Collections and Technical Services Publications and Papers Collections and Technical Services 2006 27th Annual U.S. Foreign Affairs Doctoral Dissertations List Edward A. Goedeken Iowa State University, Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons, and the Library and Information Science Commons The complete bibliographic information for this item can be found at libcat_pubs/15. For information on how to cite this item, please visit howtocite.html. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Collections and Technical Services at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Collections and Technical Services Publications and Papers by an authorized administrator of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact 27th Annual U.S. Foreign Affairs Doctoral Dissertations List By Edward A. Goedeken SECTION I FOREIGN AFFAIRS A. Arms Control, Arms Race, and Antiwar Efforts Dillard, Jennifer Roseanne. “Innovations in Treaty-Making: The Case of the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, and Transfer of AntiPersonnel Mines and Their Destruction,” University of South Carolina, 2004 (PS), DA 3130442, Oct. 2004. Jacobs, Robert Alan. “Ground Zero: Nuclear Weapons and Social Transformation,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004, DA 3130940, Oct. 2004. Kanavou, Angeliki Andrea. “Why Peace Fails: The Role of Values in Post-Settlement Processes,” University of Southern California, 2003 (PS), DA 3133289, Nov. 2004. Lekus, Ian Keith. “Queer and Present Dangers: Homosexuality and American Antiwar Activism during the Vietnam Era,” Duke University, 2003, DA 3135134, Dec. 2004. Miller-Winder, Katha. “Christian Denominations and the Nuclear Issue, 1945-1985: A Model of Pressures and Constraints,” Vanderbilt University, 2003 (PS), DA 3138561, Jan. 2005. B. Congress Banks, Catherine M. “The War Powers Resolution: Asserting Congress’s Role over the Use of Military Force,” Old Dominion University, 2004 (PS), DA 3128705, Oct. 2004. C. Domestic Groups, Organizations, and Politics Carter, Steven E. “The Mormons and the Third Reich,” University of Arkansas, 2003, DA 3122421, Aug. 2004. Cohen, Beth B. “Case Closed: Holocaust Survivors in America, 1946-1954,” Clark University, DA 3133771, Nov. 2004. García, Daniel Eugene. “Free Trade Unionism in the Third World: The Cold War National Security State and American Labor in Asia, 1948-1975,” University of California, Berkeley, 2003, DA 3121484, Aug. 2004. Hostetter, David. “Movement Matters: American Antiapartheid Activism and the Rise of Multicultural Politics,” University of Maryland, 2004, DA 3128881, Oct. 2004. D. Education E. Environment Ackerman, John Thomas. “Global Climate Change: Catalyst for International Relations Disequilibria?” University of Alabama, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-496-16548-8, Je. 2005. Sverrisson, Hjortur Bragi. “When Two Wrongs Make a Right: Analysis of the Legality of Countermeasures under International Law and their Use as Unilateral Remedies in Response to Violations of International Environmental Obligations of States,” University of Miami, 2003 (PS), DA 3119891, Jl. 2004. Thomas, Karen L. “An Evaluation of Voluntary Instruments for Environmental Management: Comparing the Regulation of Toxic Substances in Canada and the United States,” McMaster University, Canada, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-612-97798-6, Je. 2005. Urban, Jessica LeAnn. “The Politics of Blame: Nation, Immigration, and Environmental Security in International Relations,” Northern Arizona University, 2004 (PS), DA 3138552, Jan. 2005. F. Foreign Aid Garrett, Amy C. “Marketing America: Public Culture and Public Diplomacy in the Marshall Plan Era, 1947-1954,” University of Pennsylvania, 2004, DA 3125824, Sept. 2004. Krift, Anna Louise. “Effectiveness of Foreign Assistance in Central America: The Case of Hurricane Mitch,” University of Miami, 2004 (PS), DA 3141883, Jan. 2005. G. Human Rights Amit, Roni. “Judges without Borders: International Human Rights Law in Domestic Courts,” University of Washington, 2004 (PS), DA 3131114, Oct. 2004. Bae, Sangmin. “When the State No Longer Kills: International Human Rights Norms and Abolition of Capital Punishment,” Purdue University, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0496-10815-8, Apr. 2005. James, Stephen Andrew. “The Origins of Universal Human Rights: An Evaluation,” Princeton University, 2005 (PS), ISBN 0-496-15058-8, May 2005. Johnstone, Rachael Lorna. “Human Rights Working for Women,” University of Toronto (Canada), 2004 (LAW), ISBN 0-612-91864-5, Nov. 2004. Madigan, Janet Holl. “Being Human, Being Good: The Source and Summit of Universal Human Rights,” University of Maryland, 2004 (PS), DA 3139084, Jan. 2005. Sachleben, Mark. “International Human Rights Treaties: Understanding Patterns of Participation and Non-Participation, 1948-2000,” Miami University, 2003 (PS), DA 3125986, Sept. 2004. H. Immigration and Refugees Bon Tempo, Carl Joseph. “Americans at the Gate: The Politics of American Refugee Policy, 1952-1980,” University of Virginia, 2004, DA 3118366, Jl. 2004. Capehart, Adrian S. “The Migration of Africans to the United States since 1960: Contexts, Responses, and Communities,” University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004, ISBN 0-496-14884-2, May 2005. Dimitrov, Nanda. “Being Russian, Becoming American: The Role of Value-Behavior Discrepancies in the Cultural Adaptation of Russian Immigrants in the United States,” University of Minnesota, 2004 (SP), ISBN 0-496-00492-1, Feb. 2005. Garland, Libby. “Through Closed Gates: Jews and Illegal Immigration to the United States, 1921-1933,” University of Michigan, 2004, DA 3138154, Dec. 2004. Meloy, Michael Joseph. “The Long Road to Manzanar: Politics, Land, and Race in the Japanese Exclusion Movement, 1900-1942,” University of California, Davis, 2004, ISBN 0-496-07517-9, Mar. 2005. Natalini, Robert S. “Chi Lascia la Via Vecchia . . . : Law, Ethnicity, and the Immigration Experience. Italians in Industrial America, 1880-1925,” University of Pennsylvania, 2004, DA 3125883, Sept. 2004. Nicholson, William Charles. “Anglo-Saxonism at the Crossroads: U.S.-Canadian Responses to Japanese Immigration to North America, 1905-1914,” Georgia State University, 2004, ISBN 0-496-16142-3, May 2005. I. Individuals Cantrell, Phillip A., II. “A Talented and Energetic Young Man: John Foster Dulles and His Preparation for Statesmanship, 1888-1937,” West Virginia University, 2004, ISBN 0-496-92169-X, Je. 2005. Flynn, Matthew J. “Reconsidering the China Lobby: Senator William F. Knowland and U.S.-China Policy, 1945-1958,” Ohio University, 2004, DA 3124927, Sept. 2004. Martin, Michael Sterling. “Senator Russell B. Long of Louisiana: A Political Biography, 1948-1986,” University of Arkansas, 2003, DA 3122397, Aug. 2004. Vaughn, Patrick G. “Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Political and Academic Life of a Cold War Visionary,” West Virginia University, 2003, ISBN 0-496-00702-5, Feb. 2005. Wasniewski, Matthew A. “Walter Lippmann, Strategic Internationalism, the Cold War, and Vietnam, 1943-1967,” University of Maryland, 2004, DA 3139091, Jan. 2005. J. Intelligence K. International Law Botting, Gary. “Executive and Judicial Discretion in Extradition between Canada and the United States,” University of British Columbia (Canada), 2004 (LAW), ISBN 0612-90149-1, Sept. 2004. Coates, Neal Edison. “Making Waves: The Bush and Clinton Administrations and the Law of the Sea,” University of Connecticut, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-496-17041-4, Je. 2005. Hermida, Eduardo Julian. “Legal Basis for a National Space Legislation,” McGill University (Canada), 2003 (LAW), ISBN 0-612-88693-X, Aug. 2004. Kinsella, Helen M. “The Image before the Weapon: A Genealogy of the Civilian in International Law and Politics,” University of Minnesota, 2004 (PS), DA 3137181, Dec. 2004. Lorenzo, José Blas. “International Legal Relations: Determining Antitrust Jurisdiction across Borders,” University of Denver, 2004 (PS), DA 3138990, Jan. 2005. L. International Organizations Broude, Tomer. “Judicial Boundedness, Political Capitulation: The Dialectic of International Governance in the World Trade Organization,” University of Toronto (Canada), 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-612-91905-6, Nov. 2004. Huebner-Monien, Sabine. “The U.S. Decision to Promote NATO Expansion: Security Interests, Interest Group Lobbying, and National Identity,” University of California, Santa Barbara, 2004 (PS), DA 3136891, Dec. 2004. Kim, Haklin. “What Explains the Success of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations? An Analysis of the Conditions of Peacekeeping Success in Civil Conflicts,” State University of New York at Binghamton, 2005 (PS), ISBN 0-496-11552-9, Apr. 2005. Lee, Pui-Yin Micky. “UNESCO’s Conceptualization of Women and Telecommunications, 1970-2000,” University of Oregon, 2004 (MC), DA 3136430, Dec. 2004. MacLeod, Lisa A. Hall. “Constructing Peace: Lessons from United Nations Peacebuilding Operations in El Salvador and Cambodia,” University of Denver, 2004 (PS), DA 3129137, Oct. 2004. Rear, Michael C. “Between Empire and State-Building: Ethnic Conflict, U.N. Intervention, and the Post-Colonial State after the Cold War,” City University of New York, 2005 (PS), ISBN 0-496-92290-4, Je. 2005. Steen-Sprang, Louise M. “Protecting Economic Reform by Seeking Membership in Liberal International Organizations,” Ohio State University, 2003 (PS), DA 3124398, Sept. 2004. Westra, Joel H. “Law, Power, and Argumentation: The UN Charter and Uses of Armed Force by Major Powers since 1945,” University of Chicago, 2004 (PS), DA 3125651, Sept. 2004. Winn, Joseph W. “The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Missionaries for Cultural Internationalism, 1911-1939,” University of Kentucky, 2004, DA 3123823, Aug. 2004. M. International Trade and Economics Anderson, Greg. “The Economic Institutions of the NAFTA,” Johns Hopkins University, 2005 (PS), ISBN 0-496-16127-X, May 2005. Jermano, Jill Louise. “The Domestic Politics of Economic Coercion: Nonproliferation Sanctions in U.S. Foreign Policy,” George Washington University, 2004 (PS), DA 3124608, Sept. 2004. Jo, Jung In. “The Link between Domestic Political Institutions and Commitments to International Trade Agreements,” Michigan State University, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0496-05020-6, Mar. 2005. Krikorian, Jacqueline D. “Judicial Review beyond State Borders? The Impact of the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism on Legislative and Policy Arrangements in Canada and the United States,” University of Toronto (Canada), 2004, ISBN 0612-94491-3, Apr. 2005. Liang, Wei. “Regime Type and International Negotiation: A Case Study of US/China Bilateral Negotiations for China’s Accession to GATT/WTO,” University of Southern California, 2003 (PS), DA 3133305, Nov. 2005. Major, Solomon. “The Domestic Politics of International Economic Sanctions,” Stanford University, 2005 (PS), ISBN 0-496-13518-X, May 2005. Shin, Chang In. “Defending Non-Compliance: The Role of Cultural Identity and the RePresentation of Power in US-South Korea Trade Negotiations,” Pennsvlvania State University, 2004 (SP), ISBN 0-496-89969-4, Je. 2005. N. Literature and Miscellaneous Crawford, Russell E. “Consensus All-American: Sport and the Promotion of the American Way of Life during the Cold War, 1946-1965,” University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2004, DA 3131539, Oct. 2004. Harper, Kristine C. “Boundaries of Research: Civilian Leadership, Military Funding, and the International Network Surrounding the Development of Numerical Weather Prediction in the United States,” Oregon State University, 2004, DA 3120758, Aug. 2004. Lind, Jennifer M. “Sorry States: Apologies in International Politics,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004 (PS), n.o.n., Mar. 2005. O. Media and Public Opinion Himebaugh, Brian A. “All for One: Restoring American National Identity in Film and Prime Time Television after Vietnam,” University of Akron, 2004, DA 3123384, Aug. 2004. Knecht, Thomas B. “Assessing the Public Opinion/American Foreign Policy Link: The Influence of the Public on Crisis and Non-Crisis Decision-Making,” University of California, Santa Barbara, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-496-03531-2, Mar. 2005. Medler, James Dallis. “The Smugglers’ Landscape: Geography, Route Selection and the Global Heroin Trade,” Old Dominion University, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-496-076086, Mar. 2005. Pomakoy, Keith. “Helping Humanity in the Real World: America and the Urge to Rescue, 1895-1945,” State University of New York at Albany, 2004, ISBN 0496-13919-3, May 2005. Zagorski, Kimberly Lynn. “Dying for Attention: Television Coverage and American Participation in Humanitarian Crises during the Post-Cold War Era,” University of Kentucky, 2005 (PS), ISBN 0-496-92535-0, Je. 2005. P. Military and National Security Affairs Barone, J.C. “The Effects of Media Framing on Student Beliefs and Values Concerning Detainees, Civil Liberties, and National Security in the U.S. after September 11, 2001,” State University of New York at Albany, 2004 (MC), DA 3125959, Sept. 2004. Cook, Christopher Robert. “Stepping Back, Muddling through or Taking Decisive Steps: The Power of International Commitments and American Humanitarian Intervention in the Post Cold War,” University of California, Santa Barbara, 2004 (PS), DA 3136879, Dec. 2004. Miller, Gregory D. “The Shadow of the Past: The Influence of Reputation on Alliance Choices,” Ohio State University, 2004 (PS), DA 3141764, Jan. 2005. Reynolds, Kevin Patrick. “How the Weapons We Buy Shape the Policy We Make: Military Technology, Foreign Policy, and Civilian Control of the Military,” Temple University, 2004 (PS), DA 3128568, Oct. 2004. Robertson, Craig Murray. “Passport Please: The U.S. Passport and the Documentation of Individual Identity, 1845-1930,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004, DA 3131015, Oct. 2004. Schoemehl, Fredrick Anthony. “Nuclear Reactions: National Security Policy, Culture, and Environment in the Nevada Test Site Region, 1950-1958,” University of California, Irvine, 2004, DA 3119746, Jl. 2004. Schwenk-Borrell, Melinda M. “Selling Democracy: The U.S. Information Agency’s Portrayal of American Race Relations, 1953-1976,” University of Pennsylvania, 2004 (MC), DA 3125895, Sept. 2004. Watman, Kenneth Harry. “The Relationship between Regime Strength and the Propensity to Engage in Armed Interstate Conflicts,” Ohio State University, 2003 (PS), DA 3119265, Jl. 2004. Q. Missionaries Ahn, Katherine Hyunjoo Lee. “Pioneer American Women Missionaries to Korea, 18841907,” Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology, 2004, DA 3118993, Jl. 2004. Duke, Debra L. “From True Woman to New Woman: Mary Kelly Edwards, Single Woman Missionary to Natal, South Africa, 1868-1927,” Princeton Theological Seminary, 2004, DA 3139329, Jan. 2005. R. Philosophy and Theory Andersen, David Ray. “Foreign Policy Decision-Making and Violent Non-State Actors,” University of Maryland, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-496-13688-7, May 2005. Anderson, Michelle Cimato. “International Conflict: An Analysis of Information, Duration and Recurrence,” New York University, 2004 (PS), DA 3127424, Sept. 2004. Bapat, Navin A. “Non-State Actors and Political Conflict,” Rice University, 2004 (PS), DA 3122450, Aug. 2004. Foster, Dennis M. “The Bullies in Their Pulpits: Diversion, Elite Opposition, and U.S. Conflict Behavior,” Pennsylvania State University, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-49606664-1, Mar. 2005. Hewson, Martin. “Directionality in International Relations,” York University (Canada), 2003, ISBN 0-612-86344-1, Jl. 2004. Khan, M. A. Muqtedar. “Identity and Choice in International Relations: A Constructivist Theory of Agency and Action,” Georgetown University, 2000 (PS), DA 3122209, Aug. 2004. Rothkin, Karen. “Obligations Abroad: Towards a Just Foreign Policy,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004 (PS), n.o.n., Mar. 2005. Stock, Andrew E. “Searching for a Better World Order: Deliberative Democratic Theory and Global Governance,” University of Colorado at Boulder, 2004 (PS), DA 3123293, Aug. 2004. S. Presidency He, Hui. “The Evolution of Richard Nixon’s Views on China,” University of Hong Kong (People’s Republic of China), 2003, n.o.n., Jl. 2004. Magee, Malcolm Dean. “Above the Mountains of the Earth: The American Presbyterian Roots of Woodrow Wilson’s Foreign Policy,” Michigan State University, 2004, DA 3129513, Oct. 2004. Mitchell, David. “Making Foreign Policy: Presidential Management, Advisors and the Foreign Policy Decision-Making Process,” Syracuse University, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-496-08469-0, Mar. 2005. T. Terrorism and Revolution Moazami, Behrooz. “The Making of the State, Religion, and the Islamic Revolution in Iran (1796-1979)” New School University, 2004 (SO), DA 3118790, Jl. 2004. Petrakis, Gregory. “Terrorism as a Transnational Phenomenon,” Union Institute & University, 1979 (PS), DADP 10980, Dec. 2004. Rowan, S. Ford. “Defending against Bioterrorism: Lessons from the 2001 Anthrax Attacks,” University of Southern California, 2004 (PS), DA 3140548, Jan. 2005. SECTION II HISTORICAL PERIODS A. Colonial and Revolutionary Rine, Holly Anne. “Intercultural Contact and the Creation of Albany’s New Diplomatic Landscape, 1647-1680,” University of New Hampshire, 2004, ISBN 0-49603148-1, Mar. 2005. B. Manifest Destiny to Spanish American War Eaton, William Joseph, III. “The Contest over American Democracy: British Travelers on the American Frontier and the American Response, 1815-1850,” Columbia University, 2004, ISBN 0-496-06172-0, Mar. 2005. Kosasa, Eiko. “Predatory Politics: U.S. Imperialism, Settler Hegemony, and the Japanese in Hawai’i,” University of Hawaii, 2004 (PS), DA 3139771, Jan. 2005. C. 1900-1939 Brinck-Johnsen, Kim. “Playing the Man: Masculinity, Performance, and US Foreign Policy, 1901-1920,” University of New Hampshire, 2004, ISBN 0-496-91373-5, Je. 2005. Delgadillo, Roberto Carlos. “The Last Banana War: U.S. Policy and the Second U.S. Intervention in Nicaragua, 1927-1933,” University of California, Los Angeles, 2004, ISBN 0-496-06486-X, Mar. 2005 Winkler, Jonathan Reed. “Wiring the World: U.S. Foreign Policy and Global Strategic Communications, 1914-1921,” Yale University, 2004, DA 3125329, Sept. 2004. D. World War II Bell, Michael S. “The Worldview of Franklin D. Roosevelt: France, Germany, and United States Involvement in World War II in Europe,” University of Maryland, 2004, DA 3123164, Aug. 2004. Gialanella, Michael Dennis. “Exploring the Mind of War: The Testimony of Selected World War II Participants as Measured against Historical Scholarship,” Drew University, 2004, ISBN 0-496-07379-6, Mar. 2005. Hayashi, Amy N. “Japanese American Resettlement: The Midwest and the Middle Atlantic States, 1942-1949,” Temple University, 2004, DA 3128540, Oct. 2004. Lorenze-Meyer, Martin. “To Avert a Fourth Reich: The Safehaven Program and the Allied Pursuit of Nazi Assets Abroad,” University of Kansas, 2004, ISBN 0-496-08250-7, Mar. 2005. Rickman, Gregg J. “Conquest and Restoration: U.S. Policy on the Restitution of Personal Assets from the Holocaust, a Constructivist View,” University of Miami, 2004 (PS), DA 3125362, Sept. 2004. E. Cold War Elias, Katherine J. “A Mutually Beneficial Relationship: John F. Kennedy, Network Television News, and Foreign Crises, 1961-1963,” Rutgers University, 2004, ISBN 0-496-14221-6, May 2005. Falk, Andrew Justin. “Staging the Cold War: Negotiating American National Identity in Film and Television, 1940-1960,” University of Texas at Austin, 2003, DA 3120292, Jl. 2003. Hart, Justin W. “Empire of Ideas: Mass Communications and the Transformation of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1936-1953,” Rutgers University, 2004, DA 3134845, Dec. 2004. Gil Marín, José Carlos. “The Renewed Idealism: An Analysis of the Kennedy Administration Decision-Making Process during the Cuban Missile Crisis,” Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), 2003 (PS), ISBN 0-493-41974-8, J. 2004. [in Spanish] Scheeder, Louis. “American Performance ant the Cold War, 1947-1961,” New York University, 2004 (AS), DA 3127488, Sept. 2004. See, Jennifer W. “The Interregnum: Great Power Relations between World War and Cold War, 1945-1947,” University of California, Santa Barbara, 2004, ISBN 0496-03558-4, Mar. 2005. Walton, Jennifer Lynn. “Moral Masculinity: The Culture of Foreign Relations during the Kennedy Administration,” Ohio State University, 2004, DA 3119498, Jl. 2004. Zakarin, Bradley Scott. “Moving Forward: The United States, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Cuban Missile Crisis,” Harvard University, 2004, DA 3118021, Jl. 2004. F. Vietnam to the End of the Century Brooke, George M., III. “A Matter of Will: Sir Robert Thompson, Malaya, and the Failure of American Strategy in Vietnam,” Georgetown University, 2004, ISBN 0-496-07332-X, Mar. 2005. Martini, Edwin Anton, III. “Invisible Enemies: The American War on Vietnam, 19752000,” University of Maryland, 2004 (AS), DA 3128874, Oct. 2004. Masur, Matthew B. “Hearts and Minds: Cultural Nation-Building in South Vietnam, 1954-1963,” Ohio State University, 2004, DA 3141669, Jan. 2005. Miller, Edward Garvey. “Grand Design: Vision, Power and Nation Building in America’s Alliance with Ngô Ðinh Diệm,” Harvard University, 2004, ISBN 0496-09435-1, Apr. 2005. Yang, Fang. “International Threat, Mass Media, and U.S. Public Opinion toward the Buildup of War on Iraq,” Cornell University, 2004 (MC), DA 3140787, Jan. 2005. SECTION III REGIONS A. Asia and the Pacific Abel, Jessamyn Reich. “Warring Internationalisms: Multilateral Thinking in Japan, 1933-1964,” Columbia University, 2004, ISBN 0-496-06118-6, Mar. 2005. Ericson, Brenda A. “The Making of an Ally: Chiang Kai-Shek and American Foreign Policy, 1936 to 1941,” University of New Mexico, 2004, ISBN 0-496-02763-8, Feb. 2005. Frentzos, Christos G. “From Seoul to Saigon: U.S.-Korean Relations and the Vietnam War,” University of Houston, 2004, ISBN 0-496-14665-3, May 2005. Hayashi, Natsuko. “The Linkage between Domestic and International Conflict: The Case of Japanese Foreign Policy, 1890-1941,” University of Michigan, 2004 (PS), DA 3138169, Dec. 2004. Kim, Hak-Do. “The Outcomes of Trade Conflicts and Negotiations between the United States and South Korea, 1980-2000,” University of Southern California, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-496-16207-1, May 2005. Kitamura, Hiroshi. “Globalizing Entertainment: Hollywood and the Cultural Reconstruction of Defeated Japan, 1945-1952,” University of WisconsinMadison, 2004, ISBN 0-496-01138-3, Feb. 2005. Lewis, Jeffrey Glenn. “The Minimum Means of Reprisal: China’s Search for Security in the Nuclear Age,” University of Maryland, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-496-01553-2, Feb. 2005. Mattson, Rachel Lindsay. “The Seduction of Dissonance: Ragini Devi and the Idea of India in the U.S., 1893-1965,” New York University, 2004, DA 3127464, Sept. 2004. Moore, Gregory John. “Tiananmen, Taiwan and Belgrade: The Construction of Conflict in Sino-American Relations, 1989, 1995-1996, and 1999,” University of Denver, 2004 (PS), DA 3134412, Nov. 2004. Park, Tae Jin. “In Support of New China: Origins of the China Lobby, 1937-1941,” West Virginia University, 2003, DA 3134543, Nov. 2004. Sackley, Nicole. “Passage to Modernity: American Social Scientists, India, and the Pursuit of Development, 1945-1961,” Princeton University, 2004, ISBN 0-49615065-0, May 2005. Sherrill, Clifton W. “Deterrence and Clarity: U.S. Security Policy in the Asian-Pacific, 1950-1970,” Florida State University, 2003 (PS), DA 3137640, Jan. 2005. Wang, Xiaodong. “Cold War in Manchuria: Sino-Soviet-U.S. Relations, 1948-1953,” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004, DA 3129833, Oct. 2004. Wu, Min. “The Kingdom of Darkness: China in the Rise of the American Empire, 17841844,” Duke University, 2003, DA 3129078, Oct. 2004. Yu, Tsung-Chi Max. “The Impact of U.S.-China Relations on Taiwan’s Military Spending (1966-1992)” University of North Texas, 2002 (PS), DA 3118766, Jl. 2004. B. Canada Chapnick, Adam Harris. “Redefining Canadian: A History of Canada and the Origins of the United Nations Organization,” University of Toronto (Canada), 2004, ISBN 0-612-94367-4, Apr. 2005. Mosquin, Alexandra Marie. “Advertising Canada Abroad: Canada on Display at International Exhibitions, 1920-1940,” York University (Canada), 2003, ISBN 0612-86356-5, Jl. 2004. C. Central America and the Caribbean de Briffault, E. Christian. “The Haitian Revolution, 1791-1803. Race, Slavery, and the Balance of Power: A Comparitive Analysis,” St. John’s University (New York), 2004, ISBN 0-496-90070-6, Je. 2005. Denis, Watson R. “Looks of Mutual Distrust between Two American Republics: The American Maritime Expansion versus the Haitian Francofilia (1888-1898)” University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico), 2004, ISBN 0-496-13048X, May 2005. In Spanish. Hoskins, Linus A. “Jamaica’s Role in the International Arena with Special Reference to Jamaica-United States Relations, 1972-1981,” Union Institute & University, 1981 (PS), DADP 10662, Dec. 2004. Morales, Nick. “How Modern Nation-States Gain and Retain Power in the World Arena,” University of Denver, 2004 (PS), DA 3138989, Jan. 2005. [Deals with US-Soviet involvement in Mexican affairs from 1949-1973] Nagel, Paul B. “The Visual and Verbal Representation of Mexico: A Content Analysis of United States Geography Textbooks,” Texas State University (GEOGRAPHY), 2003, DA 3118437, Jl. 2004. Scott, Randall Paul. “Cuba Constructed: The Impact of Perception on Foreign Policy Decision-Making,” University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-49616728-6, Je. 2005. Ziegler, Melanie M. “Strange Bedfellows: U.S.-Cuban Cooperative Efforts in a PostCold War World,” Miami University, 2004 (PS), DA 3133993, Nov. 2004. Zook, Nathan. “Human Rights Groups as Political Actors in the Shaping of U.S. Foreign Policy: The Case of the Cuban Embargo,” Indiana University, 2004 (PS), DA 3133881, Nov. 2004. D. Eastern Europe Arkun, Perin H. “The Bosnian Peacebuilding Mission: The Gap between Lofty Goals and Sad Realities and its Implications for Concepts in International Relations,” University of Denver, 2004 (PS), DA 3126360, Sept. 2004. Corke, Sarah-Jane. “The War of the Potomac: Covert Operations, Eastern Europe and the Policy Process Dilemma, 1948-1953,” University of New Brunswick (Canada), 2000, ISBN 0-612-87638-1, Jl. 2004. E. Latin America Michael, Daniel L. “Nixon, Chile and Shadows of the Cold War: U.S.-Chilean Relations during the Government of Salvador Allende, 1970-1973,” George Washington University, 2005, ISBN 0-496-91180-5, Je. 2005. F. Middle East and the Persian Gulf Alimi, Eitan J. “The 1987 Palestinian Intifada: Cracks in the Israeli Second Republic,” Boston College, 2004 (SO), DA 3122109, Aug. 2004. Bunch, Clea Lutz. “Ambitious Alliance: Jordanian-American Relations during the Cold War, 1945-1969,” University of Arkansas, 2004, ISBN 0-496-91111-2, Je. 2005. Dawoody, Alexander Rayssan. “U.S. Policy toward Iraq within the Context of Complexity Theories,” Western Michigan University, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-49615354-4, May 2005. Howard, Adam M. “Sewing the Seeds of Statehood: Garment Unions, American Labor, and the Establishment of the State of Israel, 1917-1952,” University of Florida, 2003, DA 3127662, Sept. 2004. G. Russia and the Soviet Union Aryee, James Bennett. “A Critical Analysis of Moscow’s External Policies towards Africa and the Middle East from Lenin to Gorbachev,” University of Manitoba, Canada, 2005 (PS), ISBN 0-612-97258-5, Je. 2005. Erickson, Christian William. “The Internal Face of the Garrison State: A Comparison of United States and Russian Internal Security Institutions and Policy, 1900-2004,” University of California, Davis, 2004 (PS), DA 3137532, Dec. 2004. Khakpour, Hormoz. “Cognitive Origins of Foreign Policy Behaviour: The Case of Iran and the Soviet Union in the 1953-1962 Period,” University of Toronto (Canada), 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-612-91821-1, Nov. 2004. Malici, Akan. “Reformers and Revolutionaries in the International System: Mikhail Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung,” Arizona State University, 2004 (PS), DA 3123598, Aug. 2004. Trofimov, Leonid T. “The Soviet Media at the Onset of the Cold War, 1945-1950,” University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004, DA 3139962, Jan. 2005. H. Sub-Saharan Africa Johnson, Charles Denton. “African-Americans and South Africans: The Anti-Apartheid Movement in the United States, 1921-1955,” Howard University, 2004, ISBN 0496-06249-2, Mar. 2005. Unoke, Ewa. “The Post-Colonial State in the Maintenance of National and International Peace and Security: The Case of the United Nations and Nigeria (1970-2000)” Howard University, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-496-06267-0, Mar. 2005. Vera, Vincent. “Zimbabwe Refugees and Exiles in the U.S.: A Study in the Contradictions within U.S. Foreign Policy, 1965-1974,” Union Institute & University, 1974 (PS), DADP 11278, Jan. 2005. Wilson, J. Zoë. “Wishful Thinking, Willful Blindness and Artful Amnesia: The UN and the Promotion of Good Governance, Democracy and Human Rights in Africa,” Dalhousie University (Canada), 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-612-94052-7, Mar. 2005. I. Western Europe Busby, Joshua W. “New Troubles for the West: Debt Relief, Climate Change, and Comparative Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era,” Georgetown University, 2004 (PS), ISBN 0-496-07333-8, Mar. 2005. Kraemer, Peter Andrew. “Germany is Whose Problem?: American Philanthropy and the German Question, 1944-1964,” Indiana University, 2004, DA 3141604, Jan. 2005. Kurashina, Itsuki. “Binding the Germans and Talking with the Soviets: U.S. Disarmament Policy and Junktim with German Unification, 1955-1960,” Rutgers University, 2004, DA 3134851, Dec. 2004. Messitte, Zachariah Paulo. “The Politics of Anti-Americanism in France, Greece, and Italy,” New York University, 2004 (PS), DA 3127467, Sept. 2004. Tully, John Day. “Identities and Distortions: Irish-Americans, Ireland, and the United States, 1932-1945,” Ohio State University, 2004, DA 3141771, Jan. 2005. Wehrenpfennig, Joerg. “The Limits of Accommodation: How Khrushchev, Ulbricht, and the Western Alllies Failed to Neutralize West Berlin,” University of New Mexico, 2004, DA 3129660, Oct. 2004.
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