Chapter 10 Neurology Measure Your Progress: Learning Objectives After you study this chapter, you should be able to •Identify the structures of the nervous system. •Describe the process of nerve transmission. •Describe common nervous system diseases, laboratory and diagnostic procedures, medical and surgical procedures, and drug categories. •Give the medical meaning of word parts and abbreviations related to the nervous system. •Build nervous system words from word parts and divide and define words. •Spell and pronounce nervous system words. •Analyze the medical content and meaning of a neurology report. •Dive deeper into neurology by reviewing the activities at the end of this chapter and online at Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. 205 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 205 23/03/13 12:15 AM It All Starts with Word Building Medical language is all about medical words and their word parts. Jump right into this chapter by learning some of the common combining forms and their definitions that you will encounter in this chapter. affer/o- ring toward the b center arachn/o- spider; spider web astr/o- starlike structure autonom/o- independent; self-governing cephal/o-head cerebell/o- cerebellum (posterior part of the brain) cerebr/o- cerebrum (largest part of the brain) comat/o- unconsciousness concuss/o- violent shaking or jarring crani/o- dendr/o- cranium (skull) branching structure disk/o-disk dors/o- back; dorsum dur/o- dura mater effer/o- encephal/o- ependym/o- epilept/o- esthes/o- front/o- gli/o- ict/o- out from the go center brain cellular lining seizure sensation; feeling front cells that provide support seizure lamin/o- lamina (flat area on a vertebra) meningi/o- meninges mening/o- meninges ment/o- mind; chin mot/o- movement myelin/o- myelin myel/o- bone marrow; spinal cord; myelin narc/o- stupor; sleep nerv/o- nerve neur/o- nerve occipit/o-occiput (back of the head) pariet/o- wall of a cavity pleg/o- radicul/o- sens/o- somat/o- somn/o- spin/o- syncop/o- tempor/o- thalam/o- ventricul/o- ventr/o- 206 | Chapter 10 paralyis spinal nerve root sensation body sleep spine; backbone fainting temple (side of the head) thalamus ventricle (lower heart chamber; chamber in the brain) front; abdomen Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 206 23/03/13 12:15 AM Chapter Spelling Test Memorize these spelling words from the chapter. Be prepared to spell them as your instructor dictates them to you. 1.Alzheimer’s disease 2.astrocytoma 3.cephalalgia 4.cerebrovascular accident 5.dysphasia 6.electroencephalogram 7.encephalitis 8.epilepsy 9.grand mal seizure 10.hemiparesis 11.meninges 12.neurosurgery 13.paresthesia 14.polysomnography 15.quadriplegic 16.radiculopathy 17.rhizotomy 18.sciatica 19.subdural hematoma 20.syncope Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.Neurology | 207 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 207 23/03/13 12:15 AM Chapter Pronunciation Test Review and practice the pronunciation of these words from the chapter. Your instructor may ask you to call his or her office and pronounce each word on voicemail. 1.aphasia (ah-FAY-zha) 2.cephalalgia (sef-al-AL-jah) 3.cerebrovascular (seh-ree-broh-VAS-kyoo-lar) (sair-eh-broh-VAS-kyoo-lar) 4.dysphasia (dis-FAY-zha) 5.electroencephalogram (ee-lek-troh-en-SEF-ah-loh-gram) 6.encephalitis (en-sef-ah-LY-tis) 7.epilepsy (EP-ih-lep-see) 8.hemiparesis (hem-ee-pah-REE-sis) 9.intraventricular (in-trah-ven-TRIH-kyoo-lar) 10.medulla oblongata (meh-DUL-ah awb-long-GAW-tah) (meh-DOOL-ah) 11.meninges (meh-NIN-jeez) 12.meningomyelocele (meh-ning-goh-MY-eh-loh-seel) 13.paresthesia (pair-es-THEE-zha) 14.polysomnography (paw-lee-sawm-NAW-grah-fee) 15.quadriplegic (kwah-drih-PLEE-jik) 16.radiculopathy (rah-dih-kyoo-LAW-pah-thee) 17.rhizotomy (ry-ZAW-toh-mee) 18.sciatica (sy-AT-ih-kah) 19.subdural hematoma (sub-DOOR-al hee-mah-TOH-mah) 20.syncope (SIN-koh-pee) 208 | Chapter 10 Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 208 23/03/13 12:15 AM Word Search Complete this word search puzzle that contains Chapter 10 words. Look for the following words as given in the list below. The number in parentheses indicates how many times the word appears in the puzzle. aphasia glioma auras gyrus axon hemiparesis brain (2) lobe cerebral myelin CNS nerve coma nervous cortex pons dementia RIND duralsulcus EEG TENS epilepsy Y S P E L I P E L D H A Z A G C H C O R E E I Q X J E O B N M M A S U O V R E N I S E M A B N T E Q P L N N O H F E V B A G E E T I P X R R R M C Y T I L A E A E A O L M R A G N I S U L C U S R U F N I A R B K A U R A S S N O P J S D N I R W Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.Neurology | 209 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 209 23/03/13 12:15 AM Crossword Puzzle 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 210 | Chapter 10 Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 210 23/03/13 12:15 AM Across DOWN 2.Cranial nerve XI, the 1.A loss of the ability to communicate __________________________ nerve, is verbally or in writing is referred to responsible for movement of muscles as ___________________________. in the throat, neck, and upper back. 4.___________________________ is the 3.The only connection between the left and right hemispheres condition in which there is an exces- of the brain is the structure of sive amount of cerebrospinal fluid the ___________________________ produced or the flow of cerebrospi- ___________________________. nal fluid is blocked. 5.Ventral nerve roots and their 7.The ___________________________ is spinal nerve are characterized as composed of the midbrain, pons, and ___________________________ nerves the medulla oblongata. because they carry nerve impulses away from the spinal cord to the 8.The combining form “ ___________________________” means “cells that provide support.” 9.The ___________________________ division of the autonomic nervous body. 6.The ___________________________ lobe analyzes sensory information about taste. system is active when the body is sleeping, resting, eating—the “rest and digest” activities. 10.The combining form “ ___________________________” means “unconsiousness.” Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.Neurology | 211 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 211 23/03/13 12:15 AM Underline the Accented Syllable Read the medical word. Then review the syllables in the pronunciation. Underline the primary (main) accented syllable in the pronunciation. 1.amyotrophic (ah-my-oh-troh-fik) 2.Babinski (bah-bin-skee) 3.cauda equina (kaw-dah ee-kwy-nah) 4.craniotomy (kray-nee-aw-toh-mee) 5.glioma (gly-oh-mah) 6.hyperesthesia (hy-per-es-thee-zha) 7.meningioma (meh-nin-jee-oh-mah) 8.meningomyelocele (meh-ning-goh-my-eh-loh-seel) 9.neurofibromatosis (nyoor-oh-fy-broh-mah-toh-sis) 10.oligodendroglia (oh-lih-goh-den-droh-glee-ah) 11.paraplegia (pair-ah-plee-jah) 12.polysomnography (paw-lee-sawm-naw-grah-fee) 13.radiculopathy (rah-dih-kyoo-law-pah-thee) 14.sciatica (sy-at-ih-kah) 15.sulci (sul-sigh) 212 | Chapter 10 Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 212 23/03/13 12:15 AM Word Surgery Read the medical word. Break the medical word into its word parts and give the meaning of each word part. Then give the definition of the medical word. 1.antiepileptic Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� 2.aphasia Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� 3.cerebrovascular Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� 4.dementia Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� 5.demyelination Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.Neurology | 213 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 213 23/03/13 12:15 AM 6.dyslexic Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� 7.electroencephalography Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ��������������������������������_______________________ 8.hemiplegic Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� 9.hyperesthesia Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� 10.hypoglossal Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� 214 | Chapter 10 Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 214 23/03/13 12:15 AM 11.meningitis Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ��������������������������������_______________________ 12.neuralgia Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� 13.paresthesia Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� 14.polysomnography Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition:�������������������������������������������������������� 15.postictal Suffix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Prefix and its meaning: ��������������������������������������������������������� Combining form and its meaning: ���������������������������������������������� Medical word definition: ������������������������������������������������������� Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.Neurology | 215 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 215 23/03/13 12:15 AM Chapter Quiz Multiple Choice 1.Which two combining forms mean “nerve”? A.meningi/o- and ment/o- B.nerv/o- and narc/o- C.neur/o- and nerv/o- D.myelin/o- and ment/o- 2.There are 12 cranial nerves; the eighth cranial nerve receives sensory information about A.sounds. B.taste. C.smell. D.touch. 3.Which of the following is the system that controls voluntary skeletal muscles? A.somatic nervous system B.autonomic nervous system C.parasympathetic division D.sympathetic division 4.Four hollow chambers within the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid are the A.sulci. B.ventricles. C.lobes. D.gyri. 5.The prefix “tri-” in “trigeminal” means A.nerve. B.sensation. C.myelin. D.three. 216 | Chapter 10 Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 216 23/03/13 12:15 AM 6.Which of the following is a congenital genetic defect that results in mild-to-severe mental retardation? A.Alzheimer’s disease B.concussion C.dementia D.Down syndrome 7.The temporary loss of consciousness that may be caused by stenosis and plaque that block the carotid arteries is called A.Huntington’s chorea. B.syncope. C.neural tube defect. D.subdural hematoma. 8.The prefix “quadri-,” as in “quadriplegia” means A.four. B.three. C.below. D.condition of. 9.The condition of abnormal sensations such as tingling, burning, or pinpricks is A.neurofibromatosis. B.neuroma. C.paresthesia. D.neuropathy. 10.Computed axial tomography A.uses a strong magnetic field to make an image. a radiologic procedure that uses x-rays to make closely spaced images. C.uses sound waves to make an image. a treatment regimen. Fill in the blank 1.A neurologic test in which the end of a metal handle is used to stroke the sole of the foot is known as __________________________ sign. 2.A surgical procedure that removes the flat area of the arch of a vertebra is a __________________________. Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.Neurology | 217 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 217 23/03/13 12:15 AM 3.Acetaminophen, aspirin, and ibuprofen are __________________________ analgesic drugs used to treat mild-to-moderate pain. 4.Each pair of spinal nerves is named according to the __________________________ next to it. 5.An involuntary muscle reaction that is controlled by the __________________________ __________________________ is a reflex. 6.A fatal neurologic disorder caused by the presence of an infectious agent known as a __________________________ is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. 7.Bell’s __________________________ is a weakness, with drooping or paralysis of one side of the face, due to viral infection of the facial nerve. 8.Neuritis is inflammation or infection of a nerve, whereas __________________________ is a generalized inflammation of many nerves. 9.A __________________________, __________________________ is performed to acquire a sample of cerebrospinal fluid. 10.__________________________ are physicians who perform surgery on the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. True/False ______ 1.The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. ______ 2.Afferent nerves carry nerve impulses away from the spinal cord. ______ 3.The middle layer of the meninges is the dura mater. ______ 4.The fatty sheath around a large axon is known as the myelin sheath. ______ 5.A disease of the brain in older persons in which many neurons in the cerebrum die is mental retardation. ______ 6.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. ______ 7.An astrocytoma is most likely a benign tumor. ______ 8.Testing of the patient’s concrete and abstract reasoning is done during a mini-mental status examination. ______ 9.The Latin combining form for “mind” is “ment/o-” and the Greek form is “psych/o-.” ______ 10.Drugs used to prevent the seizures of epilepsy are known as antiepileptic or anticonvulsant drugs. 218 | Chapter 10 Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 218 23/03/13 12:15 AM Pronunciation Checklist Read each word and its pronunciation. Practice pronouncing each word. Verify your pronunciation by listening to the Pronunciation List on Check the box next to the word after you master its pronunciation. o abducens nerve o auditory cortex o cerebrovascular accident (ab-DOO-senz NERV) o absence seizure (AB-sens SEE-zher) o accessory nerve (ak-SES-oh-ree NERV) o acetylcholine (as-eh-til-KOH-leen) o afferent nerve (AF-eh-rent NERV) o alpha fetoprotein (AL-fah fee-toh-PROH-teen) o Alzheimer’s disease (AWLZ-hy-merz dih-ZEEZ) o amnesia (am-NEE-zha) o amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ah-my-oh-TROH-fik LAT-eh-ral skleh-ROH-sis) o analgesic drug (an-al-JEE-zik DRUHG) o anencephaly (an-en-SEF-ah-lee) o anesthesia (an-es-THEE-zha) o anesthetic drug (an-es-THEH-tik DRUHG) o angiogram (AN-jee-oh-gram) o angiography (an-jee-AW-grah-fee) o anticonvulsant drug (an-tee-con-VUL-sant DRUHG) (an-tih-con-VUL-sant) o antiepileptic drug (an-tee-ep-ih-LEP-tik DRUHG) (an-tih-ep-ih-LEP-tik) o aphasia (ah-FAY-zha) o aphasic (ah-FAY-sik) o arachnoid membrane (ah-RAK-noyd MEM-brayn) o arteriogram (ar-TEER-ee-oh-gram) o arteriography (ar-teer-ee-AW-grah-fee) o arteriovenous malformation (ar-teer-ee-oh-VEE-nus mal-for-MAY-shun) o astrocyte (AS-troh-site) o astrocytoma (as-troh-sy-TOH-mah) (AW-dih-tor-ee KOR-teks) o auditory nerve (AW-dih-tor-ee NERV) o aura (AW-rah) o automatism (aw-TAW-mah-tizm) o autonomic nervous system (aw-toh-NAW-mik NER-vus SIS-tem) o axon (AK-sawn) o Babinski’s sign (bah-BIN-skeez SINE) o benign (bee-NINE) o biopsy (BY-awp-see) o brain (BRAYN) o brainstem (BRAYN-stem) o carotid duplex scan (kah-RAW-tid DOO-pleks SKAN) o carotid endarterectomy (kah-RAW-tid end-ar-ter-EK-toh-mee) o carpal tunnel syndrome (KAR-pal TUN-el SIN-drohm) o cauda equina (KAW-dah ee-KWY-nah) o causalgia (kawz-AL-jah) o central nervous system (SEN-tral NER-vus SIS-tem) o cephalalgia (sef-al-AL-jah) o cerebellar (sair-eh-BEL-ar) o cerebellum (sair-eh-BEL-um) o cerebral cortex (seh-REE-bral KOR-teks) (SAIR-eh-bral) o cerebral hemisphere (seh-REE-bral HEM-ih-sfeer) (SAIR-eh-bral) o cerebral palsy (seh-REE-bral PAWL-zee) (SAIR-eh-bral) o cerebrospinal fluid (seh-ree-broh-SPY-nal FLOO-id) (sair-eh-broh-SPY-nal) (seh-ree-broh-VAS-kyoo-lar AK-sih-dent) (sair-eh-broh-VAS-kyoo-lar) o cerebrum (seh-REE-brum) (SAIR-eh-brum) o coma (KOH-mah) o comatose (KOH-mah-tohs) o computed axial tomography (com-PYOO-ted AK-see-al toh-MAW-grah-fee) o concussion (con-KUH-shun) o contusion (con-TOO-shun) o convulsion (con-VUL-shun) o corpus callosum (KOR-pus kah-LOH-sum) o cortex (KOR-teks) o cortical (KOR-tih-kal) o corticosteroid drug (kor-tih-koh-STAIR-oyd DRUHG) o cranial cavity (KRAY-nee-al KAV-ih-tee) o cranial nerve (KRAY-nee-al NERV) o craniotomy (kray-nee-AW-toh-mee) o cranium (KRAY-nee-um) o Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (KROITS-felt YAH-kohp dih-ZEEZ) o dementia (deh-MEN-sha) o demyelination (dee-my-eh-lih-NAY-shun) o dendrite (DEN-dryt) o diabetic neuropathy (dy-ah-BET-ik nyoor-AW-pah-thee) o diskectomy (dis-KEK-toh-mee) o dopamine (DOH-pah-meen) o dorsal nerve root (DOR-sal NERV ROOT) o Down syndrome (DOWN sin-drohm) o dural membrane (DOOR-al MEM-brayn) Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.Neurology | 219 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 219 23/03/13 12:15 AM o dura mater (DOOR-ah o gustatory cortex MAY-ter) (DOOR-ah MAH-ter) o dyslexia (dis-LEK-see-ah) o dyslexic (dis-LEK-sik) o dysphasia (dis-FAY-zha) o efferent nerve (EF-eh-rent NERV) o electroencephalogram (ee-lektroh-en-SEF-ah-loh-gram) o electroencephalograph (ee-lektroh-en-SEF-ah-loh-graf) o electroencephalography (ee-lek-troh-en-sef-ah-LAWgrah-fee) o encephalitis (en-sef-ah-LY-tis) o endorphins (en-DOR-finz) o ependymal cell (eh-PEN-dih-mal SEL) o ependymoma (eh-pen-dih-MOH-mah) o epidural space (ep-ih-DOOR-al SPAYS) o epilepsy (EP-ih-lep-see) o epileptic (ep-ih-LEP-tik) o epinephrine (ep-ih-NEF-rin) o evoked potential (ee-VOKED poh-TEN-shal) o excisional biopsy (ek-SIH-zhun-al BY-awp-see) o expressive aphasia (eks-PREH-siv ah-FAY-zha) o facial nerve (FAY-shal NERV) o fissure (FIH-shur) o flaccid paralysis (FLAS-id pah-RAL-ih-sis) (FLAK-sid) o focal motor seizure (FOH-kal MOH-tor SEE-zher) o frontal lobe (FRUN-tal LOHB) o Glasgow Coma Scale (GLAS-goh KOH-mah SKAYL) o glioblastoma multiforme (gly-oh-blas-TOH-mah mul-tih-FOR-may) o glioma (gly-OH-mah) o global aphasia (GLOH-bal ah-FAY-zha) o glossopharyngeal nerve (glaw-soh-fah-RIN-jee-al NERV) o grand mal seizure (GRAN MAWL SEE-zher) o Guillain-Barré syndrome (GEE-yah bah-RAY SIN-drohm) (GUS-tah-tor-ee KOR-teks) o gyri (JY-rye) o gyrus (JY-rus) o hematoma (hee-mah-TOH-mah) o hemiparesis (hem-ee-pah-REE-sis) o hemiplegia (hem-ee-PLEE-jah) o hemiplegic (hem-ee-PLEE-jik) o hemisphere (HEM-ih-sfeer) o herniated nucleus pulposus (HER-nee-aa-ted NOO-klee-us pul-POH-sus) o Huntington’s chorea (HUN-ting-tonz kor-EE-ah) o hydrocephalic (hy-droh-sih-FAL-ik) o hydrocephalus (hy-droh-SEF-ah-lus) o hyperesthesia (hy-per-es-THEE-zha) o hypoglossal nerve (hy-poh-GLAW-sal NERV) o hypothalamic (hy-poh-thah-LAM-ik) o hypothalamus (hy-poh-THAL-ah-mus) o infarct (IN-farkt) o infarction (in-FARK-shun) o intracranial (in-trah-KRAY-nee-al) o intraventricular hematoma (in-trah-ven-TRIH-kyoo-lar hee-mah-TOH-mah) o ischemia (is-KEE-mee-ah) o ischemic (is-KEE-mik) o laminectomy (lam-ih-NEK-toh-mee) o lobe (LOHB) o lumbar puncture (LUM-bar PUNGK-chur) o lymphoma (lim-FOH-mah) o magnetic resonance imaging (mag-NET-ik REZ-oh-nans IM-ah-jing) o malignant (mah-LIG-nant) o manometer (mah-NAW-meh-ter) o medulla oblongata (meh-DUL-ah awb-long-GAW-tah) (meh-DOOL-ah) o meningeal (meh-NIN-jee-al) (MEN-in-JEE-al) o meninges (meh-NIN-jeez) o meningioma (meh-NIN-jee-OH-mah) o meningitis (MEN-in-JY-tis) o meningocele (meh-NING-goh-seel) o meningomyelocele (meh-ning-goh-MY-eh-loh-seel) o mental retardation (MEN-tal ree-tar-DAY-shun) o mental status (MEN-tal STAT-us) o microglia (my-KROH-glee-ah) o migraine (MY-grayn) o motor nerve (MOH-tor NERV) o multiple sclerosis (MUL-tih-pl skleh-ROH-sis) o myelin (MY-eh-lin) o myelinated (MY-eh-lih-NAY-ted) o myelogram (MY-eh-loh-gram) o myelography (my-eh-LAW-grah-fee) o myelomeningocele (my-eh-loh-meh-NING-goh-seel) o narcolepsy (NAR-koh-lep-see) o narcotic drug (nar-KAW-tik DRUHG) o nerve (NERV) o nerve conduction study (NERV con-DUK-shun STUH-dee) o nervous system (NER-vus SIS-tem) o neural tissue (NYOOR-al TIH-shoo) o neural tube defect (NYOOR-al TOOB-DEE-fekt) o neuralgia (nyoor-AL-jah) o neuritis (nyoor-EYE-tis) o neurofibrillary tangles (nyoor-oh-FIB-rih-lair-ee TANG-gls) o neurofibroma (nyoor-oh-fy-BROH-mah) o neurofibromatosis (NYOORoh-fy-broh-mah-TOH-sis) o neuroglia (nyoor-OH-glee-ah) o neurologic (nyoor-oh-LAW-jik) o neurologic deficit (nyoor-oh-LAW-jik DEF-ih-sit) o neurologist (nyoor-AW-loh-jist) o neurology (nyoor-AW-loh-jee) o neuroma (nyoor-OH-mah) o neuron (NYOOR-on) 220 | Chapter 10 Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 220 23/03/13 12:15 AM o neuropathy (nyoor-AW-pah-thee) o neurosurgeon (nyoor-oh-SER-jun) o neurotransmitter (nyoor-oh-TRANS-mit-er) o norepinephrine (nor-ep-ih-NEF-rin) o nuchal rigidity (NOO-kal rih-GIH-dih-tee) o nucleus pulposus (NOO-klee-us pul-POH-sus) o occipital lobe (awk-SIP-ih-tal LOHB) o oculomotor nerve (aw-kyoo-loh-MOH-tor NERV) o olfactory cortex (ol-FAK-toh-ree KOR-teks) o olfactory nerve (ol-FAK-toh-ree NERV) o oligodendroglia (oh-lih-goh-den-DROH-glee-ah) o oligodendroglioma (oh-lihgoh-den-droh-gly-OH-mah) o optic nerve (AWP-tik NERV) o palsy (PAWL-zee) o paralysis (pah-RAL-ih-sis) o paraplegia (pair-ah-PLEE-jah) o paraplegic (pair-ah-PLEE-jik) o parasympathetic division (pair-ah-sim-pah-THEH-tik dih-VIH-shun) o paresthesia (pair-es-THEE-zha) o parietal lobe (pah-RY-eh-tal LOHB) o Parkinson’s disease (PAR-kin-sonz dih-ZEEZ) o peripheral nervous system (peh-RIF-eh-ral NER-vus SIS-tem) o petit mal seizure (peh-TEE MAWL SEE-zher) o photophobia (foh-toh-FOH-bee-ah) o pia mater (PY-ah MAY-ter) (PEE-ah MAH-ter) o plaque (PLAK) o polyneuritis (paw-lee-nyoor-EYE-tis) o polysomnography (paw-lee-sawm-NAW-grah-fee) o pons (PAWNZ) o positron emission tomography (PAW-zih-trawn ee-MIH-shun toh-MAW-grah-fee) o postictal (post-IK-tal) o presenile dementia (pree-SEE-nile deh-MEN-sha) o proprioception (proh-pree-oh-SEP-shun) o psychomotor seizure (sy-koh-MOH-tor SEE-zher) o quadriplegia (kwah-drih-PLEE-jah) o quadriplegic (kwah-drih-PLEE-jik) o radiculopathy (rah-dih-kyoo-LAW-pah-thee) o receptive aphasia (ree-SEP-tiv ah-FAY-zha) o receptor (ree-SEP-tor) o reflex (REE-fleks) o reversible ischemic neurologic deficit (ree-VER-sih-bl is-KEE-mik nyoor-oh-LAW-jik DEF-ih-sit) o rhizotomy (ry-ZAW-toh-mee) o Romberg test (RAWM-berg TEST) o Schwann cell (SHVAWN SEL) o schwannoma (shwah-NOH-mah) o sciatica (sy-AT-ih-kah) o seizure (SEE-zher) o senile dementia (SEE-nile deh-MEN-sha) o sensory nerve (SEN-soh-ree NERV) o serotonin (sair-oh-TOH-nin) o somatic nervous system (soh-MAT-ik NER-vus SIS-tem) o somatosensory (soh-mah-toh-SEN-soh-ree) o spastic paralysis (SPAS-tik pah-RAL-ih-sis) o spina bifida (SPY-nah BIF-ih-dah) o spinal canal (SPY-nal kah-NAL) o spinal cavity (SPY-nal KAV-ih-tee) o spinal cord (SPY-nal KORD) o spinal cord transection (SPY-nal KORD tran-SEK-shun) o spinal nerve (SPY-nal NERV) o spinal traction (SPY-nal TRAK-shun) o status epilepticus (STAT-us ep-ih-LEP-tih-kus) o stereotactic neurosurgery (stair-ee-oh-TAK-tik nyoor-oh-SER-jer-ee) o subarachnoid space (sub-ah-RAK-noyd SPAYS) o subdural hematoma (sub-DOOR-al hee-mah-TOH-mah) o substantia nigra (sub-STAN-shee-ah NY-grah) o sulci (SUL-sigh) o sulcus (SUL-kus) o sympathetic division (sim-pah-THEH-tik dih-VIH-shun) o synapse (SIN-aps) o syncopal (SIN-koh-pal) o syncope (SIN-koh-pee) o temporal lobe (TEM-poh-ral LOHB) o thalamic (thah-LAM-ik) o thalamus (THAL-ah-mus) o tic douloureux (TIK doo-loo-ROO) o tomography (toh-MAW-grah-fee) o tonic-clonic seizure (TAW-nik KLAW-nik SEE-zher) o transcutaneous (trans-kyoo-TAY-nee-us) o trigeminal nerve (tri-JEM-ih-nal NERV) o trochlear nerve (TROH-klee-ar NERV) o vagal (VAY-gal) o vagus nerve (VAY-gus NERV) o ventral nerve root (VEN-tral NERV ROOT) o ventricle (VEN-trih-kl) o ventricular (ven-TRIH-kyoo-lar) o ventriculoperitoneal shunt (ven-trih-kyoo-loh-pair-ih-tohNEE-al SHUNT) o vestibulocochlear nerve (ves-tih-byoo-loh-KOH-klee-ar NERV) o visual cortex (VIH-shoo-al KOR-teks) o von Recklinghausen’s disease (vawn REK-ling-how-senz dih-ZEEZ) Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.Neurology | 221 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 221 23/03/13 12:15 AM Answer Key Word Search Y S P E L I P E L D H A Z A G C H C O R E E I Q X J E O B N M M A S U O V R E N I S E M A B N T E Q P L N N O H F E V B A G E E T I P X R R R M C Y T I L A E A E A O L M R A G N I S U L C U S R U F N I A R B K A U R A S S N O P J S D N I R W 222 | Chapter 10 Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 222 23/03/13 12:15 AM Crossword Puzzle 1 2 3 A A C C E P O 4 H Y D R O C A P S U I S A C 7 B R A I N L 8 G L I O O 9 P A R A S Y M U 10 C O M A T S S O R Y E P H A L U S 5 E F F S T E M R E N P A T H E 6 O F R O N T I C A L Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.Neurology | 223 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 223 23/03/13 12:15 AM Underline the Accented Syllable 1.amyotrophic (ah-my-oh-TROH-fik) 2.Babinski (bah-BIN-skee) 3.cauda equina (KAW-dah ee-KWY-nah) 4.craniotomy (kray-nee-AW-toh-mee) 5.glioma (gly-OH-mah) 6.hyperesthesia (hy-per-es-THEE-zha) 7.meningioma (meh-nin-jee-OH-mah) 8.meningomyelocele (meh-ning-goh-MY-eh-loh-seel) 9.neurofibromatosis (nyoor-oh-fy-broh-mah-TOH-sis) 10.oligodendroglia (oh-lih-goh-den-DROH-glee-ah) 11.paraplegia (pair-ah-PLEE-jah) 12.polysomnography (paw-lee-sawm-NAW-grah-fee) 13.radiculopathy (rah-dih-kyoo-LAW-pah-thee) 14.sciatica (sy-AT-ih-kah) 15.sulci (SUL-sigh) 224 | Chapter 10 Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 224 23/03/13 12:15 AM Word Surgery 1.antiepileptic Suffix and its meaning: -ic pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: anti- against Combining form and its meaning: epilept/o- seizure Medical word definition: Pertaining to (being) against seizures 2.aphasia Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: a- without; not Combining form and its meaning: phas/o- speech Medical word definition: State (of being) without speech 3.cerebrovascular Suffix and its meaning: -ar pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: cerebr/o- cerebrum (largest part of the brain) Combining form and its meaning: vascul/o- blood vessel Medical word definition: Pertaining to the cerebrum and blood vessels 4.dementia Suffix and its meaning: : -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: de- reversal of; without Combining form and its meaning: ment/o- mind; chin Medical word definition: State (of being) without the mind 5.demyelination Suffix and its meaning: -ation a process; being or having Prefix and its meaning: de- reversal of; without Combining form and its meaning: myelin/o- myelin Medical word definition: A process of reversal of myelin Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.Neurology | 225 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 225 23/03/13 12:15 AM 6.dyslexic Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: dys- painful; difficult; abnormal Combining form and its meaning: lex/o- word Medical word definition: Pertaining to (having a) difficult (time with) words 7.electroencephalography Suffix and its meaning: -graphy process of recording Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: electr/o- electricity Combining form and its meaning: encephal/o- brain Medical word definition: Process of recording the electricity of the brain 8.hemiplegic Suffix and its meaning: -ic pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: hemi- one half Combining form and its meaning: pleg/o- paralysis Medical word definition: Pertaining to one half (of the body having) paralysis 9.hyperesthesia Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: hyper- above; more than normal Combining form and its meaning: esthes/o- sensation; feeling Medical word definition: State of more than normal sensation and feeling 10.hypoglossal Suffix and its meaning: -al pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: hypo- below; deficient Combining form and its meaning: gloss/o- tongue Medical word definition: Pertaining to below the tongue 226 | Chapter 10 Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 226 23/03/13 12:15 AM 11.meningitis Suffix and its meaning: -itis inflammation of; infection of Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: mening/o- meninges Medical word definition: Inflammation or infection of the meninges 12.neuralgia Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: neur/o- nerve Combining form and its meaning: alg/o- pain Medical word definition: Condition of nerve pain 13.paresthesia Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: para- beside; apart from; two parts of a pair; abnormal Combining form and its meaning: esthes/o- sensation; feeling Medical word definition: Condition of abnormal sensation or feeling 14.polysomnography Suffix and its meaning: -graphy process of recording Prefix and its meaning: poly- many; much Combining form and its meaning: somn/o- sleep Medical word definition: Process of recording many (types of tests during) sleep 15.postictal Suffix and its meaning: -al pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: post- after; behind Combining form and its meaning: ict/o- seizure Medical word definition: Pertaining to (the time) after a seizure Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.Neurology | 227 Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 227 23/03/13 12:15 AM Chapter Quiz Multiple Choice 1.C 4.B 7.B 2.A 5.D 8.A 3.A 6.D 9.C 10.B Fill in the blank 1.Babinski’s 2.laminectomy 3.analgesic 4.vertebra 5.spinal cord 6.prion 7.palsy 8.polyneuritis 9.lumbar puncture (or spinal tap) 10.Neurosurgeons True/False 1.True 2.False (efferent) 3.False (arachnoid) 4.True 5.False (dementia) 6.True 7.False (malignant) 8.True 9.True 10.True 228 | Chapter 10 Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Turley, In-class Activities for Medical Language, 3rd edition M10_TURL4945_03_SE_C10.indd 228 23/03/13 12:15 AM
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