CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7 STRUCTURAL STUDIES AND EOS OF DIAMINODINITROETHYLENE (DADNE, FOX-7) UNDER STATIC COMPRESSION S. M. Peiris, G. I. Pangilinan, F. J. Zerilli and T. P. Russell Energetic Materials Research and Technology Department Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head, MD 20640 Abstract. Structural and molecular changes in diaminodinitroethylene compressed to static pressures up to 4.2 GPa were investigated. Angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction experiments were performed with synchrotron radiation to monitor the compression and any phase changes. The results indicated higher compression along the b-axis than along the a- or c- axis. In addition, the ambient temperature isothermal equation of state of FOX-7 was generated from this data. Raman spectroscopy covering a 300 to 3400 cm"1 range showed expected hardening of most vibrational modes. However, two modes in the energy regions corresponding to N-O stretching and H wagging, softened with pressure. This indicates the possible increase of intermolecular H bonding within the zigzagging planes of FOX-7 at increased pressures. crystal structure is stable to 4.2 GPa. Our Raman studies show two vibrational modes softening with pressure. Gaussian calculations of vibrational modes were performed to understand the implications of the mode softening. INTRODUCTION Diaminodinitroethylene (DADNE or FOX-7) is a newly developed energetic material with low sensitivity comparable to TATB and high performance. The structure of FOX-7 under ambient conditions is similar to the structure of TATB, with strongly hydrogen bonded intra-layer molecules connected to neighboring layers with weak Van der Waal bonds. [1] Since detonation of energetic materials occur in the high pressure and temperature regime, modeling of the detonative properties of any explosive requires high-pressure equations of state and other thermodynamic parameters. Therefore, we studied the effects of compression on the structure of FOX7 using both x-ray diffraction methodology and Raman spectroscopy. We report here the isothermal compression curve of FOX-7 at room temperature. Our x-ray studies show that the ambient pressure monoclinic EXPERIMENTAL METHOD The FOX-7 samples used in this study were obtained from Richard Gilardi at NRL. Samples for angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction were loaded into Merrill-Bassett cells with diamond anvils that had 0.6-1mm culets. [2] Stainless steel gaskets O.lmm thick, drilled with 0.3-0.6 mm holes, were used to contain the sample. A 5:1 mixture of finely ground FOX-7 :NaCl was used. Pressures were determined from the measured compression of NaCl with diffraction collected simultaneously with FOX-7. The pressure reported is the average of the values obtained from the modified Decker equation of 181 1.00 state [3] and the Spetzler[4]-Fritz[5] EOS as analyzed by Birch. [6] Angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction experiments were carried out at the B2 line of the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS). Diffracted x-rays were collected on an x-ray-sensitive image plate for 15-40 minutes at each pressure. The image plate was then scanned and analyzed using SIMPA software. [7] The d spacing associated with each diffraction peak was estimated by fitting a Gaussian to the peak. The 5-15 peaks observed were indexed using the monoclinic P2(l)/n space group. For Raman spectroscopy, FOX-7 powder was loaded into Merrill-Bassett cells with cubic zirconia anvils. The gaskets were made from 0.2 mm tantalum with a gasket hole diameter of 200-250 um. A small ruby sphere (10 urn in diameter) was added to each sample, and the frequency shift of the ruby Rl line was used as a pressure gauge. [8] The Raman system consisted of an Ar ion laser operating at 514.5 nm with 150 mW of power, and a SPEX 1m double-mate spectrometer employing a CCD detector. Peak positions were determined by fitting a Gaussian function to the observed Raman vibrations. 0.98 Q. I o r c 0 10 1 2 3 4 Pressure (GPa) FIGURE 2. Compression of the unit cell dimensions a, b and c. phase changes were observed to 4.2 GPa. Analysis of the diffraction patterns shows that the b axis of the unit cell compresses faster than the a or c axis. This has been illustrated in Fig. 2. The b axis lies in the direction perpendicular to the zigzagging layers within the FOX-7 crystal. These layers are bonded by Van der Waal's bonds and separated by 3.31 A at ambient P and T. Near a pressure of 1.2 GPa, there appears to be a discontinuity in the compression of the b axis. Elastic parameters were calculated by using the Birch-Murnaghan (BM) [6] equation of state formalism to model the P,V data obtained from x-ray diffraction. The second order BM equation of state yields a zero-pressure isothermal bulk modulus (Ko) of 20.6±0.5 GPa, where the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus (Ko') is held constant at a value of four. The third order BM EOS gives a K0 of 17.9±1.4 GPa, and a KO' of 6.6±4.9. Figure 3 shows the Raman spectra observed at different pressures. Again, there is some small change in the Raman pattern by 1.2 GPa (indicated by the ovals), however most of the modes stiffen or shift to higher frequencies at higher pressure as expected. Two modes show anomalous mode softening, or shift to lower Raman frequencies with pressure. These two modes at 1025 cm"1 and 1342 cm"1 at ambient pressure are denoted by thick black arrows in Fig 3. The diffraction pattern originating from the monoclinic lattice structure of FOX-7 was indexable to 4.2 GPa, the highest pressure Figure 1 shows selected x-ray diffraction patterns for FOX-7 as a function of pressure. No Angle 26 0.94 0.92 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5 0.96 15 (degrees) FIGURE 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of FOX-7 under compression. 182 I 3 400 600 800 1200 1000 1400 1600 Raman Shift (cm ) FIGURE 3. Raman spectra of FOX-7 at different pressures. The ovals indicate changes at 1.1 GPa and the arrows indicate the two modes that soften with pressure. investigated here. Therefore, the observed changes in the Raman spectrum and the discontinuity of the b-axis compression around 1.2 GPa perhaps indicate some subtle molecular change that does not affect the monoclinic lattice. Calculations were performed with the Gaussian 98 [9] quantum chemistry program to investigate the Raman modes and symmetries softening with pressure. The B3-PW91 density functional method was used. This method combines Becke's threeparameter hybrid method [10] with the PerdewWang generalized gradient approximation functional [11]. The basis set used was the 631+G** basis set of Pople et al. [12] with "d" polarization functions for heavy atoms and "p" polarization functions for hydrogen, supplemented with diffuse functions for heavy elements [13]. The vibrational frequencies computed by the B3-PW91 methods are scaled by a factor of 0.9573 to correct for systematic errors in the calculations. [14] The calculated vibrational frequencies and intensities were matched to the experimentally obtained frequencies and intensities. The two modes that soften were matched to two calculated modes which include intense H-wagging and slight N-O bond stretching. This together with the extensive hydrogen bonding network within the layers of FOX-7 suggest that, with pressure, intermolecular hydrogen bonds become strong enough to weaken N-H bonds and N-O bonds within each molecule. CONCLUSION FOX-7 exhibits some changes in the Raman vibrational spectrum and x-ray diffraction pattern when compressed to 1.2 GPa. The monoclinic lattice structure found at ambient pressure is indexable to 4.2 GPa, the highest pressure used in this study. Under compression most of the Raman modes stiffen with pressure, other than two modes at 1025 and 1342 cm"1. Gaussian calculations indicate that these two modes consist of H-wagging vibrations together with slight N-O stretching. This indicates that N-H and N-O bonds within each molecule are weakening under pressure to increase the intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Further investigations will be performed to study the changes observed at about 1.2 GPa. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 183 Bemm U., Ostamark H., Ada Cryst. C54, 19971999(1998). Peiris, S. M., Pangilinan, G. I., Russell, T. P., J. Phys. Chem. A, 104, 11188, 2000 Decker, D. L., et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1, 773-836(1972). Spetzler, H., Sammis, C. G., O'Connell, R. J., J. 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The x-ray diffraction work reported here is based upon research conducted at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) which is supported by the National Science Foundation under award DMR 97 13424. 184
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