10 VB Socket . 10.1 Visual Basic socket implementation Visual Basic support a WinSock control which allows the connection of hosts over a network. It supports both UDP and TCP. Figure 10. shows a sample Visual Basic screen with a WinSock object (in this case, it is named Winsock1). To set the Procotol used then either select the Properties window on the WinSock object, click Protocol and select either sckTCPProtocol, or sckUDPProtocol. Otherwise, within the code it can be set to TCP with: Winsock1.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol Figure 10.1 WinSock object The WinSock object has various properties, such as: 167 obj.RemoteHost obj.LocalPort Defines the IP address or DNS of the remote host. Defines the local port number The methods that are used with the WinSock object are: obj.Connect obj.Listen obj.GetData obj.SendData Connects to a remote host (client invoked). Listens for a connection (server invoked). Reads data from the input steam. Sends data to an output stream. The main events are: ConnectionRequest DataArrival Occurs when a remote host wants to make a connection with a server. Occurs when data has arrived from a connection (data is then read with GetData). 10.1.1 Creating a server A server must listen for connection. To do this, do the following: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Create a new Standard EXE project. Change the name of the default form to myServer. Change the caption of the form to “Server Application” (see Figure 10.2). Put a Winsock control on the main format and change its name to myTCPServer. Add two TextBox controls to the form. Name the first SendTextData, and the second ShowText (see Figure 10.2). Add the code given below to the form. Figure 10.2 Server setups Private Sub Form_Load() ' Set the local port to 1001 and listen for a connection myTCPServer.LocalPort = 1001 168 Mastering Networks myTCPServer.Listen myClient.Show End Sub Private Sub myTCPServer_ConnectionRequest (ByVal requestID As Long) ' Check state of socket, if it is not closed then close it. If myTCPServer.State <> sckClosed Then myTCPServer.Close ' Accept the request with the requestID parameter. myTCPServer.Accept requestID End Sub Private Sub SendTextData_Change() ' SendTextData contains the data to be sent. ' This data is setn using the SendData method myTCPServer.SendData = SendTextData.Text End Sub Private Sub myTCPServer_DataArrival (ByVal bytesTotal As Long) ' Read incoming data into the str variable, ' then display it to ShowText Dim str As String myTCPServer.GetData = str ShowText.Text = str End Sub Figure 10.3 shows the server setup. Figure 10.3 Server form 10.1.2 Creating a client TCP/UDP 169 The client must actively seek a connection. To create a client, do the following: 1 2 3 4 Add a new form to the project, and name it myClient. Change the caption of the form to “Client Application”. Add a Winsock control to the form and name it myTCPClient. Add two TextBox controls to the form. Name the first SendTextData, and the second ShowText. 5 Draw a CommandButton control on the form and name it cmdConnect. 6 Change the caption of the CommandButton control to Connect. 7 Add the code given below to the form. Private Sub Form_Load() ' In this case it will connect to ' change this to the local IP address or DNS of the local computer myTCPClient.RemoteHost = "" myTCPClient.RemotePort = 1001 End Sub Private Sub cmdConnect_Click() ' Connect to the server myTCPClient.Connect End Sub Private Sub SendTextData_Change() tcpClient.SendData txtSend.Text End Sub Private Sub tcpClient_DataArrival (ByVal bytesTotal As Long) Dim str As String myTCPClient.GetData str ShowText.Text = str End Sub 170 Mastering Networks Figure 10.4 Client form The program, when it is run, will act as a client and a server. Any text typed in the SendTxtData TextBox will be sent to the ShowText TextBox on the other form. 10.1.3 Multiple connections In Visual Basic, it is also possible to create multiple connections to a server. This is done by creating multiple occurances of the server object. A new one is created every time there is a new connection (with the Connection_Request event). Each new server accepts the incoming connection. The following code, which has a Winsock control on a form called multServer, is given below. Private ConnectNo As Long Private Sub Form_Load() ConnectNo = 0 multServer(0).LocalPort = 1001 multServer(0).Listen End Sub Private Sub multServer_ConnectionRequest _ (Index As Integer, ByVal requestID As Long) If Index = 0 Then ConnectNo = ConnectNo + 1 Load multServer(ConnectNo) multServer(ConnectNo).LocalPort = 0 multServer(ConnectNo).Accept requestID Load txtData(ConnectNo) End If End Sub TCP/UDP 171 10.1.4 Connect event The Connect event connects to a server. If an error occurs then a flag (ErrorOccurred) is set to True, else it is False. Its syntax is: Private Sub object.Connect(ErrorOccurred As Boolean) 10.1.5 Close event The Close event occurs when the remote computer closes the connection. Applications should use the Close method to correctly close their connection. Its syntax is: object_Close() 10.1.6 DataArrival event The DataArrival event occurs when new data arrives, and returns the number of bytes read (bytesTotal). Its syntax is: object_DataArrival (bytesTotal As Long) 10.1.7 Bind method The Bind method specifies the Local port (LocalPort) and the Local IP address (LocalIP) to be used for TCP connections. Its syntax is: object.Bind LocalPort, LocalIP 10.1.8 Listen method The Listen method creates a socket and goes into listen mode (for server applications). Its stays in this mode until a ConnectionRequest event occurs, which indicates an incoming connection. After this, the Accept method should be used to accept the connection. Its syntax is: object.Listen 10.1.9 Accept method The Accept method accepts incoming connections after a ConnectionRequest event. Its syntax is: object.Accept requestID The requestID parameter is passed into the ConnectionRequest event and is used with the Accept method. 10.1.10 Close method The Close method closes a TCP connection. Its syntax is: object.Close 10.1.11 172 SendData method Mastering Networks The SendData methods sends data (Data) to a remote computer. Its syntax is: object.SendData Data 10.1.12 GetData method The GetData method gets data (Data) from an object. Its syntax is: object.GetData data, [type,] [maxLen] . 10.2 TCP/IP services reference Port 1 9 13 17 19 23 37 42 53 67 68 70 79 87 95 102 107 110 113 117 123 138 143 162 164 178 191 199 202 206 213 372 513 514 Service TCPmux discard daytime qotd chargen telnet time nameserver domain bootps bootpc gopher finger link supdup iso-tsap rtelnet pop3 auth uucp-path ntp netbios-dgm imap2 snmp-trap cmip-agent nextstep prospero smux at-nbp at-zis ipx ulistserv who syslog Comment Null Quote ttytst source Timserver IEN 116 DNS BOOTP server BOOTP client Internet Gopher Ttylink ISODE Remote Telnet POP version 3 Rap ID Network Timel NETBIOS SNMP trap NeXTStep SNMP Multiplexer AppleTalk name binding AppleTalk zone information IPX UNIX Listserv Whod Port 7 11 15 18 21 25 39 43 57 67 69 77 80 88 101 105 109 111 115 119 137 139 161 163 177 179 194 201 204 210 220 512 514 515 Service Comment echo systat Users netstat msp Message send protocol ftp smtp Mail rlp Resource location whois Nicname mtp Deprecated bootps tftp rje Netrjs www WWW HTTP kerberos Kerberos v5 hostnames csnet-ns CSO name server pop2 POP version 2 sunrpc sftp nntp USENET netbios-ns NETBIOS Name Service netbios-ssn NETBIOS session snmp SNMP cmip-man ISO management over IP xdmcp X Display Manager bgp BGP irc Internet Relay Chat at-rtmp AppleTalk routing at-echo AppleTalk echo z3950 NISO Z39.50 database imap3 Interactive Mail Access exec Comsat 513 login shell No passwords used printer Line printer spooler TCP/UDP 173 517 520 526 531 533 543 174 talk route tempo conference netwall klogin RIP Newdate Chat Emergency broadcasts Kerberized ‘rlogin’ (v5) Mastering Networks 518 525 530 532 540 544 ntalk timed courier netnews uucp kshell Timeserver Rpc Readnews Uucp daemon Kerberized ‘rsh’ (v5)
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