~a~L~W~WTSM ~‘ fl’T~~ --~ - -4- ‘ ‘~ - . _________ THE SOUTh LYON HERALD. sduni - NEW HUDSON RUSHTON ~ SALEM ~—— —---------—-—-— ‘n.sIsin. slI__ I in Your Car for that Spring ‘ ‘ nOB Next Nearest Car 720 Third Nearest Car 708 Ford Commercial Cars a~*dTruóks : : Next NSarest Commercial Delivery 170 94 -on I Hugh Arms : A TELEPHONE PAY-s SEE THIS MORE BEAUTIFUL AND MORE T/ vrng —0-— WAFFLES md Iii ree-foimrths cup flour, I” ‘U r I ensponns haking pnw~er. 0- c-In, I tea spoon salt, One sup milk. ‘three ‘tggs. ‘I’ 10 tablespoons butter, ~l x ‘nil sift dry ingredients mdii ii, i I;, beaten yolks of eggs, incited ur ntid whites of eggs beaten stiff, SaL’ on ii lint waffle ml,, the ow CONSTWATW 3ó YEARS AIDED BY OLD REMEDY ‘For thirty years I had constipaUoa. Souring food from stomach choked Inc Since taking Adles4ka I am a slew person. Cnnstlpation is a thing of the paM—Alice liumnL H, C. Stevenson, Druggist. adv, Stevenson’s DRUG STORE newF~ORDV8 A NEW THRILL In motoring awaits you in the New Ford V.9, have you known a car so alert and ospable, so easy to handle, Never so alto- gcthcr satisfying in ovary big and little thing. Here is a car that you drive for the sheer joy of driving. Silken power answers the touch of a toe the luxurious comfort of an easy chair invites you to lean back and enjoy every minute of the way. No other low-price car can give you the same good performance because no other low-price car has the V-S engine, (You have to pay $2000 ~(} get a V.8 engine in Sn)’ other car.) Until you drive the Ford you cannot appreciate thc freip~ndoi~sa d.ifferenoe the V-S engine makes It is SQ much better tb~thrrc really ,~comparison. See the noarest Ford dealer for a demonstration and know 0w thrifl of driving the New Ford V-S. Itgives you more room as woll as supoñcr I Our Merchandise Includes p&ofeg’reph 0/ frost comfrartmat of Ford V.5, Note wide, comfortable seat ad exeeptissol Ie~,.0Q, (Cempaci dSp .f V.8 eaglet f/ees extra inches ,f room Is body.) Acted $ Coneesieu,t terms 4der the A ulborized Ford, Fl. (P,O,B. soars Pleas of the V.1. Defroit) serial Credit Composy, Up is LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, INTERIOR FINISH CEDAR AND STEEL POSTS TILE, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, ROOFING WALL AND- INSULATING BOARDS ARMOUR’S FERTILIZERS SEWER PIPE, BRICK, LATH perfonnance, TUNE IN Pam Wapjnc iad fits Pnn~invan,an,ever —j stsIie .f the Cpln.bi. cads. Sasdayi, 8d0 P. Al,, Tk.nüys, ~‘i~ F, 1, ‘ Eaaten, Standard Time, FORD DEALERS OF MICHIGANI South Lyon Lumber Co I ; .~Pt’ntSonmiay In Detroit ~ ‘nd lucite Ilodgel,,an, Detrimil ~ Mc, I ii liii cii iI- ~mind W himicy, %trs,3! I), r, and Ii. i.ron, Mrs, tinily; eeicr~ 31 Ite,’, ri -~ with 31 r,tl,eir mm Imil iliotlier \l ri, WIanti I sm ii sister. I a ne ~-— I Sirs i3~ ~tr.s I Well ~ supose you will he looking for a new ____ wife I of these days before long and Loin replyed and sed. Well ‘‘““— Freshenlag Breezes for ~5-,putherwhad ife, tiim,e he has..T~~yirdiy ,. j I iiitmOL’i’r is a feilost’ simm, i’m,,, me— Iiii’liiiier bai’k sn’Iuen time soiiiu mliii, nihcii mm roumimsi end, s~irimigti,meI,, tr,idt’ I,is t’Ie,m,ent~ I sen him to. Imiebby lie mite I of these cla~’s hut he thomit heed take a little rest 1st i~efi,re he looked fl week ‘n business f,,r time .Miei,igmmn ~Mrs. Myron F’ergmisoa, New l.iiininn, ~ MIlk l’rodueers .-\asciei,Ltl,,n, I O,i Mr. and Mrs. lien 3 lyon mind ~ Mrs. Fiiiycl tirmidies’ mind Mrs. Artim- daughter Ella Rachel md llsses Shill, 1 1 .~ to rtn,t~4ryet. Saterciay — wail I trmiripd amy futh,ii suIt ~ Blisters for a l’ritty good base Bali bat and ~k1~!X~J~J t ‘Sumnd,,y ,\t isa tii,rr~’Peters \c with cmiMrs. frie,isis I‘i’ii,mrsdi,~’thus .rc i ,~ I.. i’u mit iiI.mmimmil,erg tltimi’tuester,. I mm i,,iumie. e ,;‘ims t t he City. ~ i~l m’s 0 i”n a’lervitle, Sun— Farm,‘i’aleiut ’’ will ~“.‘‘‘ be it the ~I”,, ~‘‘~ res‘f u’ tiumil i I ii liii’ 1 ‘m-siu,’s mink maim Sewi ‘sammy fm’‘ rof mmirtii’m,i,,r I ii iitime t nem’I fr,’nth ,,la Ilow like ~~afor iin it, ciand gi bye wl,o and you Pa Mi,ckev Fitst ‘I,~’~m, mimic Sund,m~’. ,mt’l‘ mlt~,dimy ciii ~ r, imiusisisier 3lrs. It,‘!ii Ct’,i~flust Vauu SVI ~. “Crou’liet phi. a’tm,mst u,l,t fe i,mii’k imlil ~ lime s““mod iie n time tiiid trade Idee that heswindle sed Iare itstung wm,s i,t Mr. tIme intl I), (mmmi sl,ol tiui’ir i,iud Mrs. it,n’sts Freui a lummrl Mmmc Emici,ren week; ofhad Cats Mr,Is~ Ilie liolile iii,’givem, entitled tmi~ ~ii’’liI(’,sttnmil, mll3ii~ter~ frt’osis, t’ery ‘d’.’ii trick if‘~ y,,j cmtnt i no to swiadje )‘ure l’s 1 1 I! tesi‘i’l,e 31r. retimlives mu,uci 3Irs. in l)i’troit F. c’ii,t, ij:, %S’eiiul,iirger lost i’isl. Itmigw it Wingln,imire, \Vmmr(’imo,,se if ri’di,t’edIIoi-j .-t. \~ednesdmuyel’eiiinjg, in xitso . fli ‘mlii ,‘,Im,rc’J, I,ii,tiuer 28, iiiffi’rt.j,t’c’, listst’tm,ml dii’s mmim~’immmil~iim~imiic,m gi}iuuft t,, misSwilitile, ;i fellowis libel ei,nt r,’Iumemmmi,e~ iu,’i’.im,m(. ,f ti,e pro—ii to sitinilie frensis If swindleing (‘Ifihmi Slmiclv ‘dli irhiumy. ,uiet’t ss’itim ~‘ l’:xlrmt,r,mirr’ ili’g,mimmr $‘20,t.5Smilt’ mimmmilit~’ to I hull ireII,VIsiting hum, st’ii,i ir.il Ii~s mmli riled lilt m,bout gm, imlit if stile. 11 5i, few ilmi~-s.Gm’ ‘liii’s— t,iess,,r , , $lts.Ha. :~I rs. Frimtteuidcii m Ii L I )ecii rlimei’ting mm i id .4 msif -‘trinity EstI,Cr ~~‘i I main di,~-looming si t ti~ cir sonIc soim they Scsi t t calm, . ‘i’lle)~exiled for Gclirgimm I is Ceto year mg,. mmiliver ti’m’mi’ii-rmii’y:. — ri mm ii- ii inNess’ his y, rimmm welJzzi’h ii ii i,,,frim,m, WI,, ii -“ii,ti,er h;,~ e Ilitwiey fur tiuiic.. .~lmiimY i m’itl-fmisimimmims’,I .. n ml is’immi I ~IP’:o;ian’_3Iim 1 nel,r,ite molise 1 tr,,lt sI’c’mit Sm,t,,rd,,y night at time I”. .1. WimIle Si,riiie iii Xmmrtl,s’iile mist ‘i’i,ursMrs. Si,rah I’nttoiu iii,ii ii stroke S,il- im,c’il I,, uilistrmmim m~ iem,tii,r imlirs,- I,, gil ~ ~ nIi,i is ii li’r(ess,,r iii a toil- I LANE!S GARAGE a—a-—— - - - .n.n...nn.n.n.fls.... ~----- HAML-INMARKET Specials For Friday & Saturday . - - Jack Frost or Domino ~a, 19c 25c 35c l4c 24c 5 l’g pkgs I 3 ~Rofls23c 3 1 I slimyMessrs ililliit’ersuurs. of icr sum, l-liursild,3liir— , ‘ seet’k-, ,tluluii’ i,m,il iii’ilgi’r itmirluil lr. mini! %lr,s. i”,mritv SIrs. intl %iestiiiimmes ‘11mm’ litre slmiu’ingfurum fits’ dmi~’.5lust uit~Carrie SIlnili,’,-t’,i,lItni miiustun found slimill, P. I’~, Ilit’rier,tu,sit ,~ll,ert ,ind I”, .i.~j liii’ l”iurc! Smmiitlu iuuuiuti’, lit’r pait Ovenshire 5,, si’efl, , ~ I”riesc’,mim,m,i ‘meet’ enti’rtmminjsi iuy liii’ sIr, miim,i ~irs, i,. K, Siummiimmiii, siuiuigli.~ SIrs. lii,llis amid i)sini,i,i mn’ spend— hurler’ fimn,Ih’ ml l<eiisiogton, Silndmuy, ~Ii’rs (Hi’iu,mmm ,li’uuuu mmmd Kiitimryim md nig till wt’ek iii l)t’tri,it, uittt’midi,mg tlmi’ 1 5siii,m,-. Sits. Ft IS i)muumglus’rt~’ semis em,ii,’s! l,i l”uirii liii’s ‘vim’s, uj i)i’tr,uit, Smmiidmm~’, fl°~’cr l)etrnit inst 1”risiii~’by liii dt’umtli ‘‘F mum ‘it liii’ ltiiy ‘i’miluuir lisulmit’, Mm—. ‘t’;iius,m~, ~ . _____________________....— .siiimmii niece, SI~.~ rt’im,i,ii,,’~Iuntil 3isi,i— ~m’iiti mmiii lit’en Iii, iiimil lust ri’ti,rmmett returned mid intl mm’iti, Mr. frui,mi time immispilmul where iue hail i,eei, J Mrs. lk,rl fur ;m s’t,ek fu,r iiluservmmliu,n, a’eim ‘ittenilimug liii’ rh— 1 Mrs. (Jiuu, I !i’miiiiumu mmuui Mrs, iris. navy Last Tu~iday Every Month at l2:30 TERMS CASH (iumrummi’ut,’’ stiti’lms’.a fmmggu,tiuug ;unut iI’iiiiil,struiti’u! wjmim’l, irs’ so tune ‘limoar luu Iluiisluiusg gmirlmm,’umts, •‘cpt’s’iu,ll’’ (lii, mi, ~, u icr smlmes, Smm,miimun’ iiiumu;m’r L-umrst.s iii Iii’ (‘has, ( ‘,m~luIn mmmi weru’ I .\l r, mm iumt 3! rs, I iii riuhsi 857 Penninian Ave. Plymouth, Mich, HARRY C. ROBINSON Auctioneer Phone 7 or 203 — HEAD LErI1JCE 2 for ONIONS ~ for lOc le-ss,,mi ,u,m Hamburger BonelessVeal Veal Chops Veal Steak CLOVER HILL BUTTER, pound roll MICHIGAN CHEESE, full cream 3 for 25c IQc lb. 22c lb. 22c lb. 27c lb. 19c EASTER ~ - ‘‘‘Flir Fitted , - For IVien, VYollien ~fld Children people’. whim., pr.judjc~ and foibles. Alt of -which ia good diaciplin.___l,ut who want. go onof doing it earning. forever? A very emailto part today’s ity in a will Johnguarantee Hancock financial Retir.mei,tiusd.panAnna. dence in a not too distant tomorrow. Then you can truly BE YOtJRSELF,_ whether you choon to work, play or ‘ C,msl, if l’i’umnmills’, lummi,, 3lr, mud Mrs, Is,,,m (‘minim sf Ptyniu’uulim intl Mr anti ,~rs, Stmm mice l’iit ts. M r, ii is! 31rs, (‘has: MISSES hSTRAP PATENT LEATHER sizes 11 1-2 to 3 at $1.35 to $2.35 (‘umslm imuul ‘Iuuuigluter l:hiruolte ,\nmi umr- CHILDREN’S I-STRAP PATENT LEATHER neat, - m’umuiulummlml,.ii iimuriiiil (‘,mslm imuuci nit,’ tui i’uurt I iiirumii mu Ii,,’ um flt’rnouim, iirud riuuiiiiuu,,il (u”i’rimigiut still, rm’lr,tin’s’a, Look JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR AN UP-To-DATE SHOE REPAIR SHOP THIS SHOP WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS ON OR ABOUT Thursday, March 22 ALL WORK GUARANTEED First.Claas Materials Used at Reasonable Pm-ices A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU! JOE’S SHOE SHOP Calicina BuiId~ng Ulelul through call. for UFE adjustm.nt INSURANCE to other ~ THE BUSINESS of earning a liv- sizes 8 1 -2 to I I at at ncr - FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE , — _ _$1 .25 to $2.00 Arnold L. Luksche FOR MEN—W, L, DOUGLEs SHOES Ific CARROTS ,.S~bunch POTATOES 29c plc. IC~kI—I%IBACH A G1.ENAN - leiitii’rs, AUC’rJON SALE Irmss’,mtei liii’ - - $4.85 ‘ - it ______________________ FURNITURE ~ _ 1 1 I’Xti’iusimmiu Sesi’lumg i-I ii,. ‘i’Iu,’ wsiklag on ~O%air. Patented I4~J’ IitATIC Shoes are sold here exclusive’ b’~PoPular pdcet_ &ki*~ dt~ø’ ~ j I,,, hmi’ing- mount fm,r liii, uueiir future at muscle. Try the” deligbtful”eonifort’oI - ‘‘ml imhi—timi~’ liii’l’tiiig 5,1 liii’ ~,liti’i’iihut’es JELL . 0, 6 true flavors, pkg Sc DUFF’S GINGER BREAD MIX, easy to prepare, cara~25c Doz0 33’ I hiirtiiduiv tiii’ir ~Ir. anti gruind—dimimgi,~i.~, slin,mi’r ~lrs, liu,rm’v S,mosIu,~’, l’i’t,’rs I.mulmrmi iii s.’r~’s’sImm ‘‘‘iluir cuf~i’uiuim~’ .1. Iii,’ 1111iiu l”riess’,miii,,m, lililliem .mmliiiilliii’ 3IiiCt’uiiul’rs liii’i,,um,’iu nihart’i’Xli!umnmitinil liei,,~’ited sers’ed SIrs, ti, i,t~ I’.. !‘r’I,’rs’ first iiirll,sii,s’, Si,,’ is ,-\iii’,’ hut’ lirimug mm(‘‘‘ilmimiminther, glu,’sl, 3 1 tiuiligiilt’r if ~1r. lull! %Ir’, , \~‘ilii’i’im’r’m, 1 ilislirulimmu’ iii,il iu,’iu,’tit if luies’ii!,ees Ions’ i’min~iie(hi’em,ruilc’sl hue li~ii 1,1 ii wIll ha’ given by ,\ssialuiuit CL (‘., Mrs. t’t,r)’ umtlrmms’tIs’e i,irIh,tlu,~’ t’iilse, I)u,r;, I), Niu’hsii,mm,m muf lh’tr,iil, 3Irs. I lesn’ey 1”ju i-ii’y sti,, hostess —~—~~—-.————--~ timsluiy I m, Iii,’ ~~‘‘iriim’u,groop of l9c 2 2 lbs. 3c Lima Beans LB. ge - I iieruul, _sc0T TISSUE I I ~iiIforsi uiiuti 3irs. i’, ,J, i”riesenhui,,, my 3!r, illuimil, - . (he lloss’er ,sl,os~’, ‘it’~’ gill n’iuttim ‘hujuiu, ‘um’ru,s~ tim,~j ~~0mm mel Mrs,.J~’ ~ Itui md u , t’nt~’rti,iimecl cmiii, .Me s. Miimimii’ intl Ohio Mrs, ~at’— ed Mr md Mrs %~‘mdsi,n I body —prevents jar. and IhOcka tOevery tile ~i~iny of friends relatives ml iimiiooerl iii’ Siuring of i”t’rgu,smiu, .\‘i’s’ l,oimdomu, in with ii~rIt;i>’ Parcnli, Mr. i,mive iiad ,iiti’ Mrs. ,~fruit if their ‘‘n’esislt,’’ ~ while wal~ng.jtexercises j Stumidmir’ in time 1t)t’eiisis,m, 1 if liii’ mirth— t’iiililimuiii,.ii tim,- ri’uiiuiim,s if timt~lute 3frss iiuirrt’tI . ~ I (‘simik-, wiuii PA-AS EGG DYES, beautiful designs and colors, pkg.,~_90 EXCEL5A MUSHROOMS, pieces and stems, 2 oz. can ..IOc QUAKER RAISINS, seeded or seedless, _..2 IS~oz.pligs. l7c LARGE PRUNES, 40.50 size, 2 lbs. BRAd-I’s Jelly Bird EGGS QUAKER SALT, 2 2-lb. pkgs. Enjoy the ‘I I~I R I I... I.. ~ AUR Penn, mod 3liss Corn ItIri,iimim,msl sit fmirimmm’r iilii fmir,,i umisi sviii ui’ eniiiioyed~Mrs I, It ., toimnsmi,m silent Simimsismy it . these dmiyc ti’i,i, si’mimmimi lie imidi’ I,, ulrmmiie ~ theNtJ-MATIC body while standing I ‘I’, im,st S’mturciiiy si’erei Mr. anti Mrs ,, I, F;mrlmilngtm,i, lilurIhi’s ‘ri’ liiufling to the Mr intl Mrs. \%‘ilIimuii,s mmliii Mr, amid ~niitl;’i’ litre mr, lint (i’M If the boys Cushion. t. The Shoe foe lilly ss’ht’ui sue - 4 j J i)niigimcrtv uiu,si ‘son, Flakes Graii.~ ‘3 5 Ciumh, ~1rs. Siitmmrdit,’ .Sli,e i5i~rnl,mmm,m iiigl,t, mi-li,, iiuis in’s’,, iiiIlrIgiitmuuu, if ,l,iiius Sumliriily, Nes’ertl,, iitleiithi,mg lurother this’ of lit’rni— fu,ier— limirsi esiti, m,d is limmimlile In mittend ~ilitulililer himmik - mm-ii,’iu mm- Pmii summit’s’ tills l’hill’$ibl~-_._h’i.,mrl ‘/,et’is ctni’ts,r si’s1 I limit ki,i,I lii,,il,ei’ gus-i’ iiummlgl,ti’r ss’ime,m ii,’ ss’m,ssent getting ,‘ouff Nerelse so Ill li~’J.ii ss’eeic is still iil~Iii,’ sii’k list. iimu Ni’t’t’rti, If Shim J.~,ki’i,i,ui esiiisii, scii.,oI, lire sister, Mrs. l”li,rem,,’i’ (iiill,ms,ro uI uf Mrs. Iiiioiicr, ° ‘ ~ ~ mH,’r staving u,u,t 111111, lmu,a’ iue im,ms tuk Ii, buttering mis owmi i”II,tl is ‘ilrimmg for l,er, _ ‘~‘,mmm siui,imisi limit’,’ aim o’t.i’i’i’~lui,iI ,,m_~ I limIt’ ,u’i’i,iek mm-HIm in’,’ ium’mmim, I), ‘1’. S,iyre wilt in i.mmuislm,g, ‘l’,mi’,sml,,t’ Her every rug In ,s’oilr i~,im,ie,,luitt• umids ‘. ‘-‘ (ill Iluisiness ,, \Irs, Smmvre imi’e,l,,m~u~,I~~l $9.lln, Gzite iiimds :imu ,,,,, ~s’elgi,t,lists. ‘ m S,’uui’iu,m,’ It ilu,im’i ~l’rlmi to ~u,,mmke 01 liii,, as , far as llini’eil mm,mil sushI hI,~ itiioi,u si’,,i’,- 1”u,r smile u,I \k’imlglem,miri’s Liii’ .‘iiirelm I’. ‘I’, ,&, tviii ~‘ lut’ld at 5i’l15l’—ilrivli~g- iii,’ mmmcliii i’uuh,imi~’ iiimt ihi,y sill, 31cm,. It. I). Sm,miiim. t~umm,’iiuuii,ss’, Ii~~u>~. . the S%os,ii Silo,,,! i”ritia~’evening, ,,~ .~lic’gilum’ i’i,mim,ii iu,iui uiliiurmiilrlultii,g On %lrs, i),,,mht’I Piter, anti tw,, simmuigi,. - Ou~r \~isil~,uitiNumrnm,ml simi;k’lmls i;’lil ~1r, intl 3lrs, t’t,ri’m,i’s- t)eu,m, illeliii—j mimi’ hmumiiiir’,i tiiuummsr,immi itlliiiir,., I,, lers of I’i,ntii,s’ Ss’i’rs’ lure mist \t’esim,s’s. ~ iuuOlie this si’cekeumii, fuur ii a’i’ek’s sd lime fulnerimi if mm m”,iisiru held it MIt—’ lr,,c’I sm,umiuu.r t’i~,itumi’,s, .‘ t sltiy attt’ndIiig this- tmresi’utmmti,,mi if liii’ simeilug t’mit’iiti~in, . i,u’iiig then, - ire uhumgbo~ ‘FIiarstimm~’, ~ 3 3 ieoiiir I’ll,“‘‘‘I’ lit’ iJi,i,’ Iliug.’’ %II.’ms Iii,, lilir(li,mg mmliii fi;ur,,ish \S’mii— 1r. mind i!s. C I)t’mm,m - mmiii itt’~’i I ‘I’lmi’ l.oyimi helpers t’iims,s if I’reshm~’— iu,i’,~ uummh ilium (‘muikiims, ti’ere Summtluuy guests It liii’ \Pm,u ;~tlm’i ‘I’iis’ ‘‘lsi—fasiii,uu,,’si i,i,~ ti’iiii gut mu teriusm, Sm,imci,,~’ Ss’ims,u,i mitt mit ti im,,oi~ ~irs, Gin. Slmriir, ,-trm,u,Iti mmml 1),,ii— i~i~n’~~ I ~‘liuit’kiimgfir sluimmkimmg i’,irmmsiik ‘mit 1 11 -uI ~liss \9rginlum .\rlmis, \%‘etlmit’,smi,j~’ aid, mud 3irs, Jolla limmkliu,iis uI (‘loser— sirs. .Siii’Iiig miimsl ~lrs. I vrgusii,m ,f iiu,i’k i,f liii’ harm,, mmmi’ uris ii~,imffs~irii,g sight, itefresi,ii,ent, Wire ss’rs’,’sl, ulmihi’ i”uiriuu, ‘kill, (h’iirgs’ liuikhmuiu,s of ‘“‘~‘ IAin(iu,Im, I_i., arc misiting il Ilutu 1~~‘1 Imilust imuim’,’ luk i’imruirt’lt,’ ii,ist 31r. and tlrs. I), ii, 1,s’m,ns suf Il,,il~ i~l~’,imimuitim-ittte,,desi liii, l”iiisver Simos iiiii,ies or S%’imrreim multi Fusitur Sliiithm I ~ ium’l’,,rs’ rmllrjmmg iulu,ng imii,,,mt s’s’riu sect’ Sittuirdimu,’ itli’lmlliulg tlii fim— i~i (‘iinse,ition }ii,ii, I)etrsiit, Sunday. i~trt (if tim.’ ¶i’eek. - I °‘~‘ ii’s’iimi-k iii liii’ u,miirimilmn, neru,i of 3liss At,l,1 , llrdgt—i’, a’liii’lm liii’ ils’rhit-rl Stiti’uirts iiuis’t’ motived .\lr, until, silent marl if mist ni’i’m’k ~ 5 55115 meld at tIme Melimsiclist clmmtr,’lm, frimsim time’ huh r,~—, In tutu I)ietricli ueiliing lii, sm,~, get re,id~’fir time jima’— ~ ilk’ lii uk,’ fm mmii,miii hue f,uik,’, ~ ~ Insaghse ti,e~joy’of walking on~ a (heats it the ,\iliert ~1iirsl,m,lifuirimi fimrimi ii, liii’ ‘i)uuvi’uiui’imt ,1,’iur Nilford.J er slit,,,’, I husk in liii’ ‘‘stmm3’ milimi’ties.~’ hut a’t’ SOFT. ‘~‘IELDINO, RESILIENT 4 Hershey’s Cocoa½ lb. Sc’ CHIPSO, ‘‘~‘ ,\irs,in I,,l)etruit \t’, St,i,iimrs, last ‘l’Imimrsmim,y, ‘sims it (riiui,eII m,ttend- ‘~Mi’m’i Nm,rtius-iiie. Esther Stmi,miirm, s:,ms , guftn,t of~Bull, ‘i’he Auxiliary Lemmgije will I,icet si-itlu ~iiiei,,iis’r I ~“iiiilstqmrimi “ lIi~mmi’i.r iimmi’imi’-~m,~rmimm~’mug sim-in’n mm fm’ii,,aii iis~o~iskirt us-li,, gri’.mtesi ‘mmmismiul- rc•mm ~‘‘ mimini, ‘ gifOn uttime kiuitimj intius’time~liming shirk iilit’y ,iiti ni,moii I scsiii lift’. ~ omitkidsmm d,iii r’iimj,m I~h,,,, lag ii’ slims, in immimileri,% tsiansi l)eililgi,gy, ~lisst’.’.Itmilli itmisi J.~is’illeliocigei,mi,mi In ,\lrs, -\VII1 ~%‘itt ui,i \\‘edimcsdmn’umiveti imfiem. tl,riils, ‘I’’’ ,m ‘timing lii lOmiil,’ illiliL’ real flu,, hut 5 smuumiIi ‘ flit. Ii. or P \l’, District yes In tI,ere. i fi,liuusi u,mtt limIer It55t’GthuS5. t week I~,E mm..I \VIngi en I I re.sImayllielit \Va re— i”iuis’er ~Pt mit Siu(,W. Os’ ci’ Ill c SC cc Li’ mm ci , anii sum si the ~os,n I ti,,w-ii hill sold any rug mmmiii )‘ll,m ~5’i,ot Mrs, It, E, C;iikiim, aims iii i),’troiI will he iit’iii mt lime’ Colm,ilu,,nits- hull iii, ~ ir,’•imm iii 1 g~ ‘h’i’tm’dmmy__ lti’rt I llhi’Iu im,mts’ his self a iig Iu-’u’ 5- ,i,s imei’kiiug, klmimi ,r, it. istir tim,’ wt’i’krnci, mm gmii’,,t ,,f Mr. md l”ridiiy i’fte~num,m, miis,m i’i’,’imlmm~‘‘-.,t~’ i,m,l,’ liii imimiru- rm’.almt’l’t m’~’r u,u”mmmmr l,’iul I u’-,,t,’l, mug I,l mmu,,tl, mmmiii lust uiiit’ jimmies Marlin of i)etrsuit semi suillier tluer,’ isir Slimidimi’, N’’irtlmi-11i . \i’i,Iied - lake ,nsi N,,vi~Ilmyti,, - t~ ‘‘‘‘o.- ~,uu,I stmmi,’ aimlim 11110ev ,ui,si 5 is exlics’tecl fr,,lm, i’iyi,mi,m,zii t’itii,,’mi ii im’’~i~mr Mr. mind .‘lrs, (lu,yt,,ii titIser im,iil Mrs. W, \V. limurri~ ., \lr, Ciitki,ms a’m,s lm,rge crowd iu’d iim,mi grmmuimmullmi,g he, s ms suimli hiulrgu,im,rs g,,t ii, iii, . guiesis Slmntiumy if F ., I, i”ris’sem,hm;un ;,,md 3ll’~i l)orimtliy Simmmimimmim mmi’(’imi,ml,umlicd Supper served lii time cliulri’lu ba.’n’lm,eI,t, ~ imisi, ti, . ;‘,iimmr mit if ti, ii,,~ hid ui’l,r-n 1 0 wife, 3l~’, m,mm;h Mrs. I). $, (‘iie~ciurii,,gi,i,m,d Ret’. .1, \%‘, ‘folly sims i,i l.aoso,g ‘mm i’umm’m’ ~y t Im,ir gr,’mml,-si ,iiifls’,mii~ im~ flipi’ cot a sm’imki’ time slog a’m,s still 31r, 1111(1 3irms. i-iei,ry l(ic’iimmriism,l, nod f~0m,1i~’(If I”emmt,,iu I,, (‘‘irma’. ()i,im,, mmiii S,itu,rtii,r’ I i l’’m-i’ig (mmmi siamii’’ ra liii if this’ laIr ‘‘‘‘mht’lii,ig l’iuitimf,jli~’ timuitimer, Mrs. Keith, ,,f 3liifl,ri, ~s’i’rerelumm,i,mnil liver liii’ u-m’i’k,’,mii, 3Irs ii ,, ~; Kil,son, .\Irs, (‘lIlirii~s gmmr,ieuu is I,’ guI tim,’ urmuiuul,mm’uut fmmlk.s %l’ei’~duuy_I ast ~mmt,uhi,y wimma w,~ t e,,)lèrs iii time ‘L’nttle-iimir,mt.s imimIlme Mr. immil Mrs, I), 1. Smimitim sire ml Joium io i,nti ilm’t~ghmter Si,irl,’s’ si’erei lii II,,- 5m”’iiimmm’,,mjtv tmu glm humus’ s,, ‘ti,,’~ a I lg;in,lst .,iuii me Seth it an, ii 1 11 sisiht,rs,,, ‘i’’icstimiy. Mllli(iiiy. , N,,s-i, M,u,,iiiuy, iiei~;ing i’,’ieiurm,ti. slut’ i’ontii,i ~i’aii liiui~m’liii’ raid, s,iteh liimmli’ lii,’ ‘aIIm,’ luii’tmike twin’ intl 1 the3lr, guests 1,11(1 of 3lrs. friends It. C. mit ihl,m,mer \‘miIm \\‘i,, 1,1111air,’ elm— t’iiimsins, ltliilii~lu si’t’iiiil,ig M r, u,imd anumi~’ers,mr~’,,f Mrs. .1. I), iiu,-zemu.th,i’i rI Mrs. it, J, ,ii,i,iisom, is vl,sitli,g lice I 1st shut wu’s u, humu’h,,’l,,r ,miti i~e 1 terliminlluent mmt time Griussi’ l’iiinti’ Yilci,t Mr. mush .\lrs. it. S. ii~~.m~,er sire io ~sIster, ~ Mrs. lois Harry. Fnn,i Alt Is tmmking if i)etrmuit,~‘u’re .f a m j ~ ~i,i,mei’rIS mm f,ii,,su- “lii, “.~,m rI-s ii ~,mmu’ ails mil,ti,k,. mi r ’iJui~’WI,,, ‘lore. uhlihilent lm,nke II,,. I ‘ QUAKER SUCED PINEAPPLE, 2 No. 2 cans QUAKER CRUSHED PINEAPpLE, No. 2 can HONEY PEW PlNEAPpi~JUICE, No. 2 can FAMO PANCAKE FLOUR, 5.lb. sack QUAKER BAKING SODA, lb. pleg. hikes i’m-i ~ ~immi,v~ ,,‘ ii: ~ litii’iilriei,I ,i~ forfi’rgm’t is-sr ti,sSliPi ‘I’m’,I ‘it. ‘ersos’ i,Iishei,si imiirlr,’v-, 11 the tHirty i.,nit,. wi,,,, fihO%, Base 1.1ine Lt CARTON HARMONY COFFEE, lb. QUAKER COFFEE, lb. KEN-L~RATION,3 cans ililiuig it mm imlc’ks’l, ri inlet t,i mi,,,’ - o’tH,’ _iii. ~- - liii’ ,, mills, ni,,, I - Cane Sugar a eec ~ t meiflisiius, Viml”reti .\ttmmKrost flit’resicience, Ai,i,,,tts ,,f .%rKs’i,tiimi. intl I”, s’islti’d .1, ~‘i,n,ttmis, l)onmmiui iill~ . sir, night. mmmcl .trliistrumug .‘lrs. (it’ll~l’i’reiiliii,er .. trmlistu’iiimg guests mind urdmy. M’e,ut toSile %%‘ixcim,i, Milford She Was mindone mind icrif.slsem,t da’agiuit’r time i’i’i,meers the winter .\im,mmsi of Friday mmml Simltirmim,y, .Siimidmiy mit tim, .\lfre,i “s’gliiii. lm,,uiie11“ills her other (laughter .\Irs, Nettle! I ti,5, I -. Oranges Lg. Size — p For Sale-- June Clover Seed. Chas. Cogger, phone 16F5 COMPLETE LINE TODAY Mr. mail Mrs. W’, W, I-ioyes will he ,,mires Warehi,,ise, holly. I the gue~ts sf frie,id.~in An,, .\ri,or,! ‘l’iSmise froim, out of town who attend. Stmnciiiy. cii t~i time .sIiss Abide 1ledger J, 1:, Iuiederat ill is iii ,tti ri’mmm thIs ~SIE rdayf~mnemaI were ~of Mrs. Preti ‘~ntiigansi and pa day and he sed to Leo.,, 1 Know —0-- a ra~ lust n,unth :-: 4 iI ‘I’m, Mrs. ,‘suiim m,m,mi vII. mud, II.Mrs. t i),iuglmerts’ imest of u”i’ek ,\lr. l.tmmmis ijrmm,mn lIe- Your Ford Dealer For 19 Years BROWN BREAD One egg, or one egg yolk. ‘l’s’:o liirge ti, lslespoons brown sugar. Shortening size of small egg. One nnd lii ree-fosirtha clip sour milk.Pinch nf salt, Rounding teaspoon sodn, .\lout three cups flour, or enough to ninko a good battcr. (‘an hake In loaf or as gems. Change ‘ ITS WAY NEW WALLPAPER Makei a New Home II In ‘i’err;m iI,, ne a mltoimlimhiirs 1 ‘ D~a~y err~~his SItti l”riiiiIy__i.eni Prickett the it,, micis, Saturda~’ to remain iniiefinlte.j “ I ~hu’dmy‘lmmi’,imneecl t,,das’ that wife Y 1 it icr sister’s h,,IiLe, I hi’ I,., ii ~t’i’mirest tin’ mm genes’ for the ~ it miren were visitors mit time .~i’i,eronBid. ~Conklin mind 3Mr. anti i,t’II imo,,ii’ in S,’imti i”rlciav es’enlng. ~ l’ontlm,c mmliii 1r mind FiOn’nrci 31u,si,lff md sister l,iiis are (‘~\‘misimer, son iti,iiert itntt Clifton Sji,ith, howell, ill ac’iti, the flu. \•mitu ilimmen were it tue imoimie of Mr.1 WHITE STAR PRODUCTS - - - Itelittives frim,,, itemiforci a-crc I)uwsett farm I ist ‘c’eckenil, ‘ ~ r, mind 31 ra, I I. S. Both,, ii, ‘if On k ~ Specim, I Sate ‘if 9x I 2, 9x1 ‘i—a mm iii is P ~~imitis,,,, iin,i ~ Gros’e %t’cre it the ii,iimrns farim, Sunday (‘ongoleuni Rugs at $4.95, WinKle.! him locality, Laocal I~lessrs -: 1934 WILL BE A FORD V-8 YEAR! --- ~ TERRAPLANE AGENCYI I aa I .—-—--—- SILVER LAKE ~ w ~ aa Mr. anti Mrs \V, ,t. K.mii,mi~at’i,a’t’rc~ Mrs. Eiiy,al,rii, Sisal, of l’.’niivitie,I ~ I nil, is staying an mush nile tilime ii I ti,~•~ Mi,s ifAngciim, l’oliiiek went ii. Gremmiti j situ ~~ii,ii,ii tier s,,n, ~,i l)emtrborn, Su,mii:i t’, timelti’i,ttit’s’s Cmiggt-r fa,,iiiv fr,iii, Simndi,y. I)i’Ir,,it Mere ~a.aa~~ aaat~aagma~~~~ hr Cilmilsimimmn i PordY’S-Cars Ii OPTo1~1ETR1ST Bring choke and judgment : ol men that mahe cars was.! : definitely expressed, as the Following deliveries tor: ~ Wayne county for the month of February show: E m ~ m Dr.F.P. Lamoreaux ‘a ‘a m a —‘—OFFICE HOURS.— I lOmOO to 12m00 A. a a a boo to 5i00 P. M. a Eves-y Day Except Sunday. and a W.dasad~,Aft.rnooaa a~ Later by Appolatment a SOUTH LYON MICH. definitely toward Ford V.8 cars! I The ~ ~INIaUU.I~IuII.I..L I I.~. : : i••pp~__..—-— ThURSDAY,_MARCH 22, ‘34 I ! , —uipfli_ 1’ ~ ~—-—-—-—- I I is —- ~ WORDEN The buyIng trend ---- LYON, MIcH., ThURSDAY, MARCH 22, ‘34 Visitors at the H. Petteagtli home were’ Mossday supper guests of Mrs. StoldiLy werem Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Geiger’s sister, Mrs. Agatha Steeb of land Edward —0—————’ 1. Donville of that city, ~Vemn Kabler LyLe, and Marjorie, Mr. Ivais and .%lrs, Ronald Mr. and Mrs. %Velis and daughter, and Mr. and Mr& Ann Arbor, MACARONI SALAD The Board of Commerce met at the Pronty and two Sons of Dearborn, : Mr. and Mrs. Dan Eilsworth of Ypsi-! ~~1issnoris Spears, Mr. I-ierrii’k and Mrs. mind I-lower Merlyn Jones. Lyke, One pitekoge Crenmettea. Mrs. Mary Hamilton spent Saturday church Monday night. The Ladies Aid ~lanti called oa Mr- and Mrs. Robert I One sniiitl onion, chopped fine, with Mrs. Michael Geiger. served supper. Sunday. Mrs. Ellsworth Is Mrs. I First prize was won by Ronald Lyke One sninli can plinentoes. Mrs. Louis Ilraun and daughter Ha- ! Young Mr. and Mrs Claude Swift eaterYoung’s sister. mmmd 81 rs. ERural Geragiit’ ittentleil mlrs.Stjmnlirn - meruiiu ,imnled by Mr. One Cnn Tuna fIsh, - zel called Monday afternoon on Mrs. time~‘r.\Vaslltenaw Carriers ii,cct ~ antiI’ii~sl It, IS.31t’ Knight, Lake 1 ~%‘itlied tamed at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Salt to tush, Mr. Bad Mrs. Will Kingsley of New ing Saturday evening In Ann Arbor. ~intl his laments, Mr and Mrs II. FL Carrie Ovenshire. Ooy Jewett and family of Ferndale Bolt the t’rLaluettcs In salt water. Mrs, Mary Hamilton returned home guests of Mr. Ed. Payne, wife and fitmnily, Peters- ~Stimimliro tmotored to l’lenderson lake, Sonday supper guests at Philip Hudson were Sunday Drain and rinse off with cold water, and Edward i)avis, after spending the winter with her Sweet’s were and Mrs. 1. U. Clark and family. - burg, were Sunday gnests in tue C. I i”ridmsy evening on a fishing trip. ‘i’i,ev Mr. and Mrs. lteyaold Frank Arthur and daughter, Mrs. Theresa Harris at New Sweet and two sons of South Lyon, Mr. When cool, add onion, the pimento cut Mr. and Mrs John Driver and family of Wiillamss- Payne home. ~returned iioi,ie Sunday evening, into thin slices and the tun& ftsh, flak- daughter were Sunday dinner guests of Buffalo. nod Mrs. Newton Smith and daughter, ston are moving into part of Mrs. Ad— Mm, and Mrs. U, i:. Slanbro vere in t 3! i’ mliii Mrs. Get,. Atkinson were ed Into sinai! bits. Season to taste, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Arthur. ~guests in time Meriyn tyke Iii,iime, Toes. Bert Clark of i”Iint silent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mr. and die Read’s house and will assist Allie Ann Arbor on business,. Monday. Mix with salad dressing and serve. Mr. and Mrs. John MeLov were in wills his sister, Mrs Chris, Norg,Lrd, Mrs. Warren Sweet, and Carl Sweet Read and wife this summer. Mrs. Henry Wimittaker returned ~day eveiming, Ypsilanti visiting Tuesday. -0Last Sunday Mrs. Will Dusmean ceie- ~home Thursday from Howell, where I Mr. and Mrs 0 1) Roberts and 31 r. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gale of smear of Ann Arbor, The Lathes Aid served dinner in the OATMEAL COOKIES Ypsilanti sposfl ‘l’uescimiy with her sis- Mr. and Mrs.N athan Wooster and brated her bIrthday. Among those pres- ‘ dme had sIlent severmi I days it time ionic ~mind Mrs. Orson Atehinson, L’imnttui church Thursday. One-l,alf t’ui, butter. diLugilter Norma were Sunday dinner eat were Mr. and Mrs. John Abbott of her son, C. Crockett during his stay ~Center, were Smmncimmy siin,mcr guests in ter, Mrs. I. \V. Hamilton, Bert Tapp, custodlais at time New One-half cup lard, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Woos- and Joan of Detroit and Mr. and Mr& I In the hospital. 1-fe has retu mmmcd home ~tue Harry .-~tchinson ionic, Mr. and Mrs. Gale Bamethus and two Hudson school, Is in Henry Ford hos. One cup sugar, ~tee in Ann Arbor. Ralph Lelaad and son. A big- cake with ~nod is gaining us fast as can, he cx- I —o sons, Gale Jr. and Guy, of Detroit,, pital, Detroit, where he underwent a Two eggs. Mr. and Mn, Braun and Hazel, Mr. all the candles on it was the main at- ~pected. -‘ spent Sunday witl, their aunt, Mr. and major operation Monday. ~Vilhur Tapp Two tablespooosmolasscs. and Mrs. Michael Geiger, Win. Geiger traction. . ~ Mrs. Kate Stanbro ate Sunday din- i ErWiiS t’ettenglii is ill witi, influenza. Two and ono-haif cups oatmeal, Is acting as substitute during his Ill- Mrs. Frank Warren, and daughter Grace and son Waltei, Will Martin was Ia Detroit last Smit—’ ncr with the E. Geragisty family. I Mrs i) C, St’jhiss is ill it this writ\Vednesdny afternoon Mrs. Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geiger attendTwo tablespoons boiung water, ness. unlay night attending a St. Patrick’s j ~‘1r,and Mrs. Leon Docharose enter- lug. Two cups flour. The Senior play “Regatta,” will - be Van Dalson and Mrs. It. U. Dixon call- ed the funeral of Mrs. Rosina Kern at Party. tamed the following guests Thursday ! Mr. and Mrs. i-lugh Arias were in presented in the Maceabees hall April on Mrs. \%‘ãlter iteotseimler and son and Jul,,,’ Lutherao church, Northfield. One teaspoon cinnamon. ninny friends of Mr. Olnistead evening mit it 501) partym Mr. md Mrs. ~I)e,irborn, Monday. 4th. Members in the cast are I”lor- M rs, Carrie Os’enshirc. One-half teaspoon soda. Mrs. 5Kern was the grandmother of Mrs willThe be sorry to learn that he had the ence Cusic, Bane Drayton, Sera Sehal- Mrs Roy Lyke of l’lyn,outlm spent :~ Two teaspoons baking powder. rank Geiger. leg, Glenna Bonecutter, Mable Allen, Friday afternoon with ~Irs. l)or,m Nd— One cup raisins, Mrs. .jvenshirc and Mrs. Tyler are nsisfortune to get his left ankle fractured Saturday while In Ann Arbor. Margaret Posey, Milton Russell, son and her mother, Mrs. Carrie, Oven~ consloed to their beds by Illness, One cup chopped nuts. had driven off the pavement and Cream butter und lard ‘and add sug- Llewellyn Russet, Joe Chenoweth, John shire, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ilraun ~of He on the running board were South Lyon and Beryl 1-lagernian of was standing ar graduni]y, then add well beaten eggs Canfleld, Gleason Tapp, Swann Allen,I Mr. -mind Mrs. Dewey Parley his windshield when a coupe molasses and oatmeal. Pour boiling The play is onder direction of M. E. Sunday afternoon guests oi Mr. and Grand Rapids were supper guests at wiping caine from the opposite direction and water over oatmeal before it is mixed Hath. The play, which at first was 31 rs, 13, A. Nelson and mimother, Mrs. the L. Braun home Sunday. ran into him find-on. He was taken to into the other Ingredients. Then add planned for this Friday night, was (‘arrie Os’eoshlre. The Guy Comets of Dearborn were Joseph’s hospital where he is - restflour sifted with soda, baking powder postponed to April 4, Wimi, Geigcr anti daughter Grace callers of Mrs. C. Ovcnshjre Tuesday. St. lag comfortably. , His many friends1 aad cinnamon. Lastiy add nutmeats hope for a speedy recovery, and raisins.- Drop from a teaspoon on Earle Burdick attended the funeral a greased cookie sheet, Bake at 875 of a- brother milk-inspector at Detroit, degrees for about fifteen minutes, This Tuesday. recipe will make three dozens. Ed. Burdick has been unaer the . -0. ~, weather for a few dv’s but we are HOT CROSS BUNS glad to report he is better at this writS Ooe and one-Isaif cups milk. ing. One.lialf cup sugar, Mr. Croft of Argentine visited Mr. Six tablespoons butter. amid Mrs. Will Abbott - last Friday and One teaspoon salt. Saturday. One yeast - cake, Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson,- son - Four tablespoons lukewarm water. Billie and mother visited Mr. and Mrs. ‘ One’ teaspoon cinnamon. will Abbott inst Thursday afternoon. One egg. 0 One-half cup currants, ‘-Piour. ‘ ‘ S ald milk and add butter, salt, sug1 elnnninon. When Jukewarns, add ar and Mrs. Evelyn Fda has returned to the ~‘eastcake, which has been dissolved in -- - , ‘ home of her’sister, Mn Harrison Hill, the four tablespoons of lukewarm waIn Ferndale, after staying several icr, and two and one-half cups of flour. weeks with the M. W. Roberts family. Beat well intl add egg, well beaten. ?,lrá. Judson Roberts and son Jerry Mix tIiort’ugi~lyand add currants and Bill spent the weekend in Lansing. fl’,or enotigi, to knead, from one-half The Geo. and Wm. Roberts families t,L Oflt’ cup sr snore. Cover and. let rise Sunday with relatives near Ypsi-a spent iii a inoilerutely warsn place, over N ~ : I lanti. night. In I Ia’ i,icirnlng shape in small . JULIUS NEVERTH DIES I,ittls - and ¶515 Ii ii sharp knife cut a ‘ Residents of Sliver Lake were deep crt,ss on till.’ top 91 each. Place in . . : I shocked to hear of the death of Julius ‘ a pan 11)001 50 Inch apart and let rise I Neverth, brother of H. I-I. N’everth of in a \~‘nrIiipisce for thirty minutes. this place, which occurred In Detroit Bake twenty-live minutes, starting at last Friday. Funeral services were 3a0 degrees anti heating up to 400, held at the Lutheran church in lirighThere are fewer lonely days and dreary evenings for those Brush over with a syrup made by boilton, Sunday ,sfternoon. iIW one.fourth -cup of sugar and two who have telephone service. It brings you the voices of Mr and Mrs. Frank ~ Masok, daughtIii)lesl,00ns of tisilk together for one friends and family, and takes yours to them. And when tar GoIdle mind 3llss Ermina l’éacii jilinute, . ‘ :, were in Detroit this week Wednesday impromptu “get-togethers” are arranged, those who can —0— I I evening attending the wedding of Mr. MILK CHOCOLATE CAKE be reached by telephone usually are the ones invited. UN•II•IU•IIII•II•III•IISIIIII.IIIInIIIIIII.IIINIImIII.INIau• intl Mrs. M,ssak’s slaughter ~Thelisma One~halfcup butter. A teleplsoue is worth its cost in social advantages alone. Two eggs, One anti one—half cups sugar, Also it helps find employment, saves trips to the stores 5 One cup, sour milk. or elsewhere in - storwy weather, and is PRICELESS Two c~fpspastry flour, ‘two squares bitter chocolate (two PROTECTION In emergencies, enabling you to summon oil doctor, firemen or police instantly, day or night. One-huh teaspoon salt, One teaspoon vanilla, oaoaa TELEPUONC navies AT THE TELEPHONI 50555555 oFFICE One tal]iesp000 vinegar. One teaspoon soda, METHOD, Cream butter nnd add ssIgar grad’,ially, Cream thoroughly; add one egg, unbeaten, ask well~add other egg, unbeaten. Beat two sumsites. Add milk and flour alternately, then melted chocolate and lastly soda dissolved In vinegar, and mix well. Bake in greased layer ‘pan at 315 degrecs F. for 25 minutes, When cool frost with caramel icing. —0~ BROWN BETTY ‘l’hree cups corn fl,ikes. ‘Ibree 0111)5 clio~)pednpples. One.hr,lf teaspoon cinnamon or grat— ed rind of h~~l f lemon. One—half ciii, stiga r. ‘I’’wo tablespoons butter, ALL COLORS—ALL PATTERNS—ALL DESIGNS Mix with the chapped apples, pared and cored, the sugar and the cinnamon or grated lemon rind, Butter a bakrig dish, put in n lnyer of the preparThere’s nothing - that improves your home and ed fruit, then one cup of the corn II,’ kes, and ‘ repeat nntil alt the ingredi— your spirits so much as new wall-papering. ents are used. Dot butter over the top layer of corn flakes. Cover aad bake 45 Start choosing from our complete line of wallnsint,te,s in a moderately hot oven—850 degrees Sen e with lemon sauce. paper. now. Spring is here ‘I Recipe Column ~ . South Lyon, Mich, REPRESENTING $3.50 to $4.50 WE HAVE MEN’S DRESS OXFORDS at -.$2M0, $2.50, $3.00 0s Se’sos, NEW EASTER FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN All New Styles at $2.00, $2.50, $2.95 ALLEN A HOSIERY it— I M aa..cs~sT,. _ - :- —t Send $1 for the next S month. of FOR EASTER WOMEN’S FULL.FASHIONED CHIFFON 69c and 79c HOSIERY at WOMEN’S FULL.FASHIONED SERVICE WEIGHT HOSIERY at —---69c and 79c ~ THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY - ~ Kaimbach & Glenan ‘si ,m ke I lie mu , int ,, I ytimir reading luu’mirs, Emm)mii’ the alt, the vii— ~ in- cimlnlaanimmo’shlp, the ehnrnm Ii lu,1 ha cc ,nadr the AT— 1.ANI’I(’, for seventy-fir year~ ,-‘ america‘.s itiost ii ii nted and most eiu erislued in u, gazine, Send Si. ~ummsntioning this ad) tmi TUE ATLANTIC MONTHLY 8 Arlington St., Boston 9 -
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