JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 NUMBER 8 PAGES 1555^1583 2013 doi:10.1093/petrology/egt023 Melting and Phase Relations of Carbonated Eclogite at 9^21GPa and the Petrogenesis of Alkali-Rich Melts in the Deep Mantle EKATERINA S. KISEEVA1*, KONSTANTIN D. LITASOV2,3, GREGORY M. YAXLEY1, EIJI OHTANI4 AND VADIM S. KAMENETSKY5 1 RESEARCH SCHOOL OF EARTH SCIENCES, AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, CANBERRA, ACT 0200, AUSTRALIA 2 V. S. SOBOLEV INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY, SIBERIAN BRANCH, RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, NOVOSIBIRSK, 630090, RUSSIA 3 NOVOSIBIRSK STATE UNIVERSITY, NOVOSIBIRSK, 630090, RUSSIA 4 DEPARTMENT OF EARTH AND PLANETARY MATERIAL SCIENCE, FACULTY OF SCIENCE, TOHOKU UNIVERSITY, SENDAI 980-8578, JAPAN 5 ARC CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN ORE DEPOSITS AND SCHOOL OF EARTH SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA, HOBART, TAS. 7001, AUSTRALIA RECEIVED JUNE 15, 2012; ACCEPTED MARCH 15, 2013 ADVANCE ACCESS PUBLICATION MAY 6, 2013 The melting and phase relations of carbonated MORB eclogite have been investigated using the multi-anvil technique at 9^21 GPa and 1100^19008C. The starting compositions were two synthetic mixes, GA1 and Volga, with the CO2 component added as CaCO3 (cc): GA1 þ10%cc (GA1cc) models altered oceanic crust recycled into the convecting mantle via subduction, and Volga þ 10%cc (Volgacc) models subducted oceanic crust that has lost some of its siliceous component in the sub-arc regime (GA1 minus 6·5 wt % SiO2). The subsolidus mineral assemblage at 9 and 13 GPa includes garnet, clinopyroxene, magnesite, aragonite, a high-pressure polymorph of TiO2 (only at 9 GPa) and stishovite (only at 13 GPa). At 17^ 21 GPa clinopyroxene is no longer stable; the mineral assemblage consists predominantly of garnet with subordinate magnesite (only at 17 GPa), Na-rich aragonite, stishovite, Ca-perovskite (mostly at 21 GPa), and K-hollandite (mostly at 17 GPa). Na-carbonate with an inferred composition (Na,K)2(Ca,Mg,Fe)(CO3)2 was present in Volga-cc at 21 GPa and 12008C. Diamond (or graphite) crystallized in most runs in the GA1cc composition, but it was absent in experiments with the Volga-cc composition. In Volga-cc, the solidus temperatures are nearly constant between 1200 and 13008C over the entire pressure range investigated. In GA1cc, the solidus is located at similar temperatures at 9^13 GPa, but at higher temperatures of 1300^15008C at 17^21 GPa. The difference in solidi between the GA1cc and Volga-cc compositions can be explained by a change in Na compatibility between 13 and 17 GPa as omphacitic clinopyroxene disappears, resulting in the formation of Na-carbonate or Na-rich melt in Volga-cc. The solidus temperature in GA1cc also increases with increasing pressure as a consequence of carbonate reduction and diamond precipitation, possibly brought on either via progressive Fe2þ^Fe3þ transition in garnet at higher pressures or by a decrease of the activity of the diopside component in clinopyroxene. The lowdegree melts are highly alkalic (K-rich at 9^13 GPa and Na-rich at 17^21 GPa) carbonatites, changing towards SiO2-rich melts with increasing temperature at constant pressure. The solidi of both compositions remain higher than typical subduction pressure^temperature (P^T) profiles at 5^10 GPa; however, at higher pressures the flat solidus curve of carbonated eclogite may intersect the subduction P^T profile in the Transition Zone, where carbonated eclogite can produce alkali- and carbonate-rich melts. Such subduction-related alkali-rich melts can be potential analogues of kimberlite and *Corresponding author. Department of Earth Sciences, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX13AN, UK; E-mail: ß The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@ JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 carbonatite melt compositions and important agents of mantle metasomatism and diamond formation in theTransition Zone and in cratonic roots. Melting of carbonated eclogite produces a garnet-bearing refractory residue, which could be stored in the Transition Zone or lower mantle. KEY WORDS: high-pressure experiments; MORB eclogite; mantle; Transition Zone; carbonate metasomatism; kimberlite formation; diamonds I N T RO D U C T I O N Subducted slabs of oceanic lithosphere, containing pelagic sediments and hydrothermally altered basalts (MORB) formed at a mid-ocean ridge by sea-floor spreading, are one of the major sources for geochemical heterogeneity in the mantle, transporting incompatible trace elements and water. The amount of carbon in the primordial and modern Earth, and the magnitude of carbon fluxes between the mantle, the crust, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere are highly uncertain (e.g. Zhang & Zindler, 1993; Sleep & Zahnle, 2001; Dasgupta & Hirschmann, 2010). Large amounts of carbon may be introduced into the mantle by subduction of oceanic crust, which may contain 43 wt % CO2 in its uppermost few hundred metres (Alt & Teagle, 1999; Staudigel, 2003). Some of the subducted material may undergo partial melting in the subarc regime, releasing the most incompatible and volatile components back to the surface via arc magmatism, or later by contributing to MORB, hotspot or continental magmatism. However, both thermal modelling of subducting slabs and thermodynamic and experimental constraints on slab dehydration and decarbonation indicate that decomposition of carbonate-bearing species occurs at much higher depths than that of water-bearing species, allowing preferential subduction of some slab carbonate relative to hydrous species (e.g. Yaxley & Green, 1994; Bebout, 1995; Poli & Schmidt, 1995; Kerrick & Connolly, 2001). Consequently, slabs should transport H2O-poor and carbonate-rich eclogite deep into the Earth’s mantle. Most previous experimental studies on carbonated eclogite have been performed at pressures 10 GPa (Hammouda, 2003; Dasgupta et al., 2004, 2005; Yaxley & Brey, 2004; Gerbode & Dasgupta, 2010; Kiseeva et al., 2012). These studies reported a variety of solidus temperatures and shapes, attributed to compositional differences in the starting mixes, such as Na2O/CO2, Mg# [molar Mg/(Mg þ Fe)], Ca# [molar Ca/(Ca þ Mg þ Fe)], the abundances of alkali components, and minor but variable amounts of water. The solidi of carbonated eclogite at higher pressures from 10 to 32 GPa have been reported only for simplified chemical systems, such as Na-CMAS þ 5% CO2 by NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Litasov & Ohtani (2010) and CMAS þ 20% CO2 by Keshav & Gudfinnsson (2010). A previous study of representative carbonated eclogites at 3·5^5·5 GPa (Kiseeva et al., 2012) showed the great importance of minor components, especially alkalis. Small amounts of K2O and P2O5 in subducted MORB can significantly decrease its solidus temperature. The present study is the first to investigate at P410 GPa a complex natural composition, which includes the additional and potentially highly influential components FeO and K2O. The focus of this study is to determine the phase relations (and particularly solidus temperatures) in the deep upper mantle and Transition Zone (9^21GPa, corresponding to a depth interval of 180^600 km) of carbonated eclogite, modelling deeply subducted, altered MORB. The effects of variable alkali and SiO2 contents on solidus temperatures and phase compositions are examined. The results are applied to the stability of different carbonbearing phases in the deep mantle and their roles in mantle melting and metasomatism and generation of kimberlitic and alkaline magmas. E X P E R I M E N TA L A N D A N A LY T I C A L P RO C E D U R E S Starting composition Two eclogite compositions (GA1 and Volga) were used as starting materials (Table 1). The GA1 composition represents altered oceanic basalt (MORB) and is somewhat enriched in alkalis compared with fresh MORB compositions (Yaxley & Green, 1994). Volga is identical to GA1, but with 6·5% less SiO2. To both compositions, 10 wt % of pure CaCO3 (cc) was added, producing GA1 þ10% CaCO3 (GA1cc) and Volga þ10% CaCO3 (Volga-cc). The GA1cc composition models subducted, altered, mafic oceanic crust. Volga-cc models subducted altered mafic crust, which may have lost a siliceous component during dehydration and/or silicate melting in the subduction zone. Altered oceanic crust contains typically no more than 3 wt % CaCO3. The enhanced carbonate proportions in the current experiments were designed to aid in the detection of carbonate phases in experimental run products. Details of the starting material preparation, phase relations and mineral assemblage at 3·5^5·5 GPa for GA1cc have been given by Kiseeva et al. (2012). The preparation of the Volga-cc composition was identical to that for GA1cc. Experimental techniques The experiments were conducted using a 3000 ton Kawaitype multianvil apparatus at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. For experiments at 9^13 GPa, the truncated edge length (TEL) of the tungsten-carbide anvils was 5·0 mm, and for experiments at 17^21GPa the TEL was 3·5 mm. 1556 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Table 1: Compositions of experimental mixes from this and other experimental studies GA1cc Volga-cc Y P (GPa): 9–21 9–21 W&T O&M L&O1 K&G L&O2 3–20 2–27 10–19 18–28 10–32 SiO2 45·32 42·22 49·71 53·53 51·11 50·06 TiO2 1·34 1·43 1·71 1·44 1·76 1·47 Al2O3 14·88 15·91 15·68 14·85 Cr2O3 — — 14·86 15·39 0·05 — — FeOT 8·85 9·46 9·36* 7·92 10·30 MnO 0·15 0·14 0·18 0·16 — MgO 7·15 7·64 8·43 7·64 7·68 CaO 14·24 14·85 11·73 9·12 Na2O 3·14 3·36 2·76 K2O 0·40 0·42 0·23 P2O5 0·14 0·15 CO2 4·40 4·40 H2O Total — — 100·00 100·00 0·02 9·61 12–25 30·80 50·02 — — 4·02 16·59 — — — — — — 7·59 22·49 14·82 11·23 11·28 21·23 11·49 2·64 2·94 2·43 — 1·31 0·13 0·17 — — — — — — — — — — — — 21·46y — — 99·81 98·66 102·01 100·00 100·00 2·00 2·00 — 2·08 5·00 — 100·00 *Additional 0·95 wt % Fe2O3 included in the value. yCO2 measured by difference. GA1cc and Volga-cc, this study; Y, Yasuda et al. (1994); W&T, Wang & Takahashi (1999); O&M, Okamoto & Maruyama (2004); L&O1, Litasov & Ohtani (2005); K&G, Keshav & Gudfinnsson (2010); L&O2, Litasov & Ohtani (2010). Each experimental charge contained two capsules with the GA1cc and Volga-cc compositions (Fig. 1a). The assembly design was similar to that of Litasov & Ohtani (2009a, 2009b) with two minor modifications: (1) an MgO insulator (instead of BN) was used to separate the capsules from the LaCrO3 heater; (2) ZrO2 (instead of MgO) was used as a spacer on top of each capsule to separate it from the Mo electrodes. It was also used as the pressure transmitting material. The size of the sample chamber before compression was 1·4 and 0·8 mm3 for TEL 5·0 and 3·5 mm, respectively. Temperature was monitored with a W97Re3^W75Re25 thermocouple located at the centre of the furnace, between the two capsules. The temperature gradient in the runs did not exceed 508C across the sample, according to twopyroxene thermometry determined for special temperature gradient experiments at 4^6 GPa (Litasov & Ohtani, 2009a). Pressure was calibrated based on in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments at the ‘SPring-8’ facility using the gold pressure scale after Dorogokupets & Dewaele (2007) and Sokolova et al. (2013). Both room-temperature and high-temperature (1200^16008C) data with durations of greater than 60 min were used for this calibration. The pressure uncertainty was determined to be less than 1GPa. This calibration was confirmed by laboratory measurements using semiconductor to metal transitions at room temperature and at high temperatures (16008C) using the forsterite ! wadsleyite and wadsleyite ! Fig. 1. Optical (a) and back-scattered electron (BSE) (b^d) images of the experimental runs. (a) Recovered and cut in half experimental charges G1400-21 and V1400-21 [read as starting composition (G indicates GA1cc,V indicates Volga-cc), temperature,14008C, and pressure, 21 GPa]". (b) Run G1300-21with large garnet, diamond and carbonate (in the top side of the capsule) crystals surrounded by a fine-grained matrix of similar composition material. No melt is observed. (c) RunV1300-21 with Grt crystals surrounded by melt pools. (d) Run G1300-21. Run G1300-21. Magnified view of part of the run shown in (b). Large garnet and stishovite crystals surrounded by a fine-grained matrix of similar material. 1557 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 ringwoodite transitions in Mg2SiO4 (Litasov & Ohtani, 2009a, 2009b). Au75Pd25 capsules were used as sample containers, which were found to be the best material to avoid a hydrogen flux into and out of the capsule during the experiments (Nishihara et al., 2006). Sample parts were fired in the oven at 8508C and pyrophyllite gaskets were heated at 2308C for several hours prior to the experiment. Encapsulated starting mixtures were dried in the oven at 3008C for 1h before final sealing by arc welding. These procedures minimized penetration of hydrogen into the sample chamber during the experiments. Experiments were conducted at 9, 13, 17 and 21GPa, over a range of temperatures between 1100 and 18008C. After recovery, the Au^Pd capsule was cut in two using a 0·15 mm thick diamond saw and petroleum benzene cutting fluid to preserve water-soluble phases. One half was then mounted into epoxy resin and rough polished on abrasive paper under petroleum benzene (Fig. 1a). The samples were then reimpregnated with epoxy resin under vacuum, followed by final polishing with oil-based diamond paste. Analytical techniques Run products were analysed using both wavelength- and energy-dispersive (WDS and EDS) spectroscopy. All phases were analysed using a JEOL 6400 scanning electron microscope fitted with an energy-dispersive detector at the Centre for Advanced Microscopy, ANU. Spectra were acquired using a 15 kVaccelerating voltage, 1 nA beam current, and an acquisition time of 120 s. Garnet and clinopyroxene were also analysed on a Cameca SX100 at the University of Tasmania, using a beam current of 30 nA and accelerating voltage of 15 kV. The compositions of garnets and pyroxenes measured using both EDS and WDS differ by less than 5%, consistent with the work of Spandler et al. (2010), who compared multiple EDS and WDS analyses (using the electron microprobe at James Cook University) obtained from the same phases in experimental run products. The reported values of garnet and clinipyroxene are averages of both WDS and EDS analyses. For crystalline phases, a 1 mm beam with an excitation diameter of about 1·5 mm was used. To obtain the most representative composition, at least 10 grains of each phase were analyzed in each experiment, and only those analyses close to the theoretical cation sum were accepted. For the majority of melt analyses a larger area scan was used. Most of the quenched melts present in the runs were highly heterogeneous, so as many area scans as possible were performed on each melt-bearing run. Detection limits were 0·1^0·2 wt %. Analyses were obtained for most melts and mineral phases; however, it was not always possible to precisely analyse some very fine-grained accessory phases and the extremely NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 heterogeneous melt patches present in some runs. Massbalance calculations were carried out for each of the experiments. Raman spectroscopy was used for identification of carbon allotropes (graphite or diamond) and carbonates. The Raman spectra were obtained using a Jasco NRS2000 microspectrometer at Tohoku University. A microscope was used to focus the excitation laser beam (the 488 nm lines of a Princeton Instruments Ar þ laser) on the sample surface. Spectra were collected for 120^240 s, using a laser operating at 12^20 mW and a beam 1 mm in diameter. R E S U LT S A summary of all run conditions and calculated phase proportions for GA1cc and Volga-cc are given in Table 2. Representative phase compositions are listed in Tables 3^8. The observed phase assemblages were used to construct an experimental P^T phase diagram (Fig. 2). Most runs produced well-crystallized, chemically homogeneous mineral assemblages from the glass starting material. The homogeneity of phase compositions in most runs indicates a close approach to chemical equilibrium. Evidence for disequilibrium was observed in some of the lowest temperature runs, with incorrect garnet stoichiometry, manifested by cation sums (12 oxygens per formula unit) substantially less than eight. Solidus position, phase assemblage and types of melt The solidus temperature at a given pressure was bracketed based on the presence of visible quenched melt products and mass-balance calculations. In the case of the lowest degrees of melting an additional compositional criterion is useful to distinguish stable mineral and metastable quenched phases. Across the entire range of the experiments, the quenched melt products are a mixture of carbonate and silicate components, whereas the solid carbonates are homogeneous and free from silicate components. The estimated solidus is between 1250 and 13008C at 9 GPa and between 1200 and 13008C at 13 GPa for both starting compositions (Fig. 2). Solidus temperatures are estimated to lie between 1200 and 13008C at 17 and 21GPa for the Volga-cc composition and between 1300 and 14008C at 17 GPa for the GA1cc composition. Experiments G1300-21 and G1400-21 [read as starting composition (G indicates GA1cc), temperature, 14008C, and pressure, 21 GPa] exhibit unusual textures (Fig. 1b and d), distinguished by garnet, diamond and to a lesser extent large crystals of stishovite and K-hollandite (high-pressure analogue of KAlSi3O8) (10^20 mm) surrounded by a finegrained (1 mm) matrix of the same minerals. In this case, 1558 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Table 2: Experimental results and run conditions T (8C) dT P D (h) Exp. no. Phases present (GA1cc) Exp. no. Phases present (Volga-cc) 1050 50 9 72 G1050-9 Grt(42), Cpx(45), Arag(8), Mst(1·5), Co(3·5), TiO2 V1050-9 Grt(26), Cpx(62), Arag(6·5), Mst(3), Co(2), TiO2 1200 20 9 48 G1200-9 Grt(42), Cpx(45), Arag(5), Mst(4), Co(3·5), TiO2 V1200-9 Grt(49), Cpx(39), Arag(3), Mst(7), Co(1·5), TiO2 1250 60 9 48 G1250-9 Grt(48), Cpx(35), CMss(10), Co(6·5), TiO2 V1250-9 Grt(45), Cpx(44), CMss(10), Co, TiO2 1400 20 9 24 G1400-9 Grt(46), Cpx(40), Co(4), TiO2, LCarb(10) V1400-9 Grt(54), Cpx(35), Co, TiO2, LCarb(10·5) 1200 20 13 80 G1200-13 Grt(84), Cpx(4), Arag(5·5), Mst(4), St(2·5) V1200-13 Grt(83·5), Cpx(5), Arag(8), Mst(2), St(1), K-Holl 1300 20 13 48 G1300-13 Grt(70), Cpx(12), St(6), LSi-Carb(12) V1300-13a Grt(78), Cpx(8), St(2), LCarb(11·5) 1300 20 13 48 V1300-13b Grt(77), Cpx(11), St(2), LCarb(10·5) 1400 20 13 24 G1400-13 Grt(69), Cpx(13), St(6), LSi-Carb(12) V1400-13 Grt(73), Cpx(15), St(1), LCarb(11) 1550 70 13 12 G1550-13 Grt(59), Cpx(19), St(8), LSi-Carb(13) V1550-13 Grt(68), Cpx(16), St(4), LCarb(12) 1100 40 17 48 G1100-17 Grt(89), Arag(9), Mst(1), K-Holl(1), St, CPv V1100-17 Grt(88), Arag(9), Mst(1), St(1), K-Holl, CPv 1200 20 17 48 G1200-17 Grt(87·5), Arag(10), Mst(1), K-Holl(1), St, CPv V1200-17 Grt(85), Arag(10), St(3), K-Holl(2), Mst, CPv 1250 70 17 48 G1250-17 Grt(81), Arag(9·5), St(9), Mst, K-Holl V1250-17 Grt(83), Arag(3·5), St(5·5), K-Holl, Mst, LSi-Carb(7·5) 1400 20 17 24 G1400-17 Grt(74), St(10·5), LSi-Carb(15·5) V1400-17 Grt(81), St(3), LSi-Carb(16) 1500 70 17 12 G1500-17 Grt(73·5), St(8·5), LSi-Carb(18) V1500-17 Grt(81), St(2·5), LSi-Carb(17) 1200 20 21 48 G1200-21 Grt(89·5), Arag(9·5), St, K-Holl, CPv V1200-21 Grt(84·5), Arag(7·5), St(3), K-Holl(1), CPv(1·5), 1300 20 21 48 G1300-21 Grt(79), Arag(9), St(10), K-Holl(2), CPv V1300-21 Grt(80), St(8), CPv(1·5), LCarb(10·5) Na-Carb(2·5) 1400 20 21 16 G1400-21 Grt(78), Arag(9·5), St(12·5), CPv V1400-21 Grt(78·5), St(10), CPv, LCarb(11) 1650 80 21 16 G1650-21 Grt(79·5), St(8), LSi-Carb(12·5) V1650-21 Grt(82), St(6), CPv, LCarb(12) 1900 100 21 12 G1900-21 Grt(80), St(7), LSi-Carb(14) V1900-21 Grt(83), St(4), LCarb(13) dT, estimated temperature gradient. D (h), duration of the experiment in hours. We did not identify the structure of the TiO2 phase in the experiments and followed results by Withers et al. (2003) and Sato et al. (1991) for rutile or TiO2 II and further phase transitions. Numbers in parentheses are wt % of the phase, extracted from mass-balance calculations. For phases with no wt % value included, it is considered to be 51 wt %. Grt, garnet; Cpx, clinopyroxene; Arag, aragonite; Mst, magnesite; Co, coesite; St, stishovite; CMss, calcite–magnesite solid solution; K-Holl, K-hollandite; CPv, Ca-perovskite; Na-Carb, Na-carbonate; LCarb, carbonate melt; LSi-Carb, silicate–carbonate melt. large grains of Na-rich aragonite are usually found segregated to the edge of the capsule, although it is not possible to rule out their presence within the matrix. These runs are considered to be subsolidus and hence the GA1cc solidus at 21GPa is located at a slightly higher temperature than 14008C. However, there is a possibility that a small, undetected melt fraction is present within the fine-grained matrix. The subsolidus phase assemblages for both starting materials at 9^13 GPa consist of garnet, clinopyroxene, carbonates (aragonite and magnesite, or calcite^magnesite solid solution), a high-pressure polymorph of TiO2, coesite or stishovite, graphite or diamond (only in GA1cc runs) and K-hollandite (only in the V1200-13 run). Na-rich aragonite appeared in the V1300-13 run, whereas no alkalirich carbonates were observed in GA1cc runs at 9^13 GPa. At 17^21GPa, the phase assemblages consist of garnet, stishovite, K-hollandite, magnesite (only at 17 GPa), Narich aragonite and Ca-perovskite. Carbonate with a high Na content (around 20 wt % Na2O) was detected in a subsolidus V1200-21 run. Phase relations and compositions Major phases Garnet is the major phase in all the experiments (Fig. 3a^f). Its modal proportion increases from 40% at 9 GPa (except V1050-9, which crystallized only 26% garnet) to 70% at 13 GPa and 80% at 17^21GPa. The grain size differs significantly and varies from 55 mm in low-temperature 9 GPa runs to 40 mm in 17^21GPa runs. In most experiments at 9 and 13 GPa, garnet occurs as well-shaped, equant grains, often containing inclusions of clinopyroxene and coesite or stishovite (Fig. 3a^c). At 17 and 21GPa, large fractured crystals of garnet occupy most of the experimental charge (Figs 1c and 3d^f), with accessory phases (usually stishovite and K-hollandite) as inclusions and intergranular carbonate or melt. At all pressures, with increasing temperature the number of inclusions in garnet decreases and the grains become larger and more compositionally homogeneous. As in previous studies (Yasuda et al., 1994; Litasov & Ohtani, 2010), high-pressure garnet is generally characterized by Si in excess of 3·00 cations per 12-oxygen formula 1559 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Table 3: Compositions of experimental garnet GA1cc T (8C): P (GPa): 1200 9 n: 4 1250 9 s SiO2 38·66 0·86 1·49 0·16 TiO2 21·29 0·72 Al2O3 FeO 9·68 1·18 MnO 0·14 0·17 MgO 7·91 0·53 0·26 CaO 16·82 0·71 0·26 Na2O 0·13 0·01 K2O 0·41 0·09 P2O5 Total 97·23 1·70 Mg# 59·32 3·87 Atoms per 12-oxygen formula unit Si 2·96 Ti 0·09 Al 1·92 Fe 0·62 Mn 0·01 Mg 0·90 Ca 1·38 Na 0·10 K 0·01 P 0·03 Total 8·02 1400 9 1300 13 1400 13 1550 13 5 s 4 s 8 s 6 s 7 s 42·67 1·25 19·36 11·14 0·17 8·14 13·85 1·69 0·20 0·23 98·70 56·61 1·02 0·14 0·76 0·88 0·08 0·28 0·26 0·59 0·09 0·09 1·01 1·28 41·27 1·77 19·53 10·57 0·22 8·18 16·33 0·80 0·14 0·18 99·00 57·98 0·42 0·08 0·13 0·08 0·01 0·07 0·26 0·13 0·04 0·04 0·34 0·33 43·00 1·99 19·01 10·29 0·20 8·67 14·79 1·76 b.d.l. 0·25 99·95 60·01 0·76 0·13 0·44 0·25 0·10 0·25 0·32 0·09 — 0·05 1·36 0·63 43·27 1·97 19·85 10·19 0·18 8·76 15·09 1·64 b.d.l. 0·17 101·12 60·49 0·37 0·16 0·58 0·06 0·01 0·17 0·24 0·11 — 0·03 0·71 0·36 42·31 1·71 19·25 10·05 0·20 8·68 14·61 1·63 b.d.l. 0·16 98·60 60·62 0·40 0·11 0·50 0·23 0·12 0·05 0·22 0·14 — 0·06 0·64 0·61 3·20 0·07 1·71 0·70 0·01 0·91 1·11 0·25 0·02 0·01 7·99 3·10 0·10 1·73 0·66 0·01 0·92 1·32 0·12 0·01 0·01 7·98 3·18 0·11 1·66 0·64 0·01 0·95 1·17 0·25 — 0·02 7·99 3·16 0·11 1·71 0·62 0·01 0·95 1·18 0·23 — 0·01 7·98 3·17 0·10 1·70 0·63 0·01 0·97 1·17 0·24 — 0·01 7·99 1400 21 1650 21 GA1cc T (8C): P (GPa): 1250 17 n: 6 1400 17 s SiO2 44·32 1·16 1·60 0·04 TiO2 Al2O3 18·43 0·58 FeO 9·61 0·32 MnO 0·15 0·12 MgO 8·29 0·31 0·25 CaO 13·45 2·40 0·11 Na2O 0·10 0·05 K2O 0·23 0·05 P2O5 Total 98·59 2·06 Mg# 60·59 0·80 Atoms per 12-oxygen formula unit Si 3·29 Ti 0·09 Al 1·62 Fe 0·60 Mn 0·01 Mg 0·92 Ca 1·07 Na 0·35 K 0·01 P 0·01 Total 7·97 1500 17 1300 21 5 s 6 s 5 s 7 s 5 s 43·20 1·73 20·26 9·46 0·16 8·88 14·82 1·97 b.d.l. 0·22 100·70 62·57 0·34 0·06 0·22 0·06 0·01 0·06 0·18 0·09 — 0·03 0·44 0·29 42·93 1·69 19·45 9·01 0·18 8·48 14·45 2·10 b.d.l. 0·28 98·56 62·65 0·54 0·14 0·29 0·17 0·05 0·14 0·19 0·11 — 0·11 0·44 0·75 43·32 1·54 19·28 8·92 0·20 8·55 14·36 2·18 b.d.l. 0·23 98·58 63·07 0·49 0·07 0·24 0·23 0·09 0·10 0·19 0·04 — 0·07 1·06 0·45 42·60 1·46 19·70 9·69 0·16 8·42 14·73 1·92 b.d.l. 0·31 98·99 60·78 1·32 0·23 1·28 0·52 0·07 0·37 1·08 0·62 — 0·06 1·11 1·15 44·09 1·60 20·16 9·18 0·16 8·84 15·00 2·01 b.d.l. 0·19 101·21 63·17 0·32 0·03 0·08 0·09 0·01 0·09 0·06 0·08 — 0·01 0·27 0·31 3·15 0·10 1·74 0·58 0·01 0·97 1·16 0·28 — 0·01 8·00 3·19 0·09 1·71 0·56 0·01 0·94 1·15 0·30 — 0·02 7·99 3·22 0·09 1·69 0·55 0·01 0·95 1·14 0·31 — 0·01 7·99 3·17 0·08 1·73 0·60 0·01 0·93 1·17 0·28 — 0·02 8·00 3·19 0·09 1·72 0·56 0·01 0·95 1·16 0·28 — 0·01 7·98 (continued) 1560 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Table 3: Continued Volga-cc T (8C): P (GPa): 1050 9 n: 3 V1300-13a 1200 9 s SiO2 39·51 0·41 1·07 0·32 TiO2 20·29 0·71 Al2O3 FeO 12·90 0·58 MnO 0·38 0·06 MgO 6·75 0·67 0·48 CaO 16·60 0·73 0·10 Na2O 0·14 0·05 K2O 0·36 0·16 P2O5 Total 98·73 0·82 Mg# 48·16 1·38 Atoms per 12-oxygen formula unit Si 3·02 Ti 0·06 Al 1·83 Fe 0·82 Mn 0·02 Mg 0·77 Ca 1·36 Na 0·11 K 0·01 P 0·02 Total 8·03 1250 9 1400 9 1200 13 1300 13 6 s 4 s 5 s 2 s 7 s 41·42 1·70 20·02 12·58 0·33 6·85 16·99 1·11 0·10 0·19 101·29 49·24 0·44 0·09 0·21 0·30 0·02 0·23 0·34 0·16 0·04 0·02 0·31 0·51 40·41 1·27 21·12 14·60 0·38 8·62 13·72 0·59 b.d.l. 0·15 100·86 51·26 0·40 0·06 0·25 0·30 0·01 0·26 0·21 0·16 — 0·04 0·09 0·57 41·60 1·48 19·96 12·51 0·32 8·65 13·57 1·02 b.d.l. b.d.l. 99·10 55·20 0·37 0·17 0·29 0·25 0·01 0·25 0·15 0·24 — — 0·66 0·51 45·05 1·71 17·59 11·11 0·23 7·73 13·05 2·61 0·22 0·18 99·47 55·28 0·99 0·10 0·30 0·08 0·04 0·74 1·46 0·12 0·03 0·11 0·04 2·19 43·35 2·00 18·89 10·50 0·20 8·64 14·63 1·79 b.d.l. 0·21 100·21 59·45 0·43 0·13 0·60 0·29 0·04 0·31 0·61 0·06 — 0·05 1·22 1·32 3·08 0·10 1·75 0·78 0·02 0·76 1·35 0·16 0·01 0·01 8·02 3·01 0·07 1·85 0·91 0·02 0·96 1·10 0·09 — 0·01 8·02 3·12 0·08 1·76 0·78 0·02 0·97 1·09 0·15 — — 7·99 3·34 0·10 1·54 0·69 0·01 0·85 1·04 0·37 0·02 0·01 7·98 3·20 0·11 1·64 0·65 0·01 0·95 1·15 0·26 — 0·01 7·98 1200 17 1250 17 V1300-13b T (8C): P (GPa): 1300 13 n: 2 1400 13 s SiO2 42·81 0·64 2·02 0·07 TiO2 Al2O3 18·50 0·15 FeO 10·92 0·22 MnO 0·35 0·12 MgO 8·16 0·22 0·22 CaO 14·21 1·70 0·02 Na2O b.d.l. — K2O 0·11 0·10 P2O5 Total 98·78 0·92 Mg# 57·09 1·17 Atoms per 12-oxygen formula unit Si 3·21 Ti 0·11 Al 1·63 Fe 0·68 Mn 0·02 Mg 0·91 Ca 1·14 Na 0·25 K — P 0·01 Total 7·97 1550 13 1100 17 5 s 5 s 4 s 5 s 9 s 43·87 1·92 19·11 11·45 0·28 8·60 14·48 1·70 b.d.l. 0·13 101·53 57·21 0·56 0·07 0·43 0·26 0·00 0·49 0·69 0·18 — 0·03 0·18 0·87 42·46 1·69 19·63 11·19 0·31 8·64 14·31 1·56 b.d.l. 0·11 99·90 57·89 0·99 0·08 0·53 0·22 0·04 0·12 0·55 0·17 — 0·01 1·86 0·32 45·05 1·56 17·49 10·63 0·25 8·31 11·43 3·08 0·29 0·19 98·27 58·19 0·80 0·10 0·29 0·31 0·04 0·48 1·43 0·51 0·14 0·02 0·68 1·38 44·32 1·84 18·91 11·15 0·26 8·55 13·33 2·27 0·12 0·22 100·95 57·71 0·93 0·38 0·29 0·18 0·01 0·41 1·20 0·32 0·06 0·03 0·21 0·80 43·09 1·79 18·83 10·86 0·27 8·02 14·24 1·96 b.d.l. 0·21 99·26 56·81 0·98 0·09 0·39 0·14 0·07 0·22 0·27 0·08 — 0·04 0·69 0·59 3·20 0·11 1·64 0·70 0·02 0·94 1·13 0·24 — 0·01 7·98 3·15 0·09 1·72 0·69 0·02 0·95 1·14 0·22 — 0·01 8·00 3·36 0·09 1·54 0·66 0·02 0·92 0·91 0·45 0·03 0·01 8·00 3·24 0·10 1·63 0·68 0·02 0·93 1·04 0·32 0·01 0·01 7·99 3·21 0·10 1·65 0·68 0·02 0·89 1·14 0·28 — 0·01 7·99 (continued) 1561 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Table 3: Continued Volga-cc T (8C): P (GPa): 1400 17 n: 6 1500 17 s 5 SiO2 42·78 0·64 42·89 1·88 0·14 1·69 TiO2 19·56 0·48 19·28 Al2O3 FeO 10·07 0·42 10·19 MnO 0·20 0·07 0·25 MgO 8·00 0·29 8·32 CaO 15·12 0·58 13·96 1·87 0·16 2·02 Na2O b.d.l. — 0·33 K2O 0·18 0·04 0·16 P2O5 Total 99·66 0·95 99·07 Mg# 58·60 0·99 59·27 Atoms per 12-oxygen formula unit Si 3·17 3·20 Ti 0·10 0·09 Al 1·71 1·69 Fe 0·62 0·64 Mn 0·01 0·02 Mg 0·88 0·92 Ca 1·20 1·11 Na 0·27 0·29 K — 0·03 P 0·01 0·01 Total 7·99 8·01 1200 21 1300 21 1400 21 1650 21 1900 21 s 6 s 5 s 7 s 4 s 5 s 0·54 0·05 0·25 0·15 0·01 0·15 0·23 0·09 0·21 0·02 0·55 0·35 44·88 1·23 18·02 11·41 0·25 8·48 12·70 2·29 0·21 0·19 99·65 56·94 0·74 0·15 0·75 0·16 0·11 0·37 0·67 0·28 0·07 0·07 0·97 1·20 42·76 1·44 20·50 11·01 0·27 8·59 14·78 1·55 b.d.l. 0·21 101·10 58·16 0·80 0·14 0·50 0·16 0·01 0·23 0·64 0·15 — 0·03 0·16 0·36 42·24 1·46 20·43 10·96 0·23 8·35 14·77 1·52 b.d.l. 0·25 100·20 57·58 0·41 0·03 0·50 0·22 0·06 0·36 0·38 0·09 — 0·07 1·20 0·60 43·56 1·68 19·39 10·53 0·26 8·36 14·64 2·03 b.d.l. 0·15 100·60 58·58 0·18 0·05 0·59 0·38 0·04 0·17 0·65 0·19 — 0·01 1·36 0·55 44·34 1·29 19·51 8·47 0·25 8·90 14·80 2·25 b.d.l. 0·15 99·96 65·21 0·41 0·04 0·32 0·41 0·01 0·10 0·34 0·08 — 0·03 0·23 1·32 3·32 0·07 1·57 0·71 0·02 0·93 1·01 0·33 0·02 0·01 7·98 3·13 0·08 1·77 0·67 0·02 0·94 1·16 0·22 — 0·01 8·00 3·12 0·08 1·78 0·68 0·01 0·92 1·17 0·22 — 0·02 8·00 3·20 0·09 1·68 0·65 0·02 0·91 1·15 0·29 — 0·01 8·00 3·24 0·07 1·68 0·52 0·02 0·97 1·16 0·32 — 0·01 7·99 b.d.l., below the detection limit (taken as 0·1 for all EDS measured values). unit (p.f.u.), and significant amounts of Na (0·09^ 0·45 p.f.u.) and low Al contents (1·54^1·92 p.f.u.). Within the 9^13 GPa pressure interval the amount of Si p.f.u. in garnet sharply increases, from 3·00^3·05 in some of the 9 GPa runs to 3·15^3·20 Si p.f.u. in most of the 13 GPa runs (Fig. 4b), indicating significant increase in the majorite component in garnet. The strong positive correlation between Si and Na is consistent with the Na-majorite (Na2MgSi5O12) substitution (e.g. Presnall et al., 1978; Dymshits et al., 2013). Garnet in subsolidus experiments contains higher Si and Na contents than in partially molten experiments. The Na content of garnet slightly decreases with increasing temperature and degree of melting. The amount of Na in garnet generally increases with pressure, but the rate of increase becomes lower as pressure increases (Figs 4a, b and 5a). Clinopyroxene is the dominant phase in the GA1cc composition at 3·5^5·5 GPa (see Kiseeva et al., 2012). The amount of clinopyroxene decreases from 45^55 at 5 GPa to 35^40% at 9 GPa (except V1050-9 run with estimated 62 modal % of clinopyroxene). At 13 GPa the amount of clinopyroxene drops steeply and reaches 4^19% (Fig. 4a). The modal proportion of clinopyroxene increases with increasing temperature.The clinopyroxene-out boundary in both compositions lies just above 13 GPa, because in subsolidus runs at 13 GPa only a few clinopyroxene grains were observed. Further evidence for this is provided by the garnet composition. The amount of the majorite component ingarnet, manifestedby Sicationsp.f.u., doesnot increase significantly over the pressure interval between13 and 21GPa. Clinopyroxene is Na-rich and with increasing pressure the amount of Na increases from around 0·29^0·50 Na p.f.u. (4·3^8·0 wt % Na2O) at 9 GPa to 0·59^0·80 Na p.f.u. (8·7^12·2 wt % Na2O) at 13 GPa. It does not show any significant correlation with temperature, and does not change significantly across the solidus (Fig. 5b). However, the Na content of clinopyroxene correlates with Na in garnet (Fig. 4a). The amount of M2þ cations (Mg, Fe, Ca, Mn) in clinopyroxene decreases with increasing pressure (Fig. 6a), whereas the amount of Al does not exceed 0·7^0·8 cations p.f.u. (Fig. 6b). Excess of Si (up to 0·05 Si cations p.f.u. over 2·00) in clinopyroxene 1562 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Table 4: Compositions of experimental clinopyroxene GA1cc T (8C): P (GPa): 1050 9 n: 11 1200 9 s SiO2 50·95 0·33 1·43 0·12 TiO2 17·23 0·21 Al2O3 FeO 8·03 0·56 MnO 0·13 0·01 MgO 7·68 0·31 CaO 10·23 0·54 4·28 0·34 Na2O 0·55 0·04 K2O 0·22 0·02 P2O5 Total 100·73 0·63 Mg# 63·05 1·32 Atoms per 6-oxygen formula unit Si 1·81 Ti 0·04 Al 0·72 Fe 0·24 Mn 0·00 Mg 0·41 Ca 0·39 Na 0·29 K 0·02 P 0·01 Total 3·94 1250 9 1400 13 n: 6 1200 13 1300 13 3 s 10 s 8 s 2 s 7 s 55·20 0·78 16·95 3·65 b.d.l. 6·20 9·55 8·02 0·43 b.d.l. 100·80 75·35 1·45 0·16 0·48 0·90 — 0·11 0·62 0·61 0·05 — 0·09 4·17 53·50 0·92 16·15 4·67 b.d.l. 6·90 10·98 6·38 0·44 0·14 100·08 72·54 1·12 0·10 0·38 0·50 — 0·17 0·44 0·34 0·07 0·04 0·57 1·76 54·58 0·80 14·16 3·71 b.d.l. 7·42 11·65 6·57 0·44 b.d.l. 99·32 78·13 0·58 0·08 0·74 0·31 — 0·25 0·29 0·23 0·03 — 0·45 1·02 55·14 0·81 17·36 3·64 b.d.l. 4·78 7·67 8·65 0·35 b.d.l. 98·39 70·05 0·32 0·00 0·06 0·06 — 0·17 0·32 0·25 0·06 — 0·30 1·07 57·28 0·36 17·55 2·34 b.d.l. 4·67 6·88 10·52 0·18 b.d.l. 99·77 78·06 1·13 0·01 0·48 0·19 — 0·14 0·44 0·33 0·05 — 1·03 1·01 1·92 0·02 0·70 0·11 — 0·32 0·36 0·54 0·02 — 3·99 1·89 0·02 0·67 0·14 — 0·36 0·42 0·44 0·02 0·00 3·97 GA1cc T (8C): P (GPa): 1400 9 1·94 0·02 0·59 0·11 — 0·39 0·44 0·45 0·02 — 3·98 1·95 0·02 0·73 0·11 — 0·25 0·29 0·59 0·02 — 3·96 1·99 0·01 0·72 0·07 — 0·24 0·26 0·71 0·01 — 4·00 Volga-cc 1550 13 s SiO2 58·99 1·45 0·40 0·02 TiO2 Al2O3 17·17 0·83 FeO 2·36 0·11 MnO b.d.l. — MgO 4·99 0·10 CaO 7·03 0·50 10·21 0·31 Na2O 0·13 0·06 K2O b.d.l. — P2O5 Total 101·27 1·24 Mg# 79·04 0·59 Atoms per 6-oxygen formula unit Si 2·01 Ti 0·01 Al 0·69 Fe 0·07 Mn — Mg 0·25 Ca 0·26 Na 0·68 K 0·01 P — Total 3·97 1050 9 1200 9 1250 9 1400 9 6 s 8 s 8 s 8 s 9 s 56·66 0·50 16·46 2·49 b.d.l. 5·42 7·42 9·74 0·11 b.d.l. 98·80 79·50 1·23 0·11 0·46 0·10 — 0·33 0·37 0·29 0·04 — 1·21 0·43 47·49 1·36 17·62 9·40 0·22 7·58 11·43 4·31 0·58 0·18 100·16 58·98 0·36 0·16 0·39 0·36 0·01 0·28 0·61 0·23 0·03 0·03 0·52 0·59 52·19 0·75 16·08 6·04 0·11 6·17 11·26 6·94 0·55 0·13 100·21 64·75 2·10 0·11 0·44 1·02 0·04 0·12 1·17 0·79 0·09 0·02 0·61 3·51 54·67 0·73 14·77 4·67 b.d.l. 7·02 11·19 6·90 0·31 b.d.l. 100·26 72·83 1·65 0·32 1·04 0·46 — 0·35 0·13 0·36 0·15 — 0·64 2·29 55·08 0·59 14·77 4·48 b.d.l. 6·49 9·85 7·21 0·27 b.d.l. 98·74 72·09 0·97 0·07 0·33 0·32 — 0·18 0·28 0·30 0·03 — 0·57 1·24 1·99 0·01 0·68 0·07 — 0·28 0·28 0·66 0·01 — 3·99 1·73 0·04 0·76 0·29 0·01 0·41 0·45 0·30 0·03 0·01 4·01 1·87 0·02 0·68 0·18 0·00 0·33 0·43 0·48 0·02 0·00 4·02 1·93 0·02 0·61 0·14 — 0·37 0·42 0·47 0·01 — 3·98 1·96 0·02 0·62 0·13 — 0·34 0·38 0·50 0·01 — 3·97 (continued) 1563 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Table 4: Continued Volga-cc V1300-13a V1300-13b T (8C): 1200 1300 1300 1400 1550 P (GPa): 13 13 13 13 13 n: 5 SiO2 58·27 0·73 56·69 1·77 56·90 0·75 59·45 0·79 58·52 TiO2 0·21 0·03 0·39 0·07 0·32 0·03 0·39 0·02 0·37 0·02 Al2O3 17·69 0·54 16·29 1·29 16·76 0·31 16·93 0·45 17·30 0·48 s 0·35 s 9 4·74 MgO 2·64 0·23 4·43 0·28 3·98 0·07 4·91 0·17 5·02 0·36 CaO 3·98 0·33 6·73 1·08 6·13 0·54 6·78 0·25 6·80 0·51 Na2O 12·23 0·13 10·50 0·49 10·45 0·30 10·01 0·33 10·35 0·33 0·24 0·28 0·11 K2O b.d.l. — 0·25 P2O5 b.d.l. — b.d.l. — 0·09 b.d.l. — b.d.l. — 3·02 b.d.l. 0·06 — 3·02 0·74 b.d.l. — 3·07 s 8 MnO b.d.l. 0·24 s 8 FeO — 3·33 s 2 b.d.l. b.d.l. — 0·11 b.d.l. — b.d.l. 0·17 — 0·01 — Total 99·76 0·69 98·61 2·45 97·87 0·82 101·48 0·36 101·49 0·31 Mg# 49·75 1·01 70·34 1·37 69·77 0·24 74·34 0·69 74·74 0·52 Atoms per 6-oxygen formula unit Si 2·03 2·00 2·02 2·02 2·00 Ti 0·01 0·01 0·01 0·01 0·01 Al 0·73 0·68 0·70 0·68 0·70 Fe 0·14 0·10 0·09 0·09 Mn — — — — 0·09 — Mg 0·14 0·23 0·21 0·25 0·26 Ca 0·15 0·26 0·23 0·25 0·25 Na 0·83 0·72 0·72 0·66 0·69 K 0·00 0·01 0·01 0·00 P Total — 4·02 — 4·01 — — 3·99 3·96 from this and other studies at 13^19 GPa (Fig. 6b) can be potentially explained by the additional clinopyroxene component NaMg0·5Si0·5Si2O6, synthesized by Gasparik (1988). Minor and accessory phases Crystalline carbonate (magnesite, aragonite, alkali-bearing carbonates) is present at all pressures (Fig. 7a, c and d). It usually occurs as relatively large (up to 25 mm) subhedral crystals interstitial to garnet (or clinopyroxene at 9^13 GPa). Where both phases are present, magnesite usually occurs along aragonite crystal boundaries (Fig. 7a). Crystalline carbonates coexisting with low-degree silicate^carbonate melts were observed in only one experiment (V1250-17). The type andcomposition of carbonate present varies with runtemperature and pressure (Fig.8). At 9 GPa andtemperatures of 12008C, in both GA1cc and Volga-cc, nearly pure 0·00 — 3·99 aragonite (91·5^95·4 mol % CaCO3) coexists with magnesite (72·5^75·6 mol % MgCO3) that has significant CaCO3 (10·9^12·1mol %) and FeCO3 (17·5^19·0 mol %) components. At higher temperatures, in G1250-9 andV1250-9, only a single carbonate of siderite and magnesite-bearing calcite composition (61·4^66·1mol % CaCO3, 21·3^27·7 mol % MgCO3, 8·1^9·7 mol % FeCO3) is present. This is also the case for the experiments at13 GPa. In subsolidus experiments G1200-13 and V1200-13 two carbonates, aragonite and magnesite, are observed. However, in the V1300-13 experiment (in contrast to G1200-13), the carbonate is no longer pure CaCO3 but contains significant Na-, K-, Mg- and Fe-bearing components. Although the structure of the crystallized carbonate has not been determined, its composition is similar to the aragonite crystallized at high pressures in alkali-carbonatite systems (Litasov et al., 2013). In most experiments at 17 GPa, pure aragonite was not observed and Na-rich aragonite (4·60^8·42 wt % Na2O; 1564 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Table 5: Compositions of experimental carbonate GA1cc Phase: T (8C): P (GPa): Mst 1200 9 Arag 1200 9 CMss 1250 9 Mst 1200 13 Arag 1200 13 Arag 1100 17 n: 2 s 5 s 8 s 4 s 5 s 2 s SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 CO2 Total 0·16 b.d.l. 0·18 12·55 b.d.l. 29·31 6·09 0·22 b.d.l. b.d.l. 51·49 100 0·06 — 0·04 0·42 — 1·74 1·27 0·07 — — 0·79 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 51·29 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 48·71 100·00 — — — — — — 0·90 — — — 1·02 0·95 0·23 0·65 5·81 b.d.l. 8·58 37·08 0·20 1·15 0·27 45·08 100·00 0·53 0·13 0·27 0·89 — 0·56 0·69 0·11 0·26 0·05 1·31 3·15 b.d.l. 1·17 11·09 b.d.l. 32·22 2·68 0·48 b.d.l. b.d.l. 49·21 100·00 0·96 — 0·60 0·59 — 0·92 2·00 0·12 — — 1·29 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 0·41 b.d.l. b.d.l. 52·14 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 47·46 100·00 — — — 0·18 — — 0·75 — — — 0·80 0·25 b.d.l. b.d.l. 3·41 b.d.l. 5·03 37·01 5·37 0·53 0·12 48·29 100·00 0·21 — — 0·21 — 0·62 0·48 1·65 0·01 0·01 1·92 GA1cc Phase: T (8C): P (GPa): Mst 1200 17 Arag 1200 17 Arag 1250 17 Arag 1200 21 Arag 1300 21 Arag 1400 21 n: 1 3 s 5 s 5 s 3 s 5 s SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 CO2 Total 0·63 0·10 1·01 9·46 b.d.l. 33·21 1·84 0·60 b.d.l. 0·09 53·06 100·00 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 3·72 b.d.l. 5·90 37·89 5·58 0·57 0·15 46·19 100·00 — — — 0·40 — 0·23 0·76 1·65 0·05 0·07 0·83 0·44 b.d.l. b.d.l. 2·94 b.d.l. 5·51 36·04 8·06 0·53 b.d.l. 46·48 100·00 0·28 — — 0·28 — 0·26 0·35 0·19 0·05 — 0·56 0·41 b.d.l. 0·14 3·27 b.d.l. 5·36 36·92 6·09 0·43 b.d.l. 47·39 100·00 0·24 — 0·06 0·35 — 0·72 1·63 0·96 0·02 — 1·83 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 5·12 b.d.l. 4·80 33·67 6·56 0·53 b.d.l. 49·32 100·00 — — — 0·54 — 0·49 0·97 0·43 0·08 — 1·03 0·18 b.d.l. b.d.l. 4·12 b.d.l. 5·93 36·23 6·16 0·99 0·17 46·21 100·00 0·10 — — 0·46 — 0·32 1·27 0·94 0·54 0·08 1·03 Volga-cc Phase: T (8C): P (GPa): Mst 1050 9 Arag 1050 9 n: 1 2 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 CO2 Total 0·19 b.d.l. 0·30 13·64 0·23 30·48 6·79 0·30 b.d.l. b.d.l. 48·07 100·00 0·15 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 53·52 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 46·33 100·00 Mst 1200 9 Arag 1200 9 CMss 1250 9 Mst 1200 13 s 1 2 s 3 s 3 s 0·21 — — — — — 0·24 — — — 0·03 0·42 0·01 0·17 12·74 0·23 29·21 6·79 0·30 0·04 0·02 50·07 100·00 b.d.l. b.d.l. 0·12 b.d.l. b.d.l. 0·10 52·82 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 46·97 100·00 — — 0·06 — — 0·03 1·81 — — — 0·69 b.d.l. 0·11 0·54 6·95 0·22 11·15 34·43 0·27 1·18 b.d.l. 45·16 100·00 — 0·05 0·06 0·84 0·04 0·35 0·72 0·08 1·58 — 1·49 1·03 b.d.l. 0·37 9·80 b.d.l. 33·89 1·54 0·31 b.d.l. b.d.l. 53·06 100·00 0·15 — 0·13 0·23 — 0·50 0·16 0·05 — — 0·94 (continued) 1565 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Table 5: Continued Volga-cc Phase: T (8C): P (GPa): Arag 1200 13 n: 4 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 CO2 Total 0·69 b.d.l. b.d.l. 2·92 b.d.l. 4·51 36·25 6·41 1·50 b.d.l. 47·72 100·00 Mst 1100 17 Arag 1100 17 Arag 1200 17 Mst 1250 17 Arag 1250 17 s 1 4 s 3 s 2 s 7 s 0·62 — — 0·47 — 0·54 1·75 1·82 0·04 — 0·99 2·20 b.d.l. 0·94 9·54 0·19 34·57 1·16 0·49 b.d.l. b.d.l. 50·91 100·00 0·26 b.d.l. b.d.l. 3·62 b.d.l. 4·87 35·14 4·60 0·38 0·13 51·02 100·00 0·11 — — 0·72 — 1·36 1·78 0·59 0·01 0·04 3·91 0·31 0·16 b.d.l. 3·89 b.d.l. 6·15 36·47 6·20 0·42 0·17 46·23 100·00 0·00 0·09 — 0·38 — 0·48 1·86 1·26 0·03 0·08 1·22 0·34 b.d.l. b.d.l. 9·47 b.d.l. 38·51 1·22 0·70 0·02 b.d.l. 49·74 100·00 0·02 — — 0·40 — 4·04 0·07 0·27 0·03 — 4·32 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 3·21 b.d.l. 5·42 34·05 8·42 0·49 b.d.l. 48·40 100·00 — — — 0·16 — 0·36 1·09 0·81 0·14 — 0·75 Volga-cc Phase: T (8C): P (GPa): Arag 1200 21 Na-Carb 1200 21 n: 4 s 2 s SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 CO2 Total b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 3·90 b.d.l. 5·65 38·08 6·38 0·27 b.d.l. 45·72 100·00 — — — 0·76 — 0·93 1·70 0·38 0·03 — 0·00 1·26 b.d.l. b.d.l. 2·13 b.d.l. 3·48 13·57 21·02 3·77 b.d.l. 54·78 100·00 0·85 — — 0·30 — 0·03 1·03 0·33 0·23 — 0·01 CO2 content was calculated from the mass-balance calculations and EDS totals. 0·38^0·53 wt % K2O; 4·89^5·90 wt % MgO; 2·94^3·89 wt % FeO) coexists with small amounts of magnesite (1 modal %) that usually has about 13·2 mol % FeCO3 and 2·1^3·2 mol % CaCO3. No magnesite was found in experiments at 21GPa, leaving Na-rich aragonite as the only solid carbonate, except in run V1200-21, where Nacarbonate with the approximate composition (Na,K)2(Ca,Mg,Fe)(CO3)2 (Fig. 7c) was detected. Owing to the small grain size and the presence of multiple, tiny inclusions in garnet, we do not exclude the possibility that unobserved magnesite is a subsolidus phase at 21GPa. Stishovite or coesite (at 9 GPa) is an accessory phase at all pressures in both starting compositions, reaching 10 modal % at 21GPa in G1300-21 and V1400-21. It is usually present as inclusions in garnet or clinopyroxene, and often occurs as quench crystals in carbonate-rich melts. At 17^21GPa, the amount of stishovite is higher than at 9^13 GPa. At subsolidus conditions it is anhedral to subhedral (Fig. 1d), whereas with increasing temperature the crystals become euhedral and slightly elongated. In some of the experiments, stishovite consists of pure SiO2. However, up to 5 wt % Al2O3 was observed in stishovite 1566 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Table 6: Compositions of experimental coesite, stishovite and K-hollandite Composition: GA1cc GA1cc GA1cc GA1cc GA1cc GA1cc Volga-cc Volga-cc Volga-cc Phase: Co St St St St St St St St T (8C): 1250 1200 1400 1300 1400 1650 1550 1250 1200 P (GPa): 9 13 17 21 21 21 13 17 21 SiO2 97·20 92·92 94·31 95·62 92·14 96·57 96·39 97·03 89·56 TiO2 b.d.l. 0·83 b.d.l. 0·20 0·35 0·31 0·41 0·19 1·74 Al2O3 0·61 1·87 1·67 1·11 4·31 2·99 1·23 0·45 0·44 FeO 0·50 0·14 0·19 1·11 b.d.l. 0·32 0·66 0·54 0·78 MnO b.d.l. 0·13 b.d.l. 0·10 0·03 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. MgO 0·26 0·24 0·19 0·30 0·77 0·59 0·70 0·13 0·54 CaO 0·48 1·00 0·56 0·34 1·30 1·49 1·22 0·57 2·27 Na2O b.d.l. 0·80 1·42 b.d.l. 0·23 0·21 0·27 0·41 1·11 K2O b.d.l. 0·32 0·65 b.d.l. 0·25 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 0·50 P2O5 b.d.l. 0·21 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 0·11 Total 99·05 98·46 98·99 98·78 99·38 102·48 100·88 99·32 97·05 Composition: Volga-cc GA1cc GA1cc GA1cc Volga-cc Volga-cc Volga-cc Volga-cc Phase: St K-Holl K-Holl K-Holl K-Holl K-Holl K-Holl K-Holl T (8C): 1650 1200 1250 1300 1200 1100 1200 1250 P (GPa): 21 17 17 21 13 17 17 17 63·81 SiO2 96·43 63·79 67·51 65·13 66·01 62·45 63·24 TiO2 0·46 0·72 0·38 0·37 0·27 1·82 1·11 0·47 Al2O3 0·97 18·58 18·05 18·11 18·32 17·44 18·77 19·01 FeO 0·35 0·77 b.d.l. 0·54 0·62 0·88 0·62 0·32 MnO 0·12 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. MgO 0·47 0·73 b.d.l. 0·20 0·27 0·61 0·18 CaO 1·28 1·67 0·91 0·89 0·70 1·90 1·08 0·61 Na2O 0·92 0·96 0·98 1·09 0·42 0·76 0·86 0·90 K2O 0·48 13·16 13·87 13·67 15·39 11·71 13·72 14·87 P2O5 b.d.l. Total 101·48 b.d.l. 100·39 b.d.l. 101·69 b.d.l. b.d.l. 100·00 from some experiments, although because of the small grain size it is hard to measure the composition precisely. Quenched melt pools exhibit a high proportion of crystalline SiO2. No other SiO2-bearing phase is present in the quenching products. Usually, these crystals are small and elongated. K-hollandite is observed mainly in experiments at 17^21GPa, although small amounts were also observed at subsolidus conditions at 13 GPa (i.e. V1200-13). At pressures of 17 and 21GPa (although more abundant at 17 GPa), K-hollandite is the most common accessory phase in the subsolidus runs in both compositions. It persists to 21GPa but in lesser amounts and as smaller crystals. Usually it 102·00 0·27 97·84 b.d.l. 99·58 b.d.l. 99·97 forms eudredral, elongated (up to 20 mm long) inclusions in garnet (Fig. 3e). The amount of K2O in all the measured K-hollandite crystals varies between 11·7 and 15·4 wt %; other components include CaO (0·61^1·90 wt %), TiO2 (0·27^1·82 wt %), Na2O (0·42^1·09 wt %) and FeO (0^0·89 wt %). Ca-perovskite was observed at 21GPa. It is more abundant in experiments with the Volga-cc starting material. It usually forms tiny (1^3 mm) well-shaped cubic crystals. Its small grain size prevents precise analysis. Nevertheless, all the values are consistent and range within 25·2^37·7 wt % TiO2, 28·8^40·4 wt % CaO and 18·0^29·3 wt % SiO2. The main impurities are Al2O3 1567 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Table 7: Compositions of experimental Ca-perovskite Composition: GA1cc Volga-cc T (8C): 1300 1400 1200 1200 1300 1400 1400 P (GPa): 21 21 17 21 21 21 21 n: 3 1 5 s s 4 s 2 s s 2 s 2 SiO2 26·55 0·85 18·02 9·97 23·03 5·62 29·26 28·78 2·23 26·10 0·70 26·10 0·70 TiO2 26·51 1·67 34·70 11·43 37·73 6·51 25·17 26·82 1·85 26·82 1·70 26·82 1·70 Al2O3 4·98 1·23 1·69 5·91 3·13 0·65 5·56 3·19 1·14 3·55 0·63 3·55 0·63 FeO 1·47 0·46 1·48 1·28 2·63 0·69 2·28 1·03 0·25 1·26 0·33 1·26 0·33 MnO 0·12 0·07 0·11 0·08 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. MgO 1·35 0·48 0·63 1·92 0·84 0·46 1·54 0·67 0·52 0·83 0·42 0·83 0·42 CaO 37·54 1·67 40·40 6·95 28·82 1·00 34·73 37·92 1·83 39·75 1·34 39·75 1·34 Na2O 1·16 0·29 2·44 0·87 2·49 0·26 1·08 1·31 0·63 1·32 0·84 1·32 0·84 K2O 0·33 0·07 0·52 0·25 1·33 0·17 0·38 0·27 0·19 0·38 0·29 0·38 P2O5 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. Total 100·00 — b.d.l. 100·00 — b.d.l. — — 100·00 100·00 (which may be related to overlapping crystals), Na2O and FeO. The abundance of CaO and to a lesser extent TiO2 and Na2O in Ca-perovskite increases with increasing temperature, whereas the amounts of SiO2, Al2O3 and MgO decrease. Most of the experiments with the GA1cc starting material, at both subsolidus and above-solidus conditions, contained accessory graphite or diamond crystals (Figs 1b, 7b and 9a, b). Crystal size ranged from 10 to 40 mm. At 9^13 GPa, grain shapes were anhedral or sometimes rounded. Under subsolidus conditions the grains had a clear basal cleavage indicating that they were graphite. At 17^21GPa, the shape of this phase appeared more crystalline, and the hardness of the grains while polishing indicated the formation of diamond for both subsolidus and supersolidus runs. The presence of diamond in some runs (e.g. G1400-21) was verified by laser Raman spectroscopy. Experimental melts and their compositions All the supersolidus experiments in this study contain 7·5^ 18% melt. Melts did not quench to a glass but instead usually formed heterogeneous pools of quenched silicate and carbonate phases, interstitial between coarser residual crystals of garnet and other phases. The compositions of these metastable quench crystals could not generally be determined precisely because of their very fine grain size. (Figs 1c and 3c, d, f). In some cases, melt partially segregated to distinct zones in the capsules. 100·00 — — b.d.l. b.d.l. 100·00 — — b.d.l. b.d.l. — 0·29 — 100·00 All of the melts produced are carbonate-rich (25^46% CO2). The amount of CO2 in the melt has been estimated from analytical totals that deviate from 100%, as well as by mass-balance calculations. As previously reported (Litasov & Ohtani, 2010), the melt composition evolves from carbonatitic near the solidus to a more siliceous composition with increasing temperature and degree of melting. The heterogeneity of the produced melts is manifested mainly by high variations in SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO contents (Table 8). Low-degree melts in both compositions at 9 GPa are very similar to the solid carbonate compositions (Fig. 8), but contain significant amounts of TiO2 (2·67^3·18 wt %) and SiO2 (1·82^4·64 wt %). The melts for GA1cc and Volga-cc differ slightly at 13 GPa, with different proportions of SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO. The amount of alkali components, TiO2, FeO and MgO in both melts is similar. All the melts at 17 GPa for both compositions (except V1250-17) are silicate^carbonate at relatively high (15·5^18%) degrees of melting. Similar to runs at 13 GPa, melt produced by the GA1cc composition at 21GPa is more SiO2-rich, whereas melts of the Volga-cc starting material contain much higher concentrations of CaO. The only low-degree melt (7·5% melting) that was analyzed (in experiment V1250-17) coexists with solid magnesite and aragonite and is alkali-rich (14·8 wt % Na2O and 3·6 wt % K2O). The Ca# of the melts decreases slightly and Mg# increases slightly with increasing pressure and increasing degree of melting (Fig. 10a and b). However, the Ca# for melts at 17 GPa is lower than for melts at 21GPa. 1568 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Table 8: Compositions of experimental melts GA1cc T (8C): 1400 1300 1400 1550 1400 P (GPa): 9 13 13 13 17 17 Type of melt: Carb Si-Carb Si-Carb Si-Carb Si-Carb Si-Carb n: 6 s s 5 s 3 s 5 1500 s 6 s 2 SiO2 4·64 1·96 17·28 16·29 18·67 2·94 20·35 7·44 25·90 2·76 25·97 2·24 TiO2 2·67 0·61 0·82 0·26 1·46 0·55 0·54 0·33 0·90 0·19 1·00 0·02 Al2O3 1·48 0·88 3·38 2·95 2·66 2·13 1·62 1·64 4·05 2·32 5·75 4·16 FeO 5·62 0·68 5·14 0·47 5·72 0·56 5·33 0·56 4·81 0·59 5·03 MnO b.d.l. 0·16 0·08 0·19 0·18 0·10 0·03 b.d.l. — b.d.l. — 0·21 — MgO 4·82 0·29 5·97 1·00 5·09 0·38 6·01 0·91 5·27 0·74 5·55 0·67 CaO 31·96 1·88 22·06 2·71 22·00 1·91 25·88 3·69 18·95 1·08 20·94 4·60 Na2O 0·78 0·29 5·12 0·54 5·41 1·03 2·56 1·55 9·06 1·00 8·57 2·14 K2O 2·89 1·77 2·12 0·14 1·43 0·36 1·20 0·84 1·92 0·36 1·88 0·47 P2O5 1·40 0·22 CO2 43·74 2·71 Total 100·00 100·00 100·00 100·00 100·00 100·00 b.d.l. 38·11 — 15·29 0·38 0·07 0·48 0·17 37·00 0·00 35·83 4·60 b.d.l. — 29·04 3·73 0·25 0·07 25·06 0·00 Element ratios Mg# 60·46 67·45 61·31 66·79 66·14 66·28 CaO/SiO2 6·89 1·28 1·18 1·27 0·73 0·81 K2O/Na2O 3·69 0·41 0·26 0·47 0·21 0·22 Volga-cc V1300-13a V1300-13b GA1cc T (8C): 1650 1400 1300 1300 1400 P (GPa): 21 9 13 13 13 13 Type of melt: Si-Carb Carb Carb Carb Carb Carb n: 4 s s 5 s 5 s 1 1550 s 7 s 8 SiO2 23·48 1·84 1·82 1·09 14·57 3·04 7·63 1·89 1·20 3·25 2·80 TiO2 1·17 0·17 3·18 1·34 0·65 0·21 0·21 0·73 0·24 0·93 0·48 Al2O3 0·91 0·50 0·63 0·42 2·24 1·35 0·20 0·73 0·54 1·04 1·18 FeO 3·17 0·24 7·00 0·21 4·72 0·27 5·25 7·13 1·20 7·96 MnO b.d.l. 0·24 0·16 b.d.l. 0·11 b.d.l. — — — b.d.l. 1·36 — MgO 3·88 0·26 5·18 0·83 4·72 0·47 5·39 5·90 1·46 6·74 CaO 18·84 0·64 32·66 1·05 23·53 1·50 28·71 30·64 1·42 33·00 2·04 3·49 Na2O 10·32 0·46 0·82 0·16 6·68 0·63 5·34 3·72 1·25 5·82 3·90 2·01 K2O 2·59 0·32 1·82 0·57 3·02 0·27 3·34 1·83 0·91 2·38 P2O5 0·36 0·03 1·22 0·38 0·37 0·05 0·32 0·63 0·20 0·76 0·34 CO2 35·30 1·34 45·42 1·54 39·49 2·95 43·50 46·79 1·39 38·12 0·00 Total 100·00 100·00 100·00 100·00 100·00 100·00 Element ratios Mg# 68·57 56·87 64·04 64·66 59·61 60·17 CaO/SiO2 0·80 17·90 1·61 3·76 16·18 10·15 K2O/Na2O 0·25 2·23 0·45 0·63 0·49 0·41 (continued) 1569 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Table 8: Continued Volga-cc T (8C): 1250 1400 1500 1300 1400 1650 P (GPa): 17 17 17 21 21 21 21 Type of melt: Si-Carb Si-Carb Si-Carb Carb Carb Carb Carb n: 6 s s 4 s 4 s 4 s 5 1900 s 9 s 5 SiO2 15·20 8·35 28·08 4·60 28·25 14·08 1·98 0·49 4·50 3·08 5·02 3·61 9·58 3·52 TiO2 0·54 0·13 0·78 0·16 0·89 0·23 0·44 0·19 0·49 0·38 1·53 1·11 3·24 0·41 Al2O3 0·62 0·23 5·37 0·75 3·13 3·37 0·35 0·11 0·95 0·57 0·97 0·45 2·77 1·60 FeO 4·06 0·46 3·83 0·56 4·45 1·01 4·73 0·68 5·42 1·62 6·91 1·09 5·77 0·62 MnO b.d.l. 0·14 0·04 0·19 0·10 0·12 0·04 MgO 4·18 0·60 4·83 0·55 5·72 1·26 6·52 0·41 5·45 1·08 5·75 0·72 5·18 0·45 CaO 15·99 1·63 16·34 1·65 19·65 4·40 26·32 0·77 24·95 1·55 27·95 1·66 21·96 3·25 Na2O 14·79 1·16 8·56 0·99 7·91 1·72 10·85 0·50 12·42 1·52 9·67 2·82 11·38 3·37 K2O 3·62 0·34 1·97 0·33 3·10 1·35 3·23 0·11 3·49 0·46 3·41 0·69 3·60 0·62 P2O5 0·11 0·04 0·14 0·05 0·38 0·13 b.d.l. 0·19 0·07 0·58 0·14 1·39 0·25 CO2 40·90 4·73 30·10 0·00 26·52 8·21 42·00 0·00 38·00 0·00 35·00 0·00 Total 100·00 100·00 100·00 — b.d.l. — b.d.l. — b.d.l. 45·60 — — 0·36 100·00 100·00 100·00 100·00 Element ratios Mg# 64·74 69·19 69·61 71·08 64·20 59·72 61·53 CaO/SiO2 1·05 0·58 0·70 13·33 5·54 5·57 2·29 K2O/Na2O 0·24 0·23 0·39 0·30 0·28 0·35 0·32 CO2 content was calculated from the mass-balance calculations and EDS totals. The normalized values of melts totals have 0·0 standard deviation for CO2, compared with those that have not been normalized. Fig. 2. Experimental P^T phase diagram for GA1cc and Volga-cc. Abbreviations as in Table 2. Y, solidus of dry eclogite by Yasuda et al. (1994); HF, solidus of dry eclogite by Hirose & Fei (2002); K, solidus for GA1cc in Au^Pd capsules at 5 GPa (Kiseeva et al., 2012). Gr-D indicates graphite^diamond transition (Kennedy & Kennedy, 1976). Circles indicate experimental runs. Diamonds inside the circles indicate the presence of diamond or graphite in GA1cc runs. 1570 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Fig. 3. BSE images of the experimental runs. (a) Run V1400-9. Mineral assemblage at 9 GPa above the solidus. (b) Run V1200-13 subsolidus mineral assemblage at 13 GPa. (c) Run G1300-13 showing heterogeneously distributed melt and patches of carbonate melt separated from areas of silicate^carbonate melt. (d) Run G1400-17. Heterogeneous melt pools. (e) Run G1100-17. K-hollandite crystal included in Grt. (f) Run G1650-21. Heterogeneous silicate^carbonate melt at 21GPa. Carbonate-rich matrix with quenched CAS and stishovite crystals. Unlike Keshav & Gudfinnsson (2010), in this study any increase in the Mg content of the melt with increasing pressure is not observed. The amount of alkali components in the melt increases dramatically with increasing pressure, and the Na/K ratio increases up to the point of K-hollandite saturation, and then subsequently decreases (Fig. 11a and b). DISCUSSION Solidus of carbonated eclogite and comparison with previous studies Experimental data on MORB-like compositions at pressures above 8^10 GPa are limited. Studies on volatile-free MORB and K-rich MORB compositions (Yasuda et al., 1994; Wang & Takahashi, 1999; Hirose & Fei, 2002) 1571 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Fig. 4. Na content of experimentally crystallized garnet and clinopyroxene. (a) Na distribution amongst the major phases within an eclogite assemblage. Dashed line indicates 1^1 ratio; numbers indicate pressure in the experimental runs reported in literature. Arrows indicate pressure and the amount of clinopyroxene in the experiments with GA1cc and Volga-cc compositions. (b) Na vs Si in experimental garnet. Pt-Gr, experiments in Pt^graphite capsule; Au-Pd, experiments in Au^Pd capsule (see Kiseeva et al. 2012). O&M, hydrous MORB (Okamoto & Maruyama, 2004); L&O, carbonated MORB (Litasov & Ohtani, 2010); Y, dry MORB (Yasuda et al., 1994). reported an increase in solidus temperatures from 16008C at 8 GPa to 2100^22008C at 20 GPa. The melts in these studies are silica-rich, with 50^60 wt % SiO2 at pressures below 20 GPa (Yasuda et al., 1994; Wang & Takahashi, 1999). At higher pressures the amount of SiO2 in the melts decreases to 44^48 wt % (Wang & Takahashi, 1999; Hirose & Fei, 2002). The amount of alkali components in the low-degree melts is strictly governed by the 1572 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Fig. 5. Na2O content of the experimentally crystallized phases. (a) Garnet. (b) Clinopyroxene. stability of clinopyroxene and K-hollandite, as in the present study. The solidus of hydrous MORB has been estimated by Okamoto & Maruyama (2004) to lie near 12008C at 19 GPa, which is similar to the GA1cc and Volga-cc solidi and about 10008C below the dry MORB solidus at the same pressure. Litasov & Ohtani (2005) reported a much higher solidus temperature for hydrous MORB at 18^28 GPa, only 50^1008C lower than the dry MORB solidus. Those researchers suggested that a small amount of supercritical fluid was present in the runs even at the lowest temperatures (10008C), and reported an ‘apparent solidus’ based on extensive melting of the main silicate phases, which occurred above 20008C at 20 GPa. Similar to the melts produced from dry MORB compositions, the melts reported by Litasov & Ohtani (2005) are silica-rich. There are only two published experimental studies on carbonated eclogite compositions at pressures above 10 GPa, both in simplified systems: CMAS þ 20% CO2 (Keshav & Gudfinnsson, 2010) and Na-CMAS þ 5% CO2 (Litasov & Ohtani, 2010). The solidus of carbonated eclogite at 10^ 20 GPa was reported to lie about 400^5008C below the dry eclogite solidus (Litasov & Ohtani, 2010). At 10 GPa, it was about 50^1008C higher than the carbonated eclogite solidus at 9 GPa of Dasgupta et al. (2004) (Fig.12). Keshav & Gudfinnsson (2010) referred to their melts as ‘calcio-carbonatites’, with a substantial increase in the MgCO3 component from low pressures (12^16 GPa) to high pressures (20^25 GPa); the amount of SiO2 in the melts does not exceed 2·4 wt %. Litasov & Ohtani (2010) faced problems with determination of partial melt compositions at 10·5 and 16·5 GPa owing to possible coexistence of both carbonatitic and carbonate-rich silicate melts, which indicate liquid immiscibility or heterogeneity across the sample. The Na2O content in either of these melts does not exceed 3·1wt % within the stability field of clinopyroxene, and is up to 7·2 wt % Na2O at higher pressures, where clinopyroxene is no longer stable. This is similar to the melting style of GA1cc and Volga-cc, which both exhibit a dramatic increase in the alkali contents of the melts at pressures above clinopyroxene stability. Both studies reported magnesite (or magnesite and aragonite together) coexisting with carbonatitic melt. Unlike at lower pressures (55^6 GPa), all of the MORB solidi except Volga-cc show a gradual increase in solidus temperature with increasing pressure. However, the slopes of the various solidi in P^Tspace are highly variable (Fig. 12). Volatile-free eclogite solidi are very steep and linear up to the point of clinopyroxene disappearance, but significantly less steep at higher pressures (Yasuda et al., 1994; Wang & Takahashi, 1999; Hirose & Fei, 2002). A steep linear solidus was also reported for CMAS þ 20% CO2 (Keshav & Gudfinnsson, 2010) and MORB þ 2% H2O (Litasov & Ohtani, 2005). On the other hand, most alkali-bearing, carbonated eclogites and peridotites (Ghosh et al., 2009; Litasov & Ohtani, 2009b, 2010) display essentially flat solidi with increasing pressure from 10 to 20^30 GPa, in good agreement with the solidi of GA1cc and Volga-cc determined in this study. The probable cause for the dramatic differences in solidus temperatures between different carbonated eclogite compositions lies in similar compositional parameters identified in lower pressure studies (Dasgupta et al., 2004, 2005), which include Ca#, amount of CO2 and H2O, and CaO/MgO and Na2O/CO2 ratios. Litasov et al. (2013) considered the true solidus of hydrogen-free carbonated eclogite and peridotite to be strongly influenced by the amount of alkalis and placed it at temperatures similar to this study. Those researchers also reported a possible negative slope from 15 to 21GPa for the Na-carbonatite solidus, which is similar to the solidus determined for Volga-cc. The main host for K in different starting compositions differs significantly. In more K-rich compositions, such as 1573 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Fig. 6. Compositions of experimentally crystallized clinopyroxene. (a) Sum of divalent cations as a function of pressure. (b) Al content as a function of Si content. Labels as in Fig. 4. dry CO2-bearing pelite with 2·21wt % K2O in the starting mixture, a K-bearing phase that incorporates most of the bulk K2O has been reported by Grassi & Schmidt (2011a, 2011b) across the entire P^T range studied (e.g. T ¼ 900^15508C; P ¼ 5·5^23·5 GPa). Those researchers observed K-feldspar, which crystallized at 59 GPa and was followed by K-hollandite at 49 GPa, with other phases such as clinopyroxene, carbonate or garnet containing very small amounts of K (usually 1wt %). K-feldspar was also reported at 900 and 10008C and 3 GPa by Tsuno & Dasgupta (2012) for carbonated pelite composition with 1·99 wt % K2O in the starting mixture. 1574 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Fig. 7. C-bearing phases at different P^T conditions. (a) Run G1200-9. Aragonite and magnesite. (b) Run G1400-13. Diamond or graphite within carbonate melt. (c) Run V1200-21. Na-carbonates coexisting with Na-rich aragonite. (d) Run G1400-21. Na-rich aragonite within finegrained matrix. For carbonated eclogite compositions, like those studied by Litasov et al. (2013), the low solidus temperatures may be attributed mainly to high alkali/CO2 ratios and to the stability of alkali carbonates. Although at pressures higher than around 6 GPa in the simple KAlSi3O8 or (K,Na)AlSi3O8 systems, K-feldspar was noted to transform to wadeite þ kyanite þ coesite (Urakawa et al., 1994; Yagi et al., 1994), no potassium-bearing crystalline phase was detected in most experimental runs on eclogite and peridotite systems between the stability fields of sanidine and K-hollandite (Wang & Takahashi, 1999; Ghosh et al., 2009). Hence within the pressure range 5^13 GPa potassium is highly incompatible in silicate phases, and under anhydrous conditions any potassium would partition into the melt or a carbonate phase if not incorporated into clinopyroxene. This was well documented by Wang & Takahashi (1999), who reported 6·64 wt % K2O at 5 GPa in the melt and up to 1·9 wt % K2O in clinopyroxene at about 7 GPa. In CO2-bearing starting compositions, a Kcarbonate phase may be a more plausible host for K than clinopyroxene; however, this needs more clarification. With increasing pressure up to the clinopyroxene-out phase boundary at 14^16 GPa, Na becomes more compatible in clinopyroxene. The more Na is in the system, the more jadeitic clinopyroxene is formed. The disappearance of clinopyroxene roughly coincides with the appearance of K-hollandite, which changes the compatibility of Na and K in opposite senses. K-hollandite incorporates all the K, whereas Na becomes highly incompatible until the stability fields of NAL and CF phases (425 GPa) are reached (Hirose & Fei, 2002; Litasov & Ohtani, 2005). Although some Na2O can be accommodated in majoritic garnet, in the studied eclogitic systems the N2O concentration in garnet does not exceed 2^3 wt % (Yasuda et al., 1994; Wang & Takahashi, 1999; Litasov & Ohtani, 2005) and goes up to 3·1wt % Na2O for majoritic garnet in experiment V1100-17. Thus, in the same manner as K, the ‘excess’ Na either fluxes the formation of low-degree melts, or, in carbonated systems, it partitions into Na-rich crystalline carbonates. This suggests that the Na- and K-bearing carbonated eclogite solidus will be largely controlled by the melting of Na- and K-bearing carbonate phases, which presumably are K-carbonates at 9^13 GPa and Na- 1575 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Fig. 8. Compositions of crystalline carbonate, melts, garnet and clinopyroxene. carbonates at 17^21GPa. This may be also one of the reasons for the significant difference in GA1cc and Volga-cc solidus temperatures at 17^21GPa. Whereas most of the carbon in GA1cc partitions into Na-rich aragonite and diamond, no diamond was observed in Volga-cc, and Na-carbonate (with, perhaps, a lower solidus temperature than Na-rich aragonite) crystallized. This is consistent with the more sodic character of the clinopyroxene and melts formed in experiments on the Volga-cc composition. Carbonate-rich melts in GA1cc and Volga-cc persist up to the highest temperatures of the experiments, with relatively minor participation of silicates in the melting process. This explains the low melt productivity (518%) over the large range of P^T conditions of the present experiments. The alkali/CO2 ratio of the bulk-rock and low solidus temperatures can also affect the stability fields of the main phases, including the transformation from eclogite to garnetite. In carbonate-bearing systems, this transformation should occur at lower pressures (15 GPa) relative to carbonate-free systems, because of the increased partitioning of Na into Na-aragonite with increasing pressure. The absence of clinopyroxene in Na-CMAS þ 5% CO2 experiments at 16·5 GPa (Litasov & Ohtani, 2010) may indirectly indicate the presence of an additional Na-bearing phase. In contrast, in dry and hydrous eclogite compositions, clinopyroxene can be stable to higher pressures, in the range of 16^19 GPa (Yasuda et al., 1994; Okamoto & Maruyama, 2004). This has important implications for mantle melting and density profiles. Owing to the low melting temperatures of Na-bearing carbonates (511508C between 10 and 21GPa; Litasov et al., 2010, 2013; this study), melting of carbonated eclogite may commence in the deep upper mantle or at the very top of the Transition Zone. This will effectively remove at least some of the carbonate from the system at depths within the upper part of the Transition Zone. Stability of carbon-bearing phases in the deep mantle Most experimental studies of carbonate stability in the mantle show that at 5^9 GPa dolomite breaks down to aragonite plus magnesite (Martinez et al., 1996; Luth, 2001; Sato & Katsura, 2001; Buob et al., 2006; Morlidge et al., 2006). Although there is poor agreement regarding where this reaction occurs in the CaO^MgO^CO2 system at lower pressures, most experimental studies place it around 12008C at 9 GPa. This study demonstrates that this reaction for compositionally complex natural basaltic compositions at 9 GPa occurs at temperatures similar to those in simplified compositions (i.e. between 1200 and 13008C). At temperatures below 13008C, pure aragonite and magnesite are present, whereas at higher temperatures calcite^ magnesite solid solution is observed. In more complicated 1576 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Fig. 9. Carbonate inclusions in diamond or graphite. SEM images of G1200-9 run. Na- and K-bearing systems at pressures 513 GPa, alkalirich carbonates either may coexist with magnesite (as inferred from this study) or may form a solid solution between alkali-rich and calcite-rich carbonates (13 GPa; this study) with an estimated composition of or (Na,K)2Ca2(CO3)3^ (Na,K)2Ca(CO3)2^CaCO3 CaCO3. The amount of K- and Na- component in Na-rich aragonite is buffered by coexisting K-hollandite and clinopyroxene (Grassi & Schmidt, 2011a, 2011b). Despite some variation in the Na vs K content of Na-rich aragonite, the proportions of alkali components relative to (Ca þ Mg þ Fe) remain constant from 13 to 21GPa (Fig. 8). The fluctuations observed at 17 GPa are within analytical error, given that Na content may be underestimated during SEM analysis. This may indicate (1) that the capacity of aragonite to incorporate alkali components or to create a solid solution with alkali-carbonates is limited and does not depend on pressure, and (2) the formation of an alkali-bearing carbonate with a different structure. The detailed study of the structure of this alkali-bearing carbonate is beyond the scope of this study. In any case, both hypotheses are commensurate with the observation of Na-carbonate crystals Na2(Ca,Mg,Fe)(CO3)2 (Fig. 7c) in run V1200-21 coexisting with Na-rich aragonite. The excess of Na and K that could not be incorporated into majoritic garnet or alkali-rich carbonate triggered crystallization of additional Na-carbonate under subsolidus conditions. Recently, Na^Ca carbonate containing 10·1^11·0 wt % Na2O and 34·4^38·6 wt % CaO was reported by Grassi & Schmidt (2011b) in a carbonate-bearing marine sediment bulk composition at 16^23·5 GPa and 1200^14008C, and more Na-rich carbonate with c. 20·8 wt % Na2O and c. 36 wt % CaO crystallized at 22^23·5 GPa and 1350^14008C. (K,Na)2Ca4(CO3)5 and (K,Na)2(Mg,Fe,Ca)(CO3)2 carbonates formed at 21GPa in alkali carbonatite starting mixture have been reported by Litasov et al. (2013). Similar K2Mg(CO3)2 carbonate has also been synthesized at 8 GPa and 12008C in the study of Brey et al. (2011). Another important observation is that alkali-rich carbonates tend to form a solid solution with calcium carbonate rather than magnesite. The apparent absence of magnesite at 21GPa could be the result of incorporation of all the Mg into majorite and Na-rich aragonite. Unlike the previous interpretation that with increasing pressure to the Transition Zone and lower mantle magnesite remains the only stable carbonate (Takafuji et al., 2006; Isshiki et al., 2004; Litasov, 2011), there is a possibility that if Ca-bearing rocks of eclogitic paragenesis are also present at that depth, aragonite (or alkali-bearing aragonite in the case of high bulk alkali contents) may become stable as well. The complex phase relations of carbonates at uppermantle^Transition Zone pressures are made more complex by the presence of diamond or graphite. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental demonstration of diamond crystallization in a carbonated MORB composition. The diamond aggregates coexist with either compositionally variable crystalline carbonates (Fig. 9) or carbonate melts (Fig. 7b). The fact that diamonds crystallized only in the GA1cc bulk composition and not the Volga-cc bulk composition is of particular interest. A possible explanation for diamond crystallization in GA1cc is the oxidation of ferrous iron in silicate garnet as a consequence of the increased stability of the andradite component (Simakov, 2006). However, the composition and modal proportions of garnet in GA1cc and Volga-cc at 17^21GPa are almost the same. Unfortunately, it was not possible to directly measure Fe3þ in the garnets from this study, although their cation sums are consistent with most, if not all, iron being present as Fe2þ. Another reason would be partial contamination of the sample by hydrogen derived from cell assembly parts during the experiment. This is not likely because then diamond formation would have been expected in both compositions, which is not the case. 1577 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Fig. 10. Compositions of experimental melts as a function of pressure. (a) Ca#. (b) Mg#. Fig. 11. Compositions of experimental melts as a function of pressure. (a) Molar Na/K ratio. (b) (Na þ K) in mol %. (Grt þ Cpx) and Grt indicate stability field of the phases coexisting with melts. The following reaction governing diamond formation in eclogite systems has been proposed by Luth (1993): the two charges is the same. Thus, diamond versus carbonate stability will depend on the activity of the diopside component. The fact that the diopside component in GA1cc clinopyroxene from subsolidus experiments at 9 GPa is 5^10 mol % lower than the Volga-cc clinopyroxene at the same P^Tconditions is consistent with this analysis. However, the influence of clinopyroxene composition on diamond formation at constant oxygen fugacity needs further experimental investigation. CaMgðCO3 Þ2 þ2SiO2 ¼ CaMgSi2 O6 þ 2C þ O2 dolomite þ coesite ¼ diopside þ diamond þ O2 Applying this reaction to the subsolidus experiments at 9 GPa, in which magnesite and aragonite coexist, results in CaCO3 þ MgCO3 þ 2SiO2 ¼ CaMgSi2 O6 þ 2C þ O2 : The equilibrium constant for this reaction is Melting of carbonated eclogite in the deep mantle aCaMgSi2 O6 a2C f O2 K¼ : aCaCO3 aMgCO3 a2SiO2 Given the presence of both coesite or stishovite and carbonates in all the experiments, it is possible to conclude that the denominator can be assumed to be unity for almost pure carbonate components. Because GA1cc and Volga-cc compositions are run simultaneously (in the same experiment), we assume that the oxygen fugacity in There is general agreement, based on experimental studies and on studies of natural rocks, that substantial amounts of carbonate survive subduction beyond the sub-arc regime and into the deeper upper mantle (Kerrick & Connolly, 2001; Dasgupta & Hirschmann, 2010). Our results agree with previous studies and demonstrate that the solidus of the carbonated mafic component of the subducting slab is at temperatures above most subduction 1578 KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS Fig. 12. Comparison of GA1cc and Volga-cc solidi with other experimental studies and mantle and subduction geotherms (field marked with bold lines). OG, oceanic geotherm; CG, cratonic geotherm. Grey field indicates an approximate mantle adiabat with an average of Tp ¼13158C (McKenzie & Bickle, 1988; McKenzie & O’Nions, 1991). Black and coloured lines mark the following solidi: WT, solidus of dry eclogite by Wang & Takahashi (1999); KG, solidus of carbonated eclogite by Keshav & Gudfinnsson (2010); H, solidus of carbonated eclogite by Hammouda (2003); D, solidus of carbonated eclogite by Dasgupta et al. (2004); YB, solidus of carbonated eclogite by Yaxley & Brey (2004); LO, solidus of carbonated eclogite by Litasov & Ohtani (2010). With light grey lines the following solidi are marked: D, solidus of carbonated peridotite by Dasgupta & Hirschmann (2006); L, solidus of carbonated peridotite by Litasov & Ohtani (2009b). Subduction geotherms are compiled from van Keken et al. (2002) and Syracuse et al. (2010). Other labels as in Fig. 2. geotherms in the upper mantle, although it may intersect subduction zone geotherms in the Transition Zone (Fig. 12). Unlike all previous studies on MORB-like compositions by Yasuda et al. (1994), Wang & Takahashi (1999), Hirose & Fei (2002), Keshav & Gudfinnsson (2010) and Litasov & Ohtani (2010), the solidi of GA1cc and Volga-cc are significantly below the mantle adiabat, at least to 21GPa. Low-velocity seismic anomalies on top of the 410 km discontinuity in the vicinity of subducted slabs have been reported in some geophysical studies (Revenaugh & Sipkin, 1994; Song et al., 2004). Low P-wave velocity zones have also been observed above the subducted Pacific slab along almost its entire descending path into the Transition Zone, in the depth range of 250^500 km (Zhao & Ohtani, 2009). One possible interpretation of this may be partial melting of the slab associated with dehydration, decarbonation or their combined effects. Being located at the top and therefore hotter region of the subducted slab, carbonate-rich (and perhaps some H2O-bearing) rocks are most likely to be first in the melting sequence. On melting, they may yield alkali-rich calcio-dolomitic melts across the whole range of investigated pressures. The concentration of alkali components in these melts will be dependent on their content in the bulk-rock, on Na and K compatibilities, and on the degree of partial melting. Na and K compatibilities in MORB mineral phases (garnet and clinopyroxene) at higher pressures have been addressed by many experimental studies (Wang & Takahashi, 1999; Spandler et al., 2008; Ghosh et al., 2009). Sodium can be incompatible, partitioning into the melt relative to clinopyroxene at fairly low pressures of 53 GPa (e.g. Blundy & Dalton, 2000; Dasgupta et al., 2005; Yaxley & Brey, 2004). It may also be incompatible at pressures beyond the clinopyroxene stability field (i.e. P415 GPa). However, between 4^5 and 15 GPa, sodium is compatible in clinopyroxene because of the high stability of jadeite. Therefore low-degree, highly sodic melts are unlikely to form in carbonate eclogite in the depth range of 90^400 km. Given that the subducting mafic oceanic crust is expected to have Na/K41, K-rich and Na-poor low-degree melts may form in this 90^400 km depth range. Conversely, at Transition Zone pressures, the melts are likely to have higher Na/K ratios because of the disappearance of clinopyroxene from the system. 1579 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 54 Thus, if partial melting of carbonate begins at 250^300 km depth (7·5^9 GPa) the melts produced in the top part of the subducted slab would have K-rich carbonate compositions. These melts will segregate easily from the eclogitic residue owing to their low density and low viscosity, removing potassium and other incompatible elements from the residual slab. The next pulse of partial melting will most probably start at the eclogite^garnetite transformation, which in carbonated eclogite systems will begin near the top of the Transition Zone (about 400^450 km depth), corresponding to pressures of around 14^15 GPa. Low-degree melts are expected to be extremely Na-rich, consistent with the sodic nature (14·8 wt % Na2O, Na2O/K2O ¼ 4·09) of the low-degree partial melt (7·5%) in experiment V1200-17. It is likely that most potassium has been removed from the system before these depths, during the lower pressure melting pulse described above. Being of low viscosity, these Na-rich melts will rapidly segregate from the garnetite residue, metasomatizing the surrounding peridotite, or even fluxing its partial melting, or forming diamond by ‘redox freezing’ (Rohrbach & Schmidt, 2011). It should be noted that the eclogite^garnetite transformation occurs at different pressures depending on bulk-rock composition. After considerable partial melting and removal of alkalis from the carbonated eclogite system, some carbon may still be preserved in the rock as diamond. This argument is supported by the formation of diamonds at 17 GPa in equilibrium with alkali-rich carbonate melt, and by the presence of carbonate inclusions in diamonds from the Transition Zone^lower mantle (Brenker et al., 2007). The amount of diamond preserved in the rock will depend on the bulk-rock composition and on oxygen fugacity. Overall, we conclude that alkali-bearing carbonated eclogite in the subducted slab will lose most of its volatile, carbonate and alkali components during multiple partial melting events upon descent, leaving only refractory eclogite with small amounts of carbon (stored as diamond) and water (in normally anyhdrous minerals) as it approaches the Transition Zone and the top of the lower mantle. This assumption is supported by low Na contents (1·5 wt % Na2O) in majorite inclusions in diamonds (Collerson et al., 2010) although at the pressures of majorite stability this phase is capable of holding much higher amounts of Na (Yasuda et al., 1994; Litasov & Ohtani, 2005). Findings of various high-pressure minerals as inclusions in natural diamonds (Harte, 2010) reinforce the results of this study. Here we show that diamonds can crystallize from Ca-rich carbonate melts (with various amount of alkali components) that are produced by low-degree melting of carbonated MORB at all the pressures from 5 to 21GPa (Kiseeva et al., 2012; this study). These melts are compositionally similar to those proposed as parental to the Udachnaya-East kimberlites (Kamenetsky et al., 2004; NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2013 Litasov et al., 2010; Sharygin et al., 2013) and other kimberlites worldwide (Kamenetsky et al., 2009), and can also be involved in the carbonatite magmatism. CONC LUSIONS We have investigated experimentally the melting and phase relations of two MORB eclogite compositions with 4·4% CO2, at temperatures of 1100^19008C and pressures of 9^21GPa. The solidus temperatures are above the subduction geotherm but below the estimated mantle adiabat. 1580 (1) The main subsolidus mineral assemblage consists of garnet, coesite or stishovite, clinopyroxene (9, 13 GPa) and carbonate. Over the range of P^Tconditions studied, carbon-bearing phases include the following: magnesite and aragonite or calcite^magnesite solid solution (similar to dolomite composition) at 9 GPa; magnesite and aragonite (GA1cc) or magnesite and Na-rich aragonite (Volga-cc) at 13 GPa; magnesite and Na-rich aragonite at 17 GPa; Na-rich aragonite (GA1cc, Volga-cc) and Na-carbonate (Volga-cc) at 21GPa; diamond or graphite at 9^21GPa (GA1cc). (2) Na-rich aragonite is an alternative to clinopyroxene as a host for K and Na at pressures greater than 13 GPa. (3) In the Volga-cc bulk composition, the solidus curve is almost flat and falls between 1200 and 13008C over the entire investigated pressure range. In the GA1cc bulk composition, the solidus is located at similar temperatures at 9^13 GPa, but lies at higher temperatures (1300^15008C) at 17^21GPa. (4) The difference in solidi between the GA1cc and Volgacc bulk compositions is related to a change in Na compatibility between 13 and 17 GPa, owing to the disappearance of omphacitic clinopyroxene, resulting in the formation of Na-bearing carbonate in the Volgacc, to carbonate reduction and diamond precipitation, induced either by progressive Fe2þ^Fe3þ transition in garnet with pressure or by influence of the diopside component in the clinopyroxene, in the GA1cc bulk composition. (5) Low-degree melts in both compositions are alkalirich. The amount of alkalis in the melts increases significantly with pressure, and is buffered by the presence of clinopyroxene and K-hollandite in the system. (6) Two melting pulses are proposed for subducted slabs carrying carbonated eclogite in their upper sections. The first melt pulse at 250^300 km depth, or 8^9 GPa, will produce K-rich carbonatite melts, whereas the second melt pulse (near the top of the Transition Zone, at 400^450 km depth, or 14^15 GPa) will produce very Na-rich carbonatite melts. Some of the carbon will still survive in the form of diamond and graphite. KISEEVA et al. CARBONATED ECLOGITE PHASE RELATIONS (7) Because of their low viscosity, the resulting carbonatite melts are assumed to segregate from the main eclogite body at depths above the Transition Zone, allowing refractory carbon-bearing eclogite to be stored in the Transition Zone or lower mantle. These melts can be involved in generation of such magmas as kimberlitic or carbonatitic AC K N O W L E D G E M E N T S We wish to thank Hugh O’Neill and Robert Rapp for valuable suggestions on improving this paper. We also thank Raj Dasgupta and Oleg Safonov for constructive reviews. 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