vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDMENT iv ABSTRACTS v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiv LIST OF APPENDIX xv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Comfort conditions 3 1.4 Background of the Study 5 1.4.1 Intelligence buildings 5 1.4.2 Using controller toward energy saving 6 1.4.3 Fuzzy logic system as controller 6 1.5 Objectives of the Study 7 viii 2 3 1.6 Scopes of the Study 8 1.7 Thesis Organization 8 LITERATURE REVIEW 9 2.1 Literature Review Introduction 11 2.2 Classical controllers 11 2.3 Optimal, predictive, and adaptive control 12 2.4 Model-based optimal control for HVAC system 13 2.4 14 Lighting control systems for demand response 2.4.1 Daylight luminance 16 2.4.2 Integrated controller 17 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 22 3.1 Mathematical model for building by using fuzzy logic 22 3.1.1 Fuzzy logic system as controller 23 3.1.2 Fuzzy Logic Rules Use As Model 24 3.1.3 Main Operations 25 3.1.4 Rules-Based Systems 25 3.1.5 AI::Fuzzy Inference module 26 3.2 Definition of input and output variables 32 3.3 Inputs for fuzzy logic rules 34 3.3.1 Person activity and number of person 35 3.3.2 Out side light level 38 3.3.3 Times 42 3.3.4 Temperature and humidity 43 3.3.5 Natural ventilation and pressure 45 ix 3.4 4 5 Outputs data 47 3.4.1 lighting system 47 3.4.2 Air conditioner systems 49 3.4.3 Heating systems 52 3.4.4 Ventilation systems 53 3.4.5 Adjusting blinds 54 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 55 4. 1 Introduction 56 4.2 General result from randomize inputs 57 4.3 Verification of result and discussion 63 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE WORK 65 5.1 Conclusion 65 5.2 Recommendation for Future Work 67 REFERENCES 68 APPENDIX A 75 APPENDIX B 82 APPENDIX C 92 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Buildings model input/output and relevant symbol 32 3.2 the consumption of power in air conditioner system 50 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Energy consumption rating in building, Industry and transportation between 1980 to 2035 according to energy data book 2 Smart building using sensors and relevant Actuator 5 Using fuzzy logic system as model for Building power managing system including sensors and actuators 7 2.1 Schematic of HVAC and control system 12 2.2 Overview of lighting system groups 14 2.3 Detailed scheme of the luminance control loop 15 Principle block diagram of the three-nested control loop levels 20 Basic block diagram of fuzzy logic knowledge base system 23 3.2 Fuzzy set non-crowded 28 3.3 Fuzzy set ‘high’ 30 3.4 Fuzzy inference system in Simulink software 31 Comfort zone chart in the winter and summer 34 3.7 No. of person fuzzy membership function 36 3.8 Person status fuzzy membership function 37 1.2 1.3 2.4 3.1 3.6 xii 3.9 Luminance efficiency for visible light 38 3.10 Spectral distribution of out side illuminance 39 3.11 The visible light wave length from outside luminance 40 3.12 Member ship function for outside luminance 41 3.13 Fuzzy membership function of time 42 3.14 Fuzzy membership function of temperature 44 3.15 Fuzzy membership function of humidity 44 3.16 Pressure membership function 45 3.17 Lighting system fuzzy membership function 47 3.18 AC system fuzzy membership function 50 3.19 Heater system fuzzy membership function 51 3.20 Ventilation fan membership function 53 3.21 Blinds fuzzy membership function 54 4.1 Creating inputs connection in order to apply to the fuzzy logic controller 57 Applying the randomize inputs to the building model 58 Making the relevant rules connection according to the inputs amount 59 The general output of the building model system 59 The adjusting power consumption of building’s lighting system based on the randomize condition 60 The adjusting power consumption of building’s air conditioner based on the randomize condition 60 Adjusting power consumption of building’s heater based on the randomize condition 61 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 xiii Adjusting performance of building’s ventilation fan system based on the randomize condition 62 Adjusting angle of building’s windows blinds system based on the randomize condition 62 Applying the actual amount to the system in order to verify result 63 Result of actual amount in order to verification 64 xiv LIST OF ABBRIVATIONS IAQ - Indoor Air Quality PMV - Predictive Mean Vote ASHRAE - American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers CO2 - Carbon Dioxide TVOC - Total Volatile Organic Compounds SBS - Sick Building Syndrome DCV - Demand Controlled ventilation AI - Artificial Intelligence PID - Proportional–Integrate–Derivative HVAC - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning RLS - Recursive Least Square AHU - Air Handling Unit FL - Fuzzy-Logic LED - Light Emitting Diodes FLA - Full Load Amp LRA - Locked Rotor Amps xv LIST OF APPENDIX APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Building fuzzy rule (person status -absent situation) 75 B Building fuzzy rules (person status-present) 82 C Building 3D fuzzy rule (person status –no of person) 92
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