CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 SHOCK-INDUCED STRUCTURAL PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS STUDIED BY LARGE-SCALE MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS Kai Kadau, Timothy C. Germaim, Peter S. Lomdahl, and Brad Lee Holian Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 Abstract Shock waves in martensitic Fe (bcc) induce a complex relaxation mechanism behind the shock front. Non-equilibrium multimillion-atom molecular-dynamics simulations demonstrate that for shock strengths above the threshold for plastic deformation, small grains of austenite (hep, fee) nucleate in the martensite matrix. The subsequent growth and orientation of the austenitic grains strongly depend on the crystallographic shock direction and the shock strength. Crystallographic orientational relationships between the unshocked and shocked material are quite similar to that found in the temperature-driven structural transformations (i.e. martensitic and austenitic transformations) in iron-based alloys. The influence of the specific potential on the qualitative and the quantitative results of the simulations will be discussed. INTRODUCTION Here we report on the first numerical simulations of shock waves in martensitic Fe single crystals. As observed experimentally, the relaxation of the shear pressure behind the shock front is achieved by structural transformation from bcc to a closed packed structure [1] rather than dislocation-induced plasticity as found in fee crystals [2, 3]. As for shock waves in fee single crystals [3], the structure of the shock front depends on the crystallographic shock direction. Molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations with about 8 million atoms in the computational-cell (i.e. 40.2nm x 40.2iim x 57.4nm) were performed with the high-performance code SPaSM (Scalable Parallel Short-range Molecular-dynamics) [4]. Shock waves along [OOljbcc and [110]bcc with different shock-strength were initiated by a momentum mirror which specularly reflects any atom reaching the mirror [2] using periodic boundary conditions in the two transverse directions. The forces between the atoms were calculated within the embedded-atom method (EAM) including a pair interaction <I> as well as a density dependent term F: (1) whereby the summation is over all atoms and r^is the distance between the atoms i and j. The function F(pi) represents the embedding energy of atom i depending on the background charge density which is the sum of the atomic contributions pat (2) In this work we used two different forms for the EAM, namely the Daw and Baskes form [5] and the potential proposed by Harrison, Voter, and Chen [6]. The results shown in the next section were performed with the potential developed by Meyer and Entel [7] within the Daw and Baskes ansatz. This potential was designed to study the temperature-driven structural transition from bcc to 351 moving faster than the following plastic front, converting to an overdriven plastic wave for very high shock strength. An interesting feature is the possibility of over-relaxation of the shear stress for waves along [OOljbcc (Fig. 2): The (001)bcc planes with an ideal distance of 0.144 nm (the T = P = 0 cubic lattice constant for Fe is 0.287 nm [7]) transform fee and vice-versa in Fe and Fe-Ni alloys [8]. A discussion about the differences of the results with respect to the choice of potential is given at the end of the report. RESULTS For low shock strengths, the single crystals only uniaxially compress, which can be seen by the splitting and moving of the neighbor peaks of the radial distribution function with respect to the neighbor distances of the initial bcc structure (Fig. 1). Above a critical shock strength the martensitic crystal transforms into an austenitic close-packed structure (Fig. 1). Slightly above the transformation threshold, shock waves in [001]bcc exhibit an elastic precursor 0.8 [001] SHOCK DIRECTION 0.6 >> cc 0.4 I 0.2 1.75ps 3.5 ps [001 ] shock direction _ —— [110] shock direction V i • Ta close-packed 0.2 0.3 0.4 T T T 0.5 r(nm) Figure 1: Radial distribution function g(r) for different shocked bcc Fe single crystals. Weak shocks only uniaxially compress the bcc which can be seen in the splitting and moving of the peaks with respect to the bcc peak positions. Shock waves above the threshold for plastic deformation induce a structural change from the bcc structure to a close-packed structure (ideal fee and hep positions are marked by circles and triangles, respectively). Maxima of the radial distribution function of transformed Fe due to shock waves in [011]bcc are broader due to smaller austenite grains and thicker grain boundaries (Fig. 5). -0.2 20 40 longitudinal position (nm) Figure 2: Pressure- volume components for shock waves well above the transformation threshold. Whereas the austenitic transformation in shock waves along [001]bcc direction can result to an over-relaxation of the shear stress Pshear = P™ — (Pxx + P yy )/2, the transformation from bcc to close-packed for shock waves traveling along the [110] bcc direction almost relaxes the anisotropy of the pressure-tensor. 352 both (lll)fcc planes with a distance of 0.209 nm, and into (001)fcc planes (Fig. 4) with a distance of 0.181 nm, thus facilitating the relaxation of the anisotropy of the pressure-tensor (Fig. 2). [001] SHOCK DIRECTION fcc(HO) bcc(001) t[100] Figure 3: The austenitic transition occurring for shock waves traveling along the [OOljbcc direction is due to a transformation from the (001)bcc plane into the (110)fcc plane (shown) or into the equivalent (12lO)hcp plane (not shown). into (llO)fcc planes (Fig. 3) with an ideal distance of 0.128 nm (assuming same space filling for the bcc and fee structure) which can result to an overrelaxation of the pressure component in the [001] shock direction. Shocks along [110]bcc transform the (llO)bcc planes with a distance of 0.203 nm into [110] SHOCK DIRECTION fCC(111) bcc(HO) [112] fcc(001) [110] [010] [100] Figure 4: Shock waves moving along the [110]bcc direction can transform the (llO)bcc plane into both the (lll)fcc plane and the (001)fcc plane (or their equivalent hep planes). Figure 5: Cross-sections (40.2nm x 40.2nm) of shocked samples showing the evolved austenitic grains (light) separated by grain-boundaries (dark). Shock waves along the [001]bcc direction (upper panel) induce larger grains with thinner boundaries than waves along [110]bcc direction (lower panel). we are seeing realistic features of shock waves in martensitic iron, even though the embedded-atom approach neglets both magnetism and directional bonding. Future work should take into account these two features. Another future direction is the systematic simulation of polycrystalline samples. Numerous small austenitic grains start to nucleate in the martensite matrix with subsequent growth of the grains on a pico-second timescale. The resulting austenitic polycrystal has a texture depending on the shock direction due to the above described transformation mechanism. Shock waves in the [001]bcc direction induce larger grains with thinner boundaries than shocks in [HOjbcc (Fig- 5). This might be due to different energy barriers between the structures for these crystallographic directions [9]. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was carried out under the auspices of the U.S. Dept. of Energy at LANL under contract W-7405-ENG-36. One of the authors (K. K.) would like to thank P. Entel and the German Science Council (DFG) (through SFB 445 and the Graduate School Structure and Dynamics of Heterogeneous Systems) for their support. Thanks to J. B. Maillet for reading the manuscript. INFLUENCE OF THE POTENTIAL We found essentially identical qualitative results for both potentials. The major difference is the threshold pressure for the transformation from the bcc structure into a close-packed structure. The Meyer-Entel potential [7] was only fitted to zeropressure data (including the lattice constant, elastic constants, zone-boundary phonon-frequencies, and vacancy-formation energy) resulting in an excessively repulsive potential upon compression. Thus the transition pressure of 55 GPa is much greater than the experimental 13 GPa [10]. The potential from [6] approximately takes high pressure data into account by incorporating a universal equationof-state (Rose function) [11] and therefore yields a transformation pressure of about 15 GPa, which is close to experimental observations. REFERENCES [I] Kadau, K., Germann, T.C., Lomdahl, P.S., and Holian, B.L., submitted to Science, [2] Holian, B.L., and Lomdahl, P.S., Science 280, 2085 (1998); Holian, B.L., Phys. Rev. A 37,2562 (1988). [3] Germann, T.C., Holian, B.L., Lomdahl, P.S., and Ravelo, R., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5351 (2000). [4] Beazley, D.M., and Lomdahl, P.S., Par. Comput. 20, 173 (1994); Beazley, D.M., and Lomdahl, P.S., Comput. in Physics 11, 230 (1997). [5] Daw, M.S., and Baskes, M.I., Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1285 (1983); Daw, M.S., and Baskes, M.I., Phys. Rev. B 29, 6443 (1984). SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Our work shows that the relaxation of the shear stress behind shock fronts in polymorphic materials can be achieved by the structural transition from one phase to another on a MD timescale (such transformations are of course well-known experimentally [10]) . In the special case of martensitic iron, above a critical shock strength the transition from bcc to a close-packed structure relaxes the shear stress behind the shock front. We found that in single crystals the structure of the shock front and the growth of the austenitic grains evolving in the martensitic matrix depend on the shock direction, resulting in a highly textured polycrystal. Simulations with different potentials for iron show that the qualitative results depend not on the specific potential, whereas quantitative data, such as the pressure threshold for the transformation does. 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