50S APA Form 001 Mississippi Secretory of State 700 North Street P. O. Box 136, Jackson, MS 39205-0136 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NOTICE FILING AG'NCYNAME MIs$inlppl Department (If Employment Secllrlty CONTACT PERSON AOORESS P,0. Box 1699 CITY TREPHONE NUMBER 601·321·6073 LeAnne Brady. Senior Attorney EMAil Ibrady@mdes,ms.gov I STATE MS J~ckson ZIP 39215 Name or number of rule{s): Compilation of MDES Regulations Tltle 20 Uborj Part 101 Regulallons <If the MIssISSippi Oepar1me"nt of Employment Securltv SUBMIT DATE 12/27/11 Short explanation of rule/amendment/repeal and reason(s) for proposing rule/amendment/repeal: Submitting Compilation to comply with Rule 3.2 of the Administrative Procedures Act Rules to Include sorTie amendments to existing rules; and two new rules Specific legal authority authorizing the promulgatlon of rule: Miss. Code Ann. 71-5-117 LIst all rules repealed, amended, or suspended by the proposed rule: 200.02; 204.00; 300.00, 308.00, 321.00, 402.00,404.00, 602.11;603.07;603.29;609.0; 611.0; 614.0 and 700.0 ORAL PROCEEDING: o An oral proceeding Is scheduled for this rule on nme: Date: Place: ~ Presently, an oral proceeding is not scheduled on this rule. If an oral procel!dingls not schedulod, an orol proceeding must bD held If a wr1tten requeH for Cln onl proceeding Is submltlcd by t't politICal subdivisIon, an agency or 1en (10) or more persons. The written request should be submItted to the agency contact person at the abovc address within t\'Jenty (20) days after the filing of this nonce of proposed rule adoption and should Include the name, addreu, email ;,ddress, and telephon~ number of the personls) making the request; and, If you Bre an agent or attorney, the name, address, email address, and telephone number ofth~ party or partIes you rcpresent. At any time withIn the twenty-five (25) day public comment period, wrItten subml~5lons Including arguments, data, t1nd views on the proposed ruleJDmendm~nV,epeal may be submitted to the filing egency. ECONOMIC IMPACT STATEMENT: 181 Economic Impact statement not required for this rule. TEMPORARY RULES _ _ OrIginal filing Renewal of effectiveness To be In effect In _ _ days Ellectlve dat.: _ _ 'mmed'ately upon filing _ _ other (speclfy): _ _ -- 0 ConCise summjllY of economic impact stateme~t attached. PROPOSED ACTION ON RULES Action proposedl _ New rule(s) _ Amendment to existIng rule's) __ Repeal of existing rule(s) _ _ AdoptIon by reference Propo~ed final effective dilte: _ _ 30 days after filing __ other (speCify): _._ FINAL ACTION ON RUI.ES Oate Proposed Rule Flled:tJ..;t/LillJ 11 Action taken: X Adopled wIth no changes In text _ _ Adopted with changes _ _ Adopted by reference Withdrawn _ _ Repeal adopted as proPQsed Effective dRte: X 30 days aft. r filing Other (specIfY): -- , Printed name and TIt)e of person authorized to file rules: LeAnne F. Bradv / . Signature of person authorized to file rules: Is/leAnne F. Brady 12/27/11)/.;/1IA /) OFFICIAL FILING STAMP DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE V OFFICIAL FILING STAMP J /' v OFFICIAL FILI~AMP rr~~~~{[j) SECRETARY OF STATE Accepted for filing by Accepted for fUlng by b:f!3 \ ~ 3 '+ IE .Dmj\\ \ {'\,· \01"\ Ac~ted for filing The entire t~xt of the Proposed Rule Including the text of any rule beinu amended or chang ed Is attachea.
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