{ / / , ' Dtf I $\, f \" No.F.1(20)-PSAilrap-upl20tT ' Government of Tripura Education (School)Department Agartala:Tripura u'\)--- July 6,2012. \-y1 Subject:Sir, As instructed by the State Govemment,I visited Unakoti District on}2nd & 23'd June,2012.I attended the BDos andotherDistrictLevelofficersof line tr1Hflgqgl.llflFwith Departments. f On 22.6,2012,I first went to seethe progressof works for constructionof new Collegefor TeacherEducationtaken up in SukantaNagar Panchayatof Kumarghat 2. Block. The work is being executedby PWD (R&B). The progressis satisfactory.The photographs of the mainAdministrativeBuildingaswell asthe boys' & girls' hostelsare enclosedfor perusal.I also visited the constructionsite of District PanchayatTraining nearKumarghatPoliceStation.The R.D. Institutetakenup in SukantaNagarPanchayat Departrnentis executingthe work, Physicalprogre:sgf the work is quite satisfactory. Departmentshouldanangepllcementof balancerequiredfund The R.D (Panohayat) wall for the entireland is required.This (Rs.2.42crores)as earlyas possible. foundarf shouldbe takenup asadditionalitem. , ' , 3. \. ,t . , . , I also went to sse one project of constructionof one embankmentwith costis MGNREGAfund in DarchawiADC villageof KumarghatBlock. Total estirnated to be completed by Workhasbeenstartedon27.1.70t2anditis expected Rs.42.62lakhs. 2012.The work is beingtakenup from the MGNREGA district share.It is September, N \ -y^"u{rltL/ be utilized both for drinking wut" u"d reportedthat the watel stored.inthe reservoir shall ADC village are expected to be other purposes. About 500 families of Darchawi for perusal' I advisedto regularly benefited.one photographof the structureis enclosed I also went to seeone BADP work in monitor the work particularly the technical aspects. observedtrrat the villagers are not getting Deorachheravlrage in GournagarBrock. It was supply in the remote tribal village near the benefit due to constant disruption of power Unakoti. 4.on23,6.20!2,Iattendedthewlap-upmeetingofD.M.,Unakotiheldinthe BDOs, Zona|Development Officers of conferencehall of D.M. Office at Gournagar.The Agriculture' Horticulture, ARDD' TTAADC and District Level officers of Forest, (WR) etc Departmentswete present' The Fisheries,PWD(R&B), PWD (DWS), PWD minutesof the meeting.Cc4t ty) DistrictMagistrate& co[ector hasarreadycircriiatedr]re submitteddetailed The District Magistrate& collector, Unakoti has already againstthe decisionstakenin reportto chief secretaryon26.6.2012aboutactiontaken chief Minister an 19'5'2012' the District Lever Review meetingtaken by Hon'ble regardingthewrapup meetingheld on 23'6'2012' Followingale my observations fund' r About Rs.7.00croreshavebeenprovidedto TTAADC from MGNREGA TTAADC also The TTAADC shouldutilize this fund in propermanner'CEO' timely and effective may be requestedby the R.D. Departmentto ensure 5. utilizationof the fund' rD.M.,UnakotihasplacedMGNREGAfrlndtbotherdifferentlineDepartments wele not yet fully.prepar?fwittr detailedactionplan.Tlre also.The Departments be requested Directorsof the concernedDepartmentrlt th" Statelevel alsomay to ensuleploperutilizationof this fund. by theR.D. Department pis\rict Level officer of PWD o It' was specificallynoticed that the concerned (DWS) was not preparedwith the relevantdataregardingprovidfng sanitation Engineer, facilities and drinking water sorucesin Unakoti District. The ChiEf of properup-to-datedata DWS may be suitablyinstructedto ensuremaintenance ( l\ - -I*t{tl\Y / ' related to sanitation & drinking water. These are related to some SupremeCourt directionsalso. I noticed that both the Unakoti Nagar Panchayatareasas well as the Kailashahar town ars not cleaned. The Executive Officer of Kumarghat Nagar Panchayat could not clearly tell the physical boundary of Kumarghat Nagar Panchayat. District Magistrate & Collector, Unp\oti reported that he is drawing up some plans regarding disposalof garbagefrom both Kumarghat and KailashaharNagar Panchayatareas.However, both the Nagar Panchayatsmay be advisedsuitably by the Urban DevelopmentDepartmentto do cleaningregularly. I requestedthe Deputy Director, ARDD to draw up a plan to arrangesupply of eggsrequired for Mid-Day-Meal to all the schoolsof Unakoti District. Similarly, the Deputy Director of Fisheries Department,Kumarghat was also requestedto draw up a plan of achieving self sufficiency in fish production of Unakoti District within a reasonableperiod. ln the evening, I held a revlew meeting of all the Head Masters qf all the High & 6. Higher SecondarySchoolsof Unakoti District in the KailashaharTown Hall. Enclo:- As stated. Yoursf,u\rnr,,ur, -U-'etr{v/ ( B. Sinha ) Principal Secretary Copyto:1. 2. 3. 4. PWD. PrincipalSecretary, R.D. Department. Secretary, ARDD Secretary, FisheriesDepartment. Secretary, Copyalsoforwafdedto:to ChiefMinister. ThePrincipalSecretary
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