+fl?Errs ,il*q aqtrfiTfr's' ffi-qi-ffi {sa'-p}, {rsTrq-01 f'q'ffi Am arci*q Ftr 35 ryrg,, ;Tq-.fr F*r fffi *qnffi* 27 41077 ffiTdrdr,ar 1, ry, ss t}E, trnEa , 27 41044 h fu m{ft fuFrT q-r-.r.ia, ( ,i,erc s=q;o errFjl-i 1500 *1.". ) S-*- .:lr€lm tn-*r qek{.T A f}q niigr n,,li_s_r & sqfatd c-rr{ qq al_d uAu ftci e}uqa + illET' 3i?rfl q{' fir.5;i +i-q* sT 3r?T sn-q s en-q 30 Er S, cftsr ffr o,a q-{ fi-6- il?TTt * 6-(,, d*-a o,f*E apn a-atrr a{ 600 .'1.*. fteya ** --* t, sru"T *ra**n-*;*,# er*-6t (qrd-{ :fi-w' :rcrfl d" qi qr qTfrn tuilsT frfr-fl,c ,T*kd r* € t*dq r, ##.*;' ; cft-€r # ;q-d--fl1t-r ycqbT fl trqm-T+ fa, arQri *+ earEr q,Fdrd. dga +r* .r sr{a / cf{_€_{ r-{pfi qi m_q * qq 2a s.*. fi F* ."}fr gBa-.rd +-r-& drfir sffin Fqrs *) *n 5-ftaq-{ q_qRr fu} ars ;rn$ 3rtr.q HBfr il-4 3J-q-* €t c'{ 6Trt al,t r sro;i sq-Ffi E-{i d-f, t r-rfi q1-, d-fi frfi crq-& *fr{^rGrc # Jh$ qlarfl'-d rzmr 3G-drr ;rg ahnf odTfr + 5c-iia 1 (a-6) arg r- c-trdrd sftrf, qfos{, Rdift ed vtdt ffr q-dr.-d Jqffi w'Fa s-ara gBerr:n 3{fr.,-6ur t tur Eh{r arB(,.r gryfi eqB_drqTqfi_dq Gaiqr 27.02.2017*(ernr:Tu-d 10.00 TS) * 06-03'2017 (srti +'oo d) ae fu:fi sfi o,6 aq-s fi qo-fiq €e t-6. Tcq Qn€T. lrqft, fcrd.r *6-{r-u' s sq& +-r cr*-fi-6r 3il-{ fiE-cr ildr (Hrs fr-$ sT srsrr c,.-d *-r +r+-} t, urn s=g-6 eqfuir+idrazi fi .r-m-#Sr Bfu, furA cft€{ +r $. ko-sur16-aqr aFr ;Fr {6rd6 qfuqr, cgrft_fr Frr6r, HrfuflaT q-€ad'? -#I rfr xfr) ]it{ ffi?r Bfu, e"fr d-itq-c ar }rfr-d ort 6(n, q} 3rtr,I-3r#a awnnt fr ffi' a:rr Rffii q{ }Tara ea-iB'dimBs. * gwn-ainr *n{ni-t arq-, qar (rd #ffi-';";fto, q-aiq. r+'os'eot) (qnr * oo E*) rm qr grs xi) wror s{r*,. qrrfrq €e {-6, }16,1 en€fi qA, fu*r qrBvr e'd;lGa o*$rroffi EBrTar sTfr * crq-{rtt Rrd cR-H-{ e-{ind Eil dfrq-dr try: c{ cF:r .{r't frT {r a.nrfrt *fi st' ffi rrq+r Ti# Rftq,3* +) :rq-i ro-n*ri*ryr rFnr Bd{ni t []ir 3ffi"td ffi *s n-+;t tr Gr-'"diT ,,,: l ! .i l*-" - *6 6I a-d-€Ee www.sbi.cc.in $ RaT s.'rsr qcr(r Gwo/rrrr* m-lt *-r Jfts,o rT livw]v.statebankofindia.com t'i ,procuremen* *- S'IATE BA}.iK OF T.YDIA Arrririnisirative oilice, aesiona|,1;:-;.;?,1*l;T;ir-r-' New cantt Road' Dehradun' (Floor Area 1500 sq' ft' Approx VIALL ROAD" MussooRiE, Distt. Dehradun ) premises fbr iiom the owrlers r power of attorney holders of suitable sq ft' with 1500 ouo;:" at. G11und Fioor having area approx opening of Branch;,,h. places *.n,io,i*J of generator iree of cost space lor parking of vehicles'installation minimum width oi j0 ft tront. d00 sq. ft The otrerer has to including adequate power*and water sr'rpply taciiriies arr with roof at v-sat fbr and space have certifi cate I permission uv rrre ua1! at his own cost or should conduct/consiruct the civil r.vork as a.rrr.J storage (overhead 20 KW power-supply and 2000 litres water [4inimum coflmer;ialiy prenises the to utilize acceptance of etc. is to. Ut otiunged by the offerer on the or r,rndergrounrl) rank with litting orrung.nr.nt with the bank and bank w,l not entertain property proposal by the Bank. orvners ,, .r*;i oi.-.rrv rlealers/ agertts in this regard' The State Bank oi. lndia irivites otl-ers shall collect within a period of (l) onemonth.-tntendilg offerers The premises shalr be ready tbr occupation Distt Mussoorie' gant Branch, of India, Main uia tor*urs tiom state and submit the tecirnical bid and price offers * 06.03.201? (4.00 P.M) and submit their area (r0.00 l.nl Dehradun. during office hours rro* zl.oi.z*r7 bid (mentioning full details of property,map'floor in two separate seared cove-up".scribeJ rechnical pNI) with copy of sketch plan p., ,q ft ) 01 or before 14.03.2017 (4.00 etc ) and price b,i,J 1me'tioning y1. & o*nership papers etc. Name,Address and Phone/Mobile of the ofrered prei-nises aiong with proof of rD would be given to the power of attorney holder musr be on uottr the enrrelop Priority no.of the.owners / p*Uf Sector trnits I Govt' departments premises belongingi" " in or wriwstatebankofindia corn under"Procurement" For details please reter Bank's website wwrv.sbico .the or all offers without assigning reasons therefor' Bank reserves its right to accept or reiect any x ,.-*1 .--'^) -,j;',:"ri?*";!f t; ;t-. r-. r'.,*.*.& $1"," Regional I'l:trt;i3;r iitegiorl-2) - -* *"-1 PRICE BID dated. \\'ith rel'erence to your advertisement in the local dailies ... . ... I / We offer the premisgs owned by us for housing your branch on iease basis on the following terms and conditions: General Infoimation Location: 0 Name of the building g) Door No. h) Name of the street i) .it Nar:re of the ciry Pin code 1..) Name of the owner/s l) Rent : Rent per sq.ft. of floor area or lump sum Please note muhicipal taxes / cess, service charges to be bome by the landlord. Service charges like society charges, maintenance charges to be borne by the Bank Note: The floor area is the covered area excluding the following: C, a) Walls b) Colnmns c) Balconies d) Portico / canopy e) Stailcase 0 LBft g) Sanitary'shaft h) Lift w'ell i) j) Box k) A.C. duct Space below the window sill Signature of the owner OFFER SUB1VIITTED FOR LEASING PREIVIISES Technical Bid with reference to you advenisement in the locar dailies dated. ofTer the premises owned by us I / We hereby for housing your branch/ office on General Information Location: a) Name of the building lea.se basis: b) DoorNo. c) Name of the street d) Name of the city e) Pin code 0 Name of the owner/s Technical Information: b) Typeofbuilding-Residential.............Insrirutional. c) No. of floors:... d) Floorer*uoff.r.a,." ..... . e) Parking Area offered (approx): ....Industrial Floor area of the premises: Building ready for occupation _ yes / No $ If No, how much time will be required for occupation Amenities available: o Electric power supply Yes / No (If yes, Electric power to be provided is of min. 20 Kw) o Running *atei supply - Yes / No (If yes, minimum waterstorage at ground floor and on terrace'should be 2000 litre. with water rifting arrangements) whetfier prans are approved by the rocai ' authorities?.- yes r No (Please enclose copy of approved pran duly marked the portion proposed to be given.) \\/lrerher NOC from the department obtained? _ yes / No . o whether occupation certificate has been received? - yes / No r whether direct access is availabre from the main road? - yes / No r Whether captive power supply is available? _ yes / No r whether fully airconditioned or partialy airconditined? yes / No r Whether iift faciiities are available? _ yes i No Signature of the Owner
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