September 9, 2015 To - Englehart Minor Hockey

 September 9, 2015
To: OPP, Temiskaming detachment
P.O. Box 6000
300 Armstrong Street North
New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0
RE: Vulnerable Sector Checks – volunteer for Englehart Minor Hockey Association
_________________________ is a volunteer with Englehart Minor Hockey Association.
They will be working with children within our association for the 2015/2016 hockey
Englehart Minor Hockey Association mandates that all volunteers working with children
in our association submit a Vulnerable Sector Check to the local Ontario Provincial
Police Detachment.
This letter serves as proof the person listed above is a volunteer in our association.
If you have any further questions, please contact the undersigned at 705-622-0421 or
email at
Thank you
Paul Aquino, President
Englehart Minor Hockey Association