NOW LET'S SEE. Figuring out details of their Christmas Cotillion are members of the Future Teachers group at Babylon High. They are, left , Anne Barrese, Charlie Kuhnapfel , Joanne Zito, Lynn Holsclaw , and Debbie Wolfert. Their concern is the list of committee heads . Hadassah Sabylon - (mn VraUfLBrff^^lVEy Program Vice President , M rs. Albert Weinstein of North Baby The Babylon Chapter of lon will, provide an informal evenHadassah will hold its next meeting of Chanukah festivities and a 18 ing on Thursday evening, Dec grab bag exchange ps Lane . Members at 8:30 PM at the Phel are requested to note the change Lane Phelps , Recreation Hall , hi meeting day . . North Babylon . ^ was .assigned Oct la tn tt n« — AIRCRAFT REPAIRMAN Aviation Elec tronic Suppor t Army Private Firs t Class Company North in Vietna m , as ROBERT M. CIANCIO , 21, son of an aircraft navigation equipment Mr. and iMrs. Silvic J. Ciancio, repairman. • 534 Deer Park Ave., Babylon, rr —~i singing with the Babylon Chorale i ^gaswassssssses-}®!^^ ^V this season. The group is perUNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED >*E--^_ ^_ forming the Christmas portion of Handel's MESSIAH and Mennotti' s AMAHL AND THE NIGHT VISITORS at 800 P.M. ^B jBB^S'" on December 20, 1969 at the North BSS'SMKB fluffi-sms ^^^ Babylon High School , Deer Park Avenue. Tickets may be purJane Wnrr#n MO9-30A9 chased at the door or from gj333 gggSS@88S3S ggS3«-5_a Chorale members. JOHN R. WALBRIDGE , of MRS. LELAND FITTS and Robbins Ave., Babylon , has been are LEFEVER HERBERT MRS. elected to the board of directors of the American Insti tute of Marine Underwriters. Mr. Walbridge is manager of the ' i marine department of Insurance nfflrtiinfaiTninii ' I ' mi wii ' i "Company of, North America I MARIE SCHARFA, daughter ¦H «$* BWM H iK H If I f B l ^. ^& JsK&< „ ^ ,*>d^ ,>*r <**- ^& REPAIRS^* 8*1" * * ^-™ • of Mr, and Mrs . Charles Scharfe of Peninsula Drive has received L IONEL - AURORA - TYCO notification^, her early acjHUy ..ox . A T L A S - AMERICAN FLYER '>l8y xow^raa^ wH^'-'-^^SS^ ^"3S ^ksBHfl ^nS^bn^^Hl^HH^^^^^^^^ HMKS ^^^ ceptance ai Smith College in MHHBHHHH IHHra l^K^v^ j i m ^ **fc j ^m ^ >$F IllliP^ mml^aBKM^K^^^4m Massachusetts. Northampton , ALL GAUGES ^ ^S^I^m^^>^B ^fe ^^^^ s« •¦• :v^ &*> >«^f1^K^ Marie is a senior at Babylon High AURORA RACJNG CARS School , and will enter Smith in Swap Your IH 7-1604 -the Fall. v , Old Trains '"Y 1 ^P^WllI * * ' TOM H'OY LAN of Perm 868 Little Neck Rd.W.Baby lon ^^^^^^MWjBWWMBiMifc ^»HlMlffi« syivania visited with his brother '^^HmHHHi nT^llllllfliMMiilllB ^ and sister-in-law ,. Mr , and Mrs . * ^^^^^BHB^H^^I^^HHHHHH^^HH^HlHlffiH^^^H^P" Francis M. Boy Ian of Argyle ^^^^SH^^^HuHHIH^HiH^^^^B^^^Hi^^^^^^^ Park and also with his mother Mrs. Thomas Boylan last Jffjf^^ weekend. The fifth regular meeting of the BABYLON TRAVELERS CLUB was held on December l , at the . Will iam home of Mrs . Briesmeister with Mrs . Warren Allen presiding "Prosperity Reborn ", Mrs . John Menah's ¦fiiiffi 'Wif*^ paper described the almost H M » ;<jgflw miraculous recovery of industry in Germany after the ravages of World War II. Their success has TEE SHIRTS been due to liberal aid uhden the Soft, cotton knit quarter-sleeve shirt . Looks Marshall Plan as well as their equally well as an undershjrt or sport shirt. ^B^ . own determina tion to regain Long tuck-in-, won't ride up. Sizes S, M, L, XL. fflFVI ^-g, recognition among the nations. qj/0 0&S \ ^ \^^w^b^m Hamburg was used as an outWASH and WEA R EB ron sta nding example and slides of SHORTS tha t city were were shown , A High count Sanforized cotton broadcloth that tff^ • fi^SB #|%^% book review , "arms of Kru pp' needs no ironing. Full cut and panel seat mean 9 Credit card coverage and 25% S u • W H ^ s presented by Mrs . Al v in ¦more contents protection for ^^^^ comfortable fit. Reinforced at stress points. In ^^ m^Jm all-over patterns , solid colors or white. ' . Kawecki , traced the four century 1 home owners at no extra cost. ^BaP ¦ '. . Sizes 28 52. IOnly at State Farm... number . ' history of tha t amazing family. one in homeowners insurance, Their fortunes rose or fell acwith rates lower than most. BOYS' 6 FOR $3.9fc cording to the times of war or KNIT BRIEFS ¦ I can give you + peace. Bertha , a daughter, for Rib knit cotton briefs that "give " with eve ry Sizes 2-16 king size home»'»'• »*»•• ^ whom the dreaded "Big Bertha " movement for full time comfort . Heat resistant " owners coverage . J^L - live-elastic waist and leg- bands. Sizes 28-44. was named , guided the business and probably b gp 1 ^J _____ __ __ save you money. for a long period. The Krupps are , IM1U,AH« - . | ; . *¦ ^ Call me. *-*^ still important industrialists . in ' l j mm im m.m osmrtwmi Germany . The members voted to ATHLETIC SHIRTS g *& t t JiQO ' rffn give a Christmas gift to the Soft , springy, absorbent, cotton knit. Cut for . . Kjffl FEWRr. *^ g&fS Babylon Library . It will be books maximum comfort and smooth fit. Pure- white ^_^P ^nP finish that stays fresh-looking washing after dealing with Germany . Refreshwashing Sizes 34 54 ments and a social hour followed. BOYS' 6 FOR $2.90 MR. AND MRS. SIRO FUSI of . 1 ' ' Sizes 2 16 Atlanta , Georgia , MR. AND MRS. FREDERICK S. WOOD of Marietta , Ohio, and MR. AND ,M MRS. ROY OPITZ FREE CHRISTMAS GIFT BOXES Jte^ ^A M A CTCO ' \ MR. AND MRS. SIRO FUSI of Atlanta , Georgia , MR. AND OPEN E V E R Y ^8Hl-CMa|r r U A D r c NIGHT TILL 9 PM - SAT. TILL 6 j FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVE1MIENC E UNTIL CHRISTMAS MRS. FREDERICK S. WOOD of y f f lp r ^g f If Marietta , Ohio, and MR. AND MRS. ROY OPITZ of Ramsey, New Jersey and their families DEAN were in Babylon last weekend the _ __3_ i A H Sk _S M._ fj wedding of their sister Ahtonia fiHw d ®» %$HH&$$b m Jr "^ jtfEnVr ^Sr ^W EPPERSON BH «r i& Mom fisli fiffia K Ma Vanderveldt. 168 Deer Park A v e . MRS. HOWARD BROER of Baby lon Argyle Park is recuperating nicely at her home after having MO 9-2 069 undergone surgery . S^^^^T ^^ EOF J ¦ <^GIVE *i!M fl^lHFT jT ¦¦ (^I ^ ™ ¦ SUFFOLK TRAIN-O-RAMA SALES J H 8H ^jf " WW M ^iif £ ^Tm ,*, ' ** ^# ^ST - ^HPSHBBHHKb "^«#*<h^^ ^ MM JPH1 ^^ i ^i^^Wl^i l^ P©®r Park' MO Avenue ' Hakif lent Village
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