f,},7**'''$' Long Island Teochers Benevolent _ Spccial Sandy Emergency Fund fi""nciaf Crant Application The Iong Istand reac*rers Benerrolent oftle after-effocts of 2otls,p.*i*rn_s""&is commi'tted to herp you d,rirqg yo,r time ofneed or distress as a resutt actral dollaramountofthegram Fund fu L;J;;;uer &*#rb:itogu_ ofappricatoos'"Gra Please read and comnlete this G-rant Applicatiou once the entire fofln is please retrm the orisinal. slg"a Fund" I 00 soua uii" r"tt6'yil't*l "ra *rao, $6ffi per appticant Thc tuads ava,afue fordisriburion yt *rpr*q sigd atd nuarired, Pn*idenG ;rl"ira"a,* Long Isrand -i'i** sto""t' suit" zos' ityriul, New york r izu. submir Teachers Bensvorenr by JANUARY 25, 2013. Certificatiou I your ftrll oamel have incurre4 or will ircur, tte following losses: (al.personar, fr-lly,ilrG or funeral 't expenses )xpenses (includes temoorarv temporarv housins rrorrsino mtrri-r residence or reoair or.eptt""**t;fdcontents","arJ please note and services cannot t" tti*ut'"sa *a ".:l*-Y!:p "*plrm;-ffiXrffiT#,I;ffi?,,ll,H?il tha nonesentiat, luxrr,r, or decorarive items pesoml Pi;il; More than $50'000 - '' r -- m" $25'000 to $50,000 ".c-",.a --- $ a"u* "*unt 10,000 to $24,gg of loss by checking arnormc _under $ lo0@ I attest &af the losses itemized above are attrib.frable to the stomr which has been dectared by FEMA to be a "qualfred disaster'- (New York Superstorm Sandy, on<ots) (hup:1/www-femagov/disaster/40g5)I understand that although I am not required to provide proofofac*ual exp€oses to receive a disaster relief grartr' the disaster relief payment r a,.tmt of uwe imba'sed erpenses describd r**ir,[riu.""ry*,"a b be commensurate with the dive -* ' "b"r;;;;,il-ia..o- i@mized above have not been, or wilr not be corpensded by FEMA, insurance or mmffi ' ffiffimffi.*' a disaster reliefpayment from the Fund, I am rquired to use the palanent for I understand that my sigrung this appticdion does not au0omatically entitle me to receive a disaster relief payment I firrther understad that -itorsenatives oftlre r*a ru fir,nt ardronity, and have sole disretioq in aaarnining ot n"t I q,ali& ro. a aGter relief payrrcrt (irclding L" ffi;:* "aemer disasrcr reliefPalment can By signing this Apptication' I hereby attest "d for tle above referenced itentzed to*ii ,ial ui.*.i*trv rrpJ"a," ui whether the "i-*i,",*t ttn rhe expenses ?ff, !: tlt Fyd tha: (a) I hove incttne{ or wlr incvr expnses that the Fund moy rcry apon nq/stdenents hereiru Sigmtrne ofApplicant Nameoflncal Union Signature Address of Agpticatrt "t*ro s an in_service member of l-ocal VERIFICATION_TO BE SICNED IN THE PRESENCE OFA NOTARY P{IBLIC State ofNewyorlq Cormty of On this_-day of the nronth of DisasterTer##;dffi ion-rh"c"t""t#i|*-rr.-Trf;:ffi:'ffi ffi ::*:"ffi .*roregoing Applicant's Signa0re Sworn to before nrc this Notary public =- day of.----, 20
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