Step 5: Setting up Outlook with NYU email Now that since all the

Step 5: Setting up Outlook with NYU email
Now that since all the emails are migrated, let us set up Outlook to work with NYU email.
Please note that you can also check your emails using the web browser by going to NYU
Home. If you prefer using Outlook as your email client please follow these steps:
Please Exit out of Outlook. It is important to close Outlook before downloading the
Apps Sync tool
Click here to download Google Apps Sync tool for Outlook (Figure 5.1)
Type in your NYU email address (Figure 5.2)
On the next screen type in your NYU NetID and Password. DO NOT add @nyu edu after
your NetID (Figure 5.3)
Next click on Accept at the bottom of the page (Figure 5.4)
Next screen will ask you to switch back to the application. Click on the flashing g icon at
the bottom of your screen (Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6)
Click on Create Profile
Figure 5.1: Download Google Apps Sync tool for Outlook
Figure 5.2: Type in your NYU email address
Figure 5.3: Login with your NYU NetID and Password.
Please note: DO NOT add
Figure 5.4: Click on Accept at the bottom of the page
Figure 5.5: Switch back to the application
Figure 5.6: Click on the Flashing g icon in the taskbar
Figure 5.7: Click on Create Profile
This will start your Outlook and soon you will see all your emails coming in.
Congratulations!!! You have successfully migrated your Poly emails to NYU email.
If you have any questions or need any assistance with this set up please call the NYU Poly Help Desk at
x3123 or send us an email at