wNeil-{ g{6t{ F"+aTr"rq fr-s-g fi-d qt-qrT '/4sl qaqreq sn.n-{qttrir (Mid Day Meai Scheme mqio: W + (zzo) \rq-S\rqTRqT-ft{sr,/zota ftrc{r ffd€{, ft-f,r s+rKT ivtid dav Meal Schr:rnc /wt-l/ V\> q-sgq, R-{i6 bS* CIT"*_a= \6 I ftqq :- ft-s e Ti-+f - *a rhwqrf,.fd +n-.n{ To.ri of w q gk erqf, I ft{qrzn(vDl,r), rqs Rren vq qT&T{dT fr'}rTrT, qFrq selqq fr"mT-q' qrTdq, ?ri{d s.{+-f{ d q-{tfr F.No. lt-1r20il-Desk{MDM; fuat6 }i.o|.1o d q'q tt q-6t{q, lilld g{6-lq d ql'q1 qT qtqrfr F. No. ll-t/2011-Desk(MDM) ffi-O Ot gdf{, ZOrS d sffi fl<ttt-ft-iqTr5ili +q-il d cm-f-a *eTFrfi qS zo16-17 ii frqfRd q)sq q-fiT-i ot c4rrkl {rfrr fr z qfrYrd ftt gk tht .T$ t r srqffid rl_a o1 utqe-fr frqrc-q-{ vq GTrdr{o @rffifunfrdtt sm fdrfl q-f 16T d. q fril-{ :- fi'-{eil .nR-qTfr of qrail gq ffii qrrqtl fr=flraq fuqt fr-s g ft_d q}--rqT or +i qqqr e-{qri ol s{q o-qrd fr-qfqfi *fl t Bqc}mlTst-r 4V-- 3ngffi ft-s +d t cfrfrR srd qfiref :1. ftfr qfa-s, ft{s[fi(vov), qqp Rrnr gs trleT{dr fon]T, qmq trfltrq fufiEl qemq, .nro qeio f+crf, d d rt* Tdqq, rqa fter fa'arrq, q-s{alt{ H{qtr(, wqg{ z. 3. w rrFiq, 5c< r+fu-o, trs{e{tfl {fr6t{, s-qgq 4. lq-S nH-q, s5s airqfi c{fu-q, gtq \q flqR-6 -rrTtr frqrq, {r=s{air=r {r{f,r{, sqg{ 5. ft-fr t+hq, qrrr{ v+fuq, Tqa gq ETT fr'.il-r, trs{alT;r {r{6t{, q-qy{ I . 6. fqirTm, qlwF-fr frren" vrd-{anE ffis T. fri?Ten, rrRRffi frrnr, qrqsalTn ffis B. rrgw qTrsrr tlfuq, ft-m. (q-q-r) fu.il-T, qrs{alFr q'{qrtr, wqg{ I e. qfuq, qErw eH, l]q{€nc wqg{ cfrfrfr srd q-f,{rei :01.07.16 mq fARTE TrETq'fr, qlo rr-s t I I I r r , I sq f+eero, cRFrfr ftreil, q*TFr ILEqrf,q rrrn-I rr. fb-ot flrerT Brlffi (qTfrT), fr-or wqsrr rz fuor Rifl erfffi (sTfrI), fuor rrqra rs" .ifrfi qrifirfi ftel elkotfr, qat+a rrf+ft srtqrr, fu-dr q=rw r+ ffii ii sqfd-.r q+qrf, dFfiqqd R$Hqi 10. I t t I rs. qlhc qer+ffi t ft-s g +d sflmtR $ e-,!'i 'F .'rgllc. {3 fiii ! az i *try *f t'?i-t t t -"Xlaq]1i -*esk{flSi*frs} *,a * { nsffi*rzt }d'r"l **pantra:*nt *f *t &t'n* a*. n $?**er u rc* * *'.,t *h*prra*nr. $*h**fr ffd,-:*atlsrz & Lii*ra*,g ma *?ffff*y:ff. $hastri *havan, l{ev,r Derl ni *ated',l't July, 20' 6 T* I $ecretari** {Eei**ati*n} J #cdatr fi}epar.tm*ari 1i4r trmti*naf; Fnmgrantme fa:r lHid say ftsea! in $*E:o*!s *f a3g the st*tes J LjTr; Frineipal S**n*tsniex .#.' $uhject: nl.- Revision of ***klng c**t @ ?% frcsvr *1"gT.Z*1# icn tf.re year 20,1 !'i7 *ncier Natlcnat Prograntme of lffiid Fay [u{*al $n $ef"lool* {&lF$Wilf$S) - r*garding" , nn-._-i--_- ilil I lvtdui4!ll I arn directed to infoi'nr that lt has heen decided ihe approval nf itre c*rnpeteni autharity to i*cre*se the caoking c*st by T% w.e,$._ft Js"Elv, AS"lg f:r 2016-17 cver and abnve the c*oking cost for the year 2015-16. The ccaking cost n.ill be shaied beiween the Centre and the $tates in the ratio of 6C:40 fcr non-frlliR States, 1*0% far UTs and 0Ct:10 ior fuER $tates and 3 Himalay**n Staies vie. Himachai Fradesh. Jammu & Kashri'iir an* Uilarakhand. ?he rate* af caoking cr,st *dmissibl* vir.e"f. il1 .07.2'i16 during ?016-17 fcr Friniary arrd Upnei Frirnary class,r,rs vu*uld bs as ilnd*r:C*oking Ccst pef *hi8d per day 6S:4fi arsn-frtrHH $tates Rs.2.4B i rryith g*:'tc fdfiffi. anqi:t !-lim*fayart $tat*s Rs.0.41 Rs.S.6? Upper 2. Th* ab*v* c*oking *ost rate* indicate the minimum mandatcry *nntribuiion hy the Centr* and $tate Governments. Hawever. $tates / UTs may ccntribut* more. irs sorfie $tatesiUT* had been d*ing in ihe past, than their'minimum n'iandatory sha'e ii*n: their cwn tc serva mid-day ine*ls with prescribed nutrition. ''esources Fage i a1 I r 't i sre rer-rjested tc disser*ii-:st* the above revisi,:ns !*r c.*r*pliance ta:'21'z ulv :vYv ccncerned a;rd ihe field functi*rraries up to $choal i c*oklng agency l*vei to *nsu-e pi*:r*t irapiemeniation of th* tevised *acking ccs'l wjth effsci fr*ra il1 .07.2*16. 4. -lhis issues v'rith the epproval *f lvlinistry ai Finance {Departnrerrt :f v, Yr;r r vv Expenditure) *.M. Nc. 13(13j,rf-",112*0S datec? 30th June, 2016' 'Ycurs faithfully, &*{'truu'' I lo { ' --,t "i... ' {Gaya PrE6:r i) D!recior (MDf 4) Tel.: C11-233842i'3 Fav.: Al l-233823!,4 *cpy t*: i) 'i) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Directars of all the $tates 1 LJTs af the nodal Department i*:plementing Ldid Diry Meal $cheme for infc*'naticn and ilece$$ary action' DrRiP\4 / DS{SDS} / DIR{l-ll{) us{ftK} 1 us{sA) I us(Ail) I AFA{PKS} PP$ ts JS&,FA, IUHRD FPS to $ecretary{$E&Li PP$ ta JS{EE.l) All S*ctlan Officers in MDt'4 Bureau Page ? of 2
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