CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 SPATIAL EVOLUTION OF THREE-WAVE STRUCTURE IN SHOCKED POTASSIUM CHLORIDE. E. Zaretsky Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Ben Gurion University, P.O.Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel Abstract The response of [100]-oriented KC1 single crystals having thickness ranged from 0,05 to 5 mm was studied in series of planar impact experiments with impact pressure higher than pressure of KC1 transformation from Bl to B2 structure. Special attention was paid to providing the similar velocities of aluminum impactor in all shots, VISAR velocity records were obtained from free sample surface or from sample-PMMA window interface. The recorded velocity profiles have threewave structure containing elastic El, low-pressure phase Phi and high-pressure phase Ph2 waves. The waves amplitudes were found decaying with the propagation time and corresponding relaxation times were found equal to 118, 64 and 136 nsec, respectively. The closeness of the relaxation times of Phi and Ph2 waves to the relaxation time of El wave allows us to assume that dislocation motion is responsible of the growth of nuclei of the transforming phase. transition in KC1 using attenuation of the Phi wave with the propagation distance. He found, however, that in the transmission experiments, where aluminum disk impacts the KC1 sample backed by the quartz gage, the steady Phi amplitude was established so fast that any decay measurements were impossible. Due to this fact the transition kinetics was studied on the base of the front impact experiments where the KC1 crystal glued on the projectile front surface impacts the quartz gauge. The stress records obtained by Hayes in the transmission experiments and published recently [5] give clear evidence of the existence of the threewave structure in KC1 single crystal shocked above the transition pressure. Accounting in that the gauges used in [2]-[5] do not allow detecting the amplitudes of El, Phi and Ph2 waves with the same accuracy we decided to study the three-wave structure produced by the impacts of equal strength in KC1 samples of different thickness using the VISAR diagnostics. INTRODUCTION Barker and Hollenbach [1] performed VISAR study of shock-induced a —»£ phase transition in iron. All free surface velocity profiles recorded in [1] after impacts above the transition pressure reflected the three-wave structure of the shock propagating through the transforming material: the elastic precursor wave El, the second Phi wave of low-pressure phase and the third Ph2 wave of the high-pressure phase of iron. A similar three-wave structures was observed in shock compressed potassium chloride (KC1) by Al'tshuler et al. [2] and Rosenberg [3] although the sensitivity of magnetic [2] and manganine [3] gages was insufficient for resolving weak elastic precursor in KCL Hayes [4] studied the Bl to B2 transition in KC1 using the quartz gages having both the sensitivity and temporal resolution better then the gages used in [2] and [3], and sufficient for resolving the three-wave structure. He tried to study kinetics of the phase 217 series. Since the El wave in these experiments was produced by a stress pulse of finite amplitude the value of CEI should be slightly higher than the value of the longitudinal sound velocity C/ obtained from ultrasonic measurement. In the experiments of the third type (KPS experiments) the samples were made of 1-mm KC1 crystals backed (1 micron of Loctite420) by 5-rnm sapphire window of 20-mm diameter. The front surface of the KC1 crystal was separated from 3,09-mm disk (buffer) of aluminum alloy 6Q61-T6 by 0,145-mm spacers. In this series the VISAR beam was focused on the back surface of the aluminum buffer. Recording the apparent buffer velocity allows measuring the time interval between the buffer-KCl impact and the arrival of the KC1 elastic wave at the KCl-sapphire interface: Small recompression wave produced by the reflection of the elastic wave from the interface is accompanied by instant change of the KC1 refractive index and results in the appearance of a small velocity ramp on the recorded velocity profile [5], The parameters of the shots of all the series are collected in Tab.L The VISAR records obtained in KP series are shown in Fig. la together with the record of KPME shot (KPC and KPME samples are of the close thickness). The records after shots of KPM series are shown in Fig. Ib. The position of the bottom of the El wave on the time axis was chosen for all shots of KP and KPM series on the base of the sample thickness and the velocity of the El wave propagation equal to CEI = 4630m/sec. The latter value was determined by extrapolating the velocities of El wave, obtained in EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS KC1 samples obtained from the Graseby-Specac Ltd., UK were [100]-oriented single crystal disks of about 1, 2 and 5-mm thickness and 25,4-mm diameter. Three types of planar impact experiments were performed with use of 25-mm pneumatic gun accelerating hollow aluminum sabot with disk impactors made of aluminum alloy 6061-T6. In the experiments of the first type (KP experiments) the free surface velocity of KC1 samples was monitored by VISAR. In order to provide the surface reflectivity the 7-u, aluminum foil was glued (Loctite420 glue, 2 cP viscosity) to the free surface of the samples. In the experiments of the second type (KPM experiments) the KC1 samples of the thickness ranged from 0.05 to 1.3 mm were studied. In order to prevent bending and non-parallelism of the thin samples the as-received 1-mm crystals equipped, as in the previous case, with the foil reflector were glued on the 5-mm PMMA window. The crystal side of the sandwich was grinded down to the wishful thickness and polished. In the KPM experiments the velocity of the KC1-PMMA interface was monitored by VISAR. Special efforts were done in order to obtain the same impact velocities in the shots of KP and KPM series. The charged pins were used for the control of the impact velocity and impactor-sample misalignment (tilt). The tilt did not exceed 0.4 mrad in all shots. The experiments of the third type were performed in order to determine accurate value CEi of the velocity of the El wave in the experiments of KP and KPM 800 700 I j : | 600 '.2 / f : ^ 500 i >? - _/* 40 J 13 ° - i~~* ' 7^ / / 3 J^I-A*. r 500 : 4 . - /* »•**, Q 400 <u 45 : <O 100 0 o y K, ^6 j i t*08 12 f**"" 5" : b 100 : i : : € w i 2 4' - : J2 > 200 : 1 „——f >^ _ a 200 tt "HH^^ j** & 30° : *u i : g 300 €5 _ \, f -^T/', 0 ,/) J : 0,8 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 :I 2 .4 2 .8 time, p sec time, p. sec FIGURE L VISAR records after shots KP (A, B, C) and KPME (a) and after shots KPM series (b). The numbers are explained in the text. 0 .4 218 TABLE 1. Parameters of the experiments Shot KPA KPB KPC KPMA KPMB KPMC KPMD KPME KPSA KPSB Impactor, mm 5.06 5.06 5.07 5.06 5.06 5.06 5.07 5.06 5.06 5.06 Buffer, mm . . _ _ . 3.10 3.10 Sample, mm 5.047 2.135 1.323 0.581 0303 0.148 0.050 1.285 1.166 1.265 Window,ram , _ . 3.80 (PMMA) 4,88 (PMMA) 4,88 (PMMA) 4,88 (PMMA) 4.88 (PMMA) 4.98 (sapphire) 5.00 (sapphire) Imp, veL, m/sec 546 546 543 544 542 546 543 546 221 350 conservation laws KPS shots, toward the impact velocity of about 550 m/sec (impact velocity of KP and KPM series). Al the records of Fig. 1 contain features related to the three-wave structure of the shock propagating in the transforming KCI and marked by roman numerals. Points 1 and 2 correspond to the arrival of El and Phi waves, respectively, at the interface or free surface. The points 3 and 4 are related to the Ph2 wave. It will be shown that the signal amplitude at point 4 allows determining the amplitude of Ph2 wave. All three waves decay with the propagation distance but the rate and the cause of the decaying is different for different waves. The decay of the elastic precursor wave El is mainly due to the stress relaxation, while the decay of the Phi and Ph2 waves reflects the process of the development of two-wave structure triggered by shock-compression of KCI to some point on the extension of its lowpressure Hugoniot [4]. Extrapolating the amplitudes of the signals at points 2 and 4 to the zero sample thickness allows us to conclude that the very initial stage of the transformation cannot be detected by YISAR: even for 50-fi sample the separation between Phi and Ph2 waves is clear. The initial transformation rate that can be detected from decay of the Phi wave amplitude [1] should be attributed to the later stage of the transformation. This coincides with the conclusion of [4]: the transformation rate at the first stage, the fast one, is higher than 500 sec"1, while the second stage is essentially slower. In order to estimate the rate of the decay of the waves the values of the interface or free surface velocity should be converted into stress. Using PMMA Hugoniot data of [7] and applying to El and Phi the mass and momentum ic w (1) first the stress at the top of El and, then, at the stress at the top of Phi may be obtained. Here Ac% and Auw are the changes of the stress and the particle velocity carried by the corresponding wave W having Lagrangian velocity Cw. Using for El velocity Q/ = 4630 m/sec yields CPhi = 3440 m/sec for Phi wave. In order to evaluate stress behind the Ph2 wave the a - u and jc- t diagrams should be analyzed. Such diagrams for the case of KPC and KPME shots are shown in Fig, 2, For simplicity the thickness of KCI samples is shown equal for both the shots. Assuming that the velocities of loading and unloading waves in low-pressure phase of KCI are close, the velocity of Ph2 wave may be found from x-t diagram of Fig. 2a. (and other shots, as well). It is equal to Cpfj2 = 1790 m/sec. Accounting in that KCI compression at the point 2' of <7-« diagram is found equal to V/V® = 0.914, the slope of the line P2 may be found. The intersection of P2 with aa! line yields the steady amplitude of the Ph2 wave equal to 2.25 GPa. Small additional increase of the surface velocity (from 439 to 449 m/sec for KPMF, and from 778 to 801 m/sec for KPC shot) is due to the wave reverberation 3 - 4 between the KCI surface and interface discontinuity, Fig. 2. The a-u diagram allows one to convert the small changes of the apparent interface velocity into the small changes of the stress amplitudes of Phi and Ph2 waves. 219 3 800 2.5 PMMA 3 2 13 400 CL o € 200 tf 3 -5 LRL. W3 E E 0 1 4.63, 0.5 1.79 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 time, ji sec particle velocity u, m/sec FIGURE 2. x— t (a) and <j — « (b) diagrams of shots KPC and KPME. The wave velocities are given in km/sec near the corresponding trajectories. Phi wave velocity (bold line in (a)) is 3,44 km/sec. Numerals, as in Fig, 1. Dotted line (a) corresponds to the interface between transformed and untransformed material [1], 1,3 0.2 0 Assuming for all the three waves a simple linear kinetics with single relaxation time t ACT dt GPa. The instant drop of the stress from this value to 2,33 GPa seems should be attributed to the very fast, sub nanosecond, impact generation of large amount of the nuclei of the new phase while the following wave processes are related to the nuclei growth and coalescence. Accounting in that the relaxation time values, Eq. (4), found for the three waves are close, it is possible to assume that the mechanism of this growth is dislocation-based. (2) yields for the stress aw at the top of the wave W aw -aw™ = (cF W /Q-~<j w / 00 )exp(~f/T). (3) Here am is the initial stress at the impact interface, and <jWoo is the steady wave W stress amplitude. The least square treatment of the stress data gives for the three waves CT HEL - 0,094 = 0.255 exp[-r/(2.0.118)] aph{ - 2.085 = 0.107 exp[-f/(2-0.064)], - 2.250 = 0.084exp[-r/(2-0.136)] REFERENCES L Barker, L. M., and Hollenbach, R. E., JAppLPhys., 45, 4872, (1974). 2. ATtshuler, L. V., Pavlovskii, M, N., and Drakin, V. P., Sov, Phys. JETF, 25, N2, 260, (1967). 3. Rosenberg, Z., JAppLPhys,, 53, 1474, (1982), 4. Hayes, D. B,, JAppLPhys., 45, 1208, 1974 5. Ding, J. L., and Hayes, D. B., in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-1999, edited by M.D.Furnish, et aL, AIP Conference Proceedings 505, Melwille, N-Y, 2000, p. 633 6. Wackerle, J., Stacy, H. L., and Dallman, J. C, in High Speed Photography, Videography and Photonics V, Proc. SPIE Vol. 832,San-Diego, 1987, p.72 7. Barker, L. M., and Hollenbach, R. E., JAppLPhys., 41, 4208,(1970) (4) where the stress units are GPa and the time units are jisec. Equations (4) yield stress values at the impact interface equal to OOP/,/ = 2.192 GPa and <j0p/i2 = 2,334 GPa, It is difficult to believe that immediately after the impact two phases may coexist under different stress. The initial interface stress has to be, at least, 2.334 GPa, Thus, the relaxation time T = 64 nsec found for the wave Phi seems to be underestimated. Recall that the 543-546-m/sec impact of aluminum impactor brings low-pressure KC1 phase into the state with stress of about 2,75 220
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