TheHispanicDivisionandthe HispanicCulturalSociety oftheLibraryofCongress Incollaborationwith JohnsHopkinsUniversityPress Present RIVALRY and ALLIANCE POLITICS in COLD WAR LATIN AMERICA Thursday,June26,2014 Noon DiningRoomA JamesMadisonBuilding,6th loor LibraryofCongress Assistant professor of politics Christopher Darnton (Catholic University of America) will discuss his latest book, a compa‐ rative study of the nature of con lictbetweenLatinAmerican states during the Cold War. His book provides a counterintuitive and shrewd explanation of why diplomacy does or doesn’t work. This event is free and open to the public. / Book sale and signing will follow. 101IndependenceAvenue,SE Washington,DC TheHispanicDivisionandtheHispanicCulturalSociety DiningRoomA,JamesMadisonBuilding,6th loor 06/26/14at12pm 202‐707‐ RequestADAaccommodations5businessdaysinadvanceat202‐707‐
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