18) samples. Figure 8 shows the computed velocity profiles for comparison with experiment SI9/17. The two computed profiles 421 assume (a) Maw's ID representation of the PWL and (b) the 2D model described in this paper. It is seen that the match to the first shock is significantly better with the 2D than with the ID model. 2,5 Bi9/18 experiment 2.0 ID calculation 2D calculation ? | 1.5 7,0 f 1.0 S 8.5 9.0 9,5 CONCLUSIONS 0.0 1,0 8.0 time/us FIGURE 10. SI9/18, ID vs. 2D comparison using Maw and Whitworth's 0.3 g/cc polyurethane foam EoS (4). J9/17 experiment D calculation D calculation 0,5 7.5 1,5 2,0 2.5 time/us 3.0 3,5 4.0 The SATURN plane wave lens has been modelled in 2-D using the Eulerian Hydrocode PETRA. A spall model was used to model the behaviour of the brass flyer and the Lee and Tarver ignition and growth model was used to model the response of the main EDC32 charge. The model closely matches the results of calibration experiments. It is shown that the changes to the model used for the plane wave lens affect the calculated transmitted shock. FIGURE 8. SI9/17, 1D vs. 2D comparison. In Fig. 9 an AWE EoS for polyurethane foam was used to obtain a similar comparison for SI9/18, the experiment with the foam sample. In this case there is only a small difference between the output calculation with ID and 2D PWL modelling. Note that in both experiments the initial velocity jump was calculated slightly too high but this result was consistent with the result from the two calibration experiments. REFERENCES 1. 2.0 2. si9/18 experiment ID calculation 2D calculation 3. 7,0 7.5 8.0 time/us 8.5 9.0 9,5 FIGURE 9. SI9/18, ID vs. 2D comparison using AWE EoS for 0.3 g/cc polyurethane foam. 4. Finally, Fig 10 shows a ID versus 2D comparison obtained using Maw and Whitworth's polyurethane EOS (4). It is seen that the 2D modelling has little effect of early time behaviour but improves the match at late time (after ~8 (is). Maw, J.R., Whitworth NJ. and Holland,R.B.,"Multiple Shock Compression of Polyurethane and Syntactic Foams", in Shock Compression of Condensed matter -1995, ppl33136 Salisbury, D.A., Winter, R.E., Taylor, P. and Harris, E.J., "The Response of Foams to Shock Compression", Shock Compression of Condensed matter -1999, edited by M.D.Furnish, L.C.Chhabildas and R.S.Hixson, ppl97-200. Lee, E. L. and Tarver, C. M., "Phenomenological model of shock initiation in heterogeneous explosives", Phys. Fluids 23(12), pp.2362-2372 (1980). Maw, J.R. and Whitworth, NJ., "Shock Compression and the Equation of State of Fully Dense and Porous Polyurethane", Shock Compression of Condensed matter -7997, ppl11114. © British Crown Copyright 2001/MOD Published with the permission of the Controller of Her Britannic Majesty's Stationery Office. 422
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