DEVOTED TO tHJE. W S t iM t* I^lR |-\0 F tlflfc-lPtOFlJE'< » W »iy)lUjS AN& r-Room urnace, ^nine^ olidated Artline, Erie, Pa.’ Formal, inditios, or ?12. 12. In. t 128H 516. It plain or hirts or turning Portville vory en. n, bakes ite. Will and type 5034. Cattaraugus Cotmty^^ MISS MARY LOUISE CONE WEDS RICHARD GHAIlU^yN HERE r Yw* ' Ttesday^ Augvt$t [i^ECEIVES injuries [ttd h aiw ■ I960’ tc PER COPY. n 'CLAM BA^ ■• ' ■^ G»^ddn Li Trtiac Eldred, received- TRe Department \rill [eerions injuries to ^ left hand while] IjUld a diaittbake a t the Prince Jona using a metal l»w in the Review ] than Sunday^ Sept. [plimt on Tnesdey. ' tea , yhe purchased .Mr, Trask was taken to the Clean] 10th.' fifom teethhelra of hte Fire DepartiGlenerambspital ■where held a pa tient. N tii» Ije r3 2 BO t SCOUTS TO START BIG FUND DRIVE plans to finish the .eatepaigU of the, Mi^s Marjr Louise Cone, daughter, The four*tiered wedding cake, which eneca Counejli Boy Scouts of Amerof Mr. a ^ Mirs.. Elmer E. Cone,'— - ilaced on a separate ^ . table in ica> to raise $150,000 for the conNorth M;ain a ^ e t,. became the bride 1front of the fireplace .was topped With I struction ,of the new Scout Camp on of Richard Da Champlin, son of Mr. Wiiniature bride and groom. Wolf Creek near Portville, New York, and Mrs. Don Champlin, on Saturday I The couple left on a Wo weeks are ahouP'complete. A Scout w^ek . afternoon at two o’clock at the First | trip to Geor^an Bay, Canada. For for the campaign has been set fo r Presbyterian Church. traveling, liirsi Champlin chose a mid-1 September 11 to 18^ I960. The Rev. John M. Deason, pastor, night blue corduroy suit with red ac- ] Under the leadership f f the late ^A pretty summer wedding was, sol- mariite dress with corsage of white Norman Chapman, Genesee, ‘Pa., a officiated a t the ceremony, performed cessories and corsage of white rose before an altar decorated with palms, buds. They will reside in Troy. A Banquet gathering, celebrating | etetlized Friday night a t seven o’c lo ^ j rosebuds ^ink sweet peas and white sigrt was made on the fund raising. Mrs. Chamidin is a graduate of the the recently acquired universiigr status at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert asters, Mte. Lester Enos, sister of The work so ably begun by M)r. Chap candelabra'and white gladioli. Miss Jeannette Harriman played Teen Mountain School for Women, of St. Bonaventure University, ■will-j AHJtips, Obi, when their eldest daugh thalbridegroQte, wore a rose and navy man has been carried forward by his traditional wedding music.] receding Poultney^ Vt. Mr. Champlin is a be held a t th e ' Sterl ing. Hotel in ter^ Barbara June, became the bride gown, with 'white rosebuds, lavender friend and associate, James E, Ran Leroy Wood, son of Richard] sweet peas add white ash deal angiiieeri^ student at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., this Thursday e'i^e- o f the ceremony and Carl Chi Ids, Obi dall, WellsviHe. Under their direc corsage. sang "Oh •Promise Me,"’ and “Be- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, ning, August 24th at 6:30 p. m. tion, about $50,000 has been raised 1!he ceremony was perfohued by A buffet Itihch was served to thir to enable the'Seout officials, to make Pre-nuptial parties included: varie.- This was announced by t^e Very Rev. ty-five guests following the cefemi [ the Rev, Harold A, Edwards, pastor ty-shower by ejhployees'pf the Clean Juvenal Lalor, 0.1^. M., president of] The bride, given in marriage by her] a start at the camp. of First Day Baptist Church of Thar bride’s, table was centereu, Mr. Randall feis continuing father/ wore a ballerina length gown General Hospital; trousseau shower, the University^ who said it will be continuingas as chaircbaii^ of white imported Chantilly lace with | Mrs. Hubert Warner and dinner at occasion for ’ mpny old friends and Welift Clarksville, before an archway with a tiered Wedding cake, topped L„an „mn of the capital fund effort. Helpwith a miniature I deeprated with ferns and banked 'with Lucia’s Restaurant by Miss Ann 'Vanbride and grobm.linoUiw complete /.nrymloto the organization alumni o f St. Bonaventure to renew groom, short long sleevd ^jacket with wide yu Biue wiui Bw vtSb garden flowete, * acquaintances^and fripndsbips. portrait neckline. •The gown had ap urg. Clean.' Olean, who' T|ie bride,'glyen-in marriage by her Blue and. white streamers completed ■will serve as'the Cattaraugus Cbunty overskirt of lace and net that formed Attending from out of town were Representative groups from alumr a separate and detachable train. She Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butcher and ni chapters ail over the United States father, wore an aqua lace afternoop the decoration^ chairman. The Allegany County drets ■with navy blue accessories. Her The couple I'eft on a wedding trm wore a lace calot from which fell^ a Mr, and Mrs. Rose Shaneberger, Harchairman ■will be C, Humphrey.Stev expected to attend this celebra , double veil of importde silk illusion. risville, N. Y.; Robert Butcher, tion. It is hoped that as many as shojilder corsage was of pink rosebuds to the Aciirondack Mountains apdj (BUS, WellsviHe. Victor P , Freeborn, She carried a white satin fan, Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. John Butch possible -will he'present to take part whRe sweet peas and babies breath .Thousand Islands. They -will reside] Clean ,-will assist Mr. Davis in Catta- • | |n Obi uplm their return. tied with silver ribbon. trimmed with Chantilly lace. A white er, Schenectady • Mr. and Mrs. Lewis in the gala evening. raugus County. Pre-nuptial events were: A. variety The two largest projects ContemWirs. Aseph Olkosky, Oleai . rosebud corsage made up the floral Champlin, Little’Genesee. Harold Wilsoo, Bing Father Lalor will be the- main Imatron of honor. She woi4 a light shower, given by Mrs. Joseph Olkos-1 ildted at the camp are the construcarrangement of. the fan. She wore speaker and will be followed by the[ ky and Mrs. Lelahd Hubbard; a kit hroyin taffeta afternoon ■'dress with ion of a ’dam to make a five-acre a three stran^ pearl necklace, gift of hamton; Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Cham Very Rev. John Lambert Rowan, 0,| navy blue accessories. Her shoulder chen showeh by the AcmeElect ic em lake, and'the construttiozi of a cenplin, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill, Mr. the bridegroom. F. M., rector of Christ the King Semi coritege was yellow Irosebuds, white ployees, Cuba, .' J Miss Anita Cine, sister of the bride, and Mrs, Curtis Crooks^ Ceres; Mr. nary, and the Very Rev. Thomas baby mums and babied breath tied! The bride Is a. graduate of the Port- jItral lodge. Ohee hte funds are avail and Mrs. John Crumbaugh; Eldred; able the construction will go forward was maid of honor and wore a bellekville Central School and is employed under the direction of Council Presi Mrs. Mary Lease and Mrs. Clarence Plassman, 0. P. M., former Presi-| wite gold ribbon. j ina length go-wh of mint\g»een lace lo; Wally Weart and dent of St. Bonaventure and now! ‘Carlton Wood, Bolivar, brother Of Iby the Ajil^e Electric Company, CulSa. dent WiMiam H. Reeder, Olean. j and net with short lace jacket. A pic- Charles Campbejl, Provincial of the Holy Name of Fri-' thepridegroop, was best man. The groom attended RiChhurg Cen Seneca Falls, Rob I ture hat of maline to match was enars Minor. Those who will also speak •ihe bride’s mother chose an aqua tral School and served one year in 1 circled with tiny flowers at the crown. ert Rude, Poift Byron, N. Y. are Mr. William H. Kearney, Presi the Merchant Marines. He is emloyed She carried a colonial bouquet of Mr. and Mrs.-Irving Cone, Schenec- dent of the Alumni Association; by the Pennsylvania Railroad. I roses to match the color of the crown. tdy; Mr. and Mrs. John Swain, Right Rev. Monsignor Joseph B. Mc YOUNG PEOPLE Guests front but of tqwn were: Mrs. DanSville, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miss Doris Wiegand, Buffalo, and Intyre, National Clerical Alumni ATTEND CAMP • Mitchell Putnam, Richburg; Mr. and Walter, Allentown, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ann "Vanburg, Clean, Chairman; Right Rev. Monsignor G. A group of young people from the Mrs. Carlton Wood, Bolivar; Mrs. I bridesmaids and wore ballerina length Carter Magee, Hornell; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dugan, State Clhairman .for I BefiHel Lutheran Church are attend- Joseph Olkowsld, Glean; Mrs. Gh gowns of orchid" lace and net fash George Donnelly^ Belmont. Pennsylvania and Rev. bervaae Mc- th^ pumiher Lutheran League Bible Rateder, Leroy; Mr. and Mrs. ioned like that of the maid of honor. Mr. and Mrs. R. F, Gordon, Gowan- Millen, O. F. M. Alumni secretary. [caissa of New York Conferem c e n ti. BuelL Rouhest They wore pok.e bonnets of orchid da; Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Hannon, Gle 'he university which is now in tEe of the church, which is being held : Mrs. Lynn Enos Little Genesee; Dinner was served to forty-five an; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Shine and 1 taffeta, witb scalloped edge, caught] midst of ah $8,000,000 expansion ]Colgate University, Hainilten, this] ifr. and Mrs. John ^latt, Ceres; Mr. friends *n4 relatives a t the Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Olivera, Sala-| program, is itpprohching its one hun in a bow under the chin. and'Mrs. Joel Dumbolten, Richburg; Hopkins reunion held on Sunday at mahea and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Reid, dredth anniversary and now has a ] Each carried a colonial bpuquet ofj Those attending the.inrtitute in-j Mr. and birs. Richard Wood, Mrs. the Prince Jonathan Club House. Predonia. student enrollment of around 2,000. elude Ronald Whitney, Ronnie Wil [Hollis Wood, Mr. and Mrs. James The dinner committee were Mrs. ■ I roses to match their gowns. The first new building of the univers-l liams, William Johnson and Nancy] Pire, all of Bolivar, y The junior bridesmaid. Miss Nanc Lee Frair, Mrs. Maude Blakeslee and Ity will be Christ the King Seminary^ Hatch. They were aheompanied by Cone, and the ring bearer. Miss San C lifford‘Williams. the construction ' of which is almost Miss Signe Johnson and Miss Helen dra Kay Cone, were dressed in simi Election e f officers were held du complete, Following its completion, Johnson. lar balerina dresses of powdef blue ring the afternoon and the following REJOINS NAVY there will be the erection of a Science veleray organdy with deep bertha '"will serve for the coming year; Pres :, a Student Union, necklines and caught at the waists James West, son of Mr. and Mrs. ident, LaVern Tlatch, vice president; tory, a faculty house, and a Businesswith wide ribbon sashes. Nies West, of Brooklyn street, a Leon Low6 secrete^ and treasurer;' School Administration Building. John Champlin ■was best man. Don member of the U. S. Navy Reserves, Miss June Lowe. The table commit ald Wormer and Donald Whalen, Two persons were seriously injured The college had its small beginning has reenlisted in the Navy. He left on tee for the next year are Duane Jenback in 1856, when a ^ o n p of J&dars.] pital staff, the nurses and aide j Poughkeepsie^ .were ushers. , Monday to report to the BrooTdyn ings and Don Hatch. in an automobile house trailer acci request 1 Glean General Hospital for the won- j Navy Yard. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Cone ’ mother of the bride, dent midnight Friday on Route 219j-| came to these shores a t the request] Mr. Nicholas Devereux, a land^ derful care I received during my ill- He served eight years with the Mrs. Sleeman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert chose a street length dress of teal three miles south of Eidgway, atopj owner and business man of Western lyess there. ' blue tissue faille, adorned at the NaVy and since his discharge jn 1947, Pupo and family, Mr. and Mrs. MUton Boot Jack Hill, state police reportei New York, Also I wish to thank those who gradually neckline and tunic edge -with match has been emloyed by the Socony Va- Jennings and family, Mr. and Mrs. Involved in the accident was a car] ye:iars, surviving thiei called on me and those who sent]I cuum Company of Olean. LaVern Hatch and family, Mr. and ing iridescent beading. She wore driven by Donal.d Kalgren of Brook- through wine colored pumps, and purse, white ville and a house trailer owned by fires; the greatest of which leveled cards, flowers,, candy and fruit. , Mr. West is a boiler technician, first Mrs. Lee) Frair and family, Mrs. Pearl Mxs. Charles Taylor the church, tnoiiastery, and seminary. class, and will be assigned to' eitheVi Smith*, Mrs. Hattie Hatch, M r.' and crush gloves and ■wine colored hat Howard L. Wiles, of Barbarto'wn. a destroyer or an aircraft carrier for | Mrs. Reuben Hatch and family, Mr. with feathet tips. Her corsage was ■Mr, Kagren suffered concussion and Mrs. Hoyt Armstronjg and grandof white rosebndk. Mrs. Champlin, and minor lacerations and was reactive sea duty.* chidren, Leon Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. mother of the groom, selected a white l^moved to the Elk County General Frank Lowe, Miss June Lowe, Mrs. crepe print dress with white access-' Hospital. The more seriously injured ACCEPTS POSITION Mahrice Jennings, Duane Jennings Dries and feather trimmed hat. was William Thompson of DuBois^] ) Frair, Mrs. Maude Blake A reception for 150 guests was held | a passenger in the Kalgren automo* Miss Dorotha Wiggins, daughter of | Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Wiggins, has ac slee, Archie Hatch, Portville; Mr. and I at the bride’s home. The bride's! bile. Thompson suffered a possible! maternal grandmother of the bride- cepted a position as Health Teaching | Mrs. Archie Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Gor I table was decorated witb green fern, 'fractured skull, fracture of the right lom, chose a navy blue floral print Supervisor for Onondaga County out don Hendryx and grandchildren and I assorted garden flowers and candles. leg, and extensive lacerations about [of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hand, of !ss 'witl^ navy blue and pink ac was united in marriage to Gerald Bruce Rice, Olean. the face and scalp. I t is said he was | Buckles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clair cessories and a corsage of sweet peas side of Syracuse. Miss Wiggins will assume her new] thrown through the windshield by the Buckles, of Portville, Saturday and camgtloiiB. duties on September first. She has] force of the impact. morning^ on the rectory of S t Mary Following, the ceremony a break- just completed three years as physi OBSERVANCE OF 80TH l e g io n INSTALLS OFFICERS None of the occupants of the house] of the Angels Church by the Rev. fast-was served in the Colonial Room cal instructor in Binghamton, N. Y., trailer which consisted of Mr. Wells, Msgr. Edward J. Rengel, VF, pastor. [at the Olean-House for twenty-two] and it a graduate of State Teachers ] BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Portville Memorial Post No. 814, of his Wife and five children, was report-1 Miss Barbara Elatte, cousin of the guests. The table was decorated with College at Portville. A family dinner was held Sunddy I the American Legion installed its new I ed to have been injured, ^bride, was maid of honor and Richard an oval centerpiece p f assorted flow at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter I officers on Wednesday evening. ComHill, of Ceres, ih observance of the I mander Wilson Wilks and his staff] Acccording to state police of the] Scott, Portville, cousin-of the bride-] ers and a three-tiered wedding cake, FARMERS SHOULD topped' ■with miniature bride-and FILL OUT FORM 80th birthday anniversary of Mrs. Ridgway barracks, Kalgren ■was driv groom, was best man. I were the installing officers. Hill’s father, Lewis Champlin of Lit , The bride wore a street length dress j groom. The following are: the officers for ing toward Ridgway and his car ran a wedding trip-l Due to the war situation all men tle Genesee. coming year: Commander, Donald off the highway and struck the park ' of cornflower blue satin with bolero ’ The couple left loints South and between the ages of 19 and 26 have Dinner was served a t 1 o’clock t(> Allen; first Vice Coman^er, Robert ed house trailer. The 'Wiles family jacket, trimmed Bottanburg lace. to Gettysburg andd points to be classified by local draft boards. friends and members of the inimeWarner J Slecond Vice Commander, was en foute to Tennessee. The car White lace mitts, white shpes and on their return will reside in Olean. the, house trauer trailer ae developed a white horsehair hat completed her For traveling Mrs. Buckles chose a The draft board must have up-to- diate family. Mr. Champlin was pre Robert Smith; Adj'utant, Lyle Nye; pulling the,house decided outfit. Her corsage was of yellow] raspberry print crepe dress with^a date information and accurate in sented with many gifts in remem Chaplain, James Wood; Service Offic motor trouble and the family roses. She wore a small gold locket short grey coat, white accessories formation on the,registrants in order brance of the occasion. er, Kenneth Clark; Sergeant-ait-Arms, to spend the night parked to classify them correctly. If the in H e was bom on Deer Creek and has machine in belonging to her great grandmother. and corsage of yellow roses. Francis Wilson; Finance Officer,] highway and repair the mac e of Olean formation- shows that the, registrant I always made his home in the Town Ithe morning. ^ | Miss Elatte chose a red and black Mrs. Buckles is a grai James Cronin. ’ is doing essential work, he may be of Genesee. Retiring a year ago^ he High-School, class of 1948, and Mr. I But the trailer and the automobile j [igk-School, checked two-piece checked two-piece Commander Milks and his staff] and Mrs. Champlin lived at Little street length drhss with pleated skirt. Buckles graduated from Portville put in a different classification, discussed several topics concerning were extensively damaged. Her accessories were white and she Central School. Both are employed i t doesn’t he will be put in A-1 and Genesee. the American Legion. Lunch was is subject to induction in the armed Among those present beside thq in the office at Clark Brothers. wore a corsage of yellow carnations. served after the meeting. honored guests were Mrs. Le'wis Mrs. Hand, mother of the bride, Pre-nuptial parties, ineluded: va service^, LINN FAMILY REUNION Champlin,'Little Genesee; Mr, and selected a grey and orckid crepe] riety shower, Mrs. Clifford Unverdorprint dress Avith black accessories and ben, variety shower, Mrs. Fred Will- CHILD HEALTH CONFERENCE Mrs. Don Champlin, Mr. and Mrs. CARD OF TICANKS Mrs. Buckles, I'ardand Miss Frances King and Lunch A child health conference under i John Champlin and son, Jon, Mr. and Conrad Linn, Jr., and family; Mr.] gardenia corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Robert We wish to express our sincere and Mrs.I . Carl Linn 'and family, Mr. mother of the groom, chose a green] eon, office girls at Clark Brothers. j.hte direction of Cattaraugus Health Mrs. N. I thanks and appreciation to our friends and Mrs. B. P. Martin and family; and white bemberg dress with green] Attending from out of town wercj Departteeht will he held in Portville Hatch. Portville; Mrs, Bessie Foote, kies, VeroT Verona, on Friday, August 25th, a t 9:30 a, m. Port Allegany, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. I and neighbors for their kindness and Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and family accessories and U gardenia corsage.] Mr. and Mrs. Duane Buckles, Markey, The conferehce will be held in the Harold Wilson, Binghamton; Mr. and I sympathy during hur recent' bereave- and Mr. dnd Mrs. Thomas Wiles anf' Mrs. Michael Maricej^ maternal N. '.J..^ Mr. end Mrs. M. F. Mark* Iment, We are especially grateful family attended the Linn family re grandmother of the bride, wore a| Eldred; Mrs. Frank Roffman^ Mrs. high schcol and will be open to in-| Mrs^ Rupert Champlin and son^ I to those who sent flowers and donat- union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. print nylon dress with grey access William Gramb and d e b t o r s , Nia-] fante .and preschool children. Pr< James, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Crooks, I ed the use of their cars. Cletus Carlson,. Kanesholm, Pa., on ories a,nd corsage of sweet peas and gara Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar] vention Of sthallpox, diphtbisria, and] Geres, and Mr. and Mrs. John Swain, Dattsvile. tetenuS;'wiU be o Chaffee, Fortville.^ Edgar Ch! carnations. Sunday. Mrs. Dora Baker and family ST. BONAS . PLANS BIG CELEBRAtlQN ADAMS GIRL MARRIED m SUMMER WEDDING BIG SHINDIG GETS FAMILY TOGETHER FAMILY HAS NARROW’SCAPE CLAIR BUCKLES AND GLEAN GIRL WED
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