PEMS Microbiology Letters 126 (1995) 277-282 Phylogenetic analysis of a novel sulfate-reducing magnetic bacterium, RS-1, demonstrates its membership of the S-Proteobacteria Ryuji Kawaguchi b, J. Grant Burgess a, Toshifumi Sakaguchi a, Haruko Takeyama a, Richard H. Thornhill a, Tadashi Matsunaga a9* aDepartment of Biotechnology, Tokyo Uniuersily ofAgriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184, Japan b Center for Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics, Received 25 October 1994; revised 30 December SRL.., Hachioji, Tokyo 192, Japan 1994; accepted 3 January 1995 Abstract Most of the 16s ribosomal RNA gene of a sulfate-reducing magnetic bacterium, RS-1, was sequenced, and phylogenetic analysis was carried out. The results suggest that RS-1 is a member of the GProteobacteria, and it appears to represent a new genus. RS-1 is the first bacterium reported outside the cw-Proteobacteria that contains magnetite inclusions. RS-1 therefore disrupts the correlation between the a-Proteobacteria and possession of magnetite inclusions, and that between the GProteobacteria and possession of greigite inclusions. The existence of RS-1 also suggests that intracellular magnetite biomineralization is of multiple evolutionary origins. Keywords: 16s ribosomal RNA, Sulfate-reducing magnetic bacteria; Evolution of magnetite biomineralization; Bean-shaped magnetic inclusions; SProteobacteria; Magnetic bacteria 1. Introduction Magnetic bacteria contain ferromagnetic crystalline inclusions which cause the cells to orient and swim in the direction of an external magnetic field [l]. Magnetic bacteria make an important contribution to the global iron cycle [2]; are probably the main source of stable remanent magnetism in marine sediments [3]; and have numerous potential biotechnological applications [4]. The biological function of bacterial magnetic inclusions is still unknown, al- * Corresponding author. Fax: + 81 (423) 857 713 Tel.: +81 (423) 814 221 ext. 375; 0378-1097/95/$09.50 0 1995 Federation SSDI 0378-1097(95)00023-2 of European Microbiological RS-1; though it has been suggested that they have a navigational function [5-71. Various types of magnetic bacteria are known, including cocci [8], spirilla [9], vibrios [lo], ovoid bacteria [ll], rod-shaped bacteria 1121,and multicellular bacteria [13]. Bacterial magnetic inclusions are composed of either magnetite (Fe,O,) [14] or greigite (Fe,S,) [15,16]. Bacteria containing greigite inclusions are members of the GProteobacteria [17]. Previously reported bacteria containing magnetite inclusions were members of the cu-Proteobacteria [18,19]. Bacteria containing magnetite inclusions include cocci, spirilla, and vibrios, and each of these morphological types forms a distinct phylogenetic group [17]. However, these groups are all moderately related, and it Societies. All rights reserved R. Kawaguchi 278 et ul. / FEMS Microbiology was therefore uncertain whether intracellular magnetite biomineralization had evolved separately for each morphological type. A novel magnetic bacterium containing magnetite inclusions, RS-1, was recently discovered [20]. RS-1 is helicoid to rod-shaped, and therefore did not appear to be a member of the magnetic cocci, spirilla or vibrio groups within the cr-Proteobacteria. RS-1 magnetic inclusions are bean-shaped, whereas other magnetite inclusions are rectangular. Furthermore, RS-1 is the only known dissimilatory sulfate-reducing magnetic bacterium. In this work, in order to assess whether the unusual physiology, morphology and crystallography of RS-1 reflected its phylogenetic position, most of the 16s rRNA gene (16s rDNA) was sequenced, and compared with those of other bacteria. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. RS-1 DNA extraction and primer design RS-1 was cultured as described previously [20]. Genomic DNA was extracted using a standard protocol [21]. Primers which will anneal to the 16s rDNA of almost all proteobacteria were designed by comparing 16s rRNA sequences from representative members of the IX-, /3-, y-, and S-Proteobacteria. The forward primer was S-AGAGTFTGATCATGGCTC3’ (E. coli positions 8-25), and the reverse primer was 5’-TAAGGAGGTGATCCAACCGC-3’ (E. coli positions 1523-1542). These were expected to amplify approximately 1500 bp of 16s rDNA. 2.2. rDNA amplification and sequencing The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out in a reaction containing 2.5 U of AmpliTaq DNA polymerase (Perkin Elmer Cetus, Norfolk, USA), 20 nmol of each dNTP, 10 ~1 of 10 X PCR buffer (Perkin Elmer Cetus), 10 pmol of each primer, and 0.1 g of template DNA. The reaction volume was made up to 100 ~1 with sterile distilled water, and the reaction was overlaid with 50 ~1 of mineral oil. One PCR cycle consisted of 1 min at 94°C 2 min at 50°C and 3 min at 72°C and this was repeated 35 times, using a thermal cycler (PJ 2000; Perkin Elmer Letters 126 (1995) 277-282 Cetus). The PCR products were sequenced directly, using an automatic sequencer (373A; Applied Biosystems/Perkin Elmer, Foster City, USA), according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the same primers as the PCR. 2.3. Phylogenetic analysis The 16s rDNA sequence of RS-1 was aligned with other proteobacterial 16s rDNA sequences, using the Clustal V algorithm [22], and the alignment was fine-tuned manually. Percentage similarity was calculated [23], using positions 256-412, 512-526, and 529-875, which are homologous in all the sequences aligned. Evolutionary distance and an estimation of mutations per nucleotide position were calculated from percentage similarity data by a method which partially corrects for multiple and back mutations using information from conserved nucleotide positions [24]. Phylogenetic trees were constructed from the evolutionary distance data by the neighbor-joining method [25]. 2.4. GenBank nucleotide accession numbers 16s rDNA sequences referred to in this work have the following GenBank and EMBL accession numbers: Desulfovibrio longreachii, 224450; D. baculatus, M37311; D. salexigens, M34401; D. desulfuricans, M34113; Pelobacter propionicus, X70954; Desulfobulbus propionicus, M34410; Geobacter metallireducens, L07834; Magnetobacterium bavaricum, X71838; MMP1991, L06457; Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum, M58171; Magnetospirillum sp. AMB-1, D17514; MV-1, LP6455; Pseudomonas testosteroni, Ml 1224; Escherichia coli, VO0348. 3. Results 3.1. Secondary structure and signature analysis A 19-bp helix between E. coli positions 184 and 195 in the RS-1 16s rDNA is characteristic of the GProteobacteria (Fig. 1). A 21-bp helix between positions 200 and 217 was also consistent with placement of RS-1 in the S-Proteobacteria [26]. The R. Kawaguchi et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 126 (1995) 277-282 279 Helix omaistent 171 Hdixchsractcristicof &,&__ 1% 184 withpbcematin 200 ~a_- 217 229 1 Eschrrichto colt MTACCCCATAACCTC----GCAAGAC----------CAAAGACGCGGACCTTCGGGC--CTC~GCCATCGGAT RS-1 AATACCGGATACGCTCCAAmCGmG-------GGGG~GGCGGC~CTG~G~GCT~CGTATCTG~T &sulfovibrio longreachii AATACCGAATACGCTCCGAmCACA---GTTCGGGGGAAAGGTGGCCTCTGCTTGCAAGCTACCGCTCATGGAT LIesulfovibriobacul&~ AATACCGGATA-GTCTNGCT~~GTCG-GTAAAGGATGCCTCTG~T--ATGCATTCGTCCGAGGAT Lksulfovibriosakxigem AATACCGGATACGmCATAmAACTNNATNA-G-AGAAAGGTGGCCTCTNTTT-CAAGCTATCACTmGGAT Pelobacter pvpionicus AATACCTtATAAGCCCACGACCGCmGCTCCTTGCGGGAAAT Mm1991 (nmglaic bactelilml) ----------------------------TGAATT----AA Geotnicm metallireducem AATACCGtATAAGCCCACGtGTCCTTGGATTCTGCGGGAT a~surfovibriodesul&ricam AATACCGCATACGCTCAAAATCAACT----mTCAGGAAAGT Lksulj&bu0usproptonicus MTACCGGATAAAGTCGAmACACAAGTAGATTGATGAAAGT Magnetospitillummagneto~ticum AATACCGCATACGCCC--------------TTCGGGGGAAT Magnetospirillam sp. AM-1 AATACCGCATACGCCC--------------~CGGGG~M--G------A~AT--------CGCC~~~T MagnetospiriUumgiyph&aldeme AATACCGCATACGCCC---- ~~~-------~CGGGG~AAA--G-~-~--AmAT--_--______CGCC~~~T MV-1 (magmtic vilnio) AATACCGCATACGCCC--------------nCCGGGG~--G------A~AT--------CGCTGTTTGAT PsewkmwlW t.?stostelWni AATACCGCATGAGATC--------------TA(GGATGAAG Magnetokterkm AATCCCGGATMCACC--------------ACGGATAGCAT bavartcum Fig. 1. Section of the 16s rDNA sequence between E. coli positions 171 and 229 from RS-1, related members of the GProteobacteria, other magnetic bacteria, and representative members of the 8- and y-Proteobacteria. Between E. coli positions 184 and 195, RS-1 DNA has a 19-bp helix, which is characteristic of the GProteobacteria (cf. Geobacter metallireducens and Desulfouibrio desulfuricans sequences). The helix between E. coli positions 200 and 217 is also consistent with placement in the GProteobacteria. Desuljbvibrio longreachii Desu&n&io desnlfvricnns Desvlfmibrio bactdatus RS-1 Desulfovibrio salexigens Pelobacter propionicuv b - Roteobacluia Geobactcr tnetallireducenv Desulfobulbus propionicus Erchcrichia coli - y - Proteobactetia Magnetobacterium bavarkum 16.8 I I I I I I I I 1 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree of 16s rDNA from RS-1, related members of the GProteobacteria, other magnetic bacteria, and representative and is most closely members of the p- and yproteobacteria. RS-1 represents a distinct phylogenetic group within the GProteobacteria, related to Desulfovibrio spp. and Geobacter metallireducens. a Values below the diagonal represent percentage 11.8 10.1 11.3 12.2 16.7 11.2 10.8 21.6 14.7 17.6 17.6 17.6 18.0 19.4 16.6 1 10.4 11.9 14.1 8.2 12.4 19.1 14.5 15.8 15.8 16.0 15.4 17.1 14.2 85.4 84.6 a divergence. 9.9 10.1 13.6 15.5 6.4 12.7 20.0 13.7 17.8 17.8 18.2 15.8 19.8 15.8 86.0 2 3 13.9 17.5 10.9 14.8 19.4 15.4 15.8 15.6 15.2 14.9 19.2 13.3 86.2 87.6 84.2 4 from RS-1, other magnetic Percent similarity matrix for 16s rRNA sequences 1. RS-1 2. Desulfovibrio longreachii 3. Desulfovibrio baculatus 4. Desulfouibrio salexigens 5. Pelobacter propionicus 6. Desulfobulbuspropionicus 7. Desulfovibrio desuifuricans 8. Geobacter metallireducens 9. Magnetobacterium bauaricum 10. MMP1991 (magnetic bacterium) 11. Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum 12. Magnetospirillum sp. strain AMB-1 13. Magnetospirillum gryphyiswaldense 14. MV-1 (magnetic vibrio) 15. Pseudomonas testosteroni 16. Escherichia coli Species Table 1 Similarity 10.7 13.8 4.8 18.4 11.2 16.0 16.0 15.8 14.8 19.6 14.6 85.4 84.6 83.2 83.2 5 bacteria, 15.7 13.4 20.2 10.7 19.8 19.8 20.0 20.4 20.8 19.6 79.4 82.0 79.8 79.0 86.6 6 13.5 19.2 14.5 16.6 16.6 16.8 16.4 19.6 15.6 86.4 92.6 87.0 86.8 85.0 82.0 7 and representative 18.3 11.1 16.1 16.1 15.7 13.7 18.3 14.5 86.2 84.6 81.6 82.2 93.6 82.8 83.8 8 20.9 21.4 21.6 19.8 19.4 21.4 21.4 75.4 76.6 74.9 76.8 77.0 76.2 77.6 78.0 9 17.9 17.7 18.3 17.7 21.7 17.3 81.0 83.4 78.2 80.2 86.4 85.6 81.8 85.2 73.2 10 0.2 5.2 11.6 17.6 15.4 80.0 80.0 79.0 81.8 82.0 76.8 80.8 81.2 74.5 78.0 11 members of the proteobacterial 5.4 11.6 17.6 15.2 80.0 80.0 79.4 82.0 82.0 76.8 80.8 81.2 74.5 78.0 99.6 12 11.6 16.8 14.4 79.8 78.8 79.0 82.6 81.2 76.8 80.0 81.4 75.8 77.2 94.2 94.0 13 subdivision 14 19.4 16.2 79.6 81.8 80.2 82.6 82.0 75.8 81.0 83.4 76.6 78.4 86.8 86.8 86.2 15 15.6 76.4 76.8 77.2 77.4 77.2 75.6 76.2 78.4 76.0 74.0 79.8 79.8 80.8 77.0 16 81.2 82.2 81.4 84.2 83.4 76.6 81.6 83.0 76.0 78.8 83.6 83.8 83.4 81.2 82.6 R. Kawaguchi et al./FEMS Microbiology Letters 126 (1995) 277-282 helix at positions 45-479, which is absent in the cy-Proteobacteria, is 18 bp long in RS-1, but is 25-27 bp long in other GProteobacteria (e.g. Desuljovibrio desulfiricans and Geobacter metallireducens). At the signature positions, all nucleotides were those expected for the &Proteobacteria [26]. The sequence between positions 687 and 702 was identical to a sequence specific to the Desulfovibrio subgroup of the SProteobacteria [27]. 3.2. Phylogenetic analysis The 16s rDNA sequences in the GenBank and EMBL. databases with which the 16s rDNA of RS-1 was most similar were those from Geobacter metallireducens and Desulfovibrio spp. (Table 1). RS-1 represents a distinct phylogenetic lineage within the SProteobacteria (Fig. 2). Several physiological properties of RS-1 are characteristic of sulfate-reducing members of the SProteobacteria [28], and are therefore consistent with placement in the SProteobacteria. For example, RS-1 precipitates extracellular iron sulfide by dissimilatory sulfate reduction, and uses pyruvate, malate, lactate, fumarate and ethanol as electron donors in sulfate reduction [20]. 3.3. Nucleotide sequence accession numbers The RS-1 nucleotide sequence data will appear in the GSDB, DDBJ, EMBL and NCBI databases with the accession number D43944. 4. Discussion In this work it was demonstrated that RS-1 is in the Desulfovibrio sub-group of the SProteobacteria [27]. RS-1 contains magnetite inclusions, showing that intracellular magnetite biomineralization is not restricted to magnetic cY-Proteobacteria. However, rectangular magnetic inclusions may be restricted to magnetic a-Proteobacteria, as RS-1 magnetic inclusions are bean-shaped [20], and those of other magnetic SProteobacteria are irregularly spheroidal [l&16]. Numerous bacteria contain bullet-shaped magnetic inclusions, which are of unknown chemistry [29], and Magnetobacterium bavaricum, the 281 only type to have been phylogenetically analysed, is not a member of the Proteobacteria [12]. The bacteria to which RS-1 is most closely related are Desulfovibrio spp. and Geobacter metallireducens, both of which reduce ferric iron. D. desulfiricans produces siderite (FeCO,) [30], and G. metallireducens produces magnetite [31]. G. metallireducens is non-magnetic, as it releases the magnetite outside the cell. The phylogenetic relationship between RS-1 and these bacteria raises the issue of the biological function of bacterial magnetic inclusions. When magnetic bacteria were discovered it was suggested that the magnetic inclusions have a navigational function [51, and this hypothesis has been widely accepted [6,7], although no experimental evidence has been published. However, the evolutionary relationship between RS-1 and non-magnetic bacteria which reduce ferric iron, and in one case synthesize magnetite, raises the possibility that RS-1 reduces ferric iron for metabolic reasons. If this is the case, the magnetic inclusions in RS-1 may be byproducts of metabolic iron reduction, with no navigational function. It was previously shown that synthesis of magnetic inclusions is of multiple evolutionary origin [17]. However, it remained possible that intracellular magnetite biomineralization had a single evolutionary origin, as all bacteria containing magnetite inclusions were in the cr-Proteobacteria, and therefore shared a common ancestor with only a relatively small range of non-magnetic bacteria. However, RS-1 is a member of the GProteobacteria. 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