,ffi% Algae hfturP-{wiw, ,C shark of each' Label and state the function 5. 1. a) Whic-ft ones are consumers? Decomposers? Prodocers? Heterotrophs? Autotrophs? (There may be multiple answers for each one). b) Whlch has the smallest biomass? c) Which has the largest biomass? 6, V Z. a) What do trophic levels show? b) lfthetree gives 1500 cal to insects, how @ tho*n? of a) How many populations b) what animals are here? are the nonliving factors much energy does the owl get? ,, 3. a) Label all the zones. b) Which zone gets the mostsunlight and 9. , explain why? c) WhiT do temps drop as one moves further away from the equator? d) Explain how air moves on the planet t- _p, s. - List all the biotic and abiotic factors. What would happen if a dam was built in c! Which regions contain more nutrients than other regions and explain why? 1@ ft. bl -,. region C? t [abel everything. Whatisthis cycle called? a) ,- oo^X & P.6Ml6 ,l. -t C.nff, 'fi | Bes rate g: al ifalimitingnutrientissupptiedtothe !l PI 0246I producers, what effect does it have on birds? bJ How many kcal will the Bass get? .),yn.,lscienrificapproachesio ..-_ ^_ use to explain ecoloEy? ecologists ' Wlo,oookcc Diagmm I @ ralo 27 {O, gl+ Gpwrh 'p I EI rl .dqu"* :H a) Which species has greater initialgrowth when grown separately? b) Which species has greater initlal growth when lrown together? c) What type of Population groMh curue is shown in the first graph? d) Explaln why P. caudatum decllned in Browth when they were grown together. Days s,lm' I Afil! od opidorc el crcwth '$ | s lt P. mlo Cl PI -t ', 10 12 au.elia aadalw l,t 16 18 Days w ,} I I/ a) which through livtng a| a1 How manY energy transferring steps away from the sun is the deer? bl Compare the enetgy available to the wolf if 61 steps show tt t're carbon cycle syste;;;- -* passing b). After learning about respiration and ph.otosynthesis, explain how the carbon cycle and the oxygen cycle are related. it eats first level consumers instead of second level ^) ra) '/) @ m* Roundworms \ \\ P "N*'' \**0...) i"T,',,",\>4 ilateral symmetry? n) t,t&I * Circle all '/ gY&e Qr+,.*it^r a mollusk has: Protostome develoPment' coelom' radial sYmmetry, tissues' laYers' germ three RWANDAN POPULATION 80+ 80+ 75-79 75-79 70-74 6s-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 70-74 4549 4044 35-39 30-34 65-49 6G-t4 55-59 50-54 > +s-,as 40-44 rgc 30-34 25-29 20-24 1 S-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 D Use the graphs to nnswe/ the questions. h Uwf /Fu,,r4,on, the adaptations 1. Which country do you predict will experience a slow and 2. steady growth rate in the near future? Which population will likely experience a large population growth? Explain. B Q 3 I fl/ IE all)% t*bel "?friorir, Fur\ 17, ,Zgrr --_ & (Nl'/r tabel ler,"6 e( ayi e.h*d. B.len, Btnrll s) Oo?'l....-..--..""2 n-l- E'ol 5of '" r0-l- E E | I .9 I .4 I I Srol i"'ffi I ! e i Month 6atrow, Ahska E E 40 :ol .9 20. 10- ,g 0. g to Use the .20 E -30 z at ihe panels you have numbered 2-4. At what stage would you exptrt to se large mals moving back to the area? MonS IIse the graphs to 1. ailflnr panel2 the questiotts' What is the driest month ir Belem, Brazil? illustrations to ansat the qu*tions. Circlc the correct answer. 1.Imk 2. primary 2. Is Belem 3. in a warm ctmate or a cool one? Which city is cool€r in SePtember? panel What type of succssion is shown in the illustrations above? succssion smndary succesion fire disturbed the comunity shorm in thc Panel you numbcred 4. t^y'hat type of sucesion wrll lik:ly follow this fire? 3. Suppose a prinarysucccssion sccondarysrrccessiorr lke the diagtam to afls\Der Ihc 1. Bv whkh qileston' gas proccss do certain bactcria convert nitrogcn irito amm6nia (NH.)? tlle mftect ansxoer lJse the diagram to answer the q&stions- Circle atmosPhere? the into carbon releases 1 Whichlrocess photosYnthesis 2. f aaa Earri, 's mailr climate zotrcsds temperate, tropica I, or polar. Yott ut, torre letms ffiorc ]hnn once. beretm the orgarjsms to shou htw enerry mooes through this food chain. One arrow has been drawn re an uample' i The squid eats the small fish. 1 r f}rq2jeplanktoncat thealgae. Draw arws ) . / . Theshaikeats thesquid. +5. __sr} -ra:qaP\l \ twp to mlswer lhe qa%tions. Which climate zone receives the most direct sunlight year-round? /^XSXKTI \bru"l) oxR r \t 2. Why are the polar bns colder than the other zon€s? Lolor thc organisms in uch lrophic Iml Follm tlte Vrom pts uc'"* . Color thc prcducer(s) qren, . . Color the hrst-level coisumer(s) brom. . Color the second-level consumer(s) blue. r Color the third-level consumer(s) purple' Ttre small fish eat the zooPlankton. U6e the 1. aingram Which forms o{ nitrogen are useful to produceB? dePosition carth's Cllmate Zoms (u lt uitt I iFo*n" Which process removes carbon from the land? humanaciivitY \ afl\ z. tesPiration "l Zooplankton /J\ A-onm Algae 1, lJse the l. List 2. fmd chain to answer the questietls. the produceds). List the comumer(s). lhe diagran abow t0 znswer tht question Write one food chah that includes the mareh grass' Llse oD,; A group or level of organizotion in taxonomy i$ €llcd a taxonomic category, or Ihe largest tasnomic catego.y in Limaeus's system of clareification is the , and the 6mall6t is the What lwo kingdoms did Limaeus naru? 12. Fill in thc name of each Atizlybeat Blekbeil ffit m si$ing taxonomic category in the chalt belok clanloand #b Redlox Ab€n Coral squirrel snaks Sm !tn! R Md e*ir*r,:' ffiilm{bffiMsd ffi) m #, 6t M M.d,a e SPECIES 'j A gene ln an nn(Grtrll tpeclej nucleotide AD € flr tl -{LC *o */ mutations Gr Hz -\no mutations tr Hr H6 j" ndw /\ new t/\ ffiFqE Flo Hs HtrE 'A B SPecies Species U:.sc the diagtafti to answcr i. whi.t, 2, Use the )4 2. L most tl* @e SPecres c qucsLiofts clsely lelated to Specic Explain how you uwd ihe DNA sequcnces to B? €*lin mwer qustion 1 correcl arsweL ctadogrutfl t0 ansT1er tlr- queslions' Circle [[e Which orgmism $hows segmentation? L. "rp".io, new mutation mutatlon mutation 3. organism How can you tell that Species C developed from the with gene 3? What do all three organisns shown have in common? b
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