Ja B . Sy,fceV*of. spent i t is irn hid Ihcdfy that new wood is entitled to three coaVs ot xwiut, but the J^^iu’tks with ielativee.m to#n. many hew hbutos have bUktwo coate ^.a l31, A.IT. E.. a A We*t4.30P.ar. —Miss Pearl. B ogart,' of' Elmira, of .Chilton are then »1-fin f, AILa SwiOi, 9.30 A. ac, P . AK. Nortb, 3.10,1». M. spent last Bunday at her home here. lowed to stnud two and J- W, &EE. Postmaster. .....1 tliree *1.™ years elect. The diflerrintsuboKlumteMges pay sleJcbejwto'In sucli sows. -T h e 'o ld -fa sh io n e d Geo. Bank before they are painted again, and jorlty of the members In, each lodge decide. It Jias 135,000 memberE scattered alt over the country, it being a national organization,? and eoWeqnently m,UCh;strougeit LOCAL ZEPHYRS whole Cod-fish Briggs & Bresser’s. then only one coat. Can you nbl than If it was divided up to correspond with the different sections of the cvjmtry. profit by this suggestion? fn paintThe supreme lodge is the head of the order and is composed of itS; oncers*, —Clover aiid Tim othy Seed„now -t-F ok S aI/E Ch e a p :—^ sets H ar in g y o u r house this je a f get esti committees and representatives from grand lodges. The graaid lodges ate c o d k for sale at the Elevator. 39«tf. ness, 3 WlagOnS. ^TEPHEH OSBORIfE. mates, on one, two and three coats. posed of representatives from each subordinate lodge in the state and atn gOveriK ed by such olflcels and committees as they may annually elect. I f the house is in fair condition and —Mrs* Geo. B. Hanna, of Waver—Mr. aifd Mrs. Samuel Brigden, Subordinate lodges are composed ot members of good social and motiA «jtaiid< there is not too much difference of Ithaca, have been; .visiting in between tbe sliade you are to p u t on lug, who are admitted upon petition by baHot,. after passing'a favbpaWe med-i ly, wiiS in town Tuesday. ical examination. The petitioner must be a w'hite, male person, between the ages» and the one on the house, probably of eigh teen and fifty years, in order to be admitted as a benefteiary membey; * — Miss Emma Crum, of Ithaca, is town. Each person upon presenting himself for membership pays into the' AYldows; visiting at Stephen Osborne^s, —Miss Rose McAllister, of Itliaca, one coat will suffice. IL not oim, two coats will surely answer. \Yliat is and Orphans’ Benefit Fund according to the following ra tes: —^Alrs. Mary . H ulbert, of North has been spending several days at B. the use then of Ju ttin g on three? Clarey’s. Bpeiicer,^ was in town Tuesday. We have bad painters tell ns/ th a t 18 and 30, 10 80 ^SO 40 $0 20. 4bm d41^ 10 32 m 2k —Rodney Brady, of Philadelphia, they had painted houses with Chilton 30 and 31, —C. S. Stevenson has returned to .84 42 21 41'and 42m 33 im Paint where th e house looked better 31 and 32, is spending the week at Carmi 88 44 22 42 and 43. liis home in Washington, D. C. i m m m after two coats than three-^upon 32 and 33, 92 46 23 ’43 and 44, 1 44 3i0fe %% —H. S. Thayer spent the early P ickett’s. being asked why then they put on 33 and 34, . 96 . 48; 24 44and 45„ : t 50 % m - 7-Miss Coriiie Heath, of Candor, three they ^ answered .that they 34 and 35, p a rt of the week at his home here. 1 00 50 25 ■45 and 46,' 1^60f m m were obliged to -as the contract -.35 and 36, 1 04 52 26 46 and 47,, —Miss ilosa Cornish spent th e has been visiting for several days at called for three. ■ 8S 431 . AYord your 36 and 37, 1 08 ' 54 27 47 and 48,. im n ’ E ourth with friends at West Danby. G. AY Harvey’s. contracts, so you can stop when 1 12 28 48 and 49,.^ 1 90 56 m k m: —Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crater, you have gone far d io trg h . P u t 37 and 38, '—Miss Minnre llorick returned 38 an d 39, 58 29 49 and 50, 2. Off 1 15 4 ee m. ChiltGii Paint over a diy surface of Owego, visited at A. B. Kellogg's home from Binghamton last Satur39 and 40, 1 20GO ^ 30 only. » . . 'day. . " p art of last week. The amount paid by the applicant iii joining remains his. assessment 80 lohftlik For sale by J. Goldsmith. he continues a member. ' ' ' —Jopl Garrison, of Williamsport, —The Rev. H. King, of Havana, ‘'These assessments are copected and forwarded to the supreme was in town on the afternoon of the Pa., is'visiting relatives in this place Hast fall I was taken with a kind of 'often as they are required for the payment of death benefits tO; the widows orphans, or dependents of deceased members. Upon receipt of official o |‘ and.in Swart wood. summer complaint, accompanied with- a the proof of death of any member, the supreme treasurer immediately E o n rth ." —Myron Sabin, of Elm ira, has wonderful diarrhoea: Soon after my wife’s* two thousand dollars to the trustees of his lodge, to be paid to the b^efic^Gu^st ot —Elgin S. Sykes, of Ithaca, is Mster, who lives with us, was taken in the decease^, and all lodges are given official notice of the payment, ‘On the 20tlk. spending several days with relatives been visiting this week at the home the same way. We used almost every- day of each month, the sui»reme reporter determines the number of asseepmentie of his father. Geo, Sabin. necessary to provide for the payment of deaths that may be registerecl during th e in town. thing“without benefit. Then I said, let ensuing montli,, when all lodges are notified to forward the assessment they have? —Morton Mabee, of Binghamton, . —The Rev. Sherman Moreland us try Chamberlain’s Colic,-Cholera and in hand and collect another assessment from their members, within thfi^y days*, 'has been visiting relatives and friends CQnducted the services at the M. E. Diarrhoea Remedy, which we did, and and hold the same in readiness for the next call from the supreme lodge. The supreme lodge, at tbe s^^ssion held May? 1892, realizing that the church last Sunday evening. that cured us right away. I think much in town. ^ * among members for the first two years of their membership, was less Ihito ' of it, as it did for me what it was rec half of one per cent, and believing that equity and Justice demanded that —Miss Bessie Canfield, who has —Thos. Haworth, of Washington, ommended to do- John Hertzler' Bethel, initiated members should receive the benefit of this low death rate as wellastlioii^ B . C., has been visiting 0 . S. Clark been visiting in this place, returned Berks Co., Pa. 25 and 50 cent bottles who joined i n the early days of the order, voted that A i/ii m e m b e r s to her home in WaverLj yesterday. for sale by J .‘Goldsmith. A E T E R J U J jT 1 , 1 8 9 2 , SH A L L P A T O KLT ONE ASSESSSfEK P P E R M O NTH PO.R . ’ this week. S IX CONSECUTIVE M O NTH S, A N D NOT E X C E B D lN O TWO ASSESSM ENTS P E R —The music* box drawing at I N a T H E N E X T E IO H T B E N CONSISCUTIVE MONTHS OP MEI^IBERSHIP-. ' —Miss Lydia Howland, of Elmira, SHILOH’S CURE is sold oira guarantee. The method of conducting this fund is based on sound principles, and furnisheat lialy’s Corner Store will take place It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the a species is spending a few weeks at A.» D. of insurance that is cheaper—as it is obtained at bare cost j ni’oi^ next AA^ednesday evening at 8 o’clock. b est C ough Cure. Only onp cent a dose. as the money is mostly in the pockets of the members until needed ; and easier Kellogg’s. 25c.,'50c. and $1. Sold by J. Goldsmith. carried because it is caUed for in small sums and only as required,===thaH that p|fer» —Be^in to use .Ayer’s Hair Vigor ^ .^Sidney House now drives a very ed by any other plan yet devised or likely to be. now, and by the next F ourth of July —Br. Carter’s Kidney and Back Founded upon business principles, it is calculated to perpetuate itseif, as H tp; fine black colt, which he has recent your hair will be ^‘ath in g of beauty.” ache Tea is a compound of valuable to the intej-est of every member to have it managed systematically aiid hOReatly* ly purchased* herbs th at stihuilate th e Kidneys to The sympathy, pride and self-respect, as well as selfish iiitereSt of each member* —Carter’s Kidney and Backache action^ cleanng the p^sages between prompts him to see* that the benefit is adjxisted at once,, upon satisfactory evidence^ — Fred Barden returned from Tea will cuj*e Sick Headache, Con- the kidneys and bladder, wliicli be of the .death of a brother, and all understand that this' can be seepred mily- byWatsonville, Pa., to sijend the stipatioii, Bizziness, Pain in the prompt payment of the individual assessments. >It does not promise to give ^me*. come stopped up and cause settlings thing for nothing. mm F ourth ill town. Back. Sold by J. Goldsmitli. like brick dust, and if not removed —Miss Jennie German, of Can —If you are not offered a card w ill. lead tO' Bropsy, Biabetes or dor, has beeii visiting at Lee H ard after buying,and paying for a dollar’s B right’s Bisease. ' I t regulates the four im portant organs of the body, ings for a few days. worth, ask for it, at the Stomach, Liver>^ Kidneys and —Mrs. Chas. Bush and daughter. B riggs j& B resseb ’s. Bowels. K'^ep them healthy, yon Miss Addie, of Horseheads, are visit , —Prof, and Mrs. T. T. Balton never need fear disease. Price 4*0 THAT y o u r c a sh d raw e r Is th e m a in artei in g at J . C. KnetHes'. of y o u r b u sin e ss ?. are the happy parents of twins, a cts. a package, sold by J. Goldsmith. THAT the m an who neglects h i s ’c ash draT —It pays to have the best. Re boy and a girl, which were- born on er tvill soon And Wmsell In the “soiip‘ member, Ayei'^s Sarsaparilla is the Saturday, July 1st. Congratulations Lockwood. THAT the wrong change is often m ade, <• goods sold on‘c re d it a n d n o t charged? standard blood-purifier. are extended. —Nellie Springer and Eva Stever THAT you h av e forgotten to p u t —Carter’s Kidney and Backache At the meeting of the Board of spent Saturday in N orth Spencei-. Qey f»aid out.^ or neglected to ( Tea purifies the Bhiod and regulates Education this evening. Miss Mary w ith l m oney p a id oon accoun. —Miss Bessie Canfield, of AATaver- ■ cu sto mn ers m the Bowels. Sold by J. Goldsmith. Waite was hired as teacher in the THAT you c a n stop all leakages, a n d woub ly, spent last Friday with Rosa b e a sto n ish ed a t the larg e a m o u n t f — Mrs, Anna Clark and Miss Ada Intermediate department for the fall Springer, m oney th a t w ould bb sav ed by u s in g th Rumsey, of Eliiiira, spent Tuesdas- term of school. ■ —AYillis Crane and family, of and Wednesday at Busenberry Ram — AVliiskers tliafc are prematurely Wellsburg, spent Sunday at AV. C. sey’s. gray or faded should be colored to Edgarton's. * — Several of our young people pi-eveut the look of age, and Buck -r^Ethel Bloodgood, of Tioga attended the^ ice ci*eam social in the ingham’s Bye excels all others in Positively th e best, ch e ap e st, a n d m os Cm ter, spent a few days last week sim ple reglster.m ade. Over vi,000 mei depot, at Swart wood, last Friday coloring brown or black. c h a n ts a tte s t to its superiority. visiting frieiids here. Don’t be m isled into p urchasing a n . expeij evening, —Thos. E. Smith is making im give key machine ; hut save »l(X) or raor —A large number Irom neighbor by sending to 'u s lor catalogue will —Misses Anna Huber and Ethel provements upon his farm on Briggs prices. ing villages were in Lockwood to Nichols left this afternoon for Penn H ill.. He is having the house and celebrate th e Fourth. Yain to visit the Misses Eva and barns newly shingled, and is doing —Lorin Bogart, of Ooiorado, and Clara Peck. painting and interior repairing. Anna and Clyde Spea.r, of Elmira, — Our enterprising druggist, J. Mrs. Julia AVheeler and son, Goldsmith repoj*ts a large sale on Glenn, have a-eturned home from are visiting at P. V. Bogart’s. — G. W. Bingham and daughter, Carter’s Kidney and Backache Tea. Batavia. They will remain here I t is a grand medicine. Jennie, and Mr. and Mrs. Bailey until the opening of the Batavia —Messrs. J. C. Knettles and returned ’A iesday from Gettysburg. East Stroudsburg - - - Pa. Institution at which Glenn is a Joshua AYestbrook were presen t at —Miss Andrews, who has been pupil. , I the dedication of the New York spending, a few days with her aunt, 11.32— —The Ladies of St. Thomas’ Monument at GettysbuTg. Mrs. Keeney, left Monday en route church will give a Lawn Party at —Carter’s Kidney and Backache for the World’s Fair. Mrs. A. B. Kellogg’s on Wednesday T ea will cure th at sick, tired feeling with a bad taste in the mouth morn evening, Ju ly IJith. Ice cream and “One of my customers came in to-day ings. Sold by J. Goldsmith. 36 cake will he served. All are cordi and asked me for the best cough medi Biitire sir>ek imi«t bp sold on aPCQ®®| ally invited. —^Br. and Mrs. J. W. Gee attend cine I had,” says Lew Young, ,a promi of ext-cTidive 'tdterations^ WhicR —It is natural for water to rim nent druggist of Newmaji Grove, Neb. ed last Saturday, at Halsey Valley, will begiii ill a Ipw weekst th e funeral of the doctor’s brother, dowm liill; it is ju st as natural for “Of course I showed hiiu Chamberlain’s The undersigned, having I^tsed the 1 \im»t to open mjr Gough Remedy and he did not ask to see, doulije store with E35ra Gee, who died from injuries people to look io r cheapest places to any other. I have never yet sold a med» W illo w Girov 0 M M inflicted at Taughannock Falls by trade,' and best judges , of quality icln ethat would loosen and relieve a at Yap. Etten, w now pT§pared to do strike th e satisfaction level at the kicking of a horse. Sti^ lik li I M ! severe cold so quickly as tliat Remedy all krndg pf CUSTOM 0B IN BB riggs & B resser’s. Avail yourself of this opportnnitjF does'. I have sold four dozen of it within —AboutTweuty-five friends gave ING in a WORKMAN. hy attending thfs sale,' ^ ^ n ’l ■Ill old times it seemed to be the last sixty days and do not know of a Isaac Cornish a pleasant surprise at . L IK E MANNER, aiid delays, as my atook is pomplete; his honae last w^^eek Thursday even thought th a t a • medicine must ^be single case wFere it failed to give the * Itreonsists pf a very fine line of respecfefuHy soheitE most perfect satisfaction.’* 50c bottles ing, The occasion was the anniver- naiiseatihg to be effective. Now, all 'for sale by J. Goldsmith. Light Baitg^ Freiioli Olays mik «ary of his birthday. Ice cream and this is changed. . Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Fancy ^A^orstods in BapM Gnt* aways and Rrinoe Alberts, Alsn . other refreshments were served, and one o f the most powerful alteratives, Use Wmxa’ L aunpbx B lub , th e beat Blu Give me a trial. .^ ing for Laundry use. Each package makes a v e rj fine line of Kin]g a very enjoyable time was reported, is agreeable to most plates, the flavor two quarts. 15c. Sold by Briggs & Dresser, wifieh are the finest made. .SA TISrAG 'flO X GTJAEAXtEBD. —The ^ i r i t of celebration was being b y no means medicinal. —A soft, fair skin is tbe result of still apparent on the day following th e F ourth when a company of our pure blood and a healtby liver, to hair young people concluded their holiday secure wMeh A^yer’s Sarsaparilia is fHien Babj Was aioli, we SALE COMMENeES SAL, JUNinTlli. Ladies who- When tiwwas » CM14,Aaerfcid.for CBBeqtiB. a t S ^ n c e r Lake,' l% e day Was Whenshe became KitM. ehe in Ca^torin. J14» DETOTED EXChrSITEhY , g ^ t success in spite of th e heavy r^ly upon cosuietics ta beautify their Whenei»hndCMldiea.A>gsPi H>wnOhNhirM. complexions, should make a note of TO AYORLB’B F A IR storm in the afternoon. A fter enlOe a copy or ;20o a mouth,- Subscribe for - joying the beautiful evening which this, b a rin g in m ind th it they can't all the monthfi to Kov. 1st. Invalu-; able to all who visit the Fair followed* the party returned. Miss improve nixm ilHtnre. o r « ta y Wt lio m e. B roBessie Canfield^ of AVaverly, and s i S L ’a ( ;m v ..ii, ito o r, om g m t , i Afiotdi Kfst CaiMBA eem ^ flhietntod, Blood gives tceAaeee and iBlosr-1 1 Urn U Ithaca. Vtl^ EttM Poii Oftfoe. ^Italia Gleae a t thta «n«o aaXoUowa; T H it; jvi^T O F r i’s c m H o is r a H . DIDITEV^ OCCURTOYt C4SH I fiBGISFES ‘ Standard , Manniacturing Company, FA BBEBS, . a t t e n t io n I DfiERT CUING SlllET itm ^ m M h m m M. H. GHLETT, w m m m m m m m siit VAN ETTEN HOUSE »r. s, nis, rmttit,
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