CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 EOS DATA OF Ti-6Al-4V TO IMPACT VELOCITIES OF 10.4 KM/S ON A THREE-STAGE GUN N. A. Winfree *, L. C. Chhabildas t ? w. D. Reinhartt, D. E. Carrollt and Q. L Kerley** *Dominca, Albuquerque, NM, 87111 l ^Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, 87185 2 **Kerley Technical Services, Appomattox, VA 24522 Abstract. Experiments were conducted to acquire Hugoniot data for T16-A1-4V at compress!ve stresses up to 250 GPa for use as a standard material on the three-stage gun at Sandia. Ti6A1-4V was chosen over several other standards because in previous work on the three-stage gun it was most readily launched intact and fiat. In each experiment, a graded-density launch plate travelling at 6.3 or 6.7km/s launches a Ti-6Al-4V flier plate to 9.8 or 10.4 km/s. The flier impacts a stationary target disk of Ti-6Al-4V. Shorting pins and optical fibers imbedded in the target serve as time-of-arrival sensors to determine the shock velocity. These also permit quantification of the bow and tilt of the flier plate, which are found to be comparable to shots on two-stage guns. Corrections are made for the temperature of the flier in order to calculate the stress and particle velocity behind the shock. INTRODUCTION Existing data for the equation of state (EOS) behavior of Ti-6Al-4V extend to 202 GPa. This paper reports two new points at ~230 and 250 GPa, obtained on the Sandia hypervelocity launcher. This work was detailed in (1), but the data analysis has changed. is a 2-4 mm thick stack of plastic (TPX) and metal disks having densities that increase from 0.81 g/cm3 at the impact face to 16.96 g/cm3 farthest from this face. When this assembly impacts the flier, it induces a series of gradually increasing compressive shocks in the flier, approximating a "ramp wave." This ramp wave launches the flier to 10-11.5 km/s with far less shock-induced heating than if it were launched to the same terminal velocity by a single-density impactor. A plastic disk on the flier's impacted surface provides additional protection. Ti-6Al-4V is used for the flier because, compared to other metals, greater success has been achieved launching it intact and flat from the third stage. A sacrificial guard ring bears the worst of the edge effects, leaving the center of the flier fairly flat. The flier impacts a Ti-6Al-4V target (Fig. 2) instrumented with two types of sensors: mechanical pins short when the shock in the target encounters them, and optical fibers housed in CONFIGURATION The Sandia hypervelocity launcher has been described elsewhere (2, 3). In brief, a two-stage gun accelerates a graded density impactor to 67.5 km/s. This impactor enters a third stage and impacts a 17-19 mm diameter x 0.6-1 mm Tir, Fig. 1. The graded density impactor 1 nancy@dominca.com Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under Contract DEAC04-94AL85000 2 75 Graded density impactor Vl (a) Needle locations • Flier plate Target •Flier plate •Guard ring Pin locations Impact faceMounting ring- Guard ring Dia DB FIGURE 1. (a) The graded density impactor is about to strike and launch the flier plate, (b) The flier plate has been launched and is about to impact the target. The guard ring, deformed by edge effects, has separated from the flier. Axis x the common longitudinal axis of the disks: x = 0 is the impact interface. FIGURE 2. B planeA planeThe target configuration. cannot be measured. Instead, it is predicted by CTH simulations: inputs include the velocity V\ of the graded-density impactor, and the thickness and material properties of each layer of the impactor and flier. This method is justified in (4): the flier's velocity was determined by interferometry in four tests conducted with no target. The predicted and measured terminal velocities agreed within 1%. Further details are given in (1). hypodermic needles emit light when the shock encounters them. Six pins on diameter DA are inserted from the non-impacted face into flatbottomed holes that end on plane "A" near the impacted face. Six pins on diameter DB end on plane "J3," approximately 2 mm behind plane A. Needles are inserted similarly. The pins and needles provide the transit time of the shock wave from plane A to plane B, from which the shock velocity Us in the target is determined to within 2%. An extra pin on the centerline extends to plane A. Bow and tilt are calculated from the differences in the time of the shock's arrival at each sensor on plane A. The diameter of each plate is much greater than its thickness to ensure that waves emanating from the lateral surfaces do not reach the sensors during the duration of the experiment. Likewise, the radial distance between the diameters DA and DB is appreciably greater than the distance between planes A and B so that disturbances caused by the outer detectors would not reach the inner detectors. The velocity V\ of the graded density impactor is determined to within 2% by detecting the times at which it breaks five beams of laser light spaced at ~57 mm increments. With the target in place, the flier's velocity VQ RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Two shots were conducted, Table 1. We assume that the x — t diagram of Fig. 3 represents the response of the target and the flier. Continuity and conservation of momentum require that particle velocity and stress must be continuous across the impact interface. Across the discontinuities that propagate into the flier and target, continuity and conservation of momentum impose the jump conditions =p , (i) (2) where 7 = (pQ - p)/p and 7' = (p'Q - p')/p'As one bound, assume "symmetric impact," i.e., that the target and flier have identical densities and temperatures at impact, and that their responses are identical. We impose U's = Us, p'$ = po> and p1 ~ p in (1) and (2), then solve for P, 76 TABLE 1. Impact parameters in second stage, calculated terminal velocity VQ of flier launched from second stage, measured shock velocities Us in third stage, and tilt and bow in third stage. Impactor thicknesses, mm V\ VQ Us Tilt Bow Shot TPX/Mg/Al/Ti/Cu/Ta km/s km/s Sensors km/s mrad ns HVLTi7-P HVLTi8-P .978/.617/.483/.371/.315/1.089 .874/..493/..407/..328/.258/.809 6.28 6.69 up, and p. The results are included in Table 2 and Figures 4 to 6. The preceding analysis does not account for shock-induced heating of the flier during launch. To correct for this, we first need the temperature in the flier. Therefore we conducted experiments with no target, monitoring the flier's free surface with infrared pyrometry. These suggested that its temperature did not exceed 650 K when launched to 9.8 km/s, or 850 K when launched to 10.8 km/s. Linearly extrapolating VQ for HVLTi7-P and interpolating for HVLTi8-P produces the upper temperature bounds given in Table 2. We find the density of the flier at the elevated temperatures from p'Q = p0/(!+.<*AT)3, where a is the coefficient of linear expansion measured between room temperature (assumed to be 298 K) and the elevated temperature. The results are given in Table 2. Finally, we assume that the propagation velocities U's and Us are related to the jump in particle velocity across them by the same linear 9.77 10.4 Pins Needles Pins Needles 10.616 10,.564 10..983 11..074 4..27 2 .90 5..30 8,.22 10 10 4.,7 5.8 !~ « relation: (3) From (l)-(3) we can find + 5(F0 - 2up))(VQ - Up) . (4) All quantities except up and S in (4) are known. We found that varying 5 from 0.9 to 1.4 produced less than 0.1% change in up, P, and p. Existing data for up > 1.8 km/s are well-described by Us = cQ + Sup with S « 1.1, so we chose 5=1.1. Substituting for 5 in (4), we solve for up, then use (1) and (3) to find the other unknowns. The results are given in Table 2 and Figures 4 to 6. CLOSING REMARKS The Sandia hypervelocity launcher has been used to acquire two new data points for the equation of state (EOS) behavior of Ti-6Al-4V above 220 GPa. The data were first analyzed without accounting for thermal expansion in the flier caused by shock-induced heating during launch. Then, the maximum temperature of the flier was bounded by pyrometry, and the data analyzed using the density of Ti-6Al-4V at this temperature. The results of the two analyses are nearly identical, and suggest that Ti-6Al-4V stiffens considerably at these high pressures. Flier p',up,P x ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors are grateful to T. K. Bergstresser for assistance in pyrometry. FIGURE 3. x-t diagram of the flier and target impact. The initial density in the target is PQ =4.418 g/cm3 and the discontinuity propagates at speed Us- Behind the discontinuity, density is p, particle velocity is up, and P is the normal stress perpendicular to the x direction (positive in compression). The initial velocity in the flier is Vb, and quantities that differ from those in the target are denote by a prime: p'0, u'p, and U's. REFERENCES 1. Reinhart, W. D., Chhabildas, L. C., Carroll, D. E., Thornhill, T. G., and Winfree, N. A., International Journal of Impact Engineering (2001 (to appear)). 77 TABLE 2. Results of analyses. Symmetric analysis P up p GPa km/s g/cm3 Shot HVLTi7-P HVLTi7-P HVLTi8-P HVLTi8-P Pins Needles Pins Needles 229.1 228.0 252.3 254.4 4.885 4.885 5.200 5.200 Analysis that accounts for density change of flier T a (5) p'Q P Up p K mm/mm/K g/cm3 GPa km/s g/cm3 644 644 770 770 8.181 8.212 8.383 8.336 9.8e-6 9.8e-6 10.1e-6 10.1e-6 4.373 4.373 4.355 4.355 228.3 227.2 251.1 253.2 4.868 4.868 5.175 5.175 8.160 8.194 8.355 8.294 250 200 11 4 * 10 fSf 150 x X X* 7 ; X 0 v^ X X 6 X .X . . . . . 0 1 2 3 4 5 FIGURE 4. Shock velocity versus particle velocity in the target, "x" =previous data (6, 7, 8). "o"=present work assuming symmetric impact. "-)-" =present work compensated for thermal expansion of flier. Results using both pins and needles are plotted. 200 ^150 O aTio° 0 0.8 4 5 MIL-HDBK-5H-98. 6. Morris, C. E., Letter to Lalit Chhabildas (1989). 7. Andriot, P., Lalle, P., and Dejean, J. P., Elastic behaviour of pure titanium and tia6v4 titanium alloy at high pressure (1994). 8. Hixson, R., Private communication with Lalit Chhabildas (1999). <**, 0.7 PQ/P 2 3 Up (km/s) 2. Brannon, R. M., and Chhabildas, L. C., International Journal of Impact Engineering, 17, 109-120 (1995). 3. Chhabildas, L. C., Kmetyk, L. N., Reinhart, W. D., and Hall, C. A., International Journal of Impact Engineering, 17, 183-194 (1995). 4. Carroll, D. E., Chhabildas, L. C., Reinhart, W. D., Winfree, N. A., and Kerley, G. L, "Computational characterization of three-stage gun flyer plate launch", in these proceedings, 2001. 5. United States Department of Defense, Military standardization handbook: Metallic materials and elements for aerospace vehicle structures (1998), 250 0.6 1 FIGURE 6. Stress versiis particle velocity. Symbols as in Fie. 4. up (km/s) 50 X X 0 X x <** 50 X 5 X cT ° xx 8 xx 2, io X 9 X 0.9 FIGURE 5. Shock velocity versus specific volume ratio V/VQ = po/p. Symbols as in Fig. 4. 78
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