
Advanced Placement Calculus AB
Ms. Kristen Range
Email: Kristen_M_Range@mcpsmd.org
Phone: 301-989-5787
Course Description
The Advanced Placement Calculus AB course is meant to prepare students for the Advanced
Placement AB Calculus exam. This course develops the student’s understanding of the concepts of
calculus and provides experiences with Calculus methods and applications. The ideas of limits,
derivatives, and integrals are explored and used in applications and modeling. The course
emphasizes the broad concepts and widely applicable methods of Calculus and uses a multirepresentational approach, where concepts, results, and problems are expressed graphically,
numerically, analytically and verbally. Technology is used to explore and investigate, to reinforce
the relationships among the multiple representations of functions, and to confirm and interpret
Grading Policy:
Grade Determination: Your grade will be determined as follows:
Homework for completion
All tasks and assessments for accuracy
Homework is assigned every night. Homework will be checked for completion most days. At
least one Formative or Summative Assessment is given at least once a week. The activity may be
an announced Test, a Quiz (announced or unannounced), AP practice problems, a homework
activity, or a classroom activity.
Summatives and Formatives: Per marking period there will be approximately 2-3 summative
assessments worth 100 points. Per marking period there will be approximately 5-10 formative
assessments ranging from 5 – 40 points. Each week, at least one assignment will be graded for
accuracy. No one assignment will count for more than 25% of the overall grade.
The county semester exams count as 25% of the semester grade EXCEPT the second semester
county exam counts as 25% of the seniors’ fourth quarter grade. Students who take the AP Exam in
May are EXEMPT from the second semester county exam and will complete a project as a final
exam grade.
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the
task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If
a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the
task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to
separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete
assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same.
It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to
facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Retake/Reassessment Policy: Students are offered retakes on formative assessments only and at
the teacher’s discretion. All formative re-assessments will require some form of remediation (i.e.
quiz corrections, homework completion, or meet with the teacher during office hours).
Formula Sheets:
No formula sheets are allowed on the AP exam, so NO formula sheets are permitted on the county
semester exams.
Extra Help:
Come in for help when something is not clear to you. I am available for help most days during
lunch (EXCEPT FRIDAY). I am also available before and after school. After school hours should
be arranged in advance. Students receiving below a 70% on an assessment will be required to:
 Meet with me to review their test or quiz.
 Attend a review session for the next test or quiz.
Notes and answer keys are posted on Edline regularly. Another resource for students needing help,
is searching lessons by topic on Youtube or Kahn Academy.
AP Exam Preparation
Everyone is expected to take the AP exam given in May. There will be a weekly assignment to
help you prepare for the exam. Please take these assignments seriously. We will have 2 – 3 weeks
to prepare for the exam in class.
On some assignments you will be encouraged to work with other students, either in class or on your
own time. You are strongly encouraged to study for tests with one another.
Email: Kerrie_a_olenick@mcpsmd.org Math Office Phone: 301‐989‐5787 Youtube channel name mskerrie Grading Policy &
t ti
Course Goals: The goal of this course is for all students to achieve algebraic proficiency by developing both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. The end result is the ability to think and reason mathematically, to use the algebraic skills for future courses, and to solve problems in authentic contexts. Course of Study
Semester 2
Unit 2: Linear and Exponential Relationships
Topic 1 :Characteristics of Functions
Topic 2: Constructing and Comparing Linear and Exponential Functions
Topic 3: Systems of Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables
Expectations: 
Respect people and property. Always treat others in the manner in which you would like to be treated. 
When the bell rings, please be in your assigned seat, or you will be marked tardy. 
Be prepared: bring your math binder, TI‐83+ graphing calculator, writing utensils, paper, your brain, and enthusiasm to class every day. 
Passes will only be given in emergencies and never during instruction. You must have your agenda book in order to obtain a pass to leave the classroom. 
Participate and pay attention in class 
Get extra help as soon as possible. Do not wait until the day before a quiz or test. 
Make‐up missed work in a timely manner. 
Monitor Grades on EdLine weekly. (Questions about grades will be addressed during lunch, afterschool or by appointment) 
Have fun! Rules/Consequences: 
All school rules are to be followed according to the student handbook. Disrupting class will result in removal from class, parent conference, and/or detention. Cell phone and mp3 use will result in immediate confiscation – with no exceptions!! (Your mom calling is not an acceptable reason.) All academic dishonesty will result in a 0 for the assignment for all parties involved. This includes the person who “let” their paper be copied. Students must be seated when the bell rings. o The first offense results in a warning o The second offense results in further discipline measures o If tardiness is a habit, this will result in a conference with a parent and/or administrator Grading Procedures: GRADES
Quarter grades will reflect individual achievement or performance on MCPS course expectations and will be determined
using a variety of assessment methods, with weighting as shown below:
Homework for Practice or Preparation for Instruction
Tests ,Quizzes and Exit Cards
Students will have either a test or a quiz every week.
Tests cover a complete topic of study and will range from 40-50 total points each.(2-3 per quarter)
Quizzes cover 1-2 concepts and will range from 25-40 total points each. (4-8 per quarter)
Exit Cards cover 1 concept and will range from 5 – 15 total points each. ( 4 – 8 per quarter)
* No one assignment will count for more than 25% of the overall grade.
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/
assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher
determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may
assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due
date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there
may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework
assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Middle Years Program (MYP) You will be assessed on 4 assessment criteria throughout the school year and receive a separate MYP grade on your report card for this class. Make up Work:  Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If
the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is
unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on
work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to
make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit
for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team.
(MCPS Student handbook)
Reassessment: Throughout the semester, you will be able to re‐take any quiz that you want to improve your grade on. Requirements: 1. Make an appointment with me to go over your mistakes. 2. Turned in required quiz corrections.  Correctly identify your original mistake. (I must be able to see your old work).  Correctly re‐do the problem showing all steps. (I must be able to tell the difference between the old and new.)  Provide an adequate explanation about why you originally got the wrong answer. 3. Show that you have gotten extra help, either from me, another teacher or a tutor. If you fail to follow the above instructions, you will not be allowed to re‐quiz. Getting Help: I want to help you be as successful as possible. Please get help as soon as you are even a little confused. I am
available most days during lunch and by appointment all other times.
Attendance, Hard Work and Perseverance are the keys to success in Algebra!
Instructor: Valerie Franck
E-mail: Valerie_F_Franck@mcpsmd.org
Location: F-201 or F-210
Telephone: (301) 989-5787
Course Goals: Grading Policy &
t ti
The goal of this course is for all students to achieve algebraic proficiency by developing both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. The end result is the ability to think and reason mathematically, to use the algebraic skills for future courses, and to solve problems in authentic contexts. Semester 2 Course of Study
Unit 3: Descriptive Statistics Unit 5: Generalizing Function Properties Expectations: 
Respect people and property. Always treat others in the manner in which you would like to be treated. 
When the bell rings, please be in your assigned seat, or you will be marked tardy. 
Be prepared: bring your math binder, TI‐83+ graphing calculator, writing utensils, paper, your brain, and enthusiasm to class every day. 
Passes will only be given in emergencies and never during instruction. You must have your agenda book in order to obtain a pass to leave the classroom. 
Participate and pay attention in class 
Get extra help as soon as possible. Do not wait until the day before a quiz or test. 
Make‐up missed work in a timely manner. 
Monitor Grades on EdLine weekly. (Questions about grades will be addressed during lunch, afterschool or by appointment) 
Have fun! Attendance, Hard Work and Perseverance are the keys to success in Algebra!
Rules/Consequences: 
All school rules are to be followed according to the student handbook. Disrupting class will result in removal from class, parent conference, and/or detention. Cell phone and mp3 use will result in immediate confiscation – with no exceptions!! (Your mom calling is not an acceptable reason.)  All academic dishonesty will result in a 0 for the assignment for all parties involved. This includes the person who “let” their paper be copied. Students must be seated when the bell rings. o The first offense results in a warning o The second offense results in further discipline measures o If tardiness is a habit, this will result in a conference with a parent and/or administrator Grading Procedures: GRADES
Quarter grades will reflect individual achievement or performance on MCPS course expectations and will be determined
using a variety of assessment methods, with weighting as shown below:
Homework for Practice or Preparation for Instruction
Tests, Quizzes, Warm-ups & Exit Cards
Tests cover a complete topic of study and range from 40-50 total points each (approximately 3 per quarter)
Quizzes cover 1-2 concepts and range from 25-40 total points each (approximately 6 per quarter)
Warm-ups & Exit Cards cover 1 concept and range from 3 – 20 total points each (approximately 12 per quarter)
* No one assignment will count for more than 25% of the overall grade.
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/
assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher
determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may
assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due
date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there
may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework
assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Middle Years Program (MYP) You will be assessed on 4 assessment criteria throughout the school year and receive a separate MYP grade on your report card for this class. Make up Work:  Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If
the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is
unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on
work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to
make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit
for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team.
(MCPS Student handbook)
Reassessment: Throughout the semester, you will be able to re‐take any quiz that you want to improve your grade on. Requirements: 1. Make an appointment with me to go over your mistakes. 2. Turned in required quiz corrections.  Correctly identify your original mistake. (I must be able to see your old work).  Correctly re‐do the problem showing all steps. (I must be able to tell the difference between the old and new.)  Provide an adequate explanation about why you originally got the wrong answer. 3. Show that you have gotten extra help, either from me, another teacher or a tutor. If you fail to follow the above instructions, you will not be allowed to re‐quiz. Getting Help: I want to help you be as successful as possible. Please get help as soon as you are even a little confused. I am
available Monday-Thursday during the 2nd half of lunch in the math office (F-210).
Email: Brandi_L_Firman@mcpsmd.org Email: Tasha_Thomas@mcpsmd.org Course Goals: Math Office Phone: 301‐989‐5787 Grading Policy &
t ti
The goal of this course is for all students to achieve algebraic proficiency by developing both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. The end result is the ability to think and reason mathematically, to use the algebraic skills for future courses, and to solve problems in authentic contexts. Course of Study
Semester 2
Unit 3: Descriptive Statistics Unit 4: Quadratic Relationships Unit 5: Generalizing Function Properties Expectations: 
Respect people and property. Always treat others in the manner in which you would like to be treated. 
When the bell rings, please be in your assigned seat, or you will be marked tardy. 
Be prepared: bring your math binder, TI‐83+ graphing calculator, writing utensils, paper, your brain, and enthusiasm to class every day. 
Passes will only be given in emergencies and never during instruction. You must have your agenda book in order to obtain a pass to leave the classroom. 
Participate and pay attention in class 
Get extra help as soon as possible. Do not wait until the day before a quiz or test. 
Make‐up missed work in a timely manner. 
Monitor Grades on EdLine weekly. (Questions about grades will be addressed during lunch, afterschool or by appointment) 
Have fun! Rules/Consequences: 
All school rules are to be followed according to the student handbook. Disrupting class will result in removal from class, parent conference, and/or detention. Cell phone and mp3 use will result in immediate confiscation – with no exceptions!! (Your mom calling is not an acceptable reason.) All academic dishonesty will result in a 0 for the assignment for all parties involved. This includes the person who “let” their paper be copied. Students must be seated when the bell rings. o The first offense results in a warning o The second offense results in further discipline measures o If tardiness is a habit, this will result in a conference with a parent and/or administrator Grading Procedures: GRADES
Quarter grades will reflect individual achievement or performance on MCPS course expectations and will be determined
using a variety of assessment methods, with weighting as shown below:
Homework for Practice or Preparation for Instruction
Tests ,Quizzes and Exit Cards
Students will have either a test or a quiz every week.
Tests cover a complete topic of study and will range from 40-50 total points each.(2-3 per quarter)
Quizzes cover 1-2 concepts and will range from 25-40 total points each. (4-8 per quarter)
Exit Cards cover 1 concept and will range from 5 – 15 total points each. ( 4 – 8 per quarter)
* No one assignment will count for more than 25% of the overall grade.
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/
assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher
determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may
assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due
date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there
may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework
assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Middle Years Program (MYP) You will be assessed on 4 assessment criteria throughout the school year and receive a separate MYP grade on your report card for this class. Make up Work:  Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If
the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is
unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on
work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to
make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit
for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team.
(MCPS Student handbook)
Reassessment: Throughout the semester, you will be able to re‐take any quiz that you want to improve your grade on. Requirements: 1. Make an appointment with me to go over your mistakes. 2. Turned in required quiz corrections.  Correctly identify your original mistake. (I must be able to see your old work).  Correctly re‐do the problem showing all steps. (I must be able to tell the difference between the old and new.)  Provide an adequate explanation about why you originally got the wrong answer. 3. Show that you have gotten extra help, either from me, another teacher or a tutor. If you fail to follow the above instructions, you will not be allowed to re‐quiz. Getting Help: I want to help you be as successful as possible. Please get help as soon as you are even a little confused. I am
available most days during lunch and by appointment all other times.
Attendance, Hard Work and Perseverance are the keys to success in Algebra!
Course Overview:
Welcome! This course is designed to facilitate your growing relationship with
mathematics in a way that allows you to “come to know” Algebra 2, not simply
“learn about” Algebra 2. In Algebra 2, the Standards of Mathematical Practice,
which you encounter in all your mathematics courses, dovetail with specific
Algebra 2 content. Together, these support your experiences with mathematics
and help you view mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that
makes use of your ability to make sense of problem situations.
Spring Semester:
1. Quadratic Expressions and Equations 2. Polynomial Expressions and Equations 3. Rational Expressions and Equations Homework Policy: You are required to show and complete your homework every day. Homework is worth 2 points unless told otherwise. 2 = complete 1 = partially complete 0 = no/minimal completion If you are absent on the day homework is due, you must show me that homework the first day you return to class. Notebook:
You will need a way to keep your notes and handouts organized. While some students utilize a 3‐ring binder with a section for mathematics, others may find it more useful to have a binder specifically for math. However you choose to organize is fine, as long as it works well for you and you can locate and utilize materials efficiently. Materials:
How to be Successful:
Notebook system (see above)
 Be an active
Pencil participant in the
Eraser learning process
Ms. Jamie Schmutter
Pen  Complete nightly
Highlighter homework
Room E 206
Calculator (GRAPHING)  Consistently check
2 Year Algebra II
Reassessment Opportunities:
You will be given the
opportunity to reassess at
least one formative assessment
in each unit (determined by the
teacher). If you would like to
reassess, you must attend at
least one lunch session where
the skill/concept will be
reviewed. You will then come
during another lunch session
for reassessment. Remember,
the second score will take
precedence over the first. The
end of the unit assessment
(summative) cannot be retaken.
Once a unit is complete, you
cannot go back and reassess
assignments for a grade
Grading Breakdown:
Homework for practice/prep (10%): This category includes all homework and classwork assignments that are graded for completion. These assignments are given daily, although not necessarily graded daily. Other (90%): This category includes tests, quizzes and other assignments that are graded for accuracy. There will be 2‐3 summative assessments per quarter. There will be 8 – 12 other assignments per quarter graded for accuracy. These may be quizzes, exit cards, group work, warm‐ups. There will be at least one graded assignment per week. 
questions about
Ask questions to
avoid confusion or
to gain clarity
Review notes on a
daily basis
Seek assistance
from the teacher
(weekly lunchtime
help sessions!)
Monitor your
progress on Edline
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the ADDITIONAL RESOURCE
teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the www.ck12.org student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Extra Help: If students need
extra help, they can come to
E206 during lunch on
Tuesdays/Thursdays or after
school on
Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook) Due Dates/Deadlines:
Teachers will establish due
dates and deadlines.
Teachers are expected to
separate the due date from
the deadline in order to
increase opportunities for
students to complete
assignments; however,
there may be some
exceptions when the due
date and deadline are the
same. It is recognized that
for daily homework
assignments the due date
and deadline may be the
same to facilitate the
teaching and learning
Ms. Nakisha Vails
Math Office: 301-989-5787
Course Description
Curriculum 2.0 (C2.0) Algebra II formalizes and extends students’ algebra experiences from Algebra 1. Building on their
work with linear, quadratic, exponential functions, students extend their repertoire of functions to include polynomial,
rational, radical and trigonometric functions. Students work closely with expressions that define the functions and continue to
expand and hone their abilities to model situations and to solve equations, including solving quadratic equations over the set
of complex numbers and solving exponential equations using the properties of logarithms. Students extend their knowledge
of statistics and explore probability.
Content Emphasis
Curriculum 2.0 (C2.0) Algebra II focuses on the Standards of Mathematics to build a climate that engages students in the
exploration of mathematics. The Standards of Mathematics Practice are habits of mind applied throughout the course so that
students see mathematics as a coherent, useful and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem
situations. Through this course, the students will….
 Explore the structural similarities between the system of polynomials and the system of integers.
 Make connections between zeros of polynomials and solutions of polynomial equations.
 Use the coordinate plane to extend trigonometry to model periodic phenomena.
 Synthesize and generalize their knowledge of function families to determine appropriate function models
 Identify different ways of collecting data and how this plays into the conclusion that can be drawn.
 Use probability to make informed decisions.
Sequence of Units – Semester B
Unit 2 (continued): Polynomial & Rational Functions
Unit 3: Introduction to the Unit Circle & Trigonometric Functions
Unit 4: Modeling with Functions
Unit 5: Inferences & Conclusions from Data
Unit 6: Applications of Probability
Classroom Expectations:
 Always be on time and ready to learn with required materials.
 Be respectful in your interactions with adults and classmates.
 Take responsibility for your own learning.
 No sidebar conversations.
 Remain in seat at all times.
 All electronic devices should be on silent or off prior to entering the classroom.
 Disrupting class will result in removal from class, detention, and/or a phone call home.
Students should come to class each day prepared with materials to learn. The following materials are necessary:
writing utensils, organized binder/notebook, and a graphing calculator. Students can access an online resource called
FlexBook (http://www.ck12.org/). This website will provide notes and practice for all of topics.
Grading Policy:
Each student will be evaluated on the attainment of the course objectives.
All Tasks/Assessments (90%): Students will be given an assessment to assess mastery of unit indicators. This
category includes tests and other major assignments that are graded for correctness. There will be
approximately one task per week and will range 5-50 points.
Homework for practice/prep (10%): This category includes all homework and classwork assignments that
are graded for completion. These assignments are given daily, although not necessarily graded daily, and may
range 5-25 points.
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/
assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher
determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the
teacher may assign a zero (MCPS Policy). All academic dishonesty will result in a zero grade for the
assignment for all parties involved.
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate
the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments;
however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that
for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and
learning process.
Retake/Reassessment Policy
Students will be given the opportunity to reassess at least one formative assessment in each unit
(determined by the teacher). The second score will take precedence over the first. County assessments
cannot be retaken. Once a unit is complete, you cannot go back and reassess assessments for a grade
Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of
their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make
up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed,
give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a
student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest
of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in
accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook).
Assignment/Make Up Procedures
To make up work missed due to excused absences, check the missing assignment bin and set up time with
classmates for any notes missed. You can also access missed notes on Edline. All make-up work needs to
be completed within a one week time frame. If the work is not made up, the grade will become a 0. Check
with teacher to discuss make-up assessments, which will be taken during lunch.
Additional Help
I am available during lunch Monday, Tuesday, and some Thursdays & Fridays, unless otherwise
A. P. Calculus BC
Springbrook High School
Spring 2016 Instructor: Grace Scarano, Ph.D.
Math Office (Room F-201)
E-mail: Grace_Scarano@mcpsmd.org
Telephone: (301) 989-5787
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COURSE DESCRIPTION
AP Calculus BC (two-semester course) is roughly equivalent to both first and second semester college
calculus courses and extends the content learned in AB to different types of equations and introduces the
topic of sequences and series. The AP course covers topics in differential and integral calculus, including
concepts and skills of limits, derivatives, definite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and
series. The course teaches students to approach calculus concepts and problems when they are represented
graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally, and to make connections amongst these
representations. Students learn how to use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret
results, and support conclusions. The spring semester of the course focuses on the following topics:
Sequences, L’Hopital’s Rule and Improper Integrals
Infinite Series
Parametric, Vector, and Polar Functions
Review of all topics in preparation for the AP Calculus BC Exam
Goals of AP Calculus BC Students who are enrolled in AP Calculus BC are expected to
• Work with functions represented in multiple ways: graphical, numerical, analytical, or verbal. They
should understand the connections among these representations.
• Understand the meaning of the derivative in terms of a rate of change and local linear approximation
and use derivatives to solve problems.
• Understand the meaning of the definite integral as a limit of Riemann sums and as the net accumulation
of change and use integrals to solve problems.
• Understand the relationship between the derivative and the definite integral as expressed in both parts of
the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
• Communicate mathematics and explain solutions to problems verbally and in writing.
• Model a written description of a physical situation with a function, a differential equation, or an integral.
• Use technology to solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and support conclusions.
• Determine the reasonableness of solutions, including sign, size, relative accuracy, and units of
• Develop an appreciation of calculus as a coherent body of knowledge and as a human accomplishment.
Homework is assigned every night. Homework will be checked for completion most days.
Some type of graded activity is given at least once a week. The activity may be an announced
test, a quiz (announced or unannounced), AP practice problems, a homework activity, or a
classroom activity.
Grade Determination: Your grade will be determined as follows:
10% Homework for Completion 10%
90% Other Graded Assignments including tests, quizzes, exit cards, group work, etc.
Semester exams count as 25% of the semester grade EXCEPT the second semester exam counts
as 25% of seniors’ fourth quarter grade. Students who take the AP Exam in May are EXEMPT
from the second semester exam.
Reassessment: You will be given the opportunity to reassess at least one formative assessment
in each chapter (determined by the teacher). If you would like to reassess, you must attend at
least one lunch session (typically Tuesday) where the skill/concept will be reviewed. You will
then come during another lunch session (typically Friday) for reassessment. Remember, the
second score will take precedence over the first. Summative assessments (end-of-chapter tests)
cannot be retaken. Once a summative assessment has been given in class, you cannot go back
and reassess formative assignments for a grade change.
No formula sheets are allowed on the AP exam, so NO formula sheets are permitted on the
semester exams.
Everyone is expected to take the AP exam given in May. There will be practice problems
given throughout this course. We will have 2 – 3 weeks to prepare for the exam in class.
BE A PRO! Prepared, Respectful, On time
Come in for help when something is not clear to you. Regular help sessions will be offered on
Mondays during lunch. Others are by appointment.
You are strongly encouraged to study for tests with your peers.
Students earning below a 70% on an assessment are required to:
 Meet with me to review their test or quiz
 Attend a review session for the next test or quiz
A. P. Statistics Springbrook High School 2015‐2016 Semester B Instructor: Valerie Franck Location: F‐201 or F‐210 E‐mail: Valerie_F_Franck@mcpsmd.org Telephone: (301) 989‐5787 ___________________________________________________________________ Welcome to A.P. Statistics. I am very pleased that you have chosen to enroll in this exciting, yet practical course. More than 80% of all college students take Statistics as a requirement of their major field of study. COURSE DESCRIPTION The purpose of the AP course in statistics is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: 1. Exploring Data: Describing patterns and departures from patterns 2. Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and conducting a study 3. Anticipating Patterns: Exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation 4. Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses COURSE TEXTBOOK The Practice of Statistics (4th edition), by Starnes, Yates, and Moore, W. H. Freeman & Co., 2010. ACADEMIC HONESTY This applies to both written work and oral presentations. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following: the willful giving or receiving of an unauthorized text, unfair, dishonest, or unscrupulous advantage in academic work over other students using fraud, duress, deception, theft, trickery, talking, signs, gestures, copying, or any other methodology. CLASS EXPECTATIONS 
Students must be on time and prepared for class. Students are required to bring their notebook, pencil/pen and graphing calculator every day to class. Students missing tests or quizzes due to illness must take the test/quiz the first day he/she returns to school. Absences on test/quiz days other than illness MUST be communicated to Mrs. Franck in advance. If a student is absent the day before a test, the student is required to take the test on the scheduled test day. Assignments are an important part of being successful in mathematics. Students are expected to accurately complete all assignments on time. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to make up the missed assignments in a timely manner. At the beginning of the semester, each student will have his/her own copy of the reading assignment and corresponding exercises with their due dates. Students enrolled in AP Statistics will prepare for and take the AP Statistics exam on the afternoon of Thursday, May 12, 2016. REQUIRED MATERIALS You will be expected to have the following materials with you in class everyday:  Textbook  3‐ring binder  Pencils  Graphing calculator (TI‐83 or above) EXTRA HELP Mrs. Franck is available to meet with and help students during the second half of lunch Monday – Thursday . Arrangements to meet during other times need to be scheduled in advance. Students should meet Mrs. Franck in the math office (F‐201), unless otherwise specified. GRADING POLICY Homework for Practice and Preparation = 10% This category includes all class work and homework assignments that are graded for completion. These assignments are given daily, although not necessarily graded daily. These assignments will be assessed daily on completeness and effort. Students will be given an opportunity to ask questions and clarify understanding on the topic at. It is ESSENTIAL that students monitor their understanding by doing the homework independently, completely, and on a timely basis. There will be approximately 15 of these assignments each quarter. Assessments = 90%. Assessments will include both Formative (warm‐ups, exit cards and quizzes that are graded for correctness) as well as Summative (tests and other major assignments that are graded for correctness). There will be approximately 10 warm‐up quizzes/exit cards, 5 quizzes and 2 test each quarter. Z’s and 0’s When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook) COURSE OUTLINE (Second Semester) Chapter 8: Estimating with Confidence  The basics o Connecting your thinking to the sampling distribution o Understanding how confidence intervals give ranges of plausible values for a parameter o Interpreting confidence levels and intervals in context o Determining critical values o Cautions  Estimating population proportions o Confidence intervals for population proportions  Estimating population means o Confidence intervals for population mean when population standard deviation is known o Confidence intervals for population intervals when population standard deviation is unknown: T‐tests o Understand importance of inference conditions, random, normal and independent, for T‐tests o Relationship between sample size and margin of error Chapter 9: Testing a claim  Tests of Significance o About statistical significance o Logic of significance tests o Writing hypotheses (and null hypotheses) o P‐values and statistical significance o Concepts of Type 1 and Type II error and power  Carrying out significance tests o One sample z test for a proportion o µ o One sample t‐test o Two‐sided tests and confidence intervals o T‐tests for paired data Chapter 3: Describing Relationships  Scatterplots o Explanatory and response variables o Making and interpreting scatterplots  Correlation o Correlation, correlation coefficient (r) o Understanding the difference between correlation and causation  Least‐Square Regression o Least squares regression, r2 o Interpreting a regression line o Calculating the equation of the leas‐squares regression line o Residuals, outliers and influential observations Chapter 10: Comparing Two Populations or Groups  The sampling distribution of a difference between two means o Describing properties of sampling distributions o Calculating probabilities for sampling distributions o Constructing and interpreting confidence intervals to compare two proportions/sample means o Performing and interpreting significance tests to compare two proportions/sample means o Two‐sample t procedures Chapter 11: Inference for Distributions of Categorical Data  Chi‐square test statistic o Computing: expected counts, conditional distributions and contributions o Conditions: random, large sample size, independence o Determining whether sample data are consistent with specified distributions of categorical data o Determining whether the distribution of a categorical variable differs for several populations or treatments o Determining whether there is convincing evidence of an association between two categorical variables o Interpreting computer‐generated outputs o Equivalency of two‐sample z tests for comparing two proportions and chi‐square tests for a 2‐by‐2 two‐way table Chapter 12: More about Regression  Inference for linear regression o Sampling distribution of b o Conditions for regression inference o Estimating parameters, constructing a confidence interval for the slope o Performing a significance test for the slope  Transforming relationships o Transforming relationships and ladder of powers o Exponential growth, logarithm transformations o Power model, log‐log transformations Mrs.AshleyReid
 Respectpeopleandproperty.Alwaystreatothersinthemannerinwhichyouwouldlike
 Whenthebellrings,pleasebeinyourassignedseat.
 Beprepared:bringyourmathbinder,TI‐83+graphingcalculator,writingutensils,
 Passeswillonlybegiveninemergenciesandneverduringinstruction.
 Participateandpayattentioninclass.
 Getextrahelpassoonaspossible.Donotwaituntilthedaybeforeaquizortest.
 Make‐upmissedworkinatimelymanner(forexcusedabsencesonly).
 MonitorGradesonEdLineweekly.(Questionsaboutgradeswillbeaddressedduring
 Havefun
All Tasks/Assessments (90%): Students will be given an assessment to assess mastery of unit indicators. This
category includes tests and other major assignments that are graded for correctness. There will be 2-3 Tests
and 2- 4 Quizzes per quarter. There will be at least 1 task per week including, but not limited to, classwork,
exit tickets, graded warm ups, etc.
Homework for practice/prep (10%): This category includes all homework and classwork assignments that
are graded for completion. These assignments are given daily, although not necessarily graded daily.
Course Overview:
Welcome! This course is designed to facilitate your growing relationship with
mathematics in a way that allows you to “come to know” geometry, not simply
“learn about” geometry. In geometry, the Standards of Mathematical Practice,
which you encounter in all your mathematics courses, dovetail with specific
geometry content. Together, these support your experiences with mathematics
and help you view mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that
makes use of your ability to make sense of problem situations.
Fall Semester:
1. Extending to Three Dimensions 2. Connecting Algebra and Geometry through Coordinates 3. Circles Homework Policy: You are required to show and complete your homework every day. Homework is worth 2 points unless told otherwise. 2 = complete 1 = partially complete 0 = no/minimal completion If you are absent on the day homework is due, you must show me that homework the first day you return to class. Notebook:
You will need a way to keep your notes and handouts organized. While some students utilize a 3‐ring binder with a section for mathematics, others may find it more useful to have a binder specifically for math. However you choose to organize is fine, as long as it works well for you and you can locate and utilize materials efficiently. Materials:
How to be Successful:
Notebook system (see above)
 Be an active
Pencil participant in the
Eraser learning process
Pen  Complete nightly
Highlighter homework
Calculator  Consistently check
Geometry B
Math office
Reassessment Opportunities:
You will be given the
opportunity to reassess at
least one formative assessment
in each unit (determined by the
teacher). If you would like to
reassess, you must attend at
least one lunch session where
the skill/concept will be
reviewed. You will then come
during another lunch session
for reassessment. Remember,
the second score will take
precedence over the first. The
end of the unit assessment
(summative) cannot be retaken.
Once a unit is complete, you
cannot go back and reassess
assignments for a grade
Grading Breakdown:
Homework for practice/prep (10%): This category includes all homework and classwork assignments that are graded for completion. These assignments are given daily, although not necessarily graded daily. Other (90%): This category includes tests, quizzes and other assignments that are graded for accuracy. There will be 4 MCPS formative assessments per quarter. There will be 8 – 12 other assignments per quarter graded for accuracy. These may be quizzes, exit cards, group work, warm‐ups. There will be at least one graded assignment per week. Middle Years Program (MYP): You will be assessed
on 4 assessment criteria throughout the school
year and receive a separate MYP progress report.
Refer to attached IB Middle Years Programme
objectives and criteria for more details.
questions about
Ask questions to
avoid confusion or
to gain clarity
Review notes on a
daily basis
Seek assistance
from the teacher
(weekly lunchtime
help sessions!)
Monitor your
progress on Edline
www.ck12.org Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Extra Help: If students need
extra help, they can come to
during lunch on
Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Due Dates/Deadlines:
Teachers will establish due
dates and deadlines.
Teachers are expected to
separate the due date from
the deadline in order to
increase opportunities for
students to complete
assignments; however,
there may be some
exceptions when the due
date and deadline are the
same. It is recognized that
for daily homework
assignments the due date
and deadline may be the
same to facilitate the
teaching and learning
Honors Algebra 2
Springbrook High School
Course Information: 2015-2016
301-989-5787 (math office)
301-989-5700 (main office)
Ms. Patricia R. Jones
Room F-206
Amanda Mollet Trivers
Office Hours
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
during lunch
Course Description
Curriculum 2.0 (C2.0) Algebra II formalizes and extends students’ algebra experiences from
Algebra 1. Building on their work with linear, quadratic, exponential functions, students
extend their repertoire of functions to include polynomial, rational, radical and trigonometric
functions. Students work closely with expressions that define the functions and continue to
expand and hone their abilities to model situations and to solve equations, including solving
quadratic equations over the set of complex numbers and solving exponential equations using
the properties of logarithms. Students extend their knowledge of statistics and explore
Content Emphasis
Curriculum 2.0 (C2.0) Algebra II focuses on the Standards of Mathematics to build a climate
that engages students in the exploration of mathematics. The Standards of Mathematics
Practice are habits of mind applied throughout the course so that students see mathematics as
a coherent, useful and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem
situations. Through this course, the students will….
 Explore the structural similarities between the system of polynomials and the system of
 Make connections between zeros of polynomials and solutions of polynomial equations.
 Use the coordinate plane to extend trigonometry to model periodic phenomena.
 Synthesize and generalize their knowledge of function families to determine appropriate
function models
 Identify different ways of collecting data and how this plays into the conclusion that can
be drawn.
 Use probability to make informed decisions.
Algebra 2 Units:
 Unit 1 Functions and Their Inverses
 Unit 2 Polynomial and Rational Functions
 Unit 3 Introduction to the Unit Circle and Trigonometric Functions
 Unit 4 Modeling with Functions
 Unit 5 Inferences and Conclusions from Data
 Unit 6 Applications of Probability
All Tasks
Guidelines for Grading
Types of Assignments
Homework, Group participation
Tests (2-3 per quarter), Quizzes (2-4 per
quarter), Classwork, Group Projects, etc
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than
50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher
will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the
basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are
expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for
students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due
date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the
due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Retake/Reassessment Policy: Students will have an opportunity to take at least one (1)
reassessment each marking period. Students must demonstrate an effort to improve
(lunch or after-school help) prior to taking a reassessment.
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal
status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will
help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a
student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even
though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to
make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences,
teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process
approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Course Overview:
Welcome! This course is designed to facilitate your growing relationship with
mathematics in a way that allows you to “come to know” geometry, not simply
“learn about” geometry. In geometry, the Standards of Mathematical Practice,
which you encounter in all your mathematics courses, dovetail with specific
geometry content. Together, these support your experiences with mathematics
and help you view mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that
makes use of your ability to make sense of problem situations.
Fall Semester:
1. Extending to Three Dimensions 2. Connecting Algebra and Geometry through Coordinates 3. Circles Homework Policy: You are required to show and complete your homework every day. Homework is worth 2 points unless told otherwise. 2 = complete 1 = partially complete 0 = no/minimal completion If you are absent on the day homework is due, you must show me that homework the first day you return to class. Notebook:
You will need a way to keep your notes and handouts organized. While some students utilize a 3‐ring binder with a section for mathematics, others may find it more useful to have a binder specifically for math. However you choose to organize is fine, as long as it works well for you and you can locate and utilize materials efficiently. Materials:
How to be Successful:
Notebook system (see above)
 Be an active
Pencil participant in the
Eraser learning process
Pen  Complete nightly
Highlighter homework
Calculator  Consistently check
Hon Geometry B
Math office
Reassessment Opportunities:
You will be given the
opportunity to reassess at
least one formative assessment
in each unit (determined by the
teacher). If you would like to
reassess, you must attend at
least one lunch session where
the skill/concept will be
reviewed. You will then come
during another lunch session
for reassessment. Remember,
the second score will take
precedence over the first. The
end of the unit assessment
(summative) cannot be retaken.
Once a unit is complete, you
cannot go back and reassess
assignments for a grade
Grading Breakdown:
Homework for practice/prep (10%): This category includes all homework and classwork assignments that are graded for completion. These assignments are given daily, although not necessarily graded daily. Other (90%): This category includes tests, quizzes and other assignments that are graded for accuracy. There will be 4 MCPS formative assessments per quarter. There will be 8 – 12 other assignments per quarter graded for accuracy. These may be quizzes, exit cards, group work, warm‐ups. There will be at least one graded assignment per week. Middle Years Program (MYP): You will be assessed
on 4 assessment criteria throughout the school
year and receive a separate MYP progress report.
Refer to attached IB Middle Years Programme
objectives and criteria for more details.
questions about
Ask questions to
avoid confusion or
to gain clarity
Review notes on a
daily basis
Seek assistance
from the teacher
(weekly lunchtime
help sessions!)
Monitor your
progress on Edline
www.ck12.org Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy) Extra Help: If students need
extra help, they can come to
during lunch on
Assignment/Make Up Policy Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Due Dates/Deadlines:
Teachers will establish due
dates and deadlines.
Teachers are expected to
separate the due date from
the deadline in order to
increase opportunities for
students to complete
assignments; however,
there may be some
exceptions when the due
date and deadline are the
same. It is recognized that
for daily homework
assignments the due date
and deadline may be the
same to facilitate the
teaching and learning
Mrs. Olenick
Semester B 2016
Precalculus completes the formal study of elementary functions
begun in Algebra. Students focus on the use of technology,
modeling and problem solving involving data analysis,
trigonometric and circular functions, their inverses, complex
numbers, logarithms, and quadratic relations. Discrete topics
include the Binomial Theorem and sequences and series.
Title of Unit
Rational Functions
Exponential and
Logarithmic Functions
Vectors, Parametrics and
Discrete Math
The student will analyze rational functions.
The student will analyze exponential and logarithmic
The student will analyze connections among vectors, their
parametric and equations and polar coordinates.
The student will analyze finite and discontinuous quantities.
Quarter grades will reflect individual achievement or performance on MCPS
course expectations and will be determined using a variety of assessment methods,
with weighting as shown below:
 Homework for Practice or Preparation for Instruction
 Tests and Quizzes/Projects
Students will have either a test or a quiz every week.
Tests cover a Unit of study and will range from 50-70 total points each.(2-3 per quarter)
Quizzes/Projects cover 1-2 topics and will range from 25-40 total points each. (6-8 per
No one assignment will count for more than 25% of the overall grade.
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/
assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher
determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the
teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to
separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete
assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is
recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate
the teaching and learning process.
The due date and deadline for homework are the same. The deadline is the last day an
assignment will be accepted for a grade. Any homework assignment received after the
deadline will be recorded as a zero in the grade book.
Assessment and Reassessment:
Students are expected to take assessments on the date and time they are scheduled. The
opportunity for a make-up will be given only if the student has an excused absence on the
scheduled date or at the discretion of the teacher. The opportunity for a reassessment grade will
be offered for 1 quiz per unit, provided the student has completed the homework prior to the
quiz and has made appropriate corrections to the original quiz. Quiz corrections need to be
turned in prior to taking the Summative for that unit. Test grades will replace the original
grade of the quiz reassessed. Make-ups will be given in E209 before school or during lunch.
Any student who skips class or has an unexcused absence on the day of a test or quiz will receive an
automatic zero on that assessment. If you participate in academic dishonesty you will receive a zero for
that particular assignment or assessment. (MCPS policy)
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their
absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If
the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or
give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up
missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For
unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the
process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Extra Credit: There is no extra credit. (MCPS policy)
 Pencil with an eraser
 A binder with sections for notes, homework practice, and assessments
 TI-83+ or TI 84 graphing calculator ( you may rent a calculator from the math office)
Mrs. Olenick will be available for extra help during lunch Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in room
E209. You may also email or utilize videos of class lessons through my Youtube page Mskerrieo
Course information, such as grade reports, will be posted regularly on the Springbrook website
www.springbrookhs.org under EDLINE.
E-mail: Mrs. Olenick can be reached by e-mail at Kerrie_A_Olenick@mcpsmd.org.
Mrs. Olenick is available in the math department office at (301)989-5787
Ms. Thomas
Room E210
Tasha_Thomas@mcpsmd.org Course Policies and Information
PURPOSE: This course is designed to build confidence and encourage an appreciation of mathematics in students who do not anticipate a need for mathematics in their future studies. One of the aims of this course is to enable students to appreciate the multiplicity of cultural and historical perspectives of mathematics while developing logical, critical and creative thinking skills. SYLLABUS CONTENT*: 2nd Semester 71 hrs 14 Weeks
 Mathematical Models  Geometry & Trigonometry  Introductory Differential Calculus 20 hrs 18 hrs 18 hrs 3.5
 Project 15hrs 2.5
*We will also spend 3 hrs of time throughout the course on the graphic display calculator (GDC). IB ASSESSMENT OUTLINE: External assessments Paper 1 15 compulsory short response questions based on the whole syllabus. Paper 2 6 compulsory extended response questions based on the whole syllabus. Internal assessment (project) Project: 3 hrs 1 hr 30 mins 80% 40% DATES
1 hr 30 mins 40% TBD
20% TBD The project is an original, individual piece of work involving the collection of information or the generation of measurements, and the analysis and evaluation of the information or measurements. Your project will be included in your mcps grade as a test grade. 
Blue or black pens (everything in this class will be done in pen) TI‐83 (or 83 Plus, or 84) graphing calculator 2 Folders or 1 binder with 2 sections (1 for Project and 1 for all other work) Textbook – Mathematics for the International Student GRADES
Quarter grades will reflect individual achievement or performance on MCPS course expectations and will be
determined using a variety of assessment methods, with weighting as shown below:
Homework for Practice or Preparation for Instruction
Tests ,Quizzes, Exit Cards, Project
Students will have either a test or a quiz every week.
Tests cover a complete topic of study and will range from 40-50 total points each.(2-3 per quarter)
Quizzes cover 1-2 concepts and will range from 25-40 total points each. (4-8 per quarter)
Exit Cards cover 1 concept and will range from 5 – 15 total points each. ( 4 – 8 per quarter)
* No one assignment will count for more than 25% of the overall grade.
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/
assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher
determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the
teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate
the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments;
however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that
for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and
learning process.
Late work is only accepted in the case of an excused absence. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. Make up work must be turned in as soon as possible after the student returns to class. Quizzes and tests must be scheduled immediately upon return and completed no more than one week after the original test date. After one week, the grade will be recorded as a zero. Being absent the day before a test or quiz does not excuse you from taking the test on the originally scheduled day. 
To succeed in this course, students must…  Be on time every day. You should be in your seat and ready to start class when the bell rings.  Be prepared for class when you arrive.  Participate and pay attention in class.  Take notes.  Complete all homework and classwork. Late homework is not accepted for credit. You must show all work to receive full credit.  Request help when needed.  Maintain excellent attendance.  Make‐up missed work in a timely manner (for excused absences only).  Monitor Grades on Edline weekly. (Questions about grades are addressed before school, at lunch, after school, or by appointment – never during class.) 
All school rules are to be followed according to the student handbook. Students who are dressed inappropriately will be sent to their administrator. Writing on desks will result in a clean‐up detention. Disrupting class will result in removal from class, parent conference, and/or detention. Cell phone and mp3 use will result in immediate confiscation – with no exceptions!! (Your mom calling or texting is not an acceptable reason.) All academic dishonesty will result in a zero grade for the assignment for all parties involved. 
Students must be seated when the bell rings. o The first offense results in a warning o The second offense results in a 15 minute lunch detention o If the detention is not served within 2 school days, your parent will be called or you will be referred to your administrator I want to help you be as successful as possible. Please get help as soon as you are even a
little confused. I am available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during lunch for
help. IB Mathematics SL
Springbrook High School
Course Information: 2015-2016
Grace Scarano, Ph.D.
Mathematics SL—course details
The course focuses on introducing important mathematical concepts through the
development of mathematical techniques. The intention is to introduce students to these
concepts in a comprehensible and coherent way. Students should, wherever possible,
apply the mathematical knowledge they have acquired to solve realistic problems set in
an appropriate context.
The internally assessed component, the exploration, offers students the opportunity for
developing independence in their mathematical learning. Students are encouraged to take
a considered approach to various mathematical activities and to explore different
mathematical ideas. The exploration also allows students to work without the time
constraints of a written examination and to develop the skills they need for
communicating mathematical ideas.
Guidelines for Grading
Types of Assignments
Homework, Group participation
Tests (2-3 per quarter), Quizzes (2-3 per
quarter), Internal Assessment
(equivalent to a test grade), Classwork,
Exit Cards, Group Projects, Practice IB
Exams, etc
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than
50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher
will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the
basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are
expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for
students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due
date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the
due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Retake/Reassessment Policy: Students will have an opportunity to reassess at least one
(1) formative assessment (quiz) each marking period. Additional reassessments may be
available on an individual basis. Students must demonstrate an effort to improve (lunch
or after-school help) prior to taking a reassessment.
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal
status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will
help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a
student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even
though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to
make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences,
teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process
approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Diploma Programme
Mathematics SL guide
First examinations 2014
Diploma Programme
Mathematics SL guide
First examinations 2014
Diploma Programme
Mathematics SL guide
Published March 2012
Published on behalf of the International Baccalaureate Organization, a not-for-profit
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Switzerland by the
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© International Baccalaureate Organization 2012
The International Baccalaureate Organization (known as the IB) offers three high-quality
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to create a better, more peaceful world. This publication is one of a range of materials
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IB mission statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to
create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging
programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who
understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
IB learner profile
The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity
and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.
IB learners strive to be:
They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry
and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love
of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing,
they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced
range of disciplines.
They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize
and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more
than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and
willingly in collaboration with others.
They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for
the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their
own actions and the consequences that accompany them.
They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open
to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are
accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow
from the experience.
They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.
They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the
lives of others and to the environment.
They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and
have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave
and articulate in defending their beliefs.
They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve
personal well-being for themselves and others.
They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to
assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and
personal development.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2007
Purpose of this document
The Diploma Programme
Nature of the subject
Assessment objectives
Syllabus outline
Approaches to the teaching and learning of mathematics SL
Prior learning topics
Syllabus content
Assessment in the Diploma Programme
Assessment outline
External assessment
Internal assessment
Glossary of command terms
Notation list
Mathematics SL guide
Purpose of this document
This publication is intended to guide the planning, teaching and assessment of the subject in schools. Subject
teachers are the primary audience, although it is expected that teachers will use the guide to inform students
and parents about the subject.
This guide can be found on the subject page of the online curriculum centre (OCC) at http://occ.ibo.org, a
password-protected IB website designed to support IB teachers. It can also be purchased from the IB store at
Additional resources
Additional publications such as teacher support materials, subject reports, internal assessment guidance
and grade descriptors can also be found on the OCC. Specimen and past examination papers as well as
markschemes can be purchased from the IB store.
Teachers are encouraged to check the OCC for additional resources created or used by other teachers. Teachers
can provide details of useful resources, for example: websites, books, videos, journals or teaching ideas.
First examinations 2014
Mathematics SL guide
The Diploma Programme
The Diploma Programme is a rigorous pre-university course of study designed for students in the 16 to 19
age range. It is a broad-based two-year course that aims to encourage students to be knowledgeable and
inquiring, but also caring and compassionate. There is a strong emphasis on encouraging students to develop
intercultural understanding, open-mindedness, and the attitudes necessary for them to respect and evaluate a
range of points of view.
The Diploma Programme hexagon
The course is presented as six academic areas enclosing a central core (see figure 1). It encourages the concurrent
study of a broad range of academic areas. Students study: two modern languages (or a modern language and
a classical language); a humanities or social science subject; an experimental science; mathematics; one of
the creative arts. It is this comprehensive range of subjects that makes the Diploma Programme a demanding
course of study designed to prepare students effectively for university entrance. In each of the academic areas
students have flexibility in making their choices, which means they can choose subjects that particularly
interest them and that they may wish to study further at university.
Studies in language
and literature
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
and societies
Group 4
ty, action, serv
Group 5
Group 6
The arts
Figure 1
Diploma Programme model
Mathematics SL guide
The Diploma Programme
Choosing the right combination
Students are required to choose one subject from each of the six academic areas, although they can choose a
second subject from groups 1 to 5 instead of a group 6 subject. Normally, three subjects (and not more than
four) are taken at higher level (HL), and the others are taken at standard level (SL). The IB recommends 240
teaching hours for HL subjects and 150 hours for SL. Subjects at HL are studied in greater depth and breadth
than at SL.
At both levels, many skills are developed, especially those of critical thinking and analysis. At the end of
the course, students’ abilities are measured by means of external assessment. Many subjects contain some
element of coursework assessed by teachers. The courses are available for examinations in English, French and
Spanish, with the exception of groups 1 and 2 courses where examinations are in the language of study.
The core of the hexagon
All Diploma Programme students participate in the three course requirements that make up the core of the
hexagon. Reflection on all these activities is a principle that lies at the heart of the thinking behind the Diploma
The theory of knowledge course encourages students to think about the nature of knowledge, to reflect on
the process of learning in all the subjects they study as part of their Diploma Programme course, and to make
connections across the academic areas. The extended essay, a substantial piece of writing of up to 4,000 words,
enables students to investigate a topic of special interest that they have chosen themselves. It also encourages
them to develop the skills of independent research that will be expected at university. Creativity, action, service
involves students in experiential learning through a range of artistic, sporting, physical and service activities.
The IB mission statement and the IB learner profile
The Diploma Programme aims to develop in students the knowledge, skills and attitudes they will need to
fulfill the aims of the IB, as expressed in the organization’s mission statement and the learner profile. Teaching
and learning in the Diploma Programme represent the reality in daily practice of the organization’s educational
Mathematics SL guide
Nature of the subject
The nature of mathematics can be summarized in a number of ways: for example, it can be seen as a welldefined body of knowledge, as an abstract system of ideas, or as a useful tool. For many people it is probably
a combination of these, but there is no doubt that mathematical knowledge provides an important key to
understanding the world in which we live. Mathematics can enter our lives in a number of ways: we buy
produce in the market, consult a timetable, read a newspaper, time a process or estimate a length. Mathematics,
for most of us, also extends into our chosen profession: visual artists need to learn about perspective; musicians
need to appreciate the mathematical relationships within and between different rhythms; economists need
to recognize trends in financial dealings; and engineers need to take account of stress patterns in physical
materials. Scientists view mathematics as a language that is central to our understanding of events that occur
in the natural world. Some people enjoy the challenges offered by the logical methods of mathematics and
the adventure in reason that mathematical proof has to offer. Others appreciate mathematics as an aesthetic
experience or even as a cornerstone of philosophy. This prevalence of mathematics in our lives, with all its
interdisciplinary connections, provides a clear and sufficient rationale for making the study of this subject
compulsory for students studying the full diploma.
Summary of courses available
Because individual students have different needs, interests and abilities, there are four different courses in
mathematics. These courses are designed for different types of students: those who wish to study mathematics
in depth, either as a subject in its own right or to pursue their interests in areas related to mathematics; those
who wish to gain a degree of understanding and competence to understand better their approach to other
subjects; and those who may not as yet be aware how mathematics may be relevant to their studies and in their
daily lives. Each course is designed to meet the needs of a particular group of students. Therefore, great care
should be taken to select the course that is most appropriate for an individual student.
In making this selection, individual students should be advised to take account of the following factors:
their own abilities in mathematics and the type of mathematics in which they can be successful
their own interest in mathematics and those particular areas of the subject that may hold the most interest
for them
their other choices of subjects within the framework of the Diploma Programme
their academic plans, in particular the subjects they wish to study in future
their choice of career.
Teachers are expected to assist with the selection process and to offer advice to students.
Mathematical studies SL
This course is available only at standard level, and is equivalent in status to mathematics SL, but addresses
different needs. It has an emphasis on applications of mathematics, and the largest section is on statistical
techniques. It is designed for students with varied mathematical backgrounds and abilities. It offers students
Mathematics SL guide
Nature of the subject
opportunities to learn important concepts and techniques and to gain an understanding of a wide variety
of mathematical topics. It prepares students to be able to solve problems in a variety of settings, to develop
more sophisticated mathematical reasoning and to enhance their critical thinking. The individual project is an
extended piece of work based on personal research involving the collection, analysis and evaluation of data.
Students taking this course are well prepared for a career in social sciences, humanities, languages or arts.
These students may need to utilize the statistics and logical reasoning that they have learned as part of the
mathematical studies SL course in their future studies.
Mathematics SL
This course caters for students who already possess knowledge of basic mathematical concepts, and who are
equipped with the skills needed to apply simple mathematical techniques correctly. The majority of these
students will expect to need a sound mathematical background as they prepare for future studies in subjects
such as chemistry, economics, psychology and business administration.
Mathematics HL
This course caters for students with a good background in mathematics who are competent in a range of
analytical and technical skills. The majority of these students will be expecting to include mathematics as
a major component of their university studies, either as a subject in its own right or within courses such as
physics, engineering and technology. Others may take this subject because they have a strong interest in
mathematics and enjoy meeting its challenges and engaging with its problems.
Further mathematics HL
This course is available only at higher level. It caters for students with a very strong background in mathematics
who have attained a high degree of competence in a range of analytical and technical skills, and who display
considerable interest in the subject. Most of these students will expect to study mathematics at university, either
as a subject in its own right or as a major component of a related subject. The course is designed specifically
to allow students to learn about a variety of branches of mathematics in depth and also to appreciate practical
applications. It is expected that students taking this course will also be taking mathematics HL.
Note: Mathematics HL is an ideal course for students expecting to include mathematics as a major component
of their university studies, either as a subject in its own right or within courses such as physics, engineering
or technology. It should not be regarded as necessary for such students to study further mathematics HL.
Rather, further mathematics HL is an optional course for students with a particular aptitude and interest in
mathematics, enabling them to study some wider and deeper aspects of mathematics, but is by no means a
necessary qualification to study for a degree in mathematics.
Mathematics SL—course details
The course focuses on introducing important mathematical concepts through the development of mathematical
techniques. The intention is to introduce students to these concepts in a comprehensible and coherent way,
rather than insisting on the mathematical rigour required for mathematics HL. Students should, wherever
possible, apply the mathematical knowledge they have acquired to solve realistic problems set in an appropriate
The internally assessed component, the exploration, offers students the opportunity for developing
independence in their mathematical learning. Students are encouraged to take a considered approach to
various mathematical activities and to explore different mathematical ideas. The exploration also allows
students to work without the time constraints of a written examination and to develop the skills they need for
communicating mathematical ideas.
Mathematics SL guide
Nature of the subject
This course does not have the depth found in the mathematics HL courses. Students wishing to study subjects
with a high degree of mathematical content should therefore opt for a mathematics HL course rather than a
mathematics SL course.
Prior learning
Mathematics is a linear subject, and it is expected that most students embarking on a Diploma Programme
(DP) mathematics course will have studied mathematics for at least 10 years. There will be a great variety
of topics studied, and differing approaches to teaching and learning. Thus students will have a wide variety
of skills and knowledge when they start the mathematics SL course. Most will have some background in
arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability and statistics. Some will be familiar with an inquiry
approach, and may have had an opportunity to complete an extended piece of work in mathematics.
At the beginning of the syllabus section there is a list of topics that are considered to be prior learning for the
mathematics SL course. It is recognized that this may contain topics that are unfamiliar to some students, but it
is anticipated that there may be other topics in the syllabus itself that these students have already encountered.
Teachers should plan their teaching to incorporate topics mentioned that are unfamiliar to their students.
Links to the Middle Years Programme
The prior learning topics for the DP courses have been written in conjunction with the Middle Years
Programme (MYP) mathematics guide. The approaches to teaching and learning for DP mathematics build
on the approaches used in the MYP. These include investigations, exploration and a variety of different
assessment tools.
A continuum document called Mathematics: The MYP–DP continuum (November 2010) is available on the
DP mathematics home pages of the OCC. This extensive publication focuses on the alignment of mathematics
across the MYP and the DP. It was developed in response to feedback provided by IB World Schools, which
expressed the need to articulate the transition of mathematics from the MYP to the DP. The publication also
highlights the similarities and differences between MYP and DP mathematics, and is a valuable resource for
Mathematics and theory of knowledge
The Theory of knowledge guide (March 2006) identifies four ways of knowing, and it could be claimed that
these all have some role in the acquisition of mathematical knowledge. While perhaps initially inspired by data
from sense perception, mathematics is dominated by reason, and some mathematicians argue that their subject
is a language, that it is, in some sense, universal. However, there is also no doubt that mathematicians perceive
beauty in mathematics, and that emotion can be a strong driver in the search for mathematical knowledge.
As an area of knowledge, mathematics seems to supply a certainty perhaps missing in other disciplines. This
may be related to the “purity” of the subject that makes it sometimes seem divorced from reality. However,
mathematics has also provided important knowledge about the world, and the use of mathematics in science
and technology has been one of the driving forces for scientific advances.
Despite all its undoubted power for understanding and change, mathematics is in the end a puzzling
phenomenon. A fundamental question for all knowers is whether mathematical knowledge really exists
independently of our thinking about it. Is it there “waiting to be discovered” or is it a human creation?
Mathematics SL guide
Nature of the subject
Students’ attention should be drawn to questions relating theory of knowledge (TOK) and mathematics, and
they should be encouraged to raise such questions themselves, in mathematics and TOK classes. This includes
questioning all the claims made above. Examples of issues relating to TOK are given in the “Links” column of
the syllabus. Teachers could also discuss questions such as those raised in the “Areas of knowledge” section of
the TOK guide.
Mathematics and the international dimension
Mathematics is in a sense an international language, and, apart from slightly differing notation, mathematicians
from around the world can communicate within their field. Mathematics transcends politics, religion and
nationality, yet throughout history great civilizations owe their success in part to their mathematicians being
able to create and maintain complex social and architectural structures.
Despite recent advances in the development of information and communication technologies, the global
exchange of mathematical information and ideas is not a new phenomenon and has been essential to the
progress of mathematics. Indeed, many of the foundations of modern mathematics were laid many centuries
ago by Arabic, Greek, Indian and Chinese civilizations, among others. Teachers could use timeline websites
to show the contributions of different civilizations to mathematics, but not just for their mathematical content.
Illustrating the characters and personalities of the mathematicians concerned and the historical context in
which they worked brings home the human and cultural dimension of mathematics.
The importance of science and technology in the everyday world is clear, but the vital role of mathematics
is not so well recognized. It is the language of science, and underpins most developments in science and
technology. A good example of this is the digital revolution, which is transforming the world, as it is all based
on the binary number system in mathematics.
Many international bodies now exist to promote mathematics. Students are encouraged to access the extensive
websites of international mathematical organizations to enhance their appreciation of the international
dimension and to engage in the global issues surrounding the subject.
Examples of global issues relating to international-mindedness (Int) are given in the “Links” column of the
Mathematics SL guide
Group 5 aims
The aims of all mathematics courses in group 5 are to enable students to:
enjoy mathematics, and develop an appreciation of the elegance and power of mathematics
develop an understanding of the principles and nature of mathematics
communicate clearly and confidently in a variety of contexts
develop logical, critical and creative thinking, and patience and persistence in problem-solving
employ and refine their powers of abstraction and generalization
apply and transfer skills to alternative situations, to other areas of knowledge and to future developments
appreciate how developments in technology and mathematics have influenced each other
appreciate the moral, social and ethical implications arising from the work of mathematicians and the
applications of mathematics
appreciate the international dimension in mathematics through an awareness of the universality of
mathematics and its multicultural and historical perspectives
10. appreciate the contribution of mathematics to other disciplines, and as a particular “area of knowledge”
in the TOK course.
Mathematics SL guide
Assessment objectives
Problem-solving is central to learning mathematics and involves the acquisition of mathematical skills and
concepts in a wide range of situations, including non-routine, open-ended and real-world problems. Having
followed a DP mathematics SL course, students will be expected to demonstrate the following.
Knowledge and understanding: recall, select and use their knowledge of mathematical facts, concepts
and techniques in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
Problem-solving: recall, select and use their knowledge of mathematical skills, results and models in
both real and abstract contexts to solve problems.
Communication and interpretation: transform common realistic contexts into mathematics; comment
on the context; sketch or draw mathematical diagrams, graphs or constructions both on paper and using
technology; record methods, solutions and conclusions using standardized notation.
Technology: use technology, accurately, appropriately and efficiently both to explore new ideas and to
solve problems.
Reasoning: construct mathematical arguments through use of precise statements, logical deduction and
inference, and by the manipulation of mathematical expressions.
Inquiry approaches: investigate unfamiliar situations, both abstract and real-world, involving organizing
and analysing information, making conjectures, drawing conclusions and testing their validity.
Mathematics SL guide
Syllabus outline
Teaching hours
Syllabus component
All topics are compulsory. Students must study all the sub-topics in each of the topics
in the syllabus as listed in this guide. Students are also required to be familiar with the
topics listed as prior learning.
Topic 1
Topic 2
Functions and equations
Topic 3
Circular functions and trigonometry
Topic 4
Topic 5
Statistics and probability
Topic 6
Mathematical exploration
Internal assessment in mathematics SL is an individual exploration. This is a piece of
written work that involves investigating an area of mathematics.
Total teaching hours
Mathematics SL guide
Approaches to the teaching and learning
of mathematics SL
Throughout the DP mathematics SL course, students should be encouraged to develop their understanding
of the methodology and practice of the discipline of mathematics. The processes of mathematical inquiry,
mathematical modelling and applications and the use of technology should be introduced appropriately.
These processes should be used throughout the course, and not treated in isolation.
Mathematical inquiry
The IB learner profile encourages learning by experimentation, questioning and discovery. In the IB
classroom, students should generally learn mathematics by being active participants in learning activities
rather than recipients of instruction. Teachers should therefore provide students with opportunities to learn
through mathematical inquiry. This approach is illustrated in figure 2.
Explore the context
Make a conjecture
Test the conjecture
Figure 2
Mathematical modelling and applications
Students should be able to use mathematics to solve problems in the real world. Engaging students in the
mathematical modelling process provides such opportunities. Students should develop, apply and critically
analyse models. This approach is illustrated in figure 3.
Mathematics SL guide
Approaches to the teaching and learning of mathematics SL
Pose a real-world problem
Develop a model
Test the model
Reflect on and apply the model
Figure 3
Technology is a powerful tool in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Technology can be used to enhance
visualization and support student understanding of mathematical concepts. It can assist in the collection,
recording, organization and analysis of data. Technology can increase the scope of the problem situations that
are accessible to students. The use of technology increases the feasibility of students working with interesting
problem contexts where students reflect, reason, solve problems and make decisions.
As teachers tie together the unifying themes of mathematical inquiry, mathematical modelling and
applications and the use of technology, they should begin by providing substantial guidance, and then
gradually encourage students to become more independent as inquirers and thinkers. IB students should learn
to become strong communicators through the language of mathematics. Teachers should create a safe learning
environment in which students are comfortable as risk-takers.
Teachers are encouraged to relate the mathematics being studied to other subjects and to the real world,
especially topics that have particular relevance or are of interest to their students. Everyday problems and
questions should be drawn into the lessons to motivate students and keep the material relevant; suggestions
are provided in the “Links” column of the syllabus. The mathematical exploration offers an opportunity
to investigate the usefulness, relevance and occurrence of mathematics in the real world and will add an
extra dimension to the course. The emphasis is on communication by means of mathematical forms (for
example, formulae, diagrams, graphs and so on) with accompanying commentary. Modelling, investigation,
reflection, personal engagement and mathematical communication should therefore feature prominently in the
DP mathematics classroom.
Mathematics SL guide
Approaches to the teaching and learning of mathematics SL
For further information on “Approaches to teaching a DP course”, please refer to the publication The Diploma
Programme: From principles into practice (April 2009). To support teachers, a variety of resources can be
found on the OCC and details of workshops for professional development are available on the public website.
Format of the syllabus
Content: this column lists, under each topic, the sub-topics to be covered.
Further guidance: this column contains more detailed information on specific sub-topics listed in the
content column. This clarifies the content for examinations.
Links: this column provides useful links to the aims of the mathematics SL course, with suggestions for
discussion, real-life examples and ideas for further investigation. These suggestions are only a guide
for introducing and illustrating the sub-topic and are not exhaustive. Links are labelled as follows.
real-life examples and links to other DP subjects
Aim 8
moral, social and ethical implications of the sub-topic
Int international-mindedness
suggestions for discussion
Note that any syllabus references to other subject guides given in the “Links” column are correct for the
current (2012) published versions of the guides.
Notes on the syllabus
Formulae are only included in this document where there may be some ambiguity. All formulae required
for the course are in the mathematics SL formula booklet.
The term “technology” is used for any form of calculator or computer that may be available. However,
there will be restrictions on which technology may be used in examinations, which will be noted in
relevant documents.
The terms “analysis” and “analytic approach” are generally used when referring to an approach that does
not use technology.
Course of study
The content of all six topics in the syllabus must be taught, although not necessarily in the order in which they
appear in this guide. Teachers are expected to construct a course of study that addresses the needs of their
students and includes, where necessary, the topics noted in prior learning.
Integration of the mathematical exploration
Work leading to the completion of the exploration should be integrated into the course of study. Details of how
to do this are given in the section on internal assessment and in the teacher support material.
Mathematics SL guide
Approaches to the teaching and learning of mathematics SL
Time allocation
The recommended teaching time for standard level courses is 150 hours. For mathematics SL, it is expected that
10 hours will be spent on work for the exploration. The time allocations given in this guide are approximate,
and are intended to suggest how the remaining 140 hours allowed for the teaching of the syllabus might
be allocated. However, the exact time spent on each topic depends on a number of factors, including the
background knowledge and level of preparedness of each student. Teachers should therefore adjust these
timings to correspond to the needs of their students.
Use of calculators
Students are expected to have access to a graphic display calculator (GDC) at all times during the course.
The minimum requirements are reviewed as technology advances, and updated information will be provided
to schools. It is expected that teachers and schools monitor calculator use with reference to the calculator
policy. Regulations covering the types of calculators allowed in examinations are provided in the Handbook of
procedures for the Diploma Programme. Further information and advice is provided in the Mathematics HL/
SL: Graphic display calculators teacher support material (May 2005) and on the OCC.
Mathematics SL formula booklet
Each student is required to have access to a clean copy of this booklet during the examination. It is
recommended that teachers ensure students are familiar with the contents of this document from the beginning
of the course. It is the responsibility of the school to download a copy from IBIS or the OCC, check that there
are no printing errors, and ensure that there are sufficient copies available for all students.
Teacher support materials
A variety of teacher support materials will accompany this guide. These materials will include guidance for
teachers on the introduction, planning and marking of the exploration, and specimen examination papers and
Command terms and notation list
Teachers and students need to be familiar with the IB notation and the command terms, as these will be used
without explanation in the examination papers. The “Glossary of command terms” and “Notation list” appear
as appendices in this guide.
Mathematics SL guide
Prior learning topics
As noted in the previous section on prior learning, it is expected that all students have extensive previous
mathematical experiences, but these will vary. It is expected that mathematics SL students will be familiar with the
following topics before they take the examinations, because questions assume knowledge of them. Teachers must
therefore ensure that any topics listed here that are unknown to their students at the start of the course are included at
an early stage. They should also take into account the existing mathematical knowledge of their students to design an
appropriate course of study for mathematics SL. This table lists the knowledge, together with the syllabus content, that
is essential to successful completion of the mathematics SL course.
Students must be familiar with SI (Système International) units of length, mass and time, and their derived units.
Routine use of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, using integers, decimals and
fractions, including order of operations.
Simple positive exponents.
Simplification of expressions involving roots (surds or radicals).
Prime numbers and factors, including greatest common divisors and least common multiples.
Simple applications of ratio, percentage and proportion, linked to similarity.
Definition and elementary treatment of absolute value (modulus), a .
Rounding, decimal approximations and significant figures, including appreciation of errors.
Expression of numbers in standard form (scientific notation), that is, a × 10 , 1 ≤ a < 10 , k ∈  .
Sets and numbers
Concept and notation of sets, elements, universal (reference) set, empty (null) set,
complement, subset, equality of sets, disjoint sets.
Operations on sets: union and intersection.
Commutative, associative and distributive properties.
Venn diagrams.
Number systems: natural numbers; integers, ; rationals, , and irrationals; real numbers, .
Intervals on the real number line using set notation and using inequalities. Expressing the
solution set of a linear inequality on the number line and in set notation.
Mappings of the elements of one set to another. Illustration by means of sets of ordered pairs,
tables, diagrams and graphs.
Manipulation of simple algebraic expressions involving factorization and expansion,
including quadratic expressions.
Rearrangement, evaluation and combination of simple formulae. Examples from other subject
areas, particularly the sciences, should be included.
The linear function and its graph, gradient and y-intercept.
Addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions.
The properties of order relations: <, ≤, >, ≥ .
Solution of equations and inequalities in one variable, including cases with rational coefficients.
Solution of simultaneous equations in two variables.
Mathematics SL guide
Prior learning topics
Angle measurement in degrees. Compass directions and three figure bearings.
Right-angle trigonometry. Simple applications for solving triangles.
Pythagoras’ theorem and its converse.
Simple geometric transformations: translation, reflection, rotation, enlargement. Congruence
and similarity, including the concept of scale factor of an enlargement.
The circle, its centre and radius, area and circumference. The terms “arc”, “sector”, “chord”,
“tangent” and “segment”.
Perimeter and area of plane figures. Properties of triangles and quadrilaterals, including
parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, squares, kites and trapeziums (trapezoids); compound
Volumes of prisms, pyramids, spheres, cylinders and cones.
Elementary geometry of the plane, including the concepts of dimension for point, line, plane
and space. The equation of a line in the form =
y mx + c .
Parallel and perpendicular lines, including m1 = m2 and m1m2 = −1 .
Geometry of simple plane figures.
The Cartesian plane: ordered pairs ( x, y ) , origin, axes.
Mid-point of a line segment and distance between two points in the Cartesian plane and in
three dimensions.
Statistics and
Descriptive statistics: collection of raw data; display of data in pictorial and diagrammatic
forms, including pie charts, pictograms, stem and leaf diagrams, bar graphs and line graphs.
Obtaining simple statistics from discrete and continuous data, including mean, median, mode,
quartiles, range, interquartile range.
Calculating probabilities of simple events.
Mathematics SL guide
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
Examples include compound interest and
population growth.
Arithmetic sequences and series; sum of finite Technology may be used to generate and
arithmetic series; geometric sequences and series; display sequences in several ways.
sum of finite and infinite geometric series.
Link to 2.6, exponential functions.
Sigma notation.
The aim of this topic is to introduce students to some basic algebraic concepts and applications.
Topic 1—Algebra
Syllabus content
TOK: What is Zeno’s dichotomy paradox?
How far can mathematical facts be from
TOK: Debate over the validity of the notion of
“infinity”: finitists such as L. Kronecker
consider that “a mathematical object does not
exist unless it can be constructed from natural
numbers in a finite number of steps”.
TOK: How did Gauss add up integers from
1 to 100? Discuss the idea of mathematical
intuition as the basis for formal proof.
Int: Aryabhatta is sometimes considered the
“father of algebra”. Compare with
Int: The chess legend (Sissa ibn Dahir).
9 hours
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
Not required:
formal treatment of permutations and formula
for n Pr .
Calculation of binomial coefficients using
Pascal’s triangle and   .
expansion of (a + b) n , n ∈  .
The binomial theorem:
Change of base.
Laws of exponents; laws of logarithms.
Elementary treatment of exponents and
Mathematics SL guide
=  .
log 5 25  2 
log 5 125 
ln 4
ln 7
Link to 5.8, binomial distribution.
Example: finding   from inputting
y = 6 Cr X and then reading coefficients from
the table.
  should be found using both the formula
and technology.
Counting principles may be used in the
development of the theorem.
Link to 2.6, logarithmic functions.
log 25 125 =
Examples: log 4 7 =
= log16 8 ;
log 32 = 5log 2 ; (23 ) = 2−12 .
Examples: 16 4 = 8 ;
Further guidance
Int: The so-called “Pascal’s triangle” was
known in China much earlier than Pascal.
Aim 8: Pascal’s triangle. Attributing the origin
of a mathematical discovery to the wrong
TOK: Are logarithms an invention or
discovery? (This topic is an opportunity for
teachers to generate reflection on “the nature of
Appl: Chemistry 18.1 (Calculation of pH ).
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
24 hours
Mathematics SL guide
( f  f −1 )( x) = ( f −1  f )( x) = x .
On examination papers, students will only be
asked to find the inverse of a one-to-one function.
Identity function. Inverse function f −1 .
Not required:
domain restriction.
An analytic approach is also expected for
simple functions, including all those listed
under topic 2.
Link to 6.3, local maximum and minimum
The graph of y = f −1 ( x ) as the reflection in
the line y = x of the graph of y = f ( x) .
Note the difference in the command terms
“draw” and “sketch”.
Use of technology to graph a variety of
functions, including ones not specifically
Investigation of key features of graphs, such as
maximum and minimum values, intercepts,
horizontal and vertical asymptotes, symmetry,
and consideration of domain and range.
Function graphing skills.
The graph of a function; its equation y = f ( x) .
f ( g ( x)) .
TOK: How accurate is a visual representation
of a mathematical concept? (Limits of graphs
in delivering information about functions and
phenomena in general, relevance of modes of
Appl: Chemistry 11.3.1 (sketching and
interpreting graphs); geographic skills.
TOK: Is mathematics a formal language?
TOK: Is zero the same as “nothing”?
( f  g ) ( x) =
Domain, range; image (value).
A graph is helpful in visualizing the range.
Composite functions.
Int: The development of functions, Rene
Descartes (France), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
(Germany) and Leonhard Euler (Switzerland).
Further guidance
Example: for x  2 − x , domain is x ≤ 2 ,
range is y ≥ 0 .
Concept of function f : x  f ( x) .
Mathematics SL guide
The aims of this topic are to explore the notion of a function as a unifying theme in mathematics, and to apply functional methods to a variety of
mathematical situations. It is expected that extensive use will be made of technology in both the development and the application of this topic, rather than
elaborate analytical techniques. On examination papers, questions may be set requiring the graphing of functions that do not explicitly appear on the
syllabus, and students may need to choose the appropriate viewing window. For those functions explicitly mentioned, questions may also be set on
composition of these functions with the linear function =
y ax + b .
Topic 2—Functions and equations
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
The form x  a ( x − h) 2 + k , vertex (h , k ) .
The form x  a ( x − p ) ( x − q ) ,
x-intercepts ( p , 0) and (q , 0) .
The quadratic function x  ax 2 + bx + c : its
graph, y-intercept (0, c) . Axis of symmetry.
Composite transformations.
y = f ( qx ) .
Stretch in the x-direction with scale factor
Vertical stretch with scale factor p: y = pf ( x) .
Links to 2.3, transformations; 2.7, quadratic
Candidates are expected to be able to change
from one form to another.
Example: y = x 2 used to obtain=
y 3 x 2 + 2 by
a stretch of scale factor 3 in the y-direction
followed by a translation of   .
 2
Appl: Physics 9.1 (HL only) (projectile
Appl: Physics 4.2 (simple harmonic motion).
Appl: Physics 2.1 (kinematics).
Appl: Chemistry 17.2 (equilibrium law).
 3
Translation by the vector   denotes
 −2 
horizontal shift of 3 units to the right, and
vertical shift of 2 down.
y f ( x − a) .
y f ( x) + b ;=
Reflections (in both axes): y = − f ( x) ;
y f (− x) .
Technology should be used to investigate these Appl: Economics 1.1 (shifting of supply and
demand curves).
Transformations of graphs.
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
cx + d
ax + b
and its
a x = e x ln a ; log a a x = x ; a loga x = x , x > 0 .
Relationships between these functions:
Logarithmic functions and their graphs:
x  log a x , x > 0 , x  ln x , x > 0 .
xa , a>0, xe .
Exponential functions and their graphs:
Vertical and horizontal asymptotes.
The rational function x 
, x ≠ 0 : its
graph and self-inverse nature.
The reciprocal function x 
Mathematics SL guide
, x≠ .
2x − 5
, x≠ ;
3x − 2
Links to 1.1, geometric sequences; 1.2, laws of
exponents and logarithms; 2.1, inverse
functions; 2.2, graphs of inverses; and 6.1,
Diagrams should include all asymptotes and
h( x )
Further guidance
Int: The Babylonian method of multiplication:
( a + b) 2 − a 2 − b 2
. Sulba Sutras in ancient
ab =
India and the Bakhshali Manuscript contained
an algebraic formula for solving quadratic
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Applications of graphing skills and solving
equations that relate to real-life situations.
Solving exponential equations.
The discriminant ∆= b 2 − 4ac and the nature
of the roots, that is, two distinct real roots, two
equal real roots, no real roots.
The quadratic formula.
Solving ax 2 + bx + c =
0, a ≠ 0.
Links to 2.2, function graphing skills; and 2.3–
2.6, equations involving specific functions.
Use of technology to solve a variety of
equations, including those where there is no
appropriate analytic approach.
Link to 1.1, geometric series.
Link to 1.2, exponents and logarithms.
Examples: 2 x−1 = 10 ,   = 9 x+1 .
Example: Find k given that the equation
3kx 2 + 2 x + k =
0 has two equal real roots.
Examples: e x = sin x, x 4 + 5 x − 6 =
Solutions may be referred to as roots of
equations or zeros of functions.
Solving equations, both graphically and
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
Appl: Physics 7.2.7–7.2.9, 13.2.5, 13.2.6,
13.2.8 (radioactive decay and half-life)
Appl: Compound interest, growth and decay;
projectile motion; braking distance; electrical
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
16 hours
Mathematics SL guide
Mathematics SL guide
π π π π
0, , , , and their multiples.
6 4 3 2
Exact values of trigonometric ratios of
, cos = −
, tan 210° =
The equation of a straight line through the
origin is y = x tan θ .
Definition of cos θ and sin θ in terms of the
unit circle.
sin θ
cos θ
Radian measure may be expressed as exact
multiples of π , or decimals.
The circle: radian measure of angles; length of
an arc; area of a sector.
Definition of tan θ as
Further guidance
TOK: Trigonometry was developed by
successive civilizations and cultures. How is
mathematical knowledge considered from a
sociocultural perspective?
Int: The first work to refer explicitly to the
sine as a function of an angle is the
Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata (ca. 510).
Aim 8: Who really invented “Pythagoras’
TOK: Euclid’s axioms as the building blocks
of Euclidean geometry. Link to non-Euclidean
TOK: Which is a better measure of angle:
radian or degree? What are the “best” criteria
by which to decide?
Int: Why are there 360 degrees in a complete
turn? Links to Babylonian mathematics.
Int: Hipparchus, Menelaus and Ptolemy.
Int: Seki Takakazu calculating π to ten
decimal places.
The aims of this topic are to explore the circular functions and to solve problems using trigonometry. On examination papers, radian measure should be
assumed unless otherwise indicated.
Topic 3—Circular functions and trigonometry
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
Composite functions of the form
( x) a sin ( b ( x + c) ) + d .
The circular functions sin x , cos x and tan x :
their domains and ranges; amplitude, their
periodic nature; and their graphs.
Relationship between trigonometric ratios.
Examples include height of tide, motion of a
Ferris wheel.
Link to 2.3, transformation of graphs.
Example: y = sin x used to obtain y = 3sin 2 x
by a stretch of scale factor 3 in the y-direction
and a stretch of scale factor in the
f ( x) tan  x −  , =
f ( x) 2cos ( 3( x − 4) ) + 1 .
Given cos x =
, and x is acute, find sin 2x
without finding x.
Given sin θ , finding possible values of tan θ
without finding θ .
Simple geometrical diagrams and/or
The Pythagorean identity cos 2 θ + sin 2 θ =
technology may be used to illustrate the double
Double angle identities for sine and cosine.
angle formulae (and other trigonometric
Mathematics SL guide
Appl: Physics 4.2 (simple harmonic motion).
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
Area of a triangle,
ab sin C .
Examples include navigation, problems in two
and three dimensions, including angles of
elevation and depression.
Link with 4.2, scalar product, noting that:
c =a − b ⇒ c = a + b − 2a ⋅ b .
The cosine rule.
The sine rule, including the ambiguous case.
Pythagoras’ theorem is a special case of the
cosine rule.
2sin x = cos 2 x , − π ≤ x ≤ π .
2sin 2 x + 5cos x + 1 =
0 for 0 ≤ x < 4π ,
Solution of triangles.
the general solution of trigonometric equations.
Not required:
Equations leading to quadratic equations in
sin x, cos x or tan x .
2 tan ( 3( x − 4) ) =
1 , − π ≤ x ≤ 3π .
2sin 2 x = 3cos x , 0o ≤ x ≤ 180o ,
Examples: 2sin x = 1 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π ,
Solving trigonometric equations in a finite
interval, both graphically and analytically.
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
TOK: Non-Euclidean geometry: angle sum on
a globe greater than 180°.
Int: Cosine rule: Al-Kashi and Pythagoras.
Aim 8: Attributing the origin of a
mathematical discovery to the wrong
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
16 hours
Mathematics SL guide
Multiplication by a scalar can be illustrated by
• multiplication by a scalar, kv ; parallel
AB =
OB− OA =−
b a.
• position vectors OA = a ;
• unit vectors; base vectors; i, j and k;
• magnitude of a vector, v ;
magnitude of AB .
The difference of v and w is
v − w = v + (− w ) . Vector sums and differences
can be represented by the diagonals of a
• the sum and difference of two vectors; the
zero vector, the vector −v ;
Distance between points A and B is the
Applications to simple geometric figures are
Algebraic and geometric approaches to the
Components of a vector; column
 v1 
 
representation; v = v2  =v1i + v2 j + v3 k .
v 
 3
Link to three-dimensional geometry, x, y and z- Appl: Physics 1.3.2 (vector sums and
differences) Physics 2.2.2, 2.2.3 (vector
Components are with respect to the unit
TOK: How do we relate a theory to the
vectors i, j and k (standard basis).
author? Who developed vector analysis:
JW Gibbs or O Heaviside?
Vectors as displacements in the plane and in
three dimensions.
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
The aim of this topic is to provide an elementary introduction to vectors, including both algebraic and geometric approaches. The use of dynamic geometry
software is extremely helpful to visualize situations in three dimensions.
Topic 4—Vectors
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
Determining whether two lines intersect.
Finding the point of intersection of two lines.
Distinguishing between coincident and parallel
The angle between two lines.
Vector equation of a line in two and three
dimensions: r= a + tb .
The angle between two vectors.
Perpendicular vectors; parallel vectors.
Interpretation of t as time and b as velocity,
with b representing speed.
Relevance of a (position) and b (direction).
For parallel vectors, w = kv , v ⋅ w =
v w.
For non-zero vectors, v ⋅ w =
0 is equivalent to
the vectors being perpendicular.
Link to 3.6, cosine rule.
The scalar product is also known as the “dot
The scalar product of two vectors.
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
TOK: Are algebra and geometry two separate
domains of knowledge? (Vector algebra is a
good opportunity to discuss how geometrical
properties are described and generalized by
algebraic methods.)
Aim 8: Vector theory is used for tracking
displacement of objects, including for peaceful
and harmful purposes.
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
35 hours
Not required:
frequency density histograms.
Grouped data: use of mid-interval values for
calculations; interval width; upper and lower
interval boundaries; modal class.
box-and-whisker plots; outliers.
Presentation of data: frequency distributions
(tables); frequency histograms with equal class
Technology may be used to produce
histograms and box-and-whisker plots.
Outlier is defined as more than 1.5 × IQR from
the nearest quartile.
Continuous and discrete data.
Concepts of population, sample, random
sample, discrete and continuous data.
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
Int: The St Petersburg paradox, Chebychev,
Aim 8: Misleading statistics.
Appl: Psychology: descriptive statistics,
random sample (various places in the guide).
The aim of this topic is to introduce basic concepts. It is expected that most of the calculations required will be done using technology, but explanations of
calculations by hand may enhance understanding. The emphasis is on understanding and interpreting the results obtained, in context. Statistical tables will no
longer be allowed in examinations. While many of the calculations required in examinations are estimates, it is likely that the command terms “write down”,
“find” and “calculate” will be used.
Topic 5—Statistics and probability
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
Mathematics SL guide
Cumulative frequency; cumulative frequency
graphs; use to find median, quartiles,
Link to 2.3, transformations.
Effect of constant changes to the original data.
Values of the median and quartiles produced
by technology may be different from those
obtained from a cumulative frequency graph.
If all the data items are doubled, the median is
doubled, but the variance is increased by a
factor of 4.
If 5 is subtracted from all the data items, then
the mean is decreased by 5, but the standard
deviation is unchanged.
Calculation of standard deviation/variance
using only technology.
Dispersion: range, interquartile range,
variance, standard deviation.
TOK: How easy is it to lie with statistics?
TOK: Do different measures of central
tendency express different properties of the
data? Are these measures invented or
discovered? Could mathematics make
alternative, equally true, formulae? What does
this tell us about mathematical truths?
Int: Discussion of the different formulae for
Appl: Biology 1.1.2 (calculating mean and
standard deviation ); Biology 1.1.4 (comparing
means and spreads between two or more
Appl: Statistical calculations to show patterns
and changes; geographic skills; statistical
Calculation of mean using formula and
technology. Students should use mid-interval
values to estimate the mean of grouped data.
Quartiles, percentiles.
Central tendency: mean, median, mode.
Appl: Psychology: descriptive statistics
(various places in the guide).
On examination papers, data will be treated as
the population.
Statistical measures and their interpretations.
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
Interpolation, extrapolation.
Use of the equation for prediction purposes.
n( A)
n(U )
Use of Venn diagrams, tree diagrams and
tables of outcomes.
The complementary events A and A′ (not A).
The probability of an event A is P(A) =
Concepts of trial, outcome, equally likely
outcomes, sample space (U) and event.
Not required:
the coefficient of determination R2.
Links to 5.1, frequency; 5.3, cumulative
Simulations may be used to enhance this topic.
Experiments using coins, dice, cards and so on,
can enhance understanding of the distinction
between (experimental) relative frequency and
(theoretical) probability.
The sample space can be represented
diagrammatically in many ways.
Technology should be used find the equation.
Equation of the regression line of y on x.
Mathematical and contextual interpretation.
The line of best fit passes through the mean
Scatter diagrams; lines of best fit.
Positive, zero, negative; strong, weak, no
Appl: Geography (geographic skills).
Technology should be used to calculate r.
However, hand calculations of r may enhance
Pearson’s product–moment correlation
coefficient r.
TOK: To what extent does mathematics offer
models of real life? Is there always a function
to model data behaviour?
TOK: Can all data be modelled by a (known)
mathematical function? Consider the reliability
and validity of mathematical models in
describing real-life phenomena.
TOK: Can we predict the value of x from y,
using this equation?
Appl: Biology 1.1.6 (correlation does not
imply causation).
Measures of correlation; geographic skills.
Appl: Chemistry 11.3.3 (curves of best fit).
Independent variable x, dependent variable y.
Linear correlation of bivariate data.
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
Expected value (mean), E(X ) for discrete data. E( X ) = 0 indicates a fair game where X
represents the gain of one of the players.
Examples include games of chance.
Concept of discrete random variables and their
probability distributions.
Probabilities with and without replacement.
Simple examples only, such as:
P( X= x=
(4 + x) for x ∈ {1, 2,3} ;
5 6 7
P( X= x=
, , .
18 18 18
Problems are often best solved with the aid of a
Venn diagram or tree diagram, without explicit
use of formulae.
Mutually exclusive events: P( A ∩ B ) =
Conditional probability; the definition
P( A ∩ B )
P( A | B) =
P( B )
Independent events; the definition
P ( A=
| B ) P(
A) P ( A | B′ ) .
The non-exclusivity of “or”.
Further guidance
Combined events, P( A ∪ B ) .
Mathematics SL guide
TOK: Can gambling be considered as an
application of mathematics? (This is a good
opportunity to generate a debate on the nature,
role and ethics of mathematics regarding its
TOK: Is mathematics useful to measure risks?
Aim 8: The gambling issue: use of probability
in casinos. Could or should mathematics help
increase incomes in gambling?
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Probabilities and values of the variable must be Appl: Biology 1.1.3 (links to normal
found using technology.
Normal distributions and curves.
Properties of the normal distribution.
The standardized value ( z ) gives the number
of standard deviations from the mean.
Appl: Psychology: descriptive statistics
(various places in the guide).
Technology is usually the best way of
calculating binomial probabilities.
Not required:
formal proof of mean and variance.
Link to 2.3, transformations.
Conditions under which random variables have
this distribution.
Mean and variance of the binomial
Standardization of normal variables (z-values,
Link to 1.3, binomial theorem.
Binomial distribution.
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
40 hours
Mathematics SL guide
Not required:
analytic methods of calculating limits.
Technology can be used to explore graphs and
their derivatives.
Use of both analytic approaches and
Tangents and normals, and their equations.
and f ′ ( x ) ,
Identifying intervals on which functions are
increasing or decreasing.
for the first derivative.
Use of both forms of notation,
Link to 1.3, binomial theorem.
Technology could be used to illustrate other
Use of this definition for derivatives of simple
polynomial functions only.
Links to 1.1, infinite geometric series; 2.5–2.7,
rational and exponential functions, and
 2x + 3 
Example: lim 
x →∞
 x −1 
Technology should be used to explore ideas of
limits, numerically and graphically.
Example: 0.3, 0.33, 0.333, ... converges to
Further guidance
Derivative interpreted as gradient function and
as rate of change.
Definition of derivative from first principles as
 f ( x + h) − f ( x ) 
f ′( x) = lim 
h →0
Limit notation.
Informal ideas of limit and convergence.
Mathematics SL guide
TOK: Opportunities for discussing hypothesis
formation and testing, and then the formal
proof can be tackled by comparing certain
cases, through an investigative approach.
TOK: What value does the knowledge of
limits have? Is infinitesimal behaviour
applicable to real life?
Aim 8: The debate over whether Newton or
Leibnitz discovered certain calculus concepts.
Appl: Chemistry 11.3.4 (interpreting the
gradient of a curve).
Appl: Economics 1.5 (marginal cost, marginal
revenue, marginal profit).
The aim of this topic is to introduce students to the basic concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus and their applications.
Topic 6—Calculus
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Link to 2.1, composition of functions.
Technology may be used to investigate the chain
Use of both forms of notation,
d2 y
and f ′′( x) .
dx 2
dn y
and f ( n ) ( x) .
The product and quotient rules.
The second derivative.
Extension to higher derivatives.
Further guidance
The chain rule for composite functions.
Differentiation of a sum and a real multiple of
these functions.
e x and ln x .
Derivative of x n (n ∈ ) , sin x , cos x , tan x ,
Mathematics SL guide
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
Mathematics SL guide
Examples include profit, area, volume.
Use of the first or second derivative test to
justify maximum and/or minimum values.
Technology can display the graph of a
derivative without explicitly finding an
expression for the derivative.
Both “global” (for large x ) and “local”
f ′′( x) = 0 is not a sufficient condition for a
point of inflexion: for example,
y = x 4 at (0,0) .
At a point of inflexion , f ′′( x) = 0 and changes
sign (concavity change).
Use of the terms “concave-up” for f ′′( x) > 0 ,
and “concave-down” for f ′′( x) < 0 .
for example, y = x1 3 at (0,0) .
Link to 2.2, graphing functions.
Not required:
points of inflexion where f ′′( x) is not defined:
Graphical behaviour of functions,
including the relationship between the
graphs of f , f ′ and f ′′ .
Points of inflexion with zero and non-zero
Testing for maximum or minimum.
Using change of sign of the first derivative and Appl: profit, area, volume.
using sign of the second derivative.
Local maximum and minimum points.
Mathematics SL guide
Further guidance
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Mathematics SL guide
f ′(=
x ) cos(2 x + 3)
sin x
sin(2 x + 3) + C .
∫ cos x dx .
g ′( x=
)dx g (b) − g ( a ) .
Total distance travelled.
Kinematic problems involving displacement s,
velocity v and acceleration a.
dv d 2 s
a =
dt dt 2
Total distance travelled = ∫ v dt .
Technology may be used to enhance
understanding of area and volume.
Areas between curves.
Volumes of revolution about the x-axis.
Students are expected to first write a correct
expression before calculating the area.
The value of some definite integrals can only
be found using technology.
if = 3x 2 + x and y = 10 when x = 0 , then
x 3 + x 2 + 10 .
f (=
Areas under curves (between the curve and the
Definite integrals, both analytically and using
Anti-differentiation with a boundary condition
to determine the constant term.
∫ x sin x
ln x + C , x > 0 .
∫ x=
Further guidance
Integration by inspection, or substitution of the Examples:
form ∫ f ( g ( x)) g '( x) dx .
∫ 2 x ( x + 1) dx,
The composites of any of these with the linear
function ax + b .
Indefinite integral of x n ( n ∈ ) , sin x , cos x ,
and e x .
Indefinite integration as anti-differentiation.
Mathematics SL guide
Appl: Physics 2.1 (kinematics).
Int: Ibn Al Haytham: first mathematician to
calculate the integral of a function, in order to
find the volume of a paraboloid.
Accurate calculation of the volume of a
cylinder by Chinese mathematician Liu Hui
Use of infinitesimals by Greek geometers.
Int: Successful calculation of the volume of
the pyramidal frustum by ancient Egyptians
(Egyptian Moscow papyrus).
Syllabus content
Syllabus content
Assessment in the Diploma Programme
Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. The most important aims of assessment in the Diploma
Programme are that it should support curricular goals and encourage appropriate student learning. Both
external and internal assessment are used in the Diploma Programme. IB examiners mark work produced
for external assessment, while work produced for internal assessment is marked by teachers and externally
moderated by the IB.
There are two types of assessment identified by the IB.
Formative assessment informs both teaching and learning. It is concerned with providing accurate and
helpful feedback to students and teachers on the kind of learning taking place and the nature of students’
strengths and weaknesses in order to help develop students’ understanding and capabilities. Formative
assessment can also help to improve teaching quality, as it can provide information to monitor progress
towards meeting the course aims and objectives.
Summative assessment gives an overview of previous learning and is concerned with measuring student
The Diploma Programme primarily focuses on summative assessment designed to record student achievement
at or towards the end of the course of study. However, many of the assessment instruments can also be
used formatively during the course of teaching and learning, and teachers are encouraged to do this. A
comprehensive assessment plan is viewed as being integral with teaching, learning and course organization.
For further information, see the IB Programme standards and practices document.
The approach to assessment used by the IB is criterion-related, not norm-referenced. This approach to
assessment judges students’ work by their performance in relation to identified levels of attainment, and not in
relation to the work of other students. For further information on assessment within the Diploma Programme,
please refer to the publication Diploma Programme assessment: Principles and practice.
To support teachers in the planning, delivery and assessment of the Diploma Programme courses, a variety
of resources can be found on the OCC or purchased from the IB store (http://store.ibo.org). Teacher support
materials, subject reports, internal assessment guidance, grade descriptors, as well as resources from other
teachers, can be found on the OCC. Specimen and past examination papers as well as markschemes can be
purchased from the IB store.
Methods of assessment
The IB uses several methods to assess work produced by students.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria are used when the assessment task is open-ended. Each criterion concentrates on a
particular skill that students are expected to demonstrate. An assessment objective describes what students
should be able to do, and assessment criteria describe how well they should be able to do it. Using assessment
criteria allows discrimination between different answers and encourages a variety of responses. Each criterion
Mathematics SL guide
Assessment in the Diploma Programme
comprises a set of hierarchically ordered level descriptors. Each level descriptor is worth one or more marks.
Each criterion is applied independently using a best-fit model. The maximum marks for each criterion may
differ according to the criterion’s importance. The marks awarded for each criterion are added together to give
the total mark for the piece of work.
Markbands are a comprehensive statement of expected performance against which responses are judged. They
represent a single holistic criterion divided into level descriptors. Each level descriptor corresponds to a range
of marks to differentiate student performance. A best-fit approach is used to ascertain which particular mark to
use from the possible range for each level descriptor.
This generic term is used to describe analytic markschemes that are prepared for specific examination papers.
Analytic markschemes are prepared for those examination questions that expect a particular kind of response
and/or a given final answer from the students. They give detailed instructions to examiners on how to break
down the total mark for each question for different parts of the response. A markscheme may include the
content expected in the responses to questions or may be a series of marking notes giving guidance on how to
apply criteria.
Mathematics SL guide
Assessment outline
First examinations 2014
Assessment component
External assessment (3 hours)
Paper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes)
No calculator allowed. (90 marks)
Section A
Compulsory short-response questions based on the whole syllabus.
Section B
Compulsory extended-response questions based on the whole syllabus.
Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Graphic display calculator required. (90 marks)
Section A
Compulsory short-response questions based on the whole syllabus.
Section B
Compulsory extended-response questions based on the whole syllabus.
Internal assessment
This component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at
the end of the course.
Mathematical exploration
Internal assessment in mathematics SL is an individual exploration. This is a piece of
written work that involves investigating an area of mathematics. (20 marks)
Mathematics SL guide
External assessment
Markschemes are used to assess students in both papers. The markschemes are specific to each examination.
External assessment details
Paper 1 and paper 2
These papers are externally set and externally marked. Together, they contribute 80% of the final mark for
the course. These papers are designed to allow students to demonstrate what they know and what they can do.
Paper 1
Students are not permitted access to any calculator. Questions will mainly involve analytic approaches to
solutions, rather than requiring the use of a GDC. The paper is not intended to require complicated calculations,
with the potential for careless errors. However, questions will include some arithmetical manipulations when
they are essential to the development of the question.
Paper 2
Students must have access to a GDC at all times. However, not all questions will necessarily require the use of
the GDC. Regulations covering the types of GDC allowed are provided in the Handbook of procedures for the
Diploma Programme.
Mathematics SL formula booklet
Each student must have access to a clean copy of the formula booklet during the examination. It is the
responsibility of the school to download a copy from IBIS or the OCC and to ensure that there are sufficient
copies available for all students.
Awarding of marks
Marks may be awarded for method, accuracy, answers and reasoning, including interpretation.
In paper 1 and paper 2, full marks are not necessarily awarded for a correct answer with no working.
Answers must be supported by working and/or explanations (in the form of, for example, diagrams, graphs
or calculations). Where an answer is incorrect, some marks may be given for correct method, provided this is
shown by written working. All students should therefore be advised to show their working.
Mathematics SL guide
External assessment
Paper 1
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Weighting: 40%
This paper consists of section A, short-response questions, and section B, extended-response questions.
Students are not permitted access to any calculator on this paper.
Syllabus coverage
Knowledge of all topics is required for this paper. However, not all topics are necessarily assessed in
every examination session.
Mark allocation
This paper is worth 90 marks, representing 40% of the final mark.
Questions of varying levels of difficulty and length are set. Therefore, individual questions may not
necessarily each be worth the same number of marks. The exact number of marks allocated to each
question is indicated at the start of the question.
Section A
This section consists of compulsory short-response questions based on the whole syllabus. It is worth
approximately 45 marks.
The intention of this section is to test students’ knowledge and understanding across the breadth of the syllabus.
However, it should not be assumed that the separate topics are given equal emphasis.
Question type
A small number of steps is needed to solve each question.
Questions may be presented in the form of words, symbols, diagrams or tables, or combinations of these.
Section B
This section consists of a small number of compulsory extended-response questions based on the whole
syllabus. It is worth approximately 45 marks. Individual questions may require knowledge of more than
one topic.
The intention of this section is to test students’ knowledge and understanding of the syllabus in depth. The
range of syllabus topics tested in this section may be narrower than that tested in section A.
Question type
Questions require extended responses involving sustained reasoning.
Individual questions will develop a single theme.
Questions may be presented in the form of words, symbols, diagrams or tables, or combinations of these.
Normally, each question reflects an incline of difficulty, from relatively easy tasks at the start of a
question to relatively difficult tasks at the end of a question. The emphasis is on problem-solving.
Paper 2
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Weighting: 40%
This paper consists of section A, short-response questions, and section B, extended-response questions. A
GDC is required for this paper, but not every question will necessarily require its use.
Mathematics SL guide
External assessment
Syllabus coverage
Knowledge of all topics is required for this paper. However, not all topics are necessarily assessed in
every examination session.
Mark allocation
This paper is worth 90 marks, representing 40% of the final mark.
Questions of varying levels of difficulty and length are set. Therefore, individual questions may not
necessarily each be worth the same number of marks. The exact number of marks allocated to each
question is indicated at the start of the question.
Section A
This section consists of compulsory short-response questions based on the whole syllabus. It is worth
approximately 45 marks.
The intention of this section is to test students’ knowledge and understanding across the breadth of the syllabus.
However, it should not be assumed that the separate topics are given equal emphasis.
Question type
A small number of steps is needed to solve each question.
Questions may be presented in the form of words, symbols, diagrams or tables, or combinations of these.
Section B
This section consists of a small number of compulsory extended-response questions based on the whole
syllabus. It is worth approximately 45 marks. Individual questions may require knowledge of more than one
The intention of this section is to test students’ knowledge and understanding of the syllabus in depth. The
range of syllabus topics tested in this section may be narrower than that tested in section A.
Question type
Questions require extended responses involving sustained reasoning.
Individual questions will develop a single theme.
Questions may be presented in the form of words, symbols, diagrams or tables, or combinations of these.
Normally, each question reflects an incline of difficulty, from relatively easy tasks at the start of a
question to relatively difficult tasks at the end of a question. The emphasis is on problem-solving.
Mathematics SL guide
Internal assessment
Purpose of internal assessment
Internal assessment is an integral part of the course and is compulsory for all students. It enables students to
demonstrate the application of their skills and knowledge, and to pursue their personal interests, without the
time limitations and other constraints that are associated with written examinations. The internal assessment
should, as far as possible, be woven into normal classroom teaching and not be a separate activity conducted
after a course has been taught.
Internal assessment in mathematics SL is an individual exploration. This is a piece of written work that
involves investigating an area of mathematics. It is marked according to five assessment criteria.
Guidance and authenticity
The exploration submitted for internal assessment must be the student’s own work. However, it is not the
intention that students should decide upon a title or topic and be left to work on the exploration without any
further support from the teacher. The teacher should play an important role during both the planning stage and
the period when the student is working on the exploration. It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that
students are familiar with:
the requirements of the type of work to be internally assessed
the IB academic honesty policy available on the OCC
the assessment criteria—students must understand that the work submitted for assessment must address
these criteria effectively.
Teachers and students must discuss the exploration. Students should be encouraged to initiate discussions
with the teacher to obtain advice and information, and students must not be penalized for seeking guidance.
However, if a student could not have completed the exploration without substantial support from the teacher,
this should be recorded on the appropriate form from the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme.
It is the responsibility of teachers to ensure that all students understand the basic meaning and significance
of concepts that relate to academic honesty, especially authenticity and intellectual property. Teachers must
ensure that all student work for assessment is prepared according to the requirements and must explain clearly
to students that the exploration must be entirely their own.
As part of the learning process, teachers can give advice to students on a first draft of the exploration. This
advice should be in terms of the way the work could be improved, but this first draft must not be heavily
annotated or edited by the teacher. The next version handed to the teacher after the first draft must be the final
All work submitted to the IB for moderation or assessment must be authenticated by a teacher, and must not
include any known instances of suspected or confirmed malpractice. Each student must sign the coversheet for
internal assessment to confirm that the work is his or her authentic work and constitutes the final version of
that work. Once a student has officially submitted the final version of the work to a teacher (or the coordinator)
for internal assessment, together with the signed coversheet, it cannot be retracted.
Mathematics SL guide
Internal assessment
Authenticity may be checked by discussion with the student on the content of the work, and scrutiny of one or
more of the following:
the student’s initial proposal
the first draft of the written work
the references cited
the style of writing compared with work known to be that of the student.
The requirement for teachers and students to sign the coversheet for internal assessment applies to the work of
all students, not just the sample work that will be submitted to an examiner for the purpose of moderation. If the
teacher and student sign a coversheet, but there is a comment to the effect that the work may not be authentic,
the student will not be eligible for a mark in that component and no grade will be awarded. For further details
refer to the IB publication Academic honesty and the relevant articles in the General regulations: Diploma
The same piece of work cannot be submitted to meet the requirements of both the internal assessment and the
extended essay.
Group work
Group work should not be used for explorations. Each exploration is an individual piece of work.
It should be made clear to students that all work connected with the exploration, including the writing of
the exploration, should be their own. It is therefore helpful if teachers try to encourage in students a sense
of responsibility for their own learning so that they accept a degree of ownership and take pride in their
own work.
Time allocation
Internal assessment is an integral part of the mathematics SL course, contributing 20% to the final assessment
in the course. This weighting should be reflected in the time that is allocated to teaching the knowledge, skills
and understanding required to undertake the work as well as the total time allocated to carry out the work.
It is expected that a total of approximately 10 teaching hours should be allocated to the work. This should
time for the teacher to explain to students the requirements of the exploration
class time for students to work on the exploration
time for consultation between the teacher and each student
time to review and monitor progress, and to check authenticity.
Using assessment criteria for internal assessment
For internal assessment, a number of assessment criteria have been identified. Each assessment criterion has
level descriptors describing specific levels of achievement together with an appropriate range of marks. The
level descriptors concentrate on positive achievement, although for the lower levels failure to achieve may be
included in the description.
Mathematics SL guide
Internal assessment
Teachers must judge the internally assessed work against the criteria using the level descriptors.
The aim is to find, for each criterion, the descriptor that conveys most accurately the level attained by
the student.
When assessing a student’s work, teachers should read the level descriptors for each criterion, starting
with level 0, until they reach a descriptor that describes a level of achievement that has not been reached.
The level of achievement gained by the student is therefore the preceding one, and it is this that should
be recorded.
Only whole numbers should be recorded; partial marks, that is fractions and decimals, are not acceptable.
Teachers should not think in terms of a pass or fail boundary, but should concentrate on identifying the
appropriate descriptor for each assessment criterion.
The highest level descriptors do not imply faultless performance but should be achievable by a student.
Teachers should not hesitate to use the extremes if they are appropriate descriptions of the work being
A student who attains a high level of achievement in relation to one criterion will not necessarily attain
high levels of achievement in relation to the other criteria. Similarly, a student who attains a low level
of achievement for one criterion will not necessarily attain low achievement levels for the other criteria.
Teachers should not assume that the overall assessment of the students will produce any particular
distribution of marks.
It is expected that the assessment criteria be made available to students.
Internal assessment details
Mathematical exploration
Duration: 10 teaching hours
Weighting: 20%
The internally assessed component in this course is a mathematical exploration. This is a short report written
by the student based on a topic chosen by him or her, and it should focus on the mathematics of that particular
area. The emphasis is on mathematical communication (including formulae, diagrams, graphs and so on), with
accompanying commentary, good mathematical writing and thoughtful reflection. A student should develop
his or her own focus, with the teacher providing feedback via, for example, discussion and interview. This will
allow the students to develop area(s) of interest to them without a time constraint as in an examination, and
allow all students to experience a feeling of success.
The final report should be approximately 6 to 12 pages long. It can be either word processed or handwritten.
Students should be able to explain all stages of their work in such a way that demonstrates clear understanding.
While there is no requirement that students present their work in class, it should be written in such a way that
their peers would be able to follow it fairly easily. The report should include a detailed bibliography, and sources
need to be referenced in line with the IB academic honesty policy. Direct quotes must be acknowledged.
The purpose of the exploration
The aims of the mathematics SL course are carried through into the objectives that are formally assessed as
part of the course, through either written examination papers, or the exploration, or both. In addition to testing
the objectives of the course, the exploration is intended to provide students with opportunities to increase their
understanding of mathematical concepts and processes, and to develop a wider appreciation of mathematics.
These are noted in the aims of the course, in particular, aims 6–9 (applications, technology, moral, social
Mathematics SL guide
Internal assessment
and ethical implications, and the international dimension). It is intended that, by doing the exploration,
students benefit from the mathematical activities undertaken and find them both stimulating and rewarding. It
will enable students to acquire the attributes of the IB learner profile.
The specific purposes of the exploration are to:
develop students’ personal insight into the nature of mathematics and to develop their ability to ask their
own questions about mathematics
provide opportunities for students to complete a piece of mathematical work over an extended period of
enable students to experience the satisfaction of applying mathematical processes independently
provide students with the opportunity to experience for themselves the beauty, power and usefulness of
encourage students, where appropriate, to discover, use and appreciate the power of technology as a
mathematical tool
enable students to develop the qualities of patience and persistence, and to reflect on the significance of
their work
provide opportunities for students to show, with confidence, how they have developed mathematically.
Management of the exploration
Work for the exploration should be incorporated into the course so that students are given the opportunity to
learn the skills needed. Time in class can therefore be used for general discussion of areas of study, as well as
familiarizing students with the criteria.
Further details on the development of the exploration are included in the teacher support material.
Requirements and recommendations
Students can choose from a wide variety of activities, for example, modelling, investigations and applications
of mathematics. To assist teachers and students in the choice of a topic, a list of stimuli is available in the
teacher support material. However, students are not restricted to this list.
The exploration should not normally exceed 12 pages, including diagrams and graphs, but excluding the
bibliography. However, it is the quality of the mathematical writing that is important, not the length.
The teacher is expected to give appropriate guidance at all stages of the exploration by, for example, directing
students into more productive routes of inquiry, making suggestions for suitable sources of information, and
providing advice on the content and clarity of the exploration in the writing-up stage.
Teachers are responsible for indicating to students the existence of errors but should not explicitly correct these
errors. It must be emphasized that students are expected to consult the teacher throughout the process.
All students should be familiar with the requirements of the exploration and the criteria by which it is assessed.
Students need to start planning their explorations as early as possible in the course. Deadlines should be firmly
established. There should be a date for submission of the exploration topic and a brief outline description, a
date for the submission of the first draft and, of course, a date for completion.
In developing their explorations, students should aim to make use of mathematics learned as part of the course.
The mathematics used should be commensurate with the level of the course, that is, it should be similar to that
suggested by the syllabus. It is not expected that students produce work that is outside the mathematics SL
syllabus—however, this is not penalized.
Mathematics SL guide
Internal assessment
Internal assessment criteria
The exploration is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB using assessment
criteria that relate to the objectives for mathematics SL.
Each exploration is assessed against the following five criteria. The final mark for each exploration is the sum
of the scores for each criterion. The maximum possible final mark is 20.
Students will not receive a grade for mathematics SL if they have not submitted an exploration.
Criterion A
Criterion B
Mathematical presentation
Criterion C
Personal engagement
Criterion D
Criterion E
Use of mathematics
Criterion A: Communication
This criterion assesses the organization and coherence of the exploration. A well-organized exploration
includes an introduction, has a rationale (which includes explaining why this topic was chosen), describes the
aim of the exploration and has a conclusion. A coherent exploration is logically developed and easy to follow.
Graphs, tables and diagrams should accompany the work in the appropriate place and not be attached as
appendices to the document.
Achievement level
The exploration does not reach the standard described by the descriptors
The exploration has some coherence.
The exploration has some coherence and shows some organization.
The exploration is coherent and well organized.
The exploration is coherent, well organized, concise and complete.
Criterion B: Mathematical presentation
This criterion assesses to what extent the student is able to:
use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, terminology)
define key terms, where required
use multiple forms of mathematical representation, such as formulae, diagrams, tables, charts, graphs
and models, where appropriate.
Students are expected to use mathematical language when communicating mathematical ideas, reasoning and
Mathematics SL guide
Internal assessment
Students are encouraged to choose and use appropriate ICT tools such as graphic display calculators,
screenshots, graphing, spreadsheets, databases, drawing and word-processing software, as appropriate, to
enhance mathematical communication.
Achievement level
The exploration does not reach the standard described by the descriptors
There is some appropriate mathematical presentation.
The mathematical presentation is mostly appropriate.
The mathematical presentation is appropriate throughout.
Criterion C: Personal engagement
This criterion assesses the extent to which the student engages with the exploration and makes it their own.
Personal engagement may be recognized in different attributes and skills. These include thinking independently
and/or creatively, addressing personal interest and presenting mathematical ideas in their own way.
Achievement level
The exploration does not reach the standard described by the descriptors
There is evidence of limited or superficial personal engagement.
There is evidence of some personal engagement.
There is evidence of significant personal engagement.
There is abundant evidence of outstanding personal engagement.
Criterion D: Reflection
This criterion assesses how the student reviews, analyses and evaluates the exploration. Although reflection
may be seen in the conclusion to the exploration, it may also be found throughout the exploration.
Achievement level
The exploration does not reach the standard described by the descriptors
There is evidence of limited or superficial reflection.
There is evidence of meaningful reflection.
There is substantial evidence of critical reflection.
Mathematics SL guide
Internal assessment
Criterion E: Use of mathematics
This criterion assesses to what extent students use mathematics in the exploration.
Students are expected to produce work that is commensurate with the level of the course. The mathematics
explored should either be part of the syllabus, or at a similar level or beyond. It should not be completely
based on mathematics listed in the prior learning. If the level of mathematics is not commensurate with the
level of the course, a maximum of two marks can be awarded for this criterion.
The mathematics can be regarded as correct even if there are occasional minor errors as long as they do not
detract from the flow of the mathematics or lead to an unreasonable outcome.
Achievement level
The exploration does not reach the standard described by the descriptors
Some relevant mathematics is used.
Some relevant mathematics is used. Limited understanding is demonstrated.
Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used.
Limited understanding is demonstrated.
Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used.
The mathematics explored is partially correct. Some knowledge and
understanding are demonstrated.
Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used. The
mathematics explored is mostly correct. Good knowledge and understanding
are demonstrated.
Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used. The
mathematics explored is correct. Thorough knowledge and understanding are
Mathematics SL guide
Glossary of command terms
Command terms with definitions
Students should be familiar with the following key terms and phrases used in examination questions, which
are to be understood as described below. Although these terms will be used in examination questions, other
terms may be used to direct students to present an argument in a specific way.
Obtain a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working.
Give a judgment based on a given statement or result of a calculation.
Give an account of the similarities between two (or more) items or situations,
referring to both (all) of them throughout.
Compare and
Give an account of the similarities and differences between two (or more) items or
situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout.
Display information in a diagrammatic or logical form.
Give an account of the differences between two (or more) items or situations,
referring to both (all) of them throughout.
Reach a conclusion from the information given.
Make clear by reasoning or evidence, illustrating with examples or practical
Give a detailed account.
Obtain the only possible answer.
Obtain the derivative of a function.
Make clear the differences between two or more concepts or items.
Represent by means of a labelled, accurate diagram or graph, using a pencil. A
ruler (straight edge) should be used for straight lines. Diagrams should be drawn
to scale. Graphs should have points correctly plotted (if appropriate) and joined in
a straight line or smooth curve.
Obtain an approximate value.
Give a detailed account, including reasons or causes.
Obtain an answer, showing relevant stages in the working.
Use the preceding work to obtain the required result.
Hence or otherwise
It is suggested that the preceding work is used, but other methods could also
receive credit.
Provide an answer from a number of possibilities.
Mathematics SL guide
Glossary of command terms
Obtain the integral of a function.
Use knowledge and understanding to recognize trends and draw conclusions from
given information.
Observe, study, or make a detailed and systematic examination, in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions.
Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion.
Add labels to a diagram.
Give a sequence of brief answers with no explanation.
Mark the position of points on a diagram.
Give an expected result.
Give the steps in a calculation or derivation.
Show that
Obtain the required result (possibly using information given) without the formality
of proof. “Show that” questions do not generally require the use of a calculator.
Represent by means of a diagram or graph (labelled as appropriate). The sketch
should give a general idea of the required shape or relationship, and should include
relevant features.
Obtain the answer(s) using algebraic and/or numerical and/or graphical methods.
Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or
Propose a solution, hypothesis or other possible answer.
Provide evidence that validates the result.
Write down
Obtain the answer(s), usually by extracting information. Little or no calculation is
required. Working does not need to be shown.
Mathematics SL guide
Notation list
Of the various notations in use, the IB has chosen to adopt a system of notation based on the
recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This notation is used in
the examination papers for this course without explanation. If forms of notation other than those listed
in this guide are used on a particular examination paper, they are defined within the question in which
they appear.
Because students are required to recognize, though not necessarily use, IB notation in examinations, it
is recommended that teachers introduce students to this notation at the earliest opportunity. Students
are not allowed access to information about this notation in the examinations.
Students must always use correct mathematical notation, not calculator notation.
the set of positive integers and zero, {0,1, 2, 3, ...}
the set of integers, {0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, ...}
the set of positive integers, {1, 2, 3, ...}
the set of rational numbers
the set of positive rational numbers, {x | x ∈ , x > 0}
the set of real numbers
the set of positive real numbers, {x | x ∈ , x > 0}
{x1 , x2 , ...}
the set with elements x1 , x2 , ...
n( A)
the number of elements in the finite set A
{x | }
the set of all x such that
is an element of
is not an element of
the empty (null) set
the universal set
Mathematics SL guide
Notation list
is a proper subset of
is a subset of
the complement of the set A
a divides b
a1/ n ,
a to the power of
1 th
, n root of a (if a ≥ 0 then
a ≥0)
 x for x ≥ 0, x ∈ 
modulus or absolute value of x , that is 
− x for x < 0, x ∈ 
is approximately equal to
is greater than
is greater than or equal to
is less than
is less than or equal to
is not greater than
is not less than
the nth term of a sequence or series
the common difference of an arithmetic sequence
the common ratio of a geometric sequence
the sum of the first n terms of a sequence, u1 + u2 + ... + un
the sum to infinity of a sequence, u1 + u2 + ...
u1 + u2 + ... + un
 n
 
r 
the rth binomial coefficient, r = 0, 1, 2, …, in the expansion of (a + b) n
i =1
f :A→ B
f is a function under which each element of set A has an image in set B
f :x y
f is a function under which x is mapped to y
Mathematics SL guide
Notation list
f ( x)
the image of x under the function f
f −1
the inverse function of the function f
f g
the composite function of f and g
lim f ( x)
the limit of f ( x) as x tends to a
the derivative of y with respect to x
f ′( x)
the derivative of f ( x) with respect to x
d2 y
dx 2
the second derivative of y with respect to x
f ″( x)
the second derivative of f ( x) with respect to x
dn y
dx n
the nth derivative of y with respect to x
f ( n ) ( x)
the nth derivative of f ( x) with respect to x
∫ y dx
the indefinite integral of y with respect to x
y dx
the definite integral of y with respect to x between the limits x = a and x = b
exponential function (base e) of x
log a x
logarithm to the base a of x
ln x
the natural logarithm of x , log e x
sin, cos, tan
the circular functions
A( x, y )
the point A in the plane with Cartesian coordinates x and y
the line segment with end points A and B
the length of [AB]
the line containing points A and B
the angle at A
the angle between [CA] and [AB]
Mathematics SL guide
Notation list
the triangle whose vertices are A , B and C
the vector v
the vector represented in magnitude and direction by the directed line segment
from A to B
the position vector OA
i, j, k
unit vectors in the directions of the Cartesian coordinate axes
the magnitude of a
| AB|
the magnitude of AB
the scalar product of v and w
P( A)
probability of event A
P( A′)
probability of the event “not A ”
P( A | B )
probability of the event A given the event B
x1 , x2 , ...
f1 , f 2 , ...
frequencies with which the observations x1 , x2 , ... occur
 
number of ways of selecting r items from n items
B(n, p )
binomial distribution with parameters n and p
N( µ ,σ 2 )
normal distribution with mean µ and variance σ 2
X ~ B(n, p )
the random variable X has a binomial distribution with parameters n and p
X ~ N ( µ ,σ 2 )
the random variable X has a normal distribution with mean µ and
variance σ 2
population mean
population variance
population standard deviation
mean of a set of data, x1 , x2 , x3 ,...
Mathematics SL guide
Notation list
standardized normal random variable, z =
cumulative distribution function of the standardized normal variable with
distribution N(0, 1)
Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient
Mathematics SL guide
Mathematics, Applications and Problem Solving (MAPS) Ms. Nakisha Vails Ms. Kristen Range Nakisha_Vails@mcpsmd.org Kristen_M_Range@mcpsmd.org Math Office: 301‐989‐5787 MAPS is a pre‐ algebra course, which is designed to prepare students to successfully take Algebra 1. You will be learning to think and communicate mathematically and will gain considerable tools for problem‐solving. Classroom Expectations:  Come to class on time with all materials.  Be respectful in your interactions with adults and classmates.  Always stay on task.  Participate and ask questions.  Remain in seat at all times. Materials:  Pencils and pens  Filler paper  Notebook or Folder Grading Policy: When can I get help? All Tasks & Assessments – 90% Homework for Practice/Prep – 10% Letter grades will be based on the percentages earned. I will be available during lunch on Monday, Tuesday and some Thursdays and Fridays. A = 90% ‐ 100% B = 80% ‐ 89% C = 70% ‐ 79% D = 60% ‐ 69% E = Below 60% There will be approximately 2 or 3 summative assessments per quarter and 1 formative per week.
Assignment/Makeup Policy: Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook) Grading Guidelines: Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero. (MCPS Policy) Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Retake/Reassessment Policy: Students are offered reassessments on selected formative assessments throughout the marking period and only at the teacher’s discretion. Re‐
assessments will require some form of remediation (i.e. quiz corrections, homework completion, or meet with the teacher during office hours). Ms. Bellamy
Semester B 2016
Precalculus completes the formal study of elementary functions begun in Algebra. Students focus on
the use of technology, modeling and problem solving involving data analysis, trigonometric and
circular functions, their inverses, complex numbers, logarithms, and quadratic relations. Discrete
topics include the Binomial Theorem and sequences and series.
Title of Unit
Rational Functions
Exponential and Logarithmic
Vectors, and Parametrics
Discrete Math
The student will graph and solve Rational
The student will analyze properties of
Logarithmic and Exponential Functions.
The student will be able to perform Vector
operations, dot products, parametric equations.
Basic combinations, Binomial Theorem,
sequences and series.
Quarter grades will reflect individual achievement or performance on MCPS course expectations and
will be determined using a variety of assessment methods, with weighting as shown below:
Homework for practice/prep (10%): This category includes all homework and classwork
assignments that are graded for completion. These assignments are given daily, although not
necessarily graded daily.
Other (90%): This category includes tests, quizzes and other assignments that are graded for
accuracy. There will be 2-3 summative assessments per quarter. There will be 6 – 10 other
assignments per quarter graded for accuracy. These may be quizzes, exit cards, group work,
warm-ups. There will be at least one graded assignment per week.
Any culminating course activity/project/assessment will be determined by MCPS.
Z’s and 0’s:
When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than 50% to the task/
assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If
a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirements of the
task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
The due date and deadline for homework are the same. The deadline is the last day an
assignment will be accepted for a grade. Any homework assignment received after the
deadline will be recorded as a zero in the grade book.
You will be given the opportunity to reassess at least one formative assessment in each unit
(determined by the teacher). If you would like to reassess, you must attend at least one lunch
session where the skill/concept will be reviewed. You will then come during another lunch
session for reassessment. Remember, the second score will take precedence over the first.
The end of the unit assessment (summative) cannot be retaken. Once a unit is complete, you
cannot go back and reassess assignments for a grade change.
Assignment/Make Up Policy:
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the
legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the
teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not
have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work
that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work,
the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course.
For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in
accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS
Student handbook)
Any student who skips class or has an unexcused absence on the day of a test or quiz will receive an
automatic zero on that assessment. If you participate in academic dishonesty you will receive a zero
for that particular assignment or assessment. (MCPS policy)
Extra Credit: There is no extra credit.
 Pencil with an eraser
 A binder with sections for notes, homework practice, and assessments
 TI-83+ or TI 84 graphing calculator (you may rent a calculator from the math office)
Ms. Bellamy will be available for extra help during lunch Monday through Thursday in room E212
“Advanced Mathematical Concepts” c.2007
Website: www.amc.glencoe.com
Access Code: CB6A02D587
Course information, such as grade reports, will be posted regularly on the Springbrook website
www.springbrookhs.org under EDLINE.
E-mail: Ms. Bellamy can be reached by e-mail at Karen_Bellamy@mcpsmd.org.
Ms. Bellamy is available in the math department office at (301)989-5787.
Ms. Bellamy
Semester B 2016
Quantitative Literacy
Springbrook High School
Course Information: 2015-2016
Ms. Patricia R. Jones (F-206)
Mr. Daniel Feher (E-107 – office)
301-989-5787 (math office)
301-989-5700 (main office)
301-989-6070 (AD office)
 Course Description
Prerequisite: Attainment of the outcomes of Algebra 2 or Bridge to Algebra 2
Quantitative Literacy is designed to enhance students’ abilities in mathematical decisionmaking and financial literacy. Topics in mathematical decision-making include issues in
health and social sciences, fair division, apportionment, and the mathematics of chance.
Financial literacy topics include individual budgeting, investing, credit and loans. Also
included are business topics including starting and maintaining a business. Emphasis is on
the mathematical aspects of the topics.
 Course Goals
The curriculum for Quantitative Literacy builds on previous courses, particularly Algebra 1 and
Bridge to Algebra 2/Algebra 2. The goal is to develop students obtain quantitative literacy.
Students must be able to problem solve, communicate mathematically, create and interpret
mathematical models, and make efficient and appropriate use of technology.
Students learn mathematics best within meaningful and authentic contexts in which the need
for appropriate mathematics arises. In this way, students develop a sense of independence and
take responsibility for their own learning. Constructing, reflecting, applying, and describing
their mathematical models is critical as students bridge the gap between abstraction and
application. This provides the foundation for transfer learning.
Classroom activities are structured so that students engage in tasks and discourse that are
mathematically rich and purposeful. In addition to exploration of mathematical relationships,
students develop and test generalizations that arise through personal intellectual reflection and
shared discourse. They examine and compare methods and ideas, which helps them to modify
and further develop their own understandings in ways that support conceptual flexibility and
procedural fluency. Two instructional models that explicitly support rigorous student
engagement are described below.
 Expected Student Learning Outcomes*
Upon completing the Quantitative Literacy course, students should be able to:
o analyze various investment instruments as to their purposes, advantages, and disadvantages,
such as savings and checking accounts, certificates of deposit, stocks, social security,
individual retirement accounts, and bonds;
o apply appropriate models and representations for various types of investments to
determine the best investment plan for a given situation;
o compute present value, future value, and annuities, and apply these to investments;
o analyze the characteristics of various types of loans, such as credit cards, personal loans,
student loans, auto financing, and mortgages;
o apply appropriate models to determine the impact of the relationship among loan rates,
the term of a loan, the principal amount of a loan, and payments;
Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
represent and analyze mathematical models for various types of income, such as
commission, salary, and hourly wage;
determine, represent, and analyze various types of deductions from income, such as federal
and state income taxes, Social Security, and Medicare taxes;
analyze household expenses to create a household budget utilizing food, shelter,
transportation, utilities, insurance, savings, and other expenses;
analyze the effect that income taxes have on individual finances, including purchasing a
home, the cost of an education, and medical expenses;
use probabilities to make and justify decisions about risks in everyday life, such as investing
in the stock market, taking medication, or selecting car insurance;
calculate expected value to analyze fairness and payoff in situations such as lotteries,
warranties, and insurance;
determine conditional probabilities and probabilities of compound events by constructing
and analyzing representations, including tree diagrams, Venn diagrams, and contingency
tables, to make decisions in problem situations;
solve problems involving large quantities, such as estimating crowd size, counting the
number of available phone numbers, license plates, and Social Security numbers;
analyze fairness in situations, such as proportional representation, division of property, and
the allocation of resources;
evaluate various selection processes, such as majority rule, weighted voting, or pair-wise
voting, to determine which process is appropriate in a given situation;
use mathematics to make and justify health decisions, such as drug testing, spread of disease,
health care costs, and long-term care insurance;
apply weighted averages to solve problems involving medication and school grade point
determine if a product or service can be profitable in a community;
determine the startup costs to open a business, including inventory, construction, permits,
and equipment and how these costs will be financed;
determine fixed and variable expenses of running a business;
approximate the revenue that a business will generate; and
understand the laws of supply and demand.
 Required Supplies
 3 ring binder section
 Black and/or dark blue ink pens and pencils
 College ruled notebook paper
 Calculator (graphing preferred)
 Guidelines for Course Grade
o Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade
no lower than 50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work
on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher
determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic
requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a
zero.(MCPS Policy)
Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are
expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for
students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due
date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the
due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Reassessment: Formative assessments may be reassessed. The student must meet with the
teacher for a re-teaching opportunity. The reassessment will replace the original grade.
Assignment/Make-Up Policy: Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up
missed work, regardless of the legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a
result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is
unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a
retest, or give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have
to help a student make up missed work, the student still has to make up the work so the
student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused absences, teachers may deny
credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process approved by
the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
Grade Categories:
Assignments for Completion
All Assessments
10% of the total grade
90% of the total grade
You will be able to view your grades online at www.edline.net at all times.
7:15-7:35 am
D. Feher (E-107)
T. Jones (F-206)
M, T, W, Th, F
By appt. only
Not Available
M, Tu, Th, F
By appointment
By appointment
 Attendance Policy
It is important to attend class and participate in class discussions and activities. Please make
sure you follow the district attendance policy in order to earn credit for the course. Students
are late to class if not in the classroom when the bell STOPS ringing.
 Behavioral Expectations
o Our classroom is a place of learning. You are expected to respect the teacher, yourself, each
other, and all school rules and property and participate fully in daily class activities.
o You MAY NOT put your head on your desk for any reason; use language that intentionally
or unintentionally insults others; wear hats or use portable music players during class.
o No passes will be issued during the first or last ten minutes of class.
Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
Syllabus, Expectations and Grading Policy
Email: Karen_bellamy@mcpsmd.org
Tel: (301)989-5787
To: Parent/Guardian/Student
From: Karen Bellamy
Date: January 26, 2016
Re: Statistics and Mathematical Modeling
Welcome to Statistics and Mathematical Modeling B at Springbrook High School. This
Course Syllabus outlines important information for your success in the course.
Based on the MCPS curriculum guide, Statistics and Mathematical Modeling B is a two-semester course
which introduces students to the roles of mathematical modeling in contemporary life. It provides a
meaningful alternative in statistical and discrete mathematical topics for students who have completed
Algebra 2. The course prepares students for college placement exams and college mathematics courses.
Syllabus: Semester B Course Objectives
Unit1: Elementary Number Theory
Unit 2: College Placement Math
Unit 3: Game Theory
Unit 4: Trigonometry
Materials: These are the items you need for the class
TI-83 or TI 84 Calculator
Grading Policy:
Assessments: 90%
This category includes tests, quizzes and other assignments that are graded for accuracy. There will be 2-3
summative assessments per quarter. There will be 6 – 10 other assignments per quarter graded for accuracy.
These may be quizzes, exit cards, group work, warm-ups. There will be at least one graded assignment per week.
Homework: 10%
This category includes all homework and classwork assignments that are graded for completion. These
assignments are given daily, although not necessarily graded daily.
Note: Any culminating activity/project/assessment will be determined by MCPS
Re-teaching and Reassessments:
Students are expected to take assessments on the date and time they are scheduled. The opportunity for a makeup will be given only if the student has an excused absence on the scheduled date or at the discretion of the
teacher. The opportunity for a reassessment grade will be offered for 1 quiz per unit, provided the student has
completed the homework prior to the quiz and has made appropriate corrections to the original quiz. Summative
test grades will replace the original grade of formative quizzes. Make-ups will be given in E212 before school
or during lunch
Assignment/Make Up Policy:
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the legal status of their
absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the teacher will help a student make up work. If
the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or
give an extension on work that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed
work, the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course. For unexcused
absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in accordance with the process
approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS Student handbook)
All school rules are to be followed according to student handbook
Additional Help:
I am available for additional help in Room E212 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during lunch
and pre-scheduled appointments. Academic Integrity:
It is a violation of the Montgomery County Code of Conduct not only to receive answers and/or information in an
unauthorized manner from another student for an academic assignment, but also to knowingly provide answers
and/or information in a manner not authorized by a teacher to another student. In addition to a loss of respect and
trust, such violations will result in a phone call home, loss of credit for the assignment and a discipline referral.
Springbrook HS
Course Sy: 2015-2016
Wellington Uzamere
(202) 246-3979
Daily at Lunch and after school
Course Description
Review as many published SAT Test as possible in preparation for the real SAT
Course Goals
Learn test taking strategies, test time management and math topics covered in the SAT
Expected Student Learning Outcomes
Improved SAT Math scores
Guidelines for Grading
Home work
Types of Assignments
Strategies and Math topics worksheets
Past SAT Practice tests
Z’s and 0’s: When using points or percentages, a teacher assigns a grade no lower than
50% to the task/ assessment. If a student does no work on the task/assessment, the teacher
will assign a zero. If a teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the
basic requirements of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero.(MCPS Policy)
Due Dates/Deadlines: Teachers will establish due dates and deadlines. Teachers are
expected to separate the due date from the deadline in order to increase opportunities for
students to complete assignments; however, there may be some exceptions when the due
date and deadline are the same. It is recognized that for daily homework assignments the
due date and deadline may be the same to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
 Retake/Reassessment Policy
You will be given the opportunity to reassess at least one formative assessment in each unit
(determined by the teacher). If you would like to reassess, you must attend at least one lunch
session where the skill/concept will be reviewed. You will then come during another lunch
session for reassessment. Remember, the second score will take precedence over the first.
The end of the unit assessment (summative) cannot be retaken. Once a unit is complete, you
cannot go back and reassess assignments for a grade change.
 Assignment/Make Up Policy
Students have a responsibility and are expected to make up missed work, regardless of the
legal status of their absence. If the absence is excused or is a result of a suspension, the
teacher will help a student make up work. If the absence is unexcused, the teacher does not
have to help a student make up the work missed, give a retest, or give an extension on work
that was due. Even though the teacher does not have to help a student make up missed work,
the student still has to make up the work so the student can complete the rest of the course.
For unexcused absences, teachers may deny credit for missed assignments or assessments, in
accordance with the process approved by the principal and the leadership team. (MCPS
Student handbook)