Mrs. Amatucci ( Room G 11-12, 301-989-6059 2015-2016 EL SISTEMA DE NOTAS (GRADING SYSTEM) In Spanish 4, it is necessary that each student practice the following: 1. Listening 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Oral Expression (Speaking) 4. Written Expression 5. Understanding of History and Culture Relating to the Target Language Each student’s skill in the above areas, report card grades will be determined as follows: I. Formative Assessments–60% These assesssments may include A. Quizzes B. Outlines and Analises of Poems and Short Stories C. Participation in class discussions of reading selections D. Class reviews of grammar points E. Open note assignments to be completed in class F. Oral quizzes II. Summative Assessments–30% These assessments may include A. Major tests B. Essays (usually written in class) C. Cumulative assignments based on the readings III. Preparation/Homework–10% These assessments may include A. Homework and classswork assignments B. Note taking in class C. Class activities involving completed homework D. Warm-up activities As stated in MCPS polices, re-takes are available on Formative Assessments. IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR A RE-TAKE, YOU MUST HAVE DONE ALL THE ASSIGNMENTS, AND TAKEN THE NOTES, THAT LEAD UP TO THE TEST! A. The material must be re-taught–please set up an appointment with me for a convenient time– I am available every day at lunch. We can work out a convenient time. B. The re-take grade is the final grade. C. The re-take may or may not be in the same format as the original test. D. All re-takes must be completed within ten school days of the original assessment. E. If a student does not choose to participate in re-teaching and reassessment opportunities then a grade no lower than 50% will be applied at the end of the marking period for those assignments the student seriously attempted, in accordance with MCPS Policy. The MCPS Student Handbook states that the Assignment/Make-up policy is the following: Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused, or is the result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make of the work so that the rest of the course can be completed. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the Principal and the leadership team. The MCPS policy on Z’s and 0's is the following: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task or assessment. If a student does no work on the assignment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to met the basic requirements of the task or assessment, the teacher may assign a zero. MYP CRITERIA FOR LANGUAGE ACQUISITION CRITERION A: Comprenhending spoken and visual text CRITERION B: Comprehending written and visual test CRITERION C: Communication in response to spoken, written and visual test CRITERION D: Using language in spoken and written form CLASSROOM PROCEDURES 1. COME TO CLASS, AND COME ON TIME. I know this room is far from just about everywhere, but the same rules that apply in the rest of the building apply here also. If you have been absent, you need to see me as soon as you return to class, or at lunch, and find out what you have missed. (Before the class period begins.) It is your responsibility to make up the missed work. Check with me for a convenient lunchtime. An “excused” absence does not mean that you are excused from the work. 2. Hall and bathroom passes are issued by the school. We will follow school rules for the use of these passes (ie: no passes first and last ten minutes of class. No passes will be issued to lockers–you have to plan your day with this room in mind. I try to keep tissues and band-aids in the room. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY LOTIONS OR PERFUMES. 3. NO FOOD, CANDY OR GUM. Foreign Language learning requires oral communication, which is impossible, (not to mention disgusting) with a mouth full of anything. Please do not play semantic games with cough drops, pen tops, etc. Insects can be a real problem in the basement; this is only exacerbated by food and wrappers. 4. Please follow the school rules about headgear, outerwear, headphones, cell phones and clothing. Also, please do not be rude and do work for another subject in this class. I will confiscate whatever is keeping you from concentrating in Spanish class. 5. Your grade will be determined by many different types of assessments, including tests, quizzes, writing assignments, oral proficiency, comprehension skills, (listening and reading) and graded take-home assignments. Normally, tests and quizzes will not be given on a Monday, unless some school or County-wide policy dictates it. Of course, a POP quiz can occur anytime. Grades will not be discussed during class time. I will follow a percentage scale (90-100 = A), and grades will be posted on line. 6. Missed assessments due to an excused absence must be made up within one week of your return to school. If an extended absence is involved, see me about an alternative plan. Make-ups will be given after school, or during lunch. NOT DURING CLASS TIME A zero is an absolute disaster if it has to be added in to your grade. Be sure to come in and make sure anything you miss is made up. Check Edline and make sure you have no Z’s. 7. Extra help is available. I am in the room every lunch period unless I have a staff meeting. 8. You will be taking a lot of notes. The tests will come from these notes, and what we do in class. Some assignments will be “Open note”. You will need to have something to write with, and a notebook or Spanish section in your binder. I try to have extras. 9. Communication, both oral and written is an essential part of a Foreign Language. You need to practice these skills as much as possible during the class period. In order to improve your speaking skills, you will also need to listen effectively and politely while others practice theirs. YOU ARE NOT LISTENING ATTENTIVELY IF YOUR HEAD IS DOWN. 10. You will receive many handouts. Many of the quiz questions follow my worksheets very closely; the work sheets are quiz practice sheets. Please do not just toss graded assignments in the trash. If there is ever a question about a grade, or an assignment, you need those papers. Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus Arabic 1B Semester Two 2016 Dr. Mona Hamdy 301-989-6059 Email: Mona Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment. Textbook: Ahlan Wa Sahlan. Functional Modern Standard Arabic for Beginners. By Mahdi Alosh. 2000. This book should be brought to class everyday. Course Description: This is first year Arabic course. The course covers all topics that are included in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for the Arabic language Tests: Will be given at the end of each topic. Quizzes: Will be given throughout each chapter on a regular basis. Some quizzes are unannounced. Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. You are expected to complete all assignments on time. Daily homework will be graded. Theme Topic Family Life Family 1. Exchange basic information about family members, self, and others. 2. Interpret descriptions of family members. 3. Interpret personal data on forms including physical descriptions. Home: Information about homes, rooms and furnishings Around Town Clothing, Stores and Shopping Community, places, means of transportation, travel Culture Aspects of each Theme will be introduced. Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities, and worksheets during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food or drink in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phones will be confiscated and only your parents will be able to get them back from the principal. Materials: Notebook, index cards, color pencils. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments ( Chapter Tests) Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral presentation) Homework 30% 60% 10% Reteaching/Reassessment: Only one reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed Students should arrange a time with me to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: Criterion A Oral Communication Criterion B Interpreting Visual Text Criterion C Comprehending Written Text Criterion D Communication in writing Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8. Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus Arabic 2B Semester Two 2016 Dr. Mona Hamdy 301-989-6059 Email: Mona Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment. Textbook: Ahlan Wa Sahlan. Functional Modern Standard Arabic for Beginners. By Mahdi Alosh. 2000. This book should be brought to class everyday. Course Description: This is second year Arabic course. The course covers all topics that are included in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for the Arabic language, posted on-line Tests: Will be given at the end of each topic. Quizzes: Will be given throughout each chapter on a regular basis. Some quizzes are unannounced. Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. You are expected to complete all assignments on time. Daily homework will be graded. Theme Topic Social Life Dining Experience Holidays and Celebrations The World Around Me Shopping Travel Grammar and Culture Aspects of each Theme will be introduced. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments ( Chapter Tests) Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral presentation) Homework 30% 60% 10% Materials: Notebook, index cards, color pencils. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments ( Chapter Tests) Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral presentation) Homework 30% 60% 10% Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities, and worksheets during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food or drink in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phones will be confiscated and only your parents will be able to get them back from the principal. Reteaching/Reassessment: Only one reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed Students should arrange a time with me to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: Criterion A Oral Communication Criterion B Interpreting Visual Text Criterion C Comprehending Written Text Criterion D Communication in writing Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8. Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus Arabic 3B Semester Two 2016 Dr. Mona Hamdy 301-989-6059 Email: Mona Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment. Textbook: Al Kittab Fi Taalum-Al Arabiyya with DVD By Mahmoud Al- Batal, Kristen Brustad Course Description: This is third year Arabic course. Tests: Will be given at the end of each topic. Quizzes: Will be given throughout each chapter on a regular basis. Some quizzes are unannounced. Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. You are expected to complete all assignments on time. Daily homework will be graded. Theme Topic The Arab World Arabic Speaking Countries 1. Exchange basic information about culture, language, and religion of each region 2. Interpret descriptions of each country . Schools Comparing educational system in the Arab world with our system in the US Occupations Culture Aspects of each Theme will be introduced. Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities, and worksheets during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food or drink in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phones will be confiscated and only your parents will be able to get them back from the principal. Materials: Notebook, index cards, color pencils. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments ( Chapter Tests) Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral presentation) Homework 30% 60% 10% Reteaching/Reassessment: Only one reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed Students should arrange a time with me to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: Criterion A Oral Communication Criterion B Interpreting Visual Text Criterion C Comprehending Written Text Criterion D Communication in writing Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8. Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus Arabic 4B Semester Two 2016 Dr. Mona Hamdy 301-989-6059 Email: Mona Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment. Textbook: Al Kittab By Mahmoud Al –Batal, Kristen Brustad Course Description: This is fourth year Arabic course. Tests: Will be given at the end of each topic. Quizzes: Will be given throughout each chapter on a regular basis. Some quizzes are unannounced. Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. You are expected to complete all assignments on time. Daily homework will be graded. Theme Topic Celebration in the Arab World Arabic Speaking Countries Eids and Holiday 1. Exchange basic information about culture, language, and religion of each region 2. Interpret description of each country . Current Events Reading current newspaper and magazine articles from the Arab media. Our planet and the environment: Political Campaign and government of Arab countries Travel Culture Aspects of each Theme will be introduced. Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities, and worksheets during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food or drink in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phones will be confiscated and only your parents will be able to get them back from the principal. Materials: Notebook, index cards, color pencils. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments ( Chapter Tests) Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral presentation) Homework 30% 60% 10% Reteaching/Reassessment: Only one reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed Students should arrange a time with me to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus French 2 B Second Semester 2016 Mr. Martin Baker 301-989-6059 Email: Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment. Textbook: Bien dit! Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, copyright 2013 Course Description: This is a second year French course. The course covers all topics that are included in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for the French language, posted on-line Tests: Will be given at the end of each chapter. Quizzes: Will be given throughout each chapter on a regular basis. Some quizzes are unannounced. Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. You are expected to complete all assignments on time. Daily homework will be graded. Chapter Topic Unit 5 Mes Routines Quotidiennes/ My Daily Routine Unit 6 Quand j’etais petit / When I was little Unit 7 Faisons du Camping/ Let’s Go Camping Unit 8 Comment tu te sens?/ How do you feel? Grammar and Culture Aspects of each chapter will be introduced. Materials: Computer access daily at home. To access the book on line go to Using the username and password given by your teacher, register, change to your choice of username and password. There will be a daily homework using the textbook online. Notebook, index cards, color pencils. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments ( Chapter Tests) Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral presentation) Homework 30% 60% 10% Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities, and worksheets during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food or drink in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phones will be confiscated and only your parents will be able to get them back from the principal. Reteaching/Reassessment: Only one reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed Students should arrange a time with me to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: Criterion A Oral Communication Criterion B Interpreting Visual Text Criterion C Comprehending Written Text Criterion D Communication in writing Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8. Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus French 3B Second Semester 2016 Mr. Martin Baker 301-989-6059 Email: Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment. Textbook: Bien dit! Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, copyright 2013 Course Description: This is a third year French course. The course covers all topics that are included in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for the French language, posted on-line Tests: Will be given at the end of each chapter. Quizzes: Will be given throughout each chapter on a regular basis. Some quizzes are unannounced. Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. You are expected to complete all assignments on time. Daily homework will be graded. Chapter Topic Unit 5 Les Actualites Chapter 6 Unit 6 L’Ecole Chapter 7 Unit 7 Partons en Voyage Chapter 10 Unit 8 Les Arts Chapter 9 Grammar and Culture Aspects of each chapter will be introduced. Materials: Computer access daily at home. To access the book on line go to Using the username and password given by your teacher, register, change to your choice of username and password. There will be a daily homework using the textbook online. Notebook, index cards, color pencils. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments ( Chapter Tests) Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral presentation) Homework 30% 60% 10% Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities, and worksheets during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food or drink in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phones will be confiscated and only your parents will be able to get them back from the principal. Reteaching/Reassessment: Only one reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed Students should arrange a time with me to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: Criterion A Oral Communication Criterion B Interpreting Visual Text Criterion C Comprehending Written Text Criterion D Communication in writing Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8. SPANISH 1A Syllabus Khara Chike (Room E116) (301) 989-6059 Overview: We learn Spanish…. To communicate in a language other than English. To gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. To develop insight into the nature of language. To participate in multilingual communication at home and around the world. Units of Study: Unit 1. Title ¡Bienvenidos a laclase de español!/ Welcome to Spanish Class! 2. Nos conocemos/ Getting Acquainted 3. La escuela / School 4. La comida / Food Concepts • Exchange greetings in a culturally appropriate manner • Make introductions • Ask about things in the classroom • Understand classroom commands • Ask how to spell words • Tell time • Tell the date • Describe basic weather conditions • Identify the seasons • Identify use of tú and usted • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify some famous Spanish speakers • Compare ways of greeting people in Spanish-speaking countries and in the U.S • Communicate about preferences regarding activities • Express agreement or disagreement • Communicate about their own personalities and those of others • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify some famous Spanish-speaking people • Identify music and dances of different Spanish-speaking countries • Identify attitudes about friendship of people in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to their own • Communicate about school schedules and course preferences • Describe their school day • Tell time and use the 24 hour clock • Communicate about their classroom and the location of items • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify courses students take in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to courses taken in the U.S. • Identify attitudes about school in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Communicate about food and beverages for breakfast, lunch, and dinner • Communicate about preferences for foods and beverages. • Communicate about foods and exercise to maintain one’s health • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify foods and beverages from Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Describe breakfast in Spanish-speaking countries and compare it to breakfast in the U.S GRADING SYSTEM: Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including projects, unit 30% tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. Student Expectations: 1. Start Class on Time: Be in your seat when the bell rings and begin warm-up. 2. Come to class prepared: You need a pen and/or pencil, your Spanish binder, and your homework. 3. Complete assignments on time: Homework is a regular activity and you are expected to turn it in on time. 4. Attend class and actively participate: participation is essential to learning a foreign language. 5. Missed work: It is your responsibility to call and ask a friend to find out what work you missed. It is your responsibility to arrange to make up any missing work with your teacher. Overall: Grades will reflect individual achievement of the MCPS Standards for a specific marking period. SPANISH 1B Syllabus Khara Chike (Room E116) (301) 989-6059 Overview: We learn Spanish…. To communicate in a language other than English. To gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. To develop insight into the nature of language. To participate in multilingual communication at home and around the world. Units of Study: Unit 5. Title 6. Fiesta en familia / Family Celebrations 7. La casa / House 8. La ropa y las tiendas / Clothing and Stores Los pasatiempos / Pastimes Concepts • Communicate about pastimes • Extend, accept, and decline invitations • Communicate about places in the community • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify some famous Spanish-speaking people • Identify pastimes in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Ask and answer simple questions about family members • Give physical descriptions of family members and friends • Communicate about family celebrations and parties • Order a meal in a restaurant • Describe family celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Describe customs related to meals in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Communicate about rooms in a house • Give simple descriptions of bedroom furnishings and electronic equipment • Make simple descriptions and comparisons, including colors • Communicate about household chores • Identify some famous Spanish-speaking people • Identify and describe typical housing from Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Communicate about shopping for clothing and accessories • Communicate preferences and wishes • Ask for and give information about clothing items, including prices • Identify some famous Spanish-speaking people • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify and describe typical clothing items from Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Identify and describe customs related to clothing and shopping in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. : Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including projects, unit 30% tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. Student Expectations: 1. Start Class on Time: Be in your seat when the bell rings and begin warm-up. 2. Come to class prepared: You need a pen and/or pencil, your Spanish binder, and your homework. 3. Complete assignments on time: Homework is a regular activity and you are expected to turn it in on time. 4. Attend class and actively participate: participation is essential to learning a foreign language. 5. Missed work: It is your responsibility to call and ask a friend to find out what work you missed. It is your responsibility to arrange to make up any missing work with your teacher. Overall: Grades will reflect individual achievement of the MCPS Standards for a specific marking period. SPANISH 3A Syllabus Khara Chike (Room E116) Al aire libre / Outdoors Unit 1: Pg. 20 – 61 8/31—9/30 Las bellas artes / Fine arts Unit 2: Pg. 62 - 107 10/1—10/30 At the end of each unit there will be a Unit Test. *Communicate about camping experiences, outdoor vacations, and competitive events using the present and past tense. *Identify some famous Spanishspeaking people, national parks and landmarks in Spanishspeaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Identify popular competitions in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Describe and express opinions about works of art using the present and past tense. *Identify some famous artists from Spanish-speaking countries. *Identify famous works of art, music, dances, films, and plays from Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to the U.S. Number 2 pencils required for the tests. El bienestar / Well-being Unit 3: Pg. 108 - 153 (301) 989-6059 *Communicate about nutrition, physical and mental health. *Describe symptoms and give advice using the subjunctive tense. *Identify health practice and natural remedies in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. 11/3—12/4 La Amistad / Friendship Unit 4: Pg. 108 - 151 12/7—1/8 *All dates subject to change due to school closings or curriculum adjustments *Communicate about relationships with friends and family, their personality traits, and conflict resolution. *Communicate about emotions and behaviors using the subjunctive tense. *Identify family practices and celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Winter Break: 12/24/15-01/01/16 Oral Exams: 1/11—1/14 Exams begin: 1/15-1/22 GRADING SYSTEM: Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including projects, unit 30% tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. SPANISH 3B Syllabus Khara Chike (Room E116) El trabajo y el voluntariado/ Working & Volunteering Unit 5: Pg. 204 – 245 1/26—2/19 El porvenir / The future Unit 6: Pg. 250 - 291 2/22—3/23 At the end of each unit there will be a Unit Test. *Communicate about past and present work and volunteer opportunities in the community. *Communicate about knowledge, skills, and personality traits needed for work and volunteering. *Identify some famous Spanishspeaking people who have made contributions to communities. *Identify teenage work and volunteer opportunities in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Los misterios / Mysteries *Communicate about past, present, and future work and technology. Describe education/training needed to pursue careers. *Describe future career plans. *Identify the impact of technology, common career paths, and training and educational options in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to the U.S. Nuestro planeta / Our planet Number 2 pencils required for the tests. *All dates subject to change due to school closings or curriculum adjustments Unit 7: Pg. 296 - 337 4/4—4/29 Unit 9: Pg. 388 - 429 5/2—6/3 (301) 989-6059 *Communicate about archeological discoveries, myths and/or legends. *Describe mysterious objects/events. *Identify myths/legends from Spanishspeaking countries and compare them to those from the U.S. *Identify archeological structures or artifacts from past civilizations in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Communicate about environmental issues. *Communicate about solutions for helping the environment. *Describe causes and effects of pollution. *Identify environmental practices in Spanishspeaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Identify endangered species typical to Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Winter Break: 03/25/16-04/01/16 Oral Exams: 6/6—6/10 Exams begin: 6/13-6/17 GRADING SYSTEM: Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including projects, unit 30% tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. SPANISH 2A Syllabus Erin Crowley (Room F109) La vida escolar/ School Life Unit 1: Pg. 16 - 69 9/15—10/9 La rutina diaria/Daily Routine Unit 2A: Pg. 70 - 97 *Communicate about classes and classroom rules, activities, and school work. *Identify some famous Spanishspeaking people, customs and school rules in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Identify after-school activities and compare them to those in the U.S. De compras / Shopping *Communicate about daily routines. *Communicate about getting ready for a special event. *Identify special events in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to the U.S. La Comunidad / Community 10/12—10/30 At the end of each unit there will be a Unit Test. Unit 2B: Pg. 98 - 125 *Communicate about clothing you and others bought. *Communicate about shopping for clothing. *Identify customs related to clothing and shopping in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. 11/3—12/4 Unit 3: Pg. 126 - 181 12/7—1/8 Number 2 pencils required for the tests. (301) 989-6059 *All dates subject to change due to school closings or curriculum adjustments *Communicate about what you did in places in the community. *Ask for and give directions for getting to places. *Identify customs related to shopping in openair markets in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to shopping customs in the U.S. *Identify characteristics of neighborhoods in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Winter Break: 12/24/15-01/01/16 Oral Exams: 1/11—1/14 Exams begin: 1/15-1/22 GRADING SYSTEM: Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including 30% projects, unit tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. SPANISH 2B Syllabus Erin Crowley (Room F109) Cuando éramos niños/ When we were young Unit 4: Pg. 184 - 235 1/26—2/19 Las emergencias/ Emergencies Unit 5: Pg. 238 - 289 2/22—3/23 At the end of each unit there will be a Unit Test. *Communicate childhood activities/behavior/characteristics and past family celebrations. *Identify some famous Spanishspeaking people, family celebrations and holidays in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Identify stories/fables/songs from Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Communicate about past and present disasters and rescues/emergencies. *Communicate about past and present accidents/injuries and medical treatments. *Identify natural disasters that occur in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to the U.S. *Identify emergency medical and health services in Spanishspeaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Number 2 pencils required for the tests. A cocinar / Let’s cook Unit 7: Pg. 346 - 397 (301) 989-6059 *Communicate about foods, cooking, and recipes. *Identify and describe foods and dishes from Spanish-speaking countries. *Identify outdoor food vendors in Spanishspeaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. 4/4—4/29 De viaje / Travel Unit 8: Pg. 400 - 447 5/2—6/3 *All dates subject to change due to school closings or curriculum adjustments *Communicate about travel plans and past travel. *Communicates about means of transportation and accommodations. *Identify and describe travel destinations in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Identify and describe customs related to traveling in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Spring Break: 03/25/16-04/01/16 Oral Exams: 6/6—6/10 Exams begin: 6/13-6/17 GRADING SYSTEM: Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including 30% projects, unit tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. SPANISH 3A Syllabus Erin Crowley (Room F109) Al aire libre / Outdoors Unit 1: Pg. 20 – 61 8/31—9/30 Las bellas artes / Fine arts Unit 2: Pg. 62 - 107 10/1—10/30 At the end of each unit there will be a Unit Test. *Communicate about camping experiences, outdoor vacations, and competitive events using the present and past tense. *Identify some famous Spanishspeaking people, national parks and landmarks in Spanishspeaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Identify popular competitions in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Describe and express opinions about works of art using the present and past tense. *Identify some famous artists from Spanish-speaking countries. *Identify famous works of art, music, dances, films, and plays from Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to the U.S. Number 2 pencils required for the tests. El bienestar / Well-being Unit 3: Pg. 108 - 153 (301) 989-6059 *Communicate about nutrition, physical and mental health. *Describe symptoms and give advice using the subjunctive tense. *Identify health practice and natural remedies in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. 11/3—12/4 La Amistad / Friendship Unit 4: Pg. 108 - 151 12/7—1/8 *All dates subject to change due to school closings or curriculum adjustments *Communicate about relationships with friends and family, their personality traits, and conflict resolution. *Communicate about emotions and behaviors using the subjunctive tense. *Identify family practices and celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Winter Break: 12/24/15-01/01/16 Oral Exams: 1/11—1/14 Exams begin: 1/15-1/22 GRADING SYSTEM: Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including 30% projects, unit tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. SPANISH 3B Syllabus Erin Crowley (Room F109) El trabajo y el voluntariado/ Working & Volunteering Unit 5: Pg. 204 – 245 1/26—2/19 El porvenir / The future Unit 6: Pg. 250 - 291 2/22—3/23 At the end of each unit there will be a Unit Test. *Communicate about past and present work and volunteer opportunities in the community. *Communicate about knowledge, skills, and personality traits needed for work and volunteering. *Identify some famous Spanishspeaking people who have made contributions to communities. *Identify teenage work and volunteer opportunities in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Los misterios / Mysteries *Communicate about past, present, and future work and technology. Describe education/training needed to pursue careers. *Describe future career plans. *Identify the impact of technology, common career paths, and training and educational options in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to the U.S. Nuestro planeta / Our planet Number 2 pencils required for the tests. *All dates subject to change due to school closings or curriculum adjustments Unit 7: Pg. 296 - 337 4/4—4/29 Unit 9: Pg. 388 - 429 5/2—6/3 (301) 989-6059 *Communicate about archeological discoveries, myths and/or legends. *Describe mysterious objects/events. *Identify myths/legends from Spanishspeaking countries and compare them to those from the U.S. *Identify archeological structures or artifacts from past civilizations in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Communicate about environmental issues. *Communicate about solutions for helping the environment. *Describe causes and effects of pollution. *Identify environmental practices in Spanishspeaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Identify endangered species typical to Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Winter Break: 03/25/16-04/01/16 Oral Exams: 6/6—6/10 Exams begin: 6/13-6/17 GRADING SYSTEM: Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including 30% projects, unit tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus French 1B Second Semester 2016 Dr. Mona Hamdy 301-989-6059 Email: Mona Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment. Textbook: Bien dit! Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, copyright 2013 Course Description: This is first year French course. The course covers all topics that are included in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for the French language, posted on-line Tests: Will be given at the end of each chapter. Quizzes: Will be given throughout each chapter on a regular basis. Some quizzes are unannounced. Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. You are expected to complete all assignments on time. Daily homework will be graded. Chapter Topic Approximate Dates Chapter 5 Les Passe-temps ( Pasttimes ) 1/26 - 2/26 Chapter 6 Les Repas ( Meals ) 2/29 - 3/23 Chapter 7 Les Vetements ( Clothing) 4/4 – 4/29 Chapter 8 A La Maison ( Home) 5/2 – 6/3 Oral Exam / Review 6/6– 6/10 The dates listed are approximate and may change according to student progress. Grammar and Culture Aspects of each chapter will be introduced. Materials: Computer access daily at home. To access the book on line go to Using the username and password given by your teacher, register, change to your choice of username and password. There will be a daily homework using the textbook online. Notebook, index cards, color pencils. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments ( Chapter Tests) Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral presentation) Homework 30% 60% 10% Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities, and worksheets during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food or drink in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phones will be confiscated and only your parents will be able to get them back from the principal. Reteaching/Reassessment: Only one reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed Students should arrange a time with me to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: Criterion A Oral Communication Criterion B Interpreting Visual Text Criterion C Comprehending Written Text Criterion D Communication in writing Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8. Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus French 2 B Second Semester 2016 Dr. Mona Hamdy 301-989-6059 Email: Mona Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment. Textbook: Bien dit! Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, copyright 2013 Course Description: This is a second year French course. The course covers all topics that are included in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for the French language, posted on-line Tests: Will be given at the end of each chapter. Quizzes: Will be given throughout each chapter on a regular basis. Some quizzes are unannounced. Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. You are expected to complete all assignments on time. Daily homework will be graded. Chapter Topic Unit 5 Mes Routines Quotidiennes/ My Daily Routine Unit 6 Quand j’etais petit / When I was little Unit 7 Faisons du Camping/ Let’s Go Camping Unit 8 Comment tu te sens?/ How do you feel? Grammar and Culture Aspects of each chapter will be introduced. Materials: Computer access daily at home. To access the book on line go to Using the username and password given by your teacher, register, change to your choice of username and password. There will be a daily homework using the textbook online. Notebook, index cards, color pencils. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments ( Chapter Tests) Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral presentation) Homework 30% 60% 10% Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities, and worksheets during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food or drink in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phones will be confiscated and only your parents will be able to get them back from the principal. Reteaching/Reassessment: Only one reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed Students should arrange a time with me to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: Criterion A Oral Communication Criterion B Interpreting Visual Text Criterion C Comprehending Written Text Criterion D Communication in writing Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8. Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus German 1B, Room F105 Second Semester 2016 Mr. Martin Baker 301-989-6059 Email: Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment Textbook: Fokus Deutsch Book I Second Semester Course Description--German 1B Bei Mir Zu Hause (Home Life) -accommodations -compare and contrast American and German Housing -Heim v Heimat -possessive adjectives Unsere Gemeinschaft -destinations in town; villages; countries (Our Community) -specialty stores -significant aspects of German Community life -introduction to prepositions -the rise of the Nazis Das Essen (Food) -acquisition of basic food, drink and restaurant vocabulary -etiquette regarding dining in German speaking countries 1 -idiomatic expressions -regional specialties Neue Klamotten/Reisen -different outfits for travel (New Clothes/Travel) -giving and receiving directions -travel preferences of Germans -differing methods of transportation Culminating Project Theme will be a presentation on a significant aspect of German Cultural Life Final Exam Course Goals: This first year German Course will equip students with underlying language structures and cultural insights at the beginners’ level. Tests: o Unit Orals for each theme will take place during the final week of each unit. o Students should expect a potential daily Quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice, activities and written and oral work in class. o Comprehensive tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments (Chapter Tests) 30% Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral Presentations) 60% Homework 10% *In addition to using the above MCPS World Languages Grading Policy, students will be assessed on certain assignments using the following MYP (Middle Years Program) Criteria: Criterion A: Oral Communication; Criterion B: Interpreting Visual Text; Criterion C: Comprehending Written Text; Criterion D: 2 Communication in Writing. Each of the above Criteria will be graded utilizing a rubric with a maximum value of eight (8). Retake/Reassessment Policy: Unit tests, final projects or reports and culminating activities under Summative Assessments may not be reassessed. Students should arrange a time with me for re-teaching which is required before any Formative Reassessment be given. If it is determined that a student made no attempt to meet the basic requirements of a task a zero may be assigned per MCPS policy. Required Supplies: Composition Book; Index Cards; Highlighters; Pencils, Pens 3 Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus German 2B, Room F105 Second Semester 2016 Mr. Martin Baker 301-989-6059 Email: Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment Textbook: Fokus Deutsch Book II Second Semester Course Description--German 2B Korperpflege und Hausarbeit -present and past routines (Routines and Household Chores) -contrast between the Simple Past and the Perfekt -in depth study of reflexive verbs -American and German work ethics -a study of the D-Day Landings Gehen Wir Aus! (Getting Around) -town vs country living -environmental concerns -complex use of giving and receiving directions -accusative, dative, and 2 way Prepositions Das Tagliche Leben (Daily Life) -restaurant experiences -interpreting recipes 1 Guten Appetit! -key expressions used when dining out (Enjoy Your Food!) -specialties in different German speaking countries -command forms Kleidung Kaufen/Reisen -purchases; style; color; fabric; price (Clothing and Shopping/Travel) -past and future travel plans -around the world travel -modal verbs Culminating Project Theme will be a presentation on a significant aspect of German Cultural Life Final Exam Course Goals: This second year German Course will continue to develop fluency, grammatical and cultural knowledge that will move students towards increasingly sophisticated reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Tests: o Unit Orals for each theme will take place during the final week of each unit. o Students should expect a potential daily Quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice, activities and written and oral work in class. o Comprehensive tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments (Chapter Tests) 30% Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral Presentations) 60% Homework 10% 2 *In addition to using the above MCPS World Languages Grading Policy, students will be assessed on certain assignments using the following MYP (Middle Years Program) Criteria: Criterion A: Oral Communication; Criterion B: Interpreting Visual Text; Criterion C: Comprehending Written Text; Criterion D: Communication in Writing. Each of the above Criteria will be graded utilizing a rubric with a maximum value of eight (8). Retake/Reassessment Policy: Unit tests, final projects or reports and culminating activities under Summative Assessments may not be reassessed. Students should arrange a time with me for re-teaching which is required before any Formative Reassessment be given. If it is determined that a student made no attempt to meet the basic requirements of a task a zero may be assigned per MCPS policy. Required Supplies: Composition Book; Index Cards; Highlighters; Pencils, Pens 3 Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus German 3B H, Room F105 Second Semester 2016 Mr. Martin Baker 301-989-6059 Email: Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment Textbook: Fokus Deutsch Books II, III, and diverse readers Second Semester Course Description--German 3B H Korperpflege und Hausarbeit -present, past and future routines (Routines and Household Chores) -command forms of reflexives -time phrases as stylistic devices -in depth analysis of conjunctions -analysis of the D-Day Landings Die Natur: Im Freien; Die Umwelt (Nature: Outdoor Activities; The Environment) -description of different landscapes -ecology and global environmental concerns -the German commitment to responsible stewardship of the environment -prepositional phrases Fest-und Feiertage -compare and contrast holidays 1 (Holidays and Celebrations) Regionale Kuche und Traditionen in the US and Germany -regional cuisine and customs -positive and negative command forms (Regional Dishes and Traditions) -present and past tense forms of modals Reisen/Sicher Reisen (Let’sTravel/Safe Travel) -future travel plans -ideal travel plans using the conditional tense -health concerns while travelling -illnesses and injuries -reporting of travel in the German media Culminating Project Theme will be a presentation on a significant aspect of German Cultural Life Final Exam Course Goals: This third year German Course will continue to develop fluency, grammatical and cultural knowledge that will move students towards increasingly sophisticated reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Tests: o Unit Orals for each theme will take place during the final week of each unit. o Students should expect a potential daily Quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice, activities and written and oral work in class. 2 o Comprehensive tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments (Chapter Tests) 30% Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral Presentations) 60% Homework 10% *In addition to using the above MCPS World Languages Grading Policy, students will be assessed on certain assignments using the following MYP (Middle Years Program) Criteria: Criterion A: Oral Communication; Criterion B: Interpreting Visual Text; Criterion C: Comprehending Written Text; Criterion D: Communication in Writing. Each of the above Criteria will be graded utilizing a rubric with a maximum value of eight (8). Retake/Reassessment Policy: Unit tests, final projects or reports and culminating activities under Summative Assessments may not be reassessed. Students should arrange a time with me for re-teaching which is required before any Formative Reassessment be given. If it is determined that a student made no attempt to meet the basic requirements of a task a zero may be assigned per MCPS policy. Required Supplies: Composition Book; Index Cards; Highlighters; Pencils, Pens 3 Springbrook High School Foreign Language Department Course Syllabus German 4B H, Room F105 Second Semester 2016 Mr. Martin Baker 301-989-6059 Email: Office Hours: 2:30-3:00 p.m. By Appointment Course Content: This customized course will using materials from a variety of sources to practice grammar drills, conversations, problem solving and complex grammatical issues like prepositional and transitional phrases. Second Semester Course Description--German 4B H The three major themes that we will cover are: 1. Der Mensch in der Gesellschaft: Man in Society 2. Arbeit und Freizeit: Work and Free Time 3. Stadtische und landliche Umwelt: The Milieu of the Town and Countryside Within these major themes we will continue to study a number of related areas, such as: 1. Tagesablauf : Daily Routine 2. Gesundheit: Health 3. Essen und Trinken: Food and Drink 4. Ferien: Travel and Vacations 5. Umweltfragen: Environmental Topics 1 6. Wetter: The Weather 7. Verkehrsmitte:l Getting Around 8. Unterhaltung: Culture and the Arts 9. Geographische Erscheinungen: Geographical Features 10. Culminating Project Theme will be a presentation on a significant aspect of German Cultural Life 11. Final Exam Course Goals: This fourth year German Course will continue to develop fluency, grammatical and cultural knowledge that will move students towards increasingly sophisticated reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Tests: Unit Orals for each theme will take place during the final week of each unit. Students should expect a potential daily Quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice, activities and written and oral work in class. Comprehensive tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Grading Policy: Summative Assessments (Chapter Tests) 30% Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Oral Presentations) 60% Homework 10% *In addition to using the above MCPS World Languages Grading Policy, students will be assessed on certain assignments using the following MYP (Middle Years Program) Criteria: Criterion A: Oral Communication; Criterion B: Interpreting Visual Text; Criterion C: Comprehending Written Text; Criterion D: 2 Communication in Writing. Each of the above Criteria will be graded utilizing a rubric with a maximum value of eight (8). Retake/Reassessment Policy: Unit tests, final projects or reports and culminating activities under Summative Assessments may not be reassessed. Students should arrange a time with me for re-teaching which is required before any Formative Reassessment be given. If it is determined that a student made no attempt to meet the basic requirements of a task a zero may be assigned per MCPS policy. Required Supplies: Composition Book; Index Cards; Highlighters; Pencils, Pens 3 Italian 1A Springbrook High School Course Information: 2015-2016 Olga M. Skeem Room E-117 Email: Office hrs: lunch and Tue – Thu: 2:30-3:00 by appointment Course Description: 1st year Italian language and culture. The course covers all topics that are include in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for Italian language. Course Goals: To get an appreciation for the language and culture of Italy and to be able to exchange basic personal information in this F.L. Expected Student Learning Outcomes For all 9th and 10th grade IB MYP courses include the course objectives and criterion1) Required Texts: Prego! An invitation to Italian. 6th edition. Lazzarino, Peccianti, Aski and Dini Required Supplies/Materials: pencils, a dedicated notebook, index cards, color pencils, 3 highlighters (yellow), and eraser. Daily computer access from home. Guidelines for Grading: Category Homework/classwork Formative assessment Summative assessment Percentage 10% 60% 30% Types of Assignments Quiz, oral presentation Unit (chapter) test, project TEST will be given at the end of each unit topic QUIZZES will be given throughout each unit topic on a regular basis. Some quizzes are not announced. HOMEWORK will be assigned daily. Homework is due the next day of class. Homework will be graded. Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities and a worksheet during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for the unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food nor drinks are allowed in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phone are not allowed in class and will be confiscated and turned into security. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines but they may change based on students’ progress. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy: Only ONE reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects and/or reports, or other culminating activities under summative assessment may not be reassessed. Students must arrange a time with me to come in for re-teaching which is required before any retaking/reassessment is given. For free tutoring, contact me in advance. Tutoring can be arranged on the days that the after school activity bus is available. Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook) THEME TOPIC Unit 1 Benvenuti/ Welcome to Italian class Unit 2 Conosciamoci / Getting acquainted Passatempi ed interessi Unit 3 La Scuola/ School and schedule Unit 4 Il cibo / Food CULTURAL ASPECTS OF EACH THEME WILL BE INTRODUCED. 1)In additioin to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: CRITERION A ORAL COMMUNICATION CRITERION B INTERPRETING VISUAL TEXT CRITERION C COMPREHENDING WRITTEN TEXT CRITERION D COMMUNICATING IN WRITING Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8 Italian 1B Springbrook High School Course Information: 2015-2016 Olga M. Skeem Room E-117 Email: Office hrs: lunch and Tue – Thu: 2:30-3:00 by appointment Course Description: 1st year Italian language and culture. The course covers all topics that are include in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for Italian language. Course Goals: To get an appreciation for the language and culture of Italy and to be able to exchange basic personal information in this F.L. Expected Student Learning Outcomes For all 9th and 10th grade IB MYP courses include the course objectives and criterion1) Required Texts: Prego! An invitation to Italian. 6th edition. Lazzarino, Peccianti, Aski and Dini Required Supplies/Materials: pencils, a dedicated notebook, index cards, color pencils, 3 highlighters (yellow), and eraser. Daily computer access from home. Guidelines for Grading: Category Homework/classwork Formative assessment Summative assessment Percentage 10% 60% 30% Types of Assignments Quiz, oral presentation Unit (chapter) test, project TEST will be given at the end of each unit topic QUIZZES will be given throughout each unit topic on a regular basis. Some quizzes are not announced. HOMEWORK will be assigned daily. Homework is due the next day of class. Homework will be graded. Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities and a worksheet during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for the unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food nor drinks are allowed in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phone are not allowed in class and will be confiscated and turned into security. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines but they may change based on students’ progress. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy: Only ONE reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects and/or reports, or other culminating activities under summative assessment may not be reassessed. Students must arrange a time with me to come in for re-teaching which is required before any retaking/reassessment is given. For free tutoring, contact me in advance. Tutoring can be arranged on the days that the after school activity bus is available. Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook) THEME TOPIC Unit 1 La Famiglia/Family Exchange basic information about family members, self and others. Interpret description of family members Interpret personal data on forms including physical descriptions. Unit 2 La Casa/ Home Information about homes, rooms and furniture Unit 3 Abbigliamento e Negozi/ Clothing and Stores Clothing, stores and shopping Unit 4 Viaggiare/Travel Community, places, means of transportation, travel CULTURAL ASPECTS OF EACH THEME WILL BE INTRODUCED. 1)In additioin to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: CRITERION A ORAL COMMUNICATION CRITERION B INTERPRETING VISUAL TEXT CRITERION C COMPREHENDING WRITTEN TEXT CRITERION D COMMUNICATING IN WRITING Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8 Italian 2 A Springbrook High School Course Information: 2015-2016 Olga M. Skeem Room E-117 Email: Office hrs: lunch and Tue – Thu: 2:30-3:00 by appointment Course Description: 1st year Italian language and culture. The course covers all topics that are include in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for Italian language. Course Goals: To get an appreciation for the language and culture of Italy and to be able to exchange basic personal information in this F.L. Expected Student Learning Outcomes For all 9th and 10th grade IB MYP courses include the course objectives and criterion1) Required Texts: Prego! An invitation to Italian. 6th edition. Lazzarino, Peccianti, Aski and Dini Required Supplies/Materials: pencils, a dedicated notebook, index cards, color pencils, 3 highlighters (yellow), and eraser. Daily computer access from home. Guidelines for Grading: Category Homework/classwork Formative assessment Summative assessment Percentage 10% 60% 30% Types of Assignments Quiz, oral presentation Unit (chapter) test, project TEST will be given at the end of each unit topic QUIZZES will be given throughout each unit topic on a regular basis. Some quizzes are not announced. HOMEWORK will be assigned daily. Homework is due the next day of class. Homework will be graded. Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities and a worksheet during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for the unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food nor drinks are allowed in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phone are not allowed in class and will be confiscated and turned into security. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines but they may change based on students’ progress. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy: Only ONE reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects and/or reports, or other culminating activities under summative assessment may not be reassessed. Students must arrange a time with me to come in for re-teaching which is required before any retaking/reassessment is given. For free tutoring, contact me in advance. Tutoring can be arranged on the days that the after school activity bus is available. Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook) THEME TOPIC Unit 1 Il mio mondo/ My World Chi sono io? / Who Am I Responsabilita`/Chores Unit 2 La Scuola/ School life La routine Unit 3 Facciamo le spese/ Shopping Unit 4 La Comunità GRAMMAR AND CULTURAL ASPECTS OF EACH THEME WILL BE INTRODUCED. 1)In additioin to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: CRITERION A ORAL COMMUNICATION CRITERION B INTERPRETING VISUAL TEXT CRITERION C COMPREHENDING WRITTEN TEXT CRITERION D COMMUNICATING IN WRITING Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8 Italian 2 B Springbrook High School Course Information: 2015-2016 Olga M. Skeem Room E-117 Email: Office hrs: lunch and Tue – Thu: 2:30-3:00 by appointment Course Description: 1st year Italian language and culture. The course covers all topics that are include in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for Italian language. Course Goals: To get an appreciation for the language and culture of Italy and to be able to exchange basic personal information in this F.L. Expected Student Learning Outcomes For all 9th and 10th grade IB MYP courses include the course objectives and criterion1) Required Texts: Prego! An invitation to Italian. 6th edition. Lazzarino, Peccianti, Aski and Dini Required Supplies/Materials: pencils, a dedicated notebook, index cards, color pencils, 3 highlighters (yellow), and eraser. Daily computer access from home. Guidelines for Grading: Category Homework/classwork Formative assessment Summative assessment Percentage 10% 60% 30% Types of Assignments Quiz, oral presentation Unit (chapter) test, project TEST will be given at the end of each unit topic QUIZZES will be given throughout each unit topic on a regular basis. Some quizzes are not announced. HOMEWORK will be assigned daily. Homework is due the next day of class. Homework will be graded. Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities and a worksheet during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for the unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food nor drinks are allowed in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phone are not allowed in class and will be confiscated and turned into security. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines but they may change based on students’ progress. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy: Only ONE reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects and/or reports, or other culminating activities under summative assessment may not be reassessed. Students must arrange a time with me to come in for re-teaching which is required before any retaking/reassessment is given. For free tutoring, contact me in advance. Tutoring can be arranged on the days that the after school activity bus is available. Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook) THEME TOPIC Unit 1 Il mio mondo/ My World Unit 2 Ricordi ed esperienze / Memories and Experiences Quando ero giovane La mia salute Unit 3 In giro/ Going Places Un viaggio indimenticabile Unit 4 Calamità naturali ed emergenze/Natural Disasters GRAMMAR AND CULTURAL ASPECTS OF EACH THEME WILL BE INTRODUCED. 1)In additioin to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: CRITERION A ORAL COMMUNICATION CRITERION B INTERPRETING VISUAL TEXT CRITERION C COMPREHENDING WRITTEN TEXT CRITERION D COMMUNICATING IN WRITING Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8 Italian 3 A Springbrook High School Course Information: 2015-2016 Olga M. Skeem Room E-117 Email: Office hrs: lunch and Tue – Thu: 2:30-3:00 by appointment Course Description: 1st year Italian language and culture. The course covers all topics that are include in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for Italian language. Course Goals: To get an appreciation for the language and culture of Italy and to be able to exchange basic personal information in this F.L. Expected Student Learning Outcomes For all 9th and 10th grade IB MYP courses include the course objectives and criterion1) Required Texts: Prego! An invitation to Italian. 6th edition. Lazzarino, Peccianti, Aski and Dini Required Supplies/Materials: pencils, a dedicated notebook, index cards, color pencils, 3 highlighters (yellow), and eraser. Daily computer access from home. Guidelines for Grading: Category Homework/classwork Formative assessment Summative assessment Percentage 10% 60% 30% Types of Assignments Quiz, oral presentation Unit (chapter) test, project TEST will be given at the end of each unit topic QUIZZES will be given throughout each unit topic on a regular basis. Some quizzes are not announced. HOMEWORK will be assigned daily. Homework is due the next day of class. Homework will be graded. Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities and a worksheet during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for the unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food nor drinks are allowed in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phone are not allowed in class and will be confiscated and turned into security. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines but they may change based on students’ progress. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy: Only ONE reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects and/or reports, or other culminating activities under summative assessment may not be reassessed. Students must arrange a time with me to come in for re-teaching which is required before any retaking/reassessment is given. For free tutoring, contact me in advance. Tutoring can be arranged on the days that the after school activity bus is available. Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook) THEME TOPIC Unit 6 La mia vita/ My Life A Typical Day Unit 7 Il tempo libero / My Leasure Time My Free Time Unit 8 La qualità della vita/ Quality of Life Wellness Unit 9 Il mondo intorno a me/ The World Around Me. My Interests GRAMMAR AND CULTURAL ASPECTS OF EACH THEME WILL BE INTRODUCED. 1)In additioin to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: CRITERION A ORAL COMMUNICATION CRITERION B INTERPRETING VISUAL TEXT CRITERION C COMPREHENDING WRITTEN TEXT CRITERION D COMMUNICATING IN WRITING Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8 Italian 3 B Springbrook High School Course Information: 2015-2016 Olga M. Skeem Room E-117 Email: Office hrs: lunch and Tue – Thu: 2:30-3:00 by appointment Course Description: 1st year Italian language and culture. The course covers all topics that are include in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for Italian language. Course Goals: To get an appreciation for the language and culture of Italy and to be able to exchange basic personal information in this F.L. Expected Student Learning Outcomes For all 9th and 10th grade IB MYP courses include the course objectives and criterion1) Required Texts: Prego! An invitation to Italian. 6th edition. Lazzarino, Peccianti, Aski and Dini Required Supplies/Materials: pencils, a dedicated notebook, index cards, color pencils, 3 highlighters (yellow), and eraser. Daily computer access from home. Guidelines for Grading: Category Homework/classwork Formative assessment Summative assessment Percentage 10% 60% 30% Types of Assignments Quiz, oral presentation Unit (chapter) test, project TEST will be given at the end of each unit topic QUIZZES will be given throughout each unit topic on a regular basis. Some quizzes are not announced. HOMEWORK will be assigned daily. Homework is due the next day of class. Homework will be graded. Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities and a worksheet during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for the unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food nor drinks are allowed in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phone are not allowed in class and will be confiscated and turned into security. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines but they may change based on students’ progress. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy: Only ONE reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects and/or reports, or other culminating activities under summative assessment may not be reassessed. Students must arrange a time with me to come in for re-teaching which is required before any retaking/reassessment is given. For free tutoring, contact me in advance. Tutoring can be arranged on the days that the after school activity bus is available. Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook) THEME TOPIC Unit 1 Il tempo libero / My Leasure Time Friendship and Traditions Unit 2 La mia vita/ My Life Rights and Responsibilities Unit 3 La qualità della vita/ Quality of Life Our Planet and Environment Unit 4 Il mondo intorno a me/ The World Around Me Working and Volunteering GRAMMAR AND CULTURAL ASPECTS OF EACH THEME WILL BE INTRODUCED. 1)In additioin to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: CRITERION A ORAL COMMUNICATION CRITERION B INTERPRETING VISUAL TEXT CRITERION C COMPREHENDING WRITTEN TEXT CRITERION D COMMUNICATING IN WRITING Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8 SPANISH 3A Syllabus Al aire libre / Outdoors Unit 1: Pg. 20 – 61 8/31—9/30 Las bellas artes / Fine arts Unit 2: Pg. 62 - 107 10/1—10/30 At the end of each unit there will be a Unit Test. *Communicate about camping experiences, outdoor vacations, and competitive events using the present and past tense. *Identify some famous Spanishspeaking people, national parks and landmarks in Spanishspeaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Identify popular competitions in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Describe and express opinions about works of art using the present and past tense. *Identify some famous artists from Spanish-speaking countries. *Identify famous works of art, music, dances, films, and plays from Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to the U.S. Number 2 pencils required for the tests. El bienestar / Well-being Unit 3: Pg. 108 - 153 *Communicate about nutrition, physical and mental health. *Describe symptoms and give advice using the subjunctive tense. *Identify health practice and natural remedies in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. 11/3—12/4 La Amistad / Friendship Unit 4: Pg. 108 - 151 12/7—1/8 *All dates subject to change due to school closings or curriculum adjustments *Communicate about relationships with friends and family, their personality traits, and conflict resolution. *Communicate about emotions and behaviors using the subjunctive tense. *Identify family practices and celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Winter Break: 12/24/15-01/01/16 Oral Exams: 1/11—1/14 Exams begin: 1/15-1/22 GRADING SYSTEM: Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including 30% projects, unit tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. SPANISH 3B Syllabus El trabajo y el voluntariado/ Working & Volunteering Unit 5: Pg. 204 – 245 1/26—2/19 El porvenir / The future Unit 6: Pg. 250 - 291 2/22—3/23 At the end of each unit there will be a Unit Test. *Communicate about past and present work and volunteer opportunities in the community. *Communicate about knowledge, skills, and personality traits needed for work and volunteering. *Identify some famous Spanishspeaking people who have made contributions to communities. *Identify teenage work and volunteer opportunities in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Los misterios / Mysteries *Communicate about past, present, and future work and technology. Describe education/training needed to pursue careers. *Describe future career plans. *Identify the impact of technology, common career paths, and training and educational options in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to the U.S. Nuestro planeta / Our planet Number 2 pencils required for the tests. *All dates subject to change due to school closings or curriculum adjustments Unit 7: Pg. 296 - 337 4/4—4/29 Unit 9: Pg. 388 - 429 5/2—6/3 *Communicate about archeological discoveries, myths and/or legends. *Describe mysterious objects/events. *Identify myths/legends from Spanishspeaking countries and compare them to those from the U.S. *Identify archeological structures or artifacts from past civilizations in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Communicate about environmental issues. *Communicate about solutions for helping the environment. *Describe causes and effects of pollution. *Identify environmental practices in Spanishspeaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. *Identify endangered species typical to Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. Winter Break: 03/25/16-04/01/16 Oral Exams: 6/6—6/10 Exams begin: 6/13-6/17 GRADING SYSTEM: Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including 30% projects, unit tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. SPANISH 1A Syllabus Ernesto Lara (Room E113) (301) 989-6059 Overview: We learn Spanish…. To communicate in a language other than English. To gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. To develop insight into the nature of language. To participate in multilingual communication at home and around the world. Units of Study: Unit 1. Title ¡Bienvenidos a laclase de español!/ Welcome to Spanish Class! 2. Nos conocemos/ Getting Acquainted 3. La escuela / School 4. La comida / Food Concepts • Exchange greetings in a culturally appropriate manner • Make introductions • Ask about things in the classroom • Understand classroom commands • Ask how to spell words • Tell time • Tell the date • Describe basic weather conditions • Identify the seasons • Identify use of tú and usted • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify some famous Spanish speakers • Compare ways of greeting people in Spanish-speaking countries and in the U.S • Communicate about preferences regarding activities • Express agreement or disagreement • Communicate about their own personalities and those of others • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify some famous Spanish-speaking people • Identify music and dances of different Spanish-speaking countries • Identify attitudes about friendship of people in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to their own • Communicate about school schedules and course preferences • Describe their school day • Tell time and use the 24 hour clock • Communicate about their classroom and the location of items • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify courses students take in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to courses taken in the U.S. • Identify attitudes about school in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Communicate about food and beverages for breakfast, lunch, and dinner • Communicate about preferences for foods and beverages. • Communicate about foods and exercise to maintain one’s health • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify foods and beverages from Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Describe breakfast in Spanish-speaking countries and compare it to breakfast in the U.S GRADING SYSTEM: Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including projects, unit 30% tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. Student Expectations: 1. Start Class on Time: Be in your seat when the bell rings and begin warm-up. 2. Come to class prepared: You need a pen and/or pencil, your Spanish binder, and your homework. 3. Complete assignments on time: Homework is a regular activity and you are expected to turn it in on time. 4. Attend class and actively participate: participation is essential to learning a foreign language. 5. Missed work: It is your responsibility to call and ask a friend to find out what work you missed. It is your responsibility to arrange to make up any missing work with your teacher. Overall: Grades will reflect individual achievement of the MCPS Standards for a specific marking period. SPANISH 1B Syllabus Ernesto Lara (Room E113) (301) 989-6059 Overview: We learn Spanish…. To communicate in a language other than English. To gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. To develop insight into the nature of language. To participate in multilingual communication at home and around the world. Units of Study: Unit 5. Title 6. Fiesta en familia / Family Celebrations 7. La casa / House 8. La ropa y las tiendas / Clothing and Stores Los pasatiempos / Pastimes Concepts • Communicate about pastimes • Extend, accept, and decline invitations • Communicate about places in the community • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify some famous Spanish-speaking people • Identify pastimes in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Ask and answer simple questions about family members • Give physical descriptions of family members and friends • Communicate about family celebrations and parties • Order a meal in a restaurant • Describe family celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Describe customs related to meals in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Communicate about rooms in a house • Give simple descriptions of bedroom furnishings and electronic equipment • Make simple descriptions and comparisons, including colors • Communicate about household chores • Identify some famous Spanish-speaking people • Identify and describe typical housing from Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Communicate about shopping for clothing and accessories • Communicate preferences and wishes • Ask for and give information about clothing items, including prices • Identify some famous Spanish-speaking people • Identify some Spanish-speaking countries • Identify and describe typical clothing items from Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. • Identify and describe customs related to clothing and shopping in Spanish-speaking countries and compare them to those in the U.S. : Formative Assessments (including quizzes, 60% classwork, etc.) Summative Assessments* (including projects, unit 30% tests, presentations, essays, etc.) Homework for Practice/Completion 10% *Summative assessments are cumulative and may not be re-assessed. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy Reteaching occurs when the teacher or student determines that students are not meeting learning goals. Reassessment opportunities are identified by the teacher before the original task/assessment and occur within an instructional unit. A minimum of one reassessment opportunity is offered per unit. Unit tests, final projects or reports, and other culminating activities under summative assessments may not be reassessed. (Please see the MCPS Grading and Reporting Policy on the MCPS website for more detailed information.) Students should arrange a time to come in for reteaching which is required before any reassessment is given. In addition, tutoring is available by students in the Spanish Honor Society. As an IB school, we will report student progress using the following criteria. Language Acquisition (World Languages) Criteria The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. The MYP objectives are the key learning areas in Language Acquisition (world language) on which students will be assessed. The MYP criteria are: Criterion Learning Objectives Criterion A Communicating in oral form Interpreting visual text Comprehending written text Communicating in written form Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D Max Rubric Score Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 Maximum 8 In addition to using the MCPS grading policy, teachers will also report students’ levels of achievement on the MYP Objectives as an unweighted assignment. Students and parents will receive a Progress Report at the end of each semester, which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. Student Expectations: 1. Start Class on Time: Be in your seat when the bell rings and begin warm-up. 2. Come to class prepared: You need a pen and/or pencil, your Spanish binder, and your homework. 3. Complete assignments on time: Homework is a regular activity and you are expected to turn it in on time. 4. Attend class and actively participate: participation is essential to learning a foreign language. 5. Missed work: It is your responsibility to call and ask a friend to find out what work you missed. It is your responsibility to arrange to make up any missing work with your teacher. Overall: Grades will reflect individual achievement of the MCPS Standards for a specific marking period. Español 1A Springbrook High School Course Information: 2015-2016 Olga M. Skeem Room E-117 Email: Office hrs: lunch and Tue – Thu: 2:30-3:00 by appointment Course Description: 1st year Italian language and culture. The course covers all topics that are include in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for Italian language. Course Goals: To get an appreciation for the language and culture of Italy and to be able to exchange basic personal information in this F.L. Expected Student Learning Outcomes For all 9th and 10th grade IB MYP courses include the course objectives and criterion1) Required Texts: Prego! An invitation to Italian. 6th edition. Lazzarino, Peccianti, Aski and Dini Required Supplies/Materials: pencils, a dedicated notebook, index cards, color pencils, 3 highlighters (yellow), and eraser. Daily computer access from home. Guidelines for Grading: Category Homework/classwork Formative assessment Summative assessment Percentage 10% 60% 30% Types of Assignments Quiz, oral presentation Unit (chapter) test, project TEST will be given at the end of each unit topic QUIZZES will be given throughout each unit topic on a regular basis. Some quizzes are not announced. HOMEWORK will be assigned daily. Homework is due the next day of class. Homework will be graded. Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities and a worksheet during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for the unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food nor drinks are allowed in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phone are not allowed in class and will be confiscated and turned into security. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines but they may change based on students’ progress. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy: Only ONE reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects and/or reports, or other culminating activities under summative assessment may not be reassessed. Students must arrange a time with me to come in for re-teaching which is required before any retaking/reassessment is given. For free tutoring, contact me in advance. Tutoring can be arranged on the days that the after school activity bus is available. Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook) THEME TOPIC Unit 1 ¡Bienvenidos a laclase de español!/ Welcome to Spanish Class! Unit 2 Nos conocemos/ Getting Acquainted Unit 3 La Scuola/ La escuela Unit 4 La comida / Food CULTURAL ASPECTS OF EACH THEME WILL BE INTRODUCED. 1)In additioin to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: CRITERION A ORAL COMMUNICATION CRITERION B INTERPRETING VISUAL TEXT CRITERION C COMPREHENDING WRITTEN TEXT CRITERION D COMMUNICATING IN WRITING Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8 Español 1B Springbrook High School Course Information: 2015-2016 Olga M. Skeem Room E-117 Email: Office hrs: lunch and Tue – Thu: 2:30-3:00 by appointment Course Description: 1st year Italian language and culture. The course covers all topics that are include in the Montgomery County Foreign Language Curriculum Blueprint for Italian language. Course Goals: To get an appreciation for the language and culture of Italy and to be able to exchange basic personal information in this F.L. Expected Student Learning Outcomes For all 9th and 10th grade IB MYP courses include the course objectives and criterion1) Required Texts: Prego! An invitation to Italian. 6th edition. Lazzarino, Peccianti, Aski and Dini Required Supplies/Materials: pencils, a dedicated notebook, index cards, color pencils, 3 highlighters (yellow), and eraser. Daily computer access from home. Guidelines for Grading: Category Homework/classwork Formative assessment Summative assessment Percentage 10% 60% 30% Types of Assignments Quiz, oral presentation Unit (chapter) test, project TEST will be given at the end of each unit topic QUIZZES will be given throughout each unit topic on a regular basis. Some quizzes are not announced. HOMEWORK will be assigned daily. Homework is due the next day of class. Homework will be graded. Students should expect a daily quiz based on the practice homework assignment, daily practice homework, activities and a worksheet during classes. Regular attendance and being in class on time are extremely important. If you are absent, you will be responsible for the missing work. Consequences for the unexcused absences or tardiness include detention, parental contact, and loss of credit. Appropriate behavior includes respect for classmates, teachers and school property. No food nor drinks are allowed in class. No bathroom passes (except for an emergency). Cell phone are not allowed in class and will be confiscated and turned into security. Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines but they may change based on students’ progress. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy: Only ONE reassessment opportunity is offered per formative task/assessment. Unit tests, final projects and/or reports, or other culminating activities under summative assessment may not be reassessed. Students must arrange a time with me to come in for re-teaching which is required before any retaking/reassessment is given. For free tutoring, contact me in advance. Tutoring can be arranged on the days that the after school activity bus is available. Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook) THEME TOPIC Unit 1 Los pasatiempos / Pastimes Unit 2 Fiesta en familia / Family Celebrations Unit 3 La casa/ House & Home Unit 4 La ropa y las tiendas / Clothing and Stores CULTURAL ASPECTS OF EACH THEME WILL BE INTRODUCED. 1)In additioin to using the MCPS grading policy, students will be assessed on the following MYP Criteria: CRITERION A ORAL COMMUNICATION CRITERION B INTERPRETING VISUAL TEXT CRITERION C COMPREHENDING WRITTEN TEXT CRITERION D COMMUNICATING IN WRITING Each of the above criterion will be graded on a rubric scale of maximum 8 SCHOOL YEAR 2015-201 6 SPANISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS- LEVEL 1 Springbrook HS 201 Valley Brook Drive Silver Spring, MD 20904 Phone: (301)989-5700 Fax: 301-622-1875 Ms. Brenda A. Barrera World Languajes Department Room: F102 Phone: (301)989-6059 E-mail: TheSpanishforSpanishSpeakerscourseofstudyprovidescontinuinglanguageinstructionforstudentswhohavedeveloped proficiency in Spanish either because is their first language or is spoken extensively at home. The course is designed to addressthespecificneedsofheritageSpanishSpeakers.Thiscourseutilizesalanguageartsapproachcomparabletothatof English courses offered to English‐speaking students. This course gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge in Spanish and especially enjoy the differences between Spanish‐speaking countries. The increase mastery of language skills expandsemploymentopportunitiesandentrytovariousacademicinstitutions. Thiscoursewillexpandyourknowledgeofthelanguagebeyondthebasiclevel.YouwillstudySpanishformallybylearning andpracticinggrammarstructures,analyzingreadings,writingessaysandexposingyourselftoculturesandcommunities. Textbook:ElEspañolParaNosotros‐NivelUno.GlencoeMcGrawHill.,nivel1 CHAPTERS CHAPTER1:Túyyo CHAPTER2:Nosotros CHAPTER3:Cuentos FIRSTSEMESTER CHAPTER4:Poesía/Fiesta CHAPTER5:Encasaoenelcafé CHAPTER6:Elhogarylafamilia COURSEMATERIALS Notebook tobesupplied Folder tobesupplied Pencilandblueorblackinkpen. English/Spanishdictionary Textbook: ElEspañolParaNosotros‐NivelUno.GlencoeMcGrawHill.,nivel1‐Classset inroom;electronicaccessathome. Internet acess– For Edline, google classroom and, electronic textbook. Students without internetaccessathomeshouldusethecomputersintheMediaCenter.Studentsmayalso requesttotakeatextbookhome. Pleaseseemebeforeorafterschool. Always arrive on time and be prepare with your… Pencil or pen Folder Composition notebook School agenda Diccionary GRADINGPOLICY 10% HomeworkforCompletion 60% FormativeAssessments 30% SummativeAssessments HOMEWORKFORCOMPLETION Homeworkisreviewedinclassthedayitisdue.Itshouldbeyourown,originalwork.Latework isacceptedonlyincaseofanexcusedabsence.Incompleteworkwillreceivepartialcredit:50%if morethanhalfiscomplete;0%iflessthanhalfiscomplete. FORMATIVEASSESSMENTS Studentswillpracticegrammaticalstructuresandnewvocabularyincontextbyparticipatingin speaking,writing,listening,andreadingactivities.Quizzeswillbegiventoassessstudent progress.ParticipationinSpanishisrequired. SUMMATIVEASSESSMENTS Studentswilldemonstratemasteryofthematerialbymeansofunittests,projects,and/or culminatingwriting/speakingassignments. *Summativeassessmentsmaynotbere‐assessed.* Z’sand0’s Whenusingpointsorpercentages,ateacherassignsagradenolowerthan50%tothetask/assessment. Ifastudentdoesnoworkonthetask/assessment,theteacherwillassignazero.Ifateacherdetermines thatthestudentdidnotattempttomeetthebasicrequirementsofthetask/assessment,theteachermay assignazero. MCPSPolicy DUEDATES/DEADLINES Teacherswillestablishduedatesanddeadlines.Teachersareexpectedtoseparatetheduedatefromthe deadlineinordertoincreaseopportunitiesforstudentstocompleteassignments;however,theremaybe someexceptionswhentheduedateanddeadlinearethesame.Itisrecognizedthatfordailyhomework assignmentstheduedateanddeadlinemaybethesametofacilitatetheteachingandlearningprocess. Eachassignmentwillhaveaduedate.Thisisthedatebywhichyouareexpectedtosubmitthe assignment.Yourgradewilldroponelettergrade 10% ifitisnotturnedinbytheduedate. Thedeadlineisthelastdayanassignmentwillbeacceptedforagrade.Workthatisattempted, withagoodfaitheffort,andturnedinbythedeadlinewillreceivenolowerthana50%.UnlessI tellyouotherwise,thefinaldeadlineisthedateoftheunittest. Worknotturnedinbythedeadlinewillbeconsideredmissing. Missingworkwillberecordedinthegradebookasa0. RETAKE/REASSESSMENTPOLICY Formativeassessmentsareavailableforre‐assessmentwithteacherapproval.Theformatofthere‐ assessmentormake‐upworkmayvaryfromtheoriginalonegiventotheclass.Thestudentwillneedto attendafterschoolorlunchtimereteachingsessionsbeforereassessing.Thegradeofthereassessmentis thegradethatcounts. Reteachingoccurswhentheteacherorstudentdeterminesthatstudentsarenotmeetinglearninggoals. Reassessmentopportunitiesareidentifiedbytheteacherbeforetheoriginaltask/assessmentandoccur withinaninstructionalunit.Aminimumofonereassessmentopportunityisofferedperunit.Unittests, finalprojectsorreports,andotherculminatingactivitiesundersummativeassessmentsmaynotbe reassessed. PleaseseetheMCPSGradingandReportingPolicyontheMCPSwebsiteformoredetailed information. ASSIGNMENT/MAKE UP POLICY Studentshavearesponsibilityandareexpectedtomakeupmissedwork,regardlessofthelegalstatusof theirabsence.Iftheabsenceisexcusedorisaresultofasuspension,theteacherwillhelpastudentmake upwork.Iftheabsenceisunexcused,theteacherdoesnothavetohelpastudentmakeupthework missed,givearetest,orgiveanextensiononworkthatwasdue.Eventhoughtheteacherdoesnothave tohelpastudentmakeupmissedwork,thestudentstillhastomakeuptheworksothestudentcancom‐ pletetherestofthecourse.Forunexcusedabsences,teachersmaydenycreditformissedassignmentsor assessments,inaccordancewiththeprocessapprovedbytheprincipalandtheleadershipteam. MCPS Studenthandbook Youwillhavethesamenumberofdaysasyourabsencetomakeupanyhomeworkorquizzes.Ifyouhave prior knowledge of an absence i.e. field trip you must collect all assignments in advance. Do not interrupt class time for this; you may meet with me before school, after school, or during lunch. *Remember, each absence automatically generates a phone call home. Pay careful attention to the attendance policy. CHECKINGASSIGNMENTS/TRACKINGYOURPROGRESS Edlineisyouronlineresourcetofindoutaboutupcomingquizzes,tests,projects,etc.Youcanalsouseit toseeyourcurrentgradeaverageintheclass.Check your grade at least once a weekthroughouteach markingperiod. EXTRAHELP Makeanappointmenttoseemeifyou’restrugglingwithagrammaticalconcept,needhelpona writing/readingassignment,orjusthavequestions.Do not wait until the day before a test or quiz. You may see me in room F102 on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during lunch or after school. MYP As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for Language Acquisition (World Languages). Assessment for language acquisition in all years of the programme is criterion-related, based on four equally weighted assessment criteria. CRITERION Criterion A LEARNINGOBJECTIVE Comprehending spoken and visual text MAXRUBRICSCORE Maximum 8 Criterion B Comprehending written and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion C Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion D Using language in spoken and written form Maximum 8 IntheMYP,subjectgroupobjectivescorrespondtoassessmentcriteria.Eachcriterionhaseightpossible achievementlevels 0–8 ,dividedintofourbandsthatgenerallyrepresentlimited 1–2 ;adequate 3–4 ; substantial 5–6 ;andexcellent 7–8 performance.Eachbandhasitsownuniquedescriptorthat teachersusetomake“best‐fit”judgmentsaboutstudents’progressandachievement Language acquisitionguide . LanguageAcquisition WorldLanguages Objectives: ObjectiveA:Comprehendingspokenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Listenforspecificpurposesandrespondtoshowunderstanding ii. Interpretvisualtextthatispresentedwithspokentext iii. Engagewiththetextbysupportingopinionandpersonalresponsewithevidenceandexamplesfrom thetext. ObjectiveB:Comprehendingwrittenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Readforspecificpurposesandrespondtoshowunderstanding ii. Interpretvisualtextthatispresentedwithwrittentext iii. Engagewiththetextbysupportingopinionandpersonalresponsewithevidenceandexamplesfrom thetext. ObjectiveC:Communicatinginresponsetospoken,writtenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Interactandcommunicateinvarioussituations ii. Expressthoughts,feelings,ideas,opinionsandinformationinspokenandwrittenform iii. Speakandwriteforspecificpurposes ObjectiveD:Usinglanguageinspokenandwrittenform Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Organizethoughts,feelings,ideas,opinionsandinformationinspokenandwrittenform ii. Developaccuracywhenspeakingandwritinginthetargetlanguage InadditiontousingtheMCPSgradingpolicy,teacherswillalsoreportstudents’levelsofachievementon theMYPObjectivesasanunweightedassignment.StudentsandparentswillreceiveaProgressReportat theendofeachsemester,whichwilldocumentstudents’achievementineachofthesubjectsinwhichhe orsheisenrolled.ThepurposeofreportingMYPlevelsofachievementistocommunicatestudents’ progresstowardstheachievementoftheMYPobjectivesineachsubjectarea. Inordertocreateapositivelearningenvironment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Arrive on time, take your notebook and folder and, sit immediately. If you're late sign in the tardy log. The consequences are outlined in the student handbook. Bring the necessary materials: homework, pens, pencils, text etc. Turn in your classwork/homework/projects on time. Listen to all instructions before beginning any activity or assignment. Respect the privacy of your teacher’s desk and materials as well as personal property of other classmates. Avoid inappropriate language at all times. I have zero tolerance for foul language. You will be excused to leave the classroom only if a written excuse is provided and, always leave with a pass. No passes will be given during the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of instruction. We are all responsible for taking care of desks and other classroom equipment. Eating, drinking (except water) and chewing gum are not allowed in the classroom. Cellphones/tablets/ iPods, or any other electronic devices are not allowed in the classroom, unless you are given permission for learning purposes. This item will be confiscated and handed over to security. Exclusive use of SPANISH in the classroom. Students will participate actively in all speaking, reading, writing, and listening activities The rules and regulations defined in Springbrook High School’s discipline policy apply to every student in this classroom. Failure to abide by school rules will result in disciplinary action. Depending on the severity of the offense, you will receive a warning, a call home to your parent or guardian, lunch or after school detention, or a referral to your administrator. Violation of academic standards will result in loss of credit for the assignment and referral to your administrator. SPANISHFORSPANISHSPEAKERS‐LEVEL1 2015‐2016 Ms. Brenda A. Barrera Ihavereadandunderstoodalltheexpectationstobesuccessfulin SpanishforSpanishSpeakers Level1 Ifeelqualifiedtomeettheexpectationsandrulesoftheclass,includingexclusiveuseofSpanishinthe classroom. Studentname_________________________________ID#________________________ Period:__________________ _______________________________________________________________________ StudentsignatureDateParent/tutorsignatureDate EFFECTIVE EFFORT AND HARD WORK WILL MAKE YOU SUCCEED! SCHOOL YEAR 2015-201 6 SPANISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS- LEVEL 1 Springbrook HS 201 Valley Brook Drive Silver Spring, MD 20904 Phone: (301)989-5700 Fax: 301-622-1875 Ms. Brenda A. Barrera World Languajes Department Room: F102 Phone: (301)989-6059 E-mail: The Spanish for Spanish Speakers course of study provides continuing language instruction for students who have developed proficiency in Spanish either because is their first language or is spoken extensively at home. The course is designed to address the specific needs of heritage Spanish Speakers. This course utilizes a language arts approach comparable to that of English courses offered to English‐speaking students. This course gives you the opportunity to expandyourknowledgeinSpanishandespeciallyenjoythedifferencesbetweenSpanish‐speakingcountries.Theincrease masteryoflanguageskillsexpandsemploymentopportunitiesandentrytovariousacademicinstitutions. Thiscoursewillexpandyourknowledgeofthelanguagebeyondthebasiclevel.YouwillstudySpanishformallyby learningandpracticinggrammarstructures,analyzingreadings,writingessaysandexposingyourselftoculturesand communities. Textbook:ElEspañolParaNosotros‐NivelUno.GlencoeMcGrawHill.,nivel1 SECONDSEMESTER CHAPTERS CHAPTER7:Atletasydeportes CHAPTER10:Arteymúsica CHAPTER8:México CHAPTER11:Tierrayaventura CHAPTER9:Veranooinvierno CHAPTER12:Leyendayvida COURSEMATERIALS Notebook tobesupplied Folder tobesupplied Pencilandblueorblackinkpen. English/Spanishdictionary Textbook: ElEspañolParaNosotros‐NivelUno.GlencoeMcGrawHill.,nivel1‐Class setinroom;electronicaccessathome. Internet acess– For Edline, google classroom and, electronic textbook. Students withoutinternetaccessathomeshouldusethecomputersintheMediaCenter.Students mayalsorequesttotakeatextbookhome. Pleaseseemebeforeorafterschool. Always arrive on time and be prepare with your… Pencil or pen Folder Composition notebook School agenda Diccionary GRADINGPOLICY 10% HomeworkforCompletion 60% FormativeAssessments 30% SummativeAssessments HOMEWORKFORCOMPLETION Homeworkisreviewedinclassthedayitisdue.Itshouldbeyourown,originalwork.Late workisacceptedonlyincaseofanexcusedabsence.Incompleteworkwillreceivepartial credit:50%ifmorethanhalfiscomplete;0%iflessthanhalfiscomplete. FORMATIVEASSESSMENTS Studentswillpracticegrammaticalstructuresandnewvocabularyincontextbyparticipating inspeaking,writing,listening,andreadingactivities.Quizzeswillbegiventoassessstudent progress.ParticipationinSpanishisrequired. SUMMATIVEASSESSMENTS Studentswilldemonstratemasteryofthematerialbymeansofunittests,projects,and/or culminatingwriting/speakingassignments. *Summativeassessmentsmaynotbere‐assessed.* Z’sand0’s Whenusingpointsorpercentages,ateacherassignsagradenolowerthan50%tothetask/ assessment.Ifastudentdoesnoworkonthetask/assessment,theteacherwillassignazero.Ifa teacherdeterminesthatthestudentdidnotattempttomeetthebasicrequirementsofthe task/assessment,theteachermayassignazero. MCPSPolicy DUEDATES/DEADLINES Teacherswillestablishduedatesanddeadlines.Teachersareexpectedtoseparatetheduedatefrom thedeadlineinordertoincreaseopportunitiesforstudentstocompleteassignments;however,there maybesomeexceptionswhentheduedateanddeadlinearethesame.Itisrecognizedthatfordaily homeworkassignmentstheduedateanddeadlinemaybethesametofacilitatetheteachingand learningprocess. Eachassignmentwillhaveaduedate.Thisisthedatebywhichyouareexpectedtosubmitthe assignment.Yourgradewilldroponelettergrade 10% ifitisnotturnedinbytheduedate. Thedeadlineisthelastdayanassignmentwillbeacceptedforagrade.Workthatisattempted, withagoodfaitheffort,andturnedinbythedeadlinewillreceivenolowerthana50%.Unless Itellyouotherwise,thefinaldeadlineisthedateoftheunittest. Worknotturnedinbythedeadlinewillbeconsideredmissing. Missingworkwillberecordedinthegradebookasa0. RETAKE/REASSESSMENTPOLICY Formativeassessmentsareavailableforre‐assessmentwithteacherapproval.Theformatofthere‐ assessmentormake‐upworkmayvaryfromtheoriginalonegiventotheclass.Thestudentwillneed toattendafterschoolorlunchtimereteachingsessionsbeforereassessing.Thegradeofthe reassessmentisthegradethatcounts. Reteachingoccurswhentheteacherorstudentdeterminesthatstudentsarenotmeetinglearning goals.Reassessmentopportunitiesareidentifiedbytheteacherbeforetheoriginaltask/assessment andoccurwithinaninstructionalunit.Aminimumofonereassessmentopportunityisofferedper unit.Unittests,finalprojectsorreports,andotherculminatingactivitiesundersummative assessmentsmaynotbereassessed. PleaseseetheMCPSGradingandReportingPolicyontheMCPS websiteformoredetailedinformation. ASSIGNMENT/MAKE UP POLICY Studentshavearesponsibilityandareexpectedtomakeupmissedwork,regardlessofthelegal statusoftheirabsence.Iftheabsenceisexcusedorisaresultofasuspension,theteacherwillhelpa studentmakeupwork.Iftheabsenceisunexcused,theteacherdoesnothavetohelpastudentmake uptheworkmissed,givearetest,orgiveanextensiononworkthatwasdue.Eventhoughtheteacher doesnothavetohelpastudentmakeupmissedwork,thestudentstillhastomakeuptheworksothe studentcancompletetherestofthecourse.Forunexcusedabsences,teachersmaydenycreditfor missedassignmentsorassessments,inaccordancewiththeprocessapprovedbytheprincipaland theleadershipteam. MCPSStudenthandbook Youwillhavethesamenumberofdaysasyourabsencetomakeupanyhomeworkorquizzes.Ifyou havepriorknowledgeofanabsence i.e.fieldtrip youmustcollectallassignmentsinadvance.Do notinterruptclasstimeforthis;youmaymeetwithmebeforeschool,afterschool,orduringlunch. *Remember, each absence automatically generates a phone call home. Pay careful attention to the attendance policy. CHECKINGASSIGNMENTS/TRACKINGYOURPROGRESS Edlineisyouronlineresourcetofindoutaboutupcomingquizzes,tests,projects,etc.Youcanalsouse ittoseeyourcurrentgradeaverageintheclass.Check your grade at least once a weekthroughout eachmarkingperiod. EXTRAHELP Makeanappointmenttoseemeifyou’restrugglingwithagrammaticalconcept,needhelpona writing/readingassignment,orjusthavequestions.Do not wait until the day before a test or quiz. You may see me in room F102 on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during lunch or after school. MYP As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for Language Acquisition (World Languages). Assessment for language acquisition in all years of the programme is criterion-related, based on four equally weighted assessment criteria. CRITERION Criterion A LEARNINGOBJECTIVE Comprehending spoken and visual text MAXRUBRICSCORE Maximum 8 Criterion B Comprehending written and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion C Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion D Using language in spoken and written form Maximum 8 IntheMYP,subjectgroupobjectivescorrespondtoassessmentcriteria.Eachcriterionhaseight possibleachievementlevels 0–8 ,dividedintofourbandsthatgenerallyrepresentlimited 1–2 ; adequate 3–4 ;substantial 5–6 ;andexcellent 7–8 performance.Eachbandhasitsownunique descriptorthatteachersusetomake“best‐fit”judgmentsaboutstudents’progressandachievement Languageacquisitionguide . LanguageAcquisition WorldLanguages Objectives: ObjectiveA:Comprehendingspokenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Listenforspecificpurposesandrespondtoshowunderstanding ii. Interpretvisualtextthatispresentedwithspokentext iii. Engagewiththetextbysupportingopinionandpersonalresponsewithevidenceandexamplesfrom thetext. ObjectiveB:Comprehendingwrittenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Readforspecificpurposesandrespondtoshowunderstanding ii. Interpretvisualtextthatispresentedwithwrittentext iii. Engagewiththetextbysupportingopinionandpersonalresponsewithevidenceandexamplesfrom thetext. ObjectiveC:Communicatinginresponsetospoken,writtenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Interactandcommunicateinvarioussituations ii. Expressthoughts,feelings,ideas,opinionsandinformationinspokenandwrittenform iii. Speakandwriteforspecificpurposes ObjectiveD:Usinglanguageinspokenandwrittenform Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Organizethoughts,feelings,ideas,opinionsandinformationinspokenandwrittenform ii. Developaccuracywhenspeakingandwritinginthetargetlanguage InadditiontousingtheMCPSgradingpolicy,teacherswillalsoreportstudents’levelsofachievement ontheMYPObjectivesasanunweightedassignment.StudentsandparentswillreceiveaProgress Reportattheendofeachsemester,whichwilldocumentstudents’achievementineachofthe subjectsinwhichheorsheisenrolled.ThepurposeofreportingMYPlevelsofachievementisto communicatestudents’progresstowardstheachievementoftheMYPobjectivesineachsubjectarea. Inordertocreateapositivelearningenvironment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Arrive on time, take your notebook and folder and, sit immediately. If you're late sign in the tardy log. The consequences are outlined in the student handbook. Bring the necessary materials: homework, pens, pencils, text etc. Turn in your classwork/homework/projects on time. Listen to all instructions before beginning any activity or assignment. Respect the privacy of your teacher’s desk and materials as well as personal property of other classmates. Avoid inappropriate language at all times. I have zero tolerance for foul language. You will be excused to leave the classroom only if a written excuse is provided and, always leave with a pass. No passes will be given during the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of instruction. We are all responsible for taking care of desks and other classroom equipment. Eating, drinking (except water) and chewing gum are not allowed in the classroom. Cellphones/tablets/ iPods, or any other electronic devices are not allowed in the classroom, unless you are given permission for learning purposes. This item will be confiscated and handed over to security. Exclusive use of SPANISH in the classroom. Students will participate actively in all speaking, reading, writing, and listening activities The rules and regulations defined in Springbrook High School’s discipline policy apply to every student in this classroom. Failure to abide by school rules will result in disciplinary action. Depending on the severity of the offense, you will receive a warning, a call home to your parent or guardian, lunch or after school detention, or a referral to your administrator. Violation of academic standards will result in loss of credit for the assignment and referral to your administrator. SPANISHFORSPANISHSPEAKERS‐LEVEL1 2015‐2016 Ms. Brenda A. Barrera Ihavereadandunderstoodalltheexpectationstobesuccessfulin SpanishforSpanishSpeakers Level1 Ifeelqualifiedtomeettheexpectationsandrulesoftheclass,includingexclusiveuseofSpanishinthe classroom. Studentname_________________________________ID#________________________ Period:__________________ _______________________________________________________________________ StudentsignatureDateParent/tutorsignatureDate EFFECTIVE EFFORT AND HARD WORK WILL MAKE YOU SUCCEED! SCHOOL YEAR 2015-201 6 SPANISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS- LEVEL 2 Springbrook HS 201 Valley Brook Drive Silver Spring, MD 20904 Phone: (301)989-5700 Fax: 301-622-1875 Ms. Brenda A. Barrera World Languajes Department Room: F102 Phone: (301)989-6059 E-mail: TheSpanishforSpanishSpeakerscourseofstudyprovidescontinuinglanguageinstructionforstudentswhohavedeveloped proficiency in Spanish either because is their first language or is spoken extensively at home. The course is designed to addressthespecificneedsofheritageSpanishSpeakers.Thiscourseutilizesalanguageartsapproachcomparabletothatof English courses offered to English‐speaking students. This course gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge in Spanish and especially enjoy the differences between Spanish‐speaking countries. The increase mastery of language skills expandsemploymentopportunitiesandentrytovariousacademicinstitutions. Thiscoursewillexpandyourknowledgeofthelanguagebeyondthebasiclevel.YouwillstudySpanishformallybylearning andpracticinggrammarstructures,analyzingreadings,writingessaysandexposingyourselftoculturesandcommunities. Textbook:ElEspañolParaNosotros‐NivelDos.GlencoeMcGrawHill.,nivel2 CHAPTERS CHAPTER1:Loindigena CHAPTER2:Comidayvida FIRSTSEMESTER CHAPTER3:Cartaocomputadora CHAPTER4:Detiendas COURSEMATERIALS Notebook tobesupplied Folder tobesupplied Pencilandblueorblackinkpen. English/Spanishdictionary Textbook: ElEspañolParaNosotros‐NivelDos.GlencoeMcGrawHill.,nivel2‐Classset inroom;electronicaccessathome. Internet acess– For Edline, google classroom and, electronic textbook. Students without internetaccessathomeshouldusethecomputersintheMediaCenter.Studentsmayalso requesttotakeatextbookhome. Pleaseseemebeforeorafterschool. Always arrive on time and be prepare with your… Pencil or pen Folder Composition notebook School agenda Diccionary GRADINGPOLICY 10% HomeworkforCompletion 60% FormativeAssessments 30% SummativeAssessments HOMEWORKFORCOMPLETION Homeworkisreviewedinclassthedayitisdue.Itshouldbeyourown,originalwork.Latework isacceptedonlyincaseofanexcusedabsence.Incompleteworkwillreceivepartialcredit:50%if morethanhalfiscomplete;0%iflessthanhalfiscomplete. FORMATIVEASSESSMENTS Studentswillpracticegrammaticalstructuresandnewvocabularyincontextbyparticipatingin speaking,writing,listening,andreadingactivities.Quizzeswillbegiventoassessstudent progress.ParticipationinSpanishisrequired. SUMMATIVEASSESSMENTS Studentswilldemonstratemasteryofthematerialbymeansofunittests,projects,and/or culminatingwriting/speakingassignments. *Summativeassessmentsmaynotbere‐assessed.* Z’sand0’s Whenusingpointsorpercentages,ateacherassignsagradenolowerthan50%tothetask/assessment. Ifastudentdoesnoworkonthetask/assessment,theteacherwillassignazero.Ifateacherdetermines thatthestudentdidnotattempttomeetthebasicrequirementsofthetask/assessment,theteachermay assignazero. MCPSPolicy DUEDATES/DEADLINES: Teacherswillestablishduedatesanddeadlines.Teachersareexpectedtoseparatetheduedatefromthe deadlineinordertoincreaseopportunitiesforstudentstocompleteassignments;however,theremaybe someexceptionswhentheduedateanddeadlinearethesame.Itisrecognizedthatfordailyhomework assignmentstheduedateanddeadlinemaybethesametofacilitatetheteachingandlearningprocess. Eachassignmentwillhaveaduedate.Thisisthedatebywhichyouareexpectedtosubmitthe assignment.Yourgradewilldroponelettergrade 10% ifitisnotturnedinbytheduedate. Thedeadlineisthelastdayanassignmentwillbeacceptedforagrade.Workthatisattempted, withagoodfaitheffort,andturnedinbythedeadlinewillreceivenolowerthana50%.UnlessI tellyouotherwise,thefinaldeadlineisthedateoftheunittest. Worknotturnedinbythedeadlinewillbeconsideredmissing. Missingworkwillberecordedinthegradebookasa0. RETAKE/REASSESSMENTPOLICY Formativeassessmentsareavailableforre‐assessmentwithteacherapproval.Theformatofthere‐ assessmentormake‐upworkmayvaryfromtheoriginalonegiventotheclass.Thestudentwillneedto attendafterschoolorlunchtimereteachingsessionsbeforereassessing.Thegradeofthereassessmentis thegradethatcounts. Reteachingoccurswhentheteacherorstudentdeterminesthatstudentsarenotmeetinglearninggoals. Reassessmentopportunitiesareidentifiedbytheteacherbeforetheoriginaltask/assessmentandoccur withinaninstructionalunit.Aminimumofonereassessmentopportunityisofferedperunit.Unittests, finalprojectsorreports,andotherculminatingactivitiesundersummativeassessmentsmaynotbe reassessed. PleaseseetheMCPSGradingandReportingPolicyontheMCPSwebsiteformoredetailed information. ASSIGNMENT/MAKE UP POLICY Studentshavearesponsibilityandareexpectedtomakeupmissedwork,regardlessofthelegalstatusof theirabsence.Iftheabsenceisexcusedorisaresultofasuspension,theteacherwillhelpastudentmake upwork.Iftheabsenceisunexcused,theteacherdoesnothavetohelpastudentmakeupthework missed,givearetest,orgiveanextensiononworkthatwasdue.Eventhoughtheteacherdoesnothave tohelpastudentmakeupmissedwork,thestudentstillhastomakeuptheworksothestudentcancom‐ pletetherestofthecourse.Forunexcusedabsences,teachersmaydenycreditformissedassignmentsor assessments,inaccordancewiththeprocessapprovedbytheprincipalandtheleadershipteam. MCPS Studenthandbook Youwillhavethesamenumberofdaysasyourabsencetomakeupanyhomeworkorquizzes.Ifyouhave prior knowledge of an absence i.e. field trip you must collect all assignments in advance. Do not interrupt class time for this; you may meet with me before school, after school, or during lunch. *Remember, each absence automatically generates a phone call home. Pay careful attention to the attendance policy. CHECKINGASSIGNMENTS/TRACKINGYOURPROGRESS Edlineisyouronlineresourcetofindoutaboutupcomingquizzes,tests,projects,etc.Youcanalsouseit toseeyourcurrentgradeaverageintheclass.Check your grade at least once a weekthroughouteach markingperiod. EXTRAHELP Makeanappointmenttoseemeifyou’restrugglingwithagrammaticalconcept,needhelpona writing/readingassignment,orjusthavequestions.Do not wait until the day before a test or quiz. You may see me in room F102 on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during lunch or after school. MYP As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for Language Acquisition (World Languages). Assessment for language acquisition in all years of the programme is criterion-related, based on four equally weighted assessment criteria. CRITERION Criterion A LEARNING OBJECTIVE Comprehending spoken and visual text MAX RUBRIC SCORE Maximum 8 Criterion B Comprehending written and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion C Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion D Using language in spoken and written form Maximum 8 IntheMYP,subjectgroupobjectivescorrespondtoassessmentcriteria.Eachcriterionhaseightpossible achievementlevels 0–8 ,dividedintofourbandsthatgenerallyrepresentlimited 1–2 ;adequate 3–4 ; substantial 5–6 ;andexcellent 7–8 performance.Eachbandhasitsownuniquedescriptorthat teachersusetomake“best‐fit”judgmentsaboutstudents’progressandachievement Language acquisitionguide . LanguageAcquisition WorldLanguages Objectives: ObjectiveA:Comprehendingspokenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Listenforspecificpurposesandrespondtoshowunderstanding ii. Interpretvisualtextthatispresentedwithspokentext iii. Engagewiththetextbysupportingopinionandpersonalresponsewithevidenceandexamplesfrom thetext. ObjectiveB:Comprehendingwrittenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Readforspecificpurposesandrespondtoshowunderstanding ii. Interpretvisualtextthatispresentedwithwrittentext iii. Engagewiththetextbysupportingopinionandpersonalresponsewithevidenceandexamplesfrom thetext. ObjectiveC:Communicatinginresponsetospoken,writtenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Interactandcommunicateinvarioussituations ii. Expressthoughts,feelings,ideas,opinionsandinformationinspokenandwrittenform iii. Speakandwriteforspecificpurposes ObjectiveD:Usinglanguageinspokenandwrittenform Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Organizethoughts,feelings,ideas,opinionsandinformationinspokenandwrittenform ii. Developaccuracywhenspeakingandwritinginthetargetlanguage InadditiontousingtheMCPSgradingpolicy,teacherswillalsoreportstudents’levelsofachievementon theMYPObjectivesasanunweightedassignment.StudentsandparentswillreceiveaProgressReportat theendofeachsemester,whichwilldocumentstudents’achievementineachofthesubjectsinwhichhe orsheisenrolled.ThepurposeofreportingMYPlevelsofachievementistocommunicatestudents’ progresstowardstheachievementoftheMYPobjectivesineachsubjectarea. Inordertocreateapositivelearningenvironment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Arrive on time, take your notebook and folder and, sit immediately. If you're late sign in the tardy log. The consequences are outlined in the student handbook. Bring the necessary materials: homework, pens, pencils, text etc. Turn in your classwork/homework/projects on time. Listen to all instructions before beginning any activity or assignment. Respect the privacy of your teacher’s desk and materials as well as personal property of other classmates. Avoid inappropriate language at all times. I have zero tolerance for foul language. You will be excused to leave the classroom only if a written excuse is provided and, always leave with a pass. No passes will be given during the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of instruction. We are all responsible for taking care of desks and other classroom equipment. Eating, drinking (except water) and chewing gum are not allowed in the classroom. Cellphones/tablets/ iPods, or any other electronic devices are not allowed in the classroom, unless you are given permission for learning purposes. This item will be confiscated and handed over to security. Exclusive use of SPANISH in the classroom. Students will participate actively in all speaking, reading, writing, and listening activities The rules and regulations defined in Springbrook High School’s discipline policy apply to every student in this classroom. Failure to abide by school rules will result in disciplinary action. Depending on the severity of the offense, you will receive a warning, a call home to your parent or guardian, lunch or after school detention, or a referral to your administrator. Violation of academic standards will result in loss of credit for the assignment and referral to your administrator. SPANISHFORSPANISHSPEAKERS‐LEVEL2 2015‐2016 Ms. Brenda A. Barrera Ihavereadandunderstoodalltheexpectationstobesuccessfulin SpanishforSpanishSpeakers Level2 Ifeelqualifiedtomeettheexpectationsandrulesoftheclass,includingexclusiveuseofSpanishinthe classroom. Studentname_________________________________ID#________________________ Period:__________________ _______________________________________________________________________ StudentsignatureDateParent/tutorsignatureDate EFFECTIVE EFFORT AND HARD WORK WILL MAKE YOU SUCCEED! SCHOOL YEAR 2015-201 6 SPANISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS- LEVEL 2 Springbrook HS 201 Valley Brook Drive Silver Spring, MD 20904 Phone: (301)989-5700 Fax: 301-622-1875 Ms. Brenda A. Barrera World Languajes Department Room: F102 Phone: (301)989-6059 E-mail: TheSpanishforSpanishSpeakerscourseofstudyprovidescontinuinglanguageinstructionforstudentswhohavedeveloped proficiency in Spanish either because is their first language or is spoken extensively at home. The course is designed to addressthespecificneedsofheritageSpanishSpeakers.Thiscourseutilizesalanguageartsapproachcomparabletothatof English courses offered to English‐speaking students. This course gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge in Spanish and especially enjoy the differences between Spanish‐speaking countries. The increase mastery of language skills expandsemploymentopportunitiesandentrytovariousacademicinstitutions. Thiscoursewillexpandyourknowledgeofthelanguagebeyondthebasiclevel.YouwillstudySpanishformallybylearning andpracticinggrammarstructures,analyzingreadings,writingessaysandexposingyourselftoculturesandcommunities. Textbook:ElEspañolParaNosotros‐NivelDos.GlencoeMcGrawHill.,nivel2 SECONDSEMESTER CHAPTERS CHAPTER5:Pasatiemposculturales CHAPTER7:Movimientopoblacional CHAPTER6:España CHAPTER8:Elbienestar COURSEMATERIALS Notebook tobesupplied Folder tobesupplied Pencilandblueorblackinkpen. English/Spanishdictionary Textbook: ElEspañolParaNosotros‐NivelDos.GlencoeMcGrawHill.,nivel2‐Classset inroom;electronicaccessathome. Internet acess– For Edline, google classroom and, electronic textbook. Students without internetaccessathomeshouldusethecomputersintheMediaCenter.Studentsmayalso requesttotakeatextbookhome. Pleaseseemebeforeorafterschool. Always arrive on time and be prepare with your… Pencil or pen Folder Composition notebook School agenda Diccionary GRADINGPOLICY 10% HomeworkforCompletion 60% FormativeAssessments 30% SummativeAssessments HOMEWORKFORCOMPLETION Homeworkisreviewedinclassthedayitisdue.Itshouldbeyourown,originalwork.Latework isacceptedonlyincaseofanexcusedabsence.Incompleteworkwillreceivepartialcredit:50%if morethanhalfiscomplete;0%iflessthanhalfiscomplete. FORMATIVEASSESSMENTS Studentswillpracticegrammaticalstructuresandnewvocabularyincontextbyparticipatingin speaking,writing,listening,andreadingactivities.Quizzeswillbegiventoassessstudent progress.ParticipationinSpanishisrequired. SUMMATIVEASSESSMENTS Studentswilldemonstratemasteryofthematerialbymeansofunittests,projects,and/or culminatingwriting/speakingassignments. *Summativeassessmentsmaynotbere‐assessed.* Z’sand0’s Whenusingpointsorpercentages,ateacherassignsagradenolowerthan50%tothetask/assessment. Ifastudentdoesnoworkonthetask/assessment,theteacherwillassignazero.Ifateacherdetermines thatthestudentdidnotattempttomeetthebasicrequirementsofthetask/assessment,theteachermay assignazero. MCPSPolicy DUEDATES/DEADLINES: Teacherswillestablishduedatesanddeadlines.Teachersareexpectedtoseparatetheduedatefromthe deadlineinordertoincreaseopportunitiesforstudentstocompleteassignments;however,theremaybe someexceptionswhentheduedateanddeadlinearethesame.Itisrecognizedthatfordailyhomework assignmentstheduedateanddeadlinemaybethesametofacilitatetheteachingandlearningprocess. Eachassignmentwillhaveaduedate.Thisisthedatebywhichyouareexpectedtosubmitthe assignment.Yourgradewilldroponelettergrade 10% ifitisnotturnedinbytheduedate. Thedeadlineisthelastdayanassignmentwillbeacceptedforagrade.Workthatisattempted, withagoodfaitheffort,andturnedinbythedeadlinewillreceivenolowerthana50%.UnlessI tellyouotherwise,thefinaldeadlineisthedateoftheunittest. Worknotturnedinbythedeadlinewillbeconsideredmissing. Missingworkwillberecordedinthegradebookasa0. RETAKE/REASSESSMENTPOLICY Formativeassessmentsareavailableforre‐assessmentwithteacherapproval.Theformatofthere‐ assessmentormake‐upworkmayvaryfromtheoriginalonegiventotheclass.Thestudentwillneedto attendafterschoolorlunchtimereteachingsessionsbeforereassessing.Thegradeofthereassessmentis thegradethatcounts. Reteachingoccurswhentheteacherorstudentdeterminesthatstudentsarenotmeetinglearninggoals. Reassessmentopportunitiesareidentifiedbytheteacherbeforetheoriginaltask/assessmentandoccur withinaninstructionalunit.Aminimumofonereassessmentopportunityisofferedperunit.Unittests, finalprojectsorreports,andotherculminatingactivitiesundersummativeassessmentsmaynotbe reassessed. PleaseseetheMCPSGradingandReportingPolicyontheMCPSwebsiteformoredetailed information. ASSIGNMENT/MAKE UP POLICY Studentshavearesponsibilityandareexpectedtomakeupmissedwork,regardlessofthelegalstatusof theirabsence.Iftheabsenceisexcusedorisaresultofasuspension,theteacherwillhelpastudentmake upwork.Iftheabsenceisunexcused,theteacherdoesnothavetohelpastudentmakeupthework missed,givearetest,orgiveanextensiononworkthatwasdue.Eventhoughtheteacherdoesnothave tohelpastudentmakeupmissedwork,thestudentstillhastomakeuptheworksothestudentcancom‐ pletetherestofthecourse.Forunexcusedabsences,teachersmaydenycreditformissedassignmentsor assessments,inaccordancewiththeprocessapprovedbytheprincipalandtheleadershipteam. MCPS Studenthandbook Youwillhavethesamenumberofdaysasyourabsencetomakeupanyhomeworkorquizzes.Ifyouhave prior knowledge of an absence i.e. field trip you must collect all assignments in advance. Do not interrupt class time for this; you may meet with me before school, after school, or during lunch. *Remember, each absence automatically generates a phone call home. Pay careful attention to the attendance policy. CHECKINGASSIGNMENTS/TRACKINGYOURPROGRESS Edlineisyouronlineresourcetofindoutaboutupcomingquizzes,tests,projects,etc.Youcanalsouseit toseeyourcurrentgradeaverageintheclass.Check your grade at least once a weekthroughouteach markingperiod. EXTRAHELP Makeanappointmenttoseemeifyou’restrugglingwithagrammaticalconcept,needhelpona writing/readingassignment,orjusthavequestions.Do not wait until the day before a test or quiz. You may see me in room F102 on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during lunch or after school. MYP As an IB school, students will be assessed against IB Middle Years Programme objectives for Language Acquisition (World Languages). Assessment for language acquisition in all years of the programme is criterion-related, based on four equally weighted assessment criteria. CRITERION Criterion A LEARNING OBJECTIVE Comprehending spoken and visual text MAX RUBRIC SCORE Maximum 8 Criterion B Comprehending written and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion C Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion D Using language in spoken and written form Maximum 8 IntheMYP,subjectgroupobjectivescorrespondtoassessmentcriteria.Eachcriterionhaseightpossible achievementlevels 0–8 ,dividedintofourbandsthatgenerallyrepresentlimited 1–2 ;adequate 3–4 ; substantial 5–6 ;andexcellent 7–8 performance.Eachbandhasitsownuniquedescriptorthat teachersusetomake“best‐fit”judgmentsaboutstudents’progressandachievement Language acquisitionguide . LanguageAcquisition WorldLanguages Objectives: ObjectiveA:Comprehendingspokenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Listenforspecificpurposesandrespondtoshowunderstanding ii. Interpretvisualtextthatispresentedwithspokentext iii. Engagewiththetextbysupportingopinionandpersonalresponsewithevidenceandexamplesfrom thetext. ObjectiveB:Comprehendingwrittenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Readforspecificpurposesandrespondtoshowunderstanding ii. Interpretvisualtextthatispresentedwithwrittentext iii. Engagewiththetextbysupportingopinionandpersonalresponsewithevidenceandexamplesfrom thetext. ObjectiveC:Communicatinginresponsetospoken,writtenandvisualtext Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Interactandcommunicateinvarioussituations ii. Expressthoughts,feelings,ideas,opinionsandinformationinspokenandwrittenform iii. Speakandwriteforspecificpurposes ObjectiveD:Usinglanguageinspokenandwrittenform Asappropriatetothephase,thestudentisexpectedtobeableto i. Organizethoughts,feelings,ideas,opinionsandinformationinspokenandwrittenform ii. Developaccuracywhenspeakingandwritinginthetargetlanguage InadditiontousingtheMCPSgradingpolicy,teacherswillalsoreportstudents’levelsofachievementon theMYPObjectivesasanunweightedassignment.StudentsandparentswillreceiveaProgressReportat theendofeachsemester,whichwilldocumentstudents’achievementineachofthesubjectsinwhichhe orsheisenrolled.ThepurposeofreportingMYPlevelsofachievementistocommunicatestudents’ progresstowardstheachievementoftheMYPobjectivesineachsubjectarea. Inordertocreateapositivelearningenvironment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Arrive on time, take your notebook and folder and, sit immediately. If you're late sign in the tardy log. The consequences are outlined in the student handbook. Bring the necessary materials: homework, pens, pencils, text etc. Turn in your classwork/homework/projects on time. Listen to all instructions before beginning any activity or assignment. Respect the privacy of your teacher’s desk and materials as well as personal property of other classmates. Avoid inappropriate language at all times. I have zero tolerance for foul language. You will be excused to leave the classroom only if a written excuse is provided and, always leave with a pass. No passes will be given during the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of instruction. We are all responsible for taking care of desks and other classroom equipment. Eating, drinking (except water) and chewing gum are not allowed in the classroom. Cellphones/tablets/ iPods, or any other electronic devices are not allowed in the classroom, unless you are given permission for learning purposes. This item will be confiscated and handed over to security. Exclusive use of SPANISH in the classroom. Students will participate actively in all speaking, reading, writing, and listening activities The rules and regulations defined in Springbrook High School’s discipline policy apply to every student in this classroom. Failure to abide by school rules will result in disciplinary action. Depending on the severity of the offense, you will receive a warning, a call home to your parent or guardian, lunch or after school detention, or a referral to your administrator. Violation of academic standards will result in loss of credit for the assignment and referral to your administrator. SPANISHFORSPANISHSPEAKERS‐LEVEL2 2015‐2016 Ms. Brenda A. Barrera Ihavereadandunderstoodalltheexpectationstobesuccessfulin SpanishforSpanishSpeakers Level2 Ifeelqualifiedtomeettheexpectationsandrulesoftheclass,includingexclusiveuseofSpanishinthe classroom. Studentname_________________________________ID#________________________ Period:__________________ _______________________________________________________________________ StudentsignatureDateParent/tutorsignatureDate EFFECTIVE EFFORT AND HARD WORK WILL MAKE YOU SUCCEED!
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